Embedded legend Jack Ganssle and Dave have an impromptu chat on embedded electronics. Everything from EE learning and education, 8008 processors to quantum computing, and from VW Combi vans to the recent Toyota and Volkswagon scandals
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20 thoughts on “Eevblog #818 – embedded electronics with jack ganssle”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr. Bravo says:

    Omg this is legendary 🙌

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Workmon says:

    Today is the first day my searching fingers introduced me to first to Dave and within three clicks and two hours at retired and 70 years old I digitally met the two guys I wish I had known over coffee my whole life…
    That said, you're both so much farther down, ( or up? ), the "Rabbit Hole" than my miles of experience in mechanoelectron life. But the tears in my eyes come from joining two minds that see as I see. And that may actually say volumes as to why we delve in to all the disciplines where we are led to the answers our imaginations require us to go! If it were a "choice" , we would choose not to go. But cause and effect coupled to dreaming leave it to inevitable….
    Thank you Gentlemen.
    Christopher Workmon

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars databang says:

    Good talk, nice fella!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Ellis says:

    Please have him on The Amp Hour!!!!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Wilkie says:

    Crystal Radio, gateway device of Actual Intelligence, basis of Artificial (Theoretical) Intelligence, but is a "mind-tools trap", skills in physical Materialism.

    Why learn Maxwell's Laws as empirical memory associations, if all you expect to do is production line robotic repetition? ROI isn't justified for borrowing Student Loans.

    If it's observable what this Universe is composed of.., ie the AM-FM continuous cause-effect discvered with hands-on experience of Crystal Radio, emitter-receiver Antennae, and the Universal standing wave-packaging formation of this Eternity-now e-Pi-i sync-duration pulse-evolution Interval. (People are afraid of AI because of rote learned misunderstood or trivialised labelling of elemental e-Pi-i phenomena)

    Field density-intensity, wave interference-> real-numberness sync-duration connectivity, observed as signal conduction in a circuit oscillation architecture.., is logically defined in Maxwell's original concept-phenomena, but "seeing is believing" rote learning creates the situation that thereafter the picture obfuscates the functional phenomenon of self-defining time-timing sync-duration recirculation resonance.., the innate structure of the Universe. (EM Fields are Quantum-fields Mechanism of 0-1-2-3-4..e-Pi-i real-time logarithmic projection-drawing coordination numberness)

    Does fault diagnosis also become Rote "Law" of accepted Precedent Rules, ie not necessarily established in Evidence? Floating point coordination requires connectivity. (Educator's eternal problems of relatable intelligence)

    Eg it's observable that resonant Fluxion-Integral modulation in emitter-receiver incidence, ..in 0-1-2-ness perspective, is the basis of particles in Timing-spacing perspectives of mass-energy-momentum prime-connection, and Cofactors coordination-positioning. Circuit vertices in vortices, resonant-Quiescent=> first approximation "One Electron Theory" Wave-packaging etc, etc.
    Jargon has to be shifted to another POV regularly, to maintain an understanding of Actuality Conception first principles recognition.

    In the context of Actuality, superimposed line-of-sight superposition-Superspin:- The Circular Slide Rule is the gateway device for QM-TIMESPACE In-form-ation, pure-math e-Pi-i Reciproction-recirculation logarithmic Polar-Cartesian self-defining condensation modulation Completeness, ..you can hold it in your hands while you think about the Holographic Principle Imagery projection-drawing, Perspective Actuality.

