Merry Christmas Mailbag!
May you be touched by His Noodly Apppendage
Someone thinks atheist Dave won't get saved by Jesus, so tries to convert him to Christianity!
Sam Harris destroys christianity video:
Bonus Christopher Hitchens vs. God Video:
Tandy PC-6 Pocket Computer
Service Manual:
Silego GreenPAK4 Mixed Signal Development Kit:
Isolated USB to RS422/RS485 converter board. The isoUSBRS422
Vintage components
Airbag system car occupant sensor.
An audiophool valve Hi-Fi headphone amplifier
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Hi Welcome to everyone's favorite segment: Mailbag. Yes, it's the end of 2015 and we've supposedly got hoverboards and flying DeLoreans hmm not quite sure about that. Anyway, everyone's favorite segment: Mailbag. Let's get into it.

So yeah, happy Holidays Merry Christmas and all that sort of jazz. So and yes, I'll probably be taking a little break from all the madness. but I might shoot some video and see what happens. But yeah, the video output hasn't been great lately because yeah, just busy with, you know, family stuff.

all that sort of jazz. So Oh anyway I didn't say that. This one's right. sorry, sorry Paul poor Arbor Baldy he's from Davey in Florida Beauty I don't want my viewers in Florida been to Florida Um, everybody's in Spanish Strange.

Um, here we go. Enclosed. Oh oh yes. Oh cool.

cool retro retro time. retro time I Never had one of these I always wanted one. thank you very much hopefully I Don't know. Oh I see shrink wrap for our protection.

Check it out. it's at Andy PC 6 Pocket Computer fantastic which is actually a Casio these were these were all sorry, all were they shot. My mind's going on me on my old age in 2015. Um, but yeah though, rebadge Tandy didn't actually do them and batteries included - thank you very much.

Um, Tandy didn't actually do them. There are all rebadged Cassio's so here it is. the PC Six cheese that's in good Nick Wow, that's wow. That's almost brand spankin' fantastic.

Let's uh, how do you open this thing? What are you? open this thing? Break? It doesn't slide. Uh-huh it's embarrassing. Oh there we go. Whoa.

Jesus could do with a bit of grease there. but yeah, that's it. Awesome! Nick Always one on one of these look full scientific keyboard with the basic as well. it's a basic pocket computer.

had the UM the small one, the PC eight. was it um which was just like it wasn't the folding form-factor like this. it was the really bottom arrange. A small one had that back in the mid 80s or there abouts fantastic.

What's on the note from Paul and operation. Although Oh manufactured nearly three thirty years Wow it's nearly mint condition it is that is absolutely that is mint. Um, yeah, it uses two CI twenty thirty twos and 1cr twelve twenty. What the hell would you use a design in a CR twelve twenty battery? That's just madness.

Anyway, noteworthy is the thorough needs to use Operational manual. Three Hundred hopefully is vintage cally worthy addition to your collection. it will be. Thank you very much radiates there we go.

She all lived up to its name. RadioShack Fantastic Anyway, beauty, thank you Ranch Paul Ladies Awesome! Oh here it is. Isn't it in fantastic condition? My friend had one of these and I was always jealous that I didn't have one. Oh it was the darks, guts, the bee's knees.

Let me tell you back in the day and it's in yeah, absolutely first-class condition. I Love how it had the full scientific keypad and everything and the QWERTY keypad up The top. art was just beautiful. Um, interestingly, there's no tactile feedback in those keys.
There's no like snap downs under there. So yeah, it's a bit wishy-washy squishy. don't like that at all. But Paul's already put some batteries in here as well as gave me spares.

There we go. ready. P Zro we're ready to go. Oh Bobby Dazzler And we can do immediate stuff.

We can do a hex conversion. Yes! Ah, Bobby Dazzler You know won't do a full to teardown, but hopefully we get this back. Cover off. Does that come off? Yep.

Comes off. What can we see? Oh hi, There we go. You can see the memory. There we go.

We've got ourselves a Toshiba SRAM Oh my God. I Saw the date code there the 20th week 1987. Brilliant. But this is rather interest in the MB 64 H 440 I Get this as a CMOS Gatorade chip, not a processor.

so Gatorade like a you know, a rudimentary form of FPGA So like you know, for making custom chips. That's very interesting. And of course we've got ourselves the 8k expansion Ram haha Kicking ass, Let me tell you and we've got ourselves the main feel to cap up here, which they use for keeping the contents for when you change over the battery. so you know you might have five minutes or something to change the battery before it loses the contents.

