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Hi! I thought I'd do a new segment. For Want of a better word: EEVcomments, where I just take some YouTube comments or comments from and answer them, since the last time I did this video from, I don't know... I might do it maybe every once every coulpe of weeks or once every five videos, something like that. So, let me know if you think this is a good idea.

Let's Go! But Before I do that. just one quick announcement, 'cause this is a good place to do announcements and things like that, 'cause some people only watch me through. YouTube. They Don't follow me on Twitter or, you know, anywhere else like that.

So They may not know I actually completely tore my cruciate ligament , my ACL in my left knee. And I'm going in for an operation to have that repaired tomorrow. So I'll be on crutches for probably several weeks and probably sore and probably a bit grumpy. So I Probably shouldn't do videos, although they could make for some good rant videos maybe..

But Anyway, I'm not sure how I'll feel after the operation, so I might take some time off. And If you don't see any videos for the next week or two,, you'll know why.. Okay, that's out of the way. Let's get to the comments! Seriously! What is this "First?", "second?" and "Third!" Bullshit? What Do you want, a freaking award? Here You go,.

you can have a freaking award! Here You go, knock yourself out! "Dave, why are you saying aluminum instead of aluminium?" I Didn't think I said "aluminum". That's what bloody Yanks say! So, it's "aluminium" here in Australia, none of this "aluminum" rubbish! Daniel G Comments: "All these repair video guys like and Shariar do make me wonder how many millions or billions of dollars worth of equipment ends up scrapped or junked or collecting dust just because of the failures of single sub-penny components." Yes! Absolutely, the repair industry's not dead, but it's in its death throws. And Stuff just isn't as repairable as it was back then. A Lot of that is kind of necessary for the modern market we're in with the modern components and everything else.

but hey, go look at /user/rossmanngroup 's videos for example! Check out his channel where he fixes all these Apple and other products and things like that down to component level and does it really well and is making a great business out of it. So It's still there. but yeah,, a lot of stuff. just like simple stuff, blown fuse - things like that, 'cause they used a PCB mount fuse, like a real fuse instead of like a resettable PolySwitch or something like that.

That can make the difference between a blown product and not. Blargh, leave your comments below if you're wearing the tin foil hat and think that manufacturers do it deliberately just so - you know, - like as soon as the twelve months warranty's expired, theres some timer in there that just pops the fuse. They could do it, but... yeah, I don't think so.

A comment from viewer )* I Hear crickets... There aren't any, okay? So, you know, that's just how the industry operates. Hopefully, I'm hoping to change that fairly soon. So There might be some eventual news on that front.
Stay Tuned! Teacher just told us that this particular career is not a good choice anymore because every electronic design and electronic hardware is extremely cheap and easy to get. Please help. We now lack the motivation. Well that teaches a freaking idiot.

What's the teacher would not want you to get into the field that this study and that's just ridiculous. They've probably never had a real job in their life. Their I countless jobs in the electronics industry there always have been there, always will be someone's got to design the stuff you think these extremely cheap our devices just come out of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory Know somebody's gotta design these things. It could be you.

You stick with it. Trust me. Better yet, go to whatever your local job website is in your country. Search for electronics engineer and or something like that.

You'll probably find hundreds and hundreds of jobs. Get a printout of it, go back to your teacher and go look what the hell you talking about Dogs 2d ass in reference to my recent video on how to price your hardware I You learnt so much from an Excellent When He's final product is for sale. Any users, all different parts, components and things like that from all these different companies. If he can patent the product or not or do it, he doesn't need their permission and the answer is no, you don't need their permission to patent the product because you're not.

The individual components you use do not actually matter for the pattern itself is not like you're gonna use this brain component with this particular part. Number of things like that just gonna you know you're using a resistor. If your patent some circuit technique, circuit implementation or something like that, then you're just gonna put you know the generic circuit. You're not gonna have a bill of materials with specific parts and things like that so it doesn't come to know and I recommend you don't patent your product a ver and I've done a video on that so I might have to link that one in down below.

