More Mailbag Monday
NOTE the huge mistake on the DC-DC converter brick power, ignore that, please don't comment on it, I know it's completely wrong.
Infinity PV organic printed solar cells:
Panasonic 840 JE-840U calculator teardown
LED controller car computer thingo teardown
Old school parallel port software protection dongle teardown
World's first logic IC! The Fairchild ยตL900 series, as used in the Apollo guidance computer.
Dave is taken to task about his religious rant in a previous video. Can he destroy Dave with a logical argument?
Expert witness court case letter.
Cheap ebay soldering iron of death teardown
Cheap BEC brand voltage regulator for model airplanes, is it any good? Will it meet it's claims?
Silego GreenPAK Dual-Supply Programmable Mixed Signal Matrix
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Hi Welcome to everyone's favorite segment mailbag. Let's get straight into it. This one's from Robert Wheels good on your Rob he's from Auckland in New Zealand Hi to all my New Zealand viewers Matt sorry had to make the joke better. Yeah I know Australia has more sheep than New Zealand but yeah, we can't help her calm sheep shaggers but think you can.

let's see what that rub has set in. It was crushing everything on my mailbag shelf over there. Oh More hang up so we'll get this out on the road. Geez, it's a bit loosey-goosey in the packaging, but ah hello hello.

It's a projector with a couple of other miscellaneous. what's a rev Control smart LED program card I got no idea what is its programming lids I don't know and some sort of little lamp. Our speed controller power brick or something is remote. no no, there's no note.

By the way, if you want my hand drawing Fluxgate condenser, Fluxgate condenser t-shirt then I'll provide a link down below to the teespring store where if I get 15 I think they will print it Beauty So this is an NEC VT 700 projector here. umm 2008. Geez, that's pretty ancient. Yeah, apparently it doesn't work well.

This was all sent as broken electronics, but basically it's just a Pc projector because some yeah, it's basically DVI and a computer. no HDMI sort of like a TV stuff is L lens and it's probably I don't know. Was this a cheapy back in the day? Not entirely sure. Push one away Paul Look there we go stand.

Neat. Anyway, 2 minute teardown. Let's go. And there's the lamp.

I Believe that thing is actus contains mercury. Oops. Interest in the lens arrangement that the lamp goes through there. Hmm.

there we have it. That's inside. It's quite chock-a-block really. The main board on the top.

It's got the tactile buttons on the top that went directly to the switches. We got a fan over here. What brand is that? It's just some made in China thing I don't know. whatever we're going to Dickie Little speaker on the back.

nothing fancy, pantsy. Is that a Is that a blower? Maybe that could be a blower? I don't know. not quite sure. I'm gonna have to take this thing apart a lot more.

It's actually going to require Aa quite a bit of effort to take this apart. so I think it's more than a two minute teardown. so I might have to leave this. If I've got enough time at the end of shooting the rest of these mailbag stuff, then I'll do it.

Otherwise, it'll have to be a separate video. sorry revenge on the Smart LED program card I've got no idea what this is at all, but yeah. okay, um. interesting.

I enclosure for it. You can see the dip stand off four digit LED display in there and then they've just got some buttons. It looks like a Weber is that moulded into the top case just going down to the tactile domes. There were some switches that's just a rather unusual enclosure, so it is.

Some buttons, some headers, a four-digit display, and an Atmel 80 mega here. and Amanda Scilab Sir CP 2102 USB You are cheap and well, that's all she wrote and well. okay, there's nothing wrong with that. If find a niche application that does some smart thing, you can sell a million of your widgets that you know are real simple to design and do.
It's all a matter about market requirements. so there is I Don't know What does this? Do it programs some LEDs or something. item value reset. Okay.

Speed Passion I Don't know. interesting cuz sold a million of them. Who knows. and it comes with this companion in thing.

The Speed Passion is probably a car thing. sort of. Looks and feels automotive. took the screws off that end.

Not much doing inside there either. Reasonably compact though that's a yeah, that's a that's a secondary board, so that's the. that's probably the controller board skews being not completely rough here, but in some MOSFETs are driving some motors or LEDs or whatever. Actually, it makes sense that they're on the bottom side because that's the heatsink.

so you want those MOSFETs attached to the heatsink. So that's all. this tiny little lower controller. and okay, so your program? Do you use that to program this? That other thing to program this? Perhaps Maybe that's how it works and oops, I could smell this before I can't see it? Yeah, we've blown the ass out of a few.

MOSFETs their magic smokers escaped. active ingredient in every component. Is that part of the die still stuck to the case inside there? Oh wow. Extreme overload.

Next up: one from Keith Williams thank you very much Keith is from Kansas City in the United States of America ever been to Kansas we're not in Kansas anymore Toto. that's all I know of Kansas Sorry yeah I Know that's pretty bad, but you know. Anyway, all right, let's see what Keys sent padding we're going to note and paddy, that's it. Let's have a look.

