Mailbag Monday
This week two very notable people send in mailbag items!
Book Review: Iconic: A Photographic Tribute to Apple Innovation:
Colin Mitchell from Talking Electronics:
555 Timer LED scanner kit:
List of magazines for download:
Basic Electronics Course:
Interviews with Colin Mitchell:
Bil Herd:
Designer of the Commodore C128 among others.
Amp Hour show with Bil:
Joystick Porn from:
Hazet Screwdrivers:
An old Russian DIY Sinclair clone home computer:
Stay Adhesive:
Weston Model 310 AC/DC Wattmeter from 1944!
EEVblog Main Web Site:
The 2nd EEVblog Channel:
Support the EEVblog through Patreon!
EEVblog Amazon Store (Dave gets a cut):
Electronics Info Wiki:

Hi Welcome to everyone's favorite segment: Mailbag Monday Where I Open my mail now Yes I Still good. look, two shells full of them I think we're still in the 30s or something like that, so don't know how many I'm going to get open today. we'll see depends I usually like to limit it to under an hour I could go all day, but geez I think I'd run out of hard drive space to store the footage. Anyway, let's start out: this is not a random one.

This is a place of honor. How you get first on the mailbag segment. Well, you've got to be somebody I've knowed and this is somebody I've knowed, Trust me. this is from the guy who taught me electronics effectively.

none other than Colin Mitchell from Talking Electronics. hi Cole Thanks for sending this one in if you haven't seen it I'll link it down below. definitely watch this. I think it's a four or five part video interview I did with that : Mitchell of Talking Electronics Magazine a couple of years back and up there.

fantastic interviews. so about the history of the magazine and things like that. Anyway, that's where I Learned Electronics was when I was a kid. But from the Talking Electrics website and the awesome thing about our colonist is released all of his books.

Every book he's ever produced is all available on his website as PDFs for free download and there's so many tutorials on there. The websites a bit hard to sort of navigate at times, but there's a ton of super valuable information on there. It's just fantastic. Check it out! Spent a whole day surfing the Talking Electronics website linked in down below.

Anyway, let's see what Colin sent sounds like a kid because Colin Pioneered I Believe Talking Electronics was the first magazine in the world Electress Magazine in the world not doing too well with the big knife here trying to precisely cut that um, first electronics magazine in the world to have a PCB on the front cover that was so revolutionary. and I remember when I was a kid : Also, as far as I know, the only destroy the only supplier anywhere. um, what least in Australia Anyway, who would accept stamps as payments? This is before credit card kids and all that online e-commerce stuff. When you're a kid, how do you afford stuff? Well, you can maybe send cash in the mail or something like that.

Maybe get your parents to write a check. Too much trouble. So you actually go to the post office, buy stamps, send him to Colin and he'd send you some fantastic kids. And that's exactly what we've got here.

Got a note: hi Dave Here's a triple Five kit. you can show how to solder the surface mount diodes and the other things on one of your fantastic videos. Thank you very much :: I will do just that. Oh We'll have to solder these kids up I Won't do it on the mailbag here because people will complain it takes too long.

but I haven't done a kit assembly video in a long time, so thanks Colin Thank you very much for teaching me electronics talking Electronics when I was kidding as I said jump on down to his website because it's some of the best electronics tutorial content on the web. Bar None Awesome! But of course I have to show one of Colin's kids and he's got millions of different kids he's produced over the years. And yes, he does still sell them if you're interested jumping over to the Talking Electronics website as I said and he always did very simple projects that would you know make clever use of off-the-shelf parts I know 7, 4, or 4000 series that's CMOS and triple five timers. all that sort of stuff in this case.
We've got a nice little modular display here which does various things. if you plug in this board. by the way, these are fancy pantsy boards on here. these are got solder mask on them.

uh-huh Back in the day when they're on the magazine, they used to be tin plate. Jeez. I Remember those days anyone else? Anyway, let's plug in the board and we've got ourselves a triple five timer and a CD 401, 7, 4000 series CMOS and we have ourselves a knight right? a scanner Beauty. No harm in just whacking that on there with the power off.

Really, here we go and we've got ourselves. and as it says, expander. so that's expanding up. By the way, if you're wondering how it does this, almost certainly today.

There you go diodes steering it down in there. So yeah, you don't need a fancy, pantsy modern microcontroller to do that. You can do it using good old fashioned diode steering. and there we go.

That one goes in the other direction. compressing like that. Awesome. Thanks! Colin Next up, this one's really going to have the Apple fanboys salivating and reaching for their credit cards.

Let's have a look at this puppy it comes from Jonathan He's a fellow Aussie but I believe he now resides in Yankee land. Anyway, he has produced something which is really pornographic. Let's have a look. let's have a look.

Bubble wrap. We don't care for any of that. this. It's white.

