Mailbag Monday
Dave opens his mail.
Warranty VOID T-Shirt:
ARM Arduino Pro Mini:
Atmel AT89C2051
NanoBeam Kickstarter module, T-Slot construction:
Elektor T-Board Arduino Breadboard modules:
Wireless RF energy harvesting module:
Awesome woodworking projects:
TI Voyage 200 Calculator
Data Precision Multimeter teardown
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Hi welcome to everyone's favorite segment: Mailbag where I open my mail. Let's get straight into what this one is from the United States of America the United States Postal Service ever-reliable zaptor whoever Septa is. Anyway, let's open it up. thank you very much Zap Dot! And we have t-shirts plus I Love it when you get a static shielding bag inside t-shirts.

What do we got? Oh Excellent. oh that's a little Sagan t-shirt Excellent. Excellent. say can YouTube t-shirt awesome and also we got I like actually I think I might have a crappy YouTube shirt somewhere, but these ones are quite light.

look at that. Brilliant. Consider that I make my living on YouTube you think I'd like have all the merch, right? Nope. Black and red.

haha Perfect. Thank you very much Zap Duh! it is Zap Dad that's his name. uh, he's from Silicon Valley Hopefully my Crocodile Dundee knife didn't slash the t-shirts Yes, by the way, for those who are wondering yes, this is the Crocodile Dundee knife. You know that's not a knife, that's a knife.

Yeah. and he's also in the arm processes. and I will? He moved from AVR to arm and now he's got himself a design. a little arm arm at mini development board I have itty bitty chip fell on the floor.

Some keen eyed viewers no doubt saw that. Let's take a look and here you go. This is what Zapped is done. He got the board actually reviewed by the members on the Eevblog forum and he will actually supply this to anyone on the forum who pings him.

So it's a little um, many aboard the arm Pro Mini based on presumably exactly the same identical pin out to the Arduino Pro Mini and minimal design integrated USB a serial so you don't need the FTD external FTDI dongle and optional $20 debugger 64k a flash 8 K ran 4 ke squared prom forty Eight Megahertz ha screaming along m0 core. So there you go. Um, a little 3d printed case by the looks of it and I cannot get it out of there. so I don't know if it's like stuck down into it or whatever I'm not sure what the deal is there, but yeah, I can't get the damn thing out.

so am I supposed to put it on my bread board? Ah, sure, what's going on there, but I break it and there's a schematic for it and it uses the LPC 1111 you series. There you go. That's the main MCU in it. Next up, one from the old dot.

It doesn't say who it's from at all. So I've got no real idea. Let's have a look from anonymous thank you very much. Ominous postcard: Oh look at that.

it's an Avro Vulcan ah Doncaster in the old Dad of course yes, the Vulcan Famous Stump be Gardel the wing the pocket. Here we go Greetings from the UK please and find a random camera accessory which I've yet to see anybody use I'm sure and be from the Forum kindly funded getting this to you. I Thank you very much Sean Keep up the good work Orbis Thank you very much Orbis So I Love planes by the way. So yeah the front the yes the Vulcan very nice.

The Volcom was like that. Cold War stuff. It was like the UK's you know, a deep-penetration Soviet penetration bomber I think anyway. um, one of these little keyring torches.
It's like a little snowmobile or something. weird. um illuminating car. It's fine.

Check it out. It's one of the let's smiley face on the stick it on the back of your car. Awesome. A battery-powered display module for the back we note Wireless remote for the front, pre-programmed messages.

Easy suction cup. Ah, great. Distract the drivers in the back so that they slam right up. Yes, that's a good idea.

It's one of those. um yeah, it's got a lid matrix in there. It's not a don't know if you can see that, but it's not like a complete matrix. It's uh, well.

crack that open. That's a two minute teardown. Let's go. Uh-huh It only has a set of like predefined functions here.

Back off, Sorry Thanks Ed. Smiley face or wink? Jeez. Excellent. Let's have a look and it's just got like an infrared thing here.

There's an infrared on the back here so I have to like point against the wall and bounce it off. So let's go smiley face, look at that or wink or back off. Dude. I mean it.

sorry Oh didn't mean to cut in, didn't see you there and thank you. So yeah, but sorry, that's just a complete fire. As Orbis said, he's never seen anyone actually using it one of these things cuz yeah, there's just like a complete gimmick distracting I think anyone be caught dead with one of these things and check it out. Completely old school.

