Mailbag Monday
What's in Dave's mail?
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Hi, yes, it's everyone's favorite segment the mail bag. And yes, I've still got a backlog and a few more have arrived since last time. So I've still got 13 unopened packages I'm clearly not going to get through them I'll just pick a couple of random ones for today. I've got an hour or two to kill, so let's open them up.

And first up, we've got a postcard I Love postcards and I don't think I've had one from s Evo before here we go. Here's some nice uh photos of Sovo in 1921 I Love it and it comes from Nador on Twitter greetings from Saro which is of course, the largest city in Bosnia or more correctly Bosnia and uh, heroini or however you pronounce it sorry if I'm pronouncing it incorrectly. Let's have a look at the uh, lovely stamps we've got here. We've got a Lura flower slpl very nice I like it and we've got some castles.

Brilliant! I Love castles I Would love to own a castle. Oh, it's probably a goal of mine is to have a castle with a moat and watchtowers and a tunnels and a it' be brilliant and he's addressed it to Dave The Atheist P Box 7949 Borham Hills BC New South Wales 2153 Australia not Austria if you want to send me stuff why he's put Dave The Atheist Is he um, an atheist as well and he or is a bit pissed off? perhaps or perplexed that I'm an atheist. But of course that's weird because everyone is an atheist. Even if you're the biggest religious Nutter out there, you are still an atheist.

when it comes to all the other gods in recorded history. And you got to ask yourself, why, why don't I believe in all these other gods throughout time? Why don't I believe in Thor Well, it's a fairy tale, right? and there's no evidence for it I just go one God Further, and if you want to buy an ice cream in sovo, well, you can't use your Euros you got to use your convertible marks and this cost I don't know A2 convertible marks. Next up, we have one from Estonia brilliant from Janice I assume it's uh or Janice I don't not sure how you actually pronounce it. uh cadle thank you very much from Estonia Brilliant and there.

And they do use the Euro. There you go. Cost: oh 32330 to send this little tiny package that seems a bit bit pricey I Don't know what the Euro conversion is to Aussie the little Aussie batler at the moment, but uh. anyway, let's have a look.

it's just marked Electronics There's the old good old Cn22 customs declaration and no nothing else. Oh, do we have a hang on? No, we have a note. Hi Dave I Was watching your RG Copter RG pilot troubleshooting video a while back and it gave me an idea to build adapter to increase every multimeter resolution into the milliohm range. A Excellent! There came the idea for my project.

half great name I Love it! Couple of revisions later and it was finished since it looked like a useful tool. I started to make these and selling them to my friends and other hobbyist. Thought I could send you one to have a look put in a Cr20 25 battery. couldn't send you one postage restrictions yet.
Bloody ridiculous. You can't send a little piss and you know you know CR 2032 battery Something absolutely ridiculous H Plug it into your multimate turned on and outputs in M volts equals to resistance between the lead in mils 1 molt equals 1 Milli Ohm Excellent all schematics and Boards in key CAD format I Assume they're um, open source. Go check it out. Thank you very much.

Janice Let's it sounds like I'm I'm pronouncing that the female way Janice sorry if that's uh, not. oh look at that. look at that. that's NE NE I Like that, let's put heat shrink uh over the terminals here and that just plugs in and then you plug your uh existing leads into there and of course that would fit.

Uh, just regular banana uh plugs like with alligator clips or even the shrouded type because the shrouded type would just go over like that. Brilliant. I like that form factor that's really quite neat. So he said uh 2025 I got a 2032 I assume it's 20.

it'll take the 20. Yeah, there we go. We have to have a look at the at the schematic for that. but uh, that really is quite neat.

Let's plug it in and give it a go. Now it's got a little switch on it there. I Like that it's well protected. it's not going to turn on accidentally.

Little power LED there I wonder if that's um, just a power LED or whether or not it's actually like a low voltage and tells you when you've got uh, uh, the available like it's a low voltage. uh, Dropout lead kind of thing. We have to look at the schematic, but it plugs in there nicely. standard uh, multimeter spacing and let's plug in our test leads and give this sucker a go.