Come on. get out of here. Get out of here with another little brick. Looks like some sort of regulator brick.

I'm not sure if we get yeah, we can do a two-minute teardown on that because it looks like it's not potted. It's just a clip. It's just a clip I can like. jeez, look at ya I could almost get that off with my fingernail I think almost two minutes here down and Keith is only 15 and good on your key if he's sent in this little puppy and it's a DC to DC regulator for model airplanes and helicopters to regulate the main battery voltage up to 50 volts.

Wow, Really okay to thing though that high? Jeez, that's a lot of like multiple batteries in series or is there one big like 48 volt battery or something crazy anyway to around 6000 and power the receiver and the servos attached to the chart from the manufacturer showing it's currently set to 6 point 5 volts. Being a few friends, we're hoping I could tear it down. Tell us what I think, maybe put it through a load test to see if it lives up doors radians he wants know if it's any good or not. Well let's have a squiz.
First thing I'm going to look at is the wires and they look pretty beefy as that 16 gauge there that looks. you know that looks good enough to carry the current so no worries there. But here's your problem: Maximum Continuous Current and Kiss Given us a chart here and I've calculated the output powers: multiply the voltage times current up to anywhere from 240 watts at a lower input voltages up to 384 watts output power capability at 48 volts. input with this little dickie heatsink.

Are you kidding me after? Because basically, even if you're 90 percent efficient, okay, yeah, you could might be able to get higher than that if you're optimized it for one particular output voltage. But this is a fairly wide range, right? So this is, you know. So this thing is not done. If they get 90% efficiency in this thing, they're doing really well.

90% efficiency? You've got. It means that you're going to be dropping 38. What's in this Anyway, From 24 watts to 38 watts in this pissant little heatsink here I Call right away and I had a double check this size heatsink. here.

it's about 28 by 28 by 12 or something like that. We're talking about 6 degrees C per watt at a couple of hundred cubic feet per minute. Air flow. Okay, granted, because this is on like a model plane.

Okay, it could be. You know they could be getting air flow. You know, a ton of air flow over the thing. That's fine.

but even that, like you know, it's six degrees C per? what are you kidding me And this has to dissipate anywhere from twenty four to thirty eight watts. So maximum power? You'd be talking well over a hundred and fifty degrees. C Temperature rise on this thing at under best-case conditions could be higher Is it? It's ridiculous. There's the underside of it.

At least it's got a conformal coating. You should be able to see the shine on that so they've at least gone the extra mile. Do I Keep the moisture out of this thing. But come on, this is not going to do a 380 for what the continuous output power.

me Kidding me. At least they got a hundred and five degrees C rated cap on there anyway. like totally inadequate. you know, output capacitance.

but yeah, I don't know what it's do. it's driving so ripple like millionnaire? whatever. Um, but jeez no, come on, come on anyone want to have a guess as to what the maximum real maximum output power this thing is I don't know. probably getting towards an order of magnitude less than what they're claiming.

So Keith wants to know if I give it a thumbs up? Nope, thumbs down, especially for the rated power. Otherwise, you know that you know it's okay. If they rated this thing properly, you know it would be fine. but hey, you know they've done some fairly beefy parts on there and it's probably going to work reasonably up to a certain point.
But apart from that, not snowball's chance in hell a median its rating. another one for the United States of America our Andrew turrets thank you very some. Boston Massachusetts haven't been a Boston either. cheese, haven't been anywhere I need to get out more.

spit hard when you got a wife and two kids though. Let me tell you anyway, have a look. Aha calculator Panasonic Panasonic 840 Check it out Wow wonder how old that is? Hang on mid-70s what else we got? Whoa Oh Palm Hey Palm Pilot I've done a Palm Pilot tear downs before I don't know Falls Pump three might have been anyway. um I did.

oh I Thought it was a rather good video where I did like a timeline compared the timeline of palms. these were the Ducks guts before we had these new single smartphones. So anyway, um to military I'm a Panasonic Awesome! Oh look at this baby in the Panasonic 840 at 1974 apparently I wonder how long a lifespan that actually had? Oh oh oh oh. light comes on but it's the Je8 for Tau for those playing along at home.

6 volts at car for what? Wow Oh I got suck it in there. That's not a let it looked like because I'm looking through the the camcorder screen here. this that is not that is not an indicator. it's just it.

Like a mechanical. Like a little bit of copper or something showing through there. Oh my goodness. Oh we were styling Andrew says that this puppy does not work so I'll take his word for it.

Ah ah oh, is that a header? Yeah, you betcha that's a header. Oh wow, look at that. There we go. Oh look at that vacuum fluorescent display.

