Watching the Apollo 11 launch LIVE exactly 50 years after the event!
#Apollo50th #Apollo11

Okay, we keep them. what do we got out there about seven degrees today? We got the destroyer out there. Okay, I got eyes just like the Apollo 11 launch. T-minus 40 two minutes and Counting Please excuse I've got to do some housekeeping I am looking at Apollo in real-time dot log.

This is real time synchronized footage of the Apollo 11 launch which is happening in 41 minutes and 41 seconds 50 years later, Exactly. Somebody says sorry, I'll just control We've added more than one minute mark in a crowd T-minus 40 minutes, 53 seconds and we are continuing. and we're concerned some final checks of the destruct system aboard the three stages of Saturn Pride Month vehicle. In the event, during powered flight of the vehicle three rather violently off course, the Range Safety Officer could take action to destroy the vehicle.

It's obviously would occur after the astronauts were separated by their escape tower healthy vehicle. We make a check of the destruct system to ensure that if someone is required to get through that, in fact it will. This is what coming up here in the control center. at this time, all aspects of the mission still go.

We're at T-minus 39 minutes, 47 seconds and counting. This is Kennedy Launch Control Okay, I've tweeted hi everyone hopefully I can top chat, live chat, pop help chair yeah course I can't pop out the check I would fly there we go way back. Nobody came up and announced that thing and student. It's really frustrating to get stuff working for a live thing.

Meanwhile, enjoy the commentary. Let me know if you can hear the commentary or not so you should be feeding through into the stream. but let me know if there's any echo cuz I've listened a lot of speakers. hey we talk jack Thank You Joseph Alright so thank you for joining me.

Everyone thought I would do this 338 Cool Awesome. All right I am looking at where we are looking at the time doubled. You can go there yourself and have a look and this is absolutely fantastic. Hats off to I'm going to go out here.

There is an about page where I'd like to are you can go have a look yourself, go to the website and you can go and see who's responsible for putting all this together. It's been phenomenal. They've synched up. Look at this we can get Mission Control Audio These are all the different tracks because the guy behind it.

in fact it's going here we go I Want to I want to get the correct Ben Feist Feast first. he's the one who did all the audio restoration, the syncing up and all this sort of stuff, that video architecture program or for this sort of stuff. and with thanks to our the producers of the Apollo 11 film and the director the Apollo 11 film I mentioned that shortly and Mike din who I might mention shortly and others Anyway, yeah this is awesome. They got this footage.

the Ben is a an archivist who actually got this rich I mean our they'd seeked it up to the 15th region. Our goals don't die hard. 29 minutes elapsed time, we had a loss of signal at one hour and 33 minutes 50 seconds You happy time. that's annoying.
Chat up and that as well. Maybe I can squish it. missed Atlantic Recovery Recovery Pacific Recovery him. Anyway, there we go.

that's that's pretty good. That's as good as we gotta get. Anyway, this is like look at all the stuff you can do on here. This is absolutely phenomenal you can get because they found these tapes.

These audio tapes of like - I think it was 230 track tapes. so like 60 channels of audio and it's all the originators continually recorded. All of you know the flight director Capcom Boost Retro Fido Gotta know they're all here like like the surgeon econ, Econ which is the electronic control system, all the different operators. They recorded all of their audios and you can jump to any of these and it's all synchronized with all of the like 20 different cameras or whatever they were using to actually recall this.

We've got 33 minutes left until launch of Apollo 11. This is actually as it happened 50 years ago. actually precisely if you are going to use this, there is a timezone bug up here. If you use this button down here, it'll sync to your PC clock which is it seems to your own Pcs clock.

So if I did it for Sydney time eight hours ahead. Eight or nine hours ahead. nine hours ahead. I think 9 of 10 10 hours here and I think we are from UTC So I set my PC the UTC and this is as it happened 50 years ago in real real time as it have absolutely fantastic gobsmacked sorry I haven't been reading any comments whatsoever.