So let's see if we can get the case off this thing. Here we go. It has turned into a quick 2 minute idiom. There we go.

The battery pack there just has some contacts on the bottom that's rather interesting and today we're in like Flynn and basically that's all it is. They've got that custom Gator A by the looks of it. Wow It's interesting to note these two pads here. There's actually two little spring contacts are there and there and they made up with these two pads on the back cover, so it's almost as if it's got like a it can detect when you remove the back panel.

Interesting. So that's as far as I'll go in this turnout. Of course it's going to have a display processor for driving that, so that'll be on this upper board here. You know, probably just a Hitoshi LCD driver or something like that, but this is awesome.

Thank you very much Paul for sending this one in I've always wanted one. Fantastic, excellent addition to the collection. Awesome mate! Next up, we've got one from Australia Bloody Ripper Um, it doesn't say who it's from, so thank you very much. Anonymous person from North Sydney Post Office.

That's like yeah, 30 Kaiza way. Um, so yeah, it's paper wrapped. It's none of these prepaid parcel rubbish. Oh, it looks like it's a regifter.

It's a regifter. It's a category A chair. so it comes from China It's got one of those, you know, Chinese custom declarations on it and what do we got? Eh, if quantity, right? Okay, it's a very blend title, but I kind of sort of know what it is. doesn't really tell me a huge amount.
so you have a a note. Okay, so they've at least opened it and they've got something in here. Got some coins these put in five bucks. so I can post it somewhere.

post it on to someone who wants it if I don't explode it. Awesome. That's very kind of you. Thank you very much.

Cheers - I There it is. thank you. The person's imaginary. Ah, get it imaginary.

I Complex math. Anyway, Anyway, I only ran it the best hi-fi products. Oh dear, oh dear. Do weak.

oh I shouldn't know. Maybe I shouldn't advertise them. Yeah, probably shouldn't advertise them. This could be a bit of audio foolery.

Pat Oh yeah, it looks audio foolery. Oh yeah, it's gold. Oh yes. very audio foolery.

Anyway, it's from do week, don't do UK audio. but in the UK Anyway, Um yeah. yeah. oh, feels right though.

but you know it's got indents in that. Yeah, we've got ourselves a got ourselves a headphone amp and the sockets on there for those are old-school Yes, they are valve sockets. So it's a valve hi-fi headphone amplifier produced by Zhong Zu Audio, right? So it's all play point guard. here.

it's produced by Zen Zhu Audio. So there you go. All right, let's check it out. Tear Down! Oh dear how the wank is strong with this one nice feeling.

indenter volume control the though but he's the QC pass sticker. Oh it just makes your skin crawl. Oh there's our valve sockets. and well yeah, right when doing a personal project he need the headphone amp came across the interesting world of tube based headphone amplifiers.

I Think this guy uses a tube headphone amp. What is it like a cafe? It is spinning an LP with what? the? okay, yeah, that's why I Like she's not the least bit interested in him as far as I Understand it: you buy a very expensive pair of headphones with impedance much greater than the stand and hundreds of Ohms and they require another amplifier and chain to provide enough power to get any sound out. Apparently, after playing hundreds of dollars for the same headphones, you stir some of these headphones, you didn't have to break them in for over 300 hours. Yeah, right.

I Got a bridge to sell you. We could go measure the performance of this tube. I Can go to my mate Doug who's got all the requisite gear for doing that. but God's not worth wasting the time.

And why have THD less than point double O Five percent and you use an bloody valves like okay, if you've decay, no, it's okay. You've designed. If they're truly that is its performance right? Your you design your valve amp to get extremely low distortion. but the whole idea of a bloody valve AB is to give you the valve sound in quote marks which means distortion.

So it's just it's complete link and imagine me. number here has I'm also sending in a pain eighty 403 based aunt which seems to work perfectly fine. Yeah, I'm sure it sounds just as good as this thing. Hmm oh no, it's not gonna have the same quality sound anymore.
Oh gosh damn it. And here it is. And oh if God is a couple of why don't we got any Double Five, Three Twos, Whoop-dee-doo Oh Have they seriously rubbed the number off this regulator up here? Me: there's the valve for you Our valve aficionados. Yeah, I don't know.

