Dave flips the bird.
A 1970's Mattel car racing game.
Sex on a stick multimeter probes.
Sagan, Mrs EEVblog, and a whole lot more in today's Mailbag Monday
Bob Widlar poster: http://www.theamphour.com/a-widlar-poster-for-the-ages/
Easy EDA: http://easyeda.com/
Channel Engineer: http://www.youtube.com/user/channelengineer
We Make Things: http://wemakethings.net/
Cheap high quality meter probes made in USA: http://www.probemaster.com/product_info.php?cPath=2_12&products_id=198&CDpath=3
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A 1970's Mattel car racing game.
Sex on a stick multimeter probes.
Sagan, Mrs EEVblog, and a whole lot more in today's Mailbag Monday
Bob Widlar poster: http://www.theamphour.com/a-widlar-poster-for-the-ages/
Easy EDA: http://easyeda.com/
Channel Engineer: http://www.youtube.com/user/channelengineer
We Make Things: http://wemakethings.net/
Cheap high quality meter probes made in USA: http://www.probemaster.com/product_info.php?cPath=2_12&products_id=198&CDpath=3
Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog/eevblog-606-mailbag/'>http://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog/eevblog-606-mailbag/
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Hi welcome to everyone's favorite segment: Mailbag where people send me random stuff and I open it. Why? I Don't know. People seem to like it I Like it. Let's get down to it.
it's built up again. I Don't know. it's been less than a month or something and I've got like a dozen items. Not sure if I'll be able to get through them all today, but let's go.
And let's start out with this one from a whining yank. He keeps going. Have you opened it yet? Dave Have you opened it? Have you opened it? Have you opened it comes from Christopher J Gamble The best host of the Ow, so he claims he sent it to the second best host of the Ow. Well, I don't know, you're asking for it.
Dude, let's see what you've sent here, Shall it? Looks like that one end's been stapled up. Let's go for this end. Let's rip this crap off and it is a it says poster or something by the way. So ah, Mr Gaml has sent us a poster.
Oh oh I Hoping it is. Maybe it's the uh ah Widler poster. Let's have a look. let's have a look.
let's have a look. Ah yes it is. It is Taada awesome. And there it is I Thought so the classic poster Digital.
Every idiot can count to one. Bob Widler Absolute classic quote. He's uh, yeah, sadly, no longer with us. Um, and as it says, father of the Uh 702, 709, 710, Lm100 101, 107, 108, and Lm10 among many other classic um, linear Ic's So there he is, Flipping the bird I Love it.
that's attitude. And of course, he's also the inventor of the classic Widzer technique, which if you got a component, it's been pissing you off. You've been troubleshooting the damn thing for a whole week and the you finally found the bastard. Well what you do is you get yourself a hammer and you vitalize the bastard.
There it is. anyway. you pulverize that sucker until there's nothing left. Oh look at that.
We've exposed the Dy Awesome. Hey, check out. that isn't that pretty groovy look. It just basically shattered I had a If you're curious to know what it is, it's just a 616.
uh RAM and that that is fantastic that is just shattered into pieces like that and presumably I can get in there with my knife and uh, maybe can I leave a that oh no no, can't do that Oh I Thought they'd just uh, sort of like all fall off I mean this is an ancient part. There we go. The date code 1988 good year, but terrific. Anyway, to whize something is to absolutely pound it into dust with your Hammer That's the correct way to do it.
So yeah, the poor Dy was sitting on that uh, on that back in there somewhere inside there we can see there. Check it out, it's somewhere in there. It did work. Maybe we've got half the amount of ram now.
