XMAS Mailbag featuring Mrs EEVblog, Sagan, and Huxley!
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RF Antenna
DigitalCool PCB Coaster: https://www.tindie.com/stores/digitalcool/
Neon photos from a future Indian EE
Casio OH-7000G overhead projector calculator
Trevor's Bench https://www.youtube.com/c/TrevorsBench
Circuit Mess Nibble STEM kit: https://circuitmess.com/nibble/
kWh meter
Spotty solder paste dispenser: https://avdweb.nl/tech-tips/pcb/solder-paste-dispenser
1980's Appliance control from your phone
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#ElectronicsCreators #Mailbag #XMAS

Hi welcome to everyone's favorite segment. Mailbag by popular request. I'm here with the family in front of the Christmas tree. The lovely Mrs.

Eev blog the Christmas Say hi, hello, Say again, hi, It's Huxley. Hi, don't forget the Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is here too. Christmas tree too.

All right, Huxley! Voted to open first. Yeah, yeah. Which one do you want to open? Which one? Choose any of these. Any of these, All right.

So who's that from? Can you read that? Because I can't. It's a bit small. This one is from circuit mess. circuit mess.

All right. Can you rip that open hux? Or do you want a safety knife? Try and rip it open first and if it doesn't work, I'll use it. Okay, okay. Classical actually got another layer of packaging.

There's a second layer of packaging. Yeah. Oh, this guy's gone to Subway. This person's going to somewhere.

How many? Definitely some kind of circuit kit. Ah, lots of things. Actually, lots of stuff. It's a lot of stuff actually.

Look, stickers, stickers. That's mine. I'm evil. Look.

Oh what is that? It's so called a gay controller. It's got batteries. Is it Nintendo? It looks like a Nintendo. There we go.

It's a one of those do-it-yourself game controller things. I've seen those before, but not like, yeah, yeah, yeah. you do have one. It's build and called your own game console.

Wow, does that sound like fun? Yeah, I'm doing that lemonade. I'm doing that. Ah, love the shirt. Burn them all.

So thank you very much Circuit Mess. We have a um, do-it-yourself game console. so that's a kit so you can see that's mine so you can solder that dude. Yeah, yes, you're going to sell them all, right? We're going to do this in the holidays.

Thank you very much. Stickers Another one you've been. You're just being greedy now. Oh wow.

He's strong. Huxley is strong. Oh, look at it. Go hux.

I wonder what's inside and there's another one. Look, we're gonna have to cut this tape open. Okay, what does Timmy said? Oh Candy Turn. Oh Classic Tandy Electronics worldwide supermarket of sound.

Oh wow. look at that and there's a photo. Wow, it's an inflation. That's great.

Oh yes, Tim. does everyone remember Tim with the mustache? Oh, and there's a um when he visited the lab and there's some some sort of kitten ahoy Dave. In case the obverse doesn't make it obvious, going for a second sucker, the Sav it is indeed. And too cheap to even buy you a postcard.

Found this guy a few years back in an Op shop. Never got around to sending and it got lost in the junk mail until now. Looks like Centron were based in Technology Park here in Perth, so hopefully I get bonus points for waving the Wa flag. What is it? No, not.

It's like it's like power damping and phone activated switch turns. Electro electrical appliances on my telephone. My telephone. Ah, fancy pantsy? No, no, that's new.

Beach Ball. we don't have one of those. We? you had one did you? When in the 80s? Yes, it's a Tandy Beach ball. We'll take it to the beach this summer.
Yeah, we're out of beach balls. We're a hundred percent out of Bell. We used to hang them up in the chat. Oh yeah, that's right over here.

Mrs. Evblog is correct. They did. used to hang them up in the shops.

Seven Hills. Yep. A Tandy. Seventy Dollars wants to open this package.

How about Sagan? Sagan has an Open one. Oh, this has been opened by Cbsa Canada Border Services. Oh Canada Border Services Agency Canada. I guess I'm doing the next one as well.

Wait what? This type? There's glue. Oh there it is. glued. Yeah it is.

Oh sorry. Who was this from from Trevor? I can't pronounce that. I'm sorry if I'm fantastic. This is wrong marker.

Shakai I think Marco from Canada from Canada. What's that? Oh oh oh. Accidentally cut through. Oh look at this.

Popular electronics. Wow. Check that out. That is.

That is great. I'm writing that already. Oh in cells. Yeah and something in here.

What do we got? It's a calculator. It's a calculator. But why can you see through the screen? You've probably never used one of these at school. Why? Why can you see through the screen like that? Double ended ones? Maybe.

No. What would be the advantage of being able to see through the screen? Oh, so you can type in numbers while you look at your page or something? No, it's actually for a teacher? No. So they can type into others and see the students. What if you show the light through the back here? What could you do out the front? No, you've never used one projector projector.

Mrs. Eev blog gets it. Projector: Yes, it's a projector. Do you guys have overhead projectors? That's cool.

Trev's Bench. So I'll link in Trev's Bench Youtube channel down below. Check it out. Um, have recently achieved a thousand subscribers.

Actually give it a thumbs up. Thumbs up for a thousand subscribers? Yeah, thumbs up for 1k. Good job. Well done.

Awesome! This one looks small. That one looks small. Well, you're small. Would you like to open it? You notice Mrs.

Evblog is wearing the merch. I only give negative feet. They do come in girl versions available on the merch store. Uh, where does it say? Is it a good shirt? You You wear it recently often, right? Yeah, sometimes.

Yeah. Why? Sometimes she means and never accepts her in the table. No, she does. Albert Van Gaal Van Damen from the Netherlands.

Albert. Thank you. Hi to all my viewers in the Netherlands. The nether agents covered it with sticky tape.

It's sticky. Sticky tape is tricky. Snippy tape. Is that a new type of trademark? Yeah.

You can get a trademark on that Huxley Snippy tape. Sniffy taste what's in here? Hux. Lots of bits, bits and pieces. Oh some these look like horns that looks like a syringe pen.
Yes, it does. No, No no, no, it's actually a syringe for what are we doing? Is it a paste dispenser? Yes. Hi David. Here's my solder paste dispenser that I've developed.

Can you look at it if you have time? Cool. Thank you very much. We will look at the solder paste dispenser. Oh, there's the board.

There we go. look at that. So we've got a little surface mount board. Have we got a stencil? Is there a surface mount stencil? Is there? Like a little stainless steel stencil or anything? Nope.