That's everything through Hole. Oh man. rock-bottom price. Rev Four Point Nine.

geez what at the design? review me and they have to go well. I Know I think we should add a wink in here. so let's rescind the board. hey that'll be fantastic.

Ah no. AVR In this it's an eighty eighty nine. see 2051 Really old school? Jeez, can you even get those anymore? And then apart from that, we just got to White Ul N to double O three Darlington drivers there for the high current drive. but yeah, just all through Hole a single sided board as well with all those jumper links I've got to shave a few cents off actually just imagine if things were popular and they did take off like the you know, stick on Garfield crazy in the 80s for example in every car had one ah man, couldn't you have fun with the you know just sticking in fret transmitter on your car and said everyone's silly little flashing LED side off and of course there ain't nothing doing on the bottom, they're Just all a single sided layout.

They're done reasonably well actually. to get the layout on there with as fewer jumpers as possible, there's our little infrared receiver just flapping around in the breeze there. and actually that's interesting. They've got look they've got to like.

They've got a proper actual receiver in there which has the 37 kilohertz a filter in it and then what? I mean it doesn't transmit back I didn't think so. it must be another. um, infrared photo receiver. They're weird.
Actually, that's an okay little. our platform. just reconfigure that. I Mean you can just reconfigure the 805 one up here under.

Well, you can't get to say anything but I don't know. You get it to do something a bit more useful than the useless tasks that it was originally designed for anyway. So thank you very much. Orbis and Sean B Hold on to your hats.

There are different models. Look at this. we've got the you can get five different faces. This is the one we've got.

It includes the sorry thing. This is my personal favorite. It's got the middle finger yes and that animating bloody messages. what do you want? We can animate it in muddy Khan's like you're on a bloody forum when you're driving and the plot thickens.

Here we go. The drive emotion it's called is an Au. My limited product. This mob are you.

And why are one of these companies who are design manufacture, promote and distribute products? So if you're an inventor in quote marks and you've come up with this brilliant idea which obviously somebody did the drive motion illuminating car message sign then you. you know you have no idea you you're you're the inventor. Ah, you know you just leave it up to the Oompa Loompas of the world to you know, figure out how to you know design and manufacture and do everything you know. you're just the ideas person.

You don't need to worry about that practical crap. So you go to a company like this. You pay them a buttload of money and they design, manufacture and promote and do everything. So yeah, I Suspect the only winner in this is this company who took all that suckers money who came up with the concept of this thing.

Wow Next up one from Hyrum Hyrum Fairbanks Thank you very much Higher up, that's what I'll call you if I've got a prob everyone knows I am awful with pronunciations and I do like what's inside here. It's one of my favorite mailbag. Islands To get let's have a look it is half of your you fanboys or UTI Fanboys it's at a live Voyager calculator. Let's see ya The voice of Voyage sorry the Voyage 200 I'll get a whole bunch of hate mail if I Get it wrong from the TOI fanboys that's one of their um top lines I Think is is it late 90s? I think the Voyage 200 I'm not entirely sure.

We have the serial cable. it looks like Rs-232 with a TRS jack on it and nano beam. What is nano beam? They got some nice little well I have to show those up close but that we've got some nice little stuff for assembling some sort of frame something like that. gotta read the note and his Hiram's nano beam at.

check this out. This is the Kickstarter that he did. He raised only who was asking for like 12 grand. He raised like 27 grand.

so it was a success. I Assume it is the world's smallest t-slot construction beam. Look at that. It is absolutely tiny.
It weighs practically nothing. It's pretty darn strong. Yeah, I could probably bend that if I really wanted to, but it's it's wickedly strong for its size and weight. Very nice.

and it comes with all these tiny little you know, plates and screws and brackets. just like your regular T-slot stuff. Even comes with a little screwdriver. Check it out and check out his Kickstarter video.

It's really interesting. He's made like a little robot out of this. He was his art dragoon. There it is, mate.

just out of this just you know, a couple of the slots so this you can cut it. Of course you don't have to buy it in in, you know, pre-cut lengths. You can easily just hacksaw that and you can build pretty much anything. It shows like building a little mini picture frame with of these and even says you can do your own.

