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Elektrosluch 3 Electromagnetic Music Audio Device
RemoteBoot Kickstarter:
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Arty Artix-7 FPGA Development Board,400,1487&Prod=ARTY&CFID=21499368
Bag of Laughs record player
Sinclair Radionics Multimeter
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Let's get writing up. We've got a FedEx one. You know what that means. It's a commercial job' This one's from the Dizzy Lint who of course have had like ten sucks of the slab.

I Think they've always got interesting stuff. Come on, does everyone rip pull things? Obviously not. Should I just use the knife Here we go. It's obviously going to be a demo board of some description and we do like vigilant.

Demo boards are always good so let's check it out. Green nondescript, green Foxx good. Haven't pissed away time, money and resources to get the box printer. Yeah, wait, just don't bother.

It's just silly what comes out this way. Here we go. Whoa. let's have a look.

Hi Dave Meet Artie have some fun of our new power bricks. There we go. Did you went beyond theory? Hmm. All right, they're power bricks.

Okay, let's check him out. Awesome! Oh yes, they are excellent. Always handy little life power modules Power bricks. although Artie is not a power brick since my links are ticks.

All right. Let's check out the Arctic's board. so it looks like they just sent me a whole bunch of random stuff here. We've got the RT board which we'll take a look at.

that's a Xilinx Artx Fpga board I Don't think it's got. yeah it's just an Fpga board. It doesn't have a it's not like a Zinc with the building ARM processor. And then we've got this new power bricks here we go.

These are quite neat. It allows you to plug USB in and get various voltages out. So we've got nine volts, 12 volts, and 5 volts and then just plug those directly in the upper breadboard. Very nice.

And these are the different models that they've got: I've got one's a back Of course. 3.3 volts is dropping the voltage. Five volts out. You might think, well, why do you need five volts when you've just got four point, five to five hundred? You know, like a USB and you've already got your five And well, I don't think these things are isolated I'd be very surprised if they are.

They don't seem to know the physical size for that. So anyway, that could probably be a are Sepik converter which can do buck and boost. Basically they give you a regulated five volts out which is okay. If you get voltage drop across your USB line and stuff like that, you've got a nice fixed 5 volts hence the lower current then what's normally available and then nine volt and 12 volt add up to 100 milliamps.

Let's check them out up close. And here's the 3.3 volt One Teeny-weenie You might think they're a molded block, but they're not. Today, it's just a plastic cover so there's no micro USB input and I've got no problems with micro USB I Like micro USB I Know other boy, won't you use a mini boom? Yeah, get over it. Anyway, Um yeah, it's a really dense little buck converter this one.

I Rather like it. There you go, you can see both sides of it. Yeah, those playing along at home might want to view that part number in HD I can't read it on the camcorder LCD here. But yeah, they're certainly doing a lot of business on there.
I'm not sure why they're doing so much, actually. my guess is what they're doing here Without you know, trying to figure out what those part numbers are and get data sheets. They're probably trying to do this properly. ie.

not just feeding 5 volts into a buck converter and then straight out they're trying to actually negotiate the USB bus here. likely with and and then actually providing over current tarp protection and stuff in here, but also actually, you know, signaling back to the PC. Ok, I Want you know? 500 milliamps? Thank you. Give it to me.

Although you don't have to do that, I mean the US And it's a misconception out there. The USB port will actually almost almost all of them will actually supply 500 milliamps at 5 volts regardless of whether or not you actually negotiate for it. It's just a nice that you should actually do as part of a standard, blah blah blah. Anyway, there's our output regulator, so that's uh, but we've got two inductance there.

We've got another chippy on top, so I'm not sure what the business is there. It's like they've got to two converters in there now. You might actually be a bit confused about this. plus VN pin which they've got on here.

Yes, you can actually pair it either through the USB input or via the pin input here. And by the way, this is how they fit in the breadboard. They the pins on the bottom just straddle your regular breadboard like that. So very nice.

No worries whatsoever. But look, it allows you to actually daisy chain them together so that plus VN pin is actually a dual purpose pin. So if you feed in 5 volts USB here like I'm doing this, plus VN actually becomes a V out and it passes the USB voltage through. So then it allows us to daisy chain like this.

so we can have the one USB input here providing all of these different rails. and guess what else? I they're not. They're really not talking this up too much, but they've got plus minus 3 20 milliamps like plus minus current. They're actually plus minus rails.

so this minus V out here. These are not just. well. these are not isolated outputs, their input and output ground.