All right, we plug it in and uh, of course, if we leave the leads open, we get uh, the maximum output voltage there and interestingly, you can see it. uh, drop, You can see it drop. Now that's obviously the battery voltage. uh, dropping in uh, response to the internal ESR and the current uh, draw from the actual circuit and if we had another uh digit extra digit display there, we'd actually be able to see that countdown quite quickly.

And there you go. I Used my Metr hit energy there which gives us an extra digit and you can see it counting down pretty darn quick. I Wonder what this thing, uh, what the current drawer is in is on this thing? Well, we have a multimeter one easy way to find out. Let's measure that current Hey there we go.

4.3 odd, 4.25 milliamps? There you go. Um I'm sure most of that currenc the uh LED Actually the LED is probably running at like 4 milliamps. so let's give this a go again. I've got on Molt range and there you go.

We can increase our resolution there. and you know, 55 56 milliohms or thereabouts for these test leads. And of course you can. Uh, you know you could zero that out and you could see the variation in the contact resistance in the test leads.

and yep, that's certainly what, uh, it would be there. You go on a 4 and 1/2 digit meter like this, you can go down to a resolution of 10 microohms. Excellent. All right.
So what I'm going to attempt to do here is just measure a PCB Trace down here on one of my microcurrent boards. So I've got that uh, zero zeroed out there. or you know, near enough to zero. So let's just put it between the gold one gold pad.

there. There you go. just the contact resistance in that gold pad. um you know jumps up to uh 2 milliohms just in that pad.

and if we go and if we follow this Trace around here like this, let's just go. So this pad, there we go. 23 milliohms increase resistance in this Trace Here there you go, 205 MMS or thereabouts for a trace of that length and I just used my Satin PCB calculator program and calculated roughly I don't know the thickness of this track I think it's about um 20 th. but for 1 and 1/2 in or roughly uh 20 th track.

half o copper? um half o pla in. Not sure what the uh gold plating on this thing is that works out to about 42 milliom or there about so you know, eh near enough. Um, let's see if we can get a little bit more accurate uh, measurement on this thing. Okay, now what I've got here is a 100 milliohm, uh 1% 1206 SMD resistor.

So once again, we've got the probes zeroed out there. You know we're getting a bit of residual in there, but it's going to be near enough. Well actually, let's no. there we go.

Yeah, it's You know it's near enough to zeroed out. So let's give this a go. I'm not sure what the claimed accuracy of this uh, half ohm is. Haven't checked the Uh specs yet, but let's kind of difficult to probe this.

It could flick somewhere if we're not careful, but that was pretty close. Hang on Yeah, look at that. Look at that almost spot on brilliant A Love it. Thumbs up! Well doll, there's actually a test resistor on here.

Pays to go to the website and uh, read it. There's a 100 milliohm 1206 exactly by coincidence as what I just used. So let's try and measure this test resistor. pretty darn close once again.

And here's the schematic from Uh Janice. and here it is. As you'd expect, there's not much in there at all. There's the battery.

There's a power Le um yeah, that's probably one of the uh, probably the only uh thing I'll say about this really is that, um, it' be nice if uh, he used a low like a uh Power monitor voltage monitor chip in there like I do in my microcurrent. For example I turn the microcurrent on here and that lead only comes on if the battery voltage is above a set limit, so you know if it doesn't come on, then H you know that your battery is low and you shouldn't use the thing. So I guess that's my only uh gripe with that. But and as you'd expect, there's not much uh to it at all.

Really, pretty much exactly what I expected. There's a Precision uh, low offset op amp. It's the OPA 335 that's got about 5 microvolts, uh, offset voltage. not much at all.
and then it's got a Uh few uh Precision resistors there, presumably and a voltage reference up here 1.24 volts through a Uh 620 Ohm resistor straight to the test probe. so that just generates a voltage directly across the resistor there. and it uh, multiplies that and gives you an output and that's all there is to it. That's all you need.