No. Oh okay. there you go. Oh there there you go.

Is that 3d printed? Or is that is that 3d printed? You think I know 3d print when I see one? If it is 3d print, that is very good. Three, it's very good. Mmm. Okay so we'll have a close-up squish it that.

Oh, got some paste in there as well. Okay, so we'll have a go with the solder paste dispenser. Awesome. That looks good.

Okay, where's the next one so you can open it? Mummy opens the next one. I have three. Same had one. Mommy is having one.

Okay so this is they open the floor right. see what It's Brooks in Tapanui? Sounds New Zealand? Yes, New Zealand New Zealand. Hi to my viewers in New Zealand. She knows her geography.

Yes, well. we've been there. Have we been to Tapanui? Is that North or South Island? I've never been to New Zealand. I don't remember going to Tapanui either.

Must be North Island. You guys working on so many places? Neither of you. No, neither of you have been to New Zealand. We'll have to go.

Yeah, yes, Thank you. What do we got? Don't don't read the note first. Don't read the notes. No notes or spoilers.

We don't read notes first here. but it's Christmas time and you read the notes before the present mode. Mummy's got to guess what it is. Oh true, that make sense, but it's still Christmas.

Oh wow. What is that? A bunch of Royals That's a bunch of wires on a soccer ball? There we go. So that looks like, uh, let daddy see if he knows it's it's not audio. It's got big power.

It's got four big power resistors on it. so I'm gonna say it's some sort of. It's got an Lm3, a couple of Lm384s, and I can't read the other chip. It's got two switches.

it's got that'll be power. Yeah, right. And it's got a pot and something. It controls something.

It's some sort of controller for the aisle controller. I don't know. Maybe. Uh no.

There's no power transistor on there, so it's not like a some sort of heater controller or anything like that. No, some sort of controller for something. What is it? Mummy, Hi Dave. I thought this might be right up your alley.

Uh, managed dairy Farms for 25 years? Let's make some. There are many different makes and models of these on the market. The device this circuit is out of is that. oh, I think it's a.

oh, it's removed from something. Is it? No, No. It's um. a power source to immobilize a cow.
Power source. To immobilize a cow. It's a power source twin. That's a first on the Env block.

That's the first. That's not exactly what it says, it says. It amazes me how simple 12 volt Dc power source can be made to calmly immobilize a half-ton animal. It would be awesome if you could explain what's going on and how it works, but maybe leave out the demonstration.

Yes, Well, I think sourcing a cow might be a bit difficult. What do you think? We tested on Huxley? Yeah, well. I've got some postcards. This is a postcard from Goliad in Pittsburgh, Uh.

Pennsylvania. Oh oh, I've been trumped. I've been Trump. I've been Donald Trump.

All right. I've been Donald Trump. He got drunk. Oh my God.

it's a fast again. Okay, who's that one from Mrs. Evie? Oz from Wa. Mozzie Oz.

Well open up Mozzie. Odds I'll open it. Somebody's Oh thank you. Yep, there you go because it's a running joke.

My gray hair in the light on the uh on the camera at the lab is thank you. Somebody's ordered black provides you dark and shiny hair. Oh not shiny hair. Shiny hair.

Dark and shiny hair. So somebody wants me to diamond. Is it dye? It says shampoo? Is it? It's just shampoo for dark hair. I have dark hair.

Thank you very much. Yes, let's open this one. It's already open. If you're gonna send me something, you have to send it to mailbag.

Otherwise I'm gonna think it's to me personally. So who's that from Elsa? Charles and Elsa? Elsa and Elsa. Elsa. Is that like in Frozen? Yep.

Big Bad Pit. Big fan here. Oh what have we got? Huxley? Can you read that in a nice loud voice? Nice and loud. Hi Dave.

These tiny antennas came from a Telstra module. It has six from memory, similar to free hair. They have some lovely courses teflon and teflon insulated by the feel of it, and a gold plated miniature connectors look superb. Could you explain though? in intricacies? Interesting? Oh, that's a big word.

Actually in designing these antennas, please do. Does the context collapse, coax length have a failing on their performance? Oh, not that it matters to me. I'm a retired Dc2 and one one Megahertz Hobbyist challenge? I get it. Retired Retired Dc.

One Megahertz hobbyist. I get it. Awesome. We will have a look at the antenna.

Thank you very much. What's next? This one, Oh, another letter. Yeah, it's a mailbag. Um, it's from India, Hi to all my viewers in India.

Wow. India can get many from India. Um, so this is the Euv blog? Come on, come on. can she pronounce better? Jagger? Nothing.

Is it a postcard? No. Oh it's a oh well. no. a photo.

I guess it's taking photos of neon bulbs. Look at that. That's very artistic. Is it not? Mummy.

Even more Wow. Some more view and alternating. Wow. They're really nice.
I like those wow that looks really really Schmidt. Those are good. Yeah, I do admit they are nuts and they see beautiful western cats. That's just I think how you pronounce it.

Very nice. Thank you very much postcards. and oh and a panorama. and that's the Western ghats as well.

Yes, there we go. That is nice. Very nice. Thank you very much.

I will read the note out later on the bench. Which country is that? Australia? Austria? Not Australia? Not Australia. I have a funny tale about Australia and Austria on the internet. So I was studying into this coding website called Scratch that I used to use a lot to match my games and stuff and right when I made my account accidentally instead of putting it in Australia, you put Austria well done.

And then I started getting messages from my friends on there saying wait, you live in you, you moved to Austria, You moved to Austria. I did not know and I'm like are you kidding me Is that tindy? Is that the first name or is that Tindy? As in like the store Tindy? I don't know what's in there. Oh god no no. You got to get between the bubble wrap.

Greedy Guts. Oh it's got a it's got a battery and some leads on top. There's circuit diagrams diagrams that's from Peter. thank you very much.

Oh and yeah, we've got a circuit diagram so we don't know what it is. Usage instructions. we will have a squish at that on the bench thank you very much. Okay, what does it do? Mummy yeah, it's this.

um, been watching. This badge shows the complete mrna sequence of the two most popular vaccines by in-tech Pfizer and Madonna. That is classic. It does so by blinking the nucleic bases coded by colors with a rechargeable cell on the back for endless use.

Endless use. So you can walk around with your badge flashing your maximum Dna sequence. Oh boy. Okay, that's the new one actually.

