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Items from Lithuania, Israel, and Shermer Illinois !
JigMod Kickstarter:
A Breadboarding prototyping system
Lumintop Tool AAA Keychain LED Torch/Flashlight
1992 Sony Video-8 Camcorder
Fluke 196 100MHz 1GS/s Scopemeter
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Hi Welcome to everyone's favorite segment. My ol' bag wet I opened my mail. Awesome! Let's get straight into it. This one's from Ryan Clark he's from I I presume it's um Ontario each ended up so hi to all my Canadian viewers and let so doesn't Everyone always pulls heavy things.

Look, let's rip it apart and I Do believe this one is time-sensitive You know what that means. Goodies: Lots of little boards. It's called the jig mod. Let's check it out.

Got a nice-looking breadboard base and there's a little let's read it. Thank you for being awesome. No worries, Thanks right? Um, it's a cheap board. It's a Kickstarter let's check it out.

So this is Ryan's Kickstarter project he's got. There's only like as I shoot this. There's only two days left so by the time I upload this video, they'll probably only be a day left. So if you want one, you better damn well hurry.

And he's almost out there on his very modest goal and what it is. Well, it's pretty obvious just by looking at it. It's a basic breadboard stuck on a perspex frame here mounted. In fact, it's There's like a secondary plate on there and it's just double-sided stuck down.

I'm not sure why it's not peeled back there. I Guess you've got to peel it back yourself. I'm not sure what the intent there is it. Anyway, you can stick that down and you can replace it so you can leave all of these things intact.

And he hasn't included a whole bunch of these mod boards now. It comes in three different sizes. just your standard one breadboard with just one row of places to put your jig mod. So I'll explain what they do in a second and then a mid-range one.

and then this is the Excel model with two slots up here, we can mount all these jig mod boards and what these cheap mod boards are is exactly what they look like, just interfaces two different things either. In this case, we've got ourselves a joystick on a board like this and we can these in these various holes using all these standoffs and we can even stagger them up like this. We don't have to have just one layer of these things, and it just allows you to easily interface things like this rocker switch for example on your breadboard or like this: Sauer 3.5 millimeter Fano Jack for example, how do you hook one of these things up if you design your circuit? Just interfacing to stuff can be a pain in the arse and this one is what this thing soles. So what we've got here is these little brass standoffs of various sizes.

and we've got tapped holes down in the perspex down in here. We can just screw those on and then we can just sit our board on top and then screw it in and bingo and then the Halfmoon arrangement. here. We've got cast elation pads here.

We can just mount another one there so we don't have to. Woman can buck them right up against each other and then just screw those on. That's rather a nice design I Like it. and then you can even stack them like that as high as you want as many as you want using different link standoffs and then just get in here with your wires and bingo, jumper them over to your breadboard.
Beautiful interface design I Like it. And then the interface is just these push terminals that you just insert your regular Breadboard wires on and Bingo! you can plug those into your breadboard. so you've got a very nice, rigid, and foolproof way to interface all different things onto your breadboard circuit. now.

I Know some of you might thinking, well, that's nice, but you know what's the big deal? Well, it can be a real big deal if you're trying to develop something for example, that you're going to show off to. you know, some venture capitalists. So you're going to show off. You know something.

You've got to take it to the Maker Faire You've built it up on breadboard. It just got to finish that the last second. Didn't have time to build it on a PCB prototyping. You want to demo something in a hurry then? Well, yeah.

I've seen it time and time again at Maker Faires Wallet To them that I've been to, people have built something up on the Breadboard. They've got wires hanging off and it's absolutely atrocious. as you've got something like this, it looks very, very professional and it's unlikely that anything's going to break. You can muck around with all your interfaces and you can plug some headphones or whatever into here and you can have external permanent wiring coming off here.

you can maybe add in. You know it's got like a little like protoboard module here. you could wire some stuff in there permanently if you needed to an interface to your breadboard. So this is streets ahead of just you know, using the breadboard on its own and then just having everything hanging off.

It's just it's so professional. You could actually show this to some venture capitalist and you know, proof of concept kind of thing and it wouldn't look well. You know it would be better if you had it on a proper PCB and everything else, but certainly looks professional now. Ryan's actually got a dozen or more.