Oh thing of beauty, look at those white are they they're jumpers and your white jumper links through hole jumper links. Anyway, it's a mess of oh there you go. MN 55420 Snow Buddy trig functions. It's just as they called in the trade of for Bangor and it's not a real display unless it's got a nipple.

Look at that. I love the nipple. Next up, we have a commercial one. You can tell because it's FedEx I Joe average usually doesn't do FedEx unless you in one of those countries I can get a really good deal on FedEx certainly not.

Australia Anyway, things a bit unwieldy anyway. struggle through with it because it looks good. Solve it. something's come out, Got something long light, interesting? Oh oh I think I might like this don't It turns out I actually ordered this Um I Completely forgot I order stuff and just completely forget about it.

but apparently um, they knew who I was hi Dave We really like the Eevblog. We included some extra sample goodies OPB A tape solar cell sticky tape. Enjoy! infinity PV There you go. That's the logo in infinity? Yes, Infinity PV There you go.

Thank you very much. It doesn't say anyway. they enjoy my blog. thank you very much.

These are organic solar cells. Wow I'm gonna have to do a separate video on these I can't do these justice in the mailbag I Don't think but yet these are flexible organic solar cells. Ah, we're excited! So where's being new technology and now I can't remember why order I order them cuz they're cool. but I wanted to I can't remember I had a specific idea for it.
it was video idea or project idea or both. uh at the time and yeah, these are up flexible at 3m backing tape on them Anyway, let's take a look. Awesome Organic Solar cells beauty. Hang on! Oh just love the genuine 3m adhesive smell.

Oh I'm quite excited about these I show you in better detail in a minute. but I've got a couple of these infinity PV test samples what they are and strips as well. but these ones are kind of like more useful. They're designed for a like classroom demonstrators and things like that.

And yes, they are completely flexible. Solar cells like this? No worries, these that have adhesive strips on the back. You can stick them in various places, you can cut them to length and what they are is they're organic solar cells. Most important thing about these is that they're actually printed.

They're printed photovoltaic technology. So they print them on these large format roll printers. So they print them on like rolls that are, you know, like hundreds of meters long or something like that. So going to print them as long as you like and you just cut them, you just cut them to size, to length to the ones that you require.

So the manufacturing cost of these things is incredibly low or I should correct that and say has the potential to be incredibly low I'm not sure what the cost is at the moment, probably higher because they're still not. You know, not real mainstream technology, but the fact that you can print these on really cheap printers instead of you know in solar cell manufacturing is quite the regular ones that you're used to on your rooftops. And things like that they're you know, quite an involved process and these are not terribly efficient by the way. Only talking one point five to seven percent efficiency as opposed to, you know, like maybe twenty percent efficiency for like a rooftop solar panel.

But the fact that you can actually print these on roll printers and they're thin, completely like that. Less than 0.5 millimeters, flexible bend or bendable, semi-transparent ink, and different funky colors? Excellent. And you can get any length limit as I said, and even the production of them is energy efficient. Are you don't need any high power, high temperature processes? No vacuums? No evaporation type, you know, processes? No clean rooms? Nothing like that.

It uses an additive manufacturing technology. Fast energy payback time I get probably I'll link in the website down below. They've probably got a more detail and low environmental impact, non toxic or no scarce elements or anything like that. Well, they claim to be recyclable.
probably not hundred percent, but you know you can probably do it. And here's the solar foil which I don't have. these ones are efficiency only two to four percent. Not great, but hey, they could offer more bang per buck so you wouldn't use these in your notes.

Massive solar farm projects or something like that. But hey, Ferb You know if they're really low-cost and flexible and you can use them in all sorts of different scenarios you can't use traditional solar cells in then they could be a winner. Typically wonderful watts per meter that will depend on the width. I Guess they send sell different with types up.

You can cut, connect and integrate them yourself and they can have the adhesive on the back just like this and all. I Love the smell of the 3m adhesives. Ah wonderful! And we don't have these here, but Infinity TV Looks like they do are some like test systems and things like this: laser beam induced current mapping so they actually use. Here's a little block diagram.

They use a PC based test system, hook it up and then the little scanning laser here can scan over the solar cell and you can induce a current in there. So to map it out and 200% characterize the surface and service of these things. That's pretty neat. And they've even got a solar simulator as well hey, that's pretty yeah, generates a homogeneous light.

Our simulation over a large area with our various filters and all sorts of stuff to work. Test your solar panels. Fantastic! So here's the classroom demonstrator. They got these studs here.

