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Zhiyun Z1-Evolution 3-axis GoPro IMU based handheld image stabiliser gimbal:
Nagle Industries Glow-Tie, RGB LED Bow-Tie:
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Casio FX-991EX Calculator with engineering notation display.
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KVM switch teardown
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Hi welcome! Everyone's favorite segment: Mailbag where I just open my mail. Let's start out with a postcard. There's no kangaroos in Austria No, indeed, not that one. it's just a postcard from Dan he's a software developer actually comes from Australia but he picked this up in when he was traveling in Europe so he's from Brisbane Gaza they did.

Yeah! First cab off the rank up. we've got one from Gary Noble he's in Artists States of America and it's time-sensitive so it's got a um a Kickstarter thingamabob in here. So I'm Gary Nagel from Legal Industries, he's having a second suck of the south isn't he? I think he's been on the beam on mailbag before so let's check it out with Gary Well, Gazza a Sinan read me first. so I guess I better read it first right? Looks nice.

Read me first. Here we go. scary City it's lengthy. okay.

I've been watching Europe and I'm like - coy. He likes how I call awesome beating around the bush yeah, um, find a well. There's a lot of stuff on here. Hang on.

He's sending a whole bunch of our postcards and stuff. He's from Altona and here's the horseshoe. It's a big rail line and I'll let Gary um tell the story in the night up to of the 1950s El - sorry did I say Altona I think it's our - no, it's double O Nation's most trafficked transportation hub at its peak, nearly 10,000 freight cars a day pass through the Horseshoe Curve An average of one fully loaded train every 15 minutes. Incredible apparently.

Um, during the war Nazi saboteurs tried to turn TV think and failed apparently I didn't know about that. Anyway, Awesome. He's also sending a genuine slinky which Sagen will no doubt love as Willy's daddy. Um, and it's made only um.

eight KS from his house. There you go. So genuine slinky. I don't think had a genuine slinky beauty and he also sent in some Reese's Peanut Butter stuff chocolate candy things I actually have tried these before and I'm not really a fan of peanut combination of peanut butter and chocolate I love peanut butter, but the combination of peanut butter and chocolate? yeah, fail.

sorry. And Gary's also tried to set up a makerspace in our tuner as well, but unfortunately, it's um, cut, my guts are a little bit I'm apparently there's not enough popularity, but he's asking if anyone in Altoona wants to show up to his garage. then you know, get the thing I Hate to use the word kick-started but here, the bootstrapped I guess I'm the Melbourne make a space. For example, as I've shown in a previous video here in Australia it started in a garage and now they've got their own space and everything so that's a way to do it.

So contact Gary I'll put his email down below and Gaza has sent in this puppy. It's called for glue toy and it is a Kickstarter it's about to start. um so I'll link to it down below and if we open it up, it comes in nicely. Okay, so I thought nothing.

I Assume the Kickstarter's come with the case and tada it is a bow tie. It's an RGB bow tie so if you turn it on and whoa, So here it is. Here's the glow toy. Yes and it comes from Nagel Industries LLC and you can see it's a bunch of RGB LEDs in there in inside a big potted bit of material.
Um yes, that is the open source hardware. Simple There it is all open source hardware and I in my first opinion of it is that I love the concept but it should really be like opaque I Think he should have like embedded in like in like you know, like okay US hardware nerds, right? We want to see the LEDs right? But I think in practice it should have embedded in like a big opaque a cut to size Oh opaque sheet kind of thing. a big diffuser and that would have yeah, made it look a bit less dorky. I guess um yeah.

Look, it's all embedded in this resin potting compound a little bit sort of flexible. It's not the hard stuff and is obviously just it. Cut out the UN microUSB here. Yes, it is that rechargeable.

It's got a rechargeable oh look and assembled for Dave Jones Brilliant! Thank you very much. So yeah, maybe the Kickstarter's won't be this rough and ready I am presuming. So anyway, that's still. It's quite neat.

It's actually quite heavy because there's a lot of bulk in all that resin potting compound. I Would have liked to have seen it more streamlined or something, perhaps, but then you'd need a proper mold. Like you know, you'd have to make a mold with like round edges and everything to make it all you know, make it all a bit slim lined and nice and sexy and all that sort of stuff. but that's pretty awesome for a hand built a prototype.