Now, my only concern here is why he's got 100 nanofarad uh cap on the output, presumably trying to, uh I don't know, reduce noise or something like that, but you don't need that at all. Um, you shouldn't uh, put a cap directly on the output of an Op amp that can affect its stability. So I would, just, uh, leave that off completely. Now let's just have another shot at measuring a PCB Trace here.

I've got one of these farel uh boards I know it is 1 oz uh, bare copper, about 165 mm long. it's about a 2 mm uh, width Trace in there haven't measured that accurately and my Satin PCB calculator says I should get about 8 86 mli ohms or thereabout. So let's probe this: No, we're getting oh 60. No, that's that's a fair bit out.

but I'm going to believe it that that's actually what it is. Um, because you know these things. the manufacturing to the H tolerance, the actual copper thickness tolerance of these uh traces on these boards are quite large. and really, if you want to go below sort of the uh ranges that, uh, this sort of thing has, you're really looking at uh, four wire measurement then.

so this is probably the limit of what uh, you really should be doing with a with the standard two wire measurement technique that this thing's using. So thanks Janice that's pretty cool. that's the halfam. Go check it out and the next one here is from Jebber.

Molton Thank you very much Jebber in Aworth GA I think GA is uh Georgia or I thought it was So I looked it up and sure enough it is Georgia I Do know most of my US states even though I'm Not A Yank just being in the business, um, sending all sorts of stuff over the years, they call it the Lake City Woohoo in Aworth So hi to anyone watching in Aworth Georgia Let's have a look. One decade resistance board and one Motor Driver board. decade resistance board in here as well I'm curious to, uh, take a squiz at that. so let's assume that I got to open those.

Boom Yeah! I've got to do I have to split it right along there. No, what's the deal? How do you open these stupid boxes? There we go rip it open bit of aggro here on the EV blog. There we go. by hook or by crook.

we're in. Got some bubble wrap. Oh oh look at this. This is our Motor Driver board.

Oh ouch. Pin pin got me. It's got some pins sticking up There we go. There's our Motor Driver board.

Oh check out those packages. Big and beefy. That's the H Bridge Motor Driver Board. Awesome! Um, it might come in handy one day.
There you go. That's the St Micro Motor Driver Board demo. And yes, they've got the PCB uh end the end. PCB traces there to increase the Uh current on those things and done videos on that to see if that's actually real or not.

And it does make a difference. but that's a dual H Bridge Motor Driver Board. Neat. Thank you very much.

Now more interested in what's this? Decade Resistance Box? A Look at this. here we go: Decade Resistance Box Inspired by Episode number 22. Ah, Brilliant. Fantastic.

Oh, look at, that isn't that neat. There you go. It uses the old uh, you know, the open framed Uh switches in there, but I rather I Rather like that, it's got the reverse uh, actually, they're designed to be reverse Mount switches. Check that out there.

The PCB pins are actually on the top side of those switches and they mount on the bottom. so that's that's rather quite neat. I I Like that implementation, there's no wiring or anything. you can, just you know, toss that in your toolbox and uh, there you go, You've got yourself a little Decade Resistance Box.

It's only a percent. Um, you know it's not exactly huge, but goes from zero to one. Meg And what do we got here? the So we've got uh, looks like 1 Ohm yeah, 10 Ohms 100 1K 10K and 100K and that's from Atlant Oh do I Thought this was somehow like an St board, but it's not. It is from Atlanta Robotics.

Uh, very sort of convoluted, unreadable, kind of uh. now that I know what it is I know what that says but uh yeah I the logo I don't know. Anyway, this is the Uh 1205 052, 1252 Automotive dual Hbri DC Motor Driver and it's based on the St micro chips. As we said, some of the features 5vt logic compatible inputs.

It's got all sorts of over under voltage over voltage protection, thermal protection, cross conduction protection ah Pwm up to 20 khz protection against uh, ground and loss of VCC optional uh chip heat sink So there you go. and if we have a look at the back here, uh, looks like he's comparing it to other boards to spark funs Monster Moto shield and Palulu dual motor Driver board. So I guess it is a competing board. so if you're into your uh, motor drivers and stuff like that which I know a lot of EV blog viewers are then go check it out.

