Results of the 2021 EEVblog survey. Thanks to everyone who contributed!
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Hi, it's Eev blog survey, results, analysis time. and yes, it's floating Dave Head. Don't blame me if you don't like floating Dave head because I asked on Twitter and the majority of people said floating David. So floating Dave had it is very apt for this video which is looking at what my audience are interested in, what they want, all that sort of stuff now.

Um, I did this like four and a half years ago. 27 in March 2017 or something like that. And here are the results of the 2017 survey on the right here and the new survey I just did on the left here. Now before everyone asked, no, I'm not going to draw the equipment which I promised, uh, to give away a test gear um in this video that will be done on a live stream probably on my Euv blog 2 channel.

So if you're not subscribed to Eev blog 2, that's where you'll get notified. Let me know, subscribe, ring the bell, all that sort of stuff and you'll get notified of the live stream because I always do my Uh draws live to make sure there's no funny business going on. Um, I think I'm the only one who does that, aren't I? Anyway, floating Dave Head time. let's take a look at the results.

I love looking at uh, data for anything really. um, a bit. For my own audience, it's It's absolutely fascinating. So let's let's take a look.

And now before I go. Last time I got 12 000 responses. This time I only got 4 000 responses. Thank you to everyone who responded, uh, it helps a lot.

Um, why the drop? Well, I the last video. uh well, sorry. The video that announced this only got like not quite a third of the views of, well, a little bit more than a third of the views of this one. So in percentage-wise responses have dropped a little bit.

But given the number of people who even bothered to click on the video, maybe I just didn't title it the same. Maybe my audience has changed and they didn't want to click on an announcement video. You know. announcement.

Hey Dave Hands too. Ah, this is good floating dave head. It's probably freaky to look at. but anyway.

Um, yeah, let's go. So here's uh, which countries are you from before? Okay, so we're looking at uh. United States was 25 and by the way, these are only the viewers who had a Google account. So unfortunately, this is just the way I'm using Google forms or whatever it is.

um for this so you know a bit. I it's a good representation and the data's not going to change much at all. for people who don't have a Google account, but really, you know, the ones who have a Google account are the ones who really contribute uh to my videos in terms of comments and thumbs up and stuff like that. So these are not going to say they're the ones that matter.

Every viewer matters hashtag, Every viewer matters. but uh, yeah, it's you know. Anyway, it's it's not gonna vary much anyway. Us has dropped from uh, 25 percent to 23 percent.

This is in order. Australia is, uh, the next. Uh, this time Australia was the next one. Which is interesting.
Australia's gone up two ranks these. uh. the list here is in order. So Australia has actually surpassed the Uk.

So my Uk has dropped to 9.8 to 9. But the Australian audience has increased. um, from Uh to ten percent from seven point eight percent. So that's interesting.

And then it gets. and then, uh, what do we got? Canada, The Netherlands, the nether regions. uh, Sweden. Uh yes.

Sweden and Poland have swapped places. So let's go down a page. Um, India's really shot up there. Where India's not even on this list over here.

So hi to all my Indian, New Indian viewers, that's really shot up. and Italy has shot up. Wasn't on the list before France was. Um, Austria's still there.

New Zealand's still there in the mix. Um, Denmark? No Denmark's vanished Denmark. All my Danish viewers have buggered off. Where are? where are my Danish viewers? And the Czech Czech Republics here? Hi to all my Czech viewers.

Um, Denmark? Yeah, Denmark's dropped. There you go. That's fascinating. If you want me to, I can post this in a forum link.

I can extract the data like in a gigantic Excel um. spreadsheet. and I can. Anyway, here's the ones now: Vietnam, Bosnia, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Egypt.

I know I get a quite a few emails. South Korea, Saudi Arabia get a few emails and comments from Saudi Arabia, Mauritius, Bolivia, Ecuador, Georgia, Hong Kong, Zimbabwe, Isle of Man. Hi to all the Big Clive fans. Um, Afghanistan.

I've got comments from Afghanistan before and emails: Lebanon, Cameroon, Cyprus, um and uh. bringing up the bottom is Turks and Caicos Islands and I don't know how to pronounce it. Namibia, and uh, Bahrain and other. I don't.

I guess it gets to a point where it just doesn't do that. So there you go there. My where people are from Duvalla. Excellent.

They make um, their own and mint their own coins in to Vala. Um, it's one of it's one of their things anyway. Um, great hi to all my new viewers in new countries. Now we'll look at the types of videos that people like to watch.

I tried to keep it almost identical. I think I did like remove or change one or two like I added bike ride explanation Rant down here because I've been doing those uh, recently. but pretty much they're the same. So a 32 percent before said they watch every video.

Regardless, that's dropped a bit 29 so they're a bit more selective. mailbag Everyone's favorite segment: 47.5 Uh, dropped a little bit from 49 reviews of test equipment. Uh, well gone up to 58 people Want more reviews of test equipment? So there you go. That's interesting.

All right, Because I haven't been doing much test gear lately and stuff like that in the last couple of years. Uh, since then. Uh, uh, what do I do this? reviews development boards and other niche stuff. It's around about the same torture tests.
Uh, yeah, about the same shootouts have gone up whereas shootouts weren't all that popular before. Everyone says they want shootouts, but you know, the survey before didn't show it. Now it's jumped up to 28. There you go.