Wonder if you can still power it up? So thank you very much. Chris for sending that in. Awesome! Always wanted one and uh, if you guys want one too. I'll try and find the link to actually download this I guess Chris Had a print run a small print run done or something like that but I don't think he sells them but I stand to be corrected. Anyway, you can uh download it for yourself and get your own one printed out classic poster I Love it belongs in every lab. Next up, we have a local Dave C from Riverston Inwa Western Australia For those who don't know, thank you very much Dave Let's ah, crack it open. it's a rather. it looks like he was going to send it in the box and then he went.
ah buger that it's just more convenient to, uh, send it in the prepaid satchel so whacked it in there. All right, let's have a look. Ah, here we go. Oh it's nice and fat.
What do we got? Oh a Sona oh look at this one of these. um, fishing sonar is it for tear down? Awesome. Does it have the uh, no senses or anything like that? There's got some miscellaneous stuff in here. Let's have a read of the note.
there's a copper clad so multi-layered copper clad something or other with a doode cut off. H Not much to say about this. it's a sonar and GPS controller from B appears to run Windows C or something much like that. Nothing wrong with Windows CE but you know, eh, a lot of people grown about it anyway.
thought you might like to use it for tear down. Tuesday Certainly will thank you very much. Dave that will go on the tear down bench. shame we didn't have the uh sensor and uh, stuff like that.
Oh well. Anyway, might be interesting inside and if you're wondering about this stuff, it looks like uh, he's had a shot at repairing the Zener in there that was short circuited and the fet on the other side there was, uh, burnt out. So there you go. Checked transmit output.
fet's okay, draws excess current wind Zena and fet replace so yeah, luckily has other faults anyway. could make for an interesting tear down. Thanks Dave and we've got one from Neils Rober if I'm pronouncing that correctly from Hamburg in Deand Hamburg One of my favorite cities Ah, spent two weeks there. Fantastic! I Know every back street and every nook and crania Hamburg Terrific world's largest uh model train exhibition in Hamburg Absolutely awesome! We got ourselves a phone and a game.
Let's crack it open have a look. So I do wonder what sort of game it's going to be. Maybe one of those uh, console thingamabobs that the kitties so love? Ah, here we go. We got ourselves a note and a phone I Expected a mobile phone.
We've actually got a phone phone and a Mattel oh check it out. I don't think there's anything left in here. There we go. It's one of those uh, crappy cordless things and uh.
so we got ourselves a crappy cordless phone and we got ourselves Mattel Electronics Auto Race What the? I think I vaguely remember this oh oh look, it's got a little uh Red Seven segment. oh look and the little man moves across there gear. oh oh, it works right? I'm supposed to hit something am I supposed to hit them or avoid them so I can go up in speed and I think I'm supposed to hit them cuz my score is going up. So there you go. That's hilarious. Made in Hong Kong as all stuff was I would guess like very early 80s or something like that. I mean ah, this was you know, a state of the art in those days. woohoo n of these new fangled uh uh games you get on your Xbox 3, 60 or whatever Xbox One or whatever it's bloody well called these days I don't know.
made in Hong Kong If game malfunctions, try a fresh battery. Got to rip this open right now and check it out. It's got one of those triwing bits. really annoying.
but yes, I got one of those in my little uh bit set here so let's crack it open and of course these things were all like we'll find one custom uh Asic chipping here doing the whole lot. or you know, Gat array or something like that doing the whole no doubt it'll be uh through hole of course. So it'll be like a dip package. It'll be like a I don't know.
a uh could be like a 40 pin dip package or a or a uh 20 pin dip package or something like that. Uh, the display could be multiplexed uh would be my guess and uh, we won't find anything much in it at all because this was the this is what they did back in the day. Nothing fancy. of course it's just a state machine.
Really, that's basically all it is is a uh, the game is a state machine driving some leads in there. Yeah, there we go. Oh look at the Crusty soldering look at that. Yeah, not terrific.
So let's can we lift that out. Taada There we go. Oh yeah, there's our there's our uh, piso transducer. Um yeah and it is a dip package but it's one of those staggered pin Arrangements I Always loved the look of those those those were always really neat.
but see there it is and they've got themselves a custom uh lead display as well. specifically designed for this thing so you can see the individual leads. Oh, I'll show you a closer up version of that. but look, there's nothing in there.
