Tempting fate, Dave goes on a quick tour of the new EEVblog lab, with headlamp!

Okay, I've had some uh people ask for a video tour of the new EV Blog Lab SL uh Nerd Cave well uh, here we go. Here's a quick uh tour. I've got my headlamp on because uh, unfortunately the um, previous owner didn't bother paying the bills and uh, they switched off the power so uh, uh I if I switch it off, it's really, uh, dark and grainy so I probably don't want to do that. It looks pretty grainy on the monitor here.

so I uh I won't do that. I'll switch my headlamp on and here's a tour. It's 50 square m or that's what it's uh, marked at, but um, it's I think it's roundabout I've done some rough measurements around about 48 square m cuz they take it from the center line of the uh of the inside of the wall like the center line of the wall so you do lose a bit of space. Now it's got a nice little uh uh, about 2.6 M by 2.7 M I think um, office, uh, cubicle here complete with the door and um, there's some more uh, glass, uh, frosted glass paneling going onto the corridor.

It's got corridors on both sides and good part about this uh, little office is it does already have uh Power double power point down there phone outlet and another double PowerPoint there and some alarm cable and it looks like they've had a sensor in there. We've got Airon uh Inlet up there. It's got one strip, actually two strip lights and uh, the lab. The bench itself will probably go in this corner here maybe? although I haven't given it a huge amount of thought yet, but uh, that seems like a sensible um option because it mimics mimics my existing lab and there is a whole bunch of uh PowerPoints there too.

In fact, they must have used this thing as a call center or something like that cuz this is crazy. They' got a double PowerPoint and they've got a phone outlet and an Ethernet uh cable here and they've got another phone Outlet here and these are all got different numbers uh on them. So uh, it's crazy. So there's double Outlet there.

So there's three double Powerpoints and three phone lines along this one wall now. uh, we have an Airon uh system here I've never actually heard of the name eome I don't know. Um, you can't try it unless the power is eventually switched on. Definitely the first thing I'll do when I move in, get the power switched on.

This is an intercom, uh, phone for the uh front and after hours weekends. Um, you can. There's a, you know, a panel down on the front of the building where you can call through and I can open the door remotely. They've patched something there on the wall.

something's gone wrong, but the light switch doesn't work. Emergency exit sign. um, and nice frosted glass here so people can. Well, they can't see in as they generically walk past, but if they jump up or they, uh, go down, then um Crouch down.

They obviously can see in and over in this corner here. This wall, actually, um, will make an excellent uh wall for for a projector. um I think a couple of bean bags down here. Big big projection wall.