Interesting, Uh, tear downs of equipment, of course. 63. That's almost my most popular segment. Review: Test Equipment Reviews: 58 So that's gone up.

So that's surged up from 51 just for test equipment. Tear downs? There you go. So yeah, people are generally and reviews of test equipment. so that goes along with that.

People want more test equipment stuff? Um, because I've been dropping off on it. Anyway, Random stuff. Uh, 61 58 So that's up. Mystery Teardowns: 46 51 Teardowns are all up.

Vintage computing stuff has remained the same. Vintage magazines was wasn't popular, that's remained the same. But I like vintage magazines. so look, this is not a hard and fast list.

I'm not just going to go. Oh, I'm only going to do the videos that got over 50 or something like that. I'm always going to continue to do the videos that interest me, but this gives me. You know an idea of what people are after and stuff like that.

And also I can point people to this video when they say you don't do this type of video anymore or something like that. why don't you do this type of video? Well, it's only because X percent didn't want that type of video or something like that. So Beginner Fundamentals: 50 same advanced tutorials jumped up to 59 percent equipment. But I I do plan on continuing my uh, Ac Basics series.

I've done the complete Dc Basic series. I'm now moving on to Ac Basic series. Um, so yeah, I will continue that. It's not advanced of course.

it's so I I at this stage I'm have no plans for any advanced stuff. Um, I just want to finish my beginner Ac series tutorial. So random hackings and experiments 56 It was 53 before repair 57. Repair has now jumped up to 64.5 That is the most popular thing people want to see is repairs.

Um, and I've said this before and I'll say it again. Uh, a good repair video is hard to do. Not because the repair is hard. it's because finding something that just it's just random luck.

It just sounds like I I get hit with Murphy every time I buy something on ebay. that's you know, like listed as broken and it even just works. Um, and there's no repair video or it's some simple repair. or in some cases it's simply beyond economical repair.

it's not worth putting my time and effort into repairing it because there's soap, you know, ass is blown out of the whole thing. And it's just it's not worth, uh, the time and effort to do it. So yes, some people get lucky at those sort of things. Um, you know, some other Youtubers, uh, def.

Pom, for example, will do like an eight part repair series or something like that. I don't have the patience to do an eight-part repair series. So if you're after that sort of, uh thing, check out Dev Pom Or you know there's other repair. uh, people who do, uh, you know, extensive repair videos as well.
Ev Blab: Uh, nineteen percent. Um, 19. It remains the same once again. But basically Eev blab is I was going to do it as a consistent thing.

I have still have no plans of doing it as a consistent thing. But if I have a video like some sort of rant or some you know, discussion, or some you know, tip or something that I was just going to throw on my second channel, but I thought maybe it is better off putting it on the main channel. Then instead of giving it an Eevblog video number, I'll just give it a and just call it Evblab instead. For those who you know, um, sort of don't work because I know a lot of people don't like that content.

So and once again, if I put on the main channel and it's got Ev Blab, there's no reason for you to complain. It's titled Ev Blab. You know it's not one of my regularly polished Eev blog videos, so don't complain. And we'll look at the data down below as well, about how people want things on the second channel and stuff.

Eevee comments. That's a thing. I started and stopped. Eevee smoke.

That's another thing. I started and stopped very quickly. so it's just on there for consistency. Pcb Designer Manufacturer: 51 Um, that's gone up.

That's yeah. I think I consolidated that no. Project Design and Build Series 45 40 So all that sort of stuff's gone up. So yeah, um, the Pcb design videos and stuff like that.

I've done a lot of those, so you know I don't know how much is left on that. Um, like in terms of especially in terms of like the beginner type stuff might have to be like more advanced things or something like that. Um, one-off design. so people want to see.

uh, Design Build series? Uh, one-off Design builds 41 percent? Uh, yeah, it's gone up a bit. Site visits, which I often will, uh, usually put on my Eev Discover channel. It? it? It depends. Anyway, we've got the whole covert thing.

At the moment, there were places I was going to visit, but yeah, bloody covered. Uh 28. so not many people want to see that. Oh, it's gone up a bit 33.

but like I said, I'd probably put that on my Ev Discover channel linkedin down below. Of course, if you want to see my site visits and stuff like that, um, interviews? Only 21? 15? So that's gone up a little bit. So yeah, no worries, can do more interviews. Um, Debunking 43 A lot of people say I'm wasting my time on debunking videos.

Well, I I enjoy them. B I think they're valuable, uh, to the community because there's so few people doing them and it teaches critical thinking skills and other stuff. And there you go. 44 Want debunking? That's actually gone up a bit.

Solar power and renewable? 28 percent? Uh, 30. It's gone up a bit 36 percent. So yeah, I'm into my solar stuff. so I put a lot of my solar stuff on the second channel as well.
Uh, Dumpster diving? 48 Dumpster Dive In. It's gone up from 44 to 48. So yeah, I'll continue to do dumpster diving, but with the whole covert thing. Um, there's hardly anyone in the building and there's just doesn't seem to be much stuff there anymore.

Um, so yeah, I'm at the Ram. I'm at the whim of the dumpster. Always have been calibration 30 21. So that's gone up calibre.

I haven't done a metrology and calibration related thing for live for a while. Anyway, Live shows: Eight percent. Live show: 6.5 percent. That's understandable, but I still like doing the occasional live show And as I said, I'll do a live show for uh, the draws and things like that.

