A continuous 45min screen cast of Dave installing and running KiCAD for the first time, along with his first impressions and rants about things he finds along the way, mainly with the schematic editor portion of the program.
How easy and intuitive is it to use the schematic editor for the first time?

Hi I thought I'd uh do a quick screen capture of me playing around with uh Kead or Kad if you want to call it that for the first time. it's the open Source free PCB schematic CAD tool and um, this isn't really a tutorial I Just thought, uh, this is seen as this is the first time I've actually used it. first time I've downloaded it, installed it and had to go at it I thought I'd just uh, get a screen capture of my experiences of this and to see how intuitive it is to actually use it. uh for the first time.

So I've typed in that key CAD download into here I'm going to use the Uh Windows the latest Windows official Uh distribution in here and I'm currently downloading as you can see down in the corner here it's 146 megabytes I'm downloading uh, looks like version I don't know. Bzr 3256 stable the Wind full WID Components doc install. so uh, once this is done downloading it, we'll uh, have a play around with it. install it for the first time, see if it's intuitive to use and my Cad background of course.

I Used to work for Uh Altium and I've used Alium for 20 plus years so it's my main CAD tool. the Cad tool. I'm pretty um, much the only CAD tool on familiar with I've dabbled with a couple of others but never done anything serious. So this so my perspective will be coming from somebody who's used the professional uh Alum designer environment Um, as a full-time PCB designer or former full-time PCB designer.

So uh, that's my background and I'll see if it's just works the way that I intended and just have a general play around with it. And I'll let you know what my uh uh first impressions are and my gut feel of the product. Uh, when it first installed. So here we go.

We're almost there. 145 of 146 megabytes. 1 second left. We're getting close here.

we go. All right, it's done. Let's uh, run this thing and install it. Got to bring this on screen here.

I Thought my screen capture program was supposed to in, uh, force it in the middle there. Welcome to Key: CAD 2012 112 Set up. Let's go. Yeah! I Agree I Don't care what the light is, it's open source.

It's all good. Main applications: I Want to install everything? You bet it'll take 315 megabytes to install it. All that'll do won't muck around with a specific path I'll install it in the default directory and it's all looking good. So far, there's a a lot of PDFs Look, there's a whole bunch of PDFs Why I Assume that they're to go with components.

Why would you bother including PDF in the install build I Don't understand that at all. I Mean it didn't take long there, but it's just makes for a bigger download. There's PDFs Again, that's okay for the manual and everything else like that. But data sheets I Assume they just example uh, data sheets to go with example, components on the building.

Library Anyway Bingo We've done so. to edit or create, you need to install Wings 3D Oh, okay, right. So if you want to do any 3D uh models and um, presumably do the 3D preview, then we have to install something called Wings We won't do that. uh, yet.
Check this box to open the wings. 3D Web page. No, we'll do that later. Not going to muck around.

finish, We're done. So I will open up Kad here for the first time and this is what it looks like here. and I'm capturing this as 1024 by uh, 76 8 windows. So it's not going to be um, as big as possible, but this is so that you're actually able to see it.

And what have we got here? We've got uh, the EES what is it? The EES schema, The sorry E schema e schematic program I hate that term schema I Don't like it at all, but it seems, uh, popular in Um European countries to actually call it that um CV PCB is the PCB module. It's all a modular. They've got different, presumably different executables that do the schematic. The PCB We've got PCB new.

Oh no, that's the PCB editor. sorry components to modules that's a it converts. Is that the library? No. I Think the library is somewhere else Gerber View bit map two component excellent.

So we can actually um install uh, we can, uh do bit Maps like you saw on my previous blog I Put the image of a platypus or on my board and you can. You could put your logo whatever you want, um on your board. that should be really nice. that's neat and a PCB calculator.

The Swis the Swami knife. let's open that I'm curious to have a look at that actually. sorry I'm going to drag things on screen. Okay, it's just got some mod track width that's handy.

It's got a trace width uh calculator to determine the uh current, um to determine the trace width. requir ired for a specific current. So if you're designing a power supply board or something like that and say it's got 1 amp current capability 10 Rise Um Here this is what I'm talking about. Temperature rise here.

that 10 is a nominal Uh temperature rise which you want to, um, generally take as as a rule of thumb, you don't want your traces to increase more than 10. You can if you're designing systems and you want higher margins and things like that. But 10 is a good Um figure so they give you that by default. that's good.