Perhaps who's this one from another one from Canada? Second sack of the save bubbles? Yeah, yeah. See if you can open that one. Hux, just just rip it apart. There we go.

What's that? Okay, it's a short little flip letter, short letter and some oh arty, crafty things. huh? Dave My name is Rydubo Boss long time viewer, first time mailbag sender. I've designed these Pcb coasters to help me out of my job. I welcome this as an electronics repair technician.

These have been very useful to me and these are my what color colleagues. I hope they are useful for you too. Pcb coasters as coasters. They are pretty slippery Cool.

Thank you Open One mommy! They're lovely packaging too. Thank you very much. Wait, don't completely tear that packaging. Oh, you want to keep the packaging? Okay, Oh, look at that.

That's fancy. All the different footprints look wow. Smt footprint reference guide. Well that's pretty schmick looking.

Check that out. Wow. Gold plated too all the different references and on the back. Yeah, even more.
Wow. Check it out. Oh wow. Can I actually keep these? I'm gonna.

I could actually need these. Oh yeah, yeah yeah, it's on his uh, Tindy store. Yep, yeah. excellent.

I'll link in his Tindy store down below that looks very cool. This is going to be useful for my knees. Yeah. Nine Science Electronics Exam.

Oh, this one's different. Yes, Oh, this one's different. There you go. That's got the schematic symbols.

Actually, that's pretty great. Okay, actually, I'm gonna take that test next year. Oh, there you go. Hugs.

I'm gonna need these next year. My luck. Electronics Science Tests. Okay, we've got some big boxes up next.

All right. I'm gonna cut this. I'm gonna be wrapping this one All right. You're grabbing that one.

Are you hooked? I'm gonna. Yeah, No, I am. Okay, fine. I'll do the bigger one.

I'm doing the Mega Ultra. Fix that one. I was gonna do that with the knife. I don't.

Okay hux, Yeah look this one is a safety knife where you don't have to retract the blade. So what you do is you stick it in here like this. Actually, who's it from Max? Button Max Button Max Bottom. New South Wales Australia Oh excellent.

Thank you very much Max. Okay, if we get now, pull it. Pull it the other side. It works.

There You go there. we go. Can you go down here too? Yeah I said easy. Watch out for two minutes.

Tear down. I need to get a bit medieval on this one. Medieval means I might have to really chop into it. Oh one moment has run out of the top camera.

Please wait a moment for maintenance. Oh man, what do we got? It's I got it. so it's I don't know what that is. Know that is out of an old.

that's an old Energy Australia that's a whatever that's kilowatt hour meter. Wow so that's your energy meter. That's your old school energy meter. Very cool.

Look at that. Electro mechanical. Wow. We also got this Energy Australia.

Also I don't know what it is. Oh yes that is a ripple control receiver so that that what they do is they send a signal out on the transmission lines that comes to your house and it's coated which turns on your hot water system at off peak times and stuff. So it turns off and on your hot water system. Yeah, so I saw it time certain times in the day.

Then it sends pulses through. Yep. Pulse taker. In basic words: the pulse stealer.

Cool. They're gonna be great. All right. Thank you very much.

Okay, wait wait daddy. I can cut this. I have my own knife. Hang on.

Actually, can you move to the side? please? I have my own knife to cut this All right. This one is from um, Kurzak who you may know Cz um, C-z-u-r Caesar Caesar. Uh, I'll cut drawn in about 10 years. Okay, well how about I use the real knife? Yeah, all right, she's protecting Huxley.

I am a professional. Ah, okay. let's have a look. Thank you very much Kurza for Caesar.
Um, I'll let you guys guess because I know what this is. Okay, maybe like some big computer or maybe engine. I gotta say oh okay. what a Oh, this is fancy fancy molded.

That's way too much. but then it's got to survive transport. So Usb cables, finger kites, foot pedal, a foot pedal, Camera button. A camera button.

We've got an unknown basket of wires. Wow. yes. A camera button.

A new disk of some rubber. What do you think that is Mrs. Evblog Microscope clothes. It's got lights, weight, side lights, sidelights.

scans things. It scans things, records things. Uh-huh. Well, there was a book over there.

There's something in there. There's should be nothing under the bottom there. We can use this as a big box for things. Mrs.

Eb vlog is correct. It's a scanner. It's a document scanner. Yeah, I've got the.

This was originally a Kickstarter and I backed the original Kickstarter way back six, seven years ago or something. It says it on the side scanner. Yeah, it's a document scanner. A smart document scanner.

It automatically. Um, you turn the pages it automatically. uh uh. flattens them out.

So if they're like if they're warped or whatever, it automatically flattens them. And um, yeah, it's very cool. So thank you very much. This is the upgraded jobby from the one I've got.

Looks a bit more fancy than mine, so yeah, thank you very much. We'll try that out at least now. We've got good storage. Yep, I'm turning this into a fortress.

A fortress. Yeah, you can't say though. I'm turning that into a fortress one day. And the foam? I reckon we can use the phone for something.

What do you think? Yep, Barricade Kids for my fortress packaging does not go to waste. With a 10 year old and a six year old, I painted that box into a fortress. Yeah, so that is invading. unfortunately with his minifig siege machines made out of that.

Wow, what a shotgun You go. have fun with that Hux. Hey thanks Hux! Good shot, all right. Um, we've got ready.

Two more afternoon. Two months. Put two more. Three more seconds.

You want to open that one. I'm opening. It's small. There's one more.

There's one more. There's one more for you. I'm pretty sure I know what this is. Give me hope.

Let's see this way. It's a multi-theater The worldy meter they've had Like third sucker, the Sam. um, K. Wheats.

However, you pronounce it. How would you pronounce that? They've done this. three K weeks, K weeks. They've said this three times and you haven't learned how to pronounce it.

No. Wow. Nope. There you go.

This guy is forgetting. Wait, Is that is that even a word? Forget of? No. No, it's not forgotten. Is the word forgotten? Is the word forgettative? I think we have to.

We need. Yep. Oh, nice case. Using that for something as well.
Catapult. Throw on. Yes. catapult.

Throw up. If you don't need that, I'll be. I'm using that as a catapult. Whoa.

No, it's not. No, it's it's a uh-huh I don't know you. I don't think you've ever used one of these, right? It's a client polluter. It's a clown actually.

So it measures. Um, yeah. it fits. Wait, what about it? Vine? No.

No. Wait. Cool. yeah.