Hmm. it's got the power symbol on the front. What is it? Oh, it's called iconic a photographic gear. a tribute to Apple Innovation.

This is awesome. It's a book. Yes. Old Fashioned Dead Tree.

Fantastic. We'll have a look at the case in a sec that Jonathan has done this. I Think memory serves me correctly. He spent four years working on this puppy.

He bought over 500 Apple products I mean every single freaking Apple product and peripheral that you can imagine. even the Boreanaz bat two ones and he photographed them, took over a hundred and fifty thousand photos and he's finally finished this awesome book. Ah, let's take a squiz at it I'm not an Apple fanboy, but I can certainly appreciate good design and a beautiful you know in good photography And it awesome. Uh, is it a coffee table book? I guess I don't know what's the terminology for it.

Something like it's just like a tits as it says. a photographic tribute to Apple products. Ah, beautiful and we do actually have some electronics. Let's open it up and have a squiz inside here.
Tada. look at this. There's actually a board inside here. Well I just pulled out the I just turned it on and there's a wah ah oh it's broken off.

it's look at sheared off I know Anyway, it's got a let in there which is supposed to light up on the front Wow look at that. wonder how that sheared off? Is that like a cheaper some you know non-genuine battery holder? I Don't know I haven't seen because usually like there's not enough force in there like there not enough weight in the battery for this to when it's you know being handled to actually to snap that off. So actually no, it hadn't sheared off, it was just the solder in on there. Anyway, there's the address Iconic Book and it's love.

Look at that. We got ourselves a Dongshan and tongs and cap. Not exactly the best quality, but we finally have to light up a Led anyway. It's a yeah like I don't know.

maybe it's a tribute to Apple I don't know to Apple used on shank apps in there thing. Anyway, let's poke it in here and have a squiz. Actually, that's nice design law got a magnet on that flap there so it just goes in there and tada. look at that.

There we go. Look at that. it's pulsating very slowly. Awesome.

It's got the heartbeat, so it must have a little micro in there to do that. So it looks like what it does is that it pulses a few times, like this, fades in and out, and then ultimately does actually switch off and then it'll start back up if you knock it. And of course, if you're wondering how it does that, um, it's not actually an accelerometer. Here's the key.

Tada. Listen, you can hear that rattling around. That's a little. It's not like a mercury switch.

it's a little looks like a ball contact one of those ball contact art movement sensors. So pretty easy. So the micro down in there must just go to sleep just waiting for that thing. and it must be armed like a change in that value.

So it's not like you know it makes contact and then starts because you could store this book at any angle where it actually makes contact with those or not. Or you know. So it must wake up the micro and start pulsating, lead on a change of that thing and not on its actual value. So that is quite clever design.

I Like that, let's have a squiz inside this beauty. Oh Straight into the classic was schematic. Well of the design engineer was what was of course project engineer Lovitz Steve Jobs and our Wayne Ronald Wayne for those who don't know, was also one of the cofounders of Apple And yes, there were three of them, but he sold his share for like 800 bucks back in the early days. So yeah, oops, but that's the original Apple One schematic.

fantastic and it is a photographic tribute to Apple Innovation: Look at that stunning photo Jonathan Gazoo Fee or Zoffie sorry I Don't know how to pronounce it, but this is just aa Absolutely stunning I'm just going to spend hours ah forward from the was himself. awesome and anyway, look at this. the Apple one. Ah, great close-up photos I Love it.
The Apple 2 Anyway, it's not just their computers look. they've even got the printers that the airport extreme so you know newer stuff. It looks like it's in possibly a chronological order. The graphics tablet are look at the Hat keyboards.

it's every peripheral that they ever made. so one of the the paddle thing for the games and the joysticks. So it's not just computers. As he said, over 500 different products every single one of them.

All the peripherals are not looks like it's in separate sections, but wow this is great. Even if you're not an Apple fanboy, it's just beautiful. The photography is fantastic. he's done a great job.

really has hats off. There will be a link down below to the Amazon store where you can buy this beauty. Thank you very much! Jonathan This is awesome! Then we got some classic wire wrap on the back sorry just had to show you that and there you go. It's Jonathan good on you mate.

Next up we have one I've had sitting here for a long time. sorry to Mark as the DAO ski from Control Devices here in Sydney and I got this at the Electronics Trade show. He gave me these and I I've meant to do it but they are somehow didn't end up in the mailbag pile. so sorry, look at this or your aficionados.

Ah, joystick porn. Ah yeah baby, this is fantastic. This isn't just any old joystick, this is your super high-quality umm professionally engineered ones for art. you know, flight simulators and things like that and they just are beautiful.

Oh yeah, so Marks included two joysticks here. One is the fully complete one complete with interface and presumably has all the circuitry fully functional inside the thing and the other one is essentially are the same thing but all stripped down so that we can take a look at the mechanicals and he says that this one here is that most likely used in the garbage trucks which come around and you know lift up your bins and haul them into the back. That would be one of the industrial applications for one of these puppies. Of course you know the buttons would do various things and they'd label them for a specific purpose.

