Dave takes a look at the Orange Pi One $10 single board 4 ARM Cortex A7 processor computer and compares it to the Raspberry Pi 2.
Coving the install of the ARMbian flavour of Debian.
Beware the security bug!
And what is the power/watt efficiency between the two?
Schematic: http://linux-sunxi.org/images/7/7e/ORANGE_PI-ONE-V1_1.pdf
Allwinner H3 datasheet: http://linux-sunxi.org/File:Allwinner_H3_Datasheet_V1.2.pdf
Open source Allwinner H3 community:
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Hi I Thought we'd check out the new Orange Pi 1. What is it? Well, it's a $10 Raspberry Pi equivalent board. Yes, 10 bucks. Unbelievable! Now I know you can get the Raspberry Pi 0 for 5 bucks half the cost of this new Orange Pi 1.

But the remarkable thing about this Orange Pi 1 is that not only is it 10 bucks, but it basically is more powerful than the Raspberry Pi 2. Now, if you actually compare this to the Raspberry Pi 0, there's basically no contest. The Raspberry Pi 0 is a single core Arm Cortex A7 running at one gig, but this thing uses the Allwinner H3 chipset, which we'll take a look at the Arm Cortex A7. It's got four cores in there running at 1.2 gig.

Now, a fair comparison here would actually be between the Orange PI PC it's called not the Orange PI one we're looking at here. It's a fifteen dollar board instead of a $10 board and it's more compatible with the Raspberry Pi 2 in in terms of form factor and feature set. But in this case, as you can see, the Orange PI PC has a four core Arm Cortex A7, but it runs at 1.6 gig instead of the 900 megahertz that the Raspberry Pi 2 works out. so much more powerful.

and the Orange PI PC has a couple little extras like an IR receiver there and it's got a microphone built-in but unfortunately I just like the Orange PI one. one of the big downsides: you can't actually pair it from a USB connector. You've got a power from the DC power jack, but and it's got one less a USB to connect a Raspberry Pi. As for the Orange, PI PC has three, but you know, both got hundred.

Meg Ethernet. They both got one gig of ram on them, so you know in a camera interface. but in terms of bang per buck, it's no contest really. The Orange PI wins hands down.

$15 versus 35 bucks, no worries. And it's not quite as small as the Raspberry Pi 0, but it's pretty close. And if you actually compare it with the Raspberry Pi 2 and take a look at how small this thing is, it's absolutely incredible. We can get for 10 bucks.

and this thing is chock-a-block the Allwinner H3 I'm Cortex A7 processor and it's got a GPU in there that it's capable of playing H.265 4k video at 30 frames per second. Absolutely incredible. It's got a 512 mega var Ddr3 ram in there, which is half that on the Raspberry Pi 2. but the but the Orange PI PC actually has one gig on there.

We've got our regular micro SD card, we've got our regular HDMI output. We've got USB on-the-go We've got a little UART pin header here, but unfortunately you cannot power this board through the USB connector. Unfortunately, you're going to power it through this little mini DC jacke and that's really annoying. It's not your more standard 2.5 millimeter size.

One unfortunate little reset switch on the side here, and we've got ourselves the camera connector on the bottom here. But apart from that, it's basically a Raspberry Pi 2 a shrunk down into a smaller form factor with a more powerful processor more powerful GPU And it's got a hundred Meg Ethernet port, which is reasonable. but a huge downside? only one USB 2.0 port. But hey, given the size of it and now, one major thing to be aware of here: the 40 pin Hack connector Pin compatible of course.
But what they've done on the Orange PI 1 is they've actually rotated it 180 degrees. So pin 1 is actually here as opposed to the Raspberry Pi where as pin 1 is over here. And that's obvious because if you've got a board, if you're going to hat board that plugs in there, it's not been found by these connectors. but this one, of course the USB and the Ethernet are there, so you can't just plug the board directly on.

So they've rotated it around like that so you'd actually have all your plug in hats would actually go in that direction like that. Just be aware of that. but that 180 degrees our modification does not exist on the Orange PI PC Our HP PC is exactly the same as the Raspberry Pi 2. Now, these Orange PI's come from a Chinese company called the Shenzhen Sun Long Software Company and you can only buy them on our Lee Express at the moment.

Anyway, and here's the one. We're looking at the Orange Pie one and it's only Art. Ten bucks. And as I said, the Orange Pie PC that's $15 and these are the different models that they have on the website here and they actually sell one that is not listed here because it's very new that it's actually called the Orange Pie Light and you might have seen that on the box that we had there was at the same.

