What's left of the rented and now abandoned EEVblog Lab
And why you may not see videos for a couple of weeks.
Exclusive video on the lab move options: https://odysee.com/ @eevblog:7/What's-old-is-new-again.-The-Lab:4
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Hi let me take you on a tour of the old, the deprecated Eev blog lab. but this is the rented 100 square meter unit. I've got to be out of here by the end of October. So I've got like, what two weeks left? Um, and this is what's left.

Basically, I have abandoned here and pretty much I can, um, shoot every video I need to. Well, I can in the new, uh, well, in the old lab, the 50 square meter lab. So I'll show you the remains of what's left. It's basically a junkyard, but I've got two weeks to sort through all of this.

And yeah, it's not going to be easy. A lot of people say dave, why don't you look A lot of people have offered to help out. Moving Thank you very much. I really appreciate it, but it's not.

It's not the moving that's hard, it's the sorting through all this stuff that is the problem. So anyway, there's the old mailbag bench. All the, uh, you know, the racks behind there are gone. I used to have my camera set up here and it's actually the thing I really realize now is the echo in here.

Um, once you get the stuff out, it really echoes. There's there's some water damage up there. that's not my fault anyway. Um yeah.

old mailbag bench. I've got a ton of stuff on here. have to sort through that. Like when I took stuff off the shelves, I just whacked it.

Um, on here. So I got a ton of boxes from like the original move. They've got like old like books and and stuff like that in there. I've got a bunch of microcurrents on the floor.

um, the old Channel 7 Tv transmitters down here. They of course have to go to the bunker. although I still do want to do a teardown of some of that. There's that Ibm.

uh, you know, the huge 4k or whatever Ibm monitor and some other stuff you recognize. Poor old troll. Um, there he is. Oh oh sad face, sad face.

Oh no. he's pretty happy. He's pretty happy. I haven't taken over the troll yet.

Oh yeah, that's where I used to have. my whiteboard used to sit just there. and I'll probably show you a tour of the new lab. although I might show a tour of the new lab to support us first.

Anyway, there's a whole bunch of stuff. the old tech scopes and things like that. There's a whole bunch of, you know, just random crap tubes. yes, uh.

the lights. Yes, I've got to take out all the Uh lights. I've got a port because they're all mine, the square ones you see there so I've got to take all those out and uh, put the originals back. and anyway, there's a whole bunch of stuff and the thing is, I'm going to have to sort this into.

Uh, well. this is a Bm-235 stock, which I haven't taken over yet. Um, because I do have a packing shipping room in the new lab. The old lab, just call it the lab anyway.

Um, so I've basically got to sort all of this crap into. Um, like five piles. One is, uh, stuff that I'm going to just toss. You know it's of no value with anyone.

I'm just going to toss it. Uh, the next one will be stuff that I'm going to give away. Um, there'll be heaps of that stuff. And next will be the stuff that I want to sell.
You know, it might be really valuable. I don't just want to give it away. Um, I can. You know it might be valuable to actually sell it because I don't need it anymore.

Um, yeah. look, I've got tons of scopes. Look at that. I've taken over a few.

but yeah. count them anyway. Uh, yeah. And then I've got a pile that I want to, uh, take over to the, uh, the lab.

I've already taken over. You know, most of the stuff that allows me to basically shoot uh, videos. So it's pretty much mostly, um, set up to shoot videos now. so that's good.

and uh, stuff that I want to like store in the bunker. So I'm gonna have to sort all these piles. So this is the problem. This, Like you know, I've just got like just a box of miscellaneous stuff that this just all came off the uh, like my main workbenches which used to be along the wall here.

And you know I haven't categorized any of this stuff yet. And and this stuff also, uh, came off the uh, you know, came off the old. Like the long work benches there and I don't just want to go pudding, I want to keep my workbenches clean so everything has to be sorted, itemized. and there's that beast of a wonderland goldman thing.

There's that, you know, card imprinter thing, and just a whole bunch of miscellaneous stuff. um, a lot of this, um, like stuff like, uh, these tubs and things. I am sort of getting a new solution for that. You'll see that Surely I'm getting some custom made stuff for, uh, sorting things.