Probably one of those 100 see one is it. You may not be able to see it there, but I think it's a Gj9 Yeah I don't know my valve sorry it's like me look at lights Up Blue isn't it pretty? Must sound better don't So yeah, if anyone wants this turd I will forward it on in Australia Anyway, it's just not worth sending overseas. Anyway, let me know. First person in the comments from Australia gets this turd and I already opened this one because I didn't know it was a mail bag.

Oops it's from Lumen Top Hoover So thank you very much Lumen Top Who sent me a very nice Chris Smith card not Christmas Christmas card. Thank you very much the people from Lumen Top and they've sent me a luxury flashlight. Yes, your fart seen the ER which is still a mic hearing. By the way it works.

A treat that Lumen Top I forget the model number but I still got it. Edie Oh it's a luxury flashlight in gold. Look vacuum-sealed for our protection. So is it like a gold-plated Uh yeah.

yeah there we go at luxury flashlight gold-plated Thank you very much. Look at that. this is I don't think they're for sale I think they're only available to their friend to friends like me. So thank you guys! thank you very much.

And that's the exact same Lumen Top model I had before. It's the tool double tool triple A sorry single triple Eowyn and it's it's pretty schmick as I said I've had no problems with it so far. He uses a high C right niche here to 1/9 LED or a cree x Bt G2 they're not entirely sure. Up the r5 have been a T 210 lumens from a single triple a battery.

Neato! Next up one from Turkey. Fantastic height all my turkey she was they get many from Turkey. This is one ones from my ALPA user so thank you very much ALPA and he's from my i presume it's a hey I'm he's from my anchor I is slash yen Mahale enema hail Yep, not well. sorry.

anyway. I bought my turkeys viewers I wonder how many there are because YouTube only gives me the stats for the top. Just go through the whole thing though. you only give me the stats for the like the top 10 or something.

So yeah. Oh Anyway, look very nice turkey. Sure these are stamps. They are absolutely enormous.

Check it out. Largest stance I've ever seen. Absolutely fantastic look at that. Wow Wow I Can't read it.

but yep. Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. There you go.

140 each stance. Anyway, let's have a look with Alpers cent. Geez, what's the stuff? Lots of stuff, lots of stuff. Wow We have postcards here.

We go having their postcards for a while. I Oh from Istanbul Ankara and tell ya and I can't pronounce that name with a Trojan Horse beautiful and Alpers kind enough to send in some postcards. let's have a look at: Turkey Quick look with annotations. Hi world, we are here There they are.
Yeah, Australia's like way way way way down there somewhere. Australia's about as big as all of Europe here. just sayin. Hmm.

Anyway, um, this is Byrsa where he was born. fourth most populous city in Turkey look at that. love it flat and then like like the mountains here in Sydney Sydney's all flat. Then we got the Blue Mountains up here.

so that's rather interesting from Canadia these are all photos. It looks like he's taking himself. By the way, they're not just postcard sir. Trojan horse for the movie Troy Oh okay, so that's the one they actually built and they've got it in the city.

Interesting Istanbul Excellent most populous city in Turkey We've all heard of famous Maiden's Tower or heard of Istanbul from Ankara capital of Turkey. There you go with Istanbul was capital Turkey I'm sure that's a big mistake literally memorial tomb. There you go. it's a Muslim There you go to War of Independence founder and and tell ya one of the famous coastal cities of Turkey Looks very nice anyway.

I was 25 years old. He's a young player yeah but he's got a BSC and MSC degree in. He is currently working for an R&D He's sharing his first open-source the project with us. It's an isolated USB 2 RS for 84 to to 485 converter cords.

The aye-aye-aye so USB Tada there it is. No bloody tripod yet again. Santa's car God Sin is gonna bring me one I'm sure. come on.

Santa you can do it. bloody tripod so too much. Use some of the friction trigger here I've got on. this thing just doesn't work anyway.

people can scan that in to go to it. Let's check it out and here's the PCB. It's all very neat and yt not sure why he went for the double-sided load here I would have put everything on the top so it could sit flat. Anyway, this is it.