Now it's the Orange Pie light is the same as the Orange Pie one except it has a Wi-Fi chipset instead of the Ethernet so you can see the antenna can antenna connector there and that one's only 12 bucks complete with Wi-Fi and it's got two USB connectors on it, but it's got HDMI The Whole Works has got the four core 1.2 gig process of the whole works. Unbelievable 12 bucks, but just bear in mind you buy the board for 10 bucks does not come with the micro SD card or the power supply so you got to supply those to get it up and running. now. One big differentiator with the Orange Pie is that it is actually open source, whereas a Raspberry Pi Closed source uses the Broadcom Art processor.

and of course the Broadcom processor used on the Raspberry Pi 2 famously can't get the datasheet for it. gotta sign the NDA and all that sort of crap. But with the Allwinner H3r chipset here, they're both armed Cortex A7 by the way. So the same ARM Cortex except the allwinner A3 is actually our faster processor.

but you can get like the full, like 500 something 600 page datasheet or something crazy. I'll link it in down below. Now if you take a look at the Orange PI website very briefly. It looks kind of impressive at the top surface, but that's pretty much where it stops.

I Found a lot of issues with this thing trying to set it up and the support and things like that. There's just information missing and all sorts of stuff that you Jim The Raspberry Pi is just a much better platform if you're a beginner looking to set these things up. no contest whatsoever. Raspberry Pi is the winner, but if you're after a low-cost board, then definitely the Orange PI offers the best bang per buck.
Now if we have a look at the builds here, these are the different types. You can see that the Orange Pi 1 our board here only has an Android build. That's it. It does not have a Linux our build available for it, but I'll show you an alternative to that later.

Whereas the Orange PI plus 2 and the Orange PI plus which are different older versions. It's got a version of Art raspbian here, but it's old look from the 6th of June 2015 so it's like a you know, almost a year old and that's the other thing. They actually claim that this can is compatible and can run the Raspberry Pi image, but that's complete BS it does not. You can't just get the Raspbian image and put on the or swap SD cards between the Raspberry Pi and the Orange Pi 1.

The chipsets are different and even though they use the same Arm Cortex A7 processor, they're different. they're not compatible. You need a different build so that's just that's just BS and all sorts of stuff is missing and like out-of-date or whatever. Not up-to-date on their website, so just be careful of that.

You might actually struggle, especially with the newer Orange PI one that we're actually playing with here. and if we go into the resources and we go into the download and we actually go and download the Android OS for this thing, you'll know that. here's the actual arts thing where we're downloading Sun 8wi, W or whatever and the Google Drive link does not work. and if you go into the HTML source for this site page it actually you can find a link to it and it's the wrong version.

It's a banana pie build, it's crazy and then if you hit this Baidu cloud it takes you to some weird-ass Chinese website which is auto translated by Google which then gets flagged by Google as like a security threat and things like that. and you've got to override the security settings in that Chrome for example, before you can download it and I couldn't download it with the other browsers. Complete pain in the butt. but I don't recommend you run that Android OS Because there's famously a very big security flaw in this thing and which made all the news recently.

I'm not sure if they've actually not fixed it yet, but the Android build of this thing from allwinner Cpu. They actually tell you this down here. Look, it's at the Orange Pie and the Banana Pie boards as well that use these allwinner chipsets. that massive security threat.

There's a back door you can get in and it's a rout thing. I Don't know the technical details, but I hope so. I don't recommend you use that. but what? I'm going to do.

What used today is ambien which is an armed build an armed Debian build for the Orange Pie Once they've gone to the trouble to actually specifically do the desktop and the server version of the Jesse Debian build. Fantastic! And I'm pretty sure that this are are being build does not have that security threat in it, but I stand to be corrected. but I'm pretty sure it doesn't, they've fixed it. So what I'm going to do today is install the arm being build the Jesse Desktop Art version here.
so you just download. It's a dot raw file. You can use the Win32 disk imager or an equivalent on Linux or whatever machine you use to actually write your image to the SD card and then it should just boot. So ironically, I had to go to a third-party build here to actually get this thing working because the Orange PI builds and website just don't cut up the supports.

Not there. There is a forum, but it's not hugely active yet because these are relatively new boards, but you can get help there. But yet, they need to do a lot of refinement to their website and just having the builds available that actually work. it's just crazy.

Okay, so I've copied that image over and then you boot it up and it's going to take out quite a few minutes to get to this stage. but this is only on the first time. and then you've got a login prompt here and you actually have to log in as that root and then your password is up. One, two, three, four for the build.

