Drive time rant.
Has electronics design information become a bit of a commodity? And how can you differentiate yourself?

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22 thoughts on “Eevblog #92 – get your mit engineering degree for free”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John West says:

    If I want only technical info about a specific topic I will read a textbook. It's concentrated and efficient, and I have lots of textbooks. If I want entertainment my choices are I can watch an inane movie or I can watch your videos, and your videos AREN'T inane and stupid, like most movies are. I do learn useful things from them, perhaps things that are outside specific information about electron flow, but useful in the larger electronics or related fields, and I have no dislike for learning. In fact, I'd prefer it if I were learning all the time. There's a lot to know. Yes, sometimes my mind rebels against being stuffed with pure knowledge, and it wants some relaxed entertainment. So let's just say I have a desire for a higher quality of entertainment than the average movie. Your channel provides it.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shaukath ameen says:

    I just came across your channel today 11 years after u post this video. Have already watched 6 videos and though my first intention was an in depth info on a certain topic, what hooked me to your channel I must admit is the presentation, the emotion. I strongly believe human interaction lies in expressions and feelings. And I do need to spend hours on reading as well if that is how the information is available, but I prefer a nut case with humour and other things to talk about while delivering the information ThankYou♥️

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phillip Rhodes says:

    The answer for me is a solid "BOTH". I definitely enjoy the entertainment factor (it doesn't hurt that, as an American, we find Australian accents delightful), especially the mailbag segment and the various teardowns. But I also learn a lot and I definitely like the more "fundamentals" oriented stuff, whether it's circuit theory stuff, or test equipment tutorials, whatever. So yes, my take is "please continue to offer a mix of "pure education" AND "pure entertainment" content and plenty of stuff that provides an element of both."

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Circuit Designer says:

    Electronics is my entertainment while i am doing things related to that i educate myself, if you think its fun then it will be fun if you think its a kind of education then it will be like that but education might get bored sometimes not fun

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael R. Moody, Sr. says:

    Your seagull imitation gave me such a chuckle. My chip! My chip! My chip!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert's Electronic Hobbies says:

    I have only recently started watching your videos and so far I love the wide variety of subjects and the fun delivery. I also appreciate the way you have picked out some tricky subjects like op-amps and done the best job ever of explaining how they work. So I watch for the entertainment and if I can learn something along the way then that is just a big plus.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MantisRay861 says:

    I watch your EEVBlog, w2aew, and a few others mostly when I have a particular element of electronics that I want to know more about. I do better learning from videos than from reading. I have to say it works, because many people in my class come to me when they have questions on what we're learning. Along with the fact that it keeps me thinking about electronics all the time.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Moran says:

    Education takes many forms. Yes, reading a text book is more efficient in terms of time spent vs quantity of information delivered, but video is much better at explaining abstract or complicated concepts. I also watch to lie are your opinions of products, theories, etc. you are sharing your knowledge and experience which is learning in another form.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vikram Balaji says:

    Well Mr.Dave, the blog is more useful, entertaining and interesting than any lecture/talk/lab/workshop session at my University…. And I watch the videos at my spare time… time when I'm not inclined to read/study anything.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Foxy rollins says:

    now i feel like im daves dunny brush dog.. we goin to the park dad?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrAbletospeak says:

    Sacht mir woo?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arief Adha says:

    oh please Dave you just don't realize what you think is a piece of cake it's can be a something new for others. i watch for your video to educate me while i need an entertainment.

    so the reason is "BOTH"

    and sometimes you just no idea what to search about information that what are you looking for in wiki, etc. but in youtube i just saw on new upload video.

    so please keep in your mind your video is totally educated and entertainment on both way. because me and bunch of my friends like your manner and your language when you dealing with somethings.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IMmoreRANDOMthanYOU says:

    Started watching for learning purposes, stayed for the entertainment 🙂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Wonk says:

    I enjoy unwinding with videos. I choose to watch videos where I can learn something new at the same time.

    Love to see a video on micro inverters some day.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aadil Shah says:

    I watch for fun! The education I get from it is just a bonus! 😀

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Эволюционер says:

    Education through entertainment FTW.

    P.S. That video about displacement current was invaluable for me. As well as other videos you've made. All you do is very influential because you share your expieriences, which is beautiful.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen Adels says:

    Watch mostly for information, actually.  I'm a software developer trying to reinvent myself as a product inventor.  So, I read papers on SMPS design for one aspect of that, but you're ultra-practical style, with no nonsense, and "traps for young players" or beginners like me, are invaluable.  This will surprise you – one of the most useful I found was the 555 kit you put together.  Picked up great practical information.  Also, the Design for Manufacturing, which I hope you will do more on.  Thanks for the great "show", but I'm in it for the "know!"

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seth Burgin says:

    WIKI>?? With theory, NO. They are pretty spot on. There is also a Physics blog that is good.  With product histories, Wiki is filled with holes. Wikipedia tends to allow some topics to be hijacked by corporations. Relax, Dave, I have other guys an can pester with my dumb questions. We can meet face to face and interject in real time and not deal with the text chat issues, which is SO much better, IMHO.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Lane says:

    Well, it's 2014, soon to be 2015 and I'm heavily enjoying your channel, both the newer stuff and the older.  All I can say is that I learn a few things, I like the things you've chosen to share and the variety makes it less of a chore than a lot of other channels on electronics.  I really like the way you incorporate learning about good vs. not so good vs. plain bad design by tear downs and review of circuit boards.  I'm more in the realm of semi-educated hobbyist / tinkerer than an actual engineer even though I would bet I can out program you in a few languages;-)  The channel is great to learn about newer technologies than what Radio Shack had in the '70's when I started tinkering, too.  Thanks and keep up the good work.  Cheers!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars waldsteiger says:

    im in for education, i stay for your way of presenting. believe me, i would not watch anybody else fiddle with an old 4 ch filter (or a dsa for that matter) and be waiting what will happen next. 
    greetings from austria, not australia

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caton Vracar says:

    I agree with the way the blog is structured, in an entertainment method. I honestly hate listening to lectures at university which is down right boring (put yourself to sleep) with some lecturer holding the microphone like some rock-star. So I watch this blog just to stimulate my interest into electronics when I'm not attending lectures. Love the tear-downs (one of my favorite things to do when I was a kid in tropics).

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter de Man says:

    i watch as infotainment. it's entertaining and in allot of video's there is something you say or mention that i actually didn't know. like the solder via's to increase their max current specs. i now know it realy works and increases by 33% at least. beauty !

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