A reference Phi the single ground pin. but this is actually plus + sorry plus 12 volts and minus 12 volts plus 3 point 3 minus 3 point 3. Let me show you so that's actually rather jazzy. If I put my common ground point here, you'll notice that we get out Bingo! plus minus 5 volts like that and this one we get plus 12 minus 12 No worries.

r1 what are total and then plinth per brick? So I assume that would be spread over both outputs of course I've got then I didn't get the negative 3.3 but yeah, trust me. plus/minus Rails Beauty. These are nice little modules I like them, so this is what they're actually doing. These things all that extra circuitry is designed to like.
uh, switch the input pin and of why They've got two regulators on that positive and negative as well. So absolutely fantastic little power brick. So like. and they're about sixteen bucks a pop.

they're not, you know, eBay giveaway prices, but wow, they're worth having a set of those. Definitely well done. Just beware though. other data sheet for these things which you're linking down below does say these have a maximum output capacitance not minimum, but maximum output capacitance, presumably for stability.

They go unstable with any higher output capacitance. So just to be aware of that, I'm not going to hook up a scope and put in capacitors and try and measure its performance and instability and all that. sort of just leave that up to somebody else. And here's the arty.

It's a rather ugly looking FPGA development board I say ugly looking cuz the white silk screen I'm sorry it just does not work I hate it. It's just no, no, no wrong, Wrong. Anyway, it's an FPGA a development board, but those who are eager light might notice that that looks an awful like, like like an Arduino shield. and that's exactly what it is.

Arduino shield compatible. But the Arctic's seven of course, is not an Atmel Processor doesn't contain any hard processors processor. It's designed to use the Micro Blaze soft FPGA processor core in this thing and don't No doubt it comes with software and all sorts of stuff, but it doesn't come with anything in the box. so I Guess you can download it from the website.

I Don't know. I'm not going to try it. This is a mail bag this is, you know. I'm not going to spend a couple of hours mucking around with a Dev board here.

We've got a couple of switches. Looks like we've got some LEDs. We've got some buttons and a whole bunch of additional IO here because the Arctic's some seven FPGA architecture of course. extremely powerful, so it's got all the extra I/o on there.

You can't just get it all on the Arduino shield. It's got a buttload of art memory, 256 megabytes of Ddr3. It's got sixteen megabytes of that quad SPI flash and it's got Ethernet and USB and I squared. See, you are all sorts of jazz.

Nothing fancy on the back of the white. No. Anyway, it's $99 So if you're looking to get into softcore Fpga program, it's probably not a bad option worth checking out. and it does actually come with a voucher.

I won't show you the voucher. code, but anyway, you can get a barcode which and a voucher code which gives you access to the Vivaro our design suite and other software tools. Will it actually do anything out of the box because there's no information with it actually provided that there is actually the soft cores already programmed in the boot flashed up? Maybe run an Arduino Uno compatible, you know, processor or something like that. So lets it can be powered from my external DC there's a jumper switch here or USB so let's go USB Got some lights happenin Oh switches I Expected the leads to light up with the switches.
oh hello hello there we go. Yeah, that all it does. Press the second switch. there was it and it flashes some lights.

Mm-hmm yeah okay it does something. so obviously that there is a processor which is doing something. mm-hmm Next up we have one from been weighing in Australia Of course. quick.

Urgent Open before it's December 7th it's December 7th Beauty only What? 10 days until Star Wars or is that December 18th? But yeah I think it comes out like a day early I Haven't actually booked my ticket yet? Hell am I doing Unbelievable. Anyway, what's been sent is obviously got a Kickstarter Urgent open Kickstarter Yes yes I Like it the night I'll get the oh oh, do it faster without the big knife. Here we go. Oh and semi sorry this should be live.

Hopefully I'll edit and get this up today. Anyway, here we go. Forgot a board a note and it's whoa. it's the remote boot.

Just realize they still had fixed focus on my camera from when I interviewed us siglent the CEO wah Eric Here we go there we go. it's the remote boot. Let's check it out and here's Ben's a Remote Bird project. Ben's actually I having a second suck of the mailbag here.