Check it out and there's a second part of the question. Does he have to pay the individual component manufacturers for a royalty kind of thing? - So your product. The answer is no, you don't I'm And that's not a silly beginning to question. All people might not know that no, they make their money selling components that make their money selling the royalties.

If there are any royalties like say you by a processor that's an ARM processor. For example, the royalty for that arm core is actually built into the product price when you actually buy it, so you don't have to worry about that. And that's Universal across the practically the entire industry. Maybe there's some obscure parts somewhere, if anyone does know some niche part, maybe when you might have to pay a royalty for using it, but I've never encountered and I'm not aware of one.
And there's another question on the same video from Stay Fling G'day Steve And he lives in a country where they have a terrible postal service and it seems it seems to me to be successful at E-commerce You need a reliable postal service with affordable rates? Yes, you do. It's very important. Australia's not the best in this regard, let me tell you. but it's not good enough for me to do business.

He's got a question day when you got a Brahmin DMMs Done. Did you think about looking into logistics? drop shipping agent to handle the distribution in Taiwan and China or whatever. The answer is yes I did. I Didn't look too hard.

my maid has come from Taiwan and but the problem is, I'm trying to set up a business here. my micro currents and manufactured locally. for example, I'm going to get my further products manufactured locally and you know I could have a distributor in China or wherever, but a lot of these manufacturers Brian for example, they may not send directly or they might have issues sending directly to a distributor for example. And because I'm having my micro parents made locally, I would have to bulk ship those over as well to the distributor.

and I'm basically supporting a business in another country. I would rather actually employ someone here to do it and keep the money here in Australia rather than just do that. and it's not that bad. I've done a deal with Australia Post here.

I Get reasonable rates. they're not terrific. you know, like twenty dollars to ship the major overseas? Yeah, hunger if you had done in. China might vary.

ship it for a few bucks, but there's other issues involved with importing and all sorts of issues which it gets really complicated, especially if you're getting different products manufactured in all these different countries and it's a year I know I just want to set up here, but yes, you can do that. but for me, it just it didn't make sense at this stage. anyway. I Want to give it a go myself and he makes a fair enough comment that I rode in my profits by importing them here and paying tax and all that sort of stuff and year.

That's true, but it's it. There are it all comes. It might all come out in the wash and there's value to actually doing it yourself as well. and it's kind of satisfying as well.

So Steve would like to get these products manufactured and then delivered to a relatively relatively nearby logistics firm. And yeah, I could do that right. I could use an Australian logistics firm, but really, they're going to be no cheaper than me doing it myself. I would actually have to go to China or somewhere else very cheap like that.

and then Europe's a problem as well. I've heard that customers in Europe they have problems in Port getting stuff from China's While China's not just these magic solution that just works, they might have cheap postage, but I sell into like a hundred and fifty plus countries almost every country on the planet I've shipped to and they've all got their little problems and things like that. The European Union is its own huge can of worms, so it almost makes sense to set up a a distributor distributors probably not the right term for film at company or whatever you want to do. I call it because they resell is a different thing entirely.
As I mentioned in the video, they take a big chunky a profit. so if you want to retain maximum profit and you've got the audience you've got the marketing or sword and you don't need them, then you can just use is fulfillment company. That makes sense to almost have a fulfillment company just inside the EU, but then getting stuff shipped to the EU can be an issue. It might be easier to get it in via ones and twos ease and bulk shipping Adam but it depends like Germany's are all pain in the arse for example.

But yeah it and that it's a big can of worms so he can see why. It's easy for startups to go bust quickly and that is true because they don't sort these things out, they don't account for them all that sort of stuff it. But it's not that you know the phase and import charges and all that sort of stuff aren't that bad if you build a decent profit margin in your product. if you actually charge, you should be charging for the postage at cost or maybe a little bit more for all sorts of you know issues and things like that.

