Another Indiegogo marketing takedown.
Kara Pure raised $1M for a water-from-air dessicant dehumidifier that costs US$1800 uses a $20 alkaline mineral filter to give you tasty filtered water for the cost only 1400Wh/day in energy, at best.
So dumb it hurts.
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#ElectronicsCreators #Indiegogo #Marketing

Hi, It's indiegogo time again. And yes, it's water from air. you remember, um, previously we've done the fontes. Of course we've done the uh Water Seer which uh, popular science actually are promoted.

I'll link these videos in. And of course, Fontes went bankrupt. And of course, Thunderfoots also covered uh, water from air devices including the fontes. and uh, including the uh, this Zero Mass Water one.

Um, here which is like both of these are the Fontes and the Zero Mass Water. These are both like solar powered systems, their dehumidifiers. They extract water from the air from the humidity in the air. and yes, these things are real.

And yes, these things work. in fact. um, they're called atmospheric water generators. Here it is here.

and there's two major types. There's uh, compressor types that uses like a regular compressor, uh based system. and there's the other major type is the desiccant based system which uses uh, those little desiccant satchels you know, do not eat, um thing. they use those and they heat those up and you can actually extract the moisture uh from that way.

And they both have their pros and cons. But here we go. We have a one million dollar indiegogo campaign. The Cara Pure make pure water from the air.

10 liters of fresh drinking water daily. They have to say it's the world's first air-to-water dispenser of mineralized alkaline water, because of course, this is nothing new. Here's a company here that make them perfect for your life. Here you go: Future of water Air to water technology.

Mobile H2o generator pulls drinking water from air for off-grid nomads. The water gen you know sits in the back of your ute or whatever generates 20 liters of drinking water per day. and um, it only takes or 350 watts that produces noise level of like 52 dba. So yes, these things are real.

So this is not a debunking video. These things are real. You can extract water from the air, but it's just an incredibly dumb way to get water. I don't know how 620 people were convinced that this was a good idea to spend.

Not 599 us dollars. Oh no, that's only an installment plan. No, no, no, the full one is 1800 us dolls or a bargain. It's normally 3500 48 off a million Aussie bucks.

622 people backed this thing and here it is like it's a funky looking, um, extract water from the air. But one of them. as you'll see, one of the main selling points of this is that it's filtered water, not just filtered. It's high ph oh alkaline and then filtered through special minerals and things to give you extra minerally seven mineral enriched um, 9.2 plus ph water.

And it can do 10 liters per day or so they claim. And it's a real thing. The real prototypes is producing real water and they'll probably deliver the thing unless they got you know, production hiccups or whatever. So this is not a debunking.

This is like just going through why you would want to do this. It's just it's just dumb. So let's have a quick listen. Hi My name is Cody Sardine.
I'm an architect and I'm passionate about bringing clean drinking water to the world. The world is facing droughts, bacteria outbreak, just poor infrastructure. Our groundwater is just contaminated or depleted. It's a big deal.

We need to find a new way to provide drinking water to people around the world who really need it. so that's a noble goal. You certainly can't fault him for that. We do have, uh, like, water crises in many parts of the world.

It is like a real big deal. People die, countless people die from not having access to fresh water. But something tells me you're not gonna solve those problems by selling a 1800 buck us or 3500 retail um, drinking fountain to extract water from the air. I don't think that's going to do it.

Carp here is a water dispenser that can make up to 10 liters per day of drinking water straight from the air. It has looks happy in 9.2 Alkaline environment can reduce the acidity in your body and most bacterias can't live in an alkaline environment. It's one of the best water qualities that you'll find anywhere. By using Car Pure, you'll reduce the amount of plastic water bottles that you use in your home.

Car Pure uses something called the desiccant. It's like a volcanic rock and it naturally can capture water from the air. There's other technologies out there that use refrigerants like what's in your refrigerator to cool the air, and it's really, really bad for the environment. and it's just really clunky and loud and it's not a very practical solution for your home.