A clamp meter. What you do is you put a wire through here. Okay, and when current flows through a wire, there's a magnetic field around it and it'll detect it. It will detect that and give you away.

Yeah. measurement. He gave me electron electrics? Yeah, yeah, we had a whiteboard, didn't we? We did a whiteboard lecture. I don't add the in Yes.

Ohms ohms. Yep and current is in. Starts with a Amps Amps. Thank you Samsung.

All right hacks. Give me a mate. Come here. Yeah.

Payback. Oh headshot, headshot. All right. All right.

Well thank you very much everyone for sending in your stuff to mailbag. We had fun with three dudes. Yes, yes, Ah got him. Got him well done.

Alright so hope everyone has a happy Christmas and what a mess! So I'm back in the lab now. We'll have a quick look at a few things here. Um just in random order to what we just opened there. Um, very nice photos and yes, I remember I'm sending a Bm235 um to a 16 year old in India and yeah, sure enough, he's used it for many uh, repair jobs, learnt many things.

He's 17 uh, now studying grade 12 and want to become an electrical electronics engineer like you. I want your suggestions on that. I am also thinking of applying to some colleges in Australia. Oh cool.

Okay, I don't know how that works in Australia in terms of like coming here as a student and stuff. Um, probably best to ask on the Eev blog forum. There's no doubt um, students, Ee students out there who've done it to actually come here and um, study a college in Australia. But unfortunately it's hard to offer like local advice because it's very specific.

Like India will have a very uh specific you know requirements for getting into a study in Ee degrees at colleges and things like that. Um, so I'm not sure how it all works. I do know that in India, um, electrical engineers are like highly respected. Um, there.

it's like a, you know it's a highly respected Um field. So yeah, highly recommended. But no, I'd say get on the Eev blog forum and um, talk about uh, coming to Australia. For Australian, colleges like Australia is a great place to come.

Um, but there's many other countries in the world. I guess it depends on your entry requirements and stuff like that. Which is like the easiest to get into but excellent Ee degree? Fantastic. Um, your videos informative like the Aussie accent of yours.

thank you very much so thank you very much. Um, Sayer is it Jagannath Nathanan? I'm sorry I'm butchering that uh from India? Fantastic! Great to hear of a youngster want to get into Ee. Fantastic! So just here's a closer up of these uh, Pcb coasters here. Digital Cool is the uh Tindy store so check that out if you want that.
That looks pretty comprehensive. I like that. We've got pin pictures packages. We've got uh voltage codes for electrolytic uh caps and stuff like that, and a nice uh schematic symbol reference as well linked in down below.

Thanks, Radu! So here's some little Pcb antennas. You have to get that black bloody, black solder mask. You have to get that in the right light there. Um, that's an unusual shape, isn't it? I haven't seen that before.

That's from the neck gear bit of kit. If anyone knows that particular shape, I haven't seen it end this one as well. Check that out. Um, so yeah, this is beyond my antenna, uh, knowledge.

My antenna knowledge is great. There's lots of antenna aficionados out there, but I haven't seen one and those shapes before. So there we go. You can see him from the bottom a bit better, but um, Charles asks like, does the length of the Coax matter for these antennas? Basically, No, it doesn't.

Um, you know, apart from some extra loss or whatever. But no, it doesn't matter from the performance aspect of it because the coax is a transmission line which will have a basically a flat response over you know, up to x amount of frequency that should easily cover, uh, the range of the antenna. So it's the shape of the antenna itself. So this is kind of like a dipole type arrangement.

So this one's actually, uh, rather interesting. Unlike just these ones which just have, um, like, an element going out this side and that side. So this is, I don't know, a fancy, arty, farty dipole. Um, I'll call that, there's a name for it, let me know.

But basically, yeah, we've got a dipole arrangement with one coming out here like this and like this. Um, why it's got this folded thing on the end here. I'm not sure that might be a physical constraint thing. and of course, they wanted to match the length on both sides.

So maybe they had a physical constraint. they had to fold it back there. so I'm not sure that that's actually doing anything else other than length matching. But anyway, the interesting thing about this is it.

Also, it's effectively shorted if you put a meter across the center conductor. and here you'll find that it's shorted out. And but of course, here, this is actually an inductor like this. a Pcb trace.

At a high enough frequency, it becomes an inductor. So I think what this is effectively doing here is just a little ballon. um, turn. I think so.

like a little, uh, ballon transformer kind of thing. But why it's needed on this? I I don't know. There's a lot of art and science which goes into antenna, uh, design. and yeah, I won't pretend to, uh, know all that sort of stuff.
But yeah, I think that's what's happening there. If anyone knows, uh, exactly. leave it in the comments down below. So here's this mrna flasher and Peter Selfie is on his tindy store.

uh, Linkedin down below an mrna. a vaccine badge rechargeable. Um, if you're into your uh, wearable badges and stuff like that, you wanna flash it. I'm sure it's accurate.

I have no doubt that it's accurate. I don't know how long it takes to go through the sequence, but uh, presumably a very long time. Anyway, we've got a little, uh, Lipo battery on there and I'm not sure what micros being used in there, But um, yeah, is this open source? So there's the instructions for it. I don't know how long it takes to actually flush through.

Uh, the whole sequence. Each two bases are shown for roughly 400 milliseconds. Okay, I have 4 000 nucleic bases long. Okay, so yeah, I guess you can work out how long it's going to take.

Uh, 20 hour run time or 200 hours standby? Nice. Um, and there's the schematic. what's it using? 80 tiny 24 jobby. So there you go.

That's pretty cool. I'll uh, check out the Tindy Store if you're interested in your mrna ebay. You're an mrna fanboy. So Trev sent in a 60 year old.

It's unbelievable. Like it to me, like 1961 is not that long ago. Sure, it's before I was born. I'm not that old, but it's just yeah to me.

Like the like, Well, the 70s like didn't seem that long ago. So the 60s to me also doesn't seem that long ago. But it's like it's 60 years. It's just insane.

Anyway, hands up if you were reading this back in the day, we didn't get popular electronics here in Australia, so I never knew about this. The only magazines we knew about here were the ones that you could get from the local news agent and we just didn't have it. so. But the classic electronic stuff here? we've got: Uh, construction projects radiation detector Flea flower glow flea Power Glow Light Radio doubles as intercom a big slave for Ag-1 so I guess that's another radio thing.

Power aplenty, Low-pass filter reduces Tvi got construction techniques uh. three-hand soldering by John Constock of course. Audio and hi-fi uh, was a thing back then. Electronic features a new development Cb goes on Tv haha.

