Dave installs a new bench in the EEVblog lab.
Car in the way? - no problem, just build over it!

Hi Welcome to the Eev blog an Electronics Engineering Video blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics design. I'm your host Dave Jones Hi. It's a bit of an unusual one today. I'm going to expand the lab here.

If you haven't seen the lab before, you haven't seen my lab tour video. It's tiny. You get the illusion that it's actually big cuz I put the camera up there and I shoot the background here. but it's actually only 2 m Deep by 2 and 1/2 M wide.

You Yanks will have to convert that for feet. but uh, it's absolutely tiny. And as you can see, here's the Bonnet of my car. It's in the garage.

The car actually noses up pretty much right up inside the lab itself. So the only way I can get an extra bench in here I Mentioned this on the live show is to actually extend the Uh another bench out over the Bonnet of the car. and that's what I'm exactly what I'm going to do I've got a new uh Pine bench top. It's uh, 2 m long which brings it out to about here.

and uh, it's 900 mm deep. so I plan on actually mounting that above the car and um, having, uh, attaching it to the wall over there where this toolbox is and extending out this main bench. So I've almost got my entire Um lab enclosed in a big U-shaped bench kind of thing and there'll only be a tiny entrance way here. Have to soore off some of this bench anyway.

I'm going to sort of make it up as I go along and uh, should be fun. So uh, hopefully, uh, you'll get some footage of me building this thing and some before and after shots. so hope it goes well. suck it and see which ways the wind blowing.

All right. Well looks like this tool box has got to go I fixed it to the wall. uh back when I built this thing thinking oh yeah, it's great but uh, unfortunately, it's uh, it's uh, actually below the level of the bench. so maybe once I put the bench back on here I might be able to put it back or something.

but for now I've got to unscrew the thing from the wall and uh, get rid of all this and probably anchor the bench directly onto an existing Mount that I've got there. Not sure what I'm going to do on this side and uh, the other side of it, it's going to be anchored up to the roof that ain't light and of course Murphy will get you every time. my existing Mount here for the Um for the toolbx I Thought it looked like it might be the perfect level for the Ben so I wouldn't have to build another support. but uh, if I look at the level here n it's pretty much way out.

I've got to knock off probably half of that 9 mil Pine there. so I've probably got to go for like a I don't know, is there. like a 12 mil Pine or something. but I can use my existing Uh bracket um, my stayed bracket I've got here on the wall.

it's really strong and it's level from side to side. I've actually got uh two of in there so uh, that that should uh work out well that will be a nice support for my new bench. It does actually extend out far enough so Beauty I think we have a Wi there I just have to get uh another thin board which goes on top of that and it just so happens up in the roof I have a bit of 13 mil Pine Fantastic and that is that is absolutely spoton. I Call that a win and there it is the completed bench.
I've uh swn off some on the side here so that I can have a Passage through the workbench but it's basically 2 m long, 900 mm Deep by 30 mm thick and uh, should give me at least some extra bench space. we'll see. Let's take it in and find out. Beauty There you go.

That's what it's going to look like. the uh leg's not going to be under here like this. It's going to have one leg over here so that and nothing on the other corner so that the car can actually drive under cuz I think the car actually comes out to the end of the bench here the car Bonn it even slightly over. so um, yeah, the nose of it can't have a leg there.

but the whole idea is to have one leg over here anch it over there and potentially another one. uh, another beam actually. uh, post going up to the ceiling to a uh, another rafter up there and anchoring that in that way so that should hold that corner and then all this space is completely free under here. That's the plan anyway.

but uh I was thinking that I might have to shave a bit off this bench but doesn't look like it. it looks like I can just Walker straight through. Beauty I like it and I'm just about ready to uh oil the thing I've got to finish it off. You can't just leave it uh raw like that.

you've got to have a nice oil finish uh to it like I've done with the other benches here and um I've done it so it's actually flush with the other bench there which is nice and uh I've used I've counter sunk uh, some bolts into here which screw into the existing brackets I had uh, the existing stayed brackets that I used for my toolbox. my red toolbox I had conveniently with some extra Pine there it uh, sits nicely I've um I've got an extra leg which has to go on it but apart from that it's uh, ready to be uh, finished off and then at least uh and bolted into place. It's complete time for the drive-in test. Let's give it a go and it's even with plent of room at the back for the garage door and it doesn't touch I got the height right? So there you go and there's a fair bit of Gap uh down here from the front of the car.