Copper thickness in millimeters: 35.035683 Triple 21 Standard I Think that's been updated recently because um, all these figures are very um, they're uh based on uh, an act like a a curve in the A a characteristic measured characteristic curve in the IPC 21 standard. Um, and for like I think like 20 30 years it was the same old graph that which they used to refer to but I think it might. They may have actually updated that now to be more consistent with Uh current practices. and anyway, uh required Trace Width There we go3 mm I don't like working in Trace widths Trace widths in millimeters I prefer Imperial Mills Oh look, it doesn't automatically, doesn't automatically change.

That's a bit annoying. You have to hit it again. There we go. So your required Trace width is 11.8 so you need round that up.
you need a 12 thoul TW trace or a 12 mil. Uh Trace mil is the same as th. Um, but if you use the term Mill you can confuse it with millimeters and things like that. So but I I use those terms interchangeably Mil and Th.

So if you hear me using Uh Mill it means th It doesn't mean millimeters. Um, usually. Anyway, there you go. That's the answer.

You want a 12 th trace for a will car will carry one amp at for a 10 C temperature rise at 100 millimeters length? Neat. Uh, and that's for sorry, that's for an external layer. If you got a multi-layer board, then the trace because the uh heat can't escape as much. Oh sorry Mill because the heat on the outer layers can more easily uh transfer to free air and you have, maybe you've got some uh a fan forced uh thing through your uh case and you've got just convection and general convection inside.

Um, free air, little bit of wind or something, something happening. Your external layers are going to cool down quicker, so your internal layers have to be bigger. In this case, almost three times the width. There you go: 32.

Uh, almost 31 thou wide for an internal layer on a multi-layer board. you got a four layer board and you're carrying one amp on an internal Trace 10 rise. You want 30. but if you've got components on the top and you don't want them to heat up by 10, then well drop that down to 1.

Let's say a 1 c the rise over here. Bingo You need a almost a 50 th trace on the outer and 125 th trace on the inner. Anyway, enough talking about that. I Just think these cools are tool that these are Cool Tools to have built in to a CAD program like this.

electrical spacing for various voltages. Um, once again from the IPC tri21 uh standard and I was under the impression that these Uh values actually oh yeah, up up to C sea level to 3,000 M Yes, they do. Um, these values are spacings for dialectric breakdown at certain voltages. So if you got 240 volts running across your board, um, you want a certain spacing.

So oh, we got some transmission line stuff. Excellent. We've got Micr strip standard micro. We've got a co-planner wave guide wave guide sorry, we've got a grounded co-planner wave guide gu rectangular wave guide excellent coaxial uh, not that you need that on your uh PCB really but it's built in uh, coupled micro strip and you've got strip line which is inner designed to go on the inner layers of your board if you got ground planes either side of it.

Um, and you can work out the characteristic impedance for a certain frequency. This is not like a field solver. It's not a professional, uh, field solver I Don't think it's just more. It uses your generic um formulas for your dial electric constants and there it is.

4.6 there and things like that. So it's fairly simplistic, but it gets the job done and that's nice having that uh, calculator buil in RF attenuators resist color code Neat board classes go, so that's a neat little PCB calculator. There's more powerful ones on the market, but uh, having that built in is rather neat I like that. So anyway, got sidetracked there back to Kead.
Um, this looks like like yes, components to modules I guess that's the library editor I guess you could call it cuz I don't I see a PCB editor but I don't see there Gerber viewer those that and they're the only tools that we've got by the looks of it. So this is the main. We got a text editor PDF viewer Uh, what else have we got up here? Open Save Archive Okay, it's uh, it's pretty simplistic and we've got an empty project called noname Dopro and well, I guess let's try the schematic editor. Let's open it up.

and yeah, BBA hang on I can't It's giving me this error message not found and it's actually loaded up into a separate window. So there you go. It's not. It's like it is actually I presume like it's a separate XE and it loads up.

so it doesn't use the same, uh, windowed environment. so it's not like a unified program. But that's just fine. So let's see if I'm using my mouse here: I'm using the center wheel the scroll wheel and that does exactly what I expect it Scrolls to the center location of the cursor.

So that's exactly what I was expecting. That's nice. it just Zooms in and zooms out neat. I like it.