He sent something in before but this is his new Kickstarter project which finishes on the 15th and I'm glad to say that it's already smashed. It's very modest Staff: $1500 Australian total. He's already got like 100 backers or something for four and a half grand. So well done.

Ben He's actually a student at North Sydney boys high school here so still in high school and what it is if you haven't sort of figured it out from the name it is a Wi-Fi it's a it just uses a Wi-Fi module one of the esp8266 Wi-Fi chips but allows you which hooks up to you regular Wi-Fi It allows you to remote boot your computer which is exactly what I need here actually because often um I will like I say I use a VPN to come into my sometimes I do some stuff from home if I've you know just finished editing in a video and it's rendering and stuff like that then I have to have to then but I want to go home I need to go home and start the and from home I can log in, remote log into my machine here, start the transcoding and then start the uploading before I go to bed, etc. So I have got to leave my computer on and then, but sometimes I've left I I've turned my computer I've gone home and I got damn I wish I could remote login to my computer bus which physically switched it off. This is a way to do it without it and unfortunately um, this one doesn't is not programmed. hasn't finished the code yet so I can't pair it up and try it.

but yeah, it just hooks into your art PC and then into your Wi-Fi and then with a remote web interface allows you to log in and switch on your computer physically switch it on. So how does it physically switch your computer off and on? Well it's rather clever. It just goes in series with you. read inside your PC, your power a button and your reset button like that.
Fantastic! I It's great. like want to use it now I Want to install it but unfortunately hasn't finished the yacht software yet. Still working on that last minute. but I think it's a great concept I Love it.

Oh I Want to give it a go anyway if you're in need of something like this. Well worth checking out. Well done that been. Hope it! comes off wealthier.

I mean there's nothing to it I mean it's just. you know he's written some web interface for it and program the esp8266. Wi-Fi Chip set and just a clever idea like that we know Kickstarter Awesome! Been linked it in down below if you want one. Next up one from Joyce Lemon comes from tin rhymin good on you Tim Thank you very much but all my German viewers let's check it out.

I know kinda sort of what's in here but I don't know what model. there's a couple of items. give it a bell and we have a postcard from the Paderborn Paderborn in Germany that looks lovely. that really fits the widescreen just beautifully.

Love it! Alright, look at a note. I Got the note just now. let's have a look at a ha bit dodgy, bit dodgy. It's a look at this.

Wow Sinclair Multimeter Tim - check it out. 2-minute teardown made in the old dice, you bloody Ripper What else are we got here? It's a wacky wit. What's a wacky wit? It looks like a Pacman I got no idea what a wacky wit is and I'd say bag bag Oh Joy's what's a bag of Joy's looks like we got some toys Oh What? what? Wow and Tim accenting this classic Sinclair. it's actually Sinclair Radionics which is the original company name dm2 Moldy Meter.

What a clunker doesn't work apparently so it's just a two minute teardown. Comes with the original wall wart and what? Oh goodness, Look at that made in the old art serial number twenty Eight Thousand, Three Hundred Ninety Five. Did they make that many of them as that? BS Here we go, let's crack it open. Oh wow, How crusty is that? Are they serious? Look at the main filter captures flapping around in the breeze.

That's got to be a bulge that cannot be production. Surely somebody is hacked. Bodged that in I mean oh wow. Seriously, ever seen a battery snap that big? What a monster and we have ourselves a date code? Look at that.

Forty First Week 1977. Thank you very much. That's this. Star Wars came out Jesus Plessy Fantastic original.

RCA Chips. Ah, doesn't get any better. Wow Look at the Em 2:05 fuse holder. just hacked on the top of there.

Ah, completely how you do it. And they've got all these crusty little carbon trimmers all in there as well. They're just awful little things and that one over there, that's the front panel. zero set control Wow you wouldn't even bother fixing this thing and input protection and cat rating.
What's that actually? I Can't find any info on the Plessy MP 3202 there, which that's the same part number is a modern white LED driver. so that's all that's popping up on a first quick search, but there's our right angle display boards. Just four little seven segment displays in there, So that's obviously doing all the magic. Then we've got a CD for RCA for double-oh-seven and an LM classic LM mark 3900 there.

But apart from that, like, that's it. so thank you very much. Tim Madi is one sad puppy. It really is.

