Another new trailer for Karl von Moller's upcoming epic documentary on the Australian electronics industry. This one introduces the various players in the documentary, including yours truly.
Karl needs help to get as may views on Vimeo as possible in order to help sell the documentary to the big networks, so please go watch the original version on the main Vimeo channel here:

I'm Grant Petty I'm the CEO of Black Magic Design and we make video products which we build in Port Melbourne here and we sell them all over the world. Mostly the products are used for TV commercials and uh feature films hi I'm Dave Jones and I'm the host of the Electronics Engineering Video blog and I do a regular weekly or twice weekly uh Video blog for electronics Engineers hobbyists, hackers, makers uh, anyone involved in the electronics Industry at all. My name is Gary Johnston I'm the owner of J Car Electronics and a number of associated companies. We are basically in the Australian New Zealand region.

In a retail sense, we've got about 70 Plus stores. We primarily sell non-consumer merchandise products that hobbyists and professional electronic users need. We've been going for uh, 29 years. My name is Andrew Graat I'm the vice president of Business Development Here at Salana.

Salana is the only semiconductor manufacturer in Australia and a lot of people ask what semiconductors are are more commonly known as silicon Chips. So we have the only manufacturing facility here in Australia which is surprise to a lot of people. Well, I'm the publisher of one of the very few electronics magazines in the world. It's called Silicon Ship.

A lot of people associate that with computers. In fact, Silicon Ships are associated with every piece of electronic equipment that we have. whether it's phones, microwave ovens, cars doesn't really matter. Electronics is ubiquitous.

my name is Eugene Rafalo Rock Electronics is a family-owned business I Started the company about Uh 23 years ago. We sell electronic components as well as finished products we sell to hobbyists right through to manufacturers. My name is John Spencer and Uh I I was employed by Csro Division of Building Research. I was a user of Sak from 1959 and until it's decommission in 1964.

My name is Jonathan Oxer I Work with both hardware and software as a hobbyist I Love hacking around with electronics, just trying to make a do things that the maker never intended or come up with new designs myself. For a big kid like me, it's a lot like Lego and I just love playing with it. My name is Peter Atavic I'm working for Salana I'm the chief scientist here. Typically, we're working on growing some quite interesting semiconductors.

anywhere from 100 to 1,000 layers of silicon atoms on a sapphire surface. We make silicon transistors on this insulating Sapphire substrate. we're recently embarking upon making these devices work as Optical structures as well for solar cells and detectors and various other Uh components. My name's Doug Ford Uh, I've set up a company called Doug for Analog Design which oddly enough, does analog Electronics design I've worked for a variety of companies Jans at the stage eyes with them manufactured pretty much everything related to putting on a rock show or a stage performance.

the audio power amplifiers, the mixing consoles, speakers, lighting dimmers, lighting control consoles, and a whole plethora of little odd jobs. I went to Road Microphones designing Studio condenser microphones I'm particularly proud of what I did there. My name is CLA Jisi I'm the curator of the historical collection at the University of Ballarat We have many hidden treasures here and one of them is Henry Sutton one of our lecturers in electricity and magnetism. he was a great inventor.
my name is Bill Peski um the principal advisor on the technology industry at the Australian Industry Group The Australian Industry Group is a employer representative body and I look after all the Uh Technology based companies that range from telecommunications companies to software type companies as well as Uh manufacturers of hardware and electrical equipment. My name originally was K Sullivan I came to SAR virtually straight from school. Well, Sak was a huge Advance over the calculating machines which was all they had. It was the most stimulating environment I've ever worked in.

so my name is Matthew prior and I'm the CEO of observant observant builds monitoring and control systems for improving water use efficiency in agriculture. I'm Andrew Griffiths and I'm with Resurrection radio. We restore vintage valve technology and early transistor equipment and we also do wind up Gramophone so we can organize anything from 1900 to about 1990. My name is Andy JY I'm a software engineer of a Ken interest in Electronics a hobbyist around digital computers I Guess also one of the founders of the Melbourne Hacker Space Hacker Space is a worldwide organization that encourages and promotes hacking or playing of electronics, software Mechatronics Robotics and Uh encourages people to learn and pull things apart, put them together in new and unusual ways.

My name's Campbell Bcka and I'm a curator here at the PowerHouse Museum in Sydney and have been for the last 14 years. I look after parts of the information technology collections my name is Chris Roberts I'm the CEO of of limited medical device company providing the gift of hearing to people around the world an implantable device that stimulates the auditory nerve directly. I'm Colin Mitchell and I started a magazine called Talking Electronics The main point in starting the magazine was to help people actually learn Electronics from the very basic level and provideed kits. Everything operated from my home was a male order business basically, but I wanted to get people into electronics.

That was the whole idea. I'm Eno too I run the Kaj Jong Radio Museum which is a museum devoted to past radio technology, broadcast studio, broadcast transmitters, studio equipment. Very very extensive collection of radios. around 800 radios.

Lot of history and a lot of radios in here. I'm Owen Hill I'm an engineer by background but our real Fame came. We made the Australian computer called the Microe. It was aimed at schools and at home usage so it was Australia's first personal computer.
my name is Ian Debnam I'm the former curator of of Transport at the PowerHouse Museum and I specialized in aviation while I was here. Now that I'm retired, I'm just a great lover of History especially technological history. My name is Uh Dr Chris Nichol I'm the chief technology officer for Embedded systems at Nicta which is Australia's national. ICT Research Center my name is Kevin Polter and I've been in radio for many years I started at Tha telecommunications valves were still in use over the years.