I'm max audio oh I've been sound setting so might be I Get it? Alderaan Yeah okay. hang on Sounds Recording line one Mic Properties levels: 88 Okay I brought it up a bit. How's that? Is that better? It's my audio louder. Check Check Check One two oh no.

sorry I can increase gain over here check Check There we go. How's that? No no there's a team down at this event anyway. oh that's not Johnson no that's not yeah. Second: I don't know.

sorry didn't know Nixon was the one in my bed right now but it was good already. Oh really audio should have come up Yes good. Capcom Huh I'll take care of it for now. Thank you very much.

All right the way with LBJ right in here. A Polo and me were good as long as there's no like echo cuz we've got the speakers and then that's some of that would feed back into the bike but it's a quarter. Tell us where you dumpster dive I Want to talk about Apollo Don't talk about dumpster diving. see my building, me building complex Select photography say you listen to the pee PA oh oh sorry.

yes. Photography? sorry. Yep, hmm yeah. no.

Anyway, I was just showing this look and you can get here's all the original concerts in all the original positions and these are all the different channels. it's Look, it's just absolutely phenomenal. Anyway, yeah I will go back to the photography I Just wanted to our scans by two. Are they going to do even who time? no one was up there.
No, no one should be up there 28 minutes before I don't know they're already in there and we can actually like scroll through ahead if here. but I don't really want to do that. Seem to? Yep, we synced up. Yeah so this is like a transcript.

like public affairs and what they're actually saying so you don't actually have to listen to it. just get the commentary transcript. has the astronauts or everything. It's absolutely.

This is absolutely phenomenal. Anyway, if you don't know. I Flew to Melbourne and the weekend and I watched for the sole purpose of going to watch the Apollo 11 movie at the IMAX. It was the premiere of the IMAX week.

We did have an IMAX here in Sydney where was the world's biggest one, but they demolished it. They're currently rebuilding it, you know, three or four months or something like that. but anyway, couldn't see it. So I had to fly to Melbourne to go to watch the premiere of Apollo Look I don't know the other people in the US have already seen it, but the official launch date is it's already still not officially launched here.

So yeah, anyway, it will see our premiere at the IMAX and it was ill asleep Also I you have to watch it in IMAX It is one of the most stunning things I've ever seen. It is absolutely remarkable. The best part about it is that there's no commentary like there's no people talking. Over the top is not a documentary.

it's not. You know, it's just however, the original finish because they found all of this old I think it was 60 or 65 millimeter. fear and footage of all the original Apollo 11 stuff. they're actually shooting a movie at the time assault.

They wanted to shoot a movie and they had. They used all state-of-the-art cameras at the time and they shot all this gorgeous film footage of the whole thing and in that movie didn't happen or whenever didn't happen. role went into the archives and the whoever was doing the Apollo 11 movie they went to the archivist at necessary. what have you got? Some old guy probably the gray became and they scanned enormous a 65 millimeter footage.

It's gorgeous. Producer of the Apollo 11 documentary movie the Apollo 11 movie in a couple days To document like this, it's all synchronized like I'll actually be meeting early. One of the producers of it, he's the one who actually did all of the audio synchronization work for that and stuff like that. And it's just the astronauts and the commentators.

The TV commentators. The all of the mission controllers there will just tell the story practically. It's not quite a real-time they skip forward, but it's basically just go watch it anyway. 24 minutes left? Yes, turn the background while you're talking and account a malfunction light came on here in the control center.
a background ever launched DC May have sent people back to who needs secret the astronauts a for breakfast year. they had their the other thing. there's a steak and eggs and stuff. The weather is certainly go with the beautiful morning for a launch of the moon, we expect the temperature about 85 degrees in the Kennedy based any area whether it delays in the countdown there, whether or not this like takes about what data is encoded the screen.

that's that's the team latest count. It's the T-minus can all wait that's actually a YouTube What that thing is you? a youtube link that's interesting? Hang on this changed weary resync that oh no, no, it's inked up there. It is okay, right? Yeah. I Think that yet only pop up as a transcript.