Speed control no doubt. I can probably speed the thing up. Oh, that'd be hilarious. So there.
you go. You can see the lead bubble display lay there for the top digits. I Always love those bubble displays. They were fantastic and uh, well, that's all she wrote.
They just got two, uh, three columns of leads there and well, a state machine to drive the thing and it's just a basic game. I Mean, really, there's not going to be much inside this sucker at all. Really, You know you could do a game like this with probably, you know, like, like a few dozen, sort of, you know, 74 series L type stuff. Really, it's not hugely complex at all, so it looks like the goal of the game was to, um, spend as long as possible get into 99 I Guess something like that and you just restart it and you, yeah, put in the first gear and you got to move your little man across like that.
anyway. I Want to adjust that part? Yeah, slows it down. There You go. There you go. look at that. You can see the so slow it died. So slow it died. Look at that.
Oh, there we go. Just came back. look flicker in, flicker in. we can turn that all the way up.
Oh, went past the end. WIP There was no in stop on that. So yeah, that's just a freaking RC oscillator to drive the thing. Oh ancient and large number of test pads.
Here are presumably for the better. Nails test system they just work on there and boom, it's all tested in a couple of seconds I'm sure. And date code: There you go. 1979 Yeah, it was early 80s at Absolute most.
so yeah, probably you know. SE that's when the chip was manufactured. This thing would have been designed in probably 78 latest and okay, a quick tear down of this crusty analog phone. oh these were shocking quality back in the day and of course classic yellowing of the plastic.
that's the bromide in the Plastics and it turns them yellow. Woohoo! Very common with plastics from that era and no surprises for the construction inside this thing. Uh, 1990 vintage? There you go. It's a bit more recent than I thought, but little pissant.
Mains Transformer here doesn't need to supply H much current, you know, sniff of an oily rag pretty much all through hole. Absolute classic singles sided. They got the jump. very few jumper links on that board actually I don't yeah, there's one or two, but uh, prom ly uh.
They've done all the jumping of course on the single sided board with all the resistors and the various uh components. So there's an art to laying out those single-sided boards as I've mentioned before. But yeah, absolute classic construction inside this thing. Exactly what you would expect from the era.
and well, it's got a 4069. There you go and what else? I don't know. another motor Motorola device, couple of motor roller parts and Bob's your uncle check out down in here. We got something in a bit of H shrink tubing almost when I look through, almost looks like a lead and we got ourselves some hot snot down to a uh a or a neon.
probably a neon lamp down there. very common for sort of protection and uh, stuff like that. So yeah, let's dig that out and see what's in there. Oh no, it looked like a lead, but it's just a neon.
another a secondary neon tube just inside the hink there. So they've added those suckers in for a bit of protection would be my guess. And if you think laying out a single sided PCB is easy just because it's single sided, well try it sometime. There's a lot of art that goes into getting a single-sided layout like, right like that.
And of course, the holy Gray is to have no jumper links on there. and they've only got a couple, so they've done really well on that layout. Fantastic wave solded of course and similar sort of, uh, construction of course in the receiver over here. and of course all slug tuned stuff.
Tuning these things things was a bit of a bastard, but look at this. this is bizarre. look a a modern surface mount board with USB connector hooked into a battery. This is a modern aftermarket bodge on this thing. Maybe that was written on the note I should have read the note. There you go. Sure enough, he replaced it with a modern Lipo cylinder USB uh charging circuit. His guess is uh, the phone dates from the mid 80s.
well as we saw know, the uh date code was 1990 for the chip there and this sucker in here that doesn't have a date code. but yeah, um around about that 1990s vintage. So there you go. Thank you very much Neils that was interesting, especially the classic old game I Love them and another one from Germany from Albertas MZ Thank you M very much Alberta As we have an electronic device, well it so happens this is an Electronics video blog.