I've been involved in radio in various ways. journalism, photography currently Global PR For an electronics company I also write for a number of magazines but principally Silicon Chip because they're Australia's only Electronics magazine I'm Peter Thorne I always wanted to be a scientist I became the weekend service engineer when I was still studying I was later the head of the Department of computer science at the University of Melbourne. We knew we were at the beginning of something great. I'm Dick Smith most Australians would know me because I own Dick Smith Electronics but to people overseas, I won the lottery of life I was born in Australia in the 1940s, so I've never had to go to war and this is a great country for basically any type of Adventure and My Greatest Adventure was opening a little electronics company called Dick Smith Electronics Oh, my name is Michael Osburn or Mike I'm usually known to my friends I've been in electronics since the Uh' 60s, first in defense designs, then as a lecturer in Electrical Engineering, electronic Design, and more recently Uh working for a company that make sound monitoring equipment for airports.

I've been the chief designer my name is Jeff Holden and I'm a former curator of electronics at the Museum of Victoria It's quite a large Museum We have a staff of around 400. It has an extensive collection of telegraphy, all sorts of technical things, and natural history. I'm Steven Jones um I've been involved in electronics and video art things like that for decades. I Trained originally as a system theorist at University I was involved with a band called Seven Heads, which is an electronic dance band electronic music band who were very important in Australia and pretty much the rest of the world.

Over the 80s and early '90s we built lots of synthesizer based stuff. We developed lots of techniques using multi-layering and compositing with analog Technologies my name is David deant I'm senior curator of Information and Communication at Museum Victoria and as such, I'm responsible for a historic collection of computers, calculators, telephone, Telegraph video machines, musical instruments, printing presses, and even magic lanterns. Well, I'm the CL I'm a radio amator uh Vk3 JQ I work with Rockwell Collins Australia we're in the aviation Department We repair all the aircraft navigation, communication equipment and audio systems as well. I used to work with AWA and I started there as an apprentice in 1974.
my name is Graham Hood um I'm recently completed my time as a lecturer in engineering electrical engineering at the University of Bat. my name is Yuri Sanu I've joined the C team what then was the computation laboratory University of Melbourne in late 1955. I was one of the engineers on Sy Well, I'm Matthew Connell I'm uh, the Curator of computing and Mathematics here at the PowerHouse Museum I'm also Principal Curator of Physical Sciences and Information Technology. My role as a curator is both with the collection building and looking after the collection that we have in those fields, but it's also about taking the material in relation to the collection and telling the stories of Computing of Mathematics of Information Technology both in Australia and in the world.

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21 thoughts on “State of electronics – roll call”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Pam says:

    This is not really the trailer, it's a "roll call" of people that were interviewed for the film. There is a better description of this clip below the original post on Vimeo.
    The "traditional" trailer is at
    Hopefully that's a better sign! 🙂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @EEguy85 Yes, Doug was the head designer at Jands.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zouloum says:

    lol using a toaster as a BGA oven… sweet

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @shebotnov I'm afraid it's "when it's done". It's Karl's personal project.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars floydiangreen says:

    hendon semiconductors also make ic's

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Learn stuff says:

    Nice to see Colin Mitchell of talkingelectronics.

    I learned all i know about FM circuits from
    Colin Mitchell's very good website.
    Keep up the good work Dave.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TrueBlueAustralian says:

    most of them are interesting there is a couple of boring ones.. imo..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PlayVectrex says:

    It looks really great for everyone that's interested in electronics. I would love to watch these documentaries. I just hope they can capture the attention of the general population.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @ZeddysZ Yes, that's what I meant when I said it was male "dominated". Woman have the same (or better) chance in the industry, it's just that there were (and probably still are) traditionally much fewer women interested in it. My blog has around a 6% female viewer ratio. Similar for say Jeri Ellsworth's and other electronics channels.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @exnol If you go by the stats of how the industry was (and pretty much still is made up of) then you'd expect around 2 women in such a trailer on the history of electronics in Australia. Sorry to say, but that's just the typical ratio. If you know of any influential women involved in the early history of electronics in Oz then give Karl a shout.
    Yes, the electronics industry is male dominated. But women can easily succeed just as well as men.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cheap Science says:

    Nice stack of lock-in amplifiers at 1:02!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ncrdisabled Submarine vet says:

    Man isure wish I had one of those stores where I live . Nice video

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zee says:

    @exnol Well it's not that it is male dominated but generally the male population took an interest in technology & its wonders (or exploits??? profit????) 😀

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars zee says:

    I feel like this documentary needs a change of background music. Like some inspirational piano would do it justice!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars exnol says:

    Everything in here is great except for the fact that there are only 2 women (correct me if I'm wrong) in th trailer. Is it true that technology industry is male dominated?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amartinjoe says:

    damn; this looks impressive.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zwan says:

    I couldn't start to imagine to be able to pay for a single dvd box set let alone a 20 dvd box set… really want to see it though!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @jmolesworth Unfortunately (or fortunately!) it turned into a much bigger project than anticipated, and the scope is just so massive it's taken a lot more time and effort than intended. Rest assured Karl won't rest until it's done and released! He has so much footage it's unbelievable, expect a 20 DVD box set! :->

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @xXdenhartXx Karl is still finishing off the 3 part feature length doco now. No exact release date at this stage unfortunately.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jmolesworth says:

    I'm so excited about this documentary, and have been waiting on the edge of my seat, for it's release, since Dave was interviewed over a year ago!

    Is there a release date yet?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars artifactingreality says:

    looks like good shit

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