You can download the schematics and the eagle uh CAD files. It doesn't say whether it's a Open Source Hardware or not, but uh, presumably it is. There you go and has a YouTube channel as well. You can see the Uh video containing demos on the YouTube channel.

Excellent, great stuff and there is the schematic in Eagle form. It just uses St micro chips pretty much, but that's a neat little motor driver board I like it and bugger having a screwdriver, you can just push those down there, those cage clamps down in there and stick your wire in. Neat And I finally found his Note to Dave McFly Jones hello McFly think McFly think Really appreciate the blog. Here are two of my products.
One was inspired by uh, the uh, Decade Resistance Blog. figured he could build a quality Decade Resistance board a fraction of the cost. One is's available online and yes, it does look like it is very low cost I like it. um and the other one is dual Hbd Motor Driver please try to break it.

he's s down a challenge I have a video on my website demonstrating operation while trying to destroy it if I can. If you can destroy it without a hammer or put in across the mains I'll give you two thumbs up. Ah I'd love to but sorry don't have dime. Got lots of other mail bag to get through.

We'll may have to destroy it if we use it in a future episode. Um, you'll be happy to know all my products are open source and schematics are available. thank you very much! Jeb From Atlanta Robotics, Check him out and of course I have to check it out here I've zeroed it out. 1 Ohm Increments Excellent.

No problem whatsoever all the way around to 10. Oh no sorry, Nine doesn't go to actually doesn't actually go to 10 Whack It Up 10. Ohms seems to work a treat, not a problem Tada I Like it I Love decade resistance boxes. Just something magical about them really.

And next up I've got two from Ernesto Casta from Miami Florida Thank you very much Ernesto And he sent it to that crazy Aussie bloke again and we got blank PC and small electronic parts. So let's crack this thing open. Is it like a kit? Hey, it's a kit. It's a kit.

Oh Dangerous Prototype board? Yes, of course. I uh. Remember this, they were going to, uh, send it to me. It's the new Bus Pirate or is it the new? LCD No, it was.

They're going to send me a new bus pirate and here we have the new Bus Pirate Version 4.0 C Public Domain uh license from Dangerous Ian Dangerous Prototypes Tocom and that's actually the Uh that looks like the bottom of the board but they so they've got leads on the bottom. but they've also got leads on the top. Does that mean like you can use it both ways around? I'm not sure what the deal is there so they've got all the same leads duplicated on the top and the bottom. Hm.

interesting and woohoo! I Do have the bag of bits as well. There's a few chips in there looks like. so I've got the chips to I Think assemble the Uh Bus Pirate I'm not sure there were no instructions on this. Uh, well.

maybe it's a collection of bits for I Don't think it's all four. Maybe there's not enough anyway. Um, excellent. More stuff to build up.

Now the next one we've got here is a Part Ninja and I don't know what a Part Ninja is off to Google and what do you know? the Part Ninja is actually a component tester as in like a transistor diode, uh, capacitor tester and stuff like that. It's um, it's driven by a micro of course. but uh, you mount an LCD directly on there. It looks like it's got some uh buttons and uh, various stuff to do things.
probes, external probes and you can place your SMD Parts there that you want to test it so you could could just hold them down onto the pads presumably. um, and it will test. You know it'll determine like your pinouts of your transistors and determine what it is and stuff like that. I think it does, uh, you know, transistors, diodes, capacitors, resistors, Basic.

uh part tester? Neat. Check it out. That's the Part Ninja and this is the Uh Bus Pirate LCD Adapter version 4 and I think I am responsible for this one cuz I complained um in a video when I tested the Uh Bus Pirate that uh, well, it didn't have it it only I think it only had the Uh Standard single in line, didn't have the Dual in line pin out there and is that my imagination? or are those holes too small? H they look smaller than those ones. Well I went and got myself a header connector and of course that just slides in there.