Uh, we've got. um, not sure what size page template that is by default. Whether or not it probably wouldn't be A4 it might be. Oh, it might be.

Uh, I'm not sure how we can find that, but uh, let's have a look at some of our we got our tools up the top here. Maybe we can. let's load in an existing schematic. That's an easy way to do it.

Open. We don't have any open recents. Let's see if we have uh, any. Dev group homepage.

No, there's no examples. it should come with examples. I'm a bit disappointed unless they're buried. share maybe into demo demos? There we go.

Uh, pick programmer. All right. Well, let's try the pick programmer, pick programmer. sketch There we go.

Excellent. Would have been nicer if they labeled them uh, as like a demo subdirectory or something, but I found that no problem. so that's excellent. Nice little modular schematic.

It shows that you can put borders around uh, parts of the schematic as you've seen in some of my previous videos. I like to do that to make it visually quite nice and I'm enjoying that now. I expect the left. The zoom works exactly what I want using the center Mouse wheel now I expect if I hold down the left button, that will be pan.

Will it be no bit disappointed by that? I like being able to now I'm using the right uh, sorry the left Mouse button and that just highlights. Oh, highlights and moves. Okay, so left Mouse button highlights and moves I didn't expect that I expected it to just highlight the objects and not move them. but I guess I'll press escape and so there's no easy way to pan that I hate having to go down here and use these um slider controls slider on the side I just find that really annoying I like being able to um, say do the uh right Mouse click and then just pan around and pan around cuz I do lots of panning so maybe there's an option for that? perhaps? or there's another way.
Maybe there's a maybe the home key might be a way to oh home. Okay, so pressing the home key takes you to the full page. excellent n key page up, page down. don't seem to do anything.

um, but anyway I would have liked something that I could pan around much easier than that. But anyway, um, it shows the uh Junctions the Junctions in here are showing as uh, as these round circles there, so you know it's actually made, uh, contact. It looks a bit messy on the screen I wonder what it looks like when it's actually printed out. Whether or not they get rid of those circles? they very well may when you actually save that.

Speaking of which, let's see if we can save it as uh, save current sheet as what options do we get? We get key CAD schematic file and that's it. There's no direct export to uh PDF by the looks of it, which would be nice I Guess you have to print it or plot it. Um, gez they support old postcript and Hpgl and those older formats, but you can plot to a dxf Uh, you can plot to clipboard which is a bit silly, but if we print it then we can. Presumably we can choose like a PDF printer driver and you can print to a PDF that way.

but it would have been failed to upgrade the user configuration file. Oh okay, what does that mean? I Why say it's a crash but it looks like I aborted that and it didn't like it for some reason so would have preferred to see a direct PDF export. But anyway. uh, we've got some back annotate functionality there.

We've got place we can place a component power port. um and they have hotkey shift a shift p Uh a wire a bus. It can do bus oriented stuff which is quite nice. Wire to bus entry Excellent.

That's all good. No connect flag. um that will be used for your uh design real checking your Uh DRC So if you don't want it to analyze a particular uh node in your circuit like you've left a pin open or something and you don't want it to give you an error message, you left that pin floating for a reason, then you would put a no connect flag on there. So let's see if we can actually put that no connect.

Ah, it's just a it's just an X. So if we put no connect on that pin like that when we do a design real check, it won't actually analyze that pin. um speak, speak of which. Uh, now it automatic.

No, it doesn't stay in that mode. Okay I pressed Escape inches millimeters good. We can just, uh sweat. that'll be important in the PCB editor.
Can just jump between inches and millimeters there. Um, change cursor shape draw wise and buses in any direction. Okay, so that's instead of 90 angles, it looks like you can, uh, do them in any direction. which is quite nice.

Not often you want to do that, but when you do, it's good to have the capability to be able to draw any angles you want. Now I Was talking about the Uh Design rule check-in There it is ERC Error Rule check-in and let's Library browse the library editor annotate you see generate net list bill of materials Okay, the net list can go out to like a spice, uh, simulator or something like that. A bomb of course. Uh, we'll have to check that out, but uh, let's just run the ERC here and uh, test has it already run I Guess we have to test ERC See that that doesn't make sense.