Cake, take care of it, build it into your prize and you shouldn't have any problems and you shouldn't. If you're starting a hardware company, I wouldn't go all in and try and set up this distribution. All that before you sold a single one, because as you've noticed that some companies won't even want to deal with you unless you're you know, like you've got experience, You've got guaranteed volumes and and things like that, it's much easier just to start at you so small and then you know if you find that you sell a hundred a day and are you have just gotten, you're not getting any sleep. You can't pack and ship these things then here you go.

looking for a fulfillment center? but I wouldn't jump straight into that. Just do it yourself. For starters and you learn a lot by doing it as well. A very serious question from my Gary Black: Dave I've been a longtime subscriber but can't help but notice how bad the content has become.

Perhaps you may want to take suggestions from your audience for future topics. Anyhow, consider me unsubscribe at this point. Good luck in the future. Well, I'm sorry to see that you weren't happy with the content Gary Sorry to see you go.

And I've got two points here and these apply not just to my channel, but anyone who you are subscribed to. If you're gonna leave a comment like this and say well, your content bed on unsubscribing, you're not helping. You haven't explained what you actually have a problem with. What you would like to see or you suggested is that I may want to actually take suggestions from the audience.
Well, I K Fair enough, but this is what a lot of people have to understand. I've got a general interest channel build up with like a thousand videos, nine hundred and something official videos with probably more than a dozen different comments. I've got reviews tear downs Rance Tutorials are design stuff. I do interviews I do my own bag retro experiments, all sorts of stuff.

that's probably more than a dozen different topics that I subscribe to and I can't always do these videos just over and over to keep everyone happy. I've said this before and I'll say it again. It is literally impossible. Impossible to please every single viewer unless you've got a channel that has the same content in the exact same format over and over again.

Like the science Youtube is, for example, they do. You know exactly the same format over and over again and pretty much most of the viewers. The majority of them get what they subscribe for every video. My channel being a general purpose one, unfortunately, is not like that if you don't like my old bag.

I'm sorry, but a lot of people do. if you don't like a test equipment tear downs. I'm sorry, but a lot of people do. If you don't like my interviews, I'm sorry.

A lot of people do accept her for every single one of my videos. If none of my videos worked I wouldn't be doing the many more if my own bag as a concept didn't work. I wouldn't be doing any anymore if people didn't like our interviews or site visits or whatever I do occasionally I wouldn't do him any more. So just please be aware of this before you ask for, why don't you take suggestions from the audience because it's not going to work if I do that and I do occasionally.

but you know, when I do everyone has a different suggestions like when I do a fundamentals Friday video for example. Like, probably not the majority of my comments, but a good lot of my comments, were I really enjoyed that one. Dave thanks for that. No, it's they jump straight into a suggestion for all.

Can you do this? Can you do this? Can you do this And everyone's got a different suggestion, let alone four different types of topics and things like that. So on I've built my channel up as a general purpose channel and there's pretty much no way out of that. I have to keep doing general purpose staff are to keep to try and keep everyone happy and I do try and I do take suggestions but just be aware. I can always do something that you think might be really good for the audience because often you might be in the minority.

Sorry, but that's just the way it is when you got a general-purpose channel with like three hundred and fifty thousand subscribers. So unfortunately, I am going to lose our subscribers like you Gary If you're still watching here, probably not. but I am going to lose subscribers and I see you I can see the graph on youtube I Lose, You know? might lose 50 subscribers a day or something like that. That's just natural for a channel like Mate.
Sorry, I can't make everyone happy every time Sean Blackwell is not a happy little camper. If off Dave Who's gonna shove a flash up the pie R square it being a wanker I Sean is a door. Go buy yourself a clue. Magic In is not a happy little camper either.