The technology that we have in Car Pure is silent, and it's naturally better for the environment because it's a natural component. It's a water dispenser that looks like a fan humidifier and also a strong dehumidifier soft package into one really beautifully designed product. As an architect, design is really important to me, so Car Pure is for anyone who just really wants to know that their drinking water is safe, people who have bacteria in their well, who live in a drought-stricken area, or just have really really bad city water that they just can't stand. People who have seen this are just super excited to understand that this isn't a science fiction technology, it's a real thing, and that we can bring local drinking water to people all over the world right in their home.

So as you saw, pretty slick campaign so you can see why 620 backers were, um, sufficiently convinced that this thing's so fantastic that they absolutely need it. So of course this is just a desiccant dehumidifier with a mineral filter on it and a carbon filter. as we'll see in a minute, something like these: these are 10 liter per day desiccant dehumidifiers and of course, um, they chew power. And herein lies the problem.

And of course, one of the big things is up to 10 liters per day. Of course, it depends upon the humidity level, the temperature, and everything else. and we won't go into the details of that. I don't care.
I'm going to assume that this thing takes 10 liters per day. Um, Thunderfoot's done like many like calculations of that sort of stuff. and I've done over here on my Fontes video. It's the latent heat equation.

It's like the absolute minimum amount of energy you need to get a liter of water extract from the air. And I've done the calculation here and it. I got that wrong. I think that's 90 percent humidity.

Anyway, it turns out you need a minimum and 250 watt hours per liter to get that sort of stuff out. So um, how much energy does this Cara Pure consume? Well, he tells us how much energy do you need to produce the water? So it's about, uh, 1.4 kilowatts per liter? That should be kilowatt hours. So he says 14 kilowatt hours? Basically per day. So you're using 14 kilowatt hours per day of energy to produce your 10 liters of water.

And that's using his numbers. And I'm sure they're like Best Case of course. But like, I'm sure a ton of these backers are going to get this unit. and it's going to produce nowhere near 10 liters of water.

And to be fair, they readily admit that, right? It's going to change depending on your Cir, your Geo location, and your humidity levels, your temperature, and all sorts of factors. Um, come into play, right? But let's assume 10 liters per water per day for your 14 kilowatt hours? 14 kilowatt hours? Hmm, that sounds like a lot. Let's check my energy consumption for the fifth of February our consumption. We didn't use a huge amount of energy that day.

Yellow is, uh, the solar production as you can see very cloudy day and we didn't chew a lot. But you know, typical, like evening time. you know we're cooking and we're doing, or you know, using like four four kilowatts or something like that. Um, peak.

and we used a total of coincidentally kilowatt hours per day. So am I gonna spend seven, eighteen hundred us dollars for this machine? So am I gonna double or add like a third of consumption per day just so I can get 10 liters of water from the air? Maybe if I'm lucky, it could be one tenth of that. Could be an order of magnitude less than that. Now here's a pro tip.

Okay, when you buy one of these things, you're typically going to use it in a house. And houses usually have this thing over here. See it, You see it. Look, look, look, it's called a tap and you already are paying for the infrastructure to have this water plumbed to your house.

How much are you paying well here in Sydney? Uh, we pay our consumption. There's a service connection charge of course. Um, but we have a consumption charge 2.38 for a this is Aussie. For a kiloliter a thousand liters? That's about point two.

Four cents per liter. Hmm. So how much is the car pure going to cost you in equivalent Aussie dollars? Remember, it's point Two cents that I'm currently paying for my water that comes out of the tap. Uh, works out to about 35 cents per liter.
That's like 175 times more. You're talking more than two orders of magnitude more you're paying for your drinking water. Why? Not only that, though, Like, why would you want to consume more energy like you know a lot of people have solar. If you're in a remote community or something like that, you know you don't have solar power to just piss away.

Or you don't have wind power just to piss away right on making your water. It's just. it's just nuts. It's the most inefficient way by orders of magnitude.