But I almost always do live streams on my second channel. Yeah, it would be very rare. It'd have to be really important for me to put a live stream on my main channel. Um, so yeah, that all goes there.

So if you want to follow me, uh, over there or you can, I'm also now streaming my live videos at the same time to Evblog2 my Facebook channel as well. I do have a Facebook channel I don't read or use Facebook generally, so sorry if you leave comments over there. I simply don't look at Facebook, but there's like five or ten thousand people over there who follow me. But my videos will automatically be streamed there and they'll also be streamed to Odyssey.

Uh, well, I'm starting. That's not automatic at the moment, but I am streaming them. Um, I try to stream them to Odyssey uh as well. Or I have done an experiment and that seems to work, but it's a manual process.

Anyway, Yeah, you probably won't see it live on my main channel. So industry and related, uh, advice? videos. I I get a lot of thanks for those uh videos, people. I know they're not for everyone, but those that do like them really like them and appreciate those videos.

I'm going to continue to do those once again. I might put one of these on like the second channel or something like that. Occasionally I've done that recently. 22 that's actually dropped a bit short.

Tech Tips: 36 percent. Oh yeah, I. I added this business finance and personal related stuff up to 17 and a half percent. I didn't have that before because I've been doing like, like, real estate videos on my second channel.

I've been doing those for like a decade. Yeah, I was doing real estate videos before Lewis Rossman was doing real estate videos. Thank you very much. People think I'm copying him.

I'm not. I've been doing them for a long time. It's don't do them very frequently. Yeah, I've been doing like a commercial and residential real estate uh stuff.

And I've done finance videos as well. I've got a whiteboard video. a finance video that I think is probably going to be really quite good. I've come up with this formula anyway.
Um, I need to get off my ass and do that. And yeah, people, a lot of people don't want them, so that might go on my second channel. General Rants: 27 Yeah, not a lot of people want to. Yeah, same.

um. embedded computing stuff. 42 Embedded computing's gone up to 47. Um, yeah, I'm not really into the embedded computing sort of stuff anymore.

It's this. just too generic. There's so many channels that cover them. so in depth.

Yeah, maybe occasionally. You know if I get something in the mailbag or something like that, I might do it. But yeah, okay, people want to see them. Reverse Engineering 62.

That's right up there with one of my most popular videos. and I've done a rever a recent reverse engineering uh video. It was 55. That's gone up.

So yeah. Reverse engineering? No worries. Um, but once again, like I've already done like a how to Reverse Engineering video. So once I've done that, I'm just like going over the same thing over and over.

Although you know it's like if I've got a relatively simple thing and I see value in actually reverse engineering it, I will do that. So um, yeah, Point taken. A lot of people like the reverse engineering stuff. cool.

In fact, I might, uh, split that off from a tit. Like, if I do a tear down. I may not like, uh, I don't know. I might, because there's a lot of effort to reverse engineering a schematic.

unless it's very simple. you know, many, many hours of work or a day's work or whatever. So just to do that for like to have the schematic for like five minutes in a tear-down video is is is a bit much. but uh yeah, I could spin that off as a second video or something like that.

People are interested. Uh, auction and ebay related stuff 21. Uh, 20. That's remained the same.

I might do it occasionally. Um, I don't get a lot of stuff. uh at the auctions like I used to bike, light ride exploration and rants 11. That's fine.

But once again, this is what my second channel is for. If you want just the random stuff and I don't accept complaints on my second channel, my second channel. If you subscribe to that, you get what you get and you don't get upset as they teach. Um, the kids at uh, preschool get what you get.

You don't get upset All right? Okay, this video is getting a bit long so I'll try and I'll leave this up here. but I won't compare to last time because I think like we're going to get like a similar sort of percentage. I don't think there's many changes so I'll just go through these. So these are videos that you want to see more of.

And I put a specific note: this will be at the expense of other video types. I can't magically produce more of all types, because look at how many types of videos I make there. I don't think there's another engineering Electronics youtuber out there who makes such an eclectic mix of content as I do, and that that's why my channel is doomed to never get. You know, it's doomed to low subscriber to view ratio.
Um, because I like every video can't appeal to everyone. Everyone subscribes for a different reason and I can't give you that reason. Every even once in every 10th video I can't give you what everyone signed up for because look at the number of different categories I've got. It's just insane.

So anyway, uh, Mailbag. So what are the highest ones repair? 40 of people That is the most popular request for. They want to see more repair videos? Okay, I'll do my best. I'll do some more searching on ebay and see what I can pick up because it's not often I get something from the dumpster that I have to repair or something like that.

So you know, I usually want to target something on ebay. But as I said, it's hard to get something that's good. Like, I've got stuff. I bought stuff many things, probably dozens of things off ebay, attempting to do a repair.

Wanting to do a repair video and it just works. Or or it's just you know. something simple like you know it's a blow-on fuse or a busted knob or something. You know, something lame ass like that.

Anyway, advanced tutorial videos. That's the next most popular thing that's interesting. So yep. okay, advanced.

But once again, I'm already working on my beginner Ac tutorial series. I want to focus on finishing that first. So sorry if I don't get around to the advanced tutorial video. I don't want to do the beginner series and also have advanced ones as well because I've got to spend time producing other videos.

So anyway, what's what's the next? Biggest reverse engineering? Once again, 27 percent. There you go. Um, also do 27 on equipment usage tutorials. Uh, advanced there.

