Is this wierd thing a slice of Dave's Brain?
Find out in today's Mailbag
A silicon wafer bonanza!
KLA Tencor temperature sensing plasma etching wafer video
Bullshit Bingo
Model car controller
A very expensive single photon counter teardown and some experimentation.
Random cheapo Chinese Ebay items! A shocking pen, a wet baby monitor, and the world's worst soldering iron.
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Hi Welcome to everyone's favorite segment mailbag. Let's start out with the biggest one because we'll need to clear the Shelf So let's get to it. This one comes from and Tony and Tony I think it is our bird curvy see sorry I'm afraid it's hot. All my friendship viewers, there's a note on here.

Please read the note inside first. Okay, no worries, let's crack it open and see what we've got. Obviously we have instructions. it's important.

we read the note. You might hear some construction noise. so they are moving into someone's moving into the office next door and they completely gathered the place. So here we go and it's right on top.

Thank you very much Dear Dave Electronics hobbyists inside disassemble TV At the age of six who did it okay, remember when I tried to fix our TV I forgot I knew about live sharesies TVs but I just forgot. In my excitement of tearing you know, the TV apart and trying to fix the coax cable on the back was actually the shield of the coax cable. going to the antenna connector was actually at mains potential. So crazy, all they had was this: the isolation cap.

There are everything inside. Live show Zee TV's dangerous. Do they have live shezzy TVs anymore? I think so. huh? Anyway, trap the young players those ones back in the day.

Okay, I've read the note but I think I'll just show you what's in the box rather than take it out. It's very delicate and I've done a video on these before, but always great to have these. They're from a bit of a spoiler from Delos Semiconductor, so you were you know back in the day Delos Semiconductor where the Ducks guts I used to love Delos semiconductor parts anyway I think we're gonna like what's in here, but they're very delicate so I won't take them apart right here. I'll just do it properly and then not set up a shot.

here we go. So Antone's teamed up with is our finish friend Paulie and they document silicon dyes so they micro photograph these things and they're making them all available Wikimedia Commons that is just awesome. Check it out! I'll link it in down below so they've got a lot of what they've included. Yes, they're very sharp by the way.

I've a Lincoln a your video to Vincent hem P as sent in some silicon wafers and stuff and various other stuff silicon manufacturing stuff before so I have to link that in. but these are some Dallas semiconductor designs and things like that. So awesome! Thank you very much in tone in tween sorry I don't know how to pronounce your name but this is fantastic and these are some of the wafers it looks like we've got here. the old Telus semiconductor ones, the old one wire ones.

look at this, the one wire ring I love it. the older I button and things like that micro power dual Op-amp What are these fantastic photos? I'm sure they're available in Full HD are Jesus tons of them. You look whoa. Beautiful.

I'd Love to be out of micro photograph these, but it's an art. actually. micro photographing dies that you know you can't just buy a you know, a hundred bucks USB microscope and expect to get fantastic photos of dyes and things like that. Got some miscellaneous five inch wafers from 1810 in.
Bell Labs Open this side up. Hopefully they're intact. Look at this. different manufacturing steps.

Ah, unpolished. There you go. There's the unpolished wafer. Fantastic.

These are incredibly sharp, so I probably should be wearing maybe gloves before I Handle these. But anyway, let's give it a go back. Polish tested. Whoo! This is fantastic.

Sorry I bet you know this is probably not the best light for this. Yeah, you got another one. Got other steps Here we go: Blue tape. They put blue tape on it.

Why do they put blue tape There You go and then diced. That's when they slice slice them up. so this one is going to be all floppy. Yeah, it's all floppy.

Dappy Because they've They really have chopped this one up. Let's just look at that. Look at the shimmer. in.

look at the shimmer and you can see on that. That's because they're all they got out the diamond saw. Wow Ah Beautiful. Oh my goodness, there is so much goodness in here.

I'll tell you what. I Can't possibly show them all in the mailbag. This is only one part of one box. Ah, this is fantastic.