Not even close. several orders of magnitude worse than just any other method of getting your water Like you can put it on a fill up a truck, drive it right across Australia from one side to the other. It is still be cheaper to deliver the water that way than it would be to use one of these. So here's a video doing a walkthrough of it and we can have a look at the internals of it and it's got like a large particle uh, filter at the back, that's the 10 liter tank stainless steel.

that looks a bit nice. There is the desiccant dehumidifier. It'll have a large fan in the back of it so I don't know how they can claim is silent. I don't even think they have any like uh db uh figures there.

So yeah, unlike other dehumidifiers, they will actually give you high low mode 38 Dbi high mode 49 Dba stuff like that and as the air is pulled in through the back, it'll go through the unit that makes the water and it gets exhausted out the side. Hot air comes out. Talk about that in a minute. Ta-da We have a filter.

Here is their mineral filter. Hmm, I wonder if we can find this? So remember how I said Like most of the marketing, this is all about how good it tastes and how wonderful alkaline water. High ph. and here they go.

It adds natural minerals to the water. Calcium, Magnesium, Lithium, Zinc, Selenium, Strontium. What? Metasilic acid? Okay, delivers healthy alkaline water. blah blah blah.

They compare it with all these other wanky uh brand uh, bottled waters on the market, right? Fair enough. if you're into your bottled water, this thing might technically be cheaper, but like you don't need this machine to get it because look here it is. Here's the actual filter they use. This is exactly the same one.

They cost 20 us dollars each looking by two 15 bucks each in 500 quantities. So that's what they're paying for. If they're getting 2 000 pieces, they're only paying 10 bucks. And there it is.

It's exactly the same filter. Elk. Plus it's exactly the same thing. So yeah, it's got all these little mineral beads and stuff in there.

that's their wing whiz-bang technology is to just buy this out plus filter from whoever makes it in wherever in China I don't know. and then the other side over here. and here it is here. and uh, some people on uh, twitter helped me.
uh like decode? um this what it is here and uh, thank you very much Will Huang? Here we go. Um, it's like it turns out it's a Korean brand by the looks of it. Um, and it's a silver act. It could be.

We don't know whether or not. silver activator this seems to be some mention of silver in there, but anyway, it's basically it's just a generic um brand inline carbon filter and it says rear activated carbon filter, etc. etc. Thank you very much for the uh translation.

So it looks like all they got inside this thing is those two filters. They've got the mineral filter and they've got a lousy single stage filter. I mean, that's as basic as it gets. You can buy these filters for next to nothing.

So here's an Australian company that has water filters for your tap. You install them under the tap. We've got one at home that does vastly better than this. So you can get like just a single stage under sink filter.

These are Aussie uh dollars. You can get a much cheaper and these are like a real like a decent uh brand decent company. And you can also get someone, uh, like, much cheaper than this system to not only install this system, but come out, service it and replace the filters every year for you. Cheaper than vastly cheaper order of magnitude or more cheaper.

Several orders of magnitude cheaper than you get with this Cara Pure system. It's just like it's a no-brainer Install one under your sink, they just don't use any power, they use the water pressure coming from the head of your mains and Bob's your uncle and you can get like a four-stage reverse osmosis filter with re-mineral re-mineralizer Um, a mineral filter just like the Cara Pure one. And you can argue all this brand mineral filter doesn't have selenium and zinc and this one doesn't. Whatever.

Okay, whoopty freaking do. Okay. You can get a re-mineralizer filter and a reverse a proper reverse osmosis force multi-stage filter which is vastly better than just the dinky little single inline filter which they want to charge you By the way. And let's see.

Oh yeah, thank you very much. 150 bucks for your extra filter and you can get your extended warranty as well. The only thing to go wrong with these is your mains water pressure. That's pretty much it all.

The physical connection comes loose. Install one of these under your sink and you get the same water at like several orders of magnitude less cost. Why would anyone want to extract this from the air? It's it's just so dumb. And yes, they met their stretch goal two hundred thousand.