They would operate the operate, you know, up down dump rubbish, all that sort of stuff. or they can be used in that flight simulators or anything that requires a real top-quality joystick. because these things I mean there's a lot of engineering which goes into that. Really? Trust me, there's that's fantastic.

So let's take a look and it's hard to really give you an insight as to how good this thing feels, but a real top quality like you know, military style. Our grade joystick for example, won't only just go like that in any direction, it'll have more movement in the for accent like easier movement in the four axes like that than it does. You can actually push these like at any angle, but there's more force required to do that so you know if you're flying, applying or something, you if you want it to go forward Jesus Push forward. You don't want it to go slightly off to an angle, you know, like that.
So you want yeah in the joy I'm not sure the correct term for that I'm sure people all scream at me. the joystick aficionados will scream me I know the term for that anyway. Um, it is. yet is there's less resistance.

so if you push it forward, it's naturally going to go forward. You need actually a fair bit of force to to sort of move it over to one side and get that different angle. So yeah, superbly engineered. They really are cost a fortune.

And these buttons Mark was telling me that they used to be designed in the US. They use one from a US company but they failed. You know, just too much use too many button presses. They weren't reliable enough.

So they designed these ones themselves here in Sydney at their factory and they manufacture them here. They're a haul effects switch so all it is is basically put in there. There's no actual contact in there. So basically all they're doing is putting a magnet beside a Hall effect sensor and these have up to 20 million operations.

And yes, they have actually designed some mark test jigs to actually prove that and you know, actually test them out. Push them 20 million times and actually test the reliability of these things. and I'll add photos into the test jig. Check it out you now.

This mechanism here however, does use standard. Well, you know there they're going to be super high quality, but you can see the white contacts in there and as I move it, you can see that arm swing across. So just like say, your rain switch in your multimeter. they've got the pads you can probably see through the PCB they're on to the other side.

those are dual wipe our contacts of course dual wipe either side so they can determine how when these things have been moved. So I'm not sure how they determine how far they've been moved, so maybe you know these aren't These don't look like a direct proportional output joysticks. I Don't think although I'm sure Mike will work. Correct us on that no doubt.

But look, there's a lot of mechanical palm which goes into ensuring I mean we can. You know we can tear this whole thing down and see inside because it's there's a lot of a lot of engineering palm which goes into that as I said to give the the extra force required to go at the various angles are very nice and we have some unpopulated art circuitry in here. By the way, all the mechanical stuff this is all art designed and made in the UK but all the rest of it, all of the PCBs and that circuitry and everything else they're all done here in Sydney So presumably all this are like there'd be a micro on there and it gives are presumably our proportional output or you know, some sort of decoded output and/or and or you know, serial protocol custom interface for whatever device you need. So yeah, that's you know, probably completely are customizable to the customer's requirements because these things basically aren't off the shelf.
pretty much. they're sort of. You know, more of you are designed to the customer spec kind of thing and how the PCB gives it away 4 to 20 mili-amp times. - that's a current loop output.

so we get a proportional current output based on the movement of the joystick and they reason they use a current output instead of a voltage because industrial applications typically got big long wiring harnesses and things like that you don't want any interference. So a nice 4 to 20 mili-amp industry standard current loop output and proportional output is exactly what you want for that sort of thing. So yeah, you can eliminate any noise interference because it's relatively high current. it's not.

You know our high impedance, our voltage input. so it's a huge difference there. So no surprise that and industrial weight unit has 4 to 20 milliamp current loop outputs on it. But yeah, I'm sure they could design it too.

You know they'd custom make this board to whatever requirements you wanted. So all this physical base inside here is manufactured in the UK as I said by Penny and Gillies Control Limited made in the old art. There you go. And yeah, they're all individually serial number because you know these things cost a lot of money and you know you really want to trace them.

So but as I said, the the rest of the electronics and that stuff inside is done by control devices here in Sydney you up next another one that jumps like you because of who it is. Yes, I afford some people some extra respect. This one comes from a name you might have heard of Bill Hurd Who as a royal computer aficionado should note, was the designer of our work - Commodore and design the Commodore 128 in various other um, various other Commodore computers. Thank you very much Bill and he has sent me Tada some t-shirts.

What do we got That's a hackaday? Got a hackaday one already? Got one of those. but what I don't have is Aa Commodore What is it? What's dead may never die. Heard we're calm. That's of course Bills.

There's the Commodore logo on the back. Fantastic free. Commodore Oh looks like the two of them or is it different? Yep. Faye's for acceptance.