I Am going to have to get my Olympus microscope up and running. I've I've actually got some footage of me unboxing it and it was like broken when I unboxed. It needs a light source and stuff so I've actually got to put a bit of worker into it. I might just upload that unboxing video on to my second Eevblog channel too, so link it.

hopefully. I've got the footage somewhere it was a while ago and I have to get them camera mount and everything for it. but oh that's just. it's beautiful.

I Just can't stop playing with that. Oh Check out this way far holder or you can see the Delos Semiconductor goodness in there. Look at this. This is all totally custom designed to transport these.

you can see the little rubber things holding the wow holding the wafers in there. Wow This is this is going to provide endless opportunities once. I get a decent microscope up and running. Oh thank you very much.

this is just awesome. Wow Anyway, too much goodness for the mailbag Oh Get what? I can using a simple microscope but we're seriously not finished yet. This is a wafer Bonanza Ko8 nCore 8-inch top wafer is split art 10 call I think there's been some shattering I think I just got I just got spiked I may have just got spiked. Damn it.

Okay I'm gonna have to be careful. Here we go. These K8n core ones they specialize in yield and menu and reliability Test equipment for the semiconductor industry has included several temperature recording wafers in various manufacturing stages, some of which are featured in this YouTube video I'll have to link it in. Awesome Anyway, Um, he's also got some available on eBay linking the eBay store as well as interest in buying some wafers from Antone Thank you very much mate! This is awesome Wow look at that that is incredible.
Can I spin the whole thing around Wow you're that oh my god. a temperature sensing board on there presumably plasma attempt Wow and the rest of it I don't know how they're sensing the temperature or why since in the temperature across the across the 12 inch wafer I didn't know that was a thing that was done Anyway, if anyone's got any, yeah, you know really technical details on how the hell and why they do the temperature sensing of these 12 inch wafers then love to hear about it. But look at that. Wow Oh I'm taking this 8 inch pizza back.

it's cold. Next up one from straw earlier. All my Aussie viewers um from person and oh no. hang on No here we go from Paradox Photography.

Thank you very much. Ah, Luis is it? Let's have a look? let's check it out guys. Could be a bit tricky I should I should use the Stanley knife but you know what's the fun in that? Hang up the right angle and here we go. It's um, it's alright Lee no it is not a Seagate hard drive or whatever I'm pretty sure it's not.

If it is, it's not in good shape. We've got aa crusty crusty LED light bulbs Lewis is sending a bunch of stuff. He found this at a local ham festival in Giroux didn't know there was one. Um, this is an analog meter.

He got this in a junk beam. He cut like a whole box with the stuff. for our 20 bucks a day ham fest. you can get that sort of stuff.

So yeah, there you go. Oh by the way, there is his loss. This is a some sort of running joke he had with his mate. He it's even face tracking.

There you go my camera. his face tracking but doesn't know which has chosen this face now I was choosing this one before. Oh there we go. Now it's not focusing on there.

There you go good on your loss and check it out. it's 20 K ohms per volt. Oh yeah, rockin and it can do one milliamp up to 10 amps and well just select volts if you want. And then there would have been an additional dial for the volts one as well.

But that's there you go. Look, why are we on resistors? Love it? Well, current shunt resistors that is and a 10 turn trimmer. Look at that. That'll be the 10 amp jack right there.

Oh wow, that is Krustyburger. Look at that spring-loaded mechanism. Feels alright. Bit crusty for its age, but you're also sending this Life Expo ball leaf X or however you want to call it I Actually it's broken apparently.

I Actually saw an early prototype of this at the Melbourne our hackerspace because Andy Gill he is one of the potted potted potted. Andy What are you done? No jeez. Oh, that's no good. Anyway, it looks like all the high voltage conversion is done in there.

There you go. a thousand lumens la de la 17 watts, 22 Watts blah blah blah. Anyway, ah, very disappointed. that's all gunked.
It's not. It's not a hard resin, it's one of those rubbery type ones. So me. but still.

Yeah, we're not gonna get that open in a hurry. But there you go. There's the rest of the guts. that's the is the antenna.

There it is. What is it? a bluetooth? II Know it's a Wi-Fi It's wireless isn't it? So yep, so no big deal. But yeah, there you go Wife: X Yes, this was a one of the biggest crowdfunding campaigns at the time and and they eventually delivered it. I Haven't read up on the performance and you know whether or not all backers and stuff we're happy.

