Live stream of Dave using KiCAD 5 finishing off the 4 layer Gigatron PCB for manufacture.
#PCB #PCBdesign #KiCAD
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You I Am now alive. Hello world don't Okay housekeeping, Housekeeping refresh and the Youtubes knows that I am Alive Excellent Here we go. 95 people watching already Good I wow that's a lot of peeps. Just let me get the chat up here.

I Could put the chat in pop out yet here we go. Beautiful, beautiful live chat. Give me all the chat hello from France Ome Hardy Yep I got a cold I Sound like sorry thought I'd do it anyway Indonesia Brazil Wow Philippines Argentina Remember to set slow mode. What is slow mode I Have no idea what slow mode is.

Rebo Rollers: What is slow mode? Hang on. Add sauce. general widgets. hey where'd all my sauces go? What happened to Xsplit I Used to have a I installed a an option to overlay the chat.

Now it's gone. What the hell? Not happy about that install. Unbelievable I Hate Computers Installation complete. There we go.

Its back. Nope, right-click to configure this source select event. Ah, hang on sorry I gotta do some housekeeping. Unbelievable.

A load of garbage I Just authorized this before. Unbelievable to step Vericut verification on my phone and I just did it and I just put the option. That said, never asked on this computer again. Hate Computers.

Hate them. Don't ask on this computer again. Unbelievable. Sorry for all these crap.

Hey There we go. Tighten everything though. All right. Anyway, Sorry yeah well is that slow mode slows down? Chat does it well.

There's no slow mode in the in the drop-down box. Do I? right-click on it? No, No. How do I enable slow mode I don't I don't understand I don't have the ability to go slowmode not ID I don't know. Sorry people, we got no idea I Got no idea how to enable slow mode.

So unless someone tells me yeah, sorry I have unless somebody tells me how to enable slow mode I've got no idea I got no idea I can't find it. So good with timestamps. Unbelievable. Okay, no one, no one's gonna tell me.

obviously. All right Law I have dashboard chat module settings I'll that looks too hard I don't care. sorry I'm just like no dude I'm whoa. that's heavy anyway I thought that I would finish this gigatron thing.

Thought I would finish this gigatron thing. So let's go down turn it into I should just ignore comments. People are just gonna shout among themselves. Alright, what am I doing left and right? Why does holding down control shift goes up and down shift mouse wheel goes up and down.

Control mouse wheel goes left and right and you can't right-click and pan. Don't like that. How do you pan and your pan in this paper crap? No, it's not alt. It's not.

it's it's not right-click Oh you hold down the middle mouse. That's right. I hate that. I'm not a fan of clicking the middle scroll wheel.

Not a fan. Not a fan at all. See why? can't Why can't the why can't the why can I hold down the the right button and then pan around. That's how like half the other programs in the world work.
like you know. click and hold middle bun I don't like it. It's too much force required on the button. That's like it's like not a natural thing to click the middle wheel.

It like requires a lot of force. You know it's maybe it's the mouse I've got. it's a logitech thingamabob anyway. mm-hmm hey, check this out.

I got another camera. Oh look, I'm a tag tag tag tag. All right, didn't you? okay? it was I yeah cuz I never actually finished this which is she's really silly. Anyway, this is where I last left off for those playing around on Eevblog 2 before a couple of months back when I did this I thought I just I haven't streamed on Eevblog main channel for a while I Just thought I'd do it just for kicks 390 people watching.

That's all right, don't maybe I should tweet that tweeted Okay, did someone just say Waikiki had it not out him because the original source file is in Kicad. that's why no I'm not looking at alternatives. It just for those who don't know, this is the Gigatron TTL computer which you've seen in a couple of videos on my job. No I don't I don't like, don't like how they've done the scroll wheel on this.

Sorry, just don't like it. This is the Gigatron TTL computer and it is. You've seen it in previous videos and I want to do a four layer version of this board and the the original designers of the Gigatron were kind enough to send me a four. They can't send me the Kicad files and obviously I'm not going to convert them to out Iam just to do that.

And so I'm using Kicad. So I've installed the new version five 5.000 Oh oh oh oh yeah, there you go. and I'm using Pcbnew for those playing along at home. Do you do do Do you do? Alright So where I got up to you last time is: I had removed I had removed the no one Do I have done what did I do I remove the top and bottom layer.

That's right, I removes the top and bottom layer. Here we go is that? So that's that's the ground? Mmm, hang on. Maybe I just shouldn't even bother having the chat open I Don't know. how's that genius I Tell you because now you can see the menu bar on the left I'm not sure if you can actually can you? Yeah, Oh yeah yeah.

look Look, you can change. change the docking for this Wow Okay, oh how how do I read och how do I read och I don't hold down control shift. Oh, it's not automatically snapping back I've undock to that permanently I'm not mightily bummed I've I woke up this morning and I'm not good. There are no field Jones There are no field zones because these are.

it's a ground plane. There you go and there's no VCC ground. Okay, VCC is not a thing where where's my VCC I've got a ground plane. but I don't have a VCC so drag titlebar to side you want just below the buttons.

Oh yeah there there guys. haha thanks. Yep. yep.

I didn't notice the shadow in there and cool cool bananas. Hey I can't make that any smaller. Why can't I make that smaller? Look at all this wasted space down here. dude.
all this wasted space I'm gonna drag. look I can drag a bigger I can't drag. it's smaller I can't drag it smaller. Got wasted space there.

Look at that poor you poor GUI design. Do you need to do all right? So yeah, why maybe I create did I create I cannot remember I cannot remember. So did I create that ground plane last time? did I manually When you create a ground plane, do you have to put? Do you have to actually manually put in the pour it in? Like or not. Kooky Cat doesn't have planes, only filled zones.

It's tedious. Thanks Joshua Don't look I Will say this once and once. only the TS 100 video I had I'm not going to explain it here, it's explained on the Eevblog forum. If you want to know my reasoning why I took it down, it's over there.

I'm not gonna repeat myself I've already repeated myself five times and I'm not gonna do it again. not on this stream. but I'm not gonna do it again I'm just not gonna waste any more brain cells on it. It's not worth it.

Hmm. Ground plane must be filled manually. Okay, is that the same? I assume that's the same for VC C must be has to be right if it is right. Okay, so I filled that manually.

Okay, so front I I don't like how they use F for front I I just like that's by default it made me. Is that like a European thing or something? I don't know cuz don't that you know isn't it mostly written by Europeans or somebody? but it's like yeah, if I assume if means front B means bottom if means front I Don't like that it's always top bottom. It's always top bottom. Iida It's like if you, that's what that.

That's what that layer is saying to me. Like it just F See you, it's it's funny. Sorry, it's my childish sense of humor. All right.

So there's there's bottom layer and there's our top. Our front layer. Screw the top top layer and the ground. I've already put in a grounded doodad.

All right. So and that means that let's actually just go in, have a look. Yeah, okay, it's already done. The thermal reliefs.