But once again, even though they look like they're sorted in tubs, they're still not that some of them aren't that sorted. So I've got to sort out the stuff in some of these tubs, so you know a lot of the tubs will go over. But like, I can't just take all of this crap and I can't just go store it in my bunker as well. I mean, I've got a pretty large bunker.

It's like, you know, for it's almost the size of my lab, but there's only so much I can. So if I was desperate and I had to, I would simply just go dump all this stuff in the bunker. But I don't want to do that. I want to actually sort it all out and this is what I'm going to have to spend the next two weeks doing.

I mean that cabinet. There's full of computer stuff so I might like, you know, like, I'll probably, you know, take that. uh, filing cabinet. I might take this because I got this from the dumpster room.

I rather like that's got two big drawers and that's where I keep like my camera gear and uh, you know, stuff like that and like I can use it for bigger tools and things like that. and uh, this was the soldering room and I was using my makerbot the other day. but the makerbot won't be going to the lab because really, I don't want to suck up the fumes. We're not doing any 3d printing so I'll take that down to the bunker.
I you know, like here's a tear down that I've never done. like this is a Keithley, um Megome bridge and I you know, I really want to, uh, do a teardown of that and I've just, you know, I've had it for years. It's just been sitting there. It's like, what the hell do I do with it? Um, that's a gun antenna That's a Rhoden Schwartz.

um uh, far field gun antenna. I wanna do uh videos on that sort of stuff. There's that, um, you know, stuff I got from the dumpster that uh, pulse, mains, pulse generator stuff. I have a box of multimeters.

This is like a gigantic box of miscellaneous multimeters and stuff. I mean it's just it's just insane. It's another box of miscellaneous stuff that came over from my original rented uh lab, not my lab. My editing when I had a separate editing station.

The beanbag. Um so you know like there's just you have no idea the amount of stuff that is just like left lying around here. I mean it didn't look like it most like that's the ultrasound boards out of the ultrasound machine. I need to get rid of the ultrasound machine from the bunker.

Uh yeah, you're just not aware of the amount of stuff like a lot of this stuff here in this middle. This is sort of all left over from when I had the uh flood. So when I had to like and they ripped up the carpet so I had to just as I had gotten my lab set up here, you know the flood happened and they had to rip up all of the carpet and replace it. So I had to move.

Oh if you haven't seen the video, I had to move all my benches. Everything I had to move. They didn't in too hard so I had to move everything on this side over to this side. Then they replaced the carpet all on this side.

Then I had to move everything from this side I back over to this side including the benches and everything. Absolutely everything. The packing and shipping room, the mailbag bench, all the shelving, Everything had to be moved and then they laid carpet on this side and then after that, it's just. I just never got back into it and a lot of stuff just like sat there in boxes and crap like that.

Um, so yeah, this was my, um, this was my editing, uh, room, but it's gone skin. You know. I've got things like these voice, uh, synthesizer chips. I want to do a video building up a, um, the voice synthesizer.

I've got the voice synthesizer I see and the text, uh, Ascii text-to-speech uh controller. There's my old Um Hf G30 Canon camera. I've switched over to uh, Sony for everything. I'm shooting this in the Sony Rx 100 Mark Iv and yeah, that was my desk and um, but I've set up my new desk and it's very nice and I got a whole bunch of stuff.

There's the there's the Satin five and you know, I've just got all these shelving. Like I'm gonna have a ton of shelving left over and it's just. it's just nuts. And I've got lots of dumpster pcs.

Of course, I'll be giving away a whole bunch of dumpster pcs. Sorry, no, I can't ship any of this stuff unless it's like, you know, hugely valuable. Um, then I'm not gonna ship it. Um, I'm just going to, uh, give it away to locals to come pick up.
You know. Oh, but I don't even know what's in that box. like it's like that's my old. um, there's my old Pc based Dso, although that's uh, Jim Rose design but I wrote the software uh for that and that was very popular.