I'm It has to do with solar roadways of course and we got ourselves a Solar Roadways apologist here. All and basically always see you doing now is bullying some entrepreneurs spirit with false hope and lack of dollars that are trying something and being pragmatic. you are not helping by only showing the wrongs about thinking in the solution they are destined to file, blah blah blah. What have you done lately to give it back to the advancement of humanity except laughing about people who are trying to watch the video all the way through.

maybe twice. Try and comprehend what I'm saying here. I'm trying to teach people practical engineering back-of-the-envelope calculations to try and see if a project is viable. I'm trying to educate the whole new generation of engineers to you know it out of the box.

Thinking is great. Ok, fantastic and but do your basic back-of-the-envelope calculations is very important and if these solar obeys. If the brochures actually did this and he should be able to as a master's degree in electrical engineering then you should have seen that this was complete fully. but no.

Had the goggles on and could only see straight down Route 66 and that's it. And sometimes an idea is just not viable and you have to drop it. There's nothing wrong with telling people that and trying to explain, especially doing the calculations to try to explain to people why it's called education. So that's what I've been doing lately trying to educate people.

What are you been doing? You know the power of the question was, how would I tackle this project and make it work? You don't understand. There's no point making it work. it is a fundamentally stupid idea. Put them on bloody polls on room his first not under cars.

Unbelievable! I Got a ton of positive feedback for my signal and spectrum analyzer teardown video. Thank you for everyone who are positive and commented very positively on this and you can read some of them here. Awesome tear down if you don't know because I didn't get a huge amount of views People just thought our two regular teardown order but now go check out my single and spectrum analyzer tear down and what I did is I took photographs of the board high resolution photos and then I went through block by block and overlaid stuff on them and zoom being and did all sorts of you know if you fancy things in editing our orphans fancy for me anyway and did like a voice over stuff on there and explained i think there were twenty five separate blocks in the ire of section of the secret spectrum analyzer like spot and showed arrows of the signal flow and all sorts of stuff in. people really like that and they said they want to see more of that and yes I can certainly do more of that.
Yes, it does take a lot of extra if I put a lot of effort into doing that when I thought it would be fun to do. and because an RF spectrum analyzer front end like that with all these different sections really warrants that sort of thing. And rather than just me, get the poker and just go. That's thatthat's thatthat's that and you know, just ramble on know I Got my horse photos because I take high-res photo 10 photos every anyway for every tear down I took those and then did some like block diagrams and signal power flow on top and everyone liked it so thank you very much.

Yes, you'll see more, but often a lot of things just don't want that. They don't have that many blocks that make that really worthwhile. but the signal spectrum analyzer it was a really good example of that. So I'm glad you liked it.

Thanks Kel Ass on the EV blog website because you can leave comments via the discuss system on the EV blog website. hi. Dave You mentioned that high quality motivated should use HSE fuses. Yes, I did.

but if I take the X take a it's 3:30 For example, it comes with glass users. Yes, it does. What's stopping me from upgrading it to Hrc fuses? Will it work? Will there be a benefit? There is nothing stopping you from upgrading to Hrc fuses. Will it work? Yes, it most certainly will.

as long as you get the same rating at fuse. And will there be any benefit? Yes, they will. It will give you higher ruptured capacity in your fuse so the fuse won't explode. If it gets a gross overload, it will be contained within the HR See if you use.

The reason the manufacturers don't do this, particularly on low-cost meters, is because it costs money. These Hi Jesse fuses are expensive. and they're expensive for a reason. Glass fuses are dirt.

Replay: Turn them out four cents each. whereas hoc fuses could be tens of sense for some of the smaller ones, but some of the real big ones from you know, bussmann and oh, you know you're more reputable companies can cost dollars each. So yes, by all means, if you've got a cheap made it, replace it with your HR C fuses. The chip maker may not be as designed as will for gross overloads or tested as well for gross overloads as a one that's probably designed and I proper hi cat riding with proper hey Chelsea fuses and everything else but I it will it.