Do it yourself I'm SmartWatch case. It's that tiny here. you probably could be a little bit bulky, but geez, and by the way, it does Tada I'm sure, not by current, not by coincidence, fit a 1.6 millimeter PCB in there. Nice look at that.

so you could actually, you know, make make your own custom, make your own custom box out of this thing with the angle and then manufacture the PCB the sides and the front panel, the back panel, the top, and everything else. You can actually manufacture your own cases out of that. That's really quite nice. I Like that.

I'll link it down below. check it out the nano beam and for all you TI calculator fanboys out there I Know there's a lot. This is the Voyage 200. Let's take a quick 2 minute teardown of this 19 2002 Vintage Jump.

Sorry, it takes a bunch of triple A for triple A batteries in there gonna back up a coin. so let's check out inside. I'm absolutely useless as a day-to-day count because look, no exponent button at all. Hopeless.

you got at. Well, you've got to shift, you know, second to do your bloody exponent. Screw that, and there you go. Very typical construction of these types of calculators.

In this sort of vintage, they haven't gone for like any chip on board or anything like that or quad flat-pack so it looks like it's code name was Sylvester There you go. This is a rev G so I'm sure that is the that is the code name for it. Let's have a look and there's the main ASIC chip. It's the TRF 200 Co4.

Oh, and this is used in several of TI's calculators, but that is a custom ASIC But look, the main CPU is actually down here and that's a Motorola 68000. and there it is. up close for all you 68,000 Fanboys are old school and all the other beasts on here, all these Toshiba parts, they're just LCD drivers dead giveaway, of course, all the huge tracks going off there. they're all over the place.

That's just some sponge of the hair for the back of the batteries. and there's another one over there. There's actually five of those total on there for the Elsi-8 for the dot-matrix LCD display and not much else as an interface connector up there. And yeah, all miscellaneous support stuff.
Gotta have a 7, 4, HC 2, 4, 4 in there. Of course you do. Jeez. LM 3 to 4 Jim What next? A triple 5 timer? Get them close.

Got an an gate. Got a couple of voltage rigs down in there I'm sure and that's about all she wrote. There we go. There's our watch crystal in there.

that'll be a handle in our real time clock and it's about all. So thank you very much hiring for both of those items and that's a quick look inside a non-school TI Calculator: There's a bit of a flame war going on on the evey logger forum about what user bloody calculators, etc etc. Well, you know, why don't you just use your smartphone? Ah goodness sake, these things actually get long battery life. They've got excellent building functionality and they're dedicated to the task.

and they're They sell them for like more than you know, a decade or something like that. They still support them, so that's you know. valuable in like a classroom specified into a class room curriculum. and things like that.

When teachers write a curriculum, they don't want to write a around some bloody smart phone app that may not be there in a couple of years time. No, they want to dedicate it to a calculator. something like this. The Voyage 200 Weather, you know, Support: You know whether or not people should be forced to buy calculators like this for learning mouthing skills? Yeah, that's a different argument entirely, but that's why these sorts of things still exist.

And while they existed then and in 2002, and they still exist these days in a slightly more advanced form factor. although they're many generations behind in terms of like you know LCD display processing power, all that sort of stuff, you're missing the point. Next up, looks like our friends at Elector have sent to something again. We've had a few Elector things on here before.

Please excuse the crude opening of that ah now shirt. geez, are rolling in t-shirts The wife complains about that. I've got too many t-shirts and I leave them scattered around the place. What do we got? Tea board by Electoral Labs? I Guess we're gonna get a tea board.

It is a t-shaped PCB I wonder what it does and ha Tetris Yes, there you go. It is a t-shaped board. Why? I'm not entirely sure I Guess they'll end I Got a couple of other little t-shaped boards here I Guess they'll all join together in a Tetris like arrangement. hence the t-shirt huh? Further investigation required.

And here's the Elector tea board. 80 mega 328 and you can see where this is going. Yes, it's an Arduino a breadboard thing, which just breadboard friendly. It's designed to, you know, if you want to step up from the breadboard for example from the Arduino for example.
but you want to just deal directly with the wrong microcontroller and you don't, you know and you want to interface stuff to it. This just gives you an easier way to do it. Plug it into your breadboard. things like that, so look at the power of the voltage reg and the serial programming interface as well.