But you know a lot of issues goes into the thermal design of this thing and this is all heavy diecast alloy of course to dissipate the heat. Aluminium backed PCB down in there of course. And can we see some yeah, see some thermal paste up under there trying to get it through to this finned designed because it's all passive cooling and the problem with these is that you stick them inside a sealed enclosure lighting fixture and they just heat up and heat up and heat up because there's nowhere for the heat to go. You know you could have as much metal, as many things as you want.

Fins don't do much if you haven't got air flowing over them, so yeah, it's You know, load designing our thermal proper thermal design for lights is a real big ass issue, But there you go. It's a side look inside the Lifx. I'm not sure whether or not that's early production or late production or whatever, but there it is. It's got to be some sort of arm thingamabob.

They've got a barcode on that. Hey, they've got their own. They've got their own label. There you go.

They ordered enough of them. They got their own branding on. You know you can do that with any manufacturer, of course, the first silicon. they'll happily laser, etch and call and give it a new part number.

anything you like if you order enough of them. So here you go. Nacho. that's you know, some flavor of ARM processor or something? I'm sure.

But there you go. It's interesting to note though, that they couldn't fit the circuitry. or maybe they didn't want to because of the antenna. Things like that, they didn't want to put it inside here.

Anyway, this is all the that'd be your mains of course and all your LED PWM switching as well and you can see that connector down in there. They use these long pins and all mates up like that goes in. It's quite a nice elegant design. I Rather like it.

So yeah. I hope it worked out for. but yeah, as I've mentioned on the Amp hour over and over again. I am NOT a fan of Internet's or you know anything connected light bulbs? it's just Phoenicia Applications fine.

otherwise just give me a switch on the wall please and I'll link in Louis's blog down below. Check it out! Thanks! Luce Next up one from the United States of America thank you very much Sebastian No last name. um that's not his last name, it's just no last name from Washington DC Let's have a look. Scott Pull-tabs It works.
Got to use the pool tab because this is one of these ones for Vol that we've got. Yep, yep silly me I just got over vigorous and ripped it and sure enough all the crap comes out and inside we have a box. Hello! McFly Oh here we go. This is this one other.

is this a rip pool one as well? Oh I don't know. Here we go. Yep. no walk-ins.

Alright, let's see what's have a look. Got a whole bunch of photos and stuff. What danger? Whoa. A photon counting module? Awesome! And we've got a CCD camera as well.

Cool. Let's check them out. There's Sebastian I don't understand what that white stuff is. Don't get it.

Tell you what, it's not every day we get one of these puppies. thank you very much. Sebastian this is a photon counting module. all of our says module computer D photons anyway made in Canada white all my Canadian viewers and probably a french-speaking part of Canada cuz some parts of weird like that.

Anyway from my PerkinElmer who make lots of funky ass you know very scientific instruments and things like that I've done some Pilko PerkinElmer stuff on the blog before I'm sure but these is a very expensive kit. It goes for about 5 K U.s. Sebastian was kind enough to send in this one which is apparently are still working but it's got a higher dark count on it. So yeah, it's probably just you know, just slightly failing the r-spec for the dark counts and this one is completely failed.

So we can do a two minute teardown of this puppy. So these things are pretty schmick. Apparently there's the sensor inside this thing. It's over the visible light range.

It uses a unique Silicon avalanche photodiode, circular active area that she's a peak photon detection efficiency of more than 65 percent. The photodiode is both thermo electrically cooled I Guess that means our Peltier device on the bottom of it. can? me? Actually, you know, would there be a Peltier thing at the bottom that actually keeps the thing cool? perhaps? Hmm. Insurance stabilized despite ambient temperature changes.

There you go. so you got to keep the thing as cool as possible. This is detecting individual photons. So yeah, pretty.