But you know I'm sure that they sold if you're when people might have some fond memories of it. but I've got no nostalgia for that whatsoever. and I'm a bit of a multimeter aficionado. That's just yeah.

that's just pretty bad. Yeah gives you the heebie jeebies as a lot of Sinclair stuff did you know really built down low price and hack together and this wacky Wit actually is a board game designed by a friend of his. and yeah, it was like all handmade so that that's just unique. There's nothing eletronic there you go I Don't know, it's the wacky wit and this is some sort of 1970s vintage laughing toy that's powered from just like AC cell battery.

And look what it looks like. You see all the riches in there that looks for all the world like a record. Like you know, those grooves in there actually physically contain some sort of laugh track or something. You can see that there is actually a needle.

some sort of needle down in there that scans arc of that obviously can scan across the surface here. and then it looks like there's just a motor in there. That's it. and that's driven by the rubber ring around the outside.

So it that's it's. a like a little miniature record player that obviously plays some laughing thing. Bizarre. There's the top cover off.

what the you know? Like there's a speaker right? so they're using that too amplify the thing. Wow, that is really something. Unbelievable. Anyway, I've measured the I tried to get the motor going, but unfortunately the motor is blowing.

So yeah, we can't do anything. but these are like 1970s electromechanical laughing toy. Bizarre. Next up, one from the old art doesn't say who it's from, but it does say what's inside or vaguely what's inside.

Screw that. Let's get thee. let's get the Big Daddy out and come on there we go. Alright, now we're talking so I think that's some and we've got some black crud which is going everywhere.

That's what happens. The stuff deteriorates over time. Oh oh yeah. yeah.

like that's not real leather. no cruds, just yep, falling off that. It's a worse than imitation leather soda. haha.

Do that. It's a little like mini disco. Walkman Sony Mini disc Walkman with external wha-what? external control thingamabob? You know you clip it up here. Oh yeah, look at this.
I've got my yeah I've got the control for my mini disc player. Awesome! Then there's something else in here as well. Oh yeah yeah, we love these epics. 7000 Whoo! Have we had the 7000 GI on here before? I'm not entirely sure, but if we haven't, two minute teardown.

So Dave from the old diet actually knows nothing about electronics, but he watches it all the same. Thank you very much. It's fantastic. He's actually a software developer.

are working on the Lego video games. There you go I didn't know the world Lego video games. apparently there are, um, anyway, you said an old um, the calculator casio FX 7000 G8u Great One of the you know, top-of-the-line our graphing calculators. He used to use this in the 90s under vaguely remember actually tearing down one of these.

We've done so many tear downs on a calculator. tear downs on the mailbag I actually forget so I lusted after this one back in the day. never had it I Love the separate engineering key on at the separate inverse key. Very nice.

More buttons and you can poke a stick at. Brilliant. Let's take a look inside. I Really like the battery cover under here for the three CR Twenty to thirty Cr2032 batteries.

Very nice. That's why doesn't work Nigo a Pretty typical of the day. There's our power switch in there and this is going to have. well, it's an NEC part so that's probably some custom thing.

I Don't think you'd even bother looking that puppy up, but anyway, you not much in it at all. What's that? We've got some well got some memory have we? yes? and LCD module and Bob's your uncle. That's about it Ceramic resonator for the oscillator there. We've got some bulk decoupling there for the just so that it wouldn't lose contents and stuff when you were took the batteries out.

it did I keep going for a little bit, but that's about all she wrote. Nothing fancy pantsy at all and is a rather interesting switch implementation. though it looks like it's using a membrane with some carbon traces on there and then pushing them together Oh Fascinating. Why did they go to that sort of effort? Wha-wha-wha with batteries in there? It's a loser don't know why.

and I said in a postcard from the old dad as well. This is taken just minutes away from his house and yes, it does look like a pic from the 1980s. Look at those cars Oh Anyone remember these mini disc walkman? How long did the mini disc last? wouldn't have been long. Geez.

look at this puppy and what's this plastic thingamabob on there? What the hell is that? that? an external battery pack where mini Dis was gonna take over the world wasn't up with? It's stunning fidelity. but that is a quite a marvel of engineering though, isn't it? I Mean this is that our battery down in there? That looks like our battery right down in there. But yeah, I mean Jesus You know they don't waste much volume do they? Absolutely incredible. All the best stuffs made in Japan Marty said.
so check it out. it still works I Plugged in the 1.5 volt battery. just a double-a into this clip on the end and up. It just switched off but it said yep but popped up and said no disk but this puppy still goes I Wonder if it would read it? There we go.