Fantastic! Positive and negative terminals are AG No recycling so there's a of course they got silver in these things. Silver's a big usage high usage component in regular solar panels. They'll be using those for the contacts and things like that. But yeah, this is going to presume.

it's only like a two layer process I Can't like tear it down or anything like that. presumably you have to shine them on the top surface like that. Or do you also get oh, maybe you wouldn't get the same efficiency. even.

maybe you can shine it from the other side. Anyway, these are really Jersey infolding like this: Fantastic! Oh Alright, let's measure the short circuit current shall we? This is an easy test for solar panels. You can't damage them by doing this. not just these ones other ones as well.

measure the short-circuit current and we're looking with the lab lights here. I've got about a thousand Lux on the bench here and we're getting about 500 microamps. There you go and can we? Yeah, we can just shield out one of them and it will slowly decrease. Yep, there you go.

Linear decrease pretty much. Yep. Yep. happy with that.

Nice and unfortunately I can't take it outside and test it because well, it's yep 6 p.m. So what happens if I flip that over there we go. you still get something out of it. But yeah, as I suspect it are not as good as efficiency.
Basically drops in half when you get light from the other side, but they're semi-transparent That's why it works. Yeah if I shine is torch under this thing Wham we're overloaded I Have to go to Milliamps are 5 7 milliamps? Look at that. What a Bobby does la. Oh jeez, you might be able to get 10 milliamps out of that by showing the torch on it anyway.

I think these are really jazzy I'm going to experiment with these. Probably mobile will actually have around have a play around and fully characterize this in a separate video. but I'll link them in it down below. they're infinity Very jazzy and very promising technology.

To this, some you know, like basically additive printing technology to print solar cells. Fantastic. Not hugely efficient yet, but they'll probably get better. I Think it's probably unlikely that they're ever going to match proper in quote marks.

Yeah. and the real high efficiency solar technology that we used to these days. and that's just growing and growing and growing. I Think these ones are always going to be less efficient by the nature of the printing processes and you know things like that and then they're not as optimized.

I Can bet they're designed for low cost and you know easy manufacturing. And also it's the as they talked about, the ecological footprint of actually manufacturing these things is going to be a hell of a lot lower. So you have to go through the whole lifecycle analysis of how much energy is required overall energy required to produce a regular rooftop panel. For example, you know, a poly poly crystalline panel or whatever compared to an equivalent output of a printed one like this.

and you know, look at do the whole lifecycle, which is a complex thing that's you know. we're manufacturing the raw materials, mining them and transporting them and processing them and then transporting them again. and then the manufacturing process of the panel itself and then shipping it. and I tested and shipping everything else.

A lifecycle analysis was quite complex, so it would be interesting. if anyone actually has any data on that of these compared to our regular photovoltaics, then please let us know. Anyway, these are fun. I have to do another video on these great I got ourselves another FedEx job' extremely urgent um FedEx Express sorry been sitting here forever.

Um, this is from ah silly go. um silly go as I like to call them. um I think they're having a second or third suck of the salve they've been on here before. so let's test this.

ah what? Look at marvelous modern technology and I've got yep, a couple of little chickies and boards. Let's take a look and I'm sure we've seen these on the blog before. they haven't a second sucker. The Sev these are I'll show you the datasheet here.

These are a mixed signal for want of a better word. a mixed signal PLD Really like they've got like a macro cells like our PL DS and butter or you know, slash FPGAs You know they've got some cereal comes in there. They've got analog comparators, they've got filters and things like that and you can switch them all in neat little niche use components. and check out what they sent me here because these are such little bastard packages, you can't possibly use them.
This is a zero insertion force socket that converts the chips into a little dual inline point one inch header. Very nice, but look at how small this is. Yeah, that's can. you see the pins in there? Can you see them? Can you see them? You might have to watch this in like Full HD to be able to see the pins in that.

What a bastard package. But hey, obviously their target market is. you know, real dense stuff. So the packages are what they are.

So this is a really nice to get the adapter like this to be able to. You know Breadboard play around with these things at the prototype level. Awesome! So oh, if you want to take a look at them, I'll link them in down below. I Got one from Germany Hi to all my German viewers from Arne Yeah, um Wiesel Wisel whistle I'm not sure anyway I'm from Herzberg in Germany I don't know Herzberg is that's a nice flower stamps on here beauty.

it says electronic opponent. Yeah, that narrows it down. I think I can just stuff slice and dice that so look what up? Oh that looks like a dongle that looks like a dongle. old school.

You remember those. You plug them onto your parallel or serial port and you would enable. Ah, software and stuff like that. Jeez, I design one back in the day for somebody.

Oh well. Anyway, let's have a look at the note. greetings from the Harz in Germany Um, as announced by oh yes email yes I Think he said he was going to UM send this dongle maybe a two minutes hair down if it's not pot of so Arne is sent through this Sentinel super Pro dongle. Let's see if we can take it apart.

Aha, anyone remember these? What's it for? It's was software licensing at his father's company. doesn't say I send that software their IP yet it does. It basically looks for the presence of the dongle. This is how they copy protected software back in the day they used what was that rainbows something or other.