But it should help not just in theory, but in practice for any gross overloads. And you made her. So what we're doing silver Asked: do I ever have any more automated giveaways? Yes, I do I've done them in the past. Um, he doesn't have any money for a good one, but if you Ever have any giveaways? I'll be sure to jump on them.
Yeah, why not? Okay for this video: I'll do a multimeter give away free BM 235 Multimedia Whoever gets the comment on YouTube Sorry, there's nowhere else to sort of do it. Youtube the most thumbs up and no gaming the system. It's going to be a good comment that gets thumbs up for you know and all know because I can smell bullshit so it's going to be a genuine comment that gets genuine thumbs up. Oh know if it's not and you'll probably have to remind me at the end after a week or something like that after his videos posted.

Otherwise, I'll forget cuz I'll be on crutches and I'll probably be grumpy. Anyway, you seem like to come back every mind because there's no way to sort of like directly email someone on Youtube, maybe get to their account and contact nerds. Hey, Youtube for contacting people. Stupid.

Dave You must be in the Guinness World Records for having the largest multimeter collection and world. How many do you actually have? I Have no idea, but I certainly don't have as many as Excavator A he's a photo. That's a lot of flukes. An interesting comment, really.

not really a question from my Chip guy needs of various F is fueled applications. Engineers from Final told me that Element 14 wanted to develop Eagle much further to truly compete with the features about him, but it failed. The kids off staff was very reluctant to do major changes and all that sort of stuff and this in the Hawkins some code drawers that managed to keep all the code a secret and untouchable. In the end, Element14 got fed up and get in touch with out him to do of course that Circuit Studio which they sold for the ridiculous price of over three thousand dollars and failed completely at which is why did the recent video.

Now that Element 14 were bought out by somebody else, Altium could now come in and go. Um, yep, we'll sell it for nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars. We probably knew we wouldn't sell any, but I that's the story I've heard as well is that it's a word on the street is that Element 14 approached out him and said hey, we want this sort of me to arrange product. can you do something for us and our time went by it.

It's kind of a few lines of code and crippled out him designer and Bob's your uncle Here you go and just quietly and I think you are so many but I it keeps your boss happy and it looks great on our investor presentation that we can have the product pyramid with this mid-level product. We can say that actually silver and the investors will love that sort of thing. We don't even have to tell them how many we actually sold which is better. all I am not a paid CIA she'll rebel code I asked and what do I used to design my own Pcbs Altium Designer do I create some in my lab IE I Guess make my own Pcbs? No, I don't I haven't done that for a very long time.
that was in a galaxy far far away and it's just not worth that these days it's unless you absolutely need it within an error or two then you know you can get so cheap professional prototype boards made you know double-sided for later sold. a mile silkscreen down to low tolerance is yeah. I could make my own eight boards back in the day but um yeah like it's messy I Can't do that here in a commercial office environment. Have to get home and do it and even then the wife would complain.

I can't use the sink out the back. it says no words, just it just ain't worth it. Carl Ass Is this sponsored by is the video sponsored iron. Can't remember what video this came from, but no, none of my videos a sponsored.

They never have been. Nobody's paid a cent for videos. I get requests from manufacturers and other people all the time. If they can sponsor a video, they can pay for a review or anything like that.

and I just it's a blanket. No to every single one of them. Never done. it never will.

Michael Comments Dave You use a webcam for picturing picture. but why you look like you look in the camera monitor. Its confusing for the view of where to look at your point. your mouse is what you discuss.

So why do the picture in picture Because of a lot of people? Ask for it. Sorry, but you're the only one who said you don't like it A lot of people. I By the lack of other complaints considering the number of views my video gets, I guess nobody really has a problem with that, but a lot of people ask for. There are many times over the years have asked for the picture in picture.

so I'm doing the picture-in-picture Leave it in the comments down below what you think of the picture in picture thing. I'm on some videos recently have actually been not always using the picture-in-picture sort of using it selectively or something like that. Let me know if you prefer that. I don't know.