Yep, okay, it's already done. The thermal relieves to the ground plane. So now what it's missing now of course you can see all these white lines. These are the missing.

Nets So yeah, all I've got to do is pour my VCC I think it should be right and then we should be good to go. So so how do I pour am pour a few place. Is it a polygon? little polygons or is it a B to reap? or I've got a cheat sheet here. No bees begin but are sorry.

no they're different for schematic and PCB my cheat sheet does not have B for repour he maybe I've got an old cheat sheet or something. Hmm. place zone is it Joshua Seems to be the man. create fill select net draw polygon create create fill select net.

What play zone ever play zone. Oh yeah, zone looks like a fill. Okay, so the call of the zone. Okay Groovy.
So I'm going to have some pull back on there. Alright, you have to have some pull back. tip for young players: Never take your ground plains to the edge of the board or outside, even if the tool automatically has a thing to trim. I Don't know if Kicad has the ability to pull back choose our lair, but even if it does, I would recommend not relying on it.

Okay, Thermal reliefs. Yep. solid through whole thermal. I Wonder what the difference? Maybe we can play with that later later.

What's I Assume tht Thermal is through whole thermal. What's the what's going to be the difference between the through whole thermal and the thermal relief I wonder I think you're wrong Gabriel It's not polygons, it's a zone. What is a pullback? That's a good question. Digital Hands okay I'd Yeah I didn't finish finished my thought there did I Hmm.

Fundamentals of PCB design on my channel? Ah, there's lots of yeah yeah. I've done walkthroughs I've done like like an hour or like I've done like hour-long walkthroughs of designing a PCB with lots of hints and tips along the way. sorry I don't know the name of it - hand. It was one of my Power Supply design series videos.

it's it's labeled Power Supply Designed PCB layout or something and I've done right. So anyway, let's go out of here for a second. Okay, you've when you've got a PCB right? You've got the edgy a board here. The edges defined on this particular layer I Don't know which lay are they using.

Kicad Fabrication layer: Is it? No, No, it's not the fab layer. Bottom fat, no mask pad, adhesive, edge cuts. There we go. They got an edge cuts layer right? So your board is defined by it doesn't have to be on the edge cuts layer, it can be on the copper layer.

It can be anywhere. As long as the PCB manufacturer knows like they they. They know when they see lines like this on It doesn't matter what layer it is, they're going to know that you're implying that that's the edge year board. Now the edgy aboard.

Alright, when they manufacture your PCB right, they use either routing or big guillotines or sors to chop your board up right. And when they chop your board up, especially if it's a multi-layer board like we're designing here, we're designing a four layer board, so that means that we've got the top copper, the bottom copper and ground and VCC in here. Okay, so what we're doing at the moment is we're actually creating the - inner layers, ground and VCC and they're just one big solid copper plane In this particular case doesn't have to be and they will by default in a lot of packages in In In this case, Kicad does not have planes as such. they're just layers with polygon fills or zones in this particular case.

So, but anyway, right if you draw them all the way to the edge like I can't my snap doesn't go in there. It doesn't snap the object anyway. If you take your plane copper plane all the way to the edge of the board where the board gets routed or sword or cut off, then if you've got the copper in the inner layers. When they do that, when they slough so a slice or route through it, it can cause little burrs in the copper and then the copper if it's right on the edge of the board can.
Yeah, the coppers like right on the edge of the board. Like that. it's right on the edge and they route or they slice your board. It can actually short those two layers together right in case you can get little burrs and they can short together.

And obviously, if you're short your power plane and your ground plane together, that's gonna ruin your day so you don't want that. So what pull back is called right is I I Do not want to define the copper going right to the edge of the board I Want to pull it back a distance from the edge and a package like Altium will have. You know it knows what planes are and it knows what pullback is and all that sort of stuff. So you can define that.

Kicad I believe doesn't what? I'm told here. Kicad doesn't have that ability so you're got to do it manually. So that's why I'm going to select rather than go right to the edge I'm gonna leave a gap. pull back around the edge of the board.

That's what it is, so do to do it. Thermal relief I Don't think I ever asked. Yes I'm sick. sorry.

that's why my voice is crap. please. Woke up this morning. Now it's fine.

last night. woke up this morning and probably picked up something from the Germ Factory yesterday. preschool. For those who don't have kids, it's the Germ Factory All right.

So so Net Net Net So well. So what we're gonna do is, we're gonna right. Hang on. We're gonna place.

So we're on our we're gonna place a zone and we're going to pull back from the edge. We're going to select the layer we want VCC which is their power and then we select the net that we want. So I assume they're not in alphabetical order. Why aren't there in alphabetical order Hidden Netfilter You know we can guess we can just use the net.

Fielder Fly filter alphabetical ah must must be called something else. Okay, okay, it's it's probably called plus Five or something H Oh, that's right. that's right they. yeah.

Key caddies. We're not not Kicad sorry yeah. the designers of the Gigatron where is it? How do you? How do you? sorry. Not very good at this.

I Gigatron schematic create Yeah, yeah. I think cuz I'm using version 5. we're not found. transistor lit well, lots of libraries weren't found.

that's not good. Okay, and he could remap symbols. Project Rescue Helper I I think has I've got an old that was done in an old version or something so I are sorry it's doing this off-screen I can't Well, this is heavy. Okay, so it's mapped backing up Rescue Oh god oh oh it's done.

it's it's remapping. re saving backing up files Oh God Okay I don't like this. Don't like the sound of that. Doesn't instill a lot of confidence in me anyway.
Kicad sorry, no key Kate The designers of the Gigatron they hello I can I change sheet now I change seats Anyway, hierarchical sheet Crunchy. There we go. I am now a Kicad expert. Um, there looks like they got hidden power pins on there.

Do they? They must have. They don't have power pins on their on their chips that don't have power pins on the schematics so that must be over on. Yeah, where's like, where's my hierarchical list of schematics? Oh I so don't know how to use this I must be painful to watch for those who have a clue. Gerber's Gigatron Pro Anyway, like I people are probably screaming at me.

abort what? right? Click Exit cheat leave sheet Oh okay, thanks. Peripherals Power Power clock. Hurrah Keel Sheet There we go There we go. reading.

life leading. All right dude. today. Jerae oh no.

I'm getting I'm getting used to it. Yeah, they've named. took me five minutes get. at this point they've named the nets here high and low so somebody just beat me.

It's not going to be Mr. Christopher J Gamal Is it I won't jump? No. Okay, no I'm not gonna do that. All right.

So high-low all right. And yes, so they've labeled them high and low and gah, yeah, it's Chris it's Chris Gamal he's not. He's not a happy camper that I don't know how to use kicad should I should I embed Chris's chat window up anyway. yeah, they instead of labeling them ground and VCC like they've labeled them look I you know the problem is I don't want to know Nice.

eat No no no no no no no no no no no, Hang on Sorry. hang on I'm just going sorry I'm just going blank for a second. sorry I'm back. Just some housekeeping there here we go.