Big metal bars actually embedded there. They sold it into the board and there. that's really man that's built like a brick. Danny That ain't going nowhere.

Let me tell you so yeah, we've got four buttons on the thing. He's the power button so I'll press that and then we've got this. changes the mode and this and these to change the brightness. So let's pair it on.

Shall we? There we go And let's modify the there we go brightness. Wow Super bright I Can actually fix the exposure on the camera. There we go. fixed exposure on the camera.

So there we go. make it brighter and well, that's really hard to look at on the maximum brightness. I Can imagine if you're in a you know, a black-tie event when you're wearing this thing, if they're usually quite, you know, dark and sort of candle lit. all that sort of jazz, then yeah, this is going to be super duper bright so you've got to have that brightness.

What wasn't bright enough? There we go and we can change our modes. so let me bump that up a bit and there we go. There's lots of different modes on the theme that's pretty funky. Oh oh, that's following my voice.

It's a Vu meter. haha. nice like it as you talk Vu meter. there must be a microphone on the board.

Excellent. I Haven't checked out the details, the schematic and everything, but clearly there's a mic on on board that's great. I Love it! So plenty of different modes and you can do because it's open source hardware, source software, and all that sort of jazz. You could program your own patterns, but there's lots to lots to choose.
Strong B's PWM in every individual lid. Look at that so that's pretty funky. Here we go: I've just turned the lights off here for a second and mmm funky. Yeah baby.

This has got chick magnet written all over it. Check. Check. check one two.

Hey Look at me. I'm cool, you know. I'm just white nerdy. Just white nerdy.

so thank you very much. Gary That's quite something. So if you want Miley's puppies, I'll link to the Kickstarter down below. pick it up.

Hopefully the Kickstarter is actually approved and ready to go, if not because it's not up as I'm speaking this. So yeah, but it should be like today or something. So if not check back. Thanks guys! Uh, hang on a second.

What's this patent pending rubbish is seriously serious. Gaza Which is spending money patenting this idea? Come on, it's gotta be a joke right? Next up: one from straw Leah No worries, this one's from Jon Sleek and a John and he's from Mort Dale here in: New South Wales Let's crack this puppy open. Hey got ourselves a shirt. That's it.

They should note love shirts here on that I'll be brief Pierce you ten in a while back had a vac droll I Thought of you when this t-shirt design appeared on Muff Wiggler Synth forums. The Muff Wiggler Beauty okay or the one for you and me Vector I was used to were much used in modular synthesizer to add easy voltage control. Yes I do remember that I believe I pointed out that back role previously a very 1960s became one of the characteristics of the musical group. Google Don Bolt chart low-pass gate okay, crate for bonk A noises okay.

Excellent ace manufacturer of the Vector all was ceasing production, call for last orders, etc. Awesome! Oh Beauty. don't know about the color but Beauty Next up we got once from Germany we've got some nice German stamps there thank you very much See miss Muller I can't yeah pronounce it? sorry from Gosh I don't know in Germany I Don't want my German viewers? let's have a look. It's a little letter E type thing.

Feels a bit stiff. Is it some sort of card or something? hi Dave Thanks for the blog. Keep up the good work Thank you very much! Christopher Oh What is it? What is it? Looks like like a photo holder or something? Oh wow, isn't that jazzy? Wow Here we go. So it turns out that is the Cologne Cathedral in Pop Out perform.

This actually a lot of skill that goes into creating something like that. Okay, hey, Christopher hasn't done that himself. It's the doer. Klner Dom Dom man did a Klner Dom something like that.

Awesome in Cologne in Germany Fantastic. Haven't been to Cologne sorry, only been to Hamburg and Lebec Next up, one for Ronald Bryant he's from Kelowna in Illinois in the United States of America thank you very much. Ruled: when am I ever gonna get one from by Sherman Illinois if I ever got one from Sherman I want one from Schumer Illinois but those all that, there are some people out there who will get that reference I'm sure the young kitties won't Not a chance. All right, let's have a look.
Shuma Gotta go to show me Illinois one day good night I Don't close to the item. A two-minute tear down. It's probably too much. Not much inside.

interesting to see what makes it tick. Oh oh oh okay, it's AI KVM Is it um, one of those that keyboard video switches? or is that yeah? No, that's yes. yeah. KBM Keyboard Video Switch Yeah.