Why is it called test? ERC Error rule. It's just there should just be go or start or something like that. Um, no connect symbol is connected to more than one pin pin connected to some of pins, but no pin to drive it. So that was that.

Ah look and it's flagged it. Nice. It's put error markers there, so it's flagged that that I've done something dumb there. So if I highlight that, how do I delete Edit: delete something? Okay, so I'm in delete mode now.

wonder if I press Escape I Go back. Wonder if I press a delete key. Does it put me into delete mode? Oh no. I just deleted a component.

Um, oops, Uh. contrl Zed Thank you very much. It's back, All right. So obviously the delete key does not put you into delete mode and that would have made sense.

Um so I assume in the delete mode I can just go. Okay, it's got several components because it doesn't know which one to choose. So I'm going to go the um ERC sorry the no connect. It even puts up the ERC marker as an object.

that's a bit unusual. so usually that shouldn't be an object on your schematic. it's just a it's just a marker. but we can arase that and go back into the ERC here and I'll run that again.

Test ERC There you go. I Got rid of that error message. So that schematic as it came, has one error in it and it's a type error. 3 pin connected to some other pins, but no pin to drive it.

And there's the delete markers. So if you want to delete the markers from your page, you can do that. Um, pin connect to some other pins, but no pin to drive it. Okay, pin 14 power in of component u5 is not driven.

So there you go. It's a floating input. So the input to U5 is where down here? Probably no U4? Uh, which is you? Where's U5? Maybe I could probably jump to the component that it be handy. Where is U5? Okay, maybe we try the find capability.

Find u5. let's try this. This match all word. just go.

Okay, there we go. Bingo U5 is huh? Oh oh, it's a multi sheet. Oh okay. must be a multi- sheet schematic.

It's jumped over here and uh, there's our error marker. Sure enough, Pin 14. It didn't like that that uh, that net name there. um, it obviously doesn't think that that's a power.
Uh, Port So it got confused cuz this is I Assume that when you edit your components this component here you can. When you set your pins, you can place them up as power pins or data pins or not connected pins or whatever. You choose the pin type. Usually that's how it works in Alm designer Anyway, and uh, a lot of other packages.

so uh, I assume that it knows that's a Power Pin and it should be connected to power. but it doesn't like having just that net name. Hence, it gave us an error message there when we compiled our schematic and uh, this is Handy to get your ER error. Um, to you know, if you ignore all these errors, you have to make sure that you know what you're doing.

Um, because the whole idea is you want to get zero errors before you push this schematic through to the PCB. But yeah, you can't always do that A lot of the time you you know you can be spend a lot of time around trying to get your errors down to zero when you know you knew what you were doing and you know what the errors are and you can just ignore them. But there you go. So I've got a multi-page schematic and I don't see any way to uh Jump Around It tells us about the part down here.

Reference: You2 Name 74h Z125 Component Library and Description keywords. All right? So I jumped to this schematic and I don't know? No, we're still in the same window. So I'm not sure what's happened here and how I jump to my multiple schema atic. Pages I've got to figure this out and I'm trying to do it in real time, so it really is quite embarrassing.

Everyone's probably navigate schematic hierarchy. There we go. So anyone familiar who's used this? um, oh no. Pin sockets do sketch and that's the ah, There you go root Schematic: Okay, so it looks like I'm not sure if that's the default term and it always uses that, but your main schematic page I guess is called the root schematic and there it is.

Okay, I got no problems that that's quite fine. and then your sub schematic Pages under there and it's hierarchial and you could have some pages under that I'm sure. Um, okay. I Rather like that.

it didn't take me too long to figure that out. Wasn't that embarrassing? I'm rather liking it. Uh Place Power ports. So over here.

here's our toolbar. Let's look at the right hand side here: I've been going for 24 minutes already and uh, I'm this is one continuous uh recording by, by the way and I'm doing good I haven't really. uh, found any major issues yet? I quite. uh.

I'm not minding this at all at the moment. Anyway, let's look at the left hand, right hand side over here. sorry I get my lefts and rights confused often I'm hopeless. Um, you can place a component there.