They've got different types, they've got smaller ones and they got the little 8p nutjob II as well. so they're kind of neat. But yeah, everyman dogs doing a different variant on you know how to transition from an Arduino over to your own custom prototype. This is yet another way.

and it's not bad. And it does actually sit on a breadboard. Neat! Next up, one that's been sitting around for a while. sorry.

- Lincoln Washer Mieze from San Jose in California right mind San Jose A nice little life. nice little city. or is it it's a city? isn't that? San Jose the city of San Jose It's not really a town, it's big enough to be a a city. Anyway, it's the heart of Silicon Valley of course, and they do that.

but quite a bit of art there on the streets when I was there wandering through. San Jose I rather surrender my just scattered around. Gotta like San Jose so thank you very much Lincoln include a couple of factory samples. Ok, let's have a look.

what are we got? Aha, look at this. Texas Instruments Linear products. When they used to give you the chips on the front, check it out and then they give you the little data sheets. All the data sheets inside there and yeah, geez, that's dating back.

Wow, those were the days that would have bent. Yep, late 80s, Early 90s perhaps? Also, and more linear products Advanced Linens CMOS Op Amps terrific And oh look at this. This could be a 2-minute teardown. It's a data precision multimeter.

Get my face tracking off your lap. There it is. What if it works? and Lincoln is from Yes USA USA USA He's got here. Um and he was, um, worked at he was an intern attire the Ames NASA research place at Moffett Field there and he's got a whole bunch of stuff from a guy used to work there and these Data Precision Mori meters.

He got this on eBay and it didn't work and he said there's too much to fix. Quote an end quote: um so yeah, we'll just have a two minute tear down and see what's inside I'm G's Data Precision Multimeters don't make them anymore. They're a bit. really.

yeah. they're very sort of. um, like. that's like a Pack Tech case.

That's like a standard Pack tech model our brand I case. They just sort of. you know, build them back in the day. they used to build multimeters.

no no less custom stuff. They just build them into these like off-the-shelf cases and just do the punched in silkscreen franchisee and that's about all she wrote. Two Minute Tear Down time. Let's take a look inside Lincoln's Data Precision 2480 our multimeter and I wish this was Smellivision.
Oh that's got the real old-school smell. Look at that. I'm surprised they've gone with the big metal shield there Anyway, everything's nicely labeled. They've got the adjustment trim, pods and trimmers for your high frequency adjusting, your other resistor trimmers down there and very old-school taped double-sided And of course your classic for the error by the way, which is today 1978.

What a good year that was And out. Yeah, your classic got rolled 10 board and then not solder code and hence you get the crinkly stuff. Can't really see it down on that one. There's a few places where it does that, but yeah, very typical of the era.

And what's the bet? There's an IC or multi meter chipset under there and that's pretty much it. No, it's not. What is that puppy? and SC TR o double for oh, never heard of. is that some sort of data precision custom job or is it does some other manufacturer that we've never heard of? Anyway, there's an LF three, Five one and there's not much else in there.

Look at all that classic hand taped layout. Ah love it. Seven four, C double. Oh geez, you don't see so much of a Sim for C series stuff anymore.

Oh, look at that little little pissant transformer down in there. It doesn't need much more than that, of course. But yeah, it's just a preacher rectifier linear power supply. and Bob's your uncle.

There's your multimeter. I Don't know what the specs of this thing were, but yeah, like yeah. Four and a half digit and the spec was pretty done. Schmack on this thing.

Actually four and a half digit point? Oh Three percent plus one digit one-year spec pretty darn impressive for the era. This would have been a top I'm multimeter back in day. Would it cost a fortune? I'm sure. and even on the Ohms range am the best arrange.

there was like a point. Oh five percent plus a couple of digits. Unbelievable beauty. Thank you very much Lincoln for sending that in.

Excellent. A classic old-school multimeter. If I can find info or anyone's got info on that chipset, let us know it's not every day we get one from Spain So hard on my Spanish viewers I don't know in Spain ranks on my Youtube scheme of things for number of viewers and I think it's right down there, but there is certainly a contingent this one comes from. Ivan Arrakis stain got it wrong and a PD a PT a-- in Spain so awesome thank you Mary Ivan Sound Oh, that was pretty piss-poor ah because I hit the I hit the tape.

