Dave's first Walk Time Rant.
The sad death of Steve Jobs at Apple, and how Dave got shafted on his new EEVblog office space at the 11th hour.

Hi, it's been a while since I've uh done a drive time rant and considering that I don't drive anymore I thought I'd do a walk time rant. Uh, so here we go. Um, start out with some news: Huge, very sad news. if you haven't heard it I'm sure you will by the time this video goes up.

um Steve Jobs co-founder of uh Apple passed away sometime today I'm aged 56 years old. Absolutely terrible news. uh, not terribly surprising. He was uh, very sick with cancer and uh, stuff.

so rest in peace Steve So that brings me to uh rant about Apple I guess um and Steve himself. uh I Don't know much about the company, but uh, basically they are now the world's biggest company. go figure. They're worth more.

They have more cash in the bank than the US Federal Reserve they're worth more money than the United States States government. It's crazy and uh, that's what Steve uh wanted. He wanted to, uh, make a dent in the universe and that's one thing he certainly did. He's uh, was, um, basically revived the company from absolutely nothing.

um, you know, bought it back from almost bankruptcy I think it was only a couple of weeks away from bankruptcy if you believe the rumors and things like that and absolutely amazing job. He was the genius the Visionary behind the whole thing uh and the genius who uh, convinced, uh, everyone in the um in the recording industry uh eventually to uh, do the whole iTunes thing and actually um, uh, actually release their music go against what they've been doing for I don't know, 50 or 60 years or more? uh and actually get into the online music business and he convinced them to do that and that's where they they made all their money, is, uh, content. They made some brilliant devices. some of them failed, but uh, he certainly was the uh guy behind the whole thing and uh, oops, got some traffic here and uh, it's his name's unlike, um, know hundreds of patents for devices and various things as either the main inventor or the co-inventor or something like that.

I don't know whether or not you believe those sort of things, but he certainly would have. um, had a say. well, the say in the design and the look and feel of every single product. and uh, sure, he didn't probably didn't actually design them.

That was up to Engineers like, uh, you and me to actually, um, come up with the actual um, the actual manufacturing solutions to manufacture, the look and feel of these things, the performance, and the software, people who ride all the fancy user interface and that sort of stuff. and uh, will things change? Well, I think they have to. um if because like, uh, Steve hasn't been in charge of the company that I'm aware of for quite some time. but um, uh, still.

um, it will go from basically him making every major strategic decision to um, basically design by committee pretty much uh, I think so. Anyway, Um that's that's just the way these things happen. Uh, when a company is, you know all the major strategic decisions are in the hand of one person and that can either lead to massive, massive success in the case of Apple or massive fire in the case of some company uh I used to work for. Let's say um, and uh, it's It's interesting that um they you know that that sort of uh uh concept can either you know, make a company a winner or uh, kill it and in this case Apple's a winner and they won't fail overnight cuz job's not around and things might be designed by committee from now on.
but you know it, the magic's gone, the passion's gone, it just won't be the same. So um yeah. I don't know. I'm not an Apple fan boy.

but uh yeah, it's uh. I I think the Magic's probably gone and the new guys Tim Cook um I don't know, he just it just won't be the same. And people have been saying that in the industry, more traffic, how you doing? probably wondering what I'm doing talking to myself holding my monopod here so you can see it. No, you probably can't see it.

but anyway, got a monopod and uh, where was I uh yes, um yeah Tim Cook Brilliant. Um, as far as I know, brilliant, uh uh, business guy but that doesn't do it Steve had the business. um you know, the business now and the product design now and more importantly, the uh, passion and the enthusiasm. the vision behind the whole thing and you can't replace that so you can't replace that with a committee.

They they'll they'll do all right. Apple still do all right. but yeah, the magic is gone and uh, it's quite an amazing um story you know booted out from Um Apple in 1985 I think and then he went on to Forart next which um failed but there was a few uh Visionary things which uh came out of next which Apple ultimately bought which became the operating system I believe um or the new uh Mac OS or something like that and uh, the um and then uh Pixar of course where he made his billions back, made all his money back cuz he sold all his Apple shares in in protest I think back in the 80s when he was booted out but uh, made his fortune again sold Pixar and uh of course with all those connections was bought back to Apple and revived the company from nothing. Absolutely amazing story.

um and sadly he's gone. so uh, the only Uh founder left is was but there was another founder um I don't know his name, nobody ever remembers his name but uh, he bailed out quite early so he's uh, never remembered in the history of these things. but uh, the was is still around and uh, they, they're not going to bring back the was of course cuz the Was is just an engineer and uh, he just loves being an engineer and that's just cool. that is just absolutely uh, awesome and uh so he won't be back.