We go the uh, sorry. the little tool tips off the screen there. but as you can see, place a component place, a power port, place, a wire Place buses, blah blah blah uh. Net name Excellent.
Global Label Okay, so it looks like net names by default are not Global across sheets I'm assuming that that's what I would uh assume based on these two. uh, and I'll drag this over here so you can see the entire tool. tip for that place, a global label warning Global labels with the same oh with the same name are connected in whole hierarchy. Yeah, so that's what I'm that's what I gathered from that.

and that's fairly logical that net names are tied to the one sheet. A bit annoying if you want to. Um, if you're used to just you know, hacking a schematic together, not doing it hierarchal, but you need to separate the pages and the Nets aren't uh Global across sheets, they they don't connect I assume you got to use ports. Um, did we see a power port place? a p No, that's a power like there power ground but does not place a junction I wonder if it does Auto Junctions We haven't actually tried that yet, but uh, we will.

No problems actually, let's try that. Now let's draw a wire here. We want to go from here. and by, by the way, it's um, set up the grid already.

and the grid. Uh, by default is if you look down here. it's got the XY coordinates because we're in millimeters mode. So obviously this was an Imperial grid there.

Yeah, there we go. we go. Yep, although that doesn't it's not rounded. Okay, we got 0.1 inch.

Oh okay, Yes, no. so it's a 50 th. It's a Yes, the grid is 50 th. Okay, so this is an Imperial schematic grid and it's done in 50,000 So let's join this wire up here like this.

and it does. Actually, um, do the 90. Uh, Bend like that. So that's quite nice.

That works as I expected. And let's just go up here just for kicks and bingo where we're connected and it removed those dots. It auto remove those Junctions Very nice. That's what I'd expect it to do.

Now, if we I expect it to auto place a junction as well. Obviously if we connect, we're still in the drawing mode which is good. and I like that. how if you go out this way it draws a line in that direction.

If you go up here first, it draws it in that direction. That works as expected. So I'm quite happy with that. If I go up there.

Bingo, it's Auto placed the junction. But if you want to, you can go in and place more Junctions manually. But uh, usually you shouldn't have to because it's uh oh. Maybe that's right.

let's try this. Will it? Auto Junction a line if you go over another. So if you go over like that I do not want this to auto connect to that if I just go over it like this. So if I go over bang and it didn't Okay, so it didn't actually.

and that's exactly the behavior that I would have expected. So um, in that case, this here's a case where you want to place a manual Junction so you get your manual Junction bang I Really expected that? Eh, a lot of people say that's bad practice to do. Um, uh, T Junctions Um, sorry, uh, cross Junctions like that. So anyway, let's not get into that argument.
What else have we got down here? So everything's working as expected. So far. quite happy. Uh, place a hierarchial label.

This label will be seen as hierarchial pin in this sheet. schematic. Okay, create a hierarchial sheet so you create a new sheet. Oh, let's create a new sheet.

I can't can't pass up that. Oh, okay. there you go. It's a sheet symbol.

All right. Excellent. Yeah, let's just label it. Yeah, whatever.

I'm happy with that. And bingo, that is your hierarchial schematic sheet. Now Interestingly, it doesn't show me I'm already at my top hierarchy. I'm already.

Oh sorry, no. I'm not on my root. That's why there you go. I'm in uh, pick sockets.

and it's created that hierarchal sheet under pick sockets there. So if we go back to root, we should find that. Yeah, there's that sheet. There it is.

There's a sheet, the pick sockets there and there. the data ports. There you go. It's uh, works.

Very similar to Altum's Port structure with uh, you. you draw a, um, a second schematic sheet and you can do ports going over like that. So that's why you place a hierarchy or label. What else.

We got hierarchal pin imported from corresponding hierarchal layer. Let's go there. Test and bingo that is a how how do we spin it? Okay, how do we rotate something I've got my let's press space bar. no see space bar to rotate would have been nice I would have expected maybe R for rotate.

Yes, there you go. I Guessed it, that wasn't hard. R for rotate. There you go and it's automatically.

uh, flipped the text over I Quite like that and there we go. We've created our another uh Port there that's actually done that as an output. So an output from that sheet and this is clearly like an input going. You can tell by by the direction of the arrow there this one's an output.

It's pointing out from the that hierarchial sheet, this one's pointing inwards to the hierarchial sheet and I'm assuming I could end tool I'm assuming that I can edit that pin. Now what mode am I in I think I'm in like select I'm in select mode because I'm I can just drag like that. Can I just double click on that? And yes, I can I can just double click hierarchial because it doesn't know whether I want to select the sheet or the pin. So hierarchial label test I want to do that? Oh no, it doesn't.