Looks like it's unit number two here and black. PCB or they brings back not so good memories of Altium black PCB So I've learned to love hate. sorry hate black PCBs Anyway, yeah, glossy -. oh goodness, some of the matte black ones can actually be nicely pay a bit extra for the matte black.

But anyway, yeah I'm not sure why it didn't put everything on the top. bit like how he's got little like Turkey there and everything. and yep, open saw some Creative Commons license. um my suggestion.

the layout even though they had to see, looks reasonable. No issues there. um haven't looked at the schematic but all I'm sure I'll linking the page down below but only thing I would have done is um add maybe some mum Rs-232 actually as well. Made it a combined 40 to 485 and to 232 as well just to complete the set.

Why not? But yeah, handy for industrial automation and stuff like that. Well done. Alba Yes we have a FedEx That means it's probably from a commercial wire company. most likely it's from Barbara or way Lea and from Silly Goat Technology Inc in Santa Clara California Fantastic! Thank you very much.
Let's these things have a pull tab. It worked okay, not bad and yep no surprises for finding that there's St. is sent a Silly Goat? Is that hey silly, go like that. sounds silly.

Um, so it's a Lego I Don't know how you actually pronounce it. A configurable mixed-signal IC Demo kit Awesome! Let's check it out so let's have a look what we get from our console a Go a gimmick company. There you go. Jamie Anyway, um, it sounds interesting.

Configural mixed-signal I See hmm and this looks like a very jet. The board looks like we've got a Cyprus processor down there and we've got a socket. Well, various sockets here USB In and lots of these little header not header pins. Oh Like test pins as well and it's for programming the chips.

I Got a couple of sample at different types of sample parts for these I mixed signal chips. but this is interesting. look I Got ourselves a socket. Tada.

There it is. Tiny little socket. Oh my goodness. Macro lens time.

Oh my goodness. Little pins down in there. What is the pin pitch? I Just checked and that is a naught point. Four millimeter pin pitch Qfn.

Are you kidding me? Ah yeah. great if you're going in a mobile phone, but a pain in the ass for everything else. Anyway, this is all they're available in and you're at least can get a socket. But the thing.

these are really interesting devices because they're um, they're a mixed signal device. they're actually a combination. Look, what's inside of these things? Absolutely fascinating. There's Dax's look-up tables as macro cells.

there's counters, flip-flops filters so it's kind of like a little like Fpga Ii, kind of fabric with lots of analog art stuff. It's got a built in lobe, low frequency oscillator, and all sorts of stuff. And of course they're non-volatile program ball, hence why you get a program in adapter with the thing and they start from leaving in low volume 10 cornered. He can buy for like 36 cents a pop and even a thousand like 36 cents get a little bit cheaper, but you can actually buy them pre-programmed from sallee.

Go pre-programmed from them for like 46 cents each. Fantastic for production. You don't have to dick around using this. It's fine for development to use one of these programming, you know, Ziff sockets here.

but for production, get them pre-programmed straight on real and then they go straight to the manufacturer. BAM straight on your board. I think I'm gonna have to do another video on these. Absolutely fascinating And they only want fifty nine US dollars for this defecate complete with the samples and the zip adapter boards and everything else.
And they got Green Pack designer software. These are actually the Green Pack four. They're actually fourth generation series of these devices and I Kind of sort of heard of them but never really looked at them. but really nice little nice application.

Chips is nothing else. really like these things. You know when you need a little bit of just dedicated functionality you need some comparators and Dax just a little bit of logic to do a little bit of analog. II digitally type stuff and you don't want to use a micro? These things could be the go.

Check them out. Of course the only problem with these sort of things is if you you know, design these into your product. a very specific niche functionality in a chip. There's no second source for these things.

so if there's a supply issue or whatever or they discontinue or whatever, you know. Five ten years down the track? yeah you can come a guts A but geez, they're neat functionality worth having to play with. Someone sent me a nice postcard from my solo rasa or where however you pronounce that from Italy Thank you very much Awesome! wish I was there from German yes I guess yes thank you very much German yes he doesn't have internet access so yeah being missing my videos. oh what a bummer but geez would mind hanging out there.