I Think of these jig mod boards for various types of interfaces and stuff like that. He's only sent me a few, so I'm not sure why, but anyway, it's just it's quite representative of this thing. And of course, you can make your own a jig board mod boards as well if you want to. do you know, lash up.

You know if you're serious about developing your prototypes and you don't just want it ugly, but you still want the flexibility of using a breadboard and this thing's got winner written all over it. and as with all these things, if you need it, you need it. If you don't have it, you don't have it and you stuck either rolling your own or just messily have the wires just hanging off your breadboard. So the best example like I wake up some photos here that Ryan's got on is a Kickstarter campaign which you know it shows it a bit better because it's not much I can do here with these limited boards unless I build up something.
but yeah, anyway, that's we know. winner chicken dinner. So check Ryan's Kickstarter campaign which like ends literally in a day or so. so get on it if you want one of those jig mods.

Thanks Right next up one from China from Lumen Top Technology and Art. They mate. Well you can probably guess by the name Lumen I think I can see through that. Um so they make obviously love it.

so it's um there we go. That's the way to open it. Do I know I didn't borrow anything Tada we've got a triple-a flashlight or a keyring flashlight. I like these um I'll show you my everyday carry light and we'll see how this puppy compares.

Hmm yeah baby. so got oh yeah no no better read it, let's check it out. So here's this Lumen Top Triple a flashlight and no it's not a one. humming top do seem to produce a whole bunch of art quality products and well, there's the specs for those playing along at home.

This thing really doesn't business. It uses a Cree Xpg to our five LED It's got three different modes as we'll take a look at 110 lumens from the first 30 minutes I run time. not sure if that's fully regulated or not. Dar, but well, I won't be able to run the test here.

This is only just an overview and up to 60 hours. so 32 and 5 lumens as well to get you out of trouble. so that streets ahead of my everyday carry I have at the moment. I'll show you that in a minute.

Fully waterproof and runs off a single triple-a battery. It's brilliant! So let's take a look at this puppy. And by the way, this thing is only twenty bucks on Amazon which is very nice that feels like it's built like a brick Dani and it should be it's you know, aircraft grade aluminium and all the rest of it. And it's got a belt clip attachment here which I don't use because I don't have it on my build I Put it on my keychain and that's hang on.

That's one thing I Don't think it came with with lots of spare o-rings but it doesn't have a keychain. I mean it's got the points in there for the keychain ring to go on. but look at down in there you got a wedge it between the switch. Anyway, this thing one of the big features is that it does actually have a tail cap switch and that's quite a novel feature actually.

to have a tail cap switch on a keychain. Triple-a torch like this, Ya know, this flashlight rubbish you. Yanks column-two torch here in Australia and the top part turns off. There's the regulation and drive our circle being there that looks decent and interestingly, the other end screws off as well.

So there's the bottom tail cap, so that's that's rather interesting that both often come off. Now if we compare it to my everyday carry keychain torch here, this is a through night one and it's the TI model. I Think there's a like a later version TI something-or-other but this is original. TI Only 60 lumens.
This puppy will do a hundred and ten lumens. Absolutely brilliant, but as you can see, it is significantly longer and it's a twist. Top art: turn on and off. no tail cap switch on it and sometimes it's occasionally switched on, but quite rare because it is reasonably stiff and it's got two different modes as well.

It's got just a low and which I think is like 5 or 10 lumens very similar to this one. and then it goes up to 460 lumens when you turn it on high. but yeah, it's a little bit longer than that. it's probably oh my.

practically identical I think diameter. but yeah, this one feels like the Ducks guts and with these keychain torches. I Do recommend the Lithium batteries like this. they're just.

you know, Well, they're lighter and there are got much better performance that it's not a tight, it's not a tight fit. There's a little bit of a little bit of play in there, but that's nothing as long as it compresses well enough. Now this has two options for turning on. One is the tail cap as you're familiar with, so look so it's actually you've got to do two things to switch it on.

You can switch it on with just the tail cap if you're if you leave the switch on or you can just use the switch. Very nice and it's got different modes while you're on there. you just don't push it all the way and you can see the three different modes. They're low medium, not medium and high nice and it only weighs 15 grams 2 which is bugger.

all. but one thing I really like about this is that you switch it on and it doesn't immediately go to the high mode and you waste battery, blind you. Whatever you know, waste the charge. It'll go to medium mode.

so switch it on, its medium and then touch it. You go to low, touch it again, and then we're on high. Nice. I Don't want to switch it on always and immediately go to the high mode, so that's a very sensible choice.