Although I've done those videos in the past quite a few you know, like tips on how to use your oscilloscope and stuff like that and they're generally not all that popular. Um, so. But yeah, if I think of something and as always a lot of my videos come like spur of the moment like I'll be do working on something and I see something funny and I go oh, that's annoying or you know, oh, I use this trick to get around it and I'll go oh, that can make a good nice short video, so I'll often do that. but I think about that.

uh yeah, I'll um, be aware of that. uh, more often because people want that sort of stuff. So fundamentals, Beginners good a good quarter of you. uh.

Test equipment. Tear downs? Yep, uh. 28. All right, I'll do more test equipment.

Tear downs. Pcb designer manufacturers right out there. One off Design and Build series. That's right up there.

Once again, they're a big commitment thing the design and build series. So yeah, I really have to be motivated to want to design and build something and document the Uh process. So yep, um. Embedded Community Embedded Computing's up there.
Mystery teardowns are up there. Tear downs are always good. This channel was kind of built on tear downs. Uh.

Test equipment teardowns? Yep, Yep, Yep, yep, Reviews and the rest are just pretty much noise. And I like this one. I give people an opportunity to complain. If you really hate a particular type of video and you think I'm absolutely wasting my time doing debunking videos or something like that, I've given you an opportunity to say so here.

Um, eight percent of people think I'm wasting my time mailbag everyone's most popular segment. Anyway, What? What is the biggest one? Bike Ride Exploration Plus rant. Okay, not a lot of people want to see that, but it's not like I go out of my way to do that. It's like I'm going on my bike to have a ride.

Why not switch on the camera and then just whack it on my second channel? So it's not like I'm going out of my way to spend my time on that. so I'm going to ignore that. Sorry, you don't want to watch bike. Once again, it's in the title.

It'll be bike Ride or it'll be in the thumbnail. Everything else, you know. So if you don't want to watch it, it's on the second channel. and over here.

The most popular last time was a live shows. Once again, live shows are up there. Yep, people don't like live shows, but I I like doing them. Um, and they're on my second channel so you know and I'll do them just on a whim.

You know? Because I'm boy, I will. I usually do live shows like I might do them on a Friday afternoon when like, you know, the week's running down. I've got to go home and it's like I've got an hour left. I'm not productive.

I don't feel like doing it. I'm not going to do anything productive. I'm just going to watch some youtube videos anyway. So I just whack on my i whack on the live thing on the second channel.

you know, just for kicks. Uh, vintage magazines? Okay, yeah, I think that was up there before. So yeah yeah. a lot of people don't like, but I I like the vintage stuff.

so if I find something you know appropriate, I will do the vintage videos because I know they actually get a lot of views. Surprisingly, the vintage videos get a decent number of views. Um, which doesn't really line up with the survey results. But yeah, uh, where's uh? Debunking? Debunking 15.

Debunking 15 has remained the same. See, there's a lot of people out there think I waste my time doing debunking. It's not really backed up by the data. Only 15 of the people who bothered to even, uh, respond to that.

So that's not 15 of the audience. That's 15 of the people who who are ticked off enough to actually go in there and tick some boxes so you can see. you. See, the number of responses are like, you know, like less than half or something of the people and they just couldn't be bothered, right? Because you know they didn't want to complain about something.
Which is good. All right. So there you go. I'll let you analyze the data yourself here.

So let's move on now. this one's always interesting. Uh, what industry level are you? So this is a hard one to answer because a lot of people are multiple things. But I basically wanted uh, this to be like education level kind of or status in the community because like status doesn't always mean you know you're um, you're actually degree qualified or something like that.

Done a whole video on that. Uh, so yes, I asked people to put their highest ranking first. eg. if you're an engineer that trumps your hobby hobby interest, you're an engineer.

That's what I want to know. So the biggest category is engineer or other tech related professional. Uh includes graduates. Um, so if you're just starting out or whatever, you know you've just graduated with your engineering degree.

You know this could be like you know, software or mechanical or some other. you know, civil engineering or some other engineering. So that's gone up from 33 to 42. So I'm getting a bigger, um, more professional audience.

That's interesting. The next biggest is Hobbyist 32 hobbyists of. once again, if you're going to gain here, you've got to drop somewhere else. So hobbyists have dropped down to 30.

So they're hobbyist only. So they they either have no qualifications in the field or they do something else entirely. and they just have a hobby you know, lab or whatever a hobby interest in the thing. but they don't do it for their profession or they don't have a degree in it or whatever engineering or other tech related students.

So 14 of students that's dropped a bit. It was 18 before and uh, 10 percent are techs or technical associates including graduates. so that hasn't changed at all. In fact, that's exactly the same.

And then, um, other non-professional related. I don't know. You could be a doctor or something like that. You know it could be a pilot, You know.

I know many of my audience like that who are in some you know other field, but then they're They're a professional. Heck, one of my viewers. hi, I've done a done a video um interviewing he's a Nobel prize winner right? Um, there you go. I'll have to link in the video up here if you haven't seen it.

Great talk. Nobel prize winner visit. My lab is is a doctor, one Nobel prize in medicine and um yeah. anyway so yeah, that's about the same.

and there are people who don't know anything about electronics. They have no interest whatsoever. but they just like my videos because I don't know. Cool.