No problem at all. Let's see if it goes in. Oh yeah, yeah, it goes in, but it's much much tighter fit in that one. but uh, cool.

That will allow me to test. Um LCDs using that format. let's try the other one here and my list of kits. I've got that I uh, need to assemble, just grows and grows and I've said I will probably do some videos just uh, assembling them and I don't know.

maybe ranting on about something at the same time? More Pcbs? hey had some extra Pcbs thought you might like some. One of the crew at Dangerous Prototype replied to me on a post sent one to Dave as we added a 2x8 connector because of his review. We well actually this is for bus part version 4 which he doesn't have or ass and bus and getting F when I get them I'll send them your way. Yep so that was looks like we open them at different uh times or in the wrong in the incorrect order.

So 18 Mega Fuse Bit Doctor: What's a fuse bit doctor? let's have a look. 18 Mega HV Doctor Oh right I think I might know this what this does off hand I Think it um allows you to um, recover, um re re erase and reprogram um Avrs that have been uh locked and you can only do that using the high voltage parallel mode I think so I think that's what that does I better double check and yep I checked That's exactly what it does I've complained about that that inter a very old uh video where if you program the clock bit incorrect, you can uh brick your little um AVR micro and the only way to get it back is with a parallel programmer like this one. If you don't have one, well get one of these things. So need one, you're doing Avrs, Check it out.

DIY Anyway, blah blah blah blah blah the link will be in the notes below as always and I Got a couple of more Bus Pirate A Here we go. so there's a uh a bus Blaster oh don't have a bus pirate I've now got a bus Blaster Now the Uh bus uh Blaster of course hence the name which is ripped off from the Altera uh bite Blaster is a JTAG uh an open- Source JTAG programmer and if you uh need I like a like a highspeed I think uh JTAG programmer so if you need a or want an open- Source JTAG programmer instead of the real deal from Altera I think this might do why Altera and zyink as well then check out Dangerous Prototypes bus. Blaster So thank you very much Ernesto for that wonderful bag of dangerous prototypes. Open Source goodness.
Love it! And next up I'm pretty excited about this one. I have been for a while I've been itching to open it but I was saving it for the mailbag and it is from Norway We have some Norwegian stamps there. Lovely! The Crona of course soccer. didn't really know they're into soccer, but there you go.

they probably are. and who's it from it is from my good friends at Energy Micro. you've seen their stuff before I've had them on the blog and I know what's inside this so it is a little bit exciting because it allows me to, um, get back to work on a project that I haven't uh worked on for quite a long time now. so sorry.

this is is quite a big uh package and uh, it just says it's a kit on the front. by the way it uh I'm pretty sure they did clue me up. they were sending me this so let's have a look. it will it? I'm sorry, but you won't um I won't be able to do much with it on this episode.

I will almost certainly do another video in its own right. So Tada we have a whole bunch of Energy Micro stuff. Cool. What have we got in here? Oh Energy Micro Mints.

The world's most efficient friendly radios. Well I don't think we have radios in here I think we have. Well, I don't know. um usually they're um, you don't sort of get, um, you know.

mints or something like that in one of these sealed uh, drug packets? I Don't know guys, that's a bit sus um, we have a cool little gecko. Check it out. There's the Little Energy Micro Gecko key ring, awesome Efm32 processors and it's a new Efm32 starter kit. but it's more than that.

Oh bonus pen Energy Micro Pen. but it's more than just the new starter kit I Believe! So let's open this up. T Let's have a look. slimplicity and there you go.

For those you want to scan it, go for your life. take a snapshot and scan if you want to do it the modern way. Uh, we have USB cables USB cables. We have a CR 2032 battery and well, this new Energy Micro board.