I Really like that someone was thinking ok, this won't be a fantastically scientific test I Can't get the lab completely dark here because little lights outside. but this is my through night one. so this is 60 lumens I do have a new battery in it. There we go.

That's what the 60 lumens looks like on the thrunite. and I've got the exactly the same exposure. so I don't have auto exposure on the camera. and here is the lumen top.

This is in medium mode. so much broader pattern. I Like that. look at the broad pattern on that compared to the So I think it's more a bit spot focused on the thrunite one.

but let's go back to the lumen top. so that's medium. what's that? 32 lumens? So yeah, that was about on par cuz we were 60 lumens before and then we're looking at the low mode which doesn't do much at all. It's only 5 lumens, but hey, it'll get you out of trouble.

That's the whole thing with it. You know in the middle of the night you can still, you know, probably do most things with that. And here we go. and there we go.
That's the brightest mode. so that's 110 lumens And wow, it's a really broad angle. you can't see it here, but it is broader than the thrunite one. So there it is, 110 lumens and that's very, very nice.

So 32 and 5. As I mentioned before, the only real problem I have with that is that when you put a put it on the keyring I've got a large this is the one I used for mine and it's quite large to touch to my keyring because I like I'm getting my being able getting my finger there and that's what I use to carry my camera in. you know my keys like that. So yeah it the button just gets in the way so that's a bit annoying if anything.

but yeah, verdict is still out on that I'll let you know when I've had this on my yoke earring for a month or so but I really like that. so I'm gonna replace my through night one even though it is a fraction longer I like the tail cap on it and it's actually got two inner locks by the way and you know you I can't turn that on yet and if I screw that I still can't turn it on because I then have to screw that one so you can actually have two inner locks and turn it off or on by either the tail cap or the front of that thing all the switch. So you know really, if you loosen those like that, there's no way this is accidentally coming on in your pocket if you bump that button. So thanks to Lumen Top for sending that one in, that one is available.

It's slightly over twenty bucks, but it's like on special on Amazon at the moment for 20 bucks. I'll link it in down below. you should. Everyone should have one of these, especially engineers should have an Everyday Carry flashlight.

This your little stupid letting your phone doesn't cut the mustard. You need a real torch like this puppy. So yeah, that's very nice. I'll let you know Oh might give you an update in a month or so after over I used it because I use my one all the time on my plane.

You can see it's just had the crap worn out of it. Look at it, it's just like look man, you know there's hardly any left I think their keychain things almost worn through on this puppy. so I don't know what if I had that on two years or something. but yeah, it's not much of the knowing left.

it's all. It's all pretty smoothed out. So there you go. Ask me for an update in a month or so.

but I like that? Whoa. that's my new everyday carry. Next up, one from Stralla is once for Matt Nick Thank you very much Nick he's from South Australia and lovely part of the country South Australia it's a little bit sleepy I got I go to well Adelaide I'm talking about Adelaide he's not four but I think he's from a delight. No, he's from So what is it this? Plumpton Plympton Something like that I presume South Plankton cheese.

This is not pretty Is it? This is not pretty at all. Hang on there we go. Looks like got some old stuff we've got. Oh Koya Syrah no it's in a cannon case but it's a chi.
I See her three point three megapixel camera Wow ancient puppy. Jeez. look at that tiny screen on it. but those were the days.

and what's this? It's a light with a it's okay. Yeah, all right, let's get a light on it. It's got I have no idea what it reset volumes. it's not looking FM radio or something? Is it? Got no idea.

Let's read the note. So Nick is sending this very old-school Kyocera Fine cam s3 Did anyone have one of these? a whopping three point three megapixels? Hey, that's more than my first digital camera and two times optical zoom. Hey, at least it had some optical zoom that's you know. Look at it.

Oh my goodness. but hey, used you know, state-of-the-art SD Card bloody Ripper and what's that good? Like one 1/2 inch display. Ah what a Bobby Dazzler Oh I See a light there? Oh I works what that? Whoa. it's erect and well, can we take a photo? Might be a bit much for a 2-minute teardown I think.

but I do have a couple of other old school cameras I might whip them all apart at the same time. What did it? What did it use? Are some little custom thing? Yep. mmm Nick Supplied the plug pack for this puppy so that's another fastest thing. Wow Tada we're in like Flynn it still works.