So yep, we're in Lake flee and we're required to change it. So I don't know what all these errors mean, but it works in the end and it's got to initialize this in thing that only needs to do this once. Once you do that, then the build will automatically go into the straight into the desktop so it allows you to reset your password. Once you've done that, it'll go in and set up all the GUI for you.

so it says orange Pie too many, but this is actually a specific build for the Orange Pie one. I'm not sure how different they are, they could even be identical, but the name of this PC will actually be Orange Pie 1. So they must have tweeted in some way and then we choose a username. so Eevblog and then asha some other rubbish things.

Yeah, whatever. and we're in like Flynn. Check it out. Here we go is our application.

We got our web browser. everything's hunky-dory All of our tools are in there, it's installed. um LibreOffice and all the regular stuff. So terrific.

And it works. A tree. What a Bobby Dazzler o 0 YouTube subscribers. Um yeah, they're bug there I Gotta fix that.

And yes, it runs our boink exactly like the Raspberry Pi 2. No different whatsoever. It just works. An absolute treat.

I've done a separate video on this if you want to know how to get it up and running and I'm doing that City at home processing on this thing and that's why I Want this site cheap Orange Pie 1 Because I'm going to build a supercomputer cluster with them to do this. Say beauty and we can actually install some benchmarking software here. Soldiers use the AR command here inside the root terminal so we'll install the suspense of where and then bingo we're in like Flynn and then we can actually run some benchmarking. So I'm actually run different types of tests.
you can see. they've got a CPU memory threads and other stuff so we can actually run the CPU test and a way boy your Thor details between. Set the number of our threads here and we can. oops, we've got to put run on the end of that.

So I've also installed a suspense here on the Raspberry Pi and we'll run that and we'll get some benchmarks figures between the two and it takes about two watts. They're just sitting idle doing absolutely nothing on the RB and desktop. and as a comparison, the Raspberry Pi - just sitting there running that raspbian doing nothing on the desktop about 1.8 watts. This is at running all 4 cores on the city processor at one percent around about.

well let's call it 3.7 watts or there abouts smoking. So this poor little A when a process is going to get pretty hot. How hot? Well let's check it out. Here we go, we're looking at it can get up to 85 90 91 Wow can get up 90 degrees.

That really risks shutting this processor down. Wow, that is crazy hot. Definitely need a heatsink with this and running full tilt up boink with all four cores at 100% there are three pi to about 2.5 2.6 watts and if we have a look at the benchmark figures for all four calls, they're um, the orange one is obviously the orange Pi one and you can see it's significantly faster there on either 1, 2, 3, or 4 cores on two, three and four cores, it's about 1.8 five times faster. Well, but if the Raspberry Pi 2 which draws 2.5 watts full-tilt actually got the same performance as the Orange Pi, then it would need four and a half watts.

but the Orange Pi one only takes 3.5 watts with all four cores pumping. so it's actually about twenty eight. Maybe thirty percent are better in terms of our MIPS per watt. So if you're looking to run a super computer cluster of these things, then obviously the Orange Pi one wins hands down, all the orange whatever flavor of Orange Pie the all winner process up far superior.

And if this could even be better with the all Winner PC which is one point six gig core as opposed to one point two gig call we're looking at here with the Orange PI one. So not only is it better bang per buck, but it's more efficient to winner all winner and the memory on the Orange PI one 58% faster than the Raspberry Pi 2 R It does it do the memory benchmark on ten gig worth of Art One K blocks seven point one seconds as opposed to seventeen point two seconds on the Raspberry Pi to Beauty. So there you have it. That's a quick look at the Orange PI one and it's much better bang per buck performance per watt than the Raspberry Pi 2.
And for 10 bucks, it's absolutely amazing the value you get with this, but it has its downsides. The software builds are terrible and the websites almost terrible. but hey, it's open source vs. non open source.

It's cheap. It's only 10 bucks. If you're a beginner and you want the best experience possible, just stick with the Raspberry Pi. But if you're doing something like I'm going to do which is build a supercomputer cluster with these things and price and performance per what matters, then definitely.

Um, the orange pie with the allwinner H3 processor is an all winner. I Love it! It's just a shame it's not nearly as polished as the Raspberry Pi But hey, for the price, it's hard to beat. But yeah, only if you know what you're doing and you can run pretty much anything on this thing. you can run Android of course, but as I said, there's that security exploiting that, so be very careful.

But you can run. You can probably run our raspbian build if you want. Do you run Ubuntu or whatever, but I ran Debian or ambien? No problems whatsoever. they've already compiled this.