You know, pretty advanced stuff. Typical applications: lidar photon correlation spectroscopy thank you very much Astronomical observations, optical range fine deputy, ultra sensitive fluorescence, particle sizing all the good stuff I've you know or the particle sizing In terms of you know, scientific instrumentation and now's materials analysis and you know, chemical analysis. All that sort of jazz the formula for those playing along at home. Well, we've got a block diagram.

look at this active squash, active reset circuit stabilized high-voltage power supply for the puppy and detector temperature controller. Hmm. doesn't show much else, but yeah, that's that's all the magic and tto out and the gating input as well. I Have no idea what that is, but it looks impressive.
A typical PD scan. Obviously, it looks like we've actually got a calibration a sheet for this one. We got our serial number 8w, one four and there we go. It measured 230 on the dark count to 50.

So I that's not over. So I don't know why it's got written, you know high dark count on it. so maybe it has like it's failed just a little bit since then. But yeah, hmm.

there you go. Second of March 2002 Good on your DD Even got ourselves a linearity graph with the correction factors in the river and the right count. Awesome! So Sebastian is actually a senior engineer on a Lidar project and I need to show you this. Look at this you that? yes, that's a big freakin' laser shooting up in the sky.

It's like the Death Star and he's warning. Be very careful not to let too much into the fight light into the fiber port because there decided to take single photons. You know, ten or maybe hundreds of photons or something like that. So yeah, we you know, you really need to watch out with this puppy.

Um, it's very curious that you can actually damage the thing, so that's very interesting. Uh, you know, like there's no, you know? warning. There's high-voltage warning on the thing, but there's no warning about, you know, excessive light? Maybe when its power it up, perhaps? But anyway. um, let's see.

and I think they killed the other one if twelve volts instead of five volts for the power supply. Hmm Oh Our familiar equation E equals Hv. Even room lights generate Micra watts of power will exceed this 13 mega Hertz by a wee bit for the detector. This is real science awesome.

So they use these detectors in aerosol light arts to collect data about the vertical structure of the atmosphere I Am sure I Don't need to explain this to you well yeah I think it's Sebastian cuz I Don't know much about atmospheric lidar measurements and we transmit pulse laser light in the atmosphere and count how many photons are recorded from the backscatter light at the different ranges. This gives us a data product shown below. It shows the layer in the sky from various aerosols. very cool in this particular example of the layer, the layering later in the day is smoke from forest fires from our Canadian neighbors during summer and the systems are post at 2.5 kilohertz average and average over 1 minute.

so 150,000 pulses create a one-minute profile. We also much let the outgoing polarization the system so able to collect two signals using the same detector and look at our different aerosols back scatter different polarization States Absolutely fascinating. Love it! Alright, so let's just quickly power this thing up I've still got the black our protective cap on there, our single 5 volt to supply it. no gating signal and we'll see what we get out and you can actually see the pulses here.
So there we go. I've actually had to set the memory depth I You know if quite high here? I mean if you set it to 14k, you just can't get you know, it just disappears. It doesn't have the memory depth to show them and you'll see. If you increase your memory depth then you know the spikes just appear as shorter than what you would normally expect.

One point for Meg Now we're talking anyway. we can start to zoom in and that's what we get. This is 5 volts. Where are we? Yeah, 5 volts upper division which is rather interesting.

so that's our output pulse so it has a it you know it's actually goes positive and negative. I'm quite uh, quite surprised at that. Anyway, if we go to like 5 milliseconds per division and let's just increase our memory depth there right up 240. haha.

thank you very much for playing and we can see the multiple counts on here. if I put my hand over it, Does it get any less I don't know I'm gonna go switch off the lab lights. hang on. hasn't really significantly lowered has it? So I'm not sure what the not sure what the deal is Anyway, that's is that our just our normal dark count? perhaps? Anyway, Sebastian's got a question about they about the light.

Our application is so intense the laser that it actually saturates the detector and causes a very long tail of pulses. and you can see the long tail out there. So it's just wondering because it corrupts the first two microseconds of data. He's asking if I have any theories as to why this happens after inspecting the unit I Don't know who.

I'm sorry is the best and this is not my area of expertise, but maybe somebody else one of the viewers out there might actually have an idea what's actually at play here. Ok, so I've got all my lights off. but of course like I've got light filtering in from the corridor here. and the screen of course.

so. but I'm gonna take this car. gonna be take this cap off. Hang on.

if I can get it, let's have a have a look What happens I expect it to set right? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. hello. Whoa. I've put my I've put my thumb over the end of it.

my thumb is over the end of the connector. Look at that. Wow. Look at all those pulses.