What a Bobby does La no it doesn't like the card. Listen to that. Wow. that's like the loudest focus and everything system I've ever heard that is awful whiny noise in the motors.

Anyway, doesn't like the Um SD card format. I thought it might be fat32 so format in fat but it's a four gig card and it doesn't like it. Mmm the other thing Nick is sent in is actually yes it is a radio but it's a wind-up radio. Look at this.

How do we here? We go? it. Can we know? here we go lift it up, see if can hear that Oh some static. Got a birdie picked up a birdie No. I was just a good battery.

go home. kind of sort of works I Guess if you're desperate, scan getting something. Come on. Oh you know it's a fire wing.

You've gotta have external plug backs here. Was this my six Volts 5.4 What the hell's going on there? But anyway, they can't seem to get the LED lights on the front working. Ah jeez, Ah, fail. Two-minute teardown and we're in like Flynn And well, there's a reduction gear mechanism for that.

Yeah I mean like is that? Yeah, there's got to be better. a storage under there somewhere. or is it gonna be a super cap? we'll see. But yeah, that's pretty crusty.

Oh yeah, this thing is seen better days. Leaky? Yep, no wonder she ain't working. but yep, look at that. Not much doing that.

We've just got an FM tuner there and some probably nickel metal hydride rechargeable batteries and Bob's your uncle. It's just awful. Well let's see what we can get on this heap of crap, shall we? I'm trying wind-up We've got two volts per division here and two volts. You wind it slowly, getting some ripple on there today and there we go.
Your ripple frequency increases of course as you were. do it higher and higher. but a 2, 4, 6 so that's a product fail right there. I mean you know you're supposed to like have these things for like emergency use and stuff like that and well I wouldn't have it sitting there.

you know, 5 10 years in the shed if the power fails, are on your boat or wherever you you know some remote location or something. but the batteries are just gonna be cactus before then it's just it's garbage. thanks Nick Next up I got one from I Don't know if this is a first or not, but we've got one from I believe his name is a Guana G Orlova sorry pronouncing that incorrectly. Anyway, it was from a country I'd like never heard of um Latifah and I had to go look it up and that's actually I Think it's like the local spelling foot lift Alania so I thought well my lift away Nyan viewers I'm not sure fur and anything from Lithuania before.

so yeah it is. Lithuania that's their. that's their post office. There you go, that's their postal er postal service Lithuania Awesome viewers have got in Lithuania Fantastic one day.

I'll travel the world again when you got kids. Yeah, doesn't happen. This one's done. Have a walk.

let's see what sure what's going on here? Yes I'm cutting towards myself I know precisely what I'm doing. It's okay. you know, hatching this paranoid people. It really, it's okay I'm not gonna cut myself really.

geez I can smell something I presume there like chocolatey caramels kind of things. whole bag of them. yeah, another bag of I don't know. I'll have to look at them.

holy crap another one. oh crap this. Oh anyone can read that. sorry I can't I have no idea.

Chocolate collection. Some sort of chocolate collection? Awesome. Thank you very much. Jeez, Lose a bit of weight, you know.

And yes, we actually have some hardware. It's okay. Oh okay, we have. Oh look at that.

Tada Wow Sony Video 8 Handycam. Awesome! Thank you very much that is. I That is a retro teardown right there. That's definitely not a 2-minute teardown and that will be retro.

It's got all the accessories, it's got a flash, and it's got the whole keep your food or we even have Tada a video 8 cassette as well. Fantastic! And the remote. It's got the whole works. Oh, it's in the box.

uh-uh should have even looked at them. Hockman Yeah, there you go. There's a couple of loose chocolates in Beautiful and this one's from Vlad Greetings don't you think you for teaching me? My soldering has been a lot in my entire life. No worries.

Hope this 1992 Sony Handycam He's worth a two-minute teardown that's worth a bit more than that, you know? I Love vote Retro Tear downs. Thank you very much Flood PS Be careful with the Gege really is is that correct candy and has a hard solid core yet on a bust. the old teeth in the only said I got check it out. 1992 Video Eight Handycam.
We've got the original operational manual forward as well. Yeah, Video Eight of course. Now that VHS rubbish. or DV we've got the original remote control for it.