Heard we're calm. Fantastic. thank you very much Bill. Link down below.

check out his stuff. He's got lots of cool stuff on the history of Commodore and I'm gonna cut the tag off of course. so hey, thanks Bill up He sent a little note surfing die I Have decided to cast the t-shirts as the four stages of t-shirt grieving, anger, denial, bargaining, and acceptance. We have acceptance right here.
and yes, I am it really a small? This is the small he put in a medium. I'm at Jeri Ellsworth got the original small so there's a medium in the mix as well. Thank you very all. and yes, we had Bill.

He was a special guest on the Amp hour and it was a fantastic episode. Well worth a listen. I'll link that in down below talking about all the history of Commodore Absolutely brilliant thanks Bill Next up one from Amy Higgins I know the name she's from Tektronix so um this must be from Tektronix hmm so it doesn't sound like swag like a t-shirt is something the Nelson move. So let's open it up and have a squiz to see what Amy is Santis thank you very much Amy it's good to hear from Tektronix what is it? Oh oh look these are um ah from thank you very much guys from Tektronix their sign it these are Tektronix cookies take Charlies cookie the cookies from the Beaverton our bakery of course Beaverton as where where they're at if that's a focusing I think it is and these were um I I saw somebody here tweet these so yes, it's a Tektronix scope.

um in do our 3,000 yes M do 3,000 I think Oh mum the icing on the top is a bit dumb. it's a bit icy melt. Oh I'm gonna eat in India like yoga forum I'm about in the east and Mdo 3000. hmm so I 4/4 hmm that's pretty good.

Don't mind that at all. I assume is supposed to eat the top. It's one of those edible things. Yeah, I'm sure it's edible icing.

Hmm. pretty good. Nice little shortbread I guess it is so thank you very much Amy know I spent a bit slow to digest. Next up, just a random one from parts unknown person unknown comes from Amazon So let's check it out.

Feels pretty empty. Not sure what's supposed to be in there gift from ah yeah, cuz you can send Amazon guess it's from Harold Chu it's a Bucket Boss brand mug Boss the disc organizer thank you very much Harold what do you say? Earth Check out our on the brown Bucket Boss classic I guess he's a fan of I'm not sure like it's like a little tool belt thing, right? and I'm not sure how it's or where it's supposed to fit or go over. Hmm. read the instructions.

dull. The name was a dead giveaway. It's designed to fit in your mug. And of course everyone has a ton of mugs sitting around.

You know you get up from trade shows and supplies. Geez, that's designed for a big mug. It doesn't fit into this sky unless small one see I Don't drink coffee or any of that rubbish. so I don't have any use for a mug.

I Usually like put pins and screwdrivers and stuff in a bit. Check it out. It's a Mug boss so you can still put stuff in there and you can just put extra stuff around the outside. pliers and things like that.

Awesome! Thanks! Harold Next up, one from Strong! Oh yeah, it's from us. Stay adhesive and well based on the name, you can probably guess what it is. They've got some stay up organizers there like stick up books in there. Apparently they didn't clue me up on this.
They've got their own design in Australia Designed in Australia Not made here of course made in Taiwan not China There you go. Um, but yeah, these are stated heaters. They reckon it's some SuperDuper new adhesive formulation that they've worked on or something like that. So stick it, move it, reuse it.

Um, there's other brands like a 3m and stuff. so anything environment like the hardware stores you know you can stick on them a read that control adhesive or something you call it. and yeah, you can not stick them down and then you peel them off and then you can restock them on somewhere else so you can re use them and stick stuff on the wall. So there you go.

um, presumably only for real Aziz but I'll link that in down below. mixed up one from the bottom of the pile and it's a big one too. It's not that heavy, it's from our Philip no she noise from Deutschland of course Germany it's not a mail bag without something from a German for your haidle German Viewers My second or third most popular viewership. Let's have a look See what he said.

It's pretty damn big. Ah ah that looks sexy that looks like a has it has it brand driver my scrip on that nicely weighted book sling. feels like good quality. has it I've never wrapped her to them and it match in Hazzard Something has got to be a bit set like that.

the SEC and what a note. Odd to cool. German has it yet they're made in Germany has a brand or my German viewers here has it here. No worries.

use those all the time. Um I've never heard of them. Um German um. the modular electrician.

high voltage? Um, a thousand volt set. Awesome. I've only got the individual ones. like a Fluke Networks microprobe.

one of those are you know Network tracer things that's probably for a Theriot It's all happening and we've got a Fluke Networks micro net. Blink. Um so yeah, that's a networker tracer. So teardown material and we've got ourselves something from Magellan um technically I used to work for Magellan Um because I worked for our tallies and Magellan the GPS manufacturers are big back in the day I don't know if they still are.

Do people still buy GPS is 4G occasion and things everyone using a bloody mobile phone now anyway Garmin and Magellan with a bid to UM GPS back in the day and it's a Jedi yeah the classic GPS 300. Yes, that's back to the early 2000s. Um, so that's probably a good 15 year old model I Think if memory serves me correctly. Oh still works Magellan GPS 3000 There you go.