Wonder if it would read a disc? probably. So I think that actually deserves more than a two-minute teardown? And yes, I've still got a couple of classic Sony retro products to tear down. So yeah, I'm going to add that that'll be a trio of our Sony Classic tear downs. Thanks! Tim And I've got to show this postcard because it's from a 13 year old viewer.

High Explosive Kid MC doesn't say what his name is. he's a 13 year old kid. He enjoys watching my videos and this is a photo that he took of a tiered in Tenerife and he also enjoys electrical engineering here. Hopes I can feature the postcard in the mail bag I Can thank you very much Explosive Kid MC And fantastic I Hope you blow some stuff up on your channel only getting down below.

Check it out. subscribe I can come in 13 year old beauty next up one from Slovakia Don't get many from Slovakia Huddle my Slovakian viewers. this one's from at Jonas Gruska Gruska Good on you Jonas Let's see what is that said in it just says it's a gift so I don't know what does that mean. Could be anything.

Let's go look alright Slovakia never been Slovakia and again I haven't been to many places Oh What? It's a dump. say Milah. Crisp bread. yummy.

Thank you very much. Oh we should try that out. We have a note. you have another note in a bag.

We have a two-minute tip. What on earth is that power gain? Oh it's a it's a funky I Reckon that's an audio some sort of preamp or something. Is it electro? Swoosh the llama? electro slush pronouncing them incorrectly. Three, but it's Jessie Look, let's check it out.

And here's the electro slush which had Jonas has sent in. He's told me this actually that's Slovak for electro hearing and check it out. Isn't it? A neat little piece of like I don't know what that represents. but anyway, what it is, you'll notice that there's two inductors.

Yes, they're actually inductors. They're not the microphones or anything. two inductors on the Frontier, but a volume control. Oh there we go.

It lights up. Yeah, we go see the 9-volt battery in there and it allows you to hear the electromagnetic you know, in interference like you know, the stuff that things are emitting and things like that. So it's got an audio jack output here. so I can just plug that in I Might see if I can actually plug that directly into the audio input of my camera and see if we can actually get something out of this thing.

So here we go: I've got two plugged into our external mic input of my camcorder and you can hear some noise there like that and I'm mixing it with the internal mic and I've got my headphones on so I can hear what's coming out of that so that's just sitting there on the bench. Okay, but if I put it up to the LCD of my camcorder, listen to this. but if I'm moving that over different parts the LCD on my camcorder now I'm gonna lift it up the top. Alright, here it is.
Here's the LCD You can see different parts of the LCD there, but listen to this tick, tick, buzz, buzz, buzz. Look, it's the access Led there. That's what it's picking up. It's synchronized to that.

LED So it's picking up the current pulses that are turning that access LED off and on. Fantastic! I Love it and this multimeter here. Let's have a listen to it, right? Nothing at the moment. Switch it on.

Terrific. and it's in stereo. That's fantastic. And if I turn the backlight on, well, there we go.

Look, we can hear the backlighting. I presume backlight inverter is that, but no Mate? No, No, it wouldn't be. No, it wouldn't be. But I think mostly how you start translating stuff into audio.

But anyway, it's just fun. It's a great tool. I Love it. So I really like that? That's awesome Jonas that's a bunch of fun and probably are you quite a useful toward I Love the fact that it's a stereo as well, so that's fantastic.

And yes, it is open source hardware so I'll provide links down to low week and it looks like you can pre-order it. So yeah, it may not be available right now, but will available. Surely you can order one Fantastic made in the EU as well. Fantastic Awesome! Jonas Thanks! Next up, this one's been here for a while.

sorry about that. Um, it doesn't say who it's from, but that won't Sanford First night last night. company name I don't know I'm from Arlington in the United States of America so let's check it out. So got one of these rippy things I think it does.

so let's have a look. Yes, just contains a photo and a letter item. one ultrasonic receiver. so let's check it out.

It's from Dave There you go. Dave Sandford Awesome thanks Dave Now Dave's actually an aerospace engineer and doesn't know much about he's only done one course, but he's got a few questions regarding this ultrasonic receiver circuit. Basically, here it is: There's a apparently a discrete discrepancy between the breadboard, photo and stuff used and what's actually in the book or something. So these questions are: can he use non electrolytic ceramic disc capacitors for the circuit here And the answer is Yes.