I don't judge if you want to watch me great and that's actually that's actually increased from 1.4 percent to 3.8 So how do all my viewers who, uh, just like have no idea what I'm talking about? but they just want to watch my videos? Uh, for insert reason here Cool. How frequently do I put out of videos? Um, so yeah, Are they happy with? uh, you know, and as I say it's a quali. it's a quality versus quantity trade-off I can do more videos, but they're going to be lower quality videos. So I'm 81 82 Said it's about right.
Same as last time. Um, 12 said more please. I'm not fast on quality, they just want more videos. But as always, if you want more videos, I've got my Eev blog shoot two channel.

There's even there's like four 500 videos on my Eevblog2 channel of all sorts of summer crap qualities. Some are actually, really. I put a lot of effort into making content for my second channel. There's also my Av Discover channel as well.

So there you go. Uh, which has, you know, polished. Sort of like when I go visit stuff on site and they're really interesting videos. So anyway, yep, that's most people think I'm getting it about right? I've been dropping off, my frequency, has gone down a bit, but you know, in the covered um, era, like you know, the kids are home from school and stuff like that, it's it's.

sometimes it's easier, sometimes it's harder meh, and life gets in the way in business and stuff Anyway, I am of course known for my long-form content videos. So I do say as I done a video on, I do have like a two pass process editing process. Now I'll edit my video where and before I just did a single pass edit. Then I simply uploaded and released the video.

I didn't care about the length. Now I'll go through a second edit pass and I will, uh, you know, trying to take out arms and r's and just a few pauses and a few bits that aren't really relevant And I can shave a minute or two off every video. So I'm more conscious of people's time now, but I still make. I still hate taking out valuable, well, what I think's valuable content.

I hate taking out actual content so I can't like if I've got a 30 minute video and I go through my second pass and it's 28 minutes. It's like no, I can't get this down to 20. I don't want to take out material. It just no.

it bugs me, you know? So I'll simply leave it at. you know, at a long form video anyway. 63. As long as all the detail is relevant, it can be as long as it needs to be.

There you go. Most people are happy with my content. Not surprising because that's how I've built my audience on long form content. So that's actually gone up from 60 percent.

Uh, 26 percent. Rather, I'll watch any length? I don't care. I love waffles, so really, that is, kind of. you know, and they're kind of the same category.

I don't think I do just deliberate waffle anymore unless it's this kind of video or you know, second, or a live show or something like that. So basically 90 of my audience are happy with long videos. and it's It's about the same here as well. So there you go.

Most of my audience are just happy. It's a what's what's the worst one up. I'd prefer multi-part videos instead of long ones, so four percent say I should split them up. And that's what I used to do back when the Youtube had a 10 minute time limit.
Who remembers that and 1.8 have the attention span of a typical Youtube view. You are under 10 minutes they want, so only a tiny percentage appear it's dropped. Actually, people who want polished 10 minute videos? There you go. Now that's all I had for the stuff in my previous survey, but I added a couple of more things in the new one.

So let's take a look. given the very large, eclectic content of content. A variety of content. Should I have more separate channels for different types of content? I've been thinking about this for, you know, since I started.

Basically because I make so many different types of content. And basically my question is, is it better to split them up and have multiple channels? Do I have the right mix of channels? Obviously, I've got Eevblog, I've got Evblog2, and I've got Ev Discover. Technically I have set up a couple of others, but I haven't actually put videos on them. Um, yet yet.

Anyway, and basically I want to know are people, do people want them all on the main channel? Are they happy with the mix I've got? Now obviously I'm I've already got the channels established. Those three channels are already established. I'm not just going to get rid of them unless absolutely everyone wanted. You know Everything on the main channel.

If 90 of people wanted everything on the main channel, I might just whack everything on the main channel. But let's have a look Anyway, I am happy with the current mix so 37 are happy with the current mix. Just leave it as is. Thank you very much The less polished content Evblog 2, the site visits or whatever on Ev Discover, and the just the polished stuff which is on topic uh, goes on the main channel 20 say they hate multiple channels.

They want everything on the main channel. There you go. So if it was 80 or 90 I would have thought about doing it. But at 20 percent no, the the majority of people are happy with the mix.

So sorry those 20 you want everything on the main channel, it's not hard to subscribe. It's not like I have 20 channels. It's not hard to subscribe and click the icon bell for all channels if you want to see all my content just like I. yeah, I don't see the problem with it.

Does it matter if it pops up in your inbox or on your app or whatever? Like, does it matter which channel it's actually on? You simply subscribe to them all and you get notified just like usual. Um, unless I can understand. If you're one of the uh, manual scanning type people you like just manually, you don't like notifications you like just visiting the channel. And fair enough.

if I've got multiple channels. Um, then yeah. I I kind of. I, I know.
um, some people like that and I'm a bit of a manual surfer as well. So like I can understand that, but sorry, it's only 20. so I'm at least going to keep the ones I've got. keep the current mix um, 18 and 19.

Said they like the idea of a separate Eevee Academy channel for tutorials. Uh, so yeah, this is what I was thinking about. Technically, that channel exists. Eevee Academy.