Transistor Topics built 20 radio circuits at home for only 26.95 There's your three-handed soldering technique. Oh, Transistor. Oh, Transistor Topics is a column by the sounds of it. New photoelectric semiconductor devices have been announced by Filco and Solid State Products.

Uh, didn't Who used to work at did Bob Pease work at Philco? I think way back in the old days. Um, they used to make Op amps. The back cover seven signal generators in one genius idea, a solder spool holder for the Bakia multimeter. Ah, that's come on, somebody do a kickstarter.
Ah, who remembers Heathget once again, you couldn't really buy uh, Heath kits here. I don't think. um, but yeah, I certainly knew about them. Um, there you go classic and he looks happy.

Anyone still use 2n44 transistors? Equipment labeling simplified. Oh, look, you know I love, um. electronic analogy quiz. Oh too much fun.

You know I love vintage magazines and I could like spend all day just like I spent a whole video going through it. But I shan't So thank you very much 60 year old popular electronics. Ah, classic. It's in good neck too.

Uh. Trev also sent in this casio a G overhead projector. I've never had an overhead projector uh, calculator before and actually, um, I can never remember a teacher ever using one. So yeah, I they just weren't a thing at um, schools I've been to.

But anyway, um, the four N cells? That's yeah. they never really caught on these did they? sort of. I don't know. You know, they're used in a few Uh calculators over the years, but and a few other products, but generally they never really caught on.

So can we turn this on? And of course, we won't be able to see that unless we actually put some up. Yeah, yeah. there you go. You can see it way there you go.

It works. and of course it's just a regular. If you th there's nothing projecting here. it's just an Lcd without any of the uh, reflective or transflective, uh.

backing on it. and um, yeah. it simply, um, shines through. You get a light on, there, shines through and goes into the overhead projector.

And Bob's your uncle and I think I've torn down a 7 000 before, haven't I? Um, I don't recall. um. but anyway. um, yeah, it's not going to be too different.

It's just like the Lcd is, uh, going to be different on the thing. But yeah, here's our main processor under here and we've been mooned. It's uh, just on the bottom there. and um, yeah.

it's basically just a single chip. uh, solution? Would there? There Might be some extra memory down on the bottom board? I can't remember. I'm not gonna take it all apart anyway. Thank you very much Trev.

Very interesting. A projector multimeter, hands up. If uh, your teachers use these, or you're a teacher and you use them. Or you still do because they still sell these.

Um, they're still a thing. So thanks Trev and I'll link in his youtube channel down below. He's been doing it for a couple of years, does vintage repairs and stuff like that, so if you're into that sort of stuff, give him a sub. He's currently up to 1400 subscribers, but I'm sure there's a lot of people out there who like their repair videos.

So Albert actually set up circuit mess. Uh, when he was 18 years old, a Croatian? uh, startup and now they're doing, um, stem education kits like this. Um, it looks really cool. So yeah.

made in the Eu? Here it is proudly on the side. Designed and made in Croatia. Absolutely fantastic. Let's have a first squeeze inside.
You can do it. Yes, you can. Um, yeah, I will. Uh, subscribe to Eevblog2 channel where I just hit hundreds of thousands subs over there.

and um, you'll probably eventually see a video with myself and Sagan assembling this because Sagan wants to do it. So here you go. The other kids that you can get are chatter, a little walkie-talkie texty thing as well, is it? um, and a watch. And yeah, we've got a creator's a booklet that's not how to solder, right? So that's just referencing you, right? These aren't the actual instructions, but that's what you'll need.

Ah, yes, it's a new and improved version of the maker. Uh, Buino. A game console created in 2017. Um, they sold over 12 000 of those.

I collected their feedback and designed nibble. Okay, yes, because I've done the maker. Uh, we know. make a Buino thing.

It's hard to say Anyway up yet. So it's an improved version of that. It's got a color display. Look at that Invaders stem box.

Oh, it actually comes with everything. It's a complete kit. You get the soldering iron. I was wondering why they were like showing the site.

You get the soldering iron as well. They got a little, um, stand, a little pop-up um, standy thing? Geez, you could. They're really quite sharp. You could really really slice your hand open on those.

Gotta be careful with those. Um, I've got the Sponge War Spongeborn. We can put water on that. We've got all the, uh, hardware bits and pieces.

We've got the Usbs, We've got the laser cut acrylic case. Oh, the Pcb looks jazzy, doesn't it? That's nice. So they've got the orange solder mask with the white on there for the overlay. and uh, pre-soldered um, smd, uh, wi-fi thing and um, everything.

so you only do. Oh, this is going to be real easy. Yeah, Sagan's going to go. ugh.

Too easy. I'm nine and up. Yeah, you could probably. I reckon.

um, even huxley? uh, could do this. Um, six and up I think. So maybe I'll get huxter to do that. Um, yeah, because it's mostly done.

You're just soldering in the switches and stuff like that. Oh, that's that's too easy. So yeah, I would have liked to have seen more on the electronics, um, soldering side of things than just the switches. but of course I can understand.

Like you know, some of this is not suitable for beginners. Um, of course. But and yeah, you could have maybe made some of the components a bit bigger and could have, um, maybe sold in the mod. But then I let the form factor starts getting tricky and stuff like that, so I can understand why.

That's uh, not the case. But if the idea is just to get kids to, you know, solder a bunch of joints like this where they really can't, uh, go wrong because you want, um, satisfaction. And of course, you want a kit because um, this might be, you know, put under the Christmas tree with parents who might not even know how to solve themselves right? So that might be the thing that you know they don't really know, so they're not going to be able to like troubleshoot this if it fails and stuff like that. Of course I always say that I hope your project fails when you actually build it because then you have to troubleshoot it and you learn a lot from troubleshooting.
But you know if you're getting like a seven or nine year old or something to build something. and if you don't have the skills yourself as the parent to actually up upside down, all the electrons will fall out to actually, uh, troubleshoot it yourself. Um, if it failed and it might odds are high if you start doing you know, surface mount stuff or more complicated stuff than just the switches, then yeah, I can understand why they've done that. So it's aimed for that demographic, so that's really cool.

So can we power this bad boy up there? It is. Ah, cool. There we go. Invaders.

Can we just uh no. Oh, I think I've lost it. Yeah, I've lost a cap. Invaders Start.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to replace that. Oh no, that's that's my fire button. It's my fire button. Yeah, I'm gonna have to fix that.