Let's take a look at it. The one doesn't look like the one I was excited about, but this is the giant gecko. Anyway, this is their uh I I think it's their highest end board I have to double check on that but that is there cuz I before I got the Tiny Gecko I think starter board once again that's from memories and we've got Aoic True Studio for Arm I don't know what that is Um I've never heard of Aoic? uh before? free 90 days unlimited code size and then it diverts to a smaller code size. not sure what it is, haven't looked up the details and uh, then we've got the IRA um uh, the Uh Kickstart kit as well from I I systems.
this I think is what I'm more interested in here Anyway, the Giant Gecko is cool if you're after um, embedded, uh, low power embedded processors. The Gecko as you saw last time I've done a video on it to show you how low power these things actually are and uh, measured it with my microcurrent. So I'll link in the previous Uh Gecko video and this is what I've been waiting for. Tada And what we have here folks are the uh Sharp Memory LCDs I'm quite excited about these because these are super duper low power like in the like, a you know, 50 microamps or something or 50 mic under 50 microamps or something to run them can't remember off the top of my head but I was going to use one of these in my uh, Microw watch Mark 2 and um, it just so happens that um, Energy Micro love these little displays as well cuz they're a perfect match for the Uh Gecko for the low power Gecko processors.

And they've done this little a patch board which plugs onto their Gecko here. so I'll forgive them for not having the demo on there, but it allows us to check out the sharp memory. LCD Absolutely awesome! So these are the ones that I was going to use on my Microw watch: Mark I So it's incredibly thin and the contrast ratio on these is, um, incredibly High apparently and they're really incredible displays and they don't use much at all. So if I put that on my wrist, you can see that it's pretty much an ideal size for a watch.

So you know? um I was going to embed that I've already actually designed the uh case for it. Uh, quite some time back for this one. This is before I knew even knew that Energy Micro were interested in these. uh, sharp memory LC displays and sharp were going to send me some actually, but they never came through which is.

uh, doesn't instill a lot of confidence. but um anyway, eh. Marketing? go figure. Sales or whoever it was I was dealing with there.

but um, Energy Micro have come through and they've sent me one which is great. So I think I'm going to see if I can get an example app running on this thing and show you this display. and of course we'll have to do like another separate video. The email correspondence was quite some time ago and I remember them saying that they're going to pre-program this board to drive this display.

Do look, what happens when I flick the switch? It hasn't got the standard demo on because this is just like a custom you. You don't normally get this I'm not even sure if you can buy this um from Energy Micro. they just sent it to me as a demo I Think they use it as a demo like on their trade show stands and stuff like that. Watch this, switch it to battery.

there's battery USB and debug down in there. you can see so it's on. USB at the moment, gets uh power from the US from the uh Jlink debugger USB port up there, but it can certainly power it from the battery. and here we go.
Tada Look at that Beautiful. We have our sharp memory LCD display. Oh, look at that and check out the contrast on that. I mean that's got no backlight folks? Okay, that's not running a backlight at all and uh, it's It's probably appearing brighter on on my camera LCD here than what it is in real life a little bit.

but I don't know. it's hard to judge with the LCD but yeah, the contrast is pretty darn good. Now if I push the uh buttons over here, it will give me a yeah. There we go.

Gives me a time and date in uh, digital with text. So they've got like a text library and everything for this. They've written all that jazz and look at that. It's just beautiful.

The other button doesn't do anything. this one resets it back to a random time. There we go. But look at that.

contrast is beautiful on that. If you move at an angle like that, it's not. You know it's not the best at at very shallow angles like that, but I don't I don't know I think these are impressive, especially for the power consumption. I mean it's not e in um but you know it, it is incredibly low power consumption.

Okay, I've changed the exposure on the camera and that's probably closer. a bit more closer to real life I think at least on the screen. Once again, it's quite hard to tell, but I'm very very happy with that. and uh, even at you know, say 45 like that it it does start to vanish and you get a bit of uh glare on the uh screen there of course.

but not a huge deal and uh, if we have a look at the rest of the board, a few segments of lit up there I must have touched. must have accidentally touched segments and built up some charge on there. but uh yeah as before, like there's a super cap on there. They've got a light sensor on there.