That's why so much rock it out on me. not properly. What's all Ivan said Oh, it's a test board. accepts RF energy from sixty Hertz to sixty-six gig and converts the signal to DC voltage.

So it's like an RF energy harvesting doodad. Awesome! Hey, you can do some experiments on that Definitely. I wonder if that's this wonder if that's his design? Oh look there he is there he is today. Ivan Will that? Ah beautiful.
Wish I was there. That's that's fantastic. Wow never been to Spain missed it on my world trip. Definitely have to get there one day.

It turns out that Ivan does some pretty funky woodworking stuff. Look at this, he's got a wooden arm and in faux wood info panel. He's got a a sound doc, a massive sound doc for an iPhone Is that like the world's biggest sound doc? I don't know. Look at this awesome wooden bike.

that's just great stuff. I'll linking these down below or you could scan in the barcode if you're that keen. and I am touch sensitized furniture and look at that. no book non-operational of course, but hey that looks jazzy fool people in the park I Love it Anyway, he works as an electronics engineer for Technica if I'm pronouncing that correctly and he wants to specialize in energy harvesting and he's sending this board which I have to do a separate video on so that we can is basically Rfn.

as I said up to what six key sixty Hertz to six gig RF in and then basically DC out will have to have a look at the chipset I'll link in the datasheet for that. but yeah, I'll do a separate video on that I'm interested in energy harvesting stuff and he wants to know what path to follow courses, conferences, tutorials, that sort of stuff to get him on his way. Well, I don't know offhand. so I'm going to throw that over to the audience to help out.

Ivan If you know of any good like online courses and things like that for our energy harvesting, then please leave it in the comments and Ivan can check them out. Thanks Ivan Next up we got one from Conrad Maia and he's from Constance in Deutschland Germany Man do we get so many mail bags from Germany It's unbelievable Scott It's not terribly surprising because Germany is like my second or third top viewership and here's sent in Tada carefully wrapped up in tissue paper. Tada an Arduino Mega thank you very much I think I remember this here yeah I realized I didn't have one so he decide to send me one. That's yeah.

here we go new. Dave that's the Arduino mega for the BAM and dice package because Konrad is from as we've seen before. he's from the printed book it's chopped off. but the print to beta mob.

there we go Print to be tough holding to mean down below they're the ones who did the 3d printer control board thingy link down below Thanks Konrad Awesome! Don't have not do we know mega so that it goes into the kids So there you have it that concludes another mailbag. Monday Thank you for everyone who wants ends these in it. Much appreciate it keeps the segment going and people seem to love it as so if you liked it please give it a big thumbs up or you can give it a thumbs down if you really want to. I know there's a core group a haters that thumbs down every video out there but felt like within a minute of me uploading.

thank you very much always keeps me amused anyway. um let's take a look at this thing I'm just gonna yeah. old school data sheets with some chips. Ah Beautiful! I Love it Anyway, if you want the t-shirt tada, there it is.
I'll link it in down below I've already void if not a removed shirt and I'm wondering what happens if I send in this reply paid info card I wonder if they're still there and these were the days back when you had the magazines? you could? Actually which of these following parameters would you like I wonder if they're still running the survey and you send in the card for 891 expires our September 1st 91 dammit you.

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27 thoughts on “Eevblog #715 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lsrx101 says:

    Oh My… I remember something similar to the Drivemocion in the JC Whitney catalog in the (mid?) 1970's.
    It was a a rather large rectangular box that mounted on the top of your car, strapped down to the drip rail. Much like a Police light bar. It had a mask with lights that lit up behind similar phrases ( Back off, Thank you, your signal is on, dim your lights, etc). All controlled by the driver.
    The illustrations in the ad were obviously from the 50's.
    Good for a laugh, even back then. Who would think someone would recreate it today, smaller and with LEDs, of course. Unbelievable.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erwin Dokter says:

    Completerly missed Shakespeare there, Dave…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Schimansky says:

    LOL… still using the TI Voyage 200 in school O.o

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lenny D's Garage says:

    Hello Dave, greetings from Boston Massachusetts. I'm a new follower and very much enjoy your videos. I have saved a lot of links that you provided. Hope to get some microprocessor projects going soon.