oh that came off real easy and uh, we like electronic devices. We have ourselves some source code and taada. look at that. Oh right, it's a plant.
um moisture. uh thing. You insert it in the uh soil and it detects the moisture in the soil. open CERN Open source uh Hardware I've seen this somewhere before.
um yes I think it was on the Forum it was. it's called the chirp I Love it. Look at that little Cricket there and uh, you plug in the battery and away she goes and he's not supplied the source code. obviously.
fantastic. Hi Dave in one of your episodes you said go on make a product excellent so he went ahead in May one Awesome! I Love hearing that plant water and alment sensors, soil, moisture and light. I've designed it to be as low power as the At Tiny 44 allows. In addition, can act as an I2c sensor I can't send you the battery, no worries I got plenty of those.
Let's power it up and he's from Weake Things.net Awesome! uh domain name I Love it PSM originally from Lithuania so can you say hi to all my lithan Lithuanian viewers got it wrong I just did hi to all my Lithuanian viewers. thank you very much and of course there's not much in it. Of course because the micro can uh do the ad conversion and everything else too easy. chip chip chip chirp, it chirps and I do have a very pathetic indoor plant and sure enough, when I put it in there, it stops chirping because there's moisture in the soil.
Fantastic! So I'm actually going to leave it in there and that will, uh, let me know if my soil needs watering cuz I always forget. that's why it's half dead. There's only one floor in this product. What? if you have lots of crickets? it actually does sound pretty much like a cricket.
He's done too good a job I think huh? Anyway, thank you very much Alberes! Excellent! Looks like we have a German Trifecta Timo Hble I I know? uh Timo he's on uh Twitter and we have an Electronics Gadget So let's open it up and have a look. Yeah, if you wonder why I get a lot of mail from Germany is because Germany is my I think uh, second largest or third largest uh audience us is the biggest at about I don't know 25. 30% of my audience or something are Yanks and um uh I think UK is next and then Germany and then Australia. So I have more German viewers than I have Australian read me. text I Love it. Um oh yeah, we don't. do we read no, we don't read first. Oo oh oh more Open Source Hardware Okay I better read.
It's got Bnc's on the top and yeah, let's have a read. hi Dave I'm always having a hard time building prototypes on a B. always miss the right adapter cable. Yeah common.
My scope probe has always become loose I'm not even talking about those Bain in the ass alligator clips. They always disconnect when the middle of the measurement. Very common and you can be debugging a fault that's not there. It's because your bloody test connections come loose.
Oh man, if I had a dollar for every time that's happened to solve this. I designed Monzur adap I can't adaptor I can't even pronounce that properly a little Gadget which adapts between different plug formats that I typically encounter when prototyping projects. I've seen sent you two copies I've also heard several times oh my connector become loose. Yes.
I certainly have The following: connectors are supported: ah uh. standard uh DC Jacks Bnc's 2 and 4 mm terminal block um .1 in headers excellent. Maximum working voltage is 12 Vols speak can increase it by moving the DC connector. One unit for 14 bucks us the kit for 16 US assembled variant uh black case.
There you go for those who like to scan things in. Go for your life. Thank you and that's the it's on Tindy of course where a lot of people put their uh, do-it-yourself projects made in Germany awesome and um, thank you very much Timo Felicitous _ Felicitous on um and there's his GitHub account and uh F.de thank you very much Timo Very interesting little adapter. Check it out and I got serial number one and two thank you very much Timo look at that.
that's quite nice I Like that it's very Iic so I've taken it out of the case and uh yeah, it's just got a basically split down the middle. As you can see with the line a bunch of negative uh terminals. they're all connected in parallel of course and the positive ones on the bottom. so it just adapts between all these different styles and you can see that on the bottom.