Different sermon. no that's Capcom as that Capcom talking at the moment Anyway, other stuff does show up in the astronauts pop up. That means only the astronauts can remember. Let's go down here.

Oh God Public Affairs Public Affairs Public Affairs public Armstrong There we go. Oh Roger Odd are we getting ahead of ourselves? getaway ahead of ourselves? Okay so the transcripts not that exciting until launch time but looks of it Yes I saw curious marks Apollo guidance computer a GSE thing. Yeah, it's very cool. How about that scene in the right stuff with the Aborigines yeah making the fireflies? You know they because they thought they originally saw fireflies outside the capsule and yet anyway you've got to go watch and and it was.

it was P it was I rejected their PE outside them. So this face crafted, made and really inspire called and his son glimmered off it and it made it look like they were fireflies that so the capture it was great. Yep I think I need a treat anyway. guess where I'm oh I forgot to bring it up it's down in the car sorry I'm not going to go get it but I actually honeysuckle Creek that's where I'm going I'm going.

you should I Tell you about my four-day trip. my four-day trip leaving Thursday morning I've got one day left to prep for it. haven't even booked my air B&B You can't have to do that after this anyway. I Have a four day Apollo 50th anniversary road trip coming up and yeah I don't know how I'm going to fit everything in.

but anyway I am going to yes, meet up with the original controllers who were at Honeysuckle Creek which is the dish that received. it wasn't the dish at Parkes it was the Honeysuckle Creek dish and it received Neil Armstrong's moonwalk images and I will be there with the original controllers having lunch with them on at the exact time 50 years later that they received the thing. so they'll be playing and they'll be talking about all the event and history of it anyway. I'm hoping to get some footage I don't know exactly what I'm going to be getting yet.

It could be hectic, but I plan to release, save, hopefully, shoot and release a video on the day. So yeah, I've got it. Edit on the road Oh Peace on. Okay, right? you're gone.
Remove: Can we remove that work? Okay, we like block. How do we block? Put user in timeout I'd user of this channel. There we go. It's annoying.

How do I get rid of that now? Oh there we go. Vanished Yeah. Ayana Steve Are you Are you going to the same event I Am anyway sold out. You can't go.

No one else can go if you haven't already got a ticket. Yes. I am a huge Apollo buff. Why do you think I have an Apollo 11 behind me and which is down in my car I forgot to bring it up sitting on the side seat I actually have an original small part of the original kept on heat shielding gold heat shielding tape that was on the Apollo 11 command module that actually returned.

So I actually have a piece of Apollo live Very cool sorry I should go down. it's Steve Oh Sadly not know what you said. You'd see me there 60 minutes left. no parks if I Highly recommend everyone watch the dish which is a clip.

Fantastic Australian movie but it's a bit. it's a bit fictional. they were quite liberal with their facts on that's great. It's got lots of original equipment and stuff from the time it's really it's really very good.

except that no, the Parkes dish here in here in Australia did not receive the moonwalk images it reside think it receives some of the images later but it couldn't transmit because it's only receiving antenna sucking Creek Dish honeysuckle. Creek Nish there it is. That's the one. and I'm going to go there couple days and that's the one that actually received and transmitted and communicated with Apollo 11.

When they did the moonwalk, they she switched over so the moonwalk image is actually clear from that and dish. So I'm going to be there. It's cute, but don't don't believe that they say the dish yes I know they move the dish John and I'm going to both sites and there's going to be some unveil and things happening. One of the park staff is in the only shot male right? I don't know him.

watch different years I'm gonna have to refer ain't got time time to rewatch the dish. Geez. I'm like seriously, my artillery. There's like one two, three, two four six, eight, nine different things happening in four days, nine different events happening and that was not including I'm gonna get to toe I'm going to get to touch it or an actual moonwalk.

not behind last. but naturally one good time to do that. So anyway, I it's just going to be ridiculous and you've got to try and shoot some footage in here somehow. Oh yeah, I'd try and interview some people and yeah, I still haven't got confirmation that I can actually interview anyone, but I'll just rock up and you know, shove a bike in front of them.