We've got the flash. We've got the battery charger for it. Look up everything. Fantastic.

What that you? Geez, What's Oh, that's a Eliminator type thing. Wow Did anyone have one of these puppies back in the day? Ah, maybe I can shoot my next blog with it. What do you think? I Phi Stereo you bloody Ripper Ah, Autofocus got all the mod Cons: look LCD for status and stuff like that. Runtime: Oh Everything The viewfinder beautiful.

that'll have one of those up Micro won't see our T's in it. They're very very nice. so hopefully we can do a retro teardown on this vintage video eight a handycam. thank you very much Flag and I think it's time for me to indulge in some work.

These oh yes and bags. And if I present a the little candy rock-hard damn they're hard and these are. no, they're all oh no s squishable. These ones aren't Jeez, they're rock-hard as well.

but whoa, who's that dude I don't know I can't read any of it I'm sure he makes good. Let's find out, let's have a look. Well I'm sorry I can't read it. Someone translate well.

look at these. See ya! Thanks Blad! Mmm Very nice. Next up one from the United States of America America I Don't want my American viewers and all my Yankee viewers about I know that what is that? 25 percent or something of my viewers are American It is not the majority, but it is yeah, like a quarter because the world is a big place. even though yes, the largest percentage of viewers is in the US There we go.

Um, but yes, not certainly not the majority. So there you go. Oh sorry, um Thank You Ronald Brian good on you Ronald he's from Colona in Illinois and I don't think I said that did I I still haven't got one from Schumer Illinois though think what a few Illinois ones lately hasn't they? So thank you very much. Ronald we have a note and oh you asked for my obey from sure Marilla Noi Well here it is right: I'll have to I'll show you this I'll show you this gold.

Thank you very much. This is brilliant. This is brilliant. Look this so is what's in the box by the light.

Tada I got one better the one from Jimmy Illinois I gotta show me a hill and I t-shirt beauty good on your run or D is from Sherman Illinois hey I asked for a mailbag. well here it is a fluke scope meter John Bender stole it from shop class. Well yeah, that's typical and he would have liked or sent Molly Ringwald or Ally Sheedy for a teardown Tuesday but at 12:00 the power for shipping, he couldn't afford it. I was Yep.

I was an Ally Sheedy fanboy after all. she not only Brat Pack A, but she was in war game soap. Yep, it's got to be Ally Sheedy. Oh and here's the plug pack for this scope.
Mean, look at this. It's got all these evil center- pins. Unbelievable. Oh Evil.

Check out this fluke. one nine, six scope meter water dumpster find. Oh there we go. Nice mirrored screen you can't see anything I'm hundred megahertz one example per second, two isolated channels multimeter.

Can't believe that was in the dumpster and apparently it just wouldn't hold a charge. Two problems: I wouldn't hold a charge and be had some horizontal lines on the screen. so let's see if we can power the puppy up. He has removed the battery apparently so anyway made him Holland I Don't want my Netherlands viewers Oh Holland yours hmm that's been old-school offhand.

I'm not sure how to get into the battery pack for this thing. Maybe you take the yeah this whole back off here I've taken the this front off. it's just got two screws in there and we can see the that they got Oh ring seals around there around all the yeah looks like around the beam season the multimeter plugs. That's very nice.

but anyway, um yeah, it's not like the Cecil's batteries I had in the previous a fluke scope meter I take those too often maybe she'll pop off. hmm and Tada oh we're in like Flynn and looks like you have to to get to the battery. There you go. Flick BP 190 battery So we've got some shields all around there.

Don't know if I should do way yeah, do a teardown or not. no see if I can pair it up though. And as I said in a previous video, if you're trying to pair up an unknown device like this and you're not sure whether it's sent a positive or whereas in a negative pain-in-the-ass like this one. Well, and you don't know what, the label it pins are labeled and all that sort of jazz.

It's easy go for the metal shield, cut your knee tester, and bingo it's that pin there which is the positive one which is yep, cent a negative and it's not the other one. Just a little tip. there we go. I've powered it up and sure enough, yep, look at those horizontal lines.