Yeah I don't want to hang on I just want to get okay. sorry I'm just going to screen capture Ah bloody. Xsplit still has this bug. It still has this bug that I try and capture a window and it shows up blank.

It's the bloody accelerator thing stupid, you know. GPU I think it's the GPU related acceleration thing and it's just. um, it's just. um sorry I'm gonna put him over here.

there is there, he is. it's mr. Gammill say hi Chris he's watching my livestream hi guys wave to Chris yeah yeah yeah. I knew an OBS fanboy it immediately jumping good Anya you win the Internet Unbelievable.

I Think your audience might know just as well anything I know Anyway I can't leave your chat window up there because as soon as I click on this stupid thing, it's gonna. it's gonna go. It's gonna vanish. See dumb anyway.

Um yeah hi Chris bye Chris oh no no, he's about to say something profound. has to has the green dots there. everyone's waiting. Chris Make it profound.

Yep, makes sense. What? I'll keep watching as a spectator. Okay, bye I Just deleted my anti our co-host Anyway, back to this. Yes, they labeled them high and low.
Okay, it's fine. Like as long as you know you know I don't know. I've never, ever seen anyone do that before. H&l Is that like a thing? Does that? Has anyone ever seen somebody do H&l before? High and low? Maybe? Maybe you know.

Kisses Digital-only and it's a digital only board. There's basically no analog on it, so it's like high and low. Makes sense. Yeah, yeah.

I Just yeah. Just haven't haven't seen it before. Yeah. VCC And ground of course.

I'm sure. Nope. Never seen H&l on a digital board. Never seen it? Nope, Nope, no.

H on old tube schematics. Oh yeah, you'll get H+ that's or you get HT HT for like, high tension on old tube stuff that was common. You see it on homebrew stuff all the time. 5vf refused.

Yeah, you know, like I would understand that like if I saw 5vf ID You know it wouldn't take me long to guess that that's fused. Hating else ends more like a can than a power rail. Yeah, anyway. anyway, there you go.

There you go. We'll just sidetracked enough. H&l So that's the net I need to where we've already done ill because the only Nets we're missing based on these white net lines. these white that they tell us that that there are none routed Nets esta termos looking for they're the unrouted nest and I guess key care by default has unrouted Nets on which is great.

So I've explained pull back so let's go in and let's place our zone again. Once again, we've got pull back. We're putting it on the VCC layer. I'm not gonna relay Madden rename @h H apply filter What? what? alphabetical Anyway, Hi H there are you There we go.

Alright, so we're gonna do thermal relief. As I said before I Don't know the difference between thermal relief and through-hole thermal relief. but I did thermal relief before on the ground plane I believe and that that seemed to come out fine, but we can change that. Not sure what the default difference is there I wonder if you can set those up I wonder if you can actually? um, defy are they fixed in Kicad? or are they can you go in and like have a user-defined pad connection? Like to know that? Hmm, like I assume that you can set the diameter and or like the width of the traces whether you want to with whether you want to connections for your thermal relief that goes horizontal or vertical, or whether or not you want to cross or whether you want diagonal or whether however you want to.

Hmm yeah. so anyway, thermal relief I'm not sticking around where we're gonna. we're gonna connect on the VCC layer to H I Know that there it is. Sorry, arbitrate.

There you go. You can define it. You do it in here. Horizontal and vertical and 45-degree only.

There you go. Um so I Answered my own question. Outline style, hatched fill mode polygon or segment Boundary mode low resolution, high resolution. Not sure what that is.
When it gets towards a boundary condition near an edge, it maybe takes longer the process or something. Corner smoothing ah sham for Philip Mmm. Clearance minimum width okay and we can do our yes, of course it's all in here I should have just look before I start I started yeah. Porn on saying yeah I wonder if it's got all this stuff and it's like right in front of me DRD Anyway and it has all the stuff I was talking about right in front of me.

Yes I won't mention it. No Como mention it there Anyway, yeah, all the parameters are in the window. Exclamation mark: Alf Our Fredo knows settings to other zones. Ok, cool.

Anyway, it's not dick around. All right. for the hatched yep outline style. good old hatched ground plane.

People don't do hatched ground planes anymore. That was all the rage back in the 70s and 80s. Hmm. Anyway, here we go.

So today we're creating our zone I Won't say polygon because polygon is a different thing, isn't it? And we've got our pull back I'm not sure the distance of that pullback with who cares? it's good enough. Not not even sure what grid spacing I'm using Where? where is it? It's down the bottom somewhere. DX Grid 1.27 50 mil. Cool and Tada.

And there we go. I Assume we have to go back up the topic and I Just right. Click and get out of it and it will complete Tada. There it is.

Yeah, yeah, and it's already. I I Like that feature. I Like that feature there that it shows you that it's You know it hasn't bothered to filling that. I Guess it's kind of neat.

It's a little bit visually messy, but I I do do appreciate that. What's going on here? What's going on here? Some silly buggers happening in there? Do they have like invisible pads or something in that footprint? What's going on there? Hmm. Anyway, it has joined. There you go.

It has joined all those in there. And why do we have an undoubted net? Wow Why do we have still have a few unrouted net connections? Maybe they're on the top side? Look, if you will, a few of these white lines the heart feature turned on. It's called the love heart of Death. Okay, you can't set clearance between tracks of different classes.

Really? sorry. I'm just going to ignore all all questions not related to what I'm doing. sorry I I'm just a Adonis I Tried All right, try and hit B I did hit B and it just rebuilt. What's it doing? sorry I missed that loading zones.

A tree bird rebuilds the zone. Okay, great. all right. So we have some something weird going on here.

No, it's not weird. It's obviously there's a reason for it. Okay, so there's our low. Oh okay.

Oh okay. there's a couple of low ones which weren't connected. No, yes, they are. okay.

so they're there. nothing. Do a VCC Well hi. this one here is look hi look H right? So oh, look at that look at that.

We have a dag. I've got a dag. We found it. Oh sorry I'm using the wrong scrolling thing and where where was it? Hang on.
Uh, I lost it. There, it is. there we go. We've got a genuine dag.

Little little bit of track in there so it's going. So if we did ADRC on this a design rule check it would say that you've got some floating copper. I Don't know what it would call it in Kicad, but you know that's basically it's it's floating copper. It's unconnected copper.

so we want to kill that and our trace goes away. So we're now I'm wearing out basically our our tidy up phase of our PCB. Let's assume that we had routed this and then we're in the point where we're just making sure all of the nets and where we've connected all the Nets we've got no one unconnected. Nets You might at this stage do a DRC and you might get a report and you might put that on a second screen so that you have your report there and then you just go through and you might have 20 things that aren't connected because of that floating copy you had there.

or you know, some other issue or something like that and you just go through and tighten them all up until you get a DRC zero DRC errors. And then there's lots of other things before actually releasing your board. But anyway, why don't What? Why doesn't L come in here? Here is their I know because we're using a ground plane so it should work. So ground.

and VCC yeah, look why is it going? Oh, is there another bit of dagi copper out here? Bottom copper. Yeah, there we go. Another dag. It's another dag that's that's left over.