Let me alter the properties. Clarify selection. Yeah. Have I selected the item.

How do I edit the properties of that particular pin? I Don't know. Anyway, I'm not too happy with that. that doesn't rotate move. Edit: Hierarchal Label: There you go.

Okay, so E for edit. All right there we go. and I can change the pin. There we go.
The style is output so we can change it to an output. Let's make it a bidirectional. There we go. Bang! It's a bidirectional pin.

Okay, that works quite good. So it looks like to select something and edit something you've got to double click that and then press E for edit. There you go. Maybe if you're just here and you move your cursor over it and you press E for edit.

Yep, there you go. Okay, so you've got to press E first. that's not too bad. Don't mind that that's uh, as no issue with that.

I Would have preferred if it just double clicked that it knows you want to edit that particular item. I Assume that's the same with this transistor over here. If I double click the transistor. Oh no.

There you go. It works. So it looks like the double click doesn't work if you have multiple items in there and you've got to select it first, It might be a bug, perhaps. anyway, so that's that.

Works quite well. I'm happy with that. The BC 307 There it is and you can go edit the CU out. You know you can edit the Uh designator here.

it is down here. Q3 If we wanted to change that to Q2 for whatever, Um, looks like you can change the size of the font, I'm assuming you can do all this globally and you can GL select things as well and do all sorts of stuff like that. So uh, you can mirror it, rotate it, do whatever you can add. Fields Okay, Beautiful.

So we have now changed that to Q2 and if I want to move it there, you go. move It around so that that's what you got to do. If you want to move something, you got to go press M and I want the field value moved. Okay, that's not too bad.

That's pretty neat. I Like that. Okay, no issue with that at all. and wow.

I've been going for 30 minutes and I have already got the gist of uh, the basics of uh, editing. Hierarchial Schematics I think I think I could Master Hierar Hierarchial Schematics already? What else have we got? We got graphics, lines and polygons and free text. Maybe. Is there anything else? Just let me drag this off the screen.

Yeah, there's a couple more. There's a place, a bit map image, and a delete items so it looks like you need at least you need bigger than a 1024x 768 screen. I Think to reliably use this, but um, no, it's usable. You just can't get access to a couple of tools down the bottom there with uh, that size screen.

So if you're using this on, you know, a little Netbook or something like that. With 1024x 768, you might be limited. sorry I'm I'm capturing uh, 1280 by 720 at the moment. Um, a 169 aspect ratio screen here.

But yeah, I am fairly happy with that schematic editor so far. Annotate Schematic: Perform Electric. Okay, the DLC is up there. generate net list.

It's all there. Let's have a look at the bill of materials components by reference. Yeah, whatever. let's choose.
Okay, and it's a list format. Okay, Bill of Materials It only gives you a DOT list. I Assume it's a text format like a coma separated uh value file. We can probably save that.

We'll have a look at that those sorts of things later. But there you go. I'm pretty happy with that schematic schematic editor so far. Haven't tried to create schematic components yet, but let's have a look at the uh, let's go.

Place Hang on, where's our place? place component? Let's have a look at our libraries. Let's choose one. select by browser. O Okay List all search by keyword.

Let's see if it has a Uh BC 547 in it. Can we search by keyword? No. Okay, uh. well.

we'll go select by browser. Here we go. Now we're talking. Here's our library browser.

This is the one the library components that comes with. Presumably you can add your own. Oh, that's is that our current program. That's our current design.

Look at that. It looks like it is loaded in our that's our current uh, that's our current design. the P programmer and it looks like they're all the devices used in our current project. I Like that.

That's rather neat. I Wonder if you can then take that and drag it over to here? Ah, that. That would have been neat if you could take someone's existing schematic and just import their schematic and then just drag. Oh, that's a bit.

Maybe there is a way to do it, but I was hoping that I could drag that, but that's really quite neat. What does it come with? Adcs and dacks? There we go. Uh, it's analog. heavily dependent Analog Devices ones there 74xx series that looks pretty complete.

Pretty happy with that. Can't complain. that's an individual gate I wonder if it auto increments? Let's try that. Oh yeah, there we go.

Part A B C and D it's got four separate parts cuz there's four gates in that and gate. so that works as expected. Show De Morgan converted part o Really, it is. there you go.