Black solder mask I Hate black solder masks. You can't see the traces very well, but you can see the split down the middle like that and uh so you know if you can, you might want to hook your scope up to here. For example, if you don't want to use your X 10 uh probe then you can, um just uh, hook it straight up to a BNC then you can have some jumper wires coming out of here to your breadboard. you could have or you could hook your ground scope, ground lead and or ground lead. and uh, positive. Terminal up to here and have a couple of 2 mm or 4 mm plugs coming off that to adapt it. um of course not designed for any high frequency. uh probing of course because well you know you're adding extra length to your ground lead which is no good but for just general purpose low frequency stuff that could come in hand handy.
Excellent thank you very much. Timo Next up we have one from Mickey Dolins Monkeys HQ from Baltimore um in the US and every time I think of Baltimore I Can't help but think of the movie The Sum of All Fears where Baltimore gets nuked cuz that is if you haven't seen it's one of the Jack Ryan uh movies and well yeah, it's a one of the most sort of epic uh nuking things ever put on film anyway. sorry to all my all you people from Baltimore I don't wish for you to be nuked but anyway, it's really good. um movie I Love the Sum of All Fe Anyway, test probes.
let's have a look. Okay oh oh look at those. They're sexy that sex on a stick right there. Wow and oh look little uh holders, wraparound holders or something interesting.
Let's read the note. not a tear down, just a gift I of to hear you talking about probes and checking their sharpness Well I Packed a I Picked up a set from Probe Master and found them so sharp you can literally pierce the fingertip if you're not careful, they are great! Yes Sex on a Stick! So I picked up a couple of sets and figured I'd send them to you. Thank you very much. Um awesome.
No affiliation? uh just a happy customer and wanted to. Thanks for the years of free videos, entertainment education you giv me and over 100,000 others and happy fifth birthday! It's been our pleasure thank you very much! Mike Oh yes corporate Triple 6 on the evev blog Excellent! Let's check them out. Well 30 years of test lead engineering The gold probes made in made in America America by probe Master Fantastic Low resistance gold. oh I hope there's no wank on here.
Low resistance gold spring contacts like you know, 99% oxygen free copper um safety on insulator chips Flex strain relief thread on screws for accessories so you can not you know. plug in the AL screw on the alligator clips and stuff like that. sharp gold plate a stainless steel tip fantastic reliable solder connection. yeah, you know, one of those ridiculous unreliable ones not crimped M um soft vinyl outer handle, flexible strain relief, and silicon burn resistant leads.
Fantastic! Cat 4 600 Vol uh 10 amp rated. Terrific stuff. Uhoh look, we have a guest Tada there he is. Say again Daddy Yay how you doing Little one? Yeah, you want to wave to the camera wave? no, no, did you ride your scooter in? Awesome! We ride it all the way from home.
Wow, All the way from home. Good work. Give me a high five. Yeah! M M look at those.
Look at the flexion on that W Nice big fat grip too and take that off and o o yeah Oh yeah, look at the point on that. Jeez, you really could really could easily I could easily draw blood with that in a split second that could go right through my finger that is ridiculously sharp. Oh I'm impressed. and that's an interesting, uh, very compact uh, unshrouded uh 4 mm plug on the other end that can sometimes be handy like for older multimeters and other bits of gear which don't support the shrouded 4 mm banana plug. so that's really handy. Yes! I've got to say they are one of the nicest probes I've felt in a long, long time I really like those I've never seen them before actually, but uh, they are very impressive. Not sure how much they cost but they are made in America so you know, probably worth every set. Nothing better than having a good high quality set of probes and you can tell it's got that.
um, still got that uh, sort of like chalky type stuff on the uh, silicone? uh, test lead. You can really tell the high quality silicon test leads and so flexible. Oh oh I think I'm just going to go sit in the corner corner and uh, have some me time. That's an interesting probe holder adapter also made in America Terrific.