Tricky Dick sold the kit. Um, you know I did a project. um, which. I was going to replace the Crt out of this because this is a working 500mx scope I got from the dumpster.

I was going to replace it with a Crt. sorry, replace the Crt with a Lcd and um, yeah, it's it's all in progress. and you know there's some old tubes of Ics. like it's just I've and like I've had those for 30 years.

Like those tubes, you know, I see some of them are yellow. um like I've had them for that long that oh no, I think they were yellow when I got them. actually. um, but yeah.

like just a ton of stuff. So anyway, I basically, um, won't I found someone who wants the shelving so I can't. I can basically take maybe one more small shelf and that's it. but you know, pretty full.

But anyway, um yeah, most of the tubs, I can just take those over and uh, you know, old Pcs and yeah, I still got, um, the Apple thing for that, uh, you know, raspberry pi array thing. Um still got my train set. I won't have room that'll have to go to the bunker. unfortunately.

can't have the kids come over to the lab and play trains anymore. Um, so that's gone ski and you know, more Pc stuff. Things like that for dumpsters, more component cabinetry. although I've taken most of it.

Um, but yeah, there's a few more that I need to take. and uh, yeah, there's just, uh, just a whole bunch of miscellaneous crap. This used to be uh, David Two's office and uh, but of course. um, he's not here anymore.

So that's one of the reasons that I'm moving. I? Well, one of the main reason is that I don't need all this space. Um, two. Yeah, junk just expands to fill the space available.

Um, and three is that I'm gonna save a metric ton of money that I can spend on other stuff. So you know, why have? Why rent this for a huge amount of money? And no, you can't really renegotiate because the rents are still high around here. Um, so yeah, there's just no. it's not like I can suddenly get this for half price.

I'm sorry Sydney's not like that. This was the packet in shipping room. Packing shipping room has now moved. Um, you know, like I've switched off the internet.

Although I had to. it was one month, had to give him one month's notice, and I'd like. I didn't realize that given one month's notice, but basically, yeah, I cancelled that, cancelled the power. everything's going.

I got a few more things here. Photocopier I've got to get rid of. I'll just give that away. um to anyone who can take it because you can't sell those things you've got to like.
Just give it away and there's a few you know, stocks of fuses and things still uh left here. dhl stuff but uh yeah. basically. um, it's this is just this is my job for the it's gonna I can't do if I get so like I just get uh, you know, trapped into doing oh, just do a video because I feel guilty that I haven't done a video.

So I end up spending time on videos when I should actually be getting rid of all this stuff. I've only got two weeks and I don't want to leave it to the last minute where I just frantically box everything up and just shove it in the dumpster or whatever. Um, oh sorry, shove it in the uh, or even the dumpster. or my because I'm a hoarder.

Um, shove it into my bunker storage room so I don't know. Like you know there's like I got a whole bunch of like there's a lot of my hand tools and stuff like that. They haven't made the trip yet. But yeah.

so as you can see, this is not something that people can help out with either. I really do appreciate a lot of people um, offering to help move. but it's not moving, the stuff moving, the stuff. is really easy.

It's sorting through all of this crap and figuring out what I want to keep, what I want to move, what I want to store, what I want to give away, what I want to dump. And that includes like going into like all these like miscellaneous boxes. like I could spend like just an hour sorting that box there. and that box.

and that box. and that box. and you know it's just yeah, it's crazy. So anyway, um yeah, I'm going to miss the windows.

I didn't enjoy the windows. Um, but yeah. anyway, it's not worth the money unfortunately. just that view is not worth it when I can just go downstairs and go for a nice walk any time I want.

So yeah, just not worth it. I love this hundred square meter space. It was very nice, but uh, unfortunately. um yeah.

The one, um, opposite me is, uh, for sale as well. That's uh, that's all that's gone Ski a lot of people. So many. I personally know at least four, uh, people in my little complex here who are downsizing, um, downsizing offices and that's not including me.