Next up, one from the United States of America from Bryan Lee thank you very much Brian from Spokane Valley in Washington I've never heard of Spokane Valley I don't think so. interesting how all my viewers in Spokane Valley at least one leverage that and we're likely but the bubbles for our protection. Oh yeah, sorry for your headphone users Warning: I've already done it. Yeah, people complain about it.

You know I don't allowed noises with headphones? Yes, sorry about though. Oh Subaru Some occupant sensor. it's a Subaru occupant sensor. Two-minute teardown.

Let's go. Don't crack this puppy open. huh? One of these occupant sensors our weather? you know, probably some sort of. well, there's two ways to detect other passengers in the seat using a some sort of pressure pad that detects that you're actually sitting on it.

Or there's an electric field type based start sensor as well. so you've no idea what this one is. But so look. actually, this one's heat sealed.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to get the Dremel out and they don't have it. Probably not. Hugely interesting. There's gonna be maybe a custom processor or something in there that does it and not much else.

Yeah, sorry noting this mail bag. next up, one from Straw Beauty again from BMS Design. Thank you very much BMS Design. Let's check it out.

Okay, here we go. How do we get? Oh yeah, there we go. Yep, down the sides and she should like that right now. I'm gonna go on the long e Oh goodness.

Alrighty, come on, we have a note. Don't read the notes first here on the UV block protection. It's a bit messy. shredded.
Can we reassemble the shredded stuff? That's it. It's a rather heavy box. Let's see what we got from VMs Design: I Assume they design it. Oh oh GoPro Hero 4 3 Um yes I believe Sorry I Forget you know.

Email me about this. Um Paul and Thomas are botamo VMs web YouTube channel so I have to link him in down below there in Somerton in Victoria yes he does I'm it's these channels focused on that drone racing and stuff like that. So in the drone racing everything Fpv, check it out. They use a big part of it HD cameras to record slight some he's purchased.

He's purchased the Hero to the Hero 3 silver Hero3 black Hero 3 Black Plus he write it for black not in the Hero4 silver edition story. it's one of those bargain deals you find on eBay Oh a cake too good to be true nudge nudge, wink wink. he's got it imported to see if it even worked. Notice the LCD was slightly on an angle.

Oh yes, that LCD does look like it's on an angle. so there you know somebody's any crackit Oh yeah, and the cake. the top case is cracked. somebody's had to go at.

get in the bezel off cuz I've done a Hero4 silver tear down and yeah, um yep, they've had a go at that anyway. Um yeah I believe it's easy to put the LCD back on in an angle. Anyway, someone's had a go. It seems to work fine from my firmware updates and everything worked fine.

In a recent crash, this thing stopped working. You know now that there you go Paul Remove the faceplate and the screw in the bottom left isn't the same as the other three. This leads me to assume this GoPro is a second and at all it must have been must, repaired badly and then resell them in. China Interesting.

Okay, well um, it's so it's stopped working. Ideal for a teardown and possible repair beauty. I'm probably can't do that on this mailbag and these are you know, extensive tear downs. I've already done a teardown of the GoPro Hero 4.

so if you want to see that before I Lost it in a canyon like two days later. I Got this brand spanking new just when it was released. Lost the damn thing in a canyon? Can you believe it? Maybe I've got the footage I'll jump and Link it in. Anyway, it's still sitting at the bottom of a pool at the base of a waterfall.

So yeah, oops, yeah. so I what yet? So I won't tear down this here, but thank you very much Paul and Thomas Awesome! Oh and Thomas must be his son because they're massive fans in all caps. Awesome! Thank you very much. Thomas Keep doing what I'm doing I certainly will because it keeps the wife happy because it pays the bills.

VOD Ok, so it's 2016. We don't exactly have hoverboards and flying DeLoreans We have crappy things they call hover boards which catch on fire apparently because they got crappy designed up battery packs in them anyway. Well, it's just sheer bell-curve statistics, you know X amount just like laptops and everything else. just gonna feel Am I gonna blow up Anyways, been making all the news.
We don't have hoverboards. it's lying. DeLoreans But we have idiots like me who can make a living opening their mail on the internet saying you must have entered an alternate timeline or something. Next up, one from the old art.

Hide all my friends in the old art I Really want to get back there someday Simon Gaines Thank you very much from UM Go Grimsby Grimsby There you go in. England Have been a Crim's be be know a lot of other places and you haven't been to Creams Beat? Yeah! I'm sure it's all happening in Grimsby Sounds good. there's my sign, that last name. Anyway, let's crack it open and see what's in here.