So if you want some high quality probes I give those a thumbs up. They are awesome. Got a nice unusual shape too. Very ergonomic.
probably last a lifetime. Fantastic! Thank you very much. Mike That's a very generous gift you want to open a Box San Yeah, yeah, how old are you next week? San Oh, in a couple of weeks Three: that's four. That's four.
Show me three fingers. Three Three, You're turning three, aren't you? Yeah, Turning three. Mommy? All right. And who's this one from? It's from Charles Adder he's from Pleasanton in California that's in America you've been to California but you were only the size of a peanut at the time.
Yeah, so what we're going to do is, we're going to cut it with a knife. Cut with a knife. That's right. And then you can open it up.
A letter Tar. A letter Foam Tar. More foam. Wow.
Look at that. It looks like a plug pack. Plug pack. A plug pack That's a.
oh that's A 9vt battery that was from the last mail. Oh look, look. San It's got one of those weird American plugs. Isn't that strange? Yeah, that's weird, isn't it? Yeah, no.
Oh yeah. You can't just plug the battery into there. That doesn't work. Dude.
Okay, what else is in there? Wow. What's in it? Can you open it? What in this? m What is this? AB What is I Don't know. That's why this is the mail bag segment. We're going to find out.
We're going to open it up. Yeah. What's inside? It's a static shield in bubble wrap bag. Isn't it? Yeah, Yeah.
oh look. wow. It's a circuit board. Wow.
A second look. it's Tectronics. Wow. yeah.
It's got four function buttons on it and a reset button. It looks like a patent gener. It looks like a test signal generator, doesn't it? Look, we've got some BNC connectors here. We' got some like D25s and probably a Serial uh generator here. and we power it with probably 5 Vols cuz this is probably all TTL isn't it? Yeah, it's probably all TTL And then we got a whole bunch of headers. This is looks like a tectronics. uh. demo board for logic analyzers.
Look at this. a couple of bodge wise on there. Wow, yeah, they're B being bodged down. Wouldn't expect that, Would you? no? Look, it's an MC 68 uh 340 processor.
Look at that and some knobby feed on it. Yeah, is that, cool? Yeah, Yeah. You like it. Can you give it a thumbs up? No, No, you don't want to give it a thumbs up? No, no a say again.
What? These they are Bread Boy jumpers. You you know those? you've played with those before? Yes, Yes, Yes. Wow. Look.
Breadboard Jumpers Bread Board Breadboard Jumpers W That's right, Momy, You plug them into the breadboard? Yes, Yeah, Yes, Yes, Well they. W Well, you could possibly they might fit into the DEC connector there, but you know that's a bit better off to use a proper DEC connector. and what is it? Mrs Eev Blog: It's a Tectronics TLS 7qs board and this there. the power supply does have the US Mains prongs and it will work with the Australian power grid with only a mechanical adapter.
We don't even need the adapter, all we need is a pair of pliers. Then we can just bend the pins of course. So Charles did clue me in on uh, this one that he was sending it because it's can generate a lot of useful uh, digital and I think it might be able to do some analog art test signals as well. Great for demoing.
um, oscilloscopes and that's exactly what this is for for. well in this case, demon demoing. logic analyzers and stuff like that. So really useful logic analyzer demo functionality for when I'm reviewing uh Scopes and things like that so it could come in real Handy So often it's handy for these devices just to have them, uh, battery power rather than around for a plug pack which would you have probably lost or something like that.
So you know, just hook the power on here, put some batteries under the bottom in a box or something like that. You know, very handy when for these demo boards. so I might do that. I've now got a couple of demo boards.
one which does uh, some RF stuff and analog stuff and this one which does some really, um, should be able to do some really nice digital stuff. Awesome! thank you very much! Charles and who's this one from this one's from Dylan he from Tazu City in Jing Province in China Wow, we don't get many from China because if uh, people don't know, they do actually block YouTube in China the government block it. So um, yeah, nobody's got access to it. There we go.