I thought I saw that in the bottom. Damn. That's all right. I got plenty of switches.

No whackers. Oh, there's Albert there. He is. Um, fantastic.

Nice. I love the uh promo photo there. So I presume that the instructions are online. Do we have a url or a Qr code or something to take us to the online instructions? anyway? I'll I have to find it.

but that is certainly a very nicely, uh presented kit. So if you're interested in something like that, I'll leave a link down below. Check it out. So Albus developed the spotty solder paste dispenser.

There it is. Yeah, I don't think that's I don't think that's 3d printed. I like the adjustable height here that that's bent in oh, a little bit there. So and you can see as I push down on that it's going to move a bit so that's going to move back and forth a bit.

There's a bit of play in that. but anyway, let's get a board out. I'm not actually going to do any reflow or anything like that here. I'm just going to see how much it actually dispenses.

Okay, my initial impression is that this could be a bit finicky, but they've got a metal threaded insert in there. They'll like that. Okay, so I'm going to wind that all the way back and then I'm gonna push it through until it until it comes out because you got the initial you gotta when you prime it like this and it's priming the corrector. Oh look at that.

That's really fine. Whoa. There we go. So I'm going to whack that in there like that, but that just snaps back in.

That's really quite nice. And then, yeah, you've got a you've got to twiddle with this. Um, I this, ah, didn't spin around completely. But anyway, I'm not sure if I can get this in the shot.
Oh yeah, look, oh look, wow. Check it out. Okay, I'm trying to get my fingers in the shot so you can see how how much I'm pushing down on that and look. you can see it.

It's coming out, it's coming. it's coming. That's what she said. Oh look, look, look, look, look at that.

that. that's pretty. I can control that pretty well. I can control that really well.

That's not too shabby at all. I mean, geez, you'd have a hard time doing actually doing a board like this. Um, the individual pads. Uh, and stuff.

If you were like, you know it's It's not like a, um, air, what like an air pump one where you actually dispense a little bit. It's more like it's good for dispensing lines of solder paste. And there we go. I'm out.

Now I'm out. so I've got to bring it back. Wind the wick up on my thumb screw at the end and let's do this again. Yeah, look, I can easily control.

I think you can see that on the screen. I can easily control a little tiny fine line like that. I'm not sure what the kit comes with. It does come with different size dispensers, but that's that's like like I could go around.

Oh can I go around like that? This is not the best being behind the camera like that. Oh, and I just ran out. Hopefully you can see that I've dispensed the paste around the outside like that. It's a bit how you doing.

That's me. that's not the thing. Yeah, I can go like that and slower or faster depending on how much paste I want. That's probably a bit too much for there, but you can see how and then I can do it of course.

Finer like that so that that does work. That's not bad, so that does work. Um, Albert, thank you very much. That's not too shabby at all, so I'll link it in.

presumably it's not very expensive. There's uh, not that much to it so I'll link it in. Not sure how much it costs find out on the website, but that could come in handy as a little solder paste dispenser. Do-it-yourself Dan 2020 for the cow stunner.

Do it yourself. Dan is the man. If you want to stun your cow like classic, I don't. If anyone knows how that works, leave it in.

The comments: the bell boy turns electrical appliances on by telephone. Um, I thought this would actually hook up to the phone line, but it doesn't. Um, you just like it, just plugs into the mains Here There it is. the Bell Boy Model M.

Nope. got to get the right angle. Made in Singapore, designed and developed in Australia. made in Singa, which is hard to get that shiny stuff.

but um, yeah, it basically listens for there's there's the sense basically, uh, the volume, microphone, uh, volume kind of thing and it senses the like the phone ring it, ring, ring, ring, ring, and then you can, um, something comes on for half an hour. or you know, eight hours or something like that. So you know if you're worried about your home getting burgled or something like that, you could phone home. you know, go to the phone booth and dial home and give it a couple of rings and it would turn your lights on or whatever it is that's plugged into here and a manual override.
Oh geez, there you go. Single-sided phenolic baseboard. although technically is that double-sided it's soldered on the top there. Look at that look at that? Has anyone seen the mains terminals soldered directly onto the Pcb like that? Ah, that's so how you're doing.

But anyway. Yep. um, as I suspected, yeah, it's just got the microphone on front. and there's some 4000 Um series Cmos jobbies except for this one which is an M4081bp and I can't find that's a Mitsubishi, is it? I can't find a data sheet on that, but I did find maybe a manufacturer dial electronics so that sounds too coincidental.

I think yeah, that might be a dial-in receiver. Um yeah, it might be purpose design for this sort of application I think. and the rest of it's just you know, timer, um, logic and stuff. So yeah, there you go and a relay to do your switching.

Wow, that is so like you know, like 1980s early 90s. what's the date code on this? 90? 86, 84, 85 Yeah, like mid 80s. like classic stuff. Hands up if you had one.

this video is too long and Kai Weetz I think have had too many sucks of the Sav in the past. Um, so leave it in the comments if you want me to do like a like a 10 minute second channel video just taking these things apart, this feels cheap and plasticky. and uh no, it's just yeah. I don't know.

um this actually feels alright. um this. uh, clamp meter. but um yeah, leave it in the comments.

If you want me to do a video on these, um, there's keep requesting to send stuff in. getting them sick of Kai Wheats, they keep pestering me on email. Oh, and sorry, I don't have those big um kilowatt hour meters. They're actually in the car and I rode my bike um to the lab today.

So yeah, um that I think they probably deserve like a second channel. uh tear down video on their own because they can. They could be interesting. So in the meantime you get my tappy fingers.

So this cursor or caesar um, scanner. This feels like a real professional bit of kit and I've used my uh, previous one that I got many years ago the original Kickstarter unit and I've had no uh, problems with it. but I think this is like a way updated uh model and um yeah it's like the build quality and everything is fantastic. So there's the camera down there.

um it's probably like a Sony sensor or something leads either side. Of course the lighting for something like this is like practically everything. So is that? what's that? Are they some extra leads in there as well? Not sure. but anyway, you do get this side light thing as well.

so to spread extra light on there and the whole idea is that this is that, is that a magnetic thing? Yep that just sits in there like that. I love how they got pogo pin contacts in there and that just sits like that and that just lights up and gives a more like you know multiple light sources and stuff and there would have been a lot of art and engineering that went into just making sure you light up. Anyway the whole idea is that it's got a separate camera button so you don't have to touch this because you don't want to be touching a button on top of this because this can be flapping around in the breeze. right? So that's where you get.
um, the separate external, uh, shutter button essentially to take the photo. So you put your magazine or your book under here or whatever that you want to scan and um, you just press the button and you do the pages and it's got all fancy fancy software to take out. like any curvature in the page and stuff like that. Um so yeah, I'll give it a ball.