You are most certainly can. Six and eight here that's just an AC coupling input there with them with their AC coupling the second stage there and then they just bypass in doing some high-frequency bypassing there and AC coupling the output. You most certainly can use that ceramics in all those cases and you can see they're actually used dis ceramics in there as well. So no dramas whatsoever there.
And he was told that item number two is the 6 N 8 capacitor. That one there. And yes, it certainly looks like it because it's going directly in there and there's the cap there. It's AC couple in the input that's just a bigger poly cap.

on. the input you can use are basically almost any type. There shouldn't be a problem and his third one is that he's been told that he is an inductor up here and he doesn't know what that one's for cuz it's the inductor is not in the circuit and does he, it does. He agree that I need to include an inductor and is it in required.

What type in the number of Henry's Milli Henries, Micro Henries, whatever. Henry is a massive amount of inductance we generally don't deal in, not Henry's We deal in Millie's and micros and nano. Henry's basically just just like capacitors. like 1 farad of capacitor when I was a boy I didn't you know as super caps and all that.

sort of yeah, if our it is a lot, just like a Henry is a lot. So anyway, it doesn't matter, doesn't need an inductor? Well the only thing I could think of was that maybe the inductor would be used to bias. Maybe there's a link there and it's used to actually in here going up on the positive rail and it's using to bias the ultrasonic receiver. but I don't think it needs it I Guess it might depend on what type of ultrasonic receiver you need I Believe that generally this should just work without any biasing coming up here from the rail and that would be a typical use for an inductor might be to what you know, supply that and then you couple you AC couple it off.

That's very typical in terms of how to supply power to a device. Whatever, it happens to bit like any sort of transducer or receiver or whatever and then you tap off the AC drawing it in here. If you have an inductor, they're going up to the rail, then I can actually supply power to your device down here. whatever it is, but then your device.

when it, you know it could be having some modulation output or whatever it is. So this thing requires power and also provides modulation output as well. Well, you don't just want a wire going up to your positive rail because then that's going to really hardwire it to the rail and the modulation is not going to work whereas the inductor the high frequency modulation coming out of this thing can't get through the inductor. Okay, so because the inductor is basically resists any high-frequency stuff, that's what it's designed to do, whereas the AC cap will bypass that.

so that's a way to tap off modulation while providing power. So that's where something like an inductor I think would fit into this sort of scheme. but it depends on what you're using for this ultrasonic receiver. This just looks like a regular receiver, so they're just the regular AC coupling with no inductor there should I Believe work.

Um, so yeah. best way to find out is to build it up and actually try it and you'll learn a lot if it doesn't work I hope it doesn't work, then you have to troubleshoot it. That's where the fun comes in and you'll learn stuff. Awesome! Your other question was, well, if you did need an inductor, what value would it be? Well, I'm not going to tell you it's better if you actually experiment, try different values and see what works.
But in this case I think the I think don't think you need an inductor at all I think it'll just the ultrasonic transducer out straight into your Arduino there should work a treat. So yeah, I don't know what's going on in the photo. there. this big electrolytic our cap over here is just some bulk decoupling for the power rail.

So just between ground and the five volt rail there so it's not yet shown on the circuit and that's you know, fairly typical. Next up, one from Denmark don't get many from Denmark hot all my Danish your viewers, this one's from caspin holes guard brooch. three names there you go. she's middle name as well.

Let's see what he sent in I assume it's a hey, sorry, just down by sheer statistics really only about two percent of my audience a female, so you know it's a fairly safe bet that I'd say if it's a name I haven't heard of and then I'm gonna assume it's male I'm gonna goof it one day I probably have in the past. Let's have a look anyway. Oh, look at that. I got it right.

Love the Eevee Love the Eve Like I'm sending this little tear down All right, he's already that he's already had a look at it. Was quite amazed at the simplicity of the circuitry. Well, maybe we will be equally amazed. Listen: Eve the secretary oh no.

I'm sure it's just box Lee Co-creator oh oh um, he's included. Mandatory Lego set for Sagan or something. Oh, it's a train. he's gonna love the tribe.