I'll give you a look at that. there you go, the front of the car to the uh post I've got there. So uh, I I probably am going to add like a little sensor onto that post, some sort of distance, um, sensor, one of those ultrasonic things I think I'll have to make something like that so it tells me how close I am to that uh post and also how far the car is in from the garage door as well. but uh, there you go.

It's uh, complete except for uh, this corner here which isn't, uh, held up at all. it's got, uh, nothing holding it up whatsoever. but uh, there you go. I'm going to have to if you got any good ideas for that, let me know.
But uh I I'm going to have to add, um, something on here to screw it into the roof. uh, perhaps now I've actually moved the car back a bit. Uh, so it's just a couple of inches out from the garage door. basically as close as I want to get it.

and I've got a good a 40 cm there or something like that. uh, distance between the car so I could and I've got some distance here as well so I could actually get another post in there. It's not cut to size, but I got some left over there and there's no reason why I couldn't put that right on the corner there and that would actually be quite reasonable. I think if I put that if I stabilized it there the rest of it because it's anchored twice over there.

once here and once there, that should probably do it. I don't know. might might have to mull it over a bit, but uh, that's good enough for today. anyway.

I think I'm done for the time being I like it. See you.

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23 thoughts on “Lab bench build – eevblog #194”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cliff Jones says:

    I know this is an old video, however there are newbies lurking that hadn't seen all your videos.What I did to make sure the car stopped at the right place was take some thread and tape it to a ping-pong ball. Making adjustments after attaching the string to the ceiling. I put mine so it aligned with the center of the windshield, when the car moved ball it was the place to stop. Even a tennis ball will work!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MH Fulltimer says:

    crikey things have come on a bit since those days…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Gilbert says:

    Using your Australian builder boots I see.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blair Lichtenstein says:

    Manual Transmission! 'Atta boy!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars someone you don't know says:

    i wish i had an awesome lab like yours!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Maxson says:

    He's asking to get a hood replacement

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SimoWill75 says:

    Love all the comments about not being able to lift the bonnet if the car doesn't start… I guess bumping it into neutral and pushing it back a couple of feet is too hard 😉

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skysurfer says:

    Love your vids, thanks. Wonder what you'd sound like if you won the lotto? 🙂

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clyde Wary says:

    Here's a tip that some people might find useful.  Back in the early 70s, I worked at an audio service shop.  Our bench tops were covered with carpet.  There were two reasons for that.  First, of course, it was to prevent the genuine simulated walnut [ 🙂 ] cabinet of someone's $500 amp from getting scratched.  But it had another purpose.  Ever notice how, half the time, when you're removing a screw, it falls out and lands on the bench?….and then it bounces, and often ends up on the floor.  But if it lands on carpet, it stays put.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Landrew0 says:

    Stop-blocks required for the car's wheels.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Landrew0 says:

    Why don't you just get a bigger shop?  Oops, I forgot, you did.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YoutubeUser says:

    For instructions, search youtube for this video (cannot post urls): A7iTPvPpbXo

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Star says:

    Cool made. But one thing you probably missed – now you will be forced to choose the next car according to your new table hight.;)) So, from that point of time – to the car-shop only with tape-measure.;)

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Smith says:

    you can porch swing it 😛 instead of posting it to the rafter above it, use a chain, since you only need to worry about downward flex, not upward.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Pusey says:

    The most important question has to be… Ford or Holden?

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Pusey says:

    I was thinking a mini camera on the underside of the bench, just in front of the leg, with the image on a wall mounted monitor.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samverve says:


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MercenaryNL says:

    Man thx for the info. I was looking to build something similar for cheap; but this is much better idea.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bensy says:

    atuo-caption :
    "assembles indicate which grew into the existing frankenstein head and the"

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars theDIGITALperception says:

    Yo got some skillz man!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dumle29 says:

    I´m thinking you could add a steelwire from the corner to the roof. I think it would look awesome, and you could hang stuff from it

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chubsnellie says:

    You should be on the Mythbusters..Hahaha!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darkavatar says:

    "absolutely time and as you can see in the bar none my colleagues in the gay rights of harassing balances out"

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