It's very hot like oh oh, we have a bunch of just miscellaneous stuff. Let me show you and Simon's actually sitting in a whole bunch of parts here. like a whole vintage stuff. What's that? some sort of some sort of Gdt? Is it? I Guess discharge tube or something? Not entirely sure.

I've got a a, well, a sensor? is it? I Was going to say not. Photoelectric is probably Hall effect sensor or something like that. You know you have a spinny wheel in there and it detects that. although no I can't see any.

Yeah. I Think there's like an infrared sensor and receiver in there I Think that might be a little Hall effect device luckily Claire Bread made in Belgium Claire Thank you very much. That looks like a little sexy. read: real light and OH old-school capacitors with their color code.

Who can read capacitor color codes? Check it out. Your that beauty. Oh Bobby Dazzler I Reckon we should bring back some color in components. It's beautiful, Brightens your day, brightens your product.

Open your product. Here's all this color. Fantastic. Why can't they have you know? mold that into the plastic of you know, chips? rainbow colors.

Thank you very much. And what do we got there? huh? You a seven double three from Genuine from Hong Kong 1979 18th week Fairchild Thank you very much with an ITT Swiss made something. That's it. That's a real eye.

Yep. multi contact real eye. Look at that. Wow Beautiful look all exposed.

All the contacts actually exposed on that puppy. But sure it works. A treat in a car co-brand Never heard of a made in Germany relay. Mmmm doesn't.

What the hell? the contact inside that thing? Look at it. Wow. yeah, don't think I've ever seen one like that. That's fascinating.

So that's an interesting mix of retro components there. Thank you very much. Simon We also have this thing. the Co-operative Bank.

Good with money smiled. Okay, is that like you Dr. Dot Uk'? is that smile I Got no idea. Anyway, it's am a Sim card reader by the looks of it.

insert card or menu. will that menu please contrast counter so where? geez that's a lot of salt 894 Jesus Unbelievable. Oh yeah, there we go. Smile coat UK / reader.
So anyway, let's crack this puppy open. Oh oh the screws come off and laying on bloody yeah. here we go I think I got most of the screws out. we're in like Flynn and we have a blob and that's it as a blob and a SIM card.

but even a crystal. a ceramic resonator. Boring does have a real-time clock though. that's I know yeah no it's oh no, it's that's double-sided tape is it? Oh yeah, no worries, me.

built down or cost I'll just quickly open a few envelopes which I've got here I think this one's been sitting around forever I'm sorry - Drax KB 3x that's is amateur radio call sign. hey Dave do a show on the use of a vector network analyzer. um I would get it's a wireless world in it and you've got like nada. RF Videos Yes I do this.

I don't have a huge interest in Eric um stuff I would like to do a vector network analyzer video and I'm sort of being bumming around at eBay over the years trying to get one. but I basically don't have one I guess I could get a loaner or something like that. But yes, setting up experiments to you know, show you what vector Network analyzers are really good for complicated video. So yeah, that's what I've wanted to do.

but we'll see you See, the problem is my enthusiasm level for doing videos. you know, after like a thousand videos or something if it's not a video, I can sort of like do in a day. um like just you know, pressure cord like. you know, if it's stuff I've got to spend like days preparing thinking about maybe setting up experiments and tests like that, then I'm less likely to do it.

Sorry, but that's um, that's you know, just the way it kind of is. You know, occasionally I'll put a bit more effort in your video. but I don't know. it's just hard to work up the motivation sometimes to you know to spend like you know, two or three days on one video.

Anyway, this from Erica Thorson from Paulsboro in Washington thank you very much. don't know what you need land Damn. I'm done. That's a return address to laying down on them.

So that's a look and Eric has sent me a very touching letter. It concerns my belief in God or lack thereof and he thinks it's a typical response from and my responses are typical of a non-believer and he goes in talking about scripture and faith and all that sort of stuff. Yeah, I appreciate the sentiment. In fact I have more respect for somebody who tries to convert me then somebody who just doesn't care because well, you know that's the whole point.