The Jessie Desktop works. You can get a light server version and it works just great. So yes it has it's good points and it's bad point so weigh those up if you're looking to buy this sort of thing. If you're looking to run video I Didn't run any video tests here, but I've heard that it runs 4k video 30 frames per second seamlessly.

you can't do that on the Raspberry Pi So if you're looking to use it as a media center or you know, something like that playing playing back video, then it's a much better solution. But make sure you put a heatsink on the thing because this thing I've also read that it can actually shut down. the processor, can shut itself down, or maybe even destroy itself if you tax it like that. So definitely get a stick on heatsink.

I Don't know how well they're going to perform haven't actually measured that yet, but definitely do that if you can play around with this thing. So there you go. Hi! By the way, Aliexpress Buying this thing only on Aliexpress was a pain in the I Had to try four times and my credit card was rejected like three times on the fourth attempt. I Finally was able to order these things through Ali pay and it's a pain in the butt.

Anyway, that's the only way you can get it, but for ten bucks in three bucks, sixty postage to Australia that's a winner. Really is amazing what you can get these days. Unbelievable. Anyway, you've won.

discuss it. links down below all that sort of stuff. Hope you enjoyed it. Catch you next time.

Hi! How many of you have one of these lying around? A raspberry pie bit an original raspberry pie? Raspberry pie - like I've got here or whatever the latest flavor is I bet there's a lot of people out there who bought one of these things because hey, it's a cool little Linux computer, you know? and it's super duper cheap. Hmm I've got a couple of these lying around the lab. What can I do with them? Can I do anything useful I know? let's look for aliens. Why? Because aliens.

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21 thoughts on “Eevblog #883 – orange pi one vs raspberry pi 2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Said Tahali says:

    pi zero for 5 bucks… history is just so depressing

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars q zorn says:

    Very nice OPi vs RPi info. ๐Ÿฅฐ I have a new Orange Pi5 + GPU running Debian Bullseye. How are the Orange Pi-5 GPIO pins used in a Python Thonny program? I am running some Raspberry Pi4 OpenCV camera programs on the Orange Pi-5 and the servo PWM Pan/Tilt is a mystery to me? With "gpio readall" it displayed the GPIO pins. Now how to make a Python program? PS I don't understand why Orange Pi has so little examples after all these years of selling these interesting SBCs? Seems like a close user's group of knowledge? ๐Ÿ˜Ž Thank you.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charon ME says:

    2023: โ‚ฌ31 on aliexpress, โ‚ฌ49 from european distributors

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rider0fBuffalo says:

    The orange pi site no longer has that nice list of roms.
    Only has orange pi os. Anyonee know of such a list?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars albert magician says:

    I can't agree with that power supply plug. Imagine that Orange is running 4 cores, and then some. I won't prefer running that much current through a flimsy usb connector. I would count it a disadvantage of the Raspberry pi. I own a Orange pi plus one, and that board can be tried out by feeding through usb, but that I can't recommend it.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Jenz Brettschneider says:

    Problem with all PI ist the Software and the OS. Support from Raspberry is mutch better.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Remedios Cap Basic Cooking says:

    still alive man?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zayed Althagafi says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nguyen213 says:

    i think orange pi is cheaper and better than raspberry pi but it is less support than raspberry pi

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VejyMonsta says:

    Not as good as peach pie

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars That Lowes Guy says:

    Another youtube that I can't download. Whats the paranoia for not making it downloadable?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nicholas Kvasov says:

    Allwinner-Allwinner, Orange Pie dinner

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stampy Dragon says:

    Broadcom data sheet um you can get it without signature.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alfblack2 says:

    hows the cluster now? Did last long?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Lee Scoville says:

    I, personally, do NOT consider the inability to power that board through micro USB to be a negative.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jochem kakelaar says:

    Are You ok….. you are having a creepy voice bro

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kanagasabapathi k says:

    Hobby items.don't try this for real time use. only for learning it is ok

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pickle Rick says:

    as a german,
    you DO NOT EVER
    get any promised raspberry pi zero product of any generation for the advertised price.
    no, rPI zero devices are as much as the model B ones.
    there is no 5-10$ rPI anywhere in germany. there never has been. it's just available via retailers who add 50% of the price.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeong-hun Sin says:

    Why do you sound like the Squeaky-VoicedTeenager from the Simpsons?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Elfen Magix says:

    The OS on the Orange PC will work on the Orange Pi One, Orange Pi Lite and Orange Pi Mini (no longer made); they all share the same memory map though some hardware is missing, like a PC with cards. Examine the board under a magnifying glass, you can add ports to the smaller boards as the pads for the ports are still there.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sebastian Andreas Gruber-Kersting says:

    Any alternative to the Broadcom processor is a win in fact. The Raspberry Pi is basically a very nice idea, but comes with the extremly crappy hardware from Broadcom.

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