CPU Selector Okay, it's a serve switch. All right. 2-minute teardown. Copyright 1997 Cybex Computer Corp It's not serious cybernetics.

Let's take a look inside this top board here. It's two board construction. This top board looks like we've got some Phillips there. probably like eight oh five one processes would be my guess.

These are for the keyboard slash mousesports. Yeah, that would be custom micros. Let's whip the label off I Bet sure, it's like an 805 one ish type thing we know. Winner chicken dinner.

My spidey sense was right on. Look at that. P 87 C-51 805 one class process and this one's actually a high-speed puppy. It can do up to 33 Megan It's bad looks of the datasheet.

It looks like it's only running at 12 megahertz in. by the way, that's a that's not a crystal. Of course, that's a resonator. There's only one of them, one common resonator for all three, and the VGA ports.

Well, what do you know? Look at that discrete transistors switches for each one. So this is the common monitor output of course and these are your four VGA inputs Oh Too easy. So it looks like what's going on here: Three transistors and these three resistors here for each of the VGA inputs, their input buffers and then we'll looks like with another three transistors as output driver buffers and then a switch. Our selection: transistor here and that one pops up there and snakes backfire.

All these traces on the bottom. you can actually see it down here. Actually you can see them jump over like that. so they're the RGB outputs that go to the common outputs down there.

So they come from the buffer transistors there and then the selection transistor here. So if we take this one as an example, here's this switch transistor here that jumps over here door resistor. There's a trace on top which goes to here and this one goes over to the here. We go just seven for series, art selection stuff.

Sim for HD one to five. basically the same stuff happening for the serial Mouse Down here it doesn't look like Rs-232 it's like just a serial Mouse type thing. Very old-school that is incredibly simple. That is the black box service which ancient isn't any use anymore.
Does anyone still use these things? Ps2 mouse keyboard hmm no. The one from the United States of America rules today I'm Daniel Stein thank you very much Daniel East from my hobby Creek L.l.c and links provided down below of course and this one is a tool I Won't tell you what type it does actually say on there. still not. We go say third hand talking with need Three Hands in our trikes.

Oh thank you. We appreciate your purchase. high quality products for the do-it-yourself enthusiast community. and look snakey snakey.

Aha doesn't that look jazzy? Oh and we've got hold on the alligator clip. Oh Sour Punch Whoa! I Sell all these whoo! Doesn't that look jazzy? Geez. Oh, that's pretty good. Oh, look at that.

So Daniel Stein at Hobby Creek is sent this thing. it's not easy to get it in shot. I Can easily get these things out of shop, but we've basically got alligator clips which I thought were originally like four millimeter banana plug ones that just pulled off, but they don't. They don't even rotate around, but that's okay cuz the whole thing can move like that.

but I thought you know you might be able to slip those off and put bigger ones in. but anyway, they've got individual heat shrink on the end of the jaws here and that's good and bad. You don't want to mark your boards. what it's for is of course to position a board like this.

I mean you wouldn't want to solder on something like that, necessarily, because when you've got long arms like this, it's going to. It's going to wobble around and move. and that sort of jazz. We've seen mailbags our previously.

It's much better to have these things rigid, but for all sorts of probing and other type things just playing around something like this, Very, very handy indeed. And the bass? You can actually get other stuff screwed into it, other attachments and things like that. beauty. So that's a nice aluminium base plate there.

It looks plastic, but it's not. that's our you mean IAM And the whole thing costs are 45 bucks, which is pretty cheap. The arms. most of that is in aluminium base of the thing.

The arms are only three bucks 50 each, so definitely worth having one of these. It looks really weird and you can plug up to four. You can plug up to eight of these things in there so you can hold like probes. You could hold your board like that for example.

Then you can have another one holding your oscilloscope probe, actually probing a point and stuff like that. So very handy. One problem with the thighs that if you extend the board right out like that, it's easy to tip. Even if you use the ones at the back, it's really easy to tip over.