That's um, that is totally unsurprising because this. no, no, it's not actually because they use zones and I just deleted the zones because this was originally a two layer board. Okay, and they they would have filled in the copper. The positive and negative rails on the two layers on the top and bottom layers as zones as feels and yeah, look yeah, Well, we've now.

We've now got a bunch of, well, don't a flip. yeah, we've now got a bunch of these. See: I've got a bunch of floating coppers so it's a bunch of DAG So even though I actually deleted those it, it shouldn't have left little residual DAGs like that. So that's that's really rather surprising.

You know there's another one down here. Alright, so I don't know where these little residual DAGs came from Isn't a big deal. What is this? What is this? Is this? some sort of registration? like, you know, test coupon? Mm-hm If so, I don't really understand it. Okay, that's that.

doesn't even match the trace width. You know that doesn't even match the minimum trace width. So I'm not sure what's going on there. For those who don't know, often you'll usually do this outside the board.

You usually won't do it on the board because it's just visual pollution is that? Well, some people do and it's fine. You'll have a test coupon goes by various other names, but you'll generally put it on the outside of the panel and you'll put things like the the minimum tres With that your manufacturer can do so. you'll put a couple of lines on there to set like minimum trace and spate, minimum trace and space and stuff like that. and you might put some alignment markers for you know, you might put some silk screen over the copper for example.
And what you do that for is that when you get the board back from the manufacturer, you can look at the test coupon and it's got all of the information in there. You need to check the manufacturing quality of that board so you can see. You can go. so you put up under the microscope and you have a look and you can see the alignment of the layers you can.

You might pull back your copper there so you can see all all through the different layers and you can see the alignment of the masks. That and everything. solder. Mask your silkscreen top and bottom your copper early.

You know stuff like that, whether or not they've overreached or under it. you can get em in there with your micrometer and you can actually measure. You know if you're you know fourth hour track is actually fourth hour. You know what, how much they're out by? have they over etched the thing? You know, all that sort of stuff.

So it's common to add a test coupon for this board. I Don't care, right? We're not pushing the envelope here, but if you were, you know if you had a board that had you know you know three thousand hours or something you know you're really getting down there to like a real dense board Then you'd maybe want that because especially if you've got a big large complex board. and and you know everything's really dense, you've got really thin traces, you've got really fine pitch, stuff that need really good alignment. you know, big, you know, Mm pin BGA's and stuff like that that need real critical alignment on the solder mask and all sorts of things.

Then you know, a test coupon is absolutely vital. So on a a professional board, you would do that. So that's just yeah. that's just something that you'd something that you do.

So anyway, there's another one. we got one. Let's go around and get all the decks. I'm getting used to this I'm getting used to it.

another dag. Oh no no I thought not that was a silver thought that was a silver, that's a silkscreen thing or look naughty naughty I Greater than 90 degrees Bad design practice. Doc. Your days pay.

That's an older color your mine used to say if you did that I'd dock your day's pay. It just goes back to the old. The reason that you don't do that, you have sharp angles like that. It's not so much an issue these days because the process tolerance isn't like the the process controls are really good on manufacturing boards.

These days, they're just stunningly good. But you know, back in the old days it, well. it's still the case this these days. when the board is in there, when the boards in, the when the boards in the etch baths getting itched sorry I'm not good.
and the and the etchant you know they they use like a bubble edge so it's all bubbling around in there right? So it's all swooshing around so the wind that when that acient or ammonium persulfate or ferric chloride I Don't know if they use anything else in the industry, they might might be some special mixture. Anyway, it's all a jet ting in there, right? So the swell of of the etchant in there when you got sharp angles like that, it can sort of like it. like builds up in there and it can etch more away. So in theory you could actually get over a chin in that particular space there.

So that's why you don't want sharp angles like that. You have 90 degrees or nothing and then a lot of people will say oh, I don't even like 90 degrees because that's also and it's also called an A, an etching trap or an acid trap. And so if you've got really sharp angles like that all there, all the etchant you know in theory can sort of like yeah, even though it's only really thin, right? and it generally just washes over the top, it does actually potentially etch away more of the tracing. Then if you've got really thin tracers, you can get breakthroughs on your tracers.

or you know, so it's it's really bad. So that's called an acid trap or an etchant trap. And so some people would think that even ninety degrees is an acid, right? So they'll put a filler, then they'll put a chamb far right and and PCB packages will have shampoo. You know, options.

They shine for all of You though. it will auto sham for your tracers for you, you know? and some people like like that look and I don't blame them, you know it's pretty funky I'm you know I I probably went through it I feel it, phase, you know and and and the other thing is teardrops as well. Now that we're talking about this, see like, see. The problem here is is this trace here right? So coming down on the this is trace here, right? This is not.

This is not good layout, right? You don't have your trace coming down and then at an angle like even though it might be angling in here properly and it might be physically connected. I Don't like that Kicad doesn't actually. Oh yeah. look see, that's really bad that that oh no no there it is.

it's hidden see I didn't like that that was hidden right? So it's it's going to the center which is all great. Okay, but then you've created the acid trap in there, right? It's it's just not good design technique to actually do that. So I don't know if we can I don't know how to move, you know? anyway? Um, yeah, so that's that's not good layout practice to go like that. So yep, never enter.

Basically never enter. The the rule is never enter a pad at anything but 45 degrees or 90 degrees. right? In this particular case, we're entering. Sort of like, well, we are entering at 45 but it's coming right down and touching it so it shouldn't It should have come down like that, may be going in like that and then down so you know I didn't like.
it's just minor thing. and then there's minor tidy-up things like this. like you know if I was a piece of Eden Millay I'm a piece of it right? But if I was laying in what I meant to say if I was laying out this board right I could not live with this right as a as a professional piece that I like I could not live with that I would have to tidy that up right? So I dragged those flat like there's no reason to have them going like that. There's no electrical reason why that's a problem.

Okay, it's not. it's did. it's visually so you know stuff like that. But by the way, don't be harsh on the on the guys who did this because it was their first rodeo.

This was like that they learned to use I think I believe they said that they learnt to use Kicad. This was like their first layout like ever you know and other things in there that's just going straight through. that's really, you know that's a bit how you're doing, you know? So they did really well for their first board ever. Here we go got more DAGs Looking for DAGs another one? I Guess we should just do a DRC right? Anyway, how many people we got these days? Where is? Where's the window? How many people are watching? Run the DRC Yeah it's It's not necessarily an and maybe it is an OCD thing, but you know it's it's just taking pride in your PCB layout.

You know any professional PCB designer will have pride in their layout and you know just and I thought I saw another day. You know, how about having something as simple as that right? Would like just show that you show that you don't care, You know and and like? it wouldn't matter to anyone. Like it's just. you know it's it's purely a self satisfaction thing.

but anyway, they've They've done a pretty good job on this layout like it's it's their first time doing anything and I'm really impressed that they actually got the you know the the route and the placement and everything is really quite decent. So it really is a good job. Oh yeah, there's those other. ah there's those other pads.