So that's the company and Sentinel super Pro would be the dongle. And there were dongle companies back in the day I'm sure there's none of them still around made in the Philippines. Well, if it was in the Philippines, well there's an anticlimax. Oh, he's just got a chip on board blob and that's basically it.

Some of the lines are straight through and this is designed to plug into the parallel port of course. and they were all the rage back in the 80s. Parallel Pop Dongles I can remember I'm Altium which was called Protel at the time that was their official name. They used to have a dongle for their Auto Tracks software version one Point Six One and then which was Auto Tracks for Dos Yes, Dos Microsoft Ms-dos thank you very much.
Real Operating System and they had a version. One Point Six One I Can remember when One Point Six One Nd came out and ND stood for no dongles so no longer required the dongle. You could just copy the software and Bob's your uncle. You've got it.

So I don't know. Maybe someone else has details on this particular one, whether or not it was encrypted or didn't anything fancy like that? It was probably just simple and I designed one of these back in the day and no, it was. didn't use encryption or anything like that. A common technique was just to use, you know, basically jellybean logic, shift registers and stuff like that and you can just encode the data and then you potted the thing.

And yeah, you could reverse engineer it, but most people didn't bother. Was no internet back then, you know? So it was like you know people couldn't just commonly share the knowledge or whatever if you did reverse engineer it. So you know, just a simple, you know, jelly bean logic way of doing it, just shifting out some hidden bits or something. If they didn't if the correct bits didn't come out, then you know.

Boom, That was it. The software just wouldn't work and from memory was actually difficult to circumvent these in software because most of the software back in the day would talk to the serial port hardware directly. So intercepting that and just you know feeding in the correct data or doing whatever. If you you know you could sniff it.

to see you sniff the pins, get a logic analyzer in there, see what it's doing, but to actually you know, duplicate that I Think most people probably duplicating Hardware back in the day. Geez, that's really stretching my memory now. Bloody Dongles I've got a letter old school letter from MB it's even typed. it's it from a typewriter.

Brilliant. I'm a stamp from the Seska repblica. Is that like the Czech Republic or something? Seska Yeah yeah. I can see that.

All right. Anyway, it's open it. Old school letter tight. doesn't get any better.

Jeez, those were the days I Remember when I was selling Kitson and software back in the day when I was a wee youngster and yeah, people had send me letter or I got my articles published people and send me letters probably still have a lot of them lying around. Yeah so I got a Oh a postcard. oh oh no their photos their photos excellent from ah love the clock. Ah big fan of clock towers.

It's not just because of back the future ah eh I really like it. Plus when I debunk stuff like the batteries I Yep, brilliant. Um, you're really disappointed me on the 8:33 video when you talked about faith What? Oh God Why Jesus Why not? Allah Why not? Well anyway it was the Czech Republic and AH so gorgeous clock tower. Where is that? Ah wow.
I love that beautiful. Make them like that anymore Now I Know some people think this is off topic and I shouldn't even bother with this. but hey, this is the mailbag segment. I Open the mail and I talk about what's in it.

Somebody has sent me a letter about religion and in fact my previous I comment on it, which they're taking exception to. He's disappointed. Mailbag 883 I presume it is or whatever 83 was talking about. Legitimate concern Opinion: I Am it disappointed because you totally screwed up with logic? Okay, let's see where I was wrong I was not expecting something like this from you.

Do you want to base your life on science? Yes, of course. I Do Well, Then start with logic first. Okay, I am referring to these exact words. You said Why? Jesus Why not? Allah Why not Bought a Why not Any one of the you know, hundreds or even thousands of gods that have been worshipped over the years by people who believe just as much as you do and they can't all be right.

So it is almost certain that, well, none of them are right. and that's exactly I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I said in a video a while back. If there was a meter, you would blow up the protection fuse with this sentence. Here we go.

Here's his logic. let's go through it. Okay, I'll give it a fair suck of the self. Let's assume you have two thousand kids in a school and you ask them how much is six plus nine.

All 2,000 kids will give you a different answer. Okay, well, if they don't know what that is Okay, fair enough. There are hundreds, thousands of kids saying something different and they can't all be right. So it's almost certain that none of them are right.

Correct? Well, that is exactly what you said. No, it's not. This is the most piss-poor analogy I've ever heard in my life Because this is a question about mathematics. It has a 100% certified, certifiably demonstrably true answer.

So you can yes, of course I would not say none of them are right I would in this instance, of course I would not say none of them right. So right there. the analogy is completely and utterly busted. It's the worst analogy I've ever heard.

Of course, there is a kid who is right among these two thousand kids. Surprisingly, the only kid who says when the fact that 1999 kids gave the wrong answer does not imply that the only kid answering is also wrong. Of course, I never said I was not implying that unbelievable, nor does it reduce the probability that there is actually somebody who is right, How he's right, who is right. Of course, because these are this is apples and oranges.