Hey, that's neat. I Like that. Oh boy. I wonder if that if it automatically does that, or whether or not you have to program it in or not.

That's interesting. ADC Dak And then the demorgan part, of course, vanishes. Um, analog switches some Dgs atmail. This looks wow.

somebody's a big atmail fan. Whoever's done. uh, kead, there are bit. That's a pretty comprehensive list of 0 Mega Parts Wow, that's pretty good.

I Like that. Wonder if it's got the same thing for pick microchip? Here we go. Yeah, they're obviously not nearly as big a uh, a Pck fan as they are uh, or whoever's contributed that thing. But I wonder if there's any central location where you Central repository where you can send your liary parts and they actually get incorporated into the official build I wonder if that's uh, if that's possible at all? But anyway, audio parts.

There a couple of audio amps and things there. 4,000 series Seos that's not fully comprehensive, but uh, good selection there. Happy with that. It's got like a 4066 quad bilateral switch.
Neat connectors. Okay, it's got generic connectors of course 10 way things like that I wonder how you do the uh footprint if I just double click on that it doesn't doesn't do anything if I right, click on it I get nothing. So I wonder how you link in your footprint actually getting Sidetrack Zoom Auto home select part to browse Okay, no, oh okay, cuz this is not the library editor. du silly me I thought we were in the library editor and we could actually edit Parts here.

we can't This is just a library browser. so um Cypress Parts few there device. It's got generic devices diodes, seven Seg displays, dual diodes, okay switches Transformers you know all your generic Parts There's always a generic part which you won't find there, which is really annoying. but anyway, quite a few seven segment displays.

That's pretty good. Dsps Intel Parts Interface Parts uh, looks like some I squ C stuff. whatever that is linear devices. Um, no linear Parts not linear.

Um, so lots of national stuff there LM 331 So we got opamps and comparators, memory devices, we got our uh, eoms and stuff like that. We've probably got our E Squ proms in here somewhere. Maybe no microchip microcontrollers? more pick I don't know. see why are those microcontrollers? Why are those pick? Parts Not in microchip.

Somebody hasn't tied up the library there. couple of motor roller Parts old school stuff 68 Hc11 nice opto couplers Phillips Parts Power All right now. We got uh, all sorts of power ports. Vdd plus 3 Vols all that sort of stuff.

It looks a bit messy on the pin, but I'm assuming that those gray out uh Parts won't actually be displayed. it'll just be the red circle with the plus 36 volts. siliconic special. Oh, there's a special Library hey, that's nice squ.

that's a pot sort of digital pot there somewhere. And so you know by all means it's not a comprehensive library, but you wouldn't expect it. Um, but it would be nice if there's some sort of repository where you can go to. maybe there is I haven't looked.

This is my first time using key Cads I got no idea one chip in the Texas couple of transistors. That's why we couldn't find our BC 54 7 cuz there isn't one. If I searched for BC 237 would have found something. So valves somebody's a fan and Zing's Parts Oh, that's not comprehensive, but it's not bad and there you go.

That's our library browser so we can choose to uh uh Place one of those parts. Let's um, place a atmail device. Where are we an At Mega 161? How do we place? do we just press okay Enter I Guess there's no okay button I don't see one? No. I'm pressing enter and nothing happens.

Okay, so we got a parts browser. That's bizarre. We got a parts browser, but we can't do anything with it. We can't select the device.
so I'd have to go back back and actually choose an At Mega 162p. huh? It's got it. Insert component? There it is. okay.

Ah, view component documents. There we go. There's a PDF button and links. There you go.

That's nice. It's linked directly to the Atmail website there. that's actually. uh, that's actually the Atmail Docomo.

So they've Linked In the direct link to that data sheet. Neat. I Like that. Pretty darn happy there.

So and then of course we can just place it. Silly me. And Sor I've got to get that screen back. And there's our part so we can zoom out while we're placing it.

That all works as expected. Probably can't jump to another hierarchial schematic. Of course. There you go.

By default, it looks, uh, like the parts are see through. They're actually trans transparent. Is that a good thing? It's probably not that bad. I Guess.