What are finger cuts for book scanning? Um, I I guess like it feels natural that my like, what is this for This is for left, right, and left. I've got them back to front. Um and what do you do lift pages? I don't understand what that does. I have to Rtfm and you do get two separate options.

You get the desk mount um, a button, shutter button and you also get a foot switch. Um, that actually feels pretty decent. Okay, I've downloaded the software which was, uh, painless installed it. Um, it asked for the serial number which is on the bottom of the device.

I I don't know why they bother, I don't know. people making hardware clones? maybe? Uh, because all the value, not say all the value. A lot of the value with this thing of course is doing the image correction stuff. So all the algorithms are to do.

You know that sort of. You know to flatten out the page when it's curved and to rotate it and crop it and you know format it into a Pdf or whatever. Also, a lot of the values in the software so they want to protect that so as a serial number you do not want to plug this in. Um, the first.

I just plugged it in without having to install the software. It just did the windows and just kept on going and it just wouldn't stop. So I don't know, I haven't plugged it in yet. I'm about to now plug it in.

it is turned on and uh. so now I've got the software installed. Um, I didn't use the disk. got a single little loop.

not sure if you heard that. No. Here it goes again. it just keeps going, just keeps going.

What the hell is it doing Like I got no idea I can. It's just not stopping. Do I have to read the bloody manual? I have to plug it into another Usb port. This is just dumb.

Okay, plugged into a new Usb port. Nothing this time. Ah, okay right. So I guess the software is running doesn't tell me it's connected or anything like it should tell you like it's actually connected.
I'm just going to hit the scan button straight off the bat. looking for device. Device cannot be detected. You can try the following: It's powered up.

it's working. I can see the image on top of the Lcd. No, I desperately need to know how to use these finger cuts. Please wear the finger cards when you select facing pages, processing method and removing things automatically.

Put the finger card on your finger according to L yeah, the finger codes to the edge of books without covering the content and keep fingercodes vertical to the book edge. Looks like they've got some sort of scale thing on them or something. Is that? I don't know what? what? how to fix detecting devices issue. Caesar scanners have adopted standard Uvc and the mainstream operation systems have built in Uvc.

However, some users may. scanner indicators will be lit. Make sure your device is on. Scanner indicators, Usb logo and the zero zero appear in the Lcd screen.

I've got a Usb logo. Make sure the latest version of Caesar software is installed. If anti-virus is running on the Pc, please add Caesar software into whitelist or uninstall antivirus by the manual. Restart your computer and the scanner.

Connect prior to Windows 10. Check Scissors Under Imaging Devices in the Device Manager for Windows 10. Check Caesar under Cameras in the Device Manager, It's not there. There's nothing.

If the following situations occur in the Device Manager, that means: Caesar's driver is installed incorrecting devices cameras, cameras, Usb right, Click the incorrect driver, then uninstall it, Disconnect the scanner, Restart your computer and the scanner, connects the computer and the scanner. No, I don't even have anything. Caesar's Driving will be installed automatically. This successfully didn't need a driver.

Now he's saying you Do need a driver. Like the drivers, Please Get in contact with, Please Get In contact. I haven't had this issue with my previous one, So yeah, but it's not there. It's It's not there.

There It is. Imaging Devices Xsplit Vcam, Nothing Under Imaging Devices at all. No, nothing. Not a thing.

I give up. I'm gonna have to try another machine. This is just dumb. Okay, I'm on my shipping computer and it just worked.

First go. so only a single and that was it. Um, so yeah, I don't know something with my main desktop Pc. Anyway, Um, so here we are in.

like I just press the scan button and then you can see if I put my finger in there. It automatically tries to figure out where the book is. But but I just had a tiny part of the cable actually hanging over here and it actually detected the cable up here. but it's not anymore.

But yeah, if you get the smallest thing over here, it it just thinks that, oh, that is your page size. I'm putting a pen under here and it's like yeah, nah. Um, so their ai could be better and then it's just continually jumping around like that. Anyway, that's with the back light on, that's with the backlight off Like the one at the back.
Um, the top light. that's with all lights off. So the light in here and the shipping room is terrible. So there you go.

It doesn't look like the best. uh, light in does it? Anyway, we now have options for color, black and white. Uh, will it? No, it won't show you that in real time. Grayscale note, stamps, patterns, image mode.

not sure what any of that is. So flat single page and then facing pages and then you can combine sides. manual selection. Okay, so I'm going to do my flat page like that.

I'm going to go auto Like I've got auto exposure and everything. We can change our exposure, but I'm just going to auto everything and I'm just going to hit that. I've just hit my uh button and I've just have. I just take.

Oh yes, I've taken a photo. Yeah, it's popped up over here. So you take individual photos and then you do pdfs later. This software hasn't changed since I last used it.

I don't think hasn't changed much. I expected it to be. I don't know. Um, it's got auto scan so that I presumably when we flip the page over.

So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to do facing pages like this and I'm going to try and get the book. This thing is I'm going to have to go like that. This this will really test out the warping thing. Oh yeah.

okay. let's so you got to put it in the middle like that and you can actually set auto scan mode. I think like that. So it's scanned it.

It's got both. it's given. It's giving two images over here. So yeah.

three and four. Yeah, it's got two different pages. So if I get in there and if I change that, will that automatically detect? Yep, it's automatically detected that I flipped the page so you can see. This book's not great because it's not flat.

It's probably the worst possible thing. You can see how this is automated. You flip the page and it will. Once it's detect no movement, it will actually auto do that.

Yep, Yep. Automatically scan the pages there. Ah, no. Look.

It hasn't done single pages anymore. Look hasn't done single page. and it's got all the black space. so it hasn't detected that properly.

It's detected that page properly. It's done an okay job with that and that one. Okay, so that's actually flattened that out. I think.

So let's flatten that out. That's that's not too bad. I think I think it's auto flattened. That has it.

I think it's done a reasonable job there. Yeah, it's flattened that page as well. Oh, I got color bleeding over there on the pages. But yeah, I like.