There you go. Yeah, that explains that. There you go. mm-hmm oh what's that? What's that mode that makes the makes Kicad look like visually perfect or whatever? What is the what? If anyone knows what I'm talking about I I did it in the previous video and I completely forget.

Yes yes the what you see is what you what you get mode. Yeah, open G or press H I Think that's it? Is it? Yeah no no see I want it to know o3o a 3d view Ah no no no no no no no no I don't want 3d Viewer: press F11 if 11 does Absolutely nothing. No it's just like like it doesn't look like the real deal. right View Menu that makes sense.

Drawing Mode: Fill zone Wireframe Sketch Fill zone sketch pads H-hi high contrast mode: Yeah I know that's the yeah no, we've done that anyway, right? So how do I run a DRC Design Rules: Checker rules, Design rule or rules Oh, you can measure and listen. It's groovy. Okay anyway. whoa, whoa.
It's my board. All right Design rules. Check out and I hang on. Interactive routing settings.

See: hang on. hang on I Just want to try. Whoa. Look there's another another non right angle in there.

sorry I'm just I'm just around now I Want to UM How do I tidy that up? No I'd know I don't want to know I don't want to because no, the whole idea of this doing this is so that it's exactly the same layout as before. It's exactly the same I changed nothing so I don't want people going. Oh but you move the traces all right. single layer pair scripting console so the Kapolei appears nice.

Okay, inspect Design: Real Checker: How do we switch modes: How do we switch from Imperial to Metric metric to Imperial? Can we do it inside? Ideas for: Dragon Tracers Thank You Vincent Yep. Drag track keeps low. Yep, it's in my cheat sheet. There's drag item and drag trace.

Yep, drag item is G Another blob of copper. all right inches of myth. So I can't do it within here. See if I was inside out here? might be able to hawk here.

Be able to hotkey Imperial Metric straight with inside the dialog box micro vias eyes. Anyway, so left toolbar inches and millimeters. Yeah, doesn't do it inside the dialog box you see I am actually sorry you can't see it cause it's under the chat window. but I'm actually clicking on the millimeters and inches thing and which is fine but it doesn't reflect in the open dialog boxes so it may be that that's a you know, it's a programming thing.

There we go: Inches: Switzer Give it to me in Thous like seriously, when you're doing DRC's Kicad developers, when you're when you're doing a DRC you're not working in inches. Okay, you're working in thousand thousandth of an inch by having it displayed. Point Double. Oh, Seven Eight is ridiculous.

This should not be in inches. It should be in thous thousandths of an inch. Okay, that's just. that's just silly.

That is absolutely silly. Please, please please change that. That's just insane, right? I Don't want to have to be through multiple decimal places? That's that's visually. that's terrible.

Muriel Please fix it. Anyway, So we're talking. You know, seven point eight for those Imperial Fanboys, We're talking about seven point eight thou minimum track width and minimum via size of fifteen point-seven track widths. Where's where's our spacing? Like clearance by Net Our clearances by net class.

Wow Okay, right and we can't click on that Oh Looking Just go: list unconnected pads or tracks unconnected items. There you go. Pads 16 on FCU internal non copper. Can we just click on that? Yes, there we go.
Found our dag. Here you go. found our tag. So that was the unconnected thing.

How do we get back to our dialog? OOP See our dialog box is gone. That's that's no good. I Want my dialog box to stay open? Please Like. Because if I've got this dialog box on another screen like you know, I'm a professional designer and I've got my moly screens and I'm I'm you know, doing the business right? and I so I've got this thing like it's half off the screen.

so like on the other screen here. Okay, so lists unconnected items. There we go. It didn't even did that.

Not refresh. see it popped up right. Maybe understandable. but I Go click on this right.

I Want to jump to this and my download box vanishes. Why? I Want the dialog box open please I Want it left open? We've got another dag. So it's finding all our tags which is good. And yeah, so it caused some unconnected items.

So items. like like item. it doesn't know what it is. Of course it knows what it is.

It's a track, right? it's gonna unconnected Coppa. It knows it's copper, right? So anyway, thank you acted items. but I guess and when you're doing D I say a bit. you can do D Arcy on silkscreen and soda by layers so you know you should go unconnected copper because it knows it's not an item.

It's copper. Unconnected count. Okay, list unconnected. We can redo it anyway.

There you go and takes us in. I The thing is, it doesn't zoom see. it doesn't zoom right. Here's another thing.

alright. if I'm out like this alright. and I'm off off over here with the fairies, right? So I'm off over here with the fairies and I let's let's try this. Mmm design A real checker.

I'm sure there's a shortcut for that list. Unconnected. Why did that change? Oh no. Oh wow.

Okay, so it's centered. The good thing is that centers look okay, so that's nice. That's that's nice. Unfortunately, we don't have multiple ones anymore.

I could go in and create multiple ones just to show you, but it every time you click on it. So I assume. If we had the list back here and we clicked on it, it would move around but you notice it doesn't zoom in so I can't see diddly squat detail on that. I shouldn't have to set the correct zoom level first and then you know, do that like it should.

at least go to some manageable zoom, some workable zoom level so that I can see the thing that's failing. Okay, so now I've got to go in. and now I've got to go like that. Alright to see it.

And when you've got a big list of stuff like this, you want to have your dialog box off than the other screen. You want to click on each thing and then you want it to like jump. Just jump around the board to see what all the errors are and stuff like that. So yes, key code developers please add that ability to do that.

Okay, so we're good. Alright, so we're good. Least unconnected. so got diddly-squat unconnected.
Beautiful. So everything's everything's hunky-dory So if we start our design rule: checker, pad clearances, check clearances, checking zone fills, zone to zone clearances we don't have any of those because we're don't have multiple zones on multiple layers. unconnected pads keep out areas, test texts, items on disabled layers finished and we're good. Yay! In theory we can just go get it manufactured.

So now Doo-doo-doo-doo know, keep clicking the wrong thing to scroll around. So anyway, now we've got our like. so that's our top copper. here's our bottom copper and we've got our VCC plane and they're the thermal relieves look good.

No Walker's I can just see them. sorry if you can't see them. There you go. So yeah, no, no problem whatsoever.

that's not going to cause a problem. Solder and wise, you know we could I don't know. Well, what's the thickness of those they're They're like 15th Our traces 15th our Fiora leaves. Can we know? Yeah, How do I edit? How do I edit my zone? I can't double click on my zone.

Why can't I double click on my zone Help? I have to click the edge of the zone. What? Really? Ok, even if there's nothing else. Even if even if I've got all the other layers turned off right? Whoa. Just slow down there for a second.

So even if I've got all the other layers turned off, there's nothing else under here. You're telling me that I can't double click on that. That sucks. That's just terrible.