Yeah, open it up. Ah, there we go. Daddy didn't cut it all away, did he? No silly. Daddy it's a tube.
A tube. What's in it? What is it? I Don't know. Let's have a look. Oh look easy. Oh look, it even comes in a nice uh, it's easy Eda Whatever. What's easy Eda I Don't know. It looks like it's a they, um, cheat sheets for presumably a Cad package called easy Eda Wow, it's probably so easy if Sean can use It Yeah, yeah, yeah. You want to start laying out boards? Yes, yeah, yeah.
Are you going to do your own printed circuit board? Yeah, You do. You want to make it too? Yes. Excellent. What does the letter say San Or do you want Mommy to read it? Mommy? read it Hi! Dave We would very much like to share Easy Eda with you and the many fans and followers us included of your excellent blog.
Easy Eda is a free web-based and cloud-based Eda Tool Suite integrating schematic capture, circuit simulation and PCB layout in a seamless crossplatform browser environment for electronic. Engineers Educators students and hobbyists. It came about about 3 years ago because they're unable to find tools to easily design and build Electronics Progress Uh projects. We switched our Focus from Hardware Design to the creation of an easy to learn and easy to use Eda Tool Suite that today offers Linux Mac and window users the means to design circuits and produce professional quality Pcbs entirely online.
We know you like to use Al Designer, so you might like the feature that Eeda allows you to import Altium designer schematics and Pcbs and that Eagle Kad and LT Spice files also can be imported. Easy Eda is really cool. We hope you like it and have fun giving our Alim designer killer a try. Thanks for your time reading this and if you have any questions just let us know.
Excellent! Thank you very much. You're earning your money all right. So I haven't used easy Ada Eda before I can't uh, vouch for it at all. but if you want to give it a bill then I'll put in the link down below.
you can try it out. It would have been nice if this was like a cheat sheet or something that had uh, you know, key command, uh, codes or or something like that. Instead, it's a just a nice glossy print out of, uh, presumably a demo board. Arduino motor.
Shield There you go. They've just loaded something in, but hey, as always, room for another CAD program. If it's any good, check it out. Shopping cart.
Can you just order your board direct? Possibly. H We've got another one. this one is from Andrew Moss he's from London in the old the London Can you say London nothing London in the Old Dart So there you go, open that up and see what he's sent. It says electronic components.
you going to have to rip it hard? There we go. This is fun isn't it? San Ah no look no, we can't get in. No, it's already been. No, it's been Jewel taped there we go.
How about that? We got some resistors. Have we got some old school resistors? Look on a card. Look, they're axial leaded resistors. probably about 2.
Watts yeah and what else? San What else do we got? Looks like we got some old school Power resistors. Yeah Oh and look. San these are valves. Oh no no they no, they're Nixie tubes. There we go. they they're Nixie tubes. They light up and they do numbers. Can you count from 1 to 10? 10? Can Sean count from 1 to 10 1? 10? Oh, that's cheating.
but okay. I'll pay that 10. you can count to 10. Can't you 10? 10? 10? Yes.
All right and that's what they go up to because they are. Yes, they are decimal. Nixie tubes. Look, they light up different numbers.
Nixie tubes are cool aren't they? Yes Yeah okay, this one says hi. Dave Great show Keep Calm and Carry On Ranting Well this is some old stuff from the UK Amazingly all made in England I Found these bits kicking around in my bottom drawer. Check them out! All the best Andy So there you go. That was back in the day that they actually made components in the UK Do they still make components in the UK or no, they still got a couple of Fabs and uh things left.
But there we go. Very nice looking Nixie tube there from um, it. not sure the model number there 751 7713 or that's maybe 1977. Uh, 13th week? That could be a DAT code.
8C could be the type. Very nice. awesome. Thank you very much.
Okay, one more. Sean let's go ready. Who's this one from this one's from I Think it's T and he's from Norway Wow. In the Nordic region, let's open it.