I did. and I started. Actually, I've labeled quite a few When when David was here and he was doing some um, Ev Academy tutorial videos, we were actually labeling them Eev Academy. So videos exist on the main channel that have Eev Academy numbers and I think I started from one.

didn't I? And then I don't know. Once David sort of lost interest in doing those, we kind of stopped doing the Eev Academy thing and now I've just with the new Um, Dc and Ac tutorial whiteboard tutorial series, I've just gone back to regular numbers um, you know, Evlog numbers following the usual sequence. But you know, once again, leave it in the comments down below please discuss Because like I, I think that it'd be nice if all of my tutorial content was on a channel that just had tutorials because I know there's a lot of students out there who really appreciate this stuff. and they might you know, happen upon a tutorial video.

You know, my Op Amp tutorial video. It's got 2 million views now for example, a lot of my some of my other tutorials have hit a million views. Now most of my tutorials don't get many views at all, but occasionally they some just you know, go well. not viral because it's taken like five or eight years or something to get that many views.

Um, but the algorithm eventually likes it and they show up and typing up amp. I'm probably number one so I could actually make this channel and simply upload them all again to that channel. Although I'm not sure if Youtube will actually allow me to upload truly duplicate content. Um, I don't think it will.

I think it might actually flag it. Even though I own all the channels, I might have to like. Uh, try that. But yeah, let me know.

A lot of people will say, oh, playlist playlists are fine. Playlists are. they are crap on Youtube. They don't show up right if you you go to one of my every single one of my videos.

Virtually every single one of them I've done from day one. like 1400 videos more. Every single one of them is included in a play in some sort of playlist. Virtually every one of them.

But I challenge you go to any one of my videos. Um, that you know. Tutorials? Whatever. It doesn't matter what it is, tear downs, mailbags or whatever.

Try and find the link on that page to the playlist that that video is in. It's just not there. Playlists are useless. You have to go searching for playlists on the you know site.

It's it's just. it's dumb. There should be a link like directly under the video. Really obvious this is part of a playlist.
Click on here. Here's the tutorial video playlist for every single video. I can't see why they don't do that. It's absolutely ridiculous that they don't do that.

And so yeah, playlists are. I don't. I don't like them at all, but I continue to tag playlists for each and every video anyway. Let me know your thoughts on that down below in the comments, so I think there's potential value there, even if I like duplicate.

Uh, the content. and if enough people subscribe to there. But then again, I know there will be people who'll be unhappy if I started doing that. I know most people wouldn't care if I created a duplicate channel and uploaded duplicate content and I continued to upload the same content to both channels.

I know most people wouldn't care, but then, of course, if it starts to take, the Ev Academy channel starts to take off, then like, you know, in terms of subscribers and stuff like that, then I might you know, eventually, only put tutorial videos over there. So let me know what you think. But yeah, there's a point. I do so many different types of videos.

There's a point where it becomes ridiculous. You know, like like a dumpster channel for example, like yeah and a mailbag channel. Like it's just like tear down channel. It's just a test equipment channel.

It's just like, yeah, it's just silly. Anyway, um, thirty percent. Uh, I. I don't care.

I watch Eve, I only watch the Eev blog main channel. There you go. Thirty percent of my audience are missing out on all this other content, including almost certainly including stuff that they like. Uh, because I've just whacked it on the checking second channel because I didn't put much effort into it or whatever.

and you're just missing out. I don't. I don't understand why people don't subscribe to my second channel. Really, I'm this far away from a hundred thousand subscribers.

So yeah, I'm begging get me to on the Youtube silver award for my second channel. Um, but yeah, let me see. I've downloaded four or five hundred videos over there. There's almost certainly something you like.

There's something that's valuable on my second channel. and 13 my audience are missing out on that. Wow. Okay, well, you know I get what am I supposed to? It's in the description of every video.

Eevblog2 here it is. But you know. Yep, like one eighth of my audience, um, bothered to subscribe to it. So anyway, I think someone some of my content on Evblog 2 is really good.

I debated I often debate whether or not to put it on the main channel I put on. And like I put on Evblog2 and I went. Wow. I put a lot of effort into that video.

I should have whacked that on the main channel, but no, whatever. So anyway, Uh, so 5.8 multi-channel fanboy? As many as you want? Yeah, I don't once. As I said, it gets ridiculous really fast. Um, so it's better to have one main channel with various playlists.
One person? Wow. Various player one. Only one response. Oh yeah yeah yeah, there's so many.

Oh wow, How many? Oh right. Sorry. yeah. I actually allowed a free form text field here.

So yeah, yeah yeah. so all these white ones are all people's free form text field. So 1.8 said other And yeah, everyone's like one. one, one, one one.

There might be two who accidentally said exactly the same thing. But let's have a look. keep one channel. It's see.

Someone said they had no idea there was more channels. It's better to have one main channel. Someone said they had no idea there was more than one channel. It's in the description of every video.

It's better to have one main channel with various playlists. Keep one channel. But do playlists? Uh, I know I'll probably watch all I know about. They didn't know about the other channels.

I personally don't hate the idea of having multiple channels, but it's always a good idea to keep them in one place. Uh, so they can. what it'll reach people specific playlist is generally enough. Another playlist person, uh, put the rants on their own channel.

The rent is free. the rest is fine. Once again, most of my rants probably go on Eevblog too. Uh, although Evblab occasionally.

uh. current mix is good. although hobbyists not a separate Ev Academy would be very helpful. I I think a lot of people are going to say that I have to download the Excel list of all these and I'll go.

I'll read them all. But yeah, I won't do that in this video. Youtube hide stuff. I don't care.