You cannot compare these two. It is a fundamentally demonstrably bad analogy. Kid Fifteen is it. I Five is not less or more probable to be right because because around him there are more or less kids agreeing or disagreeing with him.
The same applies when you talk about God's I'm glad you brought that up. I Completely agree. And I've probably said that many times before. The fact that there might be a billion other people who believe the same thing you do does not make it true.

It's only evidence that makes something true. The same applies when you talk about gods. Yes, there are thousands of gods worshipped around a world that does not employ. almost.

None of them is right. They could all be wrong, but there could be one who is right. Both options are logically valid. You cannot logically say that disagreement implies nobody is right.

You do not have any freaking logic base to. States Oh, I'm sorry to tell you this. Mario But that is not how it works. Let's assume that there are nine gods.

Okay, that people believe in nine different gods. And then the tenth option is there is no God They not all equally valid because the nine gods not only have absolutely no evidence for going for them, but they're all contradictory. Okay, there are they all whole contradictory statement and contradictory statements. Which means that they can't But you know, like two of them can't be true, right? So at best only one of them is true.

But because they contradict each other and that alone is in effect evidence that they're actually all made up, then it's actually evidence. So the option, the tenth option that there is no God actually has some evidence behind, as opposed to the other nine who are all contradicting each other and have no real verifiable evidence whatsoever. So the ninth option that they're the tenth option that there is no God is does not have the same probability as one of the other nine being true. There's not one chance in ten of there being no God Or there's not one chance in ten of the Christian God being true.

For example, whatever flavor of the hundreds of different flavors of Christianity you want to pick. That's not how it works. The lack of evidence does not sit on the same level of probability as evidence. It's just not how it works.

Sorry, Maria That is one of the worst analogies I've ever heard. But hey, it's a common one from religious people. Yeah, go figure. So what is more probable that the religion that you believe in that you were just by accident, happen to have been born into in a particular country and raised up in a particular faith That that one happens to be actually true? And there's absolutely no evidence for it when there's hundreds or even thousands of other religions or variations of religions that all have different viewpoints and contradictory viewpoints with absolutely no evidence for any of them.

and you're trying to assert that they're all you know, logically the same probability. No, it's absurd. and this one I Already open because I Thought it was a letter sometime back actually I think I might have tweeted it actually. Um, it's a letter from a lawyer.
um, some legal firm here in Australia And when you first see it like you open a little more from a lawyer with God what if I said now that's got me in trouble, Who's suing me? um, no, they want me to be an expert witness on a case and no, thanks, no way. Jose and I get these things at least a couple of times a year. They sent me an email as well I've already replied them, but they sent me a formal letter as well. and no.

I turned down all these expert witness cases. It's just not worth the trouble. it's you know, unless you're really. unless it was something massively high-profile like it was the you know, the Toyota case with you know, the accelerator pedal thing or something, you know something really important.

but this is just some tin-pot company here about their soul during alleged defects I'll show you at ledge defects in Seoul during light assemblies the Mr. Slate I don't want to get bogged down in that. Yeah, and they often say oh, we'll give you a handsome retainer for your time And effort. Nah, it's not worth your time and effort.

So here's one of these typical letters that I can't Quite a few of some of the key issues essential to dispute relate to aspects of alleged defects of control boards soldering light assemblies the Mr. Zen Driver boards Our client has become aware of your expertise. yeah, they've just Googled, you know, PCB or circuit expert or something I maybe my name came up in the list? Geez, Well, the timeline of litigation requires that a draft report be completed by the end of March where this is an old letter and therefore are seeking to brief you in the matter. Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla End of: February Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla by CV Bla Bla Bla bla bla No thanks.

My advice: Don't get involved in these things. they're just not worth your time and effort getting through some older ones just to stuck at the back at the bottom there. sorry if you've been sitting some of my life many, many months they've been. Sydney Anyway, it doesn't say who it's from so Aa person unknown I think it's no way.

so how do all my Norwegian healers see me? That's correct. Wait I have a couple of parts greedy I Just a greeting from Norway Got it right. I Very much appreciate your work. thank you very much.

You managed to inspire even a biologist to familiarize himself with electronics, which is impressive. Thank you very much. Awesome! Love hearing that sort of stuff. Clewd are three pairs of formula and banana plug adapters that I find very practical.

Oh, that's handy. That's handy. Okay, there are there pins, two guys stick them in your breadboard. two banana jacks I don't actually have any of those that damn handy, you know I normally do it in us in a meeting himself obviously.

Still don't say who you are, but thank you very much. Um, very handy. I Normally you know, just have a bit of wire, stick it up and then I might have a alligator clip lead to something else. you know that is clip-on it's daddy, but that's nice to connect up to the probes or power or anything like that.
It's really handy and we've got an old out here. Er. PLD wow, that's old-school and LHW 33. What's that? LH Double-o 33 Is that a high speed? Um, like a real high speed app? I can't remember? Yeah.