I like the picture in picture. I think it adds a personal touch to the video because I'm not in front of the camera a lot these days. Unbelievable. Not in front of the camera a lot these days.

So no, no, listen. let's like behind the camera, you'll see my hands and poking in and doing whatever. and I Picture-in-picture still keeps that sort of personal touch. sorry if it's annoying, but a lot of people do like it.

I know that for a fact. God your voice is so annoying. Yep, you're welcome. so that's it for the first.

TV blog comments. I hope you like that's probably longer than I thought. I did. Actually have a lot of comments in there.

Sorry, we didn't get to read your comment, but the best thing to do if you want to be in: I Do you want me to do this again? Leave it in the comments if you liked this and I will do it on a try and do it on a regular basis. And if you've got questions, maybe put like a big question in front of it or something like that in the comments that make it stand out more because I do get a lot of comments. I do try to read every single youtube comment, every single comment on what. Definitely read every single comment on the web on the blog website.
and well, the form is y massive. I have included any form stuff because the form is like a world unto itself. You know it's just massive and it's probably I might just stick to the comments on the videos and on the blog so they can. You enjoyed it.

Give it a big thumbs up. Catch you next time.

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18 thoughts on “Eevcomments #1”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mappy Land says:

    Can you put in a recommendation for me? I'm trying to get a CIA job too.

    I had no idea CIA agents had enough free time to do all these YouTube videos and electronic projects. Seems like a cushy job. Put in a good word for me.

    I could have crushed the Bay of Pigs way worse than they did. I'm guessing 10% less casualties.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wizard-Pirate says:

    I hope GaryBlack, Sean Buckwell, and people like that find peace in their lives.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fuchs Yoo says:

    I knew it!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bilen kenan says:

    i always watch EEVblog videos with 1.25 speed which makes it more watchable.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars code beat says:

    you didn't mention my comments, bummer.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 15743 Hertz says:

    Dave: The bluebird has flown! I repeat: The bluebird has flown! Enact emergency plan Beta Carmicle immediately! – Your handler in the CIA. ๐Ÿ˜œ

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Zak Kohler says:

    I like how you're always genuinely surprised that you went longer than you thought you would..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mehrunes86 says:

    Loves your content, keep it going๐Ÿ˜€

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars biggrey54 says:

    as they say, you can please some of the people some of the time, some of the people none of the time but none of the people all of the time

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aly nicholls says:

    never mind dave you cant educate pork, we know why solar roads are a dead end, like you say put them on the signs, gantries hell even the meter wide barrier in between the carrigeways, but not the road surface.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Horusaem says:

    Definitly do it agiain or Even do such segment Live on EEVBlog2 where it would be a mix of live comments plus the chosen comments from the previous videos. And PS . I usually wach the older videos at work ( no boss button ) but it`s not the thing , the ammount of bannanas you eat or the rate at wich I find bannana break flavoured vids is astonishing ๐Ÿ˜‰ Will that spin off into some EEV cooking channel ๐Ÿ˜‰ Leave your comments below ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy Billard says:

    Learning when to drop something (project, client, feature etc) is one of the most important skills to learn in any profession.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CreativeFabricationz says:

    Do you still think people wear tin foil hats after Apple admitted that they intentionally slow their devices over time using updates????

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LA6UOA says:

    Love this segment! More "Mailbag"!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UTF says:

    Hmm, what about more FPGA videos? I think those would be rather popular…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DadoRAM says:

    PIP is good for me

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars turbojoe2 says:

    Been watching for a few years now, love the vids Dave. Great entertainment for people like me!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars insylem says:

    I had a blown fuse in my computer speaker amp power supply. It was board mounted. I installed a fuse holder and put in a new fuse and swapped out my shorted rectifier diodes with a full wave bridge

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