um and Apple will still continue to make uh you know, pretty darn good products but I'll be design more and more by committee I think anyway so rest in peace Steve Jobs what a Visionary and uh some more news. uh not a not a not the best day for me at all as you might know I um uh had um, an office lined up which I was going to uh buy and expand the EV V blog lab into the office and uh, it was all lined up and uh, it was a done deal. um you know, uh, sort of uh, assurances had been uh, in place you know, hands shaking that kind of thing and uh, the guy at the last minute who was uh, selling me the place pulled out and said no, don't want to sell anymore sorry and that just really sucks. What a douche! I mean if there's under L you know if his circumstances suddenly changed or something like that, then you can understand it.
but um, really, it's just uh, you know it's just bad form and I don't like it and uh, let that be a lesson to you young people out there. If you're uh, going to, um, do things like this, honor your agreements. you know? uh, just don't be a douchebag. And when you made a commitment to do something, do it, go through with it.

Ah, Unbelievable. Anyway, not a happy little camper. H Got to start from Square One find another place so I'll catch you next time.

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22 thoughts on “Rip steve jobs – the magic is gone – eevblog #206”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ever Griven says:

    Good Riddance Steve JObs !!!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kau Mohlamonyane says:

    6 years later, we realise you were right.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrStankoman says:

    Nokia? You used to work for nokia?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin 3 says:

    You have more money then the US federal reserve. I think that we are at ~-$15000000000000000

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Sutton says:

    Eric Idle has a lot to answer for….

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TMM says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TX Rider says:

    ROFL, respect for being successful at least. I have never bought an apple product personally, bought a few for my developers at work as we had to support the platform, always thought apple products were overpriced and under performing myself. Apple computers had an edge back in the stone age of PC's but that only lasted a few years before they were left behind. Their products were too poor performing, high priced and too proprietary for my taste. Ease of use I suppose is the best aspect of them.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davey Jones says:

    respect for what? the guy who filled up landfills with inferior products sold at superior prices,
    and is STILL lifting on the work of Wuzniac and gates?

    as for respect, unless you believe in a life after death (u know, magic) it really is not relevant anymore.
    also he would have had to be respectable in the first place.

    as for dave's case, look it up on wikipedia's list of logical fallacies.
    you will find it under 'non sequitur'.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Sutton says:

    Dave's already made a case, but one thing that wasn't mentioned is that the guy is dead. I'm not a fan of SJ, but damn! Have some respect man! And some self-respect too while you're at it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Sutton says:

    I'm not an Apple fan either. I did buy the 1st gen Ipod, but I got so annoyed with iTunes crashing.The hdd would have some buffer overload issue and the Ipod db would corrupt, forcing me to restart the process. Without success. So I promptly switched to a simpler drag-and-drop MP3 player.Sure it was as handsome, but then Android solved these problems. Apple products certainly look pretty, but thats a trick I won't fall for again. Form after function, not the other way around.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James says:

    you're copying dave's comment

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FrozenHaxor says:

    Bill Gates: Me Gusta.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrรฉs Pรฉrez Pรฉrez says:

    Xerox created the graphics interface, the homebrewers created the personal computers, the music business from iTunes sucks… the digital movie animation business is the same…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @smithyduk The book is much better than the movie, but I do enjoy the movie a lot. I watched it again the night I made this video.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Stiernberg says:

    @ 0:50 "they are now the world's biggest company [in the tech industry]"

    minor thing there ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars allanw says:

    @Whisper6911 Exactly what limitations do Apple laptops have?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alauda Projects says:

    @EEVblog Brilliant answer. Thanks.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Malcolm Faed says:

    @billysgeo By guess the camera is mounted on his childs pram.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jan Tichavskรฝ says:

    I like the walk time rant, there's interesting, changing background to watch while I'm listening ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott McMurtrie says:

    @2200BK Nolan K. Bushnell is the Atari guy and he is still alive and well. Still active in the gaming industry too.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars enliteneer says:

    Is it humid in Sydney?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davey Jones says:

    @EEVblog thats a non sequitur.
    what i may or may not have created is not the issue.

    and i will have you know though that i did not at any point create a generation of inferior products, nor have i ever tried to sell them at superior prices.
    IE: ripping people off.

    sure jobs is worthy of mention etc, but i seriously do not see how him living another 2 decades would have given us anything but more of the same; overpriced inferior products.

    seems to me like the 'magic' died a long time ago…

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