Dumpster diving time!
Dave fishes out some Apple Xserve rack mount server computers and tears them down.
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Hi, it's dumpster diving time again. Look What? I scored. Well, it's not that exciting, but it might be to the Apple fanboys out there. We've got an Apple Xserve.

These are ancient Apple servers from about 2003 vintage. The Xslot model they're called. So It probably deserves to stay in the dumpster, but I Couldn't resist bringing these things up and cracking the lid open on these things. And From several accounts, these things weren't all that succesfull at all.

and Apple have now discontinued the entire line of these Xserves. They Went through various models, these ones, as we'll see on the specs on the back, use the G4 processor so like really ancient stuff. They Don't use the modern Xeons like the newer models of these things did. The Reason they call them the Xslot is because Tadaa...

I haven't actually opened these, no, empty. Look at that, shows you how old it is, we've got an IDE interface drive. These are all drive slots. You Can probably see why no one is gonna get excited over these things.

It is the dual processor model 1.33GHz It's got 1GB of RAM, 60GB hard drive know, nothing fancy at all and yet here it's a dual processor G4 from about 2003 vintage, so 13 years old, pretty much useless today. This one down here is even worse. Look at this is like the original 1GB 256MB not even 1GB of RAM. Well anyway, this one at the top here has a VGA card in it so that be PCI slots.

It looks like we've got a serial interface and USBs and whatever the Mac things are and the ethernet and a tiny tiny fan. for this rack server. I think it could be a bit loud. hmm the other one down the bottom here.

it doesn't even have a video card so these things are absolutely enormous and they want a fair bit to. You can see my benches nine hundred millimeters deep so they're almost as deep as my bench like 8-15 millimeters. Anyway, you know we say you're on the EEVblog don't turn them on taken apart. And by the way, for those wondering why you haven't seen many dumpster dive videos are in a while is because there's been nothing there.

It's not that I haven't bothered to do him spin tries a bone. So to get these things I've been pretty easy as I like four or five screws on each side of these little thumb screws here on the front and this should just slide back. Arian sticks. Hey there we go.

Actually this case design is really quite neat that not only then they got this sliding rails on here. these two orange things here have this tab right down here so you disengage and can pull that back like that so the whole thing can then what come off eventually. There we go Beauty. Actually the thermals of this a court Interesting.

He is our processes under here. Warren He hot, no touchy. This squirrel cage fan here is obviously not like a design to arm take the heat out if he and blow it out the bottom of it. but if you look at the bottom there is.

There are no events down there so they're just tryna suck it down into where and this one. What's it? Do it right. It's just. look here.
We go there. We go like what? what's got you I like lately is just second under the boards and things like that like there's no. I mean granted, there's only one rec unit hi you know is a limit to what you can do in terms of our cooling. But yeah, geez.

and I'm guessing that this one here is our design for the Pci cards of course. I don't know. you might have a big-ass graphics card in there or something. We've just got a little pokey graphics card here which we can take a squiz act.

Well, nothing I in there at all. 2001 Vintage Ati Radiant. Like yeah, like Gandhi bugger-all I guess you could get gooey up, huh? But like when I was a boy, right? this thing. it was like super computer territory.

But now it's like that. Like kids, just go. What the hell is that? That's just pathetic. But actually they're done.

You know reasonably well. defeat on all the functionality in the one rack. You know they got the slim line drive over here and they've got like I'm locking mechanism here which actually locks the slots in place. That quite nice.

Really like that and I just a front panel indicator and switchboard here, but you know, like it's not a reasonable job. There's a bridge in boarding here I'll show and down here. They've got like a little liar bridging board check it out and that that connects the motherboard over here to our arm slots over here. so I'm not sure the interface and everything else that they're actually doing there, but that's that little bridge board converting those and we've got ourselves a Ethernet card here and the battery doesn't look like that.

it's late the backup battery but Intel chipset here. we're going to have our jewel Rg4 processes he. we've just got some boring dimm slots only two populated and yet because this one had the one gig so they'd be 512 make a pop I think and oh not much else. but does the power supply up here is I Delta So top-quality parcel and top quality brand power supply.

Some nice little La fans on the end here just to cool the power supply on its own. You know if you've got to scrap this thing for parts and are these little fans are fantastic, these are squirrel-cage ones are really are these are blowing. You know school take square cage type? Hablo y it's a you know, really quite mate. But apart from that I don't I what else you would take.

It's like it's just too old and it's a shame because this was and I really fairly Cass I Guess backing. You know, the early two thousands. So how about we pal this thing up? See if it works? After all these years. I think the odds are reasonable that it's actually gonna work.

So you know I'm doing because they've engineered this side. You know quite well. Yeah, in the terms of thermal performance I Don't know, did they get hard or whatever. But anyway, here we go.
Love you. So here we go to power this thing up. Whoa. Yeah, that's loud.

You see those lids down there? Not sure if you saw that, but it. yeah, it's loud Wow And I would donate the lid on it. but hey, look at that. We're in like Flynn Beauty that still works.

It needs an OS it's going. Where's my always? And there's the Intel chipset for those playing along at home. I Don't know why bother looking up the number, but the board looks quite alright. Got no problems, no issues with that whatsoever.