Muriel? That is terrible, right? I like. I cannot like. even if you have multiple items there, when you double-click on it, it should pop up with a box and say which item would you like sir and it like yeah I Think you know small things like this. just you're no spit-and-polish Um, you know I like I'm I'm not saying it's bad, right? but it's It could be a lot better right to to have to go to the edge and select it like that just to get in there Oh See I can't Even then, How do I though pne's and how do I? How do I edit my zone I've got my zone selected.

Damn it. Sorry for edit I'm exactly pointing all these things out. Free and open source is terrible. One one spit and polish? Yeah yeah.

well. you know, like it. it takes a long time to get spit in polish. Mm-hmm E e for edit that makes sense I mean my cheat sheet? My G she doesn't have easy on it.

you said some cheat sheet obviously all right. there you go. So did we actually find out what this is? What the difference is? tht thermal. They actually doesn't look any different.

It doesn't look any different. Clearance: Minimum width ante paired. Spoke Wits: Yes. 20 cell.

Yeah, that's that's that that's allotted. No geez, no, you can take that down to ten. Must be greater than the minimum width. Oh yeah, fair enough.

It's just testin' There you go: a little bit thinner, a little bit thinner. 15th our 20,000 more relief. That's pretty chunky, you know? So just for completeness, you know for OCD reasons we'll we'll do that on our grant on our copper er now ground plane as well or out L Bus: yeah no workers? Yeah yeah. 15 Fare plenty.
plenty. All right. So we're good I should bloody save this shouldn't I haven't haven't crashed yet I Don't what? I really want to save as I just want to save for layer PCB Yeah yeah, happy with that. Just save it over the same file.

Mm right? Yes, yeah, let's clearance. Real mean I walk is all right. So I yeah, we're uh, we're probably good to go. Um, you know I can do a lot more checking and stuff, but really I think that is? that is fine.

Hang on a sec. sorry just doing your regular programming. Will resume shortly. Sorry about that and uh, what do we got? Wow 637 people watching.

That's pretty good, all right. So where was I So yeah, we're good - should be good to go cuz the whole idea is that I didn't want to touch anything, didn't want to touch a thing except convert it to a four-layer PCB and I don't want copper on the top or bottom and don't want any copper feel. because the whole idea for those who don't know the whole concept of this, is that I want to show the difference in EMC in radiated emissions of a two layer board with ground fill, top and bottom. You know, just like fill in copper everywhere in higgledy-piggledy against a solid ground plane.

and I think this could be a quite a good example of that. So yeah, you can get a better example, but I'd have to manufacture I'd have to design a better example I just have this one to hand and I think it's good surpasses all the DRC's I think we're I think we're good to go. Geez, we don't have much look at our poor vias there but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna change anything I'm gonna leave it right I would have had because you're risk a breakout there. Okay, so your your annular ring around the annular ring around the via there right that? I don't know I could go in there and measure it all right.

Thank you There it is right. there's inches I wish you could like toggle between inches and millimeters in in the dialogue box. That would be really nice right? And so we've case. oh we've got a 23,000 sour drill at Fifteen Point Seven sour drill so you know it's good enough right? But anyway I I wouldn't that's not.

you know they did that just looks a bit thin II to me side anyway I'm not not gonna touch it. the board's gonna be the same so let's so it's over good. Alright, let's save that I don't think I have to do anything else like this is not a production board right? I just that like this is a one-off I just want one right? So I'm gonna so I'm not gonna fuss over other things I've done my DRC it's all connected. it should work but it's a four layer board and yeah like and we don't have to worry about like other stuff like mate like you know, actually connecting like the ground.
you know the 15 so oh look, it's out of chamfers. oh look, you know, pretty you know it's added the champers. Was it was that an option? Hey, was that a secret option? And it's ER and it's rounded them too in that groovy. All right.

Maybe that was an option in that polygon fill box. Anyway, like stuff like you know, like we're not talking high currents here. So you know having for for traces at 15th our actually connecting through to the ground plane and everything else it's You know it's fine. don't worry about it.

So we're good to go Our 3d. Everyone wants a 3d viewer? Yes we should. Yeah, before you get anything manufactured. Thanks for kind of reminding me we should actually have a look at the 3d view.

There you go, because the the best thing about the 3d view is it's what you see is what you get. You can see the solder mask expansion on the pads like you can see. You know you can see that's about like I Know you can test these in DRC But there's nothing like actually looking at what your board is going to look like, right? Absolutely nothing. Actually, let's just hang on.

So how do I? How do I do that? yet? There we go. That's how I Do Daddy It? That's a technical term for Duden Technical term: Do Daddy in I Just hold down the left thing so that that's all groovy, you can see exactly what you're getting. This, there's no silkscreen on the bottom see exactly what you're getting How far can we go in? Can we go it into the layers like your Canon Out him there? Yeah. A few little artifacts, a few little render artifacts around there.

Mm-hmm you quit open-source projects. Thank you Stone Cold Seven, You're my biggest fan! Yes! I did Addy I see it passed And anyway, yeah, so um, groovy. I was about to say we need to add some front side silk we need to add. Get rid of that pesky pesky copper.

So how do I place text Dave cared for Leia that'll do so I just know at a glance which board is what front side silk that'll do. Where should I put it here we go. just whack it under there. that'll do Dave cared for layer all right file save Yep.

good to go. All right Yeah I won't die I'm knocking is this is not going to be a tutorial? How to how to do a PCB The steps going through for getting your PCB made. it's passed DRC For those who didn't see it, it's passed DRC It's fine and there's no. there's no unconnected jobs I Like the fact that it has list unconnected as separate to the DRC.

It's kind of good. You know I can say they are kind of different steps. you know in in the check-in process after you've finished a board. So kind of like that you know like a DRC will find unconnected stuff right? That's I would I don't have any errors now.

But but I presume if we ran start DRC before with those floating coppery bits and stuff like that that you know it would have, it would have picked those up. Let's try it. Huh? Place line, trace, not no front copper. sorry I don't know.
like the key the shortcut keys for this. you know it literally is alright. Nope. No.

hang on. Oh no, we're we're no way. we're silk right now. Silk? There we go.

I've got to select the correct layer. Mm-hmm sorry I'm what. it's gone back to a silk layer. Select copper layer right? We're on our copper layer place.

Oh okay, right because it knows it's a line instead of a trace. That's why. I Also bit confused, right? because so it all. it's so.

it knows that if I'm placing a line boom, it jumps back to the nearest layer that has lines. which should be the silk right? because it's a non copper. so that's interesting. So how do I place my track track display mo What's track display Mo? What's K Oh yeah, right.

that's the thing I was thinking of before I thought there was another layer on top of that. Okay, add new track X Why is there no place track under there am I blind am I like I need to click that bug thing before I DRC is up there right? Okay right? So X there we go. Beautiful. All right.

So I've got our floating copper all right and net. Okay, let's just put it to H right? Okay, so God if we've now got our error okay Blue, that automatically comes up sweet ass, No worries. Alright, so if go to our DRC and we start our DRC ah, they're different. They're two different processes that's interesting.