The number of photons. Tons of them. So yeah, I don't know. Demisa sensor.

But jeez yeah. I mean that my thumb, trust me, is over the end of that fiber optic connector so it's obviously getting through my thumb. You know you can shine a torch to your thumb and put a torch up to your thumb and you can sit a light coming through. But yeah, that's not enough.

I've got to put there that's taking my thumb off. Wow And this is putting the dark cap on here. we go Wow and cap on. Beautiful and we're back to our yeah pulse.
Every 500 microseconds or every couple of milliseconds now, you may not be able to see this, but I'm I've got the fiber-optic here and if I point up towards the screen I plugged it in, point up towards the screen. you can really see that thing going ballistic. Wow That's terrific. Whoa.

I killed it I killed it but it's recovered. its recovered. Oh yeah, probably don't want to do that too often. Yeah, really sensitive, but oh poor.

Photon Counter can't keep up. All right, let's pop the hood on this puppy and see what we've got. Ah, it's pretty average looking isn't it? We just got a regular PCB in there with a couple of jelly bean looking. it's so packages and we've gotten off the shelf.

I Switch mode I think that's one of those Ti Is that one of those TI jobs when they switch mode power supplies I'm not sure - I got into those. looks quite similar but yeah could be from anyone. Anyway, that's not surprising because when you get a you know if this is worth 5000 US bucks right? and they don't make these in high volume. its serial number like 8000 and you just don't bother role in your own.

DC to DC converter. The designers just couldn't be bothered. No, it cost really isn't a problem, we'll just whack in and off the shelf. DC to DC converter module that cost 50 bucks.

No one cares. You know it looks like we've got a is that a transformer? I've got some isolation there for our output. You'd expect that, but not a huge amount more. All the magic of course happens down in the sensor.

That's what you're paying for that puppy there I wonder who manufacture it? Is it? PerkinElmer or I don't know. do they get it from somebody else? But yeah, let's take the cap off. We can destroy this one. No workers.

and if you're wondering if I can get that off now, you're unscrew it. that's just a socket and they've got some thermal paste in there. You can see that just using the case as a heat sink of course. And they've got some fins on here.

Yeah, but now everything's sealed inside that module. but we can. Actually, you know they showed the photo of it on the datasheet there. so that'll do us for now.

Let's go through a couple of cheap and cheerful. Chinese eBay item shall we? I'm sure there are. This one's like torn apart so I don't As always I Don't know who these come from really I Think people have just ordered them and had them directly shipped that it's a wet baby alert. Oh goodness, come on.

Oh goodness. Oh okay. next but another one. What is it dick item? They all might come in handy, but I think it's probably gonna be a bit crusty.

Probably cost you five bucks. delivered. Yes, Oh don't touch it. Oh that's the worst mains cable I've ever felt in my life.

Ah, there's no cord strain relief at the end of it. One of these mains powered soldering irons. Are you kidding me? There's no 40 watt 222 for 220 240 volts with an American plug. Huh? Wow I Wouldn't dare plug that in you Kidding me? Oh just.
it's going downhill. It's going downhill folks. Let me tell you once again, I Have no idea they don't come in the sight. You can just tell like that the label printed from the oh yeah, one of these bloody LED light Fox And on Fox anonymous.

Yeah. light bulbs. They're just crap. Don't buy any garbage.

No, No, just no. no. This thing looks like it's 3d printed or something. This handle it is.

Just no, no, no, no, that's not an optical illusion. it's just not even worth describing. Look, look. unbeliev.

Unbelievable. How can this crap even be legal to sell? I Wet Baby Alert adopts quality integrated chips and important components that give a high sensitivity to the product it totally gets rid of. You're worried that the baby catches a cold due to bed wetting or suffers from crotch acts. schematic diagram of wet baby state-of-the-art technology and I need to trim the component legs by go out foxing on? Yeah, not for use in enclosed light fixture.