Still works beauty. So that is a yeah. that is 10 your material definitely. And there it is.

So anyway, yet tallies miles halfway through my story. Tallies used to own what they store I Still do they used to invite Magellan So our yeah, we used to First, we worked for her. Italics: we used to get discounts on Magellan gear but are still a Garmin man. Anyway, so there you go.
and I Love a t-shirt crikey Oh has it There you go. Yes, obviously has it. fan boy. I wish you'd need a read a note.

Maybe he works for and as it turns out, Philip is just a fan and probably a fan of has it. he doesn't If I'm pronouncing that correctly I'm probably not. Anyway, that's a pronounced here in Australia has it There you go? No worries. Um, and check this out.

Woohoo! I got to go. Wide angle on that. Isn't that pornographic? There you go. All these bits and he put in.

these are little tray wing security bits as well. Fantastic. They're all pre magnetized. Yeah, of course they are.

Leo, that just sucks it in. Whoa. Love a good screwdriver that sucks in a bit or has it mating made in. Germany Oh yeah, right, let's open this set of high-voltage screwdrivers.

Vde. Ah, look at that. Ah. Pornographic.

I've never seen a modular high voltage one like this before. Um, they've always been separate. but oh jeez, look at that. that's locks in.

and yeah, it's Vde rating. A thousand volt is E standard, all that sort of jazz and Vde and GS rated are terrific. Everyone should have a proper set of electricians high voltage screwdrivers like this. and that's just wow.

That is a real stunning set. I Really quite like the I don't know how long that mechanism would last if you changed it every day all the time. If I was doing the full time business working on high voltage stuff I'd have the separate screwdrivers. They're just more, you know? Yeah.

I'm You don't have to dick around changing a bit. Geez, if you're doing it occasionally. I Guess that is a very, very nice set. Ah, thank you very much.

Philip that's also mate. way too generous. It's not every day I get one from the Russian Federation I bought my Russian viewers. that's how we had a a Russian one.

Maybe we've had Russian gear? maybe? Well, yeah. I think we've had a my mailbag before actually. um, it's a wall yeah I Won't tell you what it is, but let's have a look. sorry I can't pronounce the name.

it's in. yeah, it's in Russian obviously. Um, so let's crack it open and have a look. No, still can't quite read the name.

sorry about that. My apologies, my Russian is are not the best. Put that lightly. we have a note.

hi Dave here is the ex Us: Si Oh Ex Ah USSR us lucky you are boys sorry ah Steve um ex-ussr Klein to the ZX Spectrum Personal computer based on local ICS and schematic was made in the first half of the nineties by a small group of people or single enthusiasts because it was cheap back in the days we could buy I see parts computer on the local market and solder it yourself. The ZX clone called the Compet yet composite was based on the local Leningrad clone. Fantastic! Let's have a squiz. there's a beautiful postcard of St..
Petersburg always wanted to go to Russia would love to go there in the air. some Petersburg would have certainly been on my list I almost did. almost did go to Russia back in there was at the early 90s I think back when numb yeah you could get really cheap rides on like an Su-25 fighter. you could go up into the stratosphere.

you know you got like a hundred thousand feet. You could do it for like 10 grand or something like that and I'm kicking myself I never did it so that's from Oleg thank you very much Oleg and he's from I'm Arkady to box dot are you which I'll link in down below but look there's oh my goodness isn't this hilarious I Love it. Look at this keyboard that is Yeah! I Can safely say that is the worst keyboard I've ever used in my entire life. he's sticking against the plastic case there.

Oh my goodness, Look at that. That is hilarious. Oh it's so hilarious I Love it. I Love it.

That expectrum clone in the crapper. Trust me. this is like the crappers quality case possible. but hey, it was locally produced by and presumably some fans or something like that.

Oh, that's great and you'd see all the regular circuitry inside. Brilliant. There's the power video encoder schematic and sorry, but I'm going to leave this for a teardown because I like separate vintage computer tear downs and I'm a bit of a SEO keyword. so you know if I do a video is zenneck spectrum in the title I will get all the Sinclair fanboys going so we'll leave that for a separate video.

Thank you very much! Oleg That's awesome! Next up one from Memphis Tennessee from Matthew Nelson Thank you very much Matthew And let's have a squiz What's inside this thing? It is spoiler something broken, like broken stuff because it means our teardown. or it's even extreme teardown If it's worthy and you don't have to worry a rat's ass about. Oh, here we go. Tickle Me Elmo it's an L her Sony Um, sold CCD TV Eye Camera and these would have been not yet.