Memory getting too old? Yeah. Have it. These things that come in real handy make your own easy-peasy Highly recommended. Wow An early out here EP 9 10 EP OD A reasonable programmable logic device basically 24 macro cells inside this thing.

And here's a shot of the macro cells and what they actually contain. a typical early reconfigurable PLD logic electrically erasable in this case, which was more a fantastic boon. at the time, you didn't have to worry about any of that you via raising rubbish. Fantastic.

And the LH double O 33. Well, can you still buy it? But yeah, this thing was the Ducks guts for a long time. If it isn't still the Ducks guts anyway I'm a high current are wide ban with high voltage amplifier. very handy very widely using all sorts of you know, more high-power applications.

Basically just a real high power voltage buffer. That's it. It's not an amplifier, just a buffer. I Know all my Canadian viewers, this one's from Nicolas GaN Thea thank you very much Nicolas is from ah Drummondville QC where's QC in Canada Not sure it's not Quebec Is it no? Anyway, see what Nicholas is said.

There's some postcards. I'll be nice because it's yeah. it is the snow or their funny white stuff which we don't get here. yes we do.

Up in the snowy mountains, there's like a couple of places in Australia where it snows regularly and uh, yes, Quebec There you go. Beautiful. Oh Anyway, what's in here? Something tiny? Take a look and Nicholas is sent in. A classic here: I Don't have one of these Se9 -.

well, originally introduced in 1961. Let's take it out here. Protect the pins. Tada One of the first commercially available ICS Look at all.

looks like a Lunar lander. It's got two meter legs but yeah. spidery craft coming down. land on the moon.

Oh, we're almost out of gas. Um anyway, he got these from my science teacher while he's in high school and his dad owned the local TV repair shop. I've got a bunch of surplus parts and yet 1961 Villain vintage RTL Resistor Transistor Logic Novice TTL rubbish or Diode transistor logic. Just transistors and resistors and apparently these were used in the Apollo Guidance Computer.

All that, luckily I did the look like a limb. There you go. the Apollo Guidance computer. They used some of these Fairchild stuff the years 2800 micro logic.

There you go. Joule Nor Gate I See to create The first computer computer was running at two megahertz 16-bit in 55 Watson weighed only 32 kilograms. That was like stunning for the day and allowed us to land on the moon. Fantastic! Anyway, fantastic.
Here's the original data sheet for this thing and you can see the ads got resistors and transistors in it. That's it. This is the dual input, two inputs art nor gate. There we go.

a typical resistor values for 50 + 6 40 Ohms There you go. Wow Terrific. But these things were you know, state of the art back in the day because you would have had to have your four transistors and all your resistance so this saved a lot of space. This was you know, state of the art integration at the time.

Oh sorry. this one actually contained a Joule two input nor gate. So we had two nor gates inside the one package there it is. I mean can fan-out out to 16 other I can drive 16 other devices.

That wasn't too shabby even today. Jeez, 16 devices pretty good and you can wire them as Rs flip-flop. Not love to pal this puppy up and give it a bill, but unfortunately I don't have time I Got a trace through the rest of this mailbag went back to Germany again thank you very much Alexander and A.cian um from lost such in Germany don't know where it is. sorry let's have a look.

Ah, not my stupid tricky thing, our goodness. File file file file file file file file. It's got wire wrapped around so soldering iron. oh my.

I Feel dirty Oh No and what do we have? Why are wrapped in here? I've got to undo that's not wire I think that's solder, probably the good LED stuff and Alexander is sent in the soldering iron of death I'm pretty sure we're seen at one of these before we. Shocking! This is a 2-fold 220, 240 volt, 60 watt unit and Wow I mean it costs $2 40 including shipping from Hong Kong I mean unbelievable. Look at that. There's no strain relief at all.

That is the worst quality feeling at cable I've ever felt in my entire life. It is truly horrendous and which way and it's just odds Dickey as unbelievable if we open it up and there. Yep, there we go. Ah, Main, straight into the element.

No Earth in on you metal. Unbelievable. Do Not use these things. These are just.

they literally are a deathtrap. I Think hi welcome to everyone's favorite segment mailbag And once again, there are some people watching me live on this one. There's my little uh Logitech C920 webcam and I'm using I'm broadcasting to my second channel. eevblog - link is down below at all.

There's not nothing else. there's just a single custom ASIC chip. We see turnout for peanuts once they've got there. once they've paid for the injure engineering on that.

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26 thoughts on “Eevblog #893 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Larnach says:

    IMO agnostic is the best position for a scientist. God can be neither proven or disproven.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Wizards of the Zoo says:

    That's so much more than clock, in fact who knows why the circle is offset.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Prof. DANIEL VALIN says:

    O cara usou a faca do Rambo para abrir o envelope! hahahaha!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OvalWingNut says:

    Binge-watching ๐Ÿ˜Ž Appreciated!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SolarizeYourLife says:

    So what is the specs of the demonstrating solar cell (volt, amp)? Infinity make it extremely hard on the website to get that information….