Not for use in enclosed light fixture in case you didn't get it the first time. Oh yeah, this thing's going to work out. Treat with its Hy brand 400 volt cap. Look at that.

Oh goodness. I Probably give that a week before the board starts charring or it catches on fire. Join a queue. Ah yep, that day instills a lot of confidence in me.

Next up: one from Alexander Ruiz from Germany Thank You Annie and very much Alexander hogging all my German yours. Yeah. Very thin and light with a note. it's a tiny little module in there themselves.

A little module. We like having a look at little modules. Let's check it out. So Alexander found his own company in 2005.

Cheese. that's now 11 years ago. Hmm. scary.

Um, this is him. He only had one product he ever developed ie. he's not going to tell us what it is, but you can look at the following things: tiny little board like this and we've got this thing with it. So he's talking about our connect up Hall sensors and LEDs and all sorts of things.

And for those who read German there you go. There's the functional description of the thing and how to hook it up and everything else. and it can hook up a motor and magnetic field sensor and all sorts of jazz. But I've translated that and we can go translate and here we go.

It's been developed specifically for use in car. Vehicle systems. Operates from a voltage of 1 volt. that's very cool and as so interesting for vehicles with one battery.

Obviously a little model vehicles are. The board operates as a brain in the vehicle. you can get it made, any fill, sensor and leads connected up small magnets under the road, service modules, starting position of emergency operations. So it's basically designed for like little model cars on like model railways and things like that like the Miniatur Wunderland which I have been to in Hamburg By the way, the world's biggest arch is it's awesome.
It's even more awesome now since when I where I went like 10 years ago. But yeah, it's even more awesome now. So it's designed for something like that that you know automates like little, you know, cars running around on model layouts presumably and stuff like that. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but that seems to be what it does.

so very cool. eggs. and ER how did the leave it in the comments I presume you didn't go or didn't sell all that well cuz some sounds like you're not in business anymore anyway. thank you very much.

Alexander Very interesting and this is one instance where you really want to miniaturize this thing so the tiniest components you can get possible just to fit on the tiniest board. Yep, hand solder in. This isn't really a hugely viable option, so you've got a you know, get it properly rifo but yet tiny little packages like that and you can cram everything in Neat. Next up, we have another one for the United States of America from Plymouth in Minnesota Evan I think it is I'm from the DW DF store.

thank you very much. It is something we always like it much. Awesome black my favorite color we're in my spot and t-shirt today. I Did the spot in the race yesterday.

this is the one from last time though. Oh look at that! Oh right! Yes! Do It Yourself Christmas Lights dot-org Yes, we've seen there's we've linked to that site on the blog before I'm sure. Thank you very much Dave good on you Dave So linking Dave's a do-it-yourself Christmas dog website down below or I just told you what the thing is. Yes DIY Christmas orga.

Check it out. Thank you very much. Let's go Kolja! there's a big fancy pantsy for the Eevblog. Consider on that, you know I'm just rockin' around in bare feet.

Oops. I Missed an eBay special. Check it out! It's a the amazing electric shocking pen. Well, this looks pretty pathetic.

Anyway, it looks like what it's designed to do is, of course you hold the pen and you know you give it to someone. Hey, use my pen and well you press that and I'm sure there's a metal contact on the top of this middle contact here. I'm sure I'm about to get zapped. So here we go.

I'll take one for the team. Yeah, you can feel it. so let's just measure this. I've got my high voltage, our differential probe here and I'll just touch this on here.

So let's give it a bill and we'll be able to see I'll show you close-up on the scope in a second. But Bingo there's the pulses. so let's take a closer look at that. There we go.

You can see the frequency down the bottom there about 80 Hertz or there abouts repetition and we can not single-shot capture that. There we go. I captured that. So if we zoom in.

Bingo we can see these pulses. They're what? I You know, 20 microseconds or something like that at where I'm at a hundred volts? There we go 1 to 100 ratio. We're at 1 volt per division. So that's a hundred volts that per division there.
So you know 500 volt Peaks or something like that for 20 microseconds. Me, you know there's not much current behind it so key is not gonna kill you and that's all it is. Couple a little light hearing aid batteries or whatever they are or three of them actually. Yep, and one little blob.