Um, so stuff isn't hidden underneath. especially when you're just hacking schematics together like this and you're placing components. Willy Nearly updating schematics. You know it doesn't hide the stuff behind it.

and uh, assume if we just press M for move, we can place that part. no, what's the move command? delete? fine back annotate. All right I Feel like a dummy that I can't actually move aart cuz I can't I don't think I can just click on it. see I can't just click on it and move it cuz then it's selects.

That's a bit weird. There we go. Move. Yeah, it is.

M there you go. I was right. M Ah, you've got to have your cursor over the current device. There's a bit of ghost in there.

You see that when it first moved I don't know if it's that's my video card or not. Seems very sluggish to sort of update that sort of stuff on the screen. I haven't seen like I can actually almost see it painting in the colors and things like that. It's very slow so I haven't seen that since the old protel uh dos days.

Really, where you could actually depends on the speeding machine. You can actually see it redraw the component and in what order it actually drew things and stuff like that when you're panning around and moving Parts It was, uh, fascinating, but oh, there you go. I'm fairly pleased with that and this is literally my first time using this. So I've been going 45 minutes now and uh, in 45 minutes I've installed it, played around around with the uh calculators talking about those and I've been able to edit hierarchy or schematics and do uh, design, real checks and use my component Library haven't created Parts yet but gee, it's not bad I like it so I'll call that uh, quits for uh, this one anyway, just for this uh schematic part I Need a drink.

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20 thoughts on “Eevblog #253 – kicad install schematic – first impressions”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian White says:

    I used Kicad recently and it was EASY for a beginner. It is a nice product now. Have a revisit ?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Carter says:

    I suspect you should do a refresh. 🙂 I was just using it this weekend for some layout work and it was pretty easy to use.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Excel Moves says:

    How do I set the parameters so that I don't have to keep changing the size of the vias and track widths when I add a new ones?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars De Mus says:

    When you do an update, as others have suggested, please either download the installation file outside the video or get a better connection. I had your download speed when I was using a 56K6 modem. Why is it so slow over there? Do you live somewhere in the bush?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stan Burton says:

    Dave how does solder mask and/silkscreening affect heat dissipation of power traces on outer surfaces?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Bond says:

    Watching in 2020; the latest Windows 64 version is a whopping gigabyte!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emmett Turner says:

    I had to export to Clipboard when I needed to print a schematic yesterday (just kept giving an error when I tried to print directly). Pasted into an imaging application and printed from there. I would try the center mouse button to pan. That’s how most other applications work where the scroll wheel defaults to something else

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dawit Abate says:

    Hi Dave, I think you should have a look at the current kicad state. It has changed a lot.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Melendrez says:

    Dear Dave. Maybe it's time for a revisit of KiCAD, don't you think? I know there are a couple of videos in which you cover its usability but what about a new perspective from the point of view you had 6 years ago? Cheers!

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Williams says:

    I'd love to see a redo. KiCad has come a long way.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rajegowda Gowda says:

    i like you so much for your work here

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars technixbul says:

    for pan try middle mouse click and drag, at least Multisym and Proteus ISIS operate like this … Splan too, for rotate Proteus ISIS use "+" and "-" to rotate elements (i use isis for 10+ years and it is the best for me ever) and i tryed a lot

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexandru Mihai Coroi says:

    Do you like KiCAD? Me yes. It's intuitive and seems to have all you may primarily need.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Martin says:

    Hey Dave, do you think that you could give us your updated impressions on KiCAD?

    Im recently returning to circuit design and I was wondering how KiCAD had improved over the years. Looking at their site now, they seem to have (on some rudimentary levels) caught up with Eagle from when I last used it.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phung Mai says:

    I really enjoy watching your channel. Not sure what’s your nationality but your Aussie accent and expression that make me learn and laugh. Thank you.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LittleRainGames says:

    To pan try and use control scroll wheel. Or shift/alt

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Conrad says:

    i have watched so many of your videos. I need a bit of advice. I drew a schematic and then made the printed circuit board layout in Kicad. Then I modified and added more parts to the schematic. How do I now add these to the printed circuit board layout? Thanks in advance.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars amanuense says:

    @EEVblog by any chance, will you make another review of Kicad when version 5.0 comes out? I'll love to know your opinions on the new version.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrés Felipe Echeverri Guevara says:

    Mr. Poopy Butthole right here… google it…

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Davis says:

    Mils is short for milli – inches. Great source of errors for newbies.

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