Everyone's happy to tell this story. Usually what's the stream about? which planet are you living on Jaden Twelve minutes left before the launch of Apollo 11 gone to the moon? What? they didn't say we'd back then did they know? And yeah, so you have to. If you want to go to this website and watch it yourself, look, look at this and play around. You have to set your local clock to UTC Even though UTC wasn't invented in 1969, a lot of people don't know that they've converted the original times of the Apollo Lodge to UTC and that's when everyone reference of course.
but UTC wasn't invented then. So dude, if anyone says any crap, I'm just going to boot you out of the chat. Seriously like that work. Okay father, he's here by the way.

Few names I recognize no this is not a time. It is not 120 p.m. here it is July 16. Well I've actually got my dead dates wrong but it is 11:00 Focus you bastard.

There you go. It's 20 past 11:00 It's not basic standards this live stream but like this is just brewing. this website is just and you can. You can jump ahead like in jumped ahead to any point the mission like the entire mission.

If I'd thought about this maybe I could have actually started my road trip in ten minutes. Time like I could have like planned all this I could have like started my own road trip and then like at the exact second that they launched minutes. Candidate launch control said audio coming through well piss off. then it canary that worked at one.

Yeah there's not a better way to experience The only better way to experience your polar woman launch is to watch the Apollo 11 movies. Seriously they show gorgeous footage of them going through their like you know they've got that like I think they had a well maybe it wasn't a Dolly honor and I said up there you know this camera just panned right through the whole facility. It's gone through the racks of all the gear and like behind these. Like in front of these consoles.

Here in front of all these consoles. If you watch the movie, there are these racks and racks of gear and there's people like and there's not much space in there and people are wedged in between these racks of gear and they're all doing stuff. They have this gorgeous dolly shot of this just like going between the aisles of the it's just. it's stunning.

It is stunning. It really is. Yeah, it's one of the best things I've ever seen the Apollo 11 movie but you've got to watch it in IMAX to get the full experience. Really? Oh, I'll go watch it again.

When it comes to Sidney when the IMAX opens here, maybe they'll show up. Maybe they won't I don't know. Mmm. they want a little forgotten about it by then which full-screen the launch? Well, no.

I mean it's good enough here. I'm looking at the broadcast, it's good enough I Want to see the chat? Yes. I have visited Kennedy Space Center I have been there, didn't spend enough time there I've been invited back like you to do like personal tools if I ever get over there. I've got I've got various viewers who work there I could probably get into pretty much anywhere I've got fuel everywhere Israel Oh Edie Seriously, if there's any hoax in here, I'm just gonna like I'm just gonna ban you from the chat.
Seriously, no racism, right? Just a guy like I'm gonna boot you. Seriously don't don't don't try me. Yeah Bragi Well you know it's just what happens when you when you're you know have 650 thousand subscribers. It's it's amazing where where people work.

David Two's working from home. It's been working from home for the last like month or something. Yeah, it won't improves the video resolution. If you want to go watch it yourself, go have a look.

Just pull the thing up on your own screen. Well go watch it. You can watch it are from the fact I mean you can just we can just actually replay this. It's no problem.

Well no, it wasn't a man capsule strapped to an existing ICBM because the Saturn 5 was was it was not an ICBM the original mercury ones were. they just strap them onto a Redstone and Woohoo! Off you go. You know it's that was only one of the astronauts who was the only original I Had to market five minutes. Anyway, a lot of people didn't know that they actually banned Alan Shepard from going into space because he had heart issues and he saw as these specialists and he started I think the stories he started taking like all these tons of vitamins or something and like fixed it.

he had like a hot and fixed and and he finally got really fun. They retested him multiple times and they finally went. Yep and after they thought they needed you know thank you very much. How ship was your friends uncle In counting the launch team here in the control center monitoring a number of what we call red line values these tolerances, we don't want to go above them below.