Power Video arm a composite video output in as the sensor in there. and we've got another super E^x wave color video camera as well. Yeah, these would have been you know, um 556 lines or something like that. Yeah, not yet.

a totally obsolete now. just you know I don't know anyone is still be used in me said bloody Security Camera I Mean these were designed for security art camera things so you know that's that's pretty much well. R4 they're probably still in use around. you know, giving those crusty videos.

You know when you always get the as something to happen that you know there's some terrorists at the airport or something? We got some security footage and you watch the security footage and it's the crappers footage you've ever seen in your life. It's blurry. it could be black and white. These are color.
Whoa. Fancy pantsy. Um yeah. both color.

yes color. CCD cameras and you know they're just like absolute garbage quality as security footage. and well you know. yeah, they come from cameras like these and take that leave they're capable of.

You know, quite good performance in their day. but jeez, they just we just expect HD Now jeez, you're watching this in HD at 60 frames per second Fever. Much So yes, I will save these for a separate double teardown episode. but there you go.

There's the ELMO camera with the composite video output and these do have our digital image processing in them. Woohoo! Fancy pantsy, You can see the see the sensor down in there CCD Sense another CMOS Rubbish. And the super X wave indict Matt Actually repairs stuff for a living and he's had these things sitting around. No, they're not operational, but he says they've got very interesting multi board construction in the thing.

So there's the sensor. Love how you get different colors on the die on the sensor. that's my overhead. LED lights there on the ceiling, but yeah.

beautiful. And it's actually got a technical question about the output board. What is the purpose of the components circled in the image below is being able to store video output a few of these by removing it and thought in was odd. So there we go.

That's the puppy down in there little white which is unusual. shot 23 device and that's that. Looks like he says the video our output terminal and it's obviously a yoke lamp. It's obviously what I would presume some sort of a diode or a Xena clamp or something to that effect that some maybe you've gone.

you know, being blown up by something, some install or plugging something in back to front and shorting that out. Hence no video output because this would have like 50 ohms output impedance. So likely So yeah, as you know, if you feed it back in, well, you're likely to blow that. Maybe not to blow the internal circuitry.

That would be my first guess. Anyway, if anyone's got better ideas, leave it in the comments. Next up one from Andy Olson he's from Little Rock in the United States of America America USA get them all riled up there. They hate it when I do that and let's have a look what's inside here.

Thank you very much. Andy it's a big whopping and it's heavy so must've cost a fair penny to send. so let's have a squeeze Oh probably supposed to open that at Christmas time. sorry Andy And let's read the note: Dave I Found this instrument.

Hmm. an option for a price I couldn't pass up I know I love old whatever and thought you might like to take a look via mailbag segment. Awesome! Let's have a look and he's our daughter June um who is six has enclosed a small gift for Sagan Awesome! Heidi loves opening presents he always every time we go get them Oh Daddy wink we open my obey daddy I want my old agony? yeah I tried to get him out of here when I pick up a new package Oh next to impossible ha Where's puppy? Well it's in a wooden case property of Nevada I'm sorry University that's from the University of Nevada and here we go. You'll see it before I do and I won't look at the screen and cheat da what is it? It's a Western meter.
Whoa! Look at that puppy. Wow Kilowatts Beauty and I think Anders might be a fanboy of Edward Western What do you think I'm his include some pertinent detail from Western Meter dot Org dot UK and Edward Weston the man he died in 1936 friendly New Jersey a British-born American electrical engineer and it's highlighted some things. it was grander. 139 US patents his electric arc furnaces and incandescent lancer as good as Edison's or Swann's if not better and his filaments are used.

Until the tungsten became available in 1888, he developed a practical precision oops, Direct reading Porter where exactly measure electrical current devices came the basis for the Voltmeter, ammeter and what meter. awesome and the Western Standard cell of course it's an international was an international art standard. Fantastic. So there you go.

those fanboys of Western oh oh look at this. look at this. It's a thing of beauty. Ah Wow Check it out.

April 28 1944 certified by no he was dead by then I'm not Weston himself but I just this is great stuff. It really is. Look at this. the Western ACDC What Meetup Model 310 for Number Ten thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty One.

This is an electric dynamo. Mean what me that it's indications of A on the international volt and ant. Well, you know, because you've got to explain these sorts of things back in 1944, and if properly used, they may be lied upon to within a quarter of 1% Awesome. Full-scale value at any part of the scarf.

Ever direct current alternating current at any frequency up to one hundred whopping, one hundred and Thirty three cycles per second? Yeah, Hertz wasn't around back then, Buddy CPS Thank you very much. And it's shielded from electric external magnetic fields as well. Are fantastic fields in series, nominal current? Thirty. And look at this sort of stuff that they're including down here.

like the approximate resistance of the field coils in series in ohms, and all sorts of stuff, all individually measured. Look at the penmanship. Just beautiful. Look at the condition of this puppy.

- I Mean this is 1944 vintage? It gotta be kidding me. This thing is just in gorgeous condition. It really is. Look at that.