There we go. One little blob with a big-ass inductor and yeah, that's all she wrote. Next up, one from a fellow blogger whose channel is the very best of YouTube Thank you very much Owen Jeffries Um, he's from much South Australia here in Australia Of course. yes it is down.

Yeah, go figure. South middle to Australia Illinois itself Australia reason or just Google Map it. let's see what on sinning? What is it? Good luck. Let's go.

Good luck written on it. Why do I need a lot of luck? Alright, it's one of these. Oh, it's an idea, isn't it? No, it's like an iPod II clone thing. Is it? yeah? I think it's one of those.

Why? pretty clones? No Designed by Apple Oh no it is. Apple it is actually Apple designed by Apple but we're made in China Where's that? Where's the Apple logo and stuff? It's an Apple remote control for what? I don't know, it's sorry or you Apple Fanboys I Don't know about Apple products. Okay, how do you even open that? Um, yeah. it's like one solid piece of now.

you mean iam that is. That is ridiculous. You need to dig out the buttons or something. Maybe there is an obvious way.

Hang on. Yeah, this is totally fascinating design. It's like one big solid thing. They've obviously slid that in there somehow, but I'm not entirely sure how they get that in or out.

Hmm, there's our buttons. But yeah, how do they slide it all in? I'm presuming that they it's a flex board and they just shove it in under there like that. It's you know. it really is quite clever engineering case design that I rather like it.

If anyone knows exactly how they actually manufacture that, it's brilliant. Let us know. There's the battery holder plastic in there hooked onto the board like that and that's all she wrote. It's Bravo Engineering I'm I'm impressed.

Well, why do all my Norwegian viewers? we've got one from Hope DeLorean Jones Set it to DeLorean Jones Okay, thank you very much. um Haven Orem from I won't even pronounce it no somewhere in Norway I just read with please put me in another case. Oh right, it's a Geocaching calm. um.

Trekker I Want to travel around the world and other planets? There we go. It's a Geocaching teh. Jesus I've been out of the game a long time. I Used to be big in the geocaching scene.

Um, just even edit the geocaching. Australian newsletter. Go figure. Ah, that was that was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.
Scala Ride a Q3 with crusty dirt all over it. Okay, anyway, I'm gonna have to find out it's a travel bug. That's the term I Was looking for travel bugs Ackerman when travel bugs were first introduced into G occasion. and yes, it's G occasion here in Australia Not geocaching as you Yanks like to say don't come here and you know, turn up at Education of It and go I'm here for the geocaching event so there's point in laugh at you.

So um, the Viking for farm huh? Oh god I can't even pronounce your name kettle with a J in it? Thank you very much and this is what made me laugh. Bingo Yeah! I Want to play friendship bingo? So this is oh, it's all in Norwegian Is it I can see ecommerce. So the idea of bingo is that when you're in a meeting at work, you sit there with your being bingo she's here. It is Bingo sheet for those who've read Norwegian and you can you know sit there and as soon as you hear them you know a wake word.

oh it's some kind scald, a wank word. bingo or you hear one of the terms, you mark it off and then if you get fill out, mark all the words off in a meeting you shout bingo and then everyone cracks up laughs and then the managers don't know what's going on but it ones cracking themselves up. So awesome. No agent Bingo Beauty.

And there is the Geocaching Travel bug for those playing along at home. I Will have to reactivate my education account and actually put this in a case and then you can track it I won't tell you which case I don't know something? hmm maybe I can put it in an old one of mine. perhaps if it's still here? Geez, aren't I naughty? Haven't checked on it for many, many years? All right Yes I know this is a Geocoin. Jeez when I was a boy.

Travel bugs do you know I remember when they first introduced and though go all over Sydney searching for a travel bug? oh my god, somebody's got one. Well they put in a cash quick. Hurry. go find it.

Now they got Geocoins I dunno when I was a boy I've always wanted my own coin my own Dave coin I think I'm gonna mint my own silver coin with my face on it. Why the hell not? But hold on to your hats folks! I Just look this one up and this is the EEV coin. that's what it's called. So I'm gonna throw this in a local cache and any viewers out there who are geocaches or if you're not kin in the sport, it's really fun.