You want to open it. Yes, Okay, open it up a yeah. Oh yeah, that's really, really tough isn't it? Let's have a look inside. Yeah and ready.
Look, that's a letter. but what's in here? Oh look, it's a couple of chips on a Vera board. Do You want to build something up on a Verab board? s Yeah, yeah, Verab boards are fun, aren't they? Yeah, yeah. Has Daddy taught you to solda yet? Yeah.
And as for what this board does, well, it's not that hard to figure out. I Mean we've got. there's no decoupling on here by the way. at all.
It's just got the chips just wired directly on there. Um, and it looks like nothing's ever been soldered onto this thing. Anyway, what we've got here is a, um, work from the output back in. DS2 for is a high voltage Darlington driver.
That's all it is. So inputs on this side outputs on that side for driving. Um, you know, relays and stuff like that. They've even got catch, uh, diodes there back.
EMF Dodes on the thing. Uh, 74hc 238 is a three of eight, uh decoder. So um, three binary inputs, one of eight or decoder on the output driving. Uh, these high voltage outputs.
hence why the tracers are running directly across there I Haven't checked the pinouts, but uh, it's going to be near enough. And 74 Hc20 Uh. Nand gate Quad Nand gate. so that's just uh, doing a bit of decoding to drive that driving high voltage Reay Ah, too easy.
Hey from Austria
I know you're super busy with lab move atm, but had to leave a comment despite this being an older video…Love seeing you with Sagan. Our youngest is 3 and such a great age for them getting interested in what you do…mine is an expert with the hammer!! Hope you're all keeping well and the 9yo is just as awesome!
thank you for not saying you immediately thought of "the wire" when thinking about Baltimore. even if it isn't too far off.
was this around when easyeda was first launching?
Just chilling, watching Dave complaining and BAM somebody from Lithuania send stuff. Woop woop greetings from Lithuania
Yeah… because local means interstate LOL …
"This is an ancient part…" I've been playing too much botw
Why dose Dave do it?
Because he has big scary knife so nobody has yet been able to stop him .)
joking its fun unpacking random gubbins.
that watering alert cricket is awesome
Excellent diagnostics with the hammer…..my kind of electronics hahaha
You have Australian audience / I like your show it is technically very accurate informative and helpful. As percentage of population you may have more of us represented then US, Germany or UK. Perhaps more would be Lithuanians. Keep up the good work young man. //Nick PS I own the "Negative feedback T-shirt". I love it.
"Every idiot can count to one"
Maybe that uneducated idiot didn't learn about the trenary or 13-value logic algebra…. he must've been busy getting cancer before hitting 60.
I laughed so hard when I saw Dave with his digit up! ..the guy has got character! ..I love his style!
Can't beat the Sum of All Fears, but especially the book?
Hi Dave, I just wanted to say I complained about your speech before but it's become much more like what I would expect you to sound in real life. You sound good in your videos now. Thanks for all your hard work
Isn't that the Rockwell logo in the Mattel Electronics game and chip?
Ive got that same hammer
ok, click bait – but it worked
Sagan looks like his mom.
"Ehh, Too Easy" – Chuck…. "Dammit, I missed the bloody bin, you wanna try throwing this piece of shit in the bin Sagan?"
The probes cost arround 20 bugs depending on the country. I got them as well and for 20 bugs, unbelievable!
The (b)iPhone of the day!
"Your product is too accurate" lol that's a hell of a criticism. Is your kid named after Carl Sagan or is that a common name in your part of the world? Sagan is exceptionally rare here in the states as a first name. And the nuke comment. LOL Classy, dave. Classy. I wouldn't change a bit. It was funny to watch Sagan just toss the letter "fuck this paper thing" basically. I remember being that old and just giving zero fucks about letters, cards, or anything that wasn't the toy. Never seen a kid be so careful touching electronic boards… what kind of super intelligent humunculous have you spawned?