Dave cuts loose on the Golden Ear Audiophiles and all their Audiophoolery snake oil rubbish.
Directional cables, thousand dollar IEC power cables, and all that rubbish.
Monster Cable gets mostered.
Panasonic gets a serve too, or is that applause?
The Blue Jeans cable letter: http://www.audioholics.com/news/industry-news/blue-jeans-strikes-back

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22 thoughts on “Eevblog #29 – audiophile audiophoolery”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars betaomega04 says:

    lol anyone with half a brain knows that power cables are, in fact, directional.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars m3n4cE says:

    3 fredos and some kunts, keep dreaming it was never happening, wannabes

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VE2UM says:

    The Audiophile Paradox…

    Lately, i discovered an audiophile manufacturer:

    Western Electric. (Yes, they acquired both the defunct telecom company's name and logo)

    They sell an "high end" integrated amplifier that uses a pair of "ultra-matched" Western Electric 300B direct-heated triodes (btw, you may acquire a such pair of electron tubes for U$ 1500 !!!), the 91E amplifier.

    The cost of a such amplifier: 15 Grands !!!!

    Now the great revelation:

    This ultra-high-end single-ended (yes, you read it correctly) amplifier has:

    3% THD at 14 Watts/ channel,
    5% THD at 16 Watts/ channel… and a whopping
    10% THD at 20 Watts/ channel !

    Yes ! an horrific 10 % of distorsion !!!

    On its side, the LM3886 from Texas Instruments, which costs, at Digi-Key, less than 13 Canadian Pesos, can output 68 Watts at 0.1% THD and in lower power levels, 0.004 % of IMD !!

    Okay, you'll have to buy two of them, one for Left and one for Right…

    But, i must confess: The LM3886 is an awful junk of silicon, push-pull device. Yeurk !!! Totally anti-audiophile !!!! Come-on !! Who, in the audiophile community will listen to crappy silicon ???

    My conclusion: Audiophiles love distorsion !!!

    We are lucky, real audio professionals prefer distorsion-free silicon equipment over single-ended distorsion boxes !

    (You may google Western Electric 91E for this high-tech 10% THD machine).

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joey Carvalho says:

    Still facts 10 years later. I myself do use Hospital grade power cables, but I pay no more than $15 a cable and then if I feel sexy ;), I dress it up a little with some braided cable sleeving and tube shrink wrap…. that brings my cable up to at least a $400 cable!! It saves lives, its hospital grade ๐Ÿ˜‰

    But the biggest crock of shit I find is those cable risers… getting a $200 little block of acacia wood to raise your speakers off the floor will increase your hi-fi audio 100 folds! (*wink wink*)

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Parker says:

    If only I had bought some $10,000 cables 13 years ago, I would be sitting on a gold mine. The amount of โ€œplay-inโ€ time would make them sound like a million dollars.๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gilmer Tugahan says:

    Just showed up in my recommendations and I laughed out loud so hard that neighbors would think I had gone nuts. This is hilarious! Audiophools coz that's what they are.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sergiobisonte says:

    i cant stop waching this video! make a new one haha

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars King says:

    Being audiophil is like an illness which has no treatment.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edwin Steiner says:

    Golden Ears can even hear those "differences" in YouTube comparison videos through the compression algorithm and everything. Tons of comments under those videos confirm it. Amazing!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ado topp says:

    Different types of interconnect, home made, borrowed from a hi fi dealer, bought used etc. Sound different to each other and can be used to tailor the sound of your system.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ado topp says:

    All you have to do is try some different interconnect. You don't have to buy them all, a dealer will lend you a selection of connectors or you can try them out. They all sound different and you can also make up your own from any old cable .All sound different you have to try them in your system.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ye Cheng Lin says:

    This video randomly shows up in my recommended list, so I figure I will comment. A hi-fi audio dealer once said to me, "The reason the expensive cable is a thing, is because rich people had run out of things to tinker within their systems. So, they buy the expensive cable to play with. If the cables make their systems sound better due to psychoacoustic effect, then they are worth the money. Of course, the effect wears off after a few weeks, months, so they try a different cable, even more high-end!" Some of his clients really throw tons money into audio, and that's just play money to them.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars blackpoolbarmpot says:

    I, 100% agree with you. High end audio equipment market, has always attracted the gullible & stupid to part with their money.

    Someone once said to me :- "If it sounds good to you, that all you want & need"!
    That is so true, I don't possess any amplifier that comes anywhere near the D.I.N. specification of "Hi-Fi" but my equipment sounds good to me, and that's all that matters.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sirderpalot says:

    Thank you for speaking out with your skillset and experience. Glad to have you a part of the community. The audiofile community has gotten out of pocket for a long time and people eat it up like candy, it makes everything worse for the rest of us, it dumbs down the industry as a whole and these facts need to be put in front of people's faces.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gjforeman says:

    Just found this, about 13 years late. Still applicable today. My favorite was the Low-Oxygen Copper used in some "High End" Cables. So some cheap cables are made of oxygen rich copper? You mean like, green, crusty copper oxide? Damn. Scary concept. "A fool and his money are soon parted . . ."

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daedalus304 says:

    The gold plated optical cables are hilarious

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve R says:

    Dave, you are spot on with most of this, Except the fact the higher end scopes and gear with higher accuracy do this with good components like upgraded caps, etc…right?

    It's ok for R&S to charge what they do right?

    Increase in performance is OK with EE gear but rubbish with audio gear?

    Some things actually help, but most of the documentation is written in a comical sense…that I agree with.

    For all the people who claim it's BS, may I suggest you take a tour somewhere that has high and low budget gear and let your ears be the judge.

    I'm not judging anyone, but I don't feel anyone can claim anything is BS unless they actually experience it for themselves…..otherwise it's just your opinion right?

    So my point is, most components don't add much, but you have to experiment.

    It's not just ones and zeros with digital, we know there is far more than than.

    Digital to analog conversion is not the same across the board, anyone who believes this needs some training.

    Good video though!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jacob Amador says:

    Don't knock a good power conditioner. Don't get me wrong it ain't gonna give you better performance, but they sure protect against lightning etc. I couldn't imagine spending more than 200 for one tho, and definitely not monster power. The apc server ones work great without the audiofoolery.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Foundation Agent says:

    Audiophilia's just another kind of consumerist superstition.
    Bit like a new-age cult.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miroslav Kelekovic says:

    Well, for sure there are many BS arround on marketing and PR level and even in the community. On the other side, many of the claims here are actually audible wether can be measured or not and wether one believes into it or not. The corelation between measurements and the sonic signature of audio component actually doesn't exists at all thus listening sesson is mandatory in that case. The same principle should be applyed here before concluding any sudden decision in the public like David did. Many peoole don't have the possibility to participate in events where such "myths" were exposed and are putting wrong subjective opinions with no experience on the topic that leads to completely wrong perception in the community. And only the experience matters here wheter something is audible or not, and not our personal and subjective explanation. Whoever had a chance to listen different cables on very good audio system (not so many arround) knows how cable affects it. And not just a cable. These are the facts wether someon believes it or not. These who don't should take the session(s) before making a statement. And this is valid for so many other topics in real life..

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mogamishu says:

    Analog is still better than digital.
    Vinyl LPs sound much better than sterile lifeless CDSs.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jackson says:

    I hate to break up your party but, there's a sonic difference between cheap and well engineered cable, and its not subtle.

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