So yeah, you've just got to be careful. It's just not enough weighting that aluminium base plate to hold anything of a decent weight. but you know that's all you can. you know.
manipulate the angles of the arms and everything like that to get around that sort of thing. And here's an example of the use for it. You can actually use it to hold a probe in place. It's a little bit tricky to actually do that and set it up, but once you do, it's okay.

So just check the website and unfortunately, um, that's actually sold out at the moment. But yeah, I don't know. Go check out the website. Maybe you can order and they're about to come in again? Well huh? that's pretty neat.

I think it's worth it. Next up: one from Australia again from Sky Tech Innovation SI a UAV Oh UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle perhaps? um I don't know it I'll link them in down below. we'll see. Oh I'm gonna like this one cut into the case Yeah! Z1 Evolution 3 Axis Gimbal II Head Hilt Stabilizing Evil Oh Awesome! We can have some fun with this beauty so thank you very much for David Luiz I Sent this thing in and he's from my Sydney there I'm do I take Innovation yes it is that made in China but let's check it up.

I ripped it Roohani ruin the experience. but yeah it's a Image Stabilizer of course for GoPros so it's like a little lump you know Sophie like you hand-held Image Stabilizer Whack the GoPro on it now Unfortunately I do not have a GoPro I Used to own two GoPros including a new hero for GoPro but unfortunately that as I mentioned before is currently sitting at the bottom of a deep pool inside fortress. Canyon Oops these are all the accessories that come with it. Battery goes in the back.

Look at this 18 650 I don't know what brand of those things. Hmm. Anyway, I'm standard 18 650 out rechargeables. They got protection circuitry in them, don't think so.

Comes with a little micro you? is it micro? USB charger yes for those. Very nice and looks like we've got some little mini USB adapter. I'm not sure what's going on there yet, but let's power this thing up, see if it works. and because this is a pre-release it does not have an English manual yet.

So yeah, hmm I can't quite read that, but it's not that hard. I'm sure I can figure it out. What we have here is it comes with this extender bit here which screws into here like this. Let me whack both our batteries in there so they did that to fit it into a smaller box so that's rather.

that's rather clever. So I'm assuming it just goes in there like that and will we be able to pair it on. So your GoPro just mounts in there and it should be a powered up lights on I think I know what these leads do. These are designed to go into your GoPro and they actually plug into the head part here.

There you go and then plug into your GoPro and you can use the joystick here. it's got a it's got a button on it O'Hara start Um, a start. Like a tape you know, start/stop button on the thing and a joystick to actually control it. If it feels very very nice.
this is or loosey-goosey at the moment. it's not powered up or doing anything but jeez, it really does feel like the bomb. It's fantastic. And whilst I might not have a GoPro I do have one of these.

GoPro rip off so it's not bad I Use these for a riot time-lapse and just they're really cheap. These are Sj4000, but just be careful with these. You can actually get ripoffs of the Sj4000 Preach ironic because the Sj4000 is a ripoff of the GoPro. Anyway, be very careful and if you want to do the time, let's stuff which I use these things for.

you've got to get the Wi-Fi one. The one without Wi-Fi actually does not have the time-lapse option, but there you go. That fits in there very, very nicely. now.

I'll need to do I'm charging the batteries up at the moment, moments flopping around or loosey-goosey the moment if you turn it off of course cuz the motors aren't actually energized. That's got three axes of movement. One is of course this one like this. so I can rotate up around like that.

so normally it's in the up position like this that gives rotation from there to there. All the motors are turned off at the moment so they're not in a joy. so I can freely movement and then it's got using this motor on top. It can rotate through that axes.

That's the second one and then third one. This motor on the side here of course can move your camera up and down like that and the joystick will allow you to do that. So let's I don't know whether or not you have to send her it before you turn on it. I think so you just turn it on.

So if we turn it on here, just hold down the joystick. It should come good like that. And there we go. We're able to stabilize that camera.

Fantastic. Doesn't matter what I do to, it stays pointing in the one direction and of course we can make it. We can actually pan and tilt this thing like this now. I haven't got the instructions but we can.

Yeah, there we go. We can play up. it ends, it ends there okay. I probably got the upside down I've done something horrible with it and David says that it's got a 600 Hertz update a rate so to speak and it's gotten Urschel measurement unit in as the outer feedback loops.

so there's an IMU in there. and also there's yeah and it uses our motor positional feedback for the inner loop as well. So that's look at that. I'm really gone to town on that and it's just it's just taking that in its stride.