Youtube hide stuff regardless. Yeah, great. Thanks Susan Alphabet. I'd rather it all be on the main channel.

I mean, I don't understand people that don't like the off-topic uploads in the main channel in the first place. So maybe on the weird one? No, you aren't. Um, the weird one. I know a lot of people like.

I also don't understand why people complain about a video it's in. It's not like I do click bait. Well, I do click bait. In terms of as a creator, I want people.

I want it to be enticing. So you click on the video. but I don't do fake. You know, misleading click bait.

Um, is you know the term I should, uh, use the video. The thumbnail will be generally something like in the video itself. The title will be generally what the video is about. The descriptions there.

You can read all this you can without even watching the video. So if you don't like it, like don't watch it. Hey yeah, I'm totally in that camp. Like I subscribe to so many Youtube videos and like, I don't like a lot of the content that they put up so I simply don't watch it.

I get my notification or whatever. I'm scrolling through their channel. nah nah nah oh yeah, that one. nah nah nah.
You know I don't know what the big deal is. Um, I watch all your channels. Arrange them however, works best. I don't hate multiple channels, but I would suggest putting in concentrating all the time and effort on one channel.

but in the end it's your choice. Yeah, like the the time and effort. um thing. I kind of get the like.

from an income point of view, it doesn't really matter to me, so I like it's not otherwise. Yeah, I shove everything on the main channel. I guess I might get a little bit more income because I'll get you know, I have a larger subscriber base over there. like eight times more subscribers than my second Uh channel for example.

But I was. You know, I. I stick stuff where I think it's appropriate. I'm not caring about the the uh, Youtube income.

uh, you should be me. Linked mentioned regularly. They're linked every single video in the description. I link in Evblog2, I link in um, my Odyssey.

I link in I don't think I link in Eev Academy. I have to check. Anyway, it's it's it pops up as default. When I create new video, there's all default links in there.

Nobody reads the descriptions. It's one of the things that us content creators hate. People don't read. They don't even read the bloody titles like they'll complain about something.

It's like it's in the title. Jesus should prioritize in the most efficient distribution of your extensive know-how. But yes, a few select Ox channels might complement Ev Blog. Please keep the name and scheme simple and relatively and simple and relatively easy to find.

Okay, no preference. It's a bad idea having multiple channels. it's confusing. Also allows someone like me to possibly miss something not.

If you hit subscribe and notification, you'll get notified um, due to the fact I'm not subbed to it, then sub, then sub to the channel. It takes two seconds of your time to sub to a channel I don't understand. Um, it's it's You know if you want everything and you're not, you know if you want to see all my content. I don't know why.

Clicking subscriber my second channel is a big deal and my Ev Discover channel is a big deal. takes two seconds. See, The problem with dumping everything on my main channel is because I put a lot of what I think is useful or just you know information or just something that I want to share with everyone. And there's some people who want to watch it and some people who don't and it's not polished.

It might even be a single take. I just throw it on the second channel. I don't want to pollute my main channel with just like because I could like put a couple of videos a day on my main channel. If I really, you know if I really tried, you know, just a five minute video single take video here and there.

Everything it gets spewed onto the main channel. So I I kind of like the separation that the main channel is for like polish content. I've put a decent amount of work in. I've gone through my two-step editing process to get it down and it's You know it's it's worthy of going on the main channel.
The second channel is just meh. Whatever, you might get a financial video, you might get a a real estate video, You might get a A Life Tips video. You might get, uh, just you know, something. It's just something I found in the dumpster.

but you know, I couldn't be bothered putting on the main channels. A lot of my dumpster stuff's on the second channel. Just saying. Anyway, thank you for everyone who has, uh, put a comment in here.

Didn't know Eev Discover existed. You know? Thank you everyone! Ev hack Ev Hacks Dumpster Hack channel with Ben Heck, it's still there. It's got 10 000 subscribers. Subscribe to the Eevee Dumpster Hack The Dumpster Hack channel.

For those who don't know, I'm not going to explain, it's great. Ten thousand. I think it's probably the only channel in the world with ten thousand subscribers and zero videos. Please subscribe to the Zero Channel Zero video.

Channel One might magically appear one day. Who knows. So anyway, thank you to everyone who, uh, went to the effort to give a response in the survey. It's very much appreciated.

Very interesting content. If you want me to put like and download some Excel data or something like a country list or something like that, leave it in the comments. I might be able to do that. I can extract all this.

And yes, I will do a live stream on my Eevee blog 2 channel in the next couple of days. maybe of drawing um, the four meters that I'm giving off for instruments that I'm giving away for, um, all the responders. So yeah, and I will also read all the Um content. There is a freeform content down here.

I will download them all. and uh, yep. keep up the good work. 42 Mean it? Alive.

There you go. Um, so yeah. 2293 people left me a note so I will read. I seriously, I will read them all.

That's you know, I'm dedicated. Nothing better to do my content Dave. Anyway, thank you to everyone who went to the effort to do that. Much appreciated.

Hope you enjoyed it if you did. Thumbs up! Discuss down below. Catch you next time.