I Mean no corrosion on these? Nothing. It's just almost as good as the day it was bought. Fantastic. Ah, look at that.

Model 310 is individually a serial number. You probably can't see that. Yeah, individually serial numbered down in there matches the serial number on the on the unit. So ah, that's just just beautiful.
And it probably needs a bit more in the way of enunciation here. I Mean we've got our various our voltage inputs here. We're going to 100 volt range, our 200 and our 500 volts. our ranges here.

so you connect up to these binding posts. Of course it's a watt meter, so you need volunteers to. big whopping connectors up here are going to be designed for your for your current connection. So there you go.

You'd whack your current into there and Bob's your uncle. Not sure what we're doing over here with this shorting bar on these straps, but just it's gorgeous. Kilowatts beauty. I Can't resist opening this thing.

I've already got the other three screws. It looks like it's got some sort of plug on here. Oh W Westin Is that some sort of calibration void? see? Oh, I Think it could be I Don't think this puppy's been open since 1944? Oh, we can fix that. Yep, that's a 1944 vintage.

A warranty void if removed, sticker designed up. Stopyou Well, presumably there's the regular. our flathead screw under there so that we can get the puppy out. Ah, and yep.

there you have It is different to the other screws, which are of course, just standard flat heads like that. So this is. oh, there we go. Look at that.

it's entirely different screw. I've that feels pornographic just even opening that. ah, metal threaded in. so it's none of this bloody self-tapping rubbish.

So let's now lift the hood. I'll do it in one hit. Hang on one. take here we go get rid of my dustpan.

Yeah, all that gunk I had to come out. got a bit messy. so here it is inside this Western watt meter from hasn't been opened since 1944. Wow Well, that not much to see.

Unfortunately, there's got a big ass load resistor across here I'm presuming. Oh goodness. So yeah, they're our field coils and you can see them wound. Let's go in there.

You might have to view this in HD but you can see them wound around the the former down in there. And of course there. there's lots of. They're all multiples stacked.

and they, of course give that total resistance value of 2.7 million. by looks of it. The field coils in series I assume that's all the field coils altogether. Oh wow.

We've got ourselves a direct and reverse switch. Curiously, it sort of like goes in the middle like that, so that's really interesting. But look at that. There we go.

This is 1944. Look at the condition this thing is still in I mean Wow Not a hint of corrosion rust anywhere. that's just gorgeous. We've got ourselves a momentary action button here, which if you have a look down here, there we go.

It just brings up that contact there which shorts out those two tabs. and yeah, I'm not sure what the go is there I Need to read the operational manual for this sucker I think and we've got other resistors here, like a traditional wire round Bob and type. It even gives you the yeah 3.4 million reason. Duck Tant's for the total I Think of it for the total field coil or something Anyway, gives you inductance values as well.
But yeah, like idly old school and by old school as 1944 old school goodness. Unfortunately, we are not going to be able to get into that. It's quite an effort to actually take all that apart. So unfortunately.

um, that's it for the mailbag segment on this puppy. We can't do anything more. I'll go on the web I'll see if I can dig up the if there's a manual for this thing. I'll go on to that Western web site and see if we can dig that up.

Anyway, look at this flapping in the breeze. That's a bit how you're doing. Don't like that she's been a dodgy quality there from Western you know, I could just vibrate loose. Jeez, that's no good at all.

Looks like it was gunk down in that corner, but not flapping around in the breeze. Someone forgot that one. As far as under here, guys, look at these big bus bar. Terminals are oh yeah, fantastic stuff.

And these smaller terminals over here seem to be maybe like sensing something back directly on the back there if you can see where my finger is so coming out and shorting out. so I'm not sure exactly of the purpose of those are the wiring arrangement. It's almost like some sort of like four terminal configuration or something like that. So thank you very much Anders for that awesome bit of kit and we might be able to do something on that in a future video.

And yes, I read the rest of the letter and he did actually note the original factory Western our seal in the screw-up there. That's just fantastic. Anyway, if I can find some extra info, I'll link it in down below. Oh and they adjust for zero there.

Ah, gorgeous bit a kit isn't it 1944? That's even before I was born and I'm old Anyway, hope you enjoyed my ol' bag. Catch you next time you want to open a May Obey present. Yeah! Oh that's how look it's from it to Sagan from June and she's six years old. Yes, Say Thank You June Alright, open it up.

What is it that gonna be fun? Hey, what is it? It's a boat. Thanks So thanks June Thanks Okay, let me open it. Let me sing with shall we You You.

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27 thoughts on “Eevblog #705 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nothing\ says:

    Probably a bit late for this, but you should do a fundamentals friday video on diode steering. Or maybe I should just look up an ap note for it.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scot shabalam says:

    Those CCDs probably made nice images when they were new but they are left exposed durring the entire history of their life fading the optics.
    I would expect the outdoor ones or ones near windows go to bad imaging even faster since they can pick up direct sunlight on a reflected surface as well.
    There's a reason why cameras come with lens caps. It prevents scratching and keeps the exposure area dark which was good for the old chemical film and is good for CCDs too.