    Awesome review, recycling and reiteration, of some hands-on aspects of Educational requirements. Thanks.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ClassyJohn says:

    i'm a self-taught embedded software engineer. Maybe one of the worst engineers you've ever seen. But, its possible to build the skills at home because electronics are so cheap nowadays

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tarun Arya says:

    Loved the nostalgic banter. Brings back loads of memories. Programming in tight assembler then. Great video at showing our different attitudes from the younger generation.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HELLBOY says:

    I saw Full video 👍

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BigFoot Too says:

    You can't spell "GEEK" without a double E 😊

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Wilson says:

    Jack Ganssle should play portal 2.
    The problem solving in that game would help him to understand why people enjoy computer games and it would also show him why some people can enjoy opera.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GRAYnomad says:

    I used to work on a 2900-series bit slice processor, IIRC it had a 5-deep hardware stack. It was forbidden to EVER add code with a call because it was almost impossible to diagnose how deep that stack was at any point, so any patches or new code had to jump and then jump back.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bobwhite137 says:

    Brilliant vid – two greats line up for a wonderful time. Like a two body syzygy.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Lacy Kamuf says:

    I wish Jack would right some new books- especially, in a e-reader format; all of Jack's books on Amazon are really expensive, by my standards – even when used, and none seem to be in an e-reader format

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Lacy Kamuf says:

    I'm not a very successful financially, but I don't think we are going to get quantum computing anytime some. It is always going to be 10 years off – just like fusion. I also was wrong about on demand video, so maybe I'm wrong about fusion, and quantum computing. Also, I totally agree with the mathematics curriculum was ridiculous for the EE degree I recieved; I remember getting through Calculus III, and then finally taking Analytical Analysis; On the first day of this Analytical Analysis class the instructor, said "all those Calculus classes you took isn't really how we solve integrals and derivatives; we just use computers to solve these equations with analytical approximations- down to about 99.999999 accuracy. I was so furious when I learned these Calculus classes I took were arcane in the sciences today.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sleep wake up Lost says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Graziano says:

    Jack in 2015: "The FDA is SO. CLUELESS."
    Me, a guy in the medical devices industry, in 2020: "Yup. Still clueless."

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Volker King says:

    VW (Volkswagen) are doing wrong things under the US Law. They build to good motors and made it with a lower volume possible to have much PS (horse powers). Other US car manufacturer can not build engines like this – see the SUV product line from US car company's 5liter motor volume and 200hp! Do you really thing they make it better to reduce the exhaust of there cars. I say NO.
    More volume and lower hp – how should that work with the exhaust volume??? Do you think in Australia the big fire come from nothing and your air is clean then a baby ass!? I say NO. this is the reaction of all exhausts off all gasoline driven machines and the industry.

    Arduino: the question is correct I think that Arduino make no new engineers! only bliniki blinki LEDs – Who progamm a blinking LED like this? LED ON; wait 1000; LED OFF; wait 1000 ??? Do you think the µController is waiting a 1000ms during this "wait 1000"? I say NO. What you can do during the time that the µC is waiting – nothing! Nobody learn to program with this stupid Language in a µController! For this stupid programming still you need for your country a nuclear burner more because in during the wait the µC run in a pooling loop. The answer is hard you must learn assembler and program a timer to loop a LED and sleep during wait but nobody can do this because this is to complicated for a starter and it is boring for the beginner. The you learn C and Phyton3 and machine learning. To the FPGA my story is unbelievable. During I make a FPGA project with Altera EPM7128 and finish this the price from the EPM7128 jumps from Austrian Schilling 120,- (year 2000) to ATS 360,- so the electronic can't made any more for this price what I calculate and we must close. After this experience that the "chip exchange Montreal" bought total year productions of Altera and trade them for 3-5 times the price all markets where death in this years. Never more I build a project with a FPGA and without a 2nd source of a chip.
    But thumbs up! Thank you for this Video – a little bit non-sharp on my TV it looks like <720lines

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hommedemystere says:

    Gosh, did I hear correctly? Mr. Ganssle, you have doubts about whether solving ordinary differential equations is an important component of electrical engineering!!! What about the Laplace transform, which converts an ODE into a polynomial equation, and allows the engineer to answer all sorts of important questions about their circuits? Steady state and transient behavior, stability of feedback systems, Bode plots, and much more. These things cannot be understood without understanding ODEs, how to formulate them, solve them, and interpret the solutions. Tsk, tsk, we have an important disagreement about what should be required in an undergraduates EE curriculum.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlotte Sometimes says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guillermo says:

    I cant stop thinking about Bitcoin when they talk about a deep revolution.

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