Looks very neat and tidy and it still works. A treat. Does anyone want to see the G four processors? Mm Here we go to: LA It's my job. I thought it was just a heatsink.

It's not. It's a complete module. Look at that. Wow and the huge begot high-speed board-to-board interconnect there Nate that's underneath the module and there is a Rome You can't have to tell that's a jewel processor.

Just look at the layout. Here are the BGA layout right there. clearly two separate parts and I Know the Apple fanboys won't be happy until I You lift the skirt up on this. But here we go and we're going to some current shuts down there, do we? I Think we might? So here we go tomorrow and you're ready for it.

Are you ready? Just tiny little look. tiny little bit of grace. Tada allow the G4 jewel. G4 processes are terribly exciting is it? and we'll just give those a bit of a tidy-up and we'll be able to sit.

Get the isopropyl alcohol in there and I love that. Well, that's boring. doesn't even say G4 on it anyway. app year Believe these a jewel.

RG for processing it's a nice module based approach. Look at the bypass caps directly on their the wide ones as well for the arm extra low inductance there. none of this site narrow bypass kappa rubbish. So yeah, they really need to know what pretty decent processor back in the day and I'd be guessing that these are patient memory I would presume I don't know about the Apple architecture and things like that.

So yeah, check out the power supply stuff for the cause here for the to process. All of the one module is a really nice design, but well yeah, that's because look at that we're going to be gassing doctors were because the IOT massive amount of localized filtering and things like that and that would be our driver right there. But your nice big high current traces? Beautiful. Check it out.

just to give you a scale of how big this thing is, it look almost so. they go. I hope you enjoyed that Short Dumpster Diver: These two classic Apple Xserve rackmount one-inch rackmount server systems, which as I said I don't think they were very popular. If anyone's got any experiences with them, these systems please share it down below.

but you can put these in like racks with raid drives and everything else. You could have clusters of them and all sorts of stuff. and but you know that were recently powerful back in their day, but I don't think that they were successful for whatever reason. and they uselessly these days like a dual processor G4 and I 1.3 guide to say it.
but you know, and noisy as anything and probably you know I Power Hogs and they're just not. They're not really worth anything. So I don't know. working on ebay for twenty bucks maybe? Hmm.

Anyway, you want to discuss it? jump on down below all the links to the form and youtube comments on the list of jazz. I try to read more. hope you enjoyed it. Catch you next time.

Check out what I scored in the dumpster Three beautiful Apple Powermac G5 I Know they're absolutely ancient. They date from about 2,000 of three or thereabout. so good. 12 years old and pretty much useless today.

But look at them. a beautiful aluminium cases is just absolutely stunning design. Let's take a quick look at him now. All three look absolutely identical, but they're not as well.

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21 thoughts on “Eevblog #882 – dumpster dive apple xserve computers”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Homer fud says:

    Hey Dave can you send me those two squarl cadged fans plz?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brickysky160 says:

    Honestly the actual software part of the Xserve lineup was cool but the Xserve and Xserve raid where really limited

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brickysky160 says:

    Those psu are prone to dropping voltage on the 5volt rail which leads to unexpected shutdown of the cpu

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars eric moeller says:

    Most likely the reason they where discontinued cause they where over priced and contained out dated hardware when you could of got a dell or ibm equivalent cheaper

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars G POWER DRAGON says:

    If you clean the inside I can hang it on my wall like art ๐Ÿ˜Š does how nerdy I am

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gabriele Tripodi says:

    รˆ meglio MVVblog con i suoi dumpster

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Little Star says:

    What would they run? Filemaker? Geezus-h-Christ.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Little Star says:

    Shittiesh 'servers' ever made.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jason adams says:

    top corner is a laptop cdrom

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Onlyrgu says:

    Apple: " Soldering Processors to boards since 2003 "

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Bez says:

    not g4 but g5 working xserver to tower quad with tiger server for eventual graphics card lazy long mpp slog,still got g4s ,buy one 20buck+post!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Holder Bee says:

    This Xserves a big thumbs up

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mass massive says:

    your voice makes me wanna kill kittens

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars StPalliGrl says:

    How much did someone pay for that thing back in the day?? I suspect at least 5,000.00 dollars, more like 7 probably….that thing is not a pile of junk it is part of computer history.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars maverickbna says:

    1U = 1.75 inches. I love the POWER Architecture.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Turborider says:

    I wish I would find a server or even something like that in a dumpster.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Adventures of Joel and Jamie says:

    These are old, but I know people who still use them for all sorts of stuff. great machines

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XTL says:

    Nice pieces of steel and Al in those cases, if you're the type who can use it.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott left says:

    i cant follow you….your voice is too deep….

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlameTheDog79 says:

    I have a few of these a G5 and two 2009 Xeon ones I use the G5 as a media server and the Xeon to back up my pc and mac

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jack O'Shran says:

    Bloody hell you must have some of the best dumpsters in Australia. The best I have ever found in a bin was an empty Power Mac G5 case. I turned it into overclocked gaming system ๐ŸŽšโŒจ

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