They've got an LC sensor as well so if you bring metal near it doesn't seem to do anything. They got a cap um sense as well I don't know if you can see the uh, the cap sense. yeah you can see like a Chevrons in there so you can just drag your finger like that. So the energy micros have all that stuff built in.

so they' got LC sensor, light sensor and uh, a whole bunch of things allows you as you saw in a previous Uh video allows us to tap in and measure the Uh power consumption easily. So it's a really neat little demo border if you're in into ultra low power processors and have a little closeup at the flat Flex there and the glass and the bonding of that to the glass on there. And of course there will be a driver on there as well. It'll be a chip on glass driver somewhere and check that out.

They've got a little uh barcode on there as well I think it looks like a little uh 2D barcode and you can see the individual pixels on that thing. No problems, what's sever? So the chip on glass has got to be Uh drive has got to be embedded in there. All right, Why not? just a very quick test of the uh power consumption on this thing. Here we go: I've uh solded a little two pin header connector in here like all you do is uh, desolder a series resistor in there and you've got this Uh two pin and you can put a two pin header down in there and you can break into it so that you can measure the current consumption.
Now this is not the current consumption of just the LCD this is the LCD plus the micro and all the supporting circuitry as well. And I'm on the micro amp range on the microcurrent here so it's just over two microamps there. Um, so the processor still run in the background? that's you know, the 32 khz uh, realtime clock, oscillator and all that sort of stuff. and uh with pulses.

Every time it switches the hand there, the second hand on there, it jumps up to well I don't know there's a there's an Excursion jumps up to 30 microamps there. You know we can have to turn on Minmax mode here. There we go. Let's try that and Max there you go.

109 microamps maximum and Uh 1.68 was the minimum there with an average of well n Now these sharp memory LCDs they come in various sizes. this I think is the one point. Uh, it seems to be the 1.28 in one at 128x 128, but it could be the 96x 96 pixel one as well. I've got to decode the Uh Little Numbers on here I don't have a note telling me exactly which one it is and um, the current consumption of these things um, will change uh depending on the Uh refresh rate of course.

Now we're updating in at 1 Hertz and the data sheet actually specifies the power consumption at 1 Hertz um, as well as a higher frequency like 60 HZ or something like that. And at 1 Herz Um, it's rated to draw about 6 microwatts and uh, at 3 Vols that's about 2 microamps. so that's pretty much bang on what we measured, so most of our current consumption is coming from the sharp memory LCD and not the little uh, giant Gecko processor. So I just love these little things.

They are fantastic and uh, if you're after a really, um, a decent contrast incredibly low power uh LCD display just for a uh watch or a calculator or a multimeter or something like that, these things are, you know, fantastic. So hopefully I'll do some uh I'm sure I definitely will do some more videos on this sharp memory. LCDs and uh, check out the links below if you want to check out this stuff. Until then and uh, thank you very much to uh, all the guys and girls at Energy Micro.

This is fantastic I Couldn't get Sharp to bloody send me one, but NY Micro did. Thumbs up if you want to discuss it. uh, this mail bag, jump on over to the EV blog forum and yes, I still have a ton of mail left. So yeah, I will eventually get through it folks.

Catch you next time.

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29 thoughts on “Eevblog #413 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Weazel Dark says:

    Those batteries would create a great fire in a plane

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emobe says:

    IRA kickstarter kit?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PIXscotland says:

    Laughing out very loud at your Athiest comments.
    My work makes think I mad. Nothing changes.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mikeissweet says:

    Well well put with the whole "everyone's an atheist" point you made, Dave. My thoughts exactly.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ShinyGant252 says:

    i believe in thor .-. i'm a norse, by the way, love your mailbag videos man, keep the good work

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Rotunda says:

    I guess Silicon Labs (just down the street) bought out Energy Micro? Interesting to see what new things will come out of that. As always, love the blog and keep up the great work!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thor214 says:

    The thing is, recently (decades), evidence for the volume of the universe and the number of galaxies, and the number of stars in most known galaxies means that probability says it is unlikely we are alone, especially if we included microbes in this count. It takes no faith to read the numbers, stagger back for a minute at the point you realize what the numbers mean, and then accept that it is likely life exists elsewhere in our universe as we know it.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thor214 says:

    There is no evidence that points towards a god of that magnitude, or any magnitude. I find the possibility of an alien life form that is so superior to us in their development and technology that it appears to be a god of sorts possible, but I refuse to believe in something I have no evidence for. Just like how we do not know what dark matter and energy really are, I will not attribute happenings in the universe to a god being without any evidence for one.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheExileFox says:

    I want that gecko keyring!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skulkx says:

    Or maybe troll-enough for the Internet.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tobortine says:

    I love it Dave. I need to make a T shirt "I go one God further in my disbelief".