Hmm. maybe we can do a repair video so thank you very much Ronald for sending that one in. It's a Bobby Dazzler and we'll learn it. Certainly attempt a repair video on that and just remember, screws fall out all the time.

The world's an imperfect place. Thanks Ronald Next up, we've got one from once again, another country you may not have had before. Israel Hi there! Dave Fallston If that's how you pronounce it, thank you very much. It's from Jerusalem in Israel So Hawaii Israeli Viewers I'm not sure how many they are, but Israel is if you don't know I Hear it.

One of the leading technical powers in the world. and in terms of technical innovation and stuff like that, Um, so yeah. Doc Brown Might think all the best stuffs made in Japan but I think all the all the best stuff is developed in Israel So yeah, they're like punch massively above their weight in terms of technical development. and Nobel prizes And you know everything else.
So yeah, Israel poor man, they really know they stopped in. Israel So what are we good here? Let's have a squiz you do have. Nope. Okay, there's Jerusalem Terror of David I've got my own Tower Awesome.

Beautiful. Yeah. he's an IT professional from Israel Thought he's not an electronics engineer. He does enjoy it though.

this orange thingy. We have an orange thingy. Yes, Okay, it's checkpoint. It's a safe office checkpoint.

I Have no idea. let's read it. It's a the biggest network security company in the world, therefore founded by former Israeli Defense Force intelligent officers responsible for collecting signal intelligence and all that sort of jazz. and Dave actually took this fantastic photo of the Tower of David in Jerusalem There you go, Great shot! Dave So let's check out this checkpoint device.

Yeah, I've never heard of a checkpoint, but I'm not into I'm not in the game of this sort of stuff. so let's have a look inside the thing. Quick two-minute teardown Tada. and there it is.

The metal case just, uh, slides off. none is plastic rubbish. no siree. Bob Very nice look at our sauce.

battery backup down in there. Huge big fin heat sink down here on now, presumably some sort of custom job and well, the heat sink up there. but you're apart from that. We've got some flash memory underneath there, and yeah, now it's We've got a firmware sticker, so that's got to be the flash memory in the well, not much else it's got.

You know, this will be our network port adapter up here and but this will be all The security and whatnot inside here. Although we might be able to get this heatsink off this presumably ASIC down in here by maybe heating it up. I'm curious to know because we don't want to use this thing. It's like yep, that's a 2-minute teardown.

I'm curious to know what happens if I try and get in there with the screwdriver and go a bit medieval on its ass. Let's find out. this could be ugly. This could be really ugly.

Oh yes, Top Cap Gonski Oh look at that. Wow Yeah, that's interesting. Look, we've got like a mesh in a coil and we got some silicon protection mechanism perhaps? Wow some like you know, so that you can't tamper with the thing. Why have we got what looks like a coil in there? That is fascinating.

Hmm. wow, look at that. I'm not sure the various security and other layers in here. If people know exactly what's going on inside this puppy, then please let us know because I'm not I'm not up on chip physical security and stuff like that.

But yeah, it looks like they got some serious business happening and that looks like the fiberglass we've perhaps. So death they got like I got that coil there embedded in that fiberglass board. Because you know, standard regular board. You know a regular PCB material is our fiberglass and it's usually are woven quite like that.
But like, why have we got our strips going around like that? Some sort of security intrusion mechanism that's all I can. that's all I can figure. it's all I can figure Wow It ain't just a bare die and a couple of bond wires. that's for sure.

Just check out all the different layers happening in there. This is one complicated. Beast Hmm. look at those ears right down in there.

then have we got? Is this like a conductive layer? Is it? what the hell is going on? So I have definitely confirmed that that is a copper layer there. So what we may have done is ripped open A standard? Well, not standard, but basically a a fiberglass board. The die is on the stuck to the heatsink, but jeez. I don't know they're I Think they're serious about not letting people into this thing? Well, because we've already destroyed that just for kicks.

Let's take this one off. although I suspect this is. Yep, that's not the same. See, it's not the same business I've just gotten off the shelf.

chip said I don't know who's Big M Is that like a Marvel or something? I don't know but that didn't That looks just like an off-the-shelf our Ethernet interface and I just checked in. Yep, sure enough, that's a Marvel Gigabit Ethernet transceiver. but you can see the difference. You know your standard quad flat-pack package, shall we? Just you know that thermal adhesive? Okay, it's yeah, it's pretty strong, but it just popped off because all of the encapsulated chip was strong enough to stay together.