That's really quite good. I mean I can Really? You know if I try hi? like I'm probably? Oh yeah. I flipped it but jeez, really trying hard there. That's awesome.

There we go I've got it up the other direction I Think that might be the the more correct direction for it so that is pretty funky. I'm going to have to definitely do. and oh yep, you can see the they they they the connections in there. Is that supposed to come out like that? Hmm, don't know.
And the other good thing is it's got a standard tripod mount on the bottom so you can mount it on a tripod and you can just use the joystick to do some nice painting on that as well. That'd be pretty sweet so you set it up. Too bad it's not. Maybe it is Time of Control I Don't know.

It's got a USB port. It looks like you can get some sort of remote control to hook up to it so you don't have to touch the button so there's no less stabilization. You know, like you don't touch it and it wobbles. and even though it should be able to take out the wobbles, still, you don't want anything.

So it's got some sort of remote control port. Too bad. I Can't read the bloody manual and for those who can read the specs and go for your life, it's got some six step procedure. here.

Is this some sort of calibration routine? It could be. Hence, why I'm not going to do any proper tests with this today because well, yeah. I Really need to figure out how to use this thing properly before I Make a fool out of myself. There you go.

It's got some sort of remote control as well as I said, so you can actually like you can remote control the joystick. It looks like I didn't get that with it, but maybe that's optional. Put it on the end of a selfie stick of course and you could do some walk around selfie footage for this so that would be yeah, that'd be really quite nice if I did. Maybe it'll make me do my walk to Iran's again.

Hmm. so thank you very much Dave for sending that in. I Will definitely do a separate video review of this thing and it really is very, very nice indeed. Retail price.

He says it's about 500 bucks so it's not cheap. It's a price you know I think that might be Australian I think it stays here in Australia Scott I Take Innovation, other distributors zrr the actual manufacturer of this thing and it's built like a brick donor. It really feels top quality. I'm very, very impressed with the build quality of this thing and just feels fantastic and seems to really do the business.

So look out soon for a separate video of this thing. Whoo! Yeah! One thing I forgot, it's got an AV port on it - very nice. It's my only major complaint with it so far is that even though they're very nice little brass on/off button here, it probably could be easily bumped in your B&O if you toss this thing in your bag or something. Perhaps you know maybe I would have liked to see that recess better but anyway, still like it still is quite flush.

but yeah, the top of the button could easily get easily get bumped in your bag. Okay, here's just some very basic footage with my SJ Cam 4000. So I'm walking with it now through the lab and that is what it's like now. I'll do it without the thing and we'll see what it does.

So I'm like stepping over boxes and all that sort of stuff There we go. a stand it off. So now I'll just walk through Handheld. how's that different? Hey, we got one from India don't get many from India Hide all my Indian viewers.
Not sure if it's been a year for a first. it says I'm handle with handle with care. It's alright. I'm a professional.

alright. so oh hi. Excellent. So thank you very much a bye Coomer I think it's a baby abhi.

Why how would you pronounce that in Indiana I Don't know. No idea. Awesome it is. Oh don't I actually ordered this? um it's not a mail bag I Was kind of wondering where it is.

Anyway, it is the new Casio Mfx 9, 9 1 E ex model. Not too can be confused with the other models. It's the brand-new one. It's just been released and yeah I Was wondering where it is.

It's like been sitting in sitting here for a while. Um, yes, this is not a mail bag. so um yeah, a baby. It's not a view.

Uh, pretty sexy. It's got some engineering. It's got like engineering display on it apparently so we'll take a quick squeeze at it and isn't that funky looking? That's the FX 991 E ex. They actually announced it alum was it last year I don't know, it was a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

but it takes them forever to release this thing and I had to buy it from India I don't think it's actually available anywhere else at all. Really quite like the styling of it. I'm not a fan of their really. the white stock of white keys and the white back just doesn't really work for me at all.

I'm afraid with the matching white cover on it. No, that's just a fail. They could have done something better than white there. But yeah, this is the follow-up to let's put them side-by-side shall we? This is the follow-up to the FX 9, 9, 1 II is model which I've had for a couple of years now and this is the this is the brand-new version and substantially different in terms of the screen.