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivo says:

    Very common packaging for chewing gum here in europe. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shponglefan says:

    You're too hypersensitive for the Internet.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Varesa says:

    Ask agilent to lend you some more +10GHz scopes & etc., sell them off somewhere (I wonder where ๐Ÿ™‚ ), and buy a castle with the money. Then you can defend it against all the evil people wanting their equipment back

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ncrdisabled Submarine vet says:

    Who knows may be to save my life . I was a IC tech NUKE system on the sub I was a e5 IC2 (SS) .
    That same sub 4 months later had a battery fire 2 IC guys died . I was one of 3 trainedon Battery charge setup and monitor . That means I would have go in the batter well bellow the decks . If I had not gotten hurt there was a big chance I would have died. I wander sometime if I would be better off dead but who know fate GOD I believe GOD.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ncrdisabled Submarine vet says:

    I learned to like and work with everybody I spent 7 years on submarines going out to sea 86 day at a time .
    There is one thing I learned not to talk about was about GOD . The were 143 give or take . I know most wars were over Religion I am a disabled VET while doing a torpedo reload a chain broke . The torpedo swung and crushed me . I had just reenlisted for 6 years then poof now disabled for the rest of my life . I still say it was in Gods hand . I could tell you a lot more .

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymond Rowlands says:

    This is for the other commenter's and not aimed at Dave in any way……

    A truly Omnipotent being would not need nor want your worship.
    Because it would,
    KNOW all,
    BE all,
    SEE all,
    Now take some time, and really think about what that means.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laharl Krichevskoy says:

    you don't seem to get how political powers work……it doesnt matter if it is thought in private religious schools, it's not because they wanted to, they had to do it or else get a bad image (aka be politically correct)
    Also tell me, weren't you parents always preaching about what you should do or be in the future too? That has nothing to do with being evangelist, else everyone would be evangelists about something, it's about teaching what one knows "correct", although that depends on proofs

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Laharl Krichevskoy says:

    you pretty much are saying you are a believer but try not to give a fuck about what others think, at which you fail obviously because of the words you useds and the fact that you cared to reply to me….
    Saying "evangelical atheist" is like saying sciences is a religion…….
    ps: it's not like it's a trend nowaday, its because you could get accused of heresy and burned at the stake before of someone heard about that…..
    Remember Galileo? they didn't offer him candies…..

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pyllolla says:

    Dave believes in electronics, so not even he can claim himself to be an atheist LOL (kidding)

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniil Peterson says:

    Jaanus must read like "Yaanus", not J )))

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan says:

    It's probably been said before, but even as an Australian, this guys accent makes me cringe.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sparti2000 says:

    Where may I get the Decade Resistance box 1-1MOhm?????

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrAndlier says:

    Most likely yes. Anyone seen a full teardown of the pepple?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Macka007 says:

    Right, so you're going to dismiss an entire channel, just because the owner mentioned in passing their beliefs? It's not even like Dave, out of the blue, mentioned it.
    I don't know if I should give you the "Religious nut" award or the "Ermahgerd, my favourite channel mentioned something out of its normal scope" award.

    To be clear, I'm Christian; it's possible to be religious without being a "nutter"

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TruffleShuffle says:

    Yea, I thought this was a Electronics Blog :/

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TruffleShuffle says:

    Dave the Atheist?

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tito1337 says:

    Are the Sharp Memory LCD the same one used in Pebble?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrXinsizionx says:

    so you intend on filtering out people who believe in religion? I received negative votes for speaking my mind? lol

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