But this puppy was. Yeah, you can tell it wasn't just extra strong glue on there. it was designed to really be secure in some way. shape or form.

I'm sure of it. so if anyone has any details on that, yeah, please leave it in the comments. So thank you very much Dave for us sending that one in I think he actually wanted me to troubleshoot it. Oops, sorry Dave No.

I think this is much more fascinating as ripping it apart. What a Bobby dazzle look at that. Anyway, thank you everyone for sending something to today's mailbag. Is sorry if I haven't gotten around to your mailbag stuff yet.

There's still plenty of stuff left on the shelf and I do kinda just sort of pick them at random. the bigger ones sort of get more interesting. So sorry if I'll eventually get around to them though. Anyway, t-one discuss it.

Jump on over the Ev1 foreign links for all the stuff shown in the video. always down below or up above or wherever depending on the source you're watching this from. Catch you next time you.

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23 thoughts on “Eevblog #807 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ton's kanaal says:

    Made in Holland. The viewers are Dutch. And the country is named Netherlands. No idea why we made it so difficult. Love your videoโ€™s. Ton from Amsterdam.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lenny D's Garage says:

    No fire = No Torch ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚
    ๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿ”ฅ = ๐Ÿšซ Torch

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rainbow Cookie says:

    In thumbnail rip that chip ๐Ÿ™

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sharklops says:

    for anyone wondering years later, the JigMod Kickstarter ended up getting funded at $10,842 (looks like it was largely due to Dave's better-late-than-never endorsement)

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig stokes says:

    yeah its great to hear someone say aluminium right unlike he yanks

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Markiss Boi says:

    ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ฌ WOT? HI DAVE

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Victor Varsanyi says:

    I just get so amazed by how much technology has advanced in our lifetimes, look at the size of that handycam, look at the size of the camera on your smartphone. The smaller one is millions of pixels better. Amazing. Welcome to the next millennium!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars wernertrptube says:

    Dave for President !

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ESDBlog says:

    Another Lithuanian here. I was going to say the same about candies "Griliaลพas".

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob G says:

    Had that camcorder, it died after being dropped onto carpet from about 1.5m though, so not very robust. Ended up using the CRT viewfinder for some projects.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank350 says:

    Can't wait till the Handycam teardown. My parents used one my entire childhood, in fact we still have it in its special leather like material carrying case. It would be neat to see it's insides.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 10/10 says:

    A fan sends you a checkpoint and you rip it apart…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Rojas says:

    next time you want to remove a heatsink like that, twist it off rather than prying it off. It works most of the time for me.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars all motor says:

    oh man. I have a handycam that's even older

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Doug Gale says:

    My guess: the strange things inside that network security chip are related to preventing leaking information, to avoid (clues of) keys or other data being emitted as RF emissions.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ibrahim kayani says:

    free Palestine

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SHINEFINITY says:

    younare right you got viewers from lithuania ๐Ÿ˜‰

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitch Mitchell says:

    Dave, I enjoyed this video, but I was a little off-put at the end when you admitted that the sender had asked you to troubleshoot the thing, yet you "thought it was much more fascinating to tear it apart." I get that people are sending their stuff to you, and therefore are giving you a kind of license to do with that stuff whatever you will, but it still seems pretty shitty to me that you knew why the person had sent it yet had chosen to destroy it regardless. Perhaps the sender wanted it back intact, hence the request to troubleshoot it. You could've just politely refused to examine the thing at all and sent it back so as to avoid having not only done the exact opposite of what the sender was asking, but then publicly declaring that what you wanted to do with the thing was more important than what the sender was hoping you'd do with the thing.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MegaNitrospeed says:

    OHHH! Its Erect!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Albert VDS says:

    The older the storage device the higher the chance it needs to be formatted in FAT16.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Wade says:

    For the flashlight (okay, the torch) you need a smaller split ring to attach to the end of the torch, then hook that to your 1" ring. A quick check on Amazon showed them as small as 16mm. Might check with your local locksmith.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kjell Kittelson says:

    sorry for being ignorant but could that coil in the checkpoint product be an antenna? the company was started by an ex IDF member, maybe surveillance gear?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robin Ogg says:

    attach the torch to a fishing swivel

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