So which I gave? Okay, I guess it makes sense. If you design real check, it is your design rules. It's not connection based thing. but anyway.

yes, so they've they've decide to separate those. Oh okay. I've got no complain about that. It was nice to check that.

Okay, so if we list the unconnected boom, there it is right? Okay, I've got no issue with that at all. Is curious to know, curious to learn. Hmm. alright.

hang on. Ah, leave that, leave that okay. Like for all the smarts in apparently, you know it's all got the or, you know, whiz-bang super auto, interactive auto routing and stuff like that. It can't do a simple thing like straighten that trace right? It should know that I'm being a Fanny fusspot and I've moved my cursor over to here.

It should know I intend to make that flat. Okay, but it's just rigidly sticking to the rules. In that to the snap grid, it's just rigidly sticking to the snap grid. And is there a way around that break the trace first? No, we don't want to break the trace first? That's okay.

No no, no, this is. no. no, this is just wrong. No I should not have to break that trace and then rejoin it or whatever.

I should just be able to take that trace, drag it and it should overrule. Can I do Not shift. Oh, now hold it down. Knight Oh no.

Okay, no it, no. It should know. It should know that I want to straighten that up. It knows where my cursor is.
right. It knows where my cursor is. It should know that I'm over that. Oh, thanks for telling me that I'll join it straight across.

All right. No I don't want to use X and draw a new trace. No I don't want to change my grid size. See No.

I'm sorry. But as somebody who worked it out him and advised on this sort of stuff, okay, that was my job. It out him is to advise on this sort of stuff is that this is not how a professional PCB designer wants to work. Okay, a professional PCB designer to fix that does not want to have to break the trace.

They don't want to have to delete the traces. They don't want to have to dick around with their grid size. They don't want to do anything. They want the software to know their intention and overrule the snap grid.

That's what they want to do. Okay, yeah, I know, kick heads, Not out him and this is constructive feedback to the Kicad team. Okay, is that something simple like that can make the in and can make the routing experience much better, right? I've come into this package cold I Know nothing about this package, but as a professional PCB Designer, that's what I want to do a simple thing like that and you're forcing me to either break the trace or change my snap grid. No wrong, Please fix it.

Okay I mean this in the bit it's not criticism of I Mean this in its constructive feedback to the Kicad team. What? Richard asks a good question. Why did a professional PCB designer put tracers off-grid well I I didn't design this board, but there are many reasons why you would do that because you're very often changing your as it when you're designing a board, especially a complex one. You are changing your snap grids and visual grids all the time.

You are changing them all the time for various reasons that I won't go into it like you're a mixing Imperial and metric component surface Mountain through-hole You're doing all sorts of other stuff you're working on high density stuff versus you know, larger stuff like that. And there's many reasons why you might have a grid, traces off grid and stuff like that. especially when you're doing interactive audio, routing and stuff like that which won't. You can overrule the grids and stuff like that.

So there's many reasons why you want to do that. And so I should not be forced to have to change the grid to match that. It's just dumb. it should do it.

I'm sorry. Okay, constructive feedback to the Kicad team unless I'm completely wrong and then it's a way to do it. But I'm sure everyone would be screaming at me if there was a way. Yeah, no.

Okay, Glen Fair enough. you know. submit my suggestions to Kicad. You know, no mate like I What I might do actually is I might edit this video.

edit this livestream I've got a recording of it I can just download it and then just take out all the crap and just leave in my comments like you know, stuff like that. thanks James Jane sorry Jane says I'm right of course I'm right I know what I'm talking about. No, yeah, it's just lower it enough. Oh okay, you lower the grid enough.
but I shouldn't have - I shouldn't have to touch the grid. That's the entire point. It's the entire point. and trust me, anyone, any professional PCB designer I Guarantee you will agree with me I guarantee you anyone who's done any serious P large-scale PCB designed would absolutely agree with me that you shouldn't To change that grid is just like it's going to cause frustration in using the tool.

Just draw a new one I don't want to have to draw a new one. Why should I have to draw a new trace? That is ludicrous. Okay, I should just be able to drag and tidy up. This is a step in the PCB layout process is going through and tidying up stuff like this.

Okay, because you might have all these residual things left. you might have these residual things left over because you've moved. you know you've pushed and shoved or routed and you're moving all over the place and there's a final pass you're going through and you're just tidying up stuff like this and you know I did. It should be trivial to do that and it's not okay and I know you might think it's trivial.

Just change the grid size, just delete the track in place and you want or just place a new track and it is totally beside the point. Okay, trust me. if you had this, you and you saw the difference in productivity on a huge board that is thousands and components, tens of thousands of traces and things that you have to tidy up as a professional PCB designer, right? it? Okay, I can do this right? Well, No. I can't ah, do I have to drag it? What? I'm trying to place a new track All right.

I'm doing the X thing. Ah, there we go. Okay, it took it, got rid of it. It's kind of groovy, but it no anyway.

undo. But I shouldn't have to place a trace I should just be able to drag it around. see when I place the trace. It was a run with ya.

it didn't even do the pickup. Okay, does Oh I'll ask? this Does Kicad have the ability to automatically pick the existing trace size from the trace? I Connected to see a professional tool would know that when I am at work, you know it will least give me the option to have the ability to automatically pick the trace size and overall the car tray size to the tracker that I'm editing right Because you know generally you do not want to make it to neck that down which is what it's called. that's the industry term fee. When you go to a thin trace to neck it down, there is a button for that drop down trace sizes it can button at the top.

there's a button at the top display polar coordinates. Oh, there's button at the top. no button at the top. sorry I'm so fancy you know I Shave eyes and yellow man show tracks in outline mode.
high contrast display mode no sorry Auto Track width is the button under the DRC button. Auto track width when starting to is to use its width. Otherwise, thank you. It's got it.

It's got it. Okay, Okay, so you've got to enable that. Okay, that's groovy. All right.

Well done Kicad. Nice. That did it. Fantastic.

Okay, happy, but I'm not happy that sorry I want to undo that. but I'm not happy that. it doesn't allow me to drag. And yeah, it does have features.

Yeah. I will stand corrected every time I have not used this. Okay, this is literally the first time I've used Kicad Five literally I do I'm just you know. Add in my commentary as I Go now.

try drawing a new trace from out for to under under red. right? Yeah, right now I get like we could go into this forever I don't know if I'm in OpenGL view mode. Push the lowest connection up. Should fix them all.

Yeah, but I want to drag just one I Want I want to drag one. How do you push? How do you push? and if it did push them, then if there happened to be the same spaces, it might work. but then again, it might not. If they're a bit higgledy-piggledy Kicad need to do what? I mean mode look I'm not bout bad-mouthing Kicad.

It's a very impressive and usable package. Okay III just want to make that clear from my just using it from her. you know for the last hour and the previous time that I used it I I Know as a professional piece interview now it's a very powerful and capable package. There's just you know I just offer some constructive feedback in things drag but one is limited to the grid if dragging multiple will go beyond the grid.