This one has a much higher resolution screen and can do some more stuff at the old Es model couldn't And yes, this puppy is solar-powered Famously low power consumption in the Cassio's of course. Can we have a look at the specs there? What does that say usually tells you the power? Oh, it doesn't Usually it says you know, 10 femto watts or something ridiculously low. Anyway, it's got one Lr44 battery in it and high res display and it can do everything including the kitchen sink. I Suspect There you go.

That's got spreadsheets. There's no like enter button here. we have to actually hit the number there on the keypad. So into spreadsheet functions, we can do distribution functions.

You can do everything. Look at that. Fantastic. we can do up.

How do we get back to the menu? Uh, file. Come on there we go. There's more stuff down here. - look at this.

It's ridiculous. And we can do what statistics. There's all sorts of stats stuff as well. That really annoying that there doesn't seem to be like a back button there.
and if hit the menu button, it doesn't really doesn't really do it. Oh, and we've got vector calculations as well. That sounds pretty groovy. Good old matrices.

Everyone loves matrices. Come on, you know you do. And throw your number system aficionados of course. Yes, we do have all sorts of base N calculations.

All that sort of jazz it. Yes, it does have our decimal hex binary octal directly on the keypad. Beauty. and my favorite complex numbers.

I Love complex numbers. Whoa. We're in complex number mode. Terrific.

The thing is like you go into menu here and it gives you this like you can select it with the inner key and they didn't actually put the overlays on here. So if you want to go back to normal mode of course you've got to go in here and then hit you know menu one by Scalia and we're back in regular mode. You know, menu seven or take you into distribution mode. you know, just come on, put it on the keys.

anyway. One thing it does have. if you press the option button here, you can go into engineer symbols sounds a bit Chinglish doesn't it? So we can go into engineers symbols and we can select though engineering symbols which is nothing new a lot of Casio calculators actually have. You can do you know function shift and then they'll have the engineering units directly on the keypad here.

and that was really good. So if you wanted to enter you know Pico you wouldn't have to go out. You know, one times ten to the power of what? sorry I can't see everything. You wouldn't have to go one times ten to the power of minus twelve and look like it doesn't do it.

You do it in the right order. This is this: V Visually perfect algebraic method Rubbish. I Prefer the old Cassio's but this thing is ridiculously powerful though and it does everything like graphically as well. So you can go in here and you can go shift differentials for example.

There we go. Look at that. Go into everything. Bob's your uncle like? Why is the same thing with integrals as well? Fantastic.

Actually, you can see that sort of patent raised surface there and you can actually feel that that textured surface. I'm going to admit I'm a bit of a fanboy at that. It just feels high-quality I Think we're shooting calculators on video like this. It doesn't make sense.

You've gotta like turn it like that to get sort of like to fill the screen. We need vertical screens. but no, we don't issued vertical video do we? It's evil. Anyway, up.

Yeah, it's got the regular engineering key you used to so you know 1 times 10 to the power of minus 6. So if you're in a like Micro for example and if you know if you've got that as a result, then it actually can converts it into a fraction. look at that one on a million there. But then you can just go in there and hit your magic engineering key like that and you can hit it multiple times and I'll tell you that no problem whatsoever.
Just like regular Casio stuff. So the higher resolution screen. One of the highlights of this thing. It's four times the resolution of the old one.

It's 192 by 63 which doesn't sound like I'm What a lot, but it adds up. and if you look at a 3x3 matrix like this, you can really see the difference of the amount of data that you can fit. You know just the resolution of the text and amount of data and stuff you can actually fit on the screen. It's much, much better.

You can actually see it can do 4 by 4 matrices whereas the old one could only do 3 by 3 on the screen. That's it. Well though. I've got to admit though, the old screen was actually clearer, but there's nothing wrong with this one.

It's just I prefer the look of this one. That's all. But yep, the contrast is pretty darn good on this one. No problems at all.

In fact, you could say yeah, the readability might be better. In addition to the spreadsheet, we've got ratios or inequalities, equation functions, and tables just like the old one had tables as well. You know one thing of interest to us. of course, if we go into the setup here, we can set up our Engineer symbol engineering symbols on thank you very much so it'll now give us results in.