If you really think that all that baloney is that fictional baloney is true, then you know and I'm not gonna be saved for whatever, then well and you have fire concerns and I'm not gonna be staying well, why wouldn't you write a letter and go to the effort? So thank you very much? I'm Eric I do actually appreciate it. although I think it's all a load of garbage. I'm sorry just if I could go on for hours and hours as I said. Chris Smith Hmm oh god I Can't help myself.
You know true love is allowing total freedom for an individual to make their choices. Absolutely I Told Marching the street for your right to believe any that crazy thing you want. No problems whatsoever. Um, I follow Jesus Not because I have to, but because I Want to.

Yeah, fair enough. Um, and but yeah, why Jesus Why not? Why not? Our? Why not? Buddha Why not Any one of the you know, hundreds or even thousands of gods that have been worshiped over the years by people who believe just as much as you do and they can't all be right? So it's almost certain that, well, none of them are right. And if you look at the history or history of Christianity it actually a lot of a lot of the stuff from it actually comes. A lot of these stories and myths actually come from actually predate in religions.

So yeah, in other myths and things like that which nobody believes in anymore. if I said I believe you know Cyrus IP I'd be the laughingstock but that's where a lot of it comes from. Sorry to tell you I can't explain to why I know what I know I just know I'm sure you do. I Have no doubt that you actually believe what you believe I don't have all the answers for the problems of the world and why bad things happen to good people and why good things happen to bad people and well I can't explain this as eloquently as Sam Harris can.

So for those who want to see it, my favorite response to this particular question is Sam Harris in a video I'll link in down below. it's well worth watching. Couldn't say it any better than that. And it all starts with a simple step of faith, private and in your heart, not validated by anyone.

He invites me to take that step. thank you very much. Eric I Do appreciate the sentiment, but no, I'm not going to take that step. There's no need to.

In a world of science and reason, it's just a load of baloney. But I can understand if you want to have something to believe in to make your life better, but just understand and ain't true. Just like believing in say, audio full products, you know you pay $10,000 for a speaker cable. You really believe this.

speaker cables going to make a difference and it's gonna sing to you and you're It's gonna sound fantastic and it does. It actually does. It actually works. And you know people who believe this stuff well.

I'm sure it has a positive, uplifting effect in your life, but it doesn't make it true. Sorry to tell you got one from Aaron and Jessica Parks and it's a look. It's a little fan awesome. Um, it's fan mail.

Get it? Ah, brilliant. Um, thanks for all the great videos. No worries, thank you very much. Aaron and Jessica Awesome time.

Now if Jessica watches. maybe she tolerates. actually it's funny when I I get a lot of visits here to the lab of fans dropping by. when I meet them at various you know, trade shows in various other places, then you know it's sorry.
but it's I think it's always I think it's pretty much always. Yeah, the guys dragging along the poor partner and you had the partners go. you know? but like yeah, you're the one I hear every day you know, whining voice yapping on in the other room as my partner's ignoring me. Listen watching your videos.

Yeah, sorry, Better Halfs awesome. but I went to by the way I went to a high school the other day to give a talk on you know? YouTube I'm trying to convert kids and say drop out of school and become a Youtuber. You know I mean you can earn you know, million bucks a year twenty? Really like Pudy Pie but yeah, it's like yeah, a lot of people. a lot of kids were right year year 9 students arm so like you know, 1415 years old something like that and they were.

yeah. so I gave a talk like I did last year and what am I I Met a fan there and it was a girl. Fantastic. So yes.

well there you go. It's not all guys there you go. This one comes from James Black in Victoria Be sent some postcards from Indonesia but it's from Victoria Oh god let's not get no mother Theresa Let's not go there. she's in Indonesia Awesome! I Have not been to Indonesia so we're that.

wow. Wow Wow Yeah, yep, that's the sort of stuff. that's the stuff I Want to see Beautiful and we've got another postcard. This one comes from someone who might be familiar Erica What's a Tonic Fellow Youtuber Electronic One Five Six channel I'll have to link it in D and you may remember that Eric Sent in the tech 2465 over scopes and he actually says that there he's noticed that they've vanished and what happened to him? were they relegated to the bunker? Um, no, they weren't.