    If I were to engineer these cameras I would include an automatic lens cap and tint cap with a simple servos and warning systems that warn the security or maintenance service of bright light sources that have the potential to cause damage to CCDs because this is a problem that's never been resolved and continues to destroy security cameras as well as introduce exploits with bright lights and lasers from attackers.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scot shabalam says:

    Tribute devices to Apple should have fuses that are almost indestructible and can take thousands of watts without blowing.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grant Imahara says:

    As a "yank" I just find it funny when you go off about our patriotism because like you I find it a bit overboard sometimes… but I often wonder if you Aussies are aware that Yank and Yanky is a term that Southern American's use as a kind of derogatorily term toward the Northern Americans over their still being upset about loosing our civil war. It's not considered offensive when Aussies use it nor baseball teams but it can be taken with a sour taste in the right or rather wrong context.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter McLaughlin says:

    Give Sagan the Dundee knife to open up the LEGO box…

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andyhello23 says:

    That zx spectrum clone from russia, was funny to see. Amazing what hackers can do. Shows even before modern age of chinese copying big electronics it was going on locally around the world.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars andyhello23 says:

    Hazet is an excellent german brand. You know its quality if its got the name hazet on it.

    Not for home user really, as quite more expensive then home users usually pay.

    Hazet tools are excellent, not surprising though you never heard of them before. Like i said, normally priced out of the range of home users. Very good quality, those tools you were sent, would of been a fare price.

    I agree, the feel of quality tools, is far better then cheap tools, normally brought by us non industrial home users. Not surprising, you get excited by the look and feel of the quality of hazet tools.

    If you can buy(of course you were sent them free), hazet, you know you got quality. Out of most our price range.

    But like the saying goes, buy cheap buy twice. You know if you buy brands like hazet(germans have a few high quality brands like hazet), you know, they will be lasting you a long time.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chad Lovell says:

    That Hazet VDE driver set is a Re-Branded Felo Drivers, very nice though, Hazet is very very expressive in the US, but not so much in Germany,

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sebbef82 says:

    I had a MDO3004 at my former employer, took me loads of time to convince my boss to allow it, saved me and my team loads of time during development, great unit!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheJustinhcase says:

    You should give Mick Dundee his knife back..: )

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sebastian Scholle says:

    I saw some Colin's books. The number of circuits are staggering!!! Highly recommend you google "Talking Electronics ebooks"

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nakjojo says:

    Heck yeah Tektronix!! They are in my neck of the woods awesome products.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lsrx101 says:

    Dave, your videos are always a good bit of electronics porn, even though much of it is over my head. This mailbag was a double treat for me, with the Weston meter. I collect and restore vintage electronics, or "ancient" electronics in the context of your channel.

    Those Weston meters are surprisingly common, actually. Not really useful today, but I sometimes use a similar Weston voltmeter or milliammeter on my work bench just for amusement. They are quite accurate, well built and really nice to look at. They also make great shelf art in the lab. I see them at auctions and swap meets, often for less than $20 US in very nice condition. Cool stuff.
    Thanks for doing what you do. Cheers from Cleveland.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gatis Gavars says:

    Omg, it's better than apple's one 300$ book!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bepowerification says:

    I'm a little late on this one but: if you get/buy a tool made in germany you should consider yourself lucky. the quality is awesome. its getting harder to get germany made tools these days but they rule. I am not talking about german companies selling chinese crap (there's a LOT of them now, german companies/GmbHs/LTDs with a very german sounding name selling china crap) – I'm talking about genuine made in germany stuff. best tools in the world.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jose tavares says:

    good job ,good meter,good everything ,keep you liter boy around the vintage electronics.SORTE PARA TI E TODA A FAMILIA.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheManLab7 says:

    Good old British engineering 👍🏻

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheManLab7 says:

    "Yes! An old dead tree." 😂

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rockyfosgate says:

    That joystick is skookum as frig.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cameron Moon says:

    I tore apart a Magellan Map 330… Should have let you do it.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce Timothy says:

    Rambo knife. I think its heavier than the parcels you get.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doe says:

    There are cheaper store brand modular 1kV screwdriver sets. They have simpler mechanism (no breakable button) and easily fit for a toolbelt.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kcy101 says:

    Beautiful Meter 😀

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krasimir Ivanov says:

    … pretty sure that knife is illegal in some parts of the World

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deathless2288 says:

    Where does one buy one of these DMM's?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin D A says:

    Field coils?? Edit: I spelled field wrongly.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jauffins says:

    I may be slow, but does anybody have the episode number for the Sinclair teardown? I can't find it anywhere!

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