Highly recommended. Um, you know it's just that I've got a life now. hmm ah, so much anymore. Don't if we get more into it now that just Sagan is at an age where we can take in my education which will be awesome.

So I'm gonna whack this in a local cache and see how far this puppy can go. Excellent! So thanks to everyone who's sent in something to today's mail bag. Sorry if I didn't get around to yours, but you know I have a lot of them I think I'm gonna go Geocaching Catch you next time. Hi! Welcome to the EEV blog! Oh not so clean room.
Why am I wearing a clean room bunny suit you might ask? Good question. Well we've got the ever-popular mailbag segment. very special one today. Inside this box is a whole bunch of semiconductor fab paraphernalia courtesy of Vincent EMP.

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25 thoughts on “Eevblog #866 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin 3 says:

    Thought that pen would be a grill ignitor or something.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sharklops says:

    That photon counter was incredibly interesting

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OvalWingNut says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qorax says:

    aww no teardown on the geocache travelbug?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nothing\ says:

    I remember having at least one or two TVs back in the 90s where you could feel a good bit of electricity when you touched the threading of the coax. I doubt it was mains voltage though, it just tingled, it didn't hurt. Wonder why that was, though. Any ideas anybody?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bas Bastian says:

    1 up for the bullshit bingo. I've played it. It keeps boring meetings fun.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! David Perkins says:

    "The Won Hung Lo Revue" ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drewski's Brewski's says:

    You should make a tabletop with the wafers sealed under clear resin

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Giovanni Rizzi says:

    Could the tail of pulses after the laser saturation be due to increased temperature of the sensor? Sort of increased thermal noise due to heating.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars all motor says:

    Dave. is there a separate video going through each wafer?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mrstevenund says:

    Hey Dave. I just looked up that Geocaching Travel Bug. Has it been placed in a cache? The only tags I see are people who saw it in this video.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krasimir Ivanov says:

    that soldering iron must be a joke …twisted wires, 220/240 V rated with us plug i don't anyone who would want to buy that even for $1 it will cost you more in swearing and effort to solder with that than save $90-100 for entry iron with decent power, tips and thermal control

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KinChungE says:

    220V with american plug is actually commonly used in China

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sonny Fontes says:

    I bought some LED lightbulbs off of China once. They emitted so much interference that it produced a +30 dB noise level on my HF radio. I eventually took one apart and found one of the most scary SMPS circuits ever.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DroneXFun says:

    That is an apple tv remote. Geo caching was invented a couple miles away from me in Estacada, Oregon by a guy from Beavercreek, Oregon which is where I am from. I love your videos, I always learn something, thank you for the time and effort and I think Sagan is an awesome name. Thanks again mate.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SpriteFun says:

    Those giant knives are banned in the uk, everytime you whip it out it makes me super jealous ๐Ÿ™
    Also, awesome mailbag as always ๐Ÿ˜€

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SosiKokeilu says:

    But.. but… light comes in waves! :p

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ๐ŸฆŠ U+1F98A says:

    What's a shazzy?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graham Langley says:

    Go to anywhere else, including France, and pronounce it 'caysh' and they'll think 'Bloody Australian'.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leggo MuhEggo says:

    It's remote for Apple TV old style, or for Mac computers.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kandi Gloss says:

    oh god, I made the mistake of buying one of those sort of soddering irons when I was trying to get into electronics but didn't know what I was doing (and still don't, which is why I gave up for now). Those things are so dangerous and scary to use, mine started smoking through those grates, I used it once and never again.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SquidCaps says:

    heh, that was my first real shock too, live chassis TV, half mains potential. Knew about it and was working quite fine, until i grip antenna coax connector chassis, that was in the antenna ground.. 120V (midpoint 240V) and needed few cigarrettes to calm down..

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bowowowification says:

    The shock pen was mine, lol. Thanks for the teardown! I wish I could afford to send something more interesting. Still the greatest feeling in the world to have my stuff on your vblog. Been following weekly for years.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Julien Paturel says:

    the atmohs thing was SO nerd ahah

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anjan Kumar says:

    And the moans kept on coming

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