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wrnchhead says:

    Woohoo, Kansan here!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stx says:

    I dont usually do online religion stuff but I have to say sorry mate, but multiple interpretations of gods does not equate to evidence against a god. Show an event to 10 people and they will interprite it differently, the 3 that are turned away will have a consistent view but that doesn't invalidate the testimony of those who experienced it and with religion personal experience/revalation is all we have and sure thats not testable and non transferable. I accept the idea of one specific God existing is extremely improbable and the chances of chosing that one is impossibly slim. That being said I consider the value of using probability to discuss philosophy is invalid as a. We have a sample size of 1 universe b. There is a truth, something exists or it doesnt and the probablity of that is 100% it can be proven but only by experiencing death.(sure its not scientific)

    In addition id rather see you hack a calculator to bits than do philosophy.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CassetteMaster says:

    That soldering iron and your reaction to it cracked me up!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KuusamoMart says:

    We used to use those exact dongles to protect the RIP software (Raster Image Processor) when I worked at FujiFilm in the UK, pretty sure we were still supplying them until the mid noughties.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars punker 4 real says:

    i have one of those wired to mains but its not a cheapo Chinese Wun Hung-Lo

    its from the 70s UL certified made in usa

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarmahent says:

    sniff sniff "mid 70s" What the fuck??

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Day says:

    In his analogy, you are the kid that says 6+9 is undefined. The problem is you are assuming you are the god who knows the actual answer. You have no more evidence that God does not exist than anyone else has that he does exist. Arguing a negative based on evidence is inherently impossible when it comes to anything supernatural. The best you can get is using "razers" to make "most likely" conclusions, but they are NOT hard evidence nor proof.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars noneuno53 says:

    the history of prophecy is all the evidence i need to believe in jesus.

    thanks for your time.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LucaKiss70 says:

    re what you said about snow…i guess you'll be seeing more of it in these days ๐Ÿ˜€

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars goyabee says:

    God is a Japanese pornstar.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stefan hulme says:

    I really REALLY want to know where I can buy your knife !!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Carey says:

    "I love the nipple" -Dave

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Oliver says:

    NMB isn't a bad fan brand.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris says:

    Don't let SolarRoadWays hear about those flexible solar cells or we will have wheels with solar pannels on the tread side…….

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars urdnal says:

    Ok Dave, can you really tell what era electronics come from by the smell or are you just taking the piss?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MattOGormanSmith says:

    NEC was not a cheapy. Remember that analogue TV transmitter you visited? NEC

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Muhammad Nour says:

    I have an argument that I would like to share(since this topic is opened anyway).
    There is a rule that said:
    Every event that has a starting point must have causative, originator? creator (WHATEVER).
    This universe has a starting point (it is not infinite).
    so as a conclusion it must have a Creator.
    what do you think!

    by the way the time itself and the matter started with the starting point of the universe , so basically every single physics law that has time or matter in its structure will fail before this point, the starting point of the universe.
    Please keep your own thoughts about religion away when answering this Question please be logical and scientific.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars izaq4444 says:

    Since there are infinitely many numbers the chance of guessing the correct answer to 6+9 is 0%. Make 2000 kids guess and the likelihood that at least 1 kid guesses right is still 0%. (remember 0% likelihood is not the same as the event being impossible).

    Therefore Daves statement: ".. it is almost certain that, well, none of them are right" is correct.

    The only way to make the argument in the letter work is to define that at least ONE kid has the right answer. This is actually explicitly done in the letter: "Of course, there is a kid who is right among those 2000 kids"

    If you start out by defining that at least one kid is right then of course "it is almost certain that, well, none of them are right" is a false statement. This is a direct consequence of the definition.

    Back to religion (the analogy):
    If you define that at least one god exists then any "proof" based on that cannot be used to determine whether or not any god exists.

    Who's using bullshit logic now? A "Ph.D."? I hope not. Would be embarrassing.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars novcze says:

    Czech Republic is mostly atheist country and Mattia Butta is not even Czech name so he is probably one of those immigrants who want to "enrich" our culture

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Boots AA0RN says:

    I don't understand why you would go out of your way to offend people. I understand its your channel and can say whatever you want. You are not going to convince anyone by insulting there intelligence. I subscribed to this channel because its about electronics, and I respect your opinion on that topic.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gamccoy says:

    I always love these segments but please leave the Faith/Logic on the editing room floor next time. It's hard to believe people actually consider anyone has time or desire to read their inchoate treatise on logic.(talking about the viewer. Not you, Dave)

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