So I'm the fifth one. Um, who's he's actually downsizing? Everyone's downsizing. So anyway, I could keep this one a bit longer if I needed to because it turns out that I thought it was a done deal that the tenant that they found a new tenant but like because they came in here. they spent hours measuring up the place and everything it was.

It was a done deal and a bunch of lawyers and well no. apparently it just um it fell through. So yeah, maybe they found a better deal or better. I know they wanted.

Uh, this building or the one next door. So anyway, they found a better deal and well yep so but I've got to be out. I want to be out. I don't want to pay another week's months of rent.
You know I could go on a month by month. and I did that at my previous place when I had a separate editing location. A 33 square meter editing location. that was nice.

I like that had a balcony window. I could, um, you know, a balcony. I can walk outside. I could see the mountains and that was really nice.

but it was too hard having the editing uh, room in the same place as in a separate place as the lab. I'm much more efficient when I edit right next to where I'm shooting. But anyway, there you go. That's um, if you don't see videos for the next couple of weeks, this is why.

just got to clean up all this crap anyway. um please leave your comments down below. Catch you next time.

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27 thoughts on “Abandoned lab tour”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FrankEdavidson says:

    It's not Computer Reset (Dallas).

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars electronic knowledge says:

    Sir your are my inspiration great sir i see all your videos ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fake temper tantrums says:

    I as looking for videos on compulsive hoarders and Youtube brought me here…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Thijs says:

    If you don't know what to do with these nifty scopes, I'm happy to take one over for a nice price 🙂 Shipping will likely be more expensive than buying one local

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PeterMensink01 says:

    Good luck sorting 😅

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Causer says:

    If the bunker's so full you have no space for all those oscilloscopes, there's a perfect size empty space on my bench

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Baz says:

    Where in Sydney? If I can assist, Baz

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mysiak says:

    Sell all the scopes and extra crap and you may get a decent Tek MSO58 … 2 more power supplies, 4 multimeters and you good for life 🤣🤪

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Informedia Tech - BRUNO says:

    but why the move i missing something

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Informedia Tech - BRUNO says:

    if you have an unwanted osciloscope ill buy from you ( any) mine blow up no chance to fix

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electronics_Dreams says:

    Men, I am an Engineer and I love Electronics but since I found this channel, I love it more!!! thanks for that! Saludos desde Argentina!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ßri says:

    Someone will have a big day going through your dumpster. 😃

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glynn Jordan says:

    How's the sort out going Dave?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 10100rsn says:

    Everyone: We have so many plans…
    2020: no.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cowboyassass1n says:

    I'd love for you to revisit the Rokit's, as I have a set myself now that, of course don't work….lol

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randall Decker says:

    growing pains……

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Rei says:

    Every hoarders dilemma, too much stuff to good to throw out, too little time to do it justice. One of the best things we ever did was to move house, forced me to sell a bunch of stuff on eBay to other hoarders who may have more time – and good luck to them. I still have way too much crap that is too expensive to junk and would cost too much to buy when I need it, but find I have not enough time to do with. I lament the lack of time.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars trespassersVV says:

    Oh, how I understand the enormity of the task! Sorting through the junk – It awaits me, too, and soon! Good luck!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YodaWhat says:

    Moving is SUCH A PAIN! I just moved after 17 years in one spot, and it took weeks to sort through everything. :/

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Egbert Groot says:

    I know how this feels……. 30 years to go in life …. what am i going to do with all this 😉 Succes Dave!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kvick says:

    I've never related to a video so much.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars myshoeisonfire says:

    What’s the story with the new lab, and the old lab – then the old lab becoming being the new lab? Lol super confusing to the casual viewer! (Mostly just me probably lol)

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tharindu Buwaneka says:

    can you send me a multi meter and oscilloscope for free.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WarpFactor999 says:

    Rule is: If you haven't touched it in 2 years…make it go away… Other than that…I could use a decent scope….

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Gossage says:

    watching this with headphones on, chuckling away…wife comes over and gives me 'the look'….maybe I won't be hoping for stuff!! 😛

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Pettengill says:

    give away!!!

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zerlihetzer says:

    I think paradise looks like this

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