One of Dave's LG Mono-X solar panels has mysteriously shattered!
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Foreign. Hi guys I thought I'd Give you an update on my home rooftop solar power system because everyone seems to want an update on this thing. I'll show you something that's happened here and well, it's not pretty. Let's go take a look Here we go and uh, it's been a good Nick I Was just up here, uh, cleaning it and um, I discovered.

Check it out. Look at that shattered. completely and utterly shattered. Look at that huge impact and I have no idea what caused it.

Was it a meteorite impact? Was it a drop bear? One of those elusive Australian drop bears? don't think so. There's no trees above us here and uh, or did somebody, uh, mistake it for a solar freaking roadway and drove on my roof? I'm not entirely sure, but uh yeah, it's a massive wait. uh, you know, look is is that the width of the Impact Zone I'm not entirely sure I'm not up on my uh impact, our geometries and all that sort of stuff. but check it out.

Absolutely totaled and uh no. I couldn't notice any drop in my solar power output. so obviously it's still uh, working like looking at average uh, figures and stuff like that. but you can see it's it's shattered over the whole panel.

Look right up here and right down to the Uh, right down to the bottom as well. So yep, completely shattered. What a shocker pun intended. But uh, there you go I thought I'd Uh, give you a look at that.

These things are designed to uh, protect like design to withstand our hail and stuff like that. So I'm not entirely entirely sure. um, someone with a cricket ball? maybe? but I don't think we have any one like that around here. but um, yeah, and there's no evidence of anything, uh, down the bottom or nearby as well.

So I don't know what the hell happened with this thing. If you've seen it before, this is an LG monox panel. It's one of the top of the line one, so I'm not. uh, not entirely sure how that happened.

Um I don't have no idea if uh, if this is covered under uh, warranty or not? probably not. Um, and by the way, the glass in these things is like one of the highest uh component costs of this thing so you can't replace it. It requires special manufacturing techniques to put it in there I think and you know so it's not fixable. I'm gonna have to either.

Hope well. I'll try and get it repaired under warranty because the panel itself has a 10-year physical warranty and a 25-year power output warranty. But anyway, I'll give that a go. but I don't expect that any amazing.

Um, well, I don't you know? I'd be surprised if they, uh, covered impacts like that under warranty, but you never know. but that's the only issue I've had with this thing since what? two years now? I've had this in store, but it's still, it's still producing power. so anyway, shouldn't be a big deal to replace it. Just got uh, some bolts down here.

They're all individually connected so you can just, uh, maybe I don't know if you can see under there, but yeah, you can just disconnect the uh, it's under there I'm not sure if you can see that Anyway, we've had one of these uh, shatter. then please leave it in the comments. but we've got any ideas what size object actually did that? If you're an expert at impact patterns and things like that, then let us know. But yeah, it is.
just it is. total look over the whole thing, completely shattered. Amazing. There you go because it's uh, toughened uh, glass.

So it's um, it's designed to shatter into tiny little, uh, pieces like that I think anyway. I'm no glass expert, but there you go. There's an update. Catch you next time.

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20 thoughts on “Home rooftop solar power system update – shattered panel!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Burton Nystrom says:

    Looks like a golf ball hit to me mate!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Eddy says:

    Now I know where my 10 ga slug landed.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maienduos says:

    Ask your neighbor

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enelysion Fields says:

    sometimes birds mistake tiny stones or pebbles as food, after picking it up they realize its not edible and therefore drop the stone out of mid air. do you live closeby the sea? perhaps could be some seagulls

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars redstone craft guy says:

    Definitely somebody thought that was a solar road way and drove on it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cordelia Blakeslee says:

    If you like to make your own energy you should go to Avasva

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BarackBananabama says:

    If you have seen the latest Jurassic Park movie, you'll know that carnivore dinos climb on your roof and fight all the time!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nannette Battista says:

    You can find best solutions on Avasva website.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shantay Madison says:

    Im using Avasva instructions to make it and I do it already 🙂

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Morris says:

    I have seen many baseball impacts on glass panels automobile windshields. You said you don't think it could be from a cricket ball. Are cricket balls as hard as American baseballs? Maybe a neighbor's child had a visit from another child that plays baseball and they were wakking balls and one got away. Then they snuck into your back yard to retrieve the ball as it fell off the roof. Doubt that it was a meteorite as there is no residue left behind on the panel or on your roof.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarthak Grover says:

    But is it making you money ?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sebrassino says:

    hail damage. yes they are designed to withstand some of it but ive seen some video's of huge hail near you. so probably it is just hail.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ozbloke74 says:

    All these you tube denizens passing their hypothesis , open and shut case, it was clearly a giraffe .

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kathy Quinlan says:

    Blue ice ? 😉

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spikey DaPikey says:

    Golf ball cannon….

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cream147player says:

    Looks cricket ball size to me

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Felloutislife says:

    Golf ball I reckon

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FireSwordl says:

    Wow, what kind of an object could have done that? Shouldn't it be somewhere around the house now? Other options include, ricochet to the neighbours, or gone in the rain tubes…..

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SuperHuzzy10 says:

    i have seen when a solar panel has exploded. they make a pop and a fiz noise. i heard of other solar panel make sounld of a shot gun going off.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Poole says:

    Hey Dave did you work out what happened? Looks about the size of a Cricket ball so are there any Sporty types in the vicinity or Parks/Ovals. I had a cricket ball land on one of my panels from a park just across from me which took out one of mine so just a thought keep the vids comin they are a great source of information for us hobbyists

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