Hmm, thank you very much and it's a thing. Bing I don't know I can see piezo transducer on the front and that's about it to tear down. So Casper's sent in this little tear down. so one of these I'm yeah, panic alarm things pull the chain at my own risk I don't think so.

I'm in an office environment here. There's people next door and things like that, so don't think I'll pull it I'll tear it apart. Well there it is. Not much doing at all.

fancy pants either. Got a chip on board to drive the thing, a big-ass inductor there, and just this is the pin that drives it. We've got a couple of our kind cell batteries down in there and of course the pin. They've actually got like a normally closed socket.

so when it's you know it so it would activate it. So you push the push the pin in like that and it of course opens the circuit so that when you you know in a panic, you just pull it and the screamer goes off. But yeah, I don't think that's a particularly loud scream. I mean this just looks like a Joe Bloggs piezoceramic.
but he could be okay. but yeah, almost told it all. just a chip on board driver and yep, Bob's your uncle. All right, somebody setting something for you.

So again, I'm gonna put in front of you. keep your eyes closed, you ready. check it out and what is it? train? Lego You want to take it out? Yeah, take it out. You had the tongue angle right? Hey, there's lots of pieces.

Yeah we can show mummy when we get home. Oh, you finish it here. So thanks everyone who's sending something to today's mail bag. Sorry if I haven't gotten around to yours already.

Hope you enjoyed it. Comments: as always down below: think I'm gonna music Yeah Catch you next time you.

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  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars al klapaxida says:

    the unit has been upgraded by "slab-bang institute"

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AL6S00740 says:

    Wake on Lan … is being in the business for ages … since you VPN in just have a wake on lan app on your PC at home and It will push the wake on lan packets and the PC will wake up.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abolfazl Khazaei says:

    Liked this video in the first 10 seconds. Very nice performance by Sagan ๐Ÿ˜Š

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pc Master Wraith says:

    how did the remoteboot work out for you dave?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars robert w says:

    Pretty neat, power supplies are the bane of engineers everywhere; come up with a great circuit and then realize in horror it has to be powered…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SenneV says:

    05 – UUJX – 409043372

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Sage says:

    Dave should fix the Bag of Joys – it would make a great button for failures beyond the scope of the FAIL button. The sound is a terrifyingly manic laugh.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pepe6666 says:

    that is absolutely hilarious i want that electrosluch

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pepe6666 says:

    oh man i wanna hear the laughing track! waaa

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oliver Bona says:

    I'm also from Slovakia ๐Ÿ˜€ yaay

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Engineering Hobbyist says:

    Best YouTube intro I've ever seen

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars qwaqwa1960 says:

    Stereo EMI. Love it!!!!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FireSwordl says:

    I think Digilent PowerBrick link in the decription is not correct…

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PoignantPirate says:

    Those power modules are probably designed to negotiate a power-only connection when connected to a computer or usb hub. (otherwise they would be drawing more current that allowed by spec when daisy chained with the Vin pins.)

    The current usb 2.0 spec allows up to 2A current draw if the device has negotiated a charge-only connection, but is limited to less than 500mA without negotiation. (and that's often closer to 100mA)

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Backwoods Ingenuity says:

    you should get Sagan to do that every mailbag, its really cute!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ondrej Vrรกbel says:

    Hi Dave, I am from Slovakia too. Elektrosluch are two words – "Elektro" and "sluch" meaning "Electrical" "hearing" ๐Ÿ™‚
    PS: Happy New Year!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ytteman says:

    The inductor in the ultrasonic receiver is probably only for power supply filtering. Dave missed to read a part of the note.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ISFiYIywAFIBc6qAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQrXTJiCtY3Asd4WF says:

    Surely you switch it on and then press the on button, at least that's how my old Casio "Personal Computer" works.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Squires says:

    You have to love the good ol laugh bag! Low tech wizardry.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars josh s says:

    cant you just lan boot the PC? iv got a button on my phone that can wake on lan my pc

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lahurry says:

    Rip headphone users haha

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abe O says:

    I might just have to make myself an Elektrosluch haha

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael O says:

    I totally backed the remote boot. Such a simple, but awesome solution.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Cox says:

    I was using a cable tracer to map out where they went, when I noticed that the live internet connection set off the probe. Being that the device didn't even have the wave generator

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cedar234 says:

    Elektrosluch = dubstep

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