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nullpointer says:

    Would be cool if these LED car signs were popular and the could display all kinds of bitmaps transmitted by the receiver… just imagine driving around with a hacked transmitter to make everyones sign swear at the car behind them

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Amaury Jacquot says:

    on the voyage 200; the exponent is the ^ key

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Richard Blake says:

    Any ideas for a "good" calculator?I mean one that allows easy exponent input what with all the milli, micro, nano and pico that are needed!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Guilder says:

    In fact the ti voyage series (I used to have the predecessor ti-92+) could do algebraic solving and not only numeric solving like nowadays rubbish (including matlab!) 😉 I still like it for soling linear algebra

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TwinPeaks Industries says:

    I've got that TI-200 and it's an awesome calc =)

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars daynater says:

    EEVblog That nanobeam looks exactly like the 80-20 that my robotics team uses, minus the hole in the center.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bottled water says:

    how much gold and etc you earn with each bag?;D

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars モンスターこんちゃん says:

    that knife reminds me of tf2

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars herauthon four says:

    The Mailbag Knife is NOT big enough – upgrade now ! 😀

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MarlosZappa says:

    Dave it's hard to get a focus on the objects you're holding up to the camera if you just wiggle them for 3 seconds ^^
    Otherwise still loving your work, keep up!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Hall says:

    I always imagine that that knife is actually regular sized, and you're just 3 feet tall.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dvddecrypter says:

    The US Postal service is far from "ever reliable", just FYI.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars worroSfOretsevraH says:

    I know you are a big calculator fan. Wondering which one is your all time favorite calculator, that you (would) use every day? Thanks.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Spinning Quad says:

    Man the ad before this video went for more than 2 minutes without a skip option. You kidding me?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Momaw says:

    I've got a first-generation TI-92, myself.  Has the old gray-on-green LCD and had to buy and install the "plus module" some time after the fact.  Still works fine of course, almost 20 years later.

    The exponent key is the ^ caret, which is literally "to the power of".  So  2^3 = 8. But you want the E, or "times 10 to the power of"  2E3 = 2000.  Kind of amusing to think that some people might be annoyed by which key was assigned to be a secondary function based on the kind of math they use most often. 🙂

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BlinkBP says:

    I don't even have an Arduino Micro and he gets Mega.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars som99 says:

    A set of leds in top of the back window ain't bad, a few messages are quite nice to have. Most important one is "Turn off your high beams/full beams" Dunno the english word for it so guessed, but when they got full beams on behind you and they wont turn em off (probably they do not notice they have em on) they kill your eyes so that's a good way to tell em. Also keep distance is a good one when someone is noosing your arse 🙂

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ross Potts says:

    Dave send the TI card in! Maybe someone will have a laugh and reply. ..

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ElfNet Designs says:

    I have an old early 90's style license plate frame with a actual tri color LED matrix in it. We already parted it out though but the actual LED matrix units we still have.

    The GE Phoenix SX mobile 2-way radio used a PAC-Tec type case also.

    The RFD device is not a new thing, We have run trials here to harvest up to a couple hundred DC volts from nearby RF sources. problem is the sources either have to be high powered and very close by or connected directly.
    The best way to harvest DC wirelessly id to connect the device to a capacitor bank and have a times triggering circuit to act as a pulsing charger for a battery bank.
    Main issue we had was the power required to generate enough RF to effectively charge a 12 volt DC battery was far greater than the harvested power. basically speeking it takes more energy to start the process than what is collected.

    The device can in fact collect fractions of a volt from ambient RF being fed in from an old analog TV antenna which you can  wire to a multiplier and then a cap bank..We got several White LEDS to flash at a 1 second pulse at a decent brightness doing this though. 
    Our testing was done a few years back also, I;m sure the whole thing has advanced greatly since and I await to see what this FRD produces!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mosi0815 says:

    I've been using this calculator for years.
    BTW Just press the ^ button below the D pad to enter exponents.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars edwardLongman says:

    Nice short mailbag Dave,
    I like the shorter ones!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lodevijk says:

    Calculators are simply way too expensive. Why does every single student need their own calculator for an exorbitant price? Mathematics is not about computation, it's about a way of thinking. Most of the time, you don't care about the numbers, but the how you work with them.

    This idea of building a curriculum around a calculator just serves to feed an already rich company.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! ENFORCER says:


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