They're back. They were actually on the floor here I was I was on the verge of starting a I I you repair video on them but um yeah I don't know you know things happened and they've been put back up there. but yeah one day I will get the enthusiasm to repair them. So yeah, hang out for it hopefully.

hmm I hope they're a parable cuz it's gonna suck if I start doing a repair video on these things and they you know and they're beyond economical repair. You know all the weird-ass parts are gone I have to search the world for you know, the weird custom chips or whatever. that would suck so hope they're relatively easy to repair. Anyway, this is falling water his wife and Eric visited.

This adds a monument to elegant design. Very nice I like it I Want to go there more beautiful Can I live there? No. I don't think I have enough money and then I'd have to live in the United States which is not as good as Australia sorry. So there you have it, the last mail bag for 2015.

Thank you for everyone who's sent something in. sorry there's a couple left I'll get to them next time but yeah thanks. Everyone has said stuff during 2015. I Hope you have a good Christmas and holidays and all the new year's and all that sort of jazz.
I think I've already got another couple of videos which I'll release this year and that'll be the end of it 2016. Oh Scary anyway. Hope Santa bring is just some cool stuff and remember don't turned on, Take it apart, Catch you next time you.

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25 thoughts on “Eevblog #833 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RodgerE2472 says:

    All religion is BS.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hob991 says:

    Old enough to remember valves were crap

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars krolu82 says:

    What you did with that subaru sensor was not nice :(. Somebody payed his money to get this item to you and for other people enjoyment and you didn't want to spend 5 minutes to open it. Even if you would need to use dremel for it, where do you have it that it was to hard to get it and use it. It was just really not nice of you to this guy that sent you this ๐Ÿ™

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LucaKiss70 says:

    how dare you not go to mother theresa?!?!?!? unsubbed!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 233kosta says:

    Got to love the absolutely unnecessary yet so amusing blade you use to open this box ๐Ÿ˜€

    Ramen, brother!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qwaqwa1960 says:

    y can't i get yr fsm tee?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brokenSCART says:

    This bloke is a total legend.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brokenSCART says:

    You should do a tear down of an electronic bible

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcin Kurczalski says:

    bad to hear you can't find enough enthusiasm to sacrifice few days of your everyday job which is AFAIK videoblogger career to produce more complex video for your audience… I'd be happy to call you my tutor in RF domain…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronaldo Nb says:

    I did all the things correctly,but it didinยดt work,please help me about this problem

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronaldo Nb says:

    I would like to register in your EEVLOG but I didnt get and I dont know what to do

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oskar Kettler says:

    Ramen brother


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oakeydokey says:

    I'll happily take the amp off your hands!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ispike73 says:

    I find your lack of faith disturbing.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alfie says:

    I follow the flying spaghetti monster, because if you're going to believe something fake, The flying spaghetti monster is the way to go!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Siden Corp. says:

    what next giant flying micro controllers that shoot lasers.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yi โ€Œ says:

    love the hat in the background lol

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Johnson says:

    "Merry Christmyth" ?! I'm glad you like to act so disrespectfully to your viewers.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars windows7liam says:

    Hey Dave can I please have that Chinese thingy please I'm in Perth โ˜บ

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikki Carlson says:

    lol gold plated! you need your eyeballs adjusted Dave that's stupid copper

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uwe Zimmermann says:

    I just gave you the 2015th thumbs-up ๐Ÿ˜‰

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve m says:

    Do you still have those Exzon servers?
    If so I mopight want one

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dalek Caiomhin says:

    Merry Christmyth!!!

    Oh, yeah, if you believed in Osiris, you'd probably be an occultist, magician, or a Thelemite, or some such mix thereof. I do find the occultists & magicians & Thelemites (oh my) a bit more fun to hang around with than the Mainstreamers, a lot more fun at parties, than any other group of people. I'm just glad all that fun shit happened before YouTube!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RC Hobbyist Extreme says:

    i shop on a site called Banggood. they sell a lot of one hung lo electronics. I am currently in the market for a project power box that controls output. I see a lot of them offered on Ebay. what one would you recommend as far as brand. I have guys telling me the cheap ones are ok to use except to watch out for power spikes. Is there any out there that meter the power output a little better than the cheap ones. I would be afraid of blowing out my electronics. What do you think? Any tear downs on those?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars keeboudi says:

    Methinks that 'Smile' reader is actually a bank card reader used for securing internet banking

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