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30 thoughts on “Eevblog survey results – 2021”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael O says:

    Never stop the debunking videos. In this day and age we need far more people doing this.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ZomB1986 says:

    As for the PCB design & manufacturing dilemma: It doesn't hurt to tell/teach more of the same. Don't think you don;'t have to teach something because it's already explained in an older video. It may have been mentioned in passing in that video, or viewers don't want to go out of their way to watch older videos when they're here for new content. That said, even I want to watch every PCB project regardless because it's just fun to watch, even if the same concepts are explained over and over, as long as the project in question is different.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lance moore says:

    The first time he hovered over the EEVacademy piece of the pie, I mistakenly saw "EEVasectomy". Don't believe I could watch that channel…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mysiak says:

    @EEvblog – Ideas for next series

    Transistor basics series – CE,CB,CC transistor circuits +theory + measurements + application when to use those. Applications in RF, high power, switching, audio amps, mixers, …

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mysiak says:

    @EEvblog – Ideas for next series

    RF basics series – e.g. active filter design RF transformers, PCB design tips for highspeed/RF, testing filters, mixers, tips & tricks how to use the scope&RF generators to do tests, impedance matching circuits & theory & measurements, reflections & how to diagnose those, VNA measurements, mixers, multipliers, high power RF, recommendation for black magic RF tricks

    ideally a complete serie for not trivial circuit (2 versions – 1. to make horrible things when there are many reflections and it's not stable 2. when everything is perfect and backed by theory and measurements to see the difference)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Brazier says:

    I was hoping floaty Dave head would float randomly over the screen.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kolby4078 says:

    You can always re-do the basic design and tutorial type vids, not only because you make better videos now but its the kind of content that's always worth re watching over and over as you need it.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Pietrzak says:

    Políciais canadenses prendem mãe na frente dos filhos por passaporte de vacina

    veja no odysee


    you are crazy ppl … melburn … do not compl

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JanicekTrnecka says:

    Floating Dave head is a bit spooky, but pretty appropriate for this video!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerther says:

    Well as for the eclectic mix of content, along with electronics repair and builds, Ben Heck does cooking and junk food reviews… XD

    Let's see Dave cook and eat some corn dogs! 😀

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars klaatu barada says:

    The people who didn't want to complain may also include those who didn't think it would be taken seriously. You shouldn't try to guess at why people didn't bother. They survey doesn't capture it. You certainly can't conclude with any confidence those that didn't respond are completely happy. Maybe those that cared may have thought suggesting more of the content they prefer would mean less of what they don't like and just gave positive feedback.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Willy Nebula says:

    This is the first time hearing about a survey dave. 😧 i would have done it if i had known… It's interesting how you only got a third of the previous participants this time around.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Santa Clause says:

    telling people not to complain on the internet lmao, ok then boomer.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Schiegg says:

    I would really like to know if a product is australian.
    So I can avoid it because of the government and police behaviour over covid.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bobthetrashcollector says:

    I like that we can follow your gaze to which part of the screen you're looking at, Ghost Dave.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LysisofPie says:

    Interest in PCB design and manufacturing has really grown over the past few years due to acessibility. While it's good to keep us (your current audience happy), I suspect videos of this category would bring in new subscribers (hence the increase in interest!).. of course, this is just my own conjecture.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kioshiki says:

    Maybe an idea for using multiple channels is to use the text post feature in the main channel to let people know about new videos in the others channels like the academy one that I assume would be polished videos.

    Maybe not for quick unpolished videos on the 2nd channel etc.

    The idea then is someone could manually check or have notifications on just the main channel and see when new "main" videos are in other channels.

    Not sure how the almighty algorithm would take that though 😆

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Subin Roy says:

    As an Indian, I am sure repair is probably popular due to Indian viewers😀. We tend to repair most of the stuff here.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Les says:

    great, now I'm going to have nightmares about Floating Dave Head.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drew Keating says:

    Sorry I didn't vote. I totally would have if I knew there was a survey.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lvx Leather says:

    I think we need to audit the survey, I think it's rigged, there's no way floating Dave head won.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael A. Covington says:

    The good thing about your debunking videos is that they are so thorough. Often, I can already see why something can't work, but you point out all the reasons it can't work.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rutger de Jong says:

    Why do you even ask for a customer feedback and then say 'na I doing it my way anyway'. I won't fill out anymore questionaires, whats the point ?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XANi says:

    If most people don't mind multiple channels… yet don't subscibe to them that still is missed opportunity

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Begly Fun and Tech says:

    YouTube was rolling out an improved playlist setup (called "Series Playlists") where there is a link right by the video name to the series playlist. It isn't available for all creators yet, but you might want to talk to your YouTube contact and see if you can get it enabled for your channel. The only requirement is that each video can be in only 1 series playlist.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arturs Mihelsons says:

    I enjoyed results – I started to watch the video and in the half noticed time.. Can't stop watching. Take a phone to bathroom, put near shower and tested Bluetooth headphones for compatibility with marking IP67.. 😂 They survived..

    Thanks for effort, Dave! 👍

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jannie Kirsten says:

    Haha, I think I was the "Keep one channel but use playlists" response 🙂

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jannie Kirsten says:

    PLEASE keep the playlists! I use them to track which videos of yours I've watched. And it helps me discover more videos! Please keep it going!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jannie Kirsten says:

    Dave, your opamp video shows in my feed literally permanently. I really think Youtube wants me to watch it. I will as soon as I get to my opamp projects.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bradley morgan says:

    The floating head thing is certainly unusual, but i find it helps direct attention when you look left and right

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