So let's do one times 10 to the minus 6 again. and it should now give us one micro. Beautiful! So the really annoying thing is, you know, if we wanted to do a, you know, start a simple equation like this, we wanted to go three point one micro for example. Yeah, we could do the times 10 to the power of minus 6, but if we wanted to do it using the engineering symbols of course to enter them as I said, there's no shortcut here so it's really annoying.

So you've got to go into option and then you've got to go engineering symbol and then you've got to go number 2 which adds in the micro. I mean it's you know, almost like it's just a quick as quick, especially if you want to enter the positive values like kilo. For example, you just use x 10 X button and then 3 so it's only two buttons instead of three anyway. so you can do that and then you can divide by so you know if I wanted to go divided by 6.

Okay, for example, there we go. So I can mix and match the actual units display with the with your traditional exponent display like that and then we can get our answer. Bingo! 516 Path thank you very much and I do like the multi-line display how it actually left your equation up here for you to double-check that you actually entered the right thing as well as giving you the answer. Fantastic! So anyway, I can't turn this into a review because this thing will go on forever.

This thing does everything including the kitchen sink. And I know there's a lot of people out there who don't use calculators anymore. Good My phone. Who is gonna be through with me.
Yeah, screw your damn phone. Takes too long to turn on. What if it's not charged? What if you put it somewhere else? It's ridiculous. You can't beat having a proper calculator on the desk.

And I've got like six calculators here in the lab or something, ones always within reach and if you want a super powerful one. I Personally don't prefer. like as I said many times. I Prefer the old previous stuff, the Casio interface format, but this is the visually perfect algebraic method.

so you can't just go five and then sign. For example, it's the wrong way around. Like that. you can't just do that.

It'll actually give you a syntax error. you've got to do sign first like you're actually writing the real equation. I Don't know. That's just not the way I was brought up to use casio calculators anyway.

yeah, but the great thing is it's always available instant on. Never crashes, never requires an operating system upgrade. Solar-powered it'll last forever. Don't have to worry about the battery is running out.

It says it's brilliant and it cost I Think it's like 25 bucks on eBay or something plus postage from India It's absolutely crazy I'm not sure when it's gonna be available in local markets, but anyway. I Had to buy this sucker from India but it's It's dirt cheap. It's absolutely amazing amount of stuff this thing can do I could do an hour review of this and still wouldn't be able to cover everything. It's just nuts anyway.

I'll link in some videos down below, but anyway, it's a nice upgrade from the 91. Yes, if you've already got the 91 yes, would you want this one? Yeah, yeah, why not. at the price, hey, can't have too many calculators. I think Australia is the winner today.

No workers, we got it. Just says Evie bugs your mail doesn't say who it's from, it's Dai post be pacified I have no idea so let's crack it open see what we got? Stri Love you Reaper! And in case you're wondering, I don't speak with an Australian accent. Speak strong strong oh look Oh Mokey Oh it's a multi-function color chart. Thank you very much.

Yeah, it does not say I Think somebody said they'd send me a color chart. so thank you very much because I did a previous video I'm not sure if it was a mailbag or whatever and I mentioned that I don't actually have a professional color chart, but I do. Now there we go. I'm shooting this with my Sony NEX V G 30 camera.

So for those playing along at home, here's this color chart on my main studio camera here: the Canon Hf G 30. I've got auto exposure on and the white balance is corrected to 5000 Kelvin for my lights above. So now I'll show you on the Sony camera and here's exactly the same shot that I used for my main front-facing talking headshots in the mailbag. here: My Sony NEX VG 30 camera once again auto exposure, but the white balance set to I was wrong before it wasn't 5000 K it's 50 100 K So both cameras are the same color balance and this is the difference: I Suspect I can't see it on the LCD here, but when I edit it I Suspect the Sony is probably going to have more vibrant color.
You can see that there's really not much in that I'm looking at this on my editing screen and yeah, the Sony has a bit better color, but yeah, there's hardly anything in it at all. and the brighter white there on the Canon which looks much better than the Sony one. That could be due to slight differences in the angle of the camera. They were mounted on the same tripod in the same location, but the cameras aren't exactly the same height and stuff.

and I'll read you the blue sheet. The 18 color patches include primary colors, process colors, and natural calls such as human skin, sky flowers, and foliage. These scientifically prepared colors reflect the entire visible spectrum of light in a consistent, accurate way. Use it as an objective color reference in the studio or in your post-production What? Fantastic! Oh, definitely on a winner with Australia This one comes from Google Gum Electronics - you've seen before on the mailbag and sinin I believe they sent the the pic Development Board last time.