I think you really have to have it's. It's not all it's cracked up to be. I mean, I I have actually scanned stuff with it before, but nothing this extreme. So yeah, once again, the the lighting on here is not the best.
Um, it's It's all about the lighting. There's like reflections and everything on that uh, gloss paper on the front. so it's not. It's not that good.

It's not that good. Like the building if you're relying on the building light. Um, I think you're gonna come a gutter if we just do a flat single page like that. Well, it's not that flat.

But if we just do a single page, is it going to white? like crop out some of the white stuff? Yeah, yeah, it does. There you go, It has actually has cropped that out. There you go. that's not too shabby.

Probably adequate. Like the actual. That's the actual printout. That's not the scanner there.

Yeah, that's the uh printout there. That's not the uh. that's not the quality of the scanner. That was just the original printer doing that trying to print it in color or whatnot.

But yeah, you might have to fiddle around with it a lot to get it to. uh, do the business. But yeah, I I expected like I. It's been quite a few years since I've used this and I expected more automation like I I Now I.

I do know that you can, I think, select the pages over here and then you've got like, a convoluted way to convert them into a Pdf. to actually consolidate them into a Pdf and stuff I don't know. I think the user interface needs a needs a bit more work. Ah, there you guys.

Ah, so you can. Actually, it does. Finger removal. This is interesting with finger cots.

Okay, so this I'm going to try these finger cut things. Okay, so I've got my foot switch now. Okay, so I'm going to use my finger cots. I don't know why they call them cots, but so presumably you can use it to hold that down like that.

Okay, and but I've got it. Like, why do why can't it auto align? If it's going to be super intelligent? Why kind of auto align like this center of the book? Because you're going to keep on moving it. So if you have to shuffle it each time, that's a bit annoying. So here we go.

I'm going to push my foot switch. Nope. Oh yeah. Yep, it did it.

And it's yeah. it's actually removed it. Yeah, it's removed. It's removed My, it's removed the fingers and the finger caught.

There you go. That's not too bad. That's interesting, Isn't it? There you go. It's done a reasonable job there.

don't mind that. So anyway, that's the Caesar salad scanner. Um, yeah, I don't think it's much improved over there. My my original model.

um which didn't have like the fancy pantsy lights and stuff. but even the fancy pantsy lights. um like on the gloss finish of um something like this. um still leaves a bit to be desired so but they have put a lot of effort into it and I'm sure you can make it.

uh, make it work well. I mean I've just, you know, even though I have used it before like I've rarely had to use it, I just got out to do some scanning, um stuff that I needed to once and uh yeah. I do remember it being a bit sort of finicky trying to put it into a Pdf at the end, but you can do it and it's got some nice Ai and the little fingery things and the warp removal and stuff like that. It's okay, it's just not as magical as they make it sound.
But anyway, there you go, You want to check it out. The Caesar I'll link it in down below you.

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21 thoughts on “Eevblog 1444 – xmas mailbag!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars quadfx74 says:

    I wish you Dave and your entire family a merry x-mas & happy holidays!!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nathaniel greene says:

    legging designs in austrailia are rather interesting if i ever get the extra cash and stil have this one hp branded calcutaor or something else i should totally send it in a mailbag i dont know if it works as it uses i think 3 type N batteries and think they coroded the battery terminals

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Armandi says:

    Happy holidays Dave. best wishes to you and your family. hope you guys have a wonderful holiday! thanks for sharing this!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheap&Cheerful says:

    Merry Christmas mate 🙂 I've also got two boys, similar age. Goodluck to us both!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frogz says:

    ……….dunno why i am watching an aussie bloke and his family open mailbag(everyone's favorite segment!) but you can really see dave's influence, sagan keeps spitting out classic dave-isms, she'll be right, its a bobby dazzler! well maybe not exactly THOSE lines but, close enough for australia!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars B W says:

    Merry Christmas! I’m a big fan of your channel.
    By the way, your title shows up with Christmas abbreviated. What does X take the place of?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ham Radio says:

    Thank you Dave, for sharing. Your children are truly delightful and Mrs. EEblog was a great sport for joining in. All the best for the holidays and Happy New Year!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ajtechy369's Tech Channel says:

    The Czur scanner is much better than you were showing but mainly because you were doing it incorrectly.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Trevor Clarke says:

    The electric stun box is used to send a current of a couple of amps through the cow's brain causing immediate unconsciousness and grand mal seizure. It's supposedly faster and more humane than mechanical stunners because of the instantaneous effect. It's used when killing and butchering cattle.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OffGrid Aussie Prepper™ says:

    OK u lot, I will say it for the ones that have no balls……. Dave u have a hot Mrs. How did u land her?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars irishguy200007 says:

    Those imobilisers are dangerous, I heard a story of a vet using one of these and the cow died.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thesnow says:

    Mailbag is always so much fun, even with a safety cutter! And just when I thought it wouldn’t be in this video, the big knife came out after all!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heinz Alberto says:

    "Do you have overhead projectors in school?" – "No, no".
    Here in Germany new teachers still get schooled in using these. Even at my university the still have – and use – an overhead projector in every room XD

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Reid says:

    The length of a coax feedline does not matter IFF the impedance of the antenna matches the characteristic impedance of the coax. Sometimes a particular length of coax is used to transform an antenna impedance into something else that better matches the driver.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RyanAM says:

    Shout out to Philco mentioned in the magazine article. I live in that town (Lansdale). I'll have to see if I can find where they were located and whats there now.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KG Salvage says:

    Popular Electronics and Mechanics were great. I think I still have a few somewhere. I use to look at them and dream when I was a small boy. Born in 1963. Took my first electronics course in 1979. A big part was from the magazines.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KG Salvage says:

    As I would suspect, your children are very intelligent. Do they have any interest in going to school for electronics? Beautiful family!
    Happy holidays from Pittsburgh Pa !

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Al Armandi says:

    why this is not showing up on my notifications? I saw this by accident and double-checked my account and I can see the fluke notification but not this one!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheCod3r says:

    This is great Dave. Such a lovely family, and your children are naturals in front of the camera too. Keep being awesome and Merry Christmas to you all

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Арсенал says:

    Thank you, Mr. Jones, for your videos. You have lovely family. Merry Christmas! Stay safe!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Linkowiezi says:

    I'm gonna have to try some of those 3-hand soldering suggestions right away!
    …now where did I put my asbestos that I need to glue onto here?

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