They smashed that five times over. So you're going to get hot and cold water with this thing. So they have to, um, install an extra heater inside this thing and also, um, some sort of cooling system as well. Well, yeah, good luck with that now because this thing is, uh, consuming.
Uh, like roughly 14 kilowatt hours of energy per day to give you your hopefully you might get 10 liters of water out of, maybe not. could be an order of magnitude less. Who knows. Anyway, consuming a lot of power.

So uh, obviously it's going to generate heat. You've got a heater in your room. it's going to actually, um, and then you'll have to. If you're in a hot environment, you have to use pay extra on your aircon power to cool that.

um, down. Let's see what he has to say about this. Interesting. That was another question I had personally.

I was wondering if there's any kind of noise or any heat that's generated during the while the machine is on. That's a good question. So in earlier generations, one of the big hurdles we had to overcome was it does generate heat. So we were like, how do we prevent this from warming up the space So we spent a lot of time engineering some.

like increasing the airflow so that air will just cool it as it comes out because it hits the air twice? Essentially, So I we used to have an issue with the heat and now I don't. I could stand right next to it and it's like a slightly warm air. So we really overcame that hurdle with a lot of R D and engineering to prevent heat from building up and also just being cooled before it comes out. Magic.

Just by putting in all this extra R D effort, you can magically make that heat and disappear. Uh-uh sorry, it doesn't work like that. In this house, we obey the laws of thermodynamics. Oh look, it's featured everywhere.

And oh, there's our team. Look, I have no idea who they are. Um, and uh yeah, I'm sure. Look, they'll probably deliver something.

As I said, if they don't go bust and it'll like, it'll work, It's It's nothing complicated here. It's a dehumidifier. To put enough energy into it, you're going to extract some water out of the air. How much you get? that depends on you know all sorts of factors.

as I said, but um, yeah like and the filters are just the regular filters you just buy here. If you want, you can go buy the exact same tasty filter. Here it is, I'll link it in down below. If you want to go buy this filter and you just wire it in line with whatever um, you know system that you want to buy these under sink systems and it doesn't use any electrical energy at all.

it just uses the water pressure head. So you do get like a slower thing so it takes water head energy to push it through. uh, the filter. but install one of these under your sink.

We've got one. I hope you just turn the tap on and there it is. There's your Beautiful. if you want it mineralized, you add whatever mineral filter ph level wankery you want anyway.

that's what good marketing can do. So good luck to Cara Pure and um, I hope they actually deliver and I hope their backers actually get something for their 1800 bucks. But this is a good example of when you go to Kickstarter and you see a fancy product like this. just put on your thinking cap and go well.
can I actually already get this somewhere existing? And yeah, the only thing this does well is filters. Well, it doesn't even do that because as I said, it's only a single stage carbon filter here. That's it. Um, it's not even a multi-stage filter.

So in terms of filtering, it's just the equivalent of like one of these. like single stage filters. And they're They're okay. I mean, you know there's nothing wrong with them.

But like you know, it's not some whiz bang magical thing. it's just unbelievable. So this certainly is not going to solve the uh, water crisis in the Third world or any remote, uh, location or anything like that you can. You know you can just get like if you just capture the rain water put into a giant tank and you can buy like just a hand pumped uh filter you can get.

you know one of those like just those life story things in fact, like you can get these like high volume, uh, purifiers and stuff like this that you know if you're in a remote location or something, a remote property, you know you'll have your big, you know, 200 000 liter water tank or whatever and you can, um, just like you don't need any power, you whack these in here and you can pump them, um, through the filter and they last for like you know, thousands of liters. Um, the filters in these things. So I do. Yeah, there's just like there's so many options.

the absolute last option you want to use is to piss away 14 kilowatt hours of energy to hopefully get a couple of liters. Or maybe if you're lucky, you'll get your 10 liters of magic. Um, pure drinking water anyway. Ah, come on, come on.