Oh yes, a couple of years ago. Actually the Pic training development board has taken a while. It finally got another products called the Wombat Bloody Beauty Fat-ass One bat. Let's check it out.

Bat: so the fan is one back. one bat - we've got some resistors. We've got some wires. It's gonna be another breadboard E-type thing because they're right angle jumpers for Breadboards Beauty.

So don't you from Google Gum Electronics? Yes, because everyone in Australia is called Dave has designed this little thing. It's a Raspberry Pi a breadboard. This is what the Wombat does. Not sure about the picture of the Wombat did you draw that? Dave Hmm.

Anyway, I like the little G for the nose. I'm standing for Goolagong Electronics. That's pretty sure that's what it is, so that's that's pretty cool. Anyway, it's a breakout board so you bring the ribbon header over.

It doesn't have that much on here, but it does have the micro USB port down here. It's got an additional 3.3 volt voltage regulator and headers here. It just breaks everything out so you can put it on a breadboard and then you've got some switches and you've got some jumper links and stuff. Very, very handy.

and the analog to digital light converter inputs as well. He actually are successfully funded this on Kickstarter So excellent. So you just whack that in dear Raspberry Pi Like that and Bob's your uncle. Off you go Beauty, so that's well worth having if you're into Raspberry Pi and all that sort of stuff goes from about 50 Yankee bucks which sounds a little bit pricey but it's not.

He's got lots of like our source code and and videos and how to use and all that stuff to go with it so check it out at Google Gum Kaamdar you you.

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19 thoughts on “Eevblog #787 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Davide Madera says:

    "Yeah, that postcard was cruising, Dude, can't go wrong. How long have you been married?! Too hard for solar cells calculators into a perfect couple, huh?! Still doing home works at the University?" 🗨😉🗻🐚🖼🔖🇦🇱🍽🦋⛷🕯📟🎨🚸

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matt Elder says:

    I know this comment is almost 4 years late, but am I seriously the only one who noticed that the base on the 3rd hand had countersunk holes in it specifically to screw it down to your workbench?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GordieGii says:

    I'm a bit slow on the uptake, but everybody in Australia is named Dave? I thought everybody in Australia was named Bruce… or Sheila. No?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars meepk says:

    Glowtie was unsuccessful and I've never been happier about anything. It's just abhorrent. In the eyes of god and man.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha Whitefur says:

    RPN? (Reverse Polish Notation"? I'm a Digital Electronics Technician, this channel is great, for catching up on the latest technology.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spider Mcgavenport says:

    Love the Ti-92 TI Voyage 200

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars javier garcia says:

    those are ws2812b on the glow tie?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Turton says:

    Slinky is the state toy of Pennsylvania

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Valravn says:

    oh man seeing that calculator put me on a nostalgia trip of me using the older model in highschool. I loved that little calculator so much particularily for its easy to use solve function. I'm currently borrowing my sister's ti-36x and i hate it. So i went and ordered the newer casio one.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1959Berre says:

    That's not a knife.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ezra says:

    I still use ps/2 keyboards , they are the only keyboards i own

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars العبكو 123321 says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Pepin says:

    peanut butter and chocolate is a gift from the heavens 🙂

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars leon vdd says:

    Austria is next to Germany

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PinBallReviewer says:

    The Aligatoroctopus thing looks like you could nail it down or screw it down to a table with the extra holes in it so that you can solder just fine with it.
    Just hope you don't have a metal table then well nails and metal tables don't mix well. 😉

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maxine Red says:

    You are not alone, Dave. There is nothing better than to have a physical calculator in your palm and just hit the buttons and see the magic happen.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aroop Roelofs says:

    I still use a PS2 keyboard :C they are still awesome

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Rickard says:

    Sounds like they're patent-lefting that bowtie.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pablo says:

    The shirt is ironic

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