Okay. Eagle D piggledy drag item or drag track Keep slope? Yeah, there you go. There you go. Didn't say Tada.

So yeah, you know. I Just want the ability to be able to tidy up my work. It's not my work, but you know. Anyway, not around, right? Decide? Okay, how do we generate goobers? It's generated goobers.

Sure, there's probably a print board. is that It print is print gobis or as print print Generic options. It looks like print print looks like paper print. That is paper print.

Can you? PDF Anyway, export let's picture scan Jen CAD Oh sorry I'm you go. just have a look around. so I can import spectra and XF can export spectra, gencode VRML and step footprints, association fabrication outputs footprint, position your file, footprint net. Let's fire a bomb.

Okay plot. Now put Gerber's there you go. Alright Site: Okay, whoa, sorry wrong screen. Alright so this is our Go Postscript: SVG DXF Wow A PDF There you go.

Yep, that's it. Mm-hmm Nice. Alright, so generating our Gerber's you win our FC You love it VCC ground copper. And now we don't have an adhesive layer, don't have a paste layer.

We only have a top silk. We don't have a bottom silk and solder mask front and back, solder mask, front and back, solder mask drawings and edge cuts. which is our board outline. I Think that's that's all we need.
Pretty sure that's all we need. That's all we need. Have a delivery. Hang on.

Just delivery. More micro counts. Okay, now we've got copper. VCC Ground BECU Does anyone am I missing anything? Drills is the button bottom button? Oh, you can run.

run DRC from here. That's handy. Yeah, you should have already done that. Save reports, Generate drill files.

Okay, Goobers, What? Okay do we need to generate drill files first? Okay, Bottom right. Yep. Generate your files. Okay, so we'll go to our layers.

We've got top copper, inner planes, bottom copper, top silk. There is no bottom silk. We've got ours top and bottom solder mask. That's all we need.

and our edge cuts. Edge cuts. just weird. Names should be like board outline something like that edge cut.

so don't get that. So generate your grill. Drill files: Okay, we're gonna have excellent format. Inches doesn't matter.

Your map file format okay. and Meara Why Now we don't know. Absolute Auxiliar. We don't want an exhilarating.

no, we want absolute decimal format suppressed leading zeros. We're not fasting that precision to four. That'll do it. Generates real fast.

I Think all the defaults are good to go. Played it through a non-player through in single file. I Don't think we have any. Oh yeah, there's five.

None There it is. There's five non plated pads. That's all right. I'm not fast.

This is not a production board generating Gerber's Gerber's Gerber's by night yet no, it created separate files. There you go. Created plated through-hole and non plated through-hole Nice. All right.

So there our drill files and all right. Check the option to combine them as an option. for that was it. Oh okay and in single file? Not not recommended.

only used for board houses which asks for merged. Um no I'd I always do up separate you want to do I'm separate. The PCB manufacturers know like you don't have to muck around with that. So anyway Yep.

Done all right. So I've generated air drill files and then we it just plotted I expect it. I'm expected it to ask something. it just did it.

So our FCU Gerber is created now VCC our ground I like how it how it names them. that's good. If silk F mask go about edge cuts, it's all goo

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26 thoughts on “Live kicad 5 pcb design”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaun Ewing says:

    always a pleasure watching your vids bud, keep the good work

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Silky says:

    Is there an option to select layers that have circuits, plus screens?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Silky says:

    Seems like you should be able to select and 'straighten' – though I haven't used KiCAD.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ed Silky says:

    Unless there is something physical it needs to go around. But, then, you would think the board would have something in the outline.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! tallgeese1 says:

    What do you think of AutoTRAX Dex? I've yet to see one review of this product.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miguel Ángel Simón Fernández says:

    Excellent video

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BB-box says:

    HAHA totally agree , just started in KiCad , lots of good but why click the middle wheel to pan, I have a standard microsoft wheel mouse from yesteryear and its a pain !!! and the symbol / footprint library manager is madness :):)

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlackBear Electronics With Cocoa says:

    Take apart an advanced hybrid system.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob David Cunningham says:

    Live stream title "Everything wrong with kicad" haha, this gui is a waste of space

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars electron1979 says:

    Dave is always in slow mode; he's slow to get to the point.
    Sorry Dave!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tcpnetworks says:

    Youtube doesn't know you are alive – you are just an account 🙂 #1984

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter says:

    Very entertainment video Dave 🙂

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Андрей Н says:

    altium designer rules.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edwin DB says:

    Every video you make about KiCad is constant bitching about how other programs are better…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeetzmail says:

    How do you comment in live chat window?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mehdikhan says:

    Since you use Altium and KiCad do you know how to convert from KiCadt to Altium ?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vlad says:

    DipTrace !!!!!!!!!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elektronik Atölyem says:

    Useful video

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonas Thörnvall says:

    Knowing zero about CAD i can just say the area you try to straight out is a curve of sort 4 points 5 lines, are you shure you can not hold down shift mark area and pull it in, because it seem like those 4 points/ vertices no longer necessary, but it must somehow know that you do not want to break the line just remove the 4 angled tracing points that make up the graphical connectors?.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kanadzava says:

    why dip?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZomB1986 says:

    Sigh. Not again… I just woke up. Live 7 hours ago.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Hubler says:

    I use Dave CAD! 🙂 hey, a bit off topic, This may be something you would like to do a video on. I have always wondered how those Old-school storage CRT's worked. I used them back in the day (I'm old) and never gave it a thought. Now I'm building a lab and can't afford all new equipment, so I pick up 2 HP spectrum analyzers for stuff above 8 GHz to about 25 GHz, got them both working and they have the storage CRT's in them. They work great, but I never knew how they worked.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MultiShizmo says:

    Kicad is such an awesome tool and it's free. I really appreciate that the file format is text based and as such can committed to scm. Haven't tried the scripting engine which looks pretty good from what I've seen, but for simple things I can use ordinary text utilities in gnu/linux to modify the pcb. Great stuff. Things I couldn't do i Altium, I'm sure there is probably a way, but for someone like me who is used to using text based tools kicad is awsome.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grundell says:

    @EEVblog do you have a schedule or something for when you do the livestreams, I miss this one and I'm spewin.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phil659 says:

    Another installment of "why isnt free kicad just as good as $10k Altium"?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Cozens says:

    You have some good suggestions about some how to improve KiCad. A cut down video with the suggestions (or just a text version) would be worth sending in to the KiCad programmers. You said B is bottom. I believe the letters are F for front and B for back. A fill zone is affected by the Clearance setting under zone properties. A zone that is right to the edge of the PCB will be pulled back by the value set under Clearance. Adjusting grid spacing before drawing the zone would let you more accurately set a desired amount of pull back.

    I noticed the thickness of the angled trace going to the center of U37-19 is different than the vertical trace going towards the pad. Why did you generate the drill file as Postscript instead of as a Gerber? I'm guessing but I think the IRC nick "PotatoPotato" might be pronounced more like "Po-tay-toe Po-tah-toe".

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