No, please just put your thinking cap on before you hand over your hard-earned money to some slick marketing campaign on indiegogo. Anyway, if you found that interesting, give it a big thumbs up. As always, discuss down below: catch you next time you.

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20 thoughts on “Eevblog 1454 – water from air again! – the kara pure”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dante integra says:

    This product is for transgender, clueless about science people from 1st world. If you go to Africa and tell them to pay 2000$ dollars about this thing they will just laugh at you and probably eat you.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 0x07AF says:

    Wow, persistent buggers. As if you and Thunderf00t haven't destroyed the claims behind this same bunk science enough already.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Aragorn says:

    I don't know what you're talking about – this is perfect for someone who wants clean water and a cure to heavy wallet syndrome.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars der.Schtefan says:

    Not sure they need more than their simple filter though, if they capture the water from air humidity. I guess their product has the niche application of remote locations without water access, but plenty of wind/solar + battery storage.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pooster Rooster says:

    I just don't get this idea ever. It's marketed at affluents. So you're gonna pull 10l of water out of your house to drink but then your house is going to be dry as all hell. So then you have a humidifier hooked to your central air system. So you're going to pump water into your house just to be taken out so you can drink it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OffGrid Aussie Prepper™ says:

    Hi Dave, I need help… can u help me find a compatible schotky Diode and supplier for a solar panel repair that I cannot seem to find a replacement for. cheers m8.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Biggar says:

    Cool, an expensive and energy intensive way to get drinking water from humid air. PERFECT for poor people living in areas with dry climates…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Wilson says:

    This would take over 900 years of daily use before it starts to pay itself off. And that's not including the cost of energy to power it. How terrible.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Bennett says:

    If the air has low or no humidity, you will be waiting a very long time to get even a liter of water.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan Coomer says:

    at a buffet, i personally sneak corndogs into the buffet so others can enjoy them. I hide 6 corndogs in my jacket pockets. it then, is a joy for me to see other patrons of the establishment eat my corndogs thinking they were part of the buffet.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1-888-IM-TELLN says:

    Also if you're using this in your house pretty sure you're going to be drinking some of your toilet water that's been evaporated and filtered…. So yeah, sounds like a bad plan.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheCrossroads09 says:

    You could build a whole channel based on these slick marketing campaigns that try and sell these so called revolutionary products.
    The only up side is that you keep the 'precious' economy moving and you get 'good feels'.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hxhdfj ifzir st c says:

    There's the same amount of water on Earth as there always has been. It constantly recycles itself by condensation, evaporation, clouds, rain, snow, ice, rivers, etc. It never goes away.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hxhdfj ifzir st c says:

    I got a used portable air conditioner for about $70 and that thing generates more than 1 liter PER HOUR. If I leave it on all day, it will fill up a 5 gallon bucket (19 liters). Plus, IT COOLS THE HOUSE, BRO. SEVENTY DOLL HAIRS. GODDAM. Wait 'til they find out that WATER comes out of the goddam faucet, ON DEMAND.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deathicael says:

    you know in places with high humidity you can just get water from the air using a tarp weighted with a rock in the center

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars toshineon says:

    Just wanna say, after many years of watching your channel, I think you may have had some influence on me. I just bit the bullet and applied to an education to hopefully become an electrician. It's gonna be a long journey if I get accepted, but I'm excited.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Hansen says:

    So how does this help 3rd world countries if they have dirty power, or no reliable power. Its not made for rugged use.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike says:

    A rain barrel is all you need in Florida. Heck I can dig 3 feet in the ground and find ground water.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RickMakes says:

    That would be great for people who have bacteria in their well… at least until they invent boiling water. 🤦‍♂

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars volvo09 says:

    How am I going to launder this money?
    Ahh!! I'll create a wacky indiegogo and my peers can funnel money into it.

    Oh no! Crap! People actually believe it! We have to make some of these dehumidifiers now!

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