Okay deviations from our plans. Two minutes, 30 seconds and counting. We're still go on. Apollo 11 At this time the vehicle as we miles away.

Yes, it's still breathtaking my 50 years travel to the moon 25 seconds here I'm strong A second we have liftoff, cleared the tower they know Phonogram that was Armstrong Go Do you beauty Whoo Thirty-six It's running everything. Go! Ralph Oh yes that's right Yes. 8 mile downrange, 12 miles high velocity 4,000 feet per second. Charlie stand by for a moment Raleigh Mark Mark Mode 1 Charlie Charlie To this day: Gemstones If you are overstating and we're cut off you can't afford you.

Bring the fireman workup. Burn it. I'm strong, he's gonna turn off Emmanuel II Did the staging whether or not it was auto sequence downrange 35 mile 35 anybody for the opposition cut down like that never filed the also at three minutes downrange 70 miles, 43 miles I have a confirming both the engines 11 your guidance is converging somehow someway. hello 11 right on the ground track.

Nothing more interesting to show the viewers I Guess still have not seen a rocket launch, haven't been to one. How you look to play. You can choose different audios down here as well. choose different one of the main ones like we can have.
listen to booster so you can just go listen to all the different channels all in real time. You can flip between them. it's just it's just phenomenal. Okay Mario Ability starting the keyboard.

Let's get into orbit Everyone like Kerbal Space program but with humans I'll pay that. That thought came into my mind to some when they assume they way unto vibration is reduced before they start them up here. possibly covers providing that will be uncovered at over seven field sizes. Mine cut off nine minutes, 11 seconds on the okay.

pretty flawlessly. Didn't know Apollo 11 mission apart from the landing recourse with the radar overload the 1202 and 1201 alarms I Know well, not quite I think there were some other alarms during the during the flight, but nothing nothing serious. I had issues I'm getting now star alone. Lots of stuff for me.

You sit here and watch this whole thing for like the next three or four days or whatever. so it's fantastic. You have five days, in fact, no more because they're going to come back. like even watch the can want to write that right to touchdown.

It's just. it's phenomenal. They've got everything. You can listen to every word in the whole mission.

It's just phenomenal. pen cap. didn't he to fix it or do flick it back? Yeah, it was. Yeah, The reason they got the two hours been overloaded.

they forgot to turn off the entire attitude is 100 mile down I gadget. UK If you didn't know about the computers, there's a book named. it's like the Apollo. Go ahead and guess what just got like the Apollo computers or something.

There's a failure like that. Details them all in in great depth if you want to know all the details. What did they lose? engine? Yeah, they had enough. My yes, last men on the Miriam other night are: Netflix It's a good movie alright.

I Watched the Last Man on the Moon with the Last Man I I watched every bad Gene Cernan I I've met Gene Sauna the Last Man on the moon. He was only like six months before he died or something. months and I watched the what's the movie that was That was one of my ticks in in life was to shake the hand of a moon Walker I Finally did it tick Gene Saunders Last Man on the moon. Yeah and one of only two.

He's been one of only two Am I wrong. One of only two who's been to the moon twice. It's been to the moon twice. Nobody's landed on the moon twice.

but he's been to the engine. five was Apollo 13 wasn't okay yes I'm Jules I said that at the start of this livestream which which I have to leave soon like it is now quarter to midnight so it scored to midnight and I got stuff to do I got ion packin my four day Apollo 50th trip to my road trip tomorrow. So I got a ton of stuff to do now I didn't do it if so on the computer I did I do have a video on the Apollo guidance computer board that frame blowing city so I did actually see who centered around to each other? Yeah, but yeah. Jim Lovell you win the Internet Richard Yes Jim Lovell was the only other person who enjoys to be sure there are only two and went to the moon twice and never landed.
but I still contain I Still contend that Apollo 8 is the greatest adventure in human history. I Still contend that Apollo 11 is fantastic Here we landed on the moon. that's great, but set foot on the moon, well, his boots, you know it's not what they have been, bare skin and scooped or what. Yeah, that was awesome.

Not taking everything away from Apollo 11 arguably look great. You know, the greatest human achievement in history, but you could argue I think quite rightly that Apollo 8 was the power eight is the first time we actually left, truly left the earth, left the gravitational balance of Earth and went to me and it was all it was all last minute. Apollo 8 was never supposed to go to the moon. it was supposed to be more tests and DNA rendezvous and docking another other testing Earth orbit and then I know the CIA got wind that arm the Russkies we know they were send I think it was a single man around the around the moon in a zombie caption I think the Sun capsule and the tooth one I think anyway yeah, go get us and then they could claim that I won They bang tonight I beat the Americans to the moon so they so I guess I went to the Apollo 8 team to win you guys like me and they ring probably probably as a yes and they went to the moon.

Holy crap. So I pull away? yeah oh yeah yeah. I think so reachable. I think Apollo 11 was the greater achievement in polo there sorry Apollo 8 was the greater achievement on Apollo 11 and you could argue that Apollo 11 was just a polite once again not taking you.

you know you've got actually in that sucker on the moon little busty the period job in Mike as well and they are the footage that Mike shot of them coming back when they trying to sort destroy ya Apollo 11 was just a the fully finished Apollo 10 because Apollo 10 they went to the moon. they detach they they they they they descended down in the lander towards moon but they did it land. It was just a dress rehearsal for Apollo 11th exactly that but just went like you know, cool meters four meters closer and actually this is fantastic. but my 10 was the fastest ever.

You have to fix them with a pin Oh Reggie that's a good question. Did Apollo 8 go without the limb? Um I should know that did it go with a dummy? I should know that I should go that but it's not. It's not coming to mind. does anyone know? Yep they pulled off all these without a single patient.

Lee Except of course for a Apollo one which completely they had to redesign with. let's redesign the thing from scratch after they still made it and then they landed twice. They landed twice before the end of Kennedy's decade. did a bunch of times in the 90s.
Mister yeah they read from Genesis nights it did not I thought it I had the inkling that it did not have the live I thought maybe it had some sort of dummy or something. yeah head I'd know who the motor didn't even have a dummy. All right they didn't even do the well. They did the the Earth orbit tests of the docking and stuff like that of course Apollo 10 in a full dress rehearsal award? Yes, 9 was the first moon fly awesome right here and I'd like to pass up yours.

don't bad. Correct this time your ad copy lunch. you're always decimal two to the rescue system a kit they weren't really in the end weren't even close really. anyway.

I've been I've been in the Russian Space Shuttle the Brain I've actually been inside the cockpit of the Buran which was their automated spacial I don't think it ever float flew humans. It was like completely automated. They did a couple of test flights and as soon as that copy in a spaceship yeah Dan Frederickson the master troll who's been banned by everyone in he will hide use when this channel is donkey Yep who Charles every electronics channel who's gone yeah sorry I didn't see dancer comments before that I didn't even know he was. You know he was posting before that.

So first I saw banned him like ten years ago. Every other bloggers banned him. Yep. did a fly twice.

bring your fly just once. did it just once. Anyway, yeah I've been inside the brain and it's pretty how you doing. Let me tell you, it's wow.

Yeah there we go and we can jump ahead I wouldn't jump ahead to any point in the mission and jump ahead to the landing and all sorts of stuff anyway. I already go soon Thank You Harry Yes, surprise I didn't go with like a dummy or something wasn't finished. You know anything? they were my Russians weren't a Marine capable neither. they hit Americans To staff spin-offs you know that they outing there although Americans had been attacked.

Yeah there's a lot of stuff had to be invented. you know he. you can't remember when Kennedy made the announcement without. we basically asked him nobody.

He made that announcement that we're going to do it before you into the decade. stuff hadn't been invented yet and Kennedy actually said that in his speech. you know using materials that haven't been invented yet? Well I think was what he said in one of his speeches about and you know things like yeah, they just hadn't invented. they have to invent.

you know digital computers and they had to invent. You know navigation systems and they have to invent I could tell him that my telling different materials and things to actually get Yes Korolev yeah Korolev he was the what they calling them the master designer. he was there the master yeah he was the chief. Now they're calling the chief the chief designer I think yeah Karlis midnight Thanks BK PHA you yeah I don't like I should go about I Got stuff to do before I go back home it's midnight.
I'm getting up early tomorrow coming in early just to get stuff done. I've got one video to release tomorrow - my own bag patrons have already seen it, but then that's it. Like I don't have anything else. My next thing will hopefully.

I've got it. Edit on the road. So I'm going to pull out an old laptop that's more powerful than my Microsoft Surface maybe I'll take that to do I used to edit my videos on that, so am I. Anyway, I do invent astronaut ice cream anyway.

So I got a hair? Edit: a video on the road. There we go. Midnight yawn. Although I am a compulsive viewer, the voices of the astronauts should should be here.

They'll comment you'll hear all during in a second. Should should come through. Ah, that's a 28 minutes. Okay, 28 knots.

we're only 24. 24 minutes past launch. someone retracted their message, didn't see what it was. My very short safe trip home I could walk home all right two minutes.

someone said no, didn't know it's two minutes to midnight I got two minutes left I make at midnight anyway? Yep. so I'm off for a four-day Apollo 50th anniversary road trip and just look at. look at the itinerary here and iodine because I I Want to do got to do my own things. Are going to go to two locations to do footage to shoot some footage and yeah, and then I've got and there's like eight or something different events happening.

Eight or nine different events. It's nuts. Wow Yep, I should have you know I Always leave things to the last minute. Stupid.

But then again, I I have been in Melbourne I was in Melbourne and before that. So like the week before last I went to Dubbo I went for a family trip to Dubbo so you might might not have known that I was gone ski I was going walkabout. So yeah, we went for like most of the week and then last week we went to Melbourne to the I man to watch the IMAX went for a couple of days in Melbourne and then the weekends are all filled with use your family events and stuff. and now I'm going to I'm going on a four-day road trip - well, four days, five or whatever for the 50th anniversary.

So yeah. I like I've just had no time to shoot any anything. really surprised I got a mailbag done anyway. Cool everyone.

thank you very much Melbourne Weather yeah it's Melbourne whether I it didn't disappoint I Got my four seasons in one day I got my four seasons every day I was there anyway. yep I got to go book an air B&B I've got a TV yeah yeah my old notebook I cannot find my shotgun mic cannot. it's here somewhere in the lab it's got to be and bloody shotgun mics miss him Oh I've already searched hours for it I can't find it and tomorrow? Yep. I've got to I've got to finish reading time.
He's a Brit named Eminem finish reading it yet I may be under. So yeah. Anyway, Anyway, yes, I'm meeting the author I'm meeting the meeting the producer meeting the original controllers at Honeysuckle Creek I'm meeting the at one of the producers for the Apollo 11 movie I think I'm even meeting the US ambassador. Anyway, Yep, all right guys.

I better be gone then it'd be gone skiing shotgun mic sounds like a cowboy. Never thought of that. Yeah yeah. Anyway, thanks everyone.

Catch you next time Whoot! We're on our way to the moon. Okay, you're drinking water supply valve is on circuit configuration. glycol reservoir bypass valve open. yeah.

what Would commentaries to stop? ECS Radiator Flow control primary. Hey Buzz! Yeah, how would you like the camera? Okay, well then why don't only leaves the dark slide? What? What's the time? 20 minutes Again, no one's done. just leave the Hasselblad hanging off the end. What? Not Nicely Buzz: Did you ever get that camera? What? You can't see? They're right next to each other.

You can scroll through this ready for the sick. Get out there crack open the sixteen millimeter. That's what they used to fill out the window. If you haven't seen it on my Evie discovered channel, I Have a bust.

Totally busted the moon conspiracy theory with my own original research. Thank you very much. I'm quite proud of that. but I Did my own original research and came up with new evidence for the for the moon landing.

So I thought that was pretty cool. So I've done a video on that set up on VHF 10-4 Good buddy. All right cool oh man. just as a gun dealer in Garland City or Diane just like this is fantastic.

Anyway, we're skip through the landing. we can do whatever. learn the dock on the surface there it is, just scroll through an ending point. it's just returning to Earth Trans Earth Injection Learn the launch is sent from the Lunar surface saying yeah, you go directly to that like for some 28 minutes, 15 seconds from loss or signal with all I'm peeking Luna on at all It's a bit quirky like this.

It's a bit touchy on the surface, a huge gray tack, soft. everyone responsible for always anyway. gonna get back to you soon.

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16 thoughts on “Apollo 11 launch live – 50 years later”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars awesomeferret says:

    Somebody accidentally installed Opera on your computer.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ernst Stavro Blofeld says:

    I'd rather go to Brooklyn, than to the moon. At least they have a Starbucks.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vecelio rubicone says:

    I was 2 months old

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iceberg789 says:

    back then, did these rockers ad spacecrafts used to have computers and electronics made out of glass tube valves ?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry Fraley says:

    The one thing I remember as a kid, when we visited my grandparents in Florida and were able to see a launch from Cape Canaveral — the sound was so loud, you could feel it. Thanks Dave, for sharing this. Yes, it's still exciting and engaging 50 years later.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Moore says:

    I came in looking for something specific – didn't know you had streamed this. Great job. But you don't know what Mode One is? You aren't a true nerd. lol The only difference is… we didn't have a color tv in 1969!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 405line says:

    There's a recent clip where Buzz Aldrin in 2019 appears to be saying that he didn't go to the moon. Unless this clip is some sort of photo shop fakery it's game over for the moon landing believers

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripcore says:

    Russians made it to the moon with unmanned

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars yambo59 says:

    I remember watching this live on broadcast TV, it was an amazing event at the time, more amazing still when you consider they had such low computing power at their disposal, one of todays pccket scientific calculators is far more powerful. The Saturn V rocket held five individual saturn V rocket engines & was one of the most amazingly powerful, complicated and reliable engines every built, friend of mine knows all the details and was telling me just the fuel pumps put out 125,000hp, I thought he was joking but I looked it up and he was right. We were all glued to our old CRT TV's for both the launch and especially the landing, what an amazing thing for the time and for our country. I cant believe there are still those trying to say the landing never happened, idiots. The entire world was watching including russia, you can bet if it was fake they would have been telling the world all about it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew plays says:

    And this launched in 2019

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ted Frankland says:

    Hi Dave, you haven't been to a launch, it's exciting to see, we stayed in CoCo Beach Best Western hotel to see first launch of Falcon Heavy, we walked out on the beach to view the launch, the flame is brilliant and goes very high in the sky in view, about six minutes later we watched the two side boosters return and final burn and landing together, shortly after was two sets of double re-entry sonic booms from top and bottom of boosters slowing below speed of sound. Ted, Nova Scotia Canada.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars saltyragequit 123 says:

    Launch was awesome!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tobias Beale says:

    probably not running those gimbal motors for the upper stage from liftoff.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Lynch says:

    Three men went to the moon twice ,

    Jim Lovell , Apollo 8 & 13,
    John Young , Apollo 10 & 16 and
    Gene Cernan , Apollo 10 & 17 .

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mdesm2005 says:

    Over 1 hour of commentary w/o hearing "United States of America" in that funny exaggerated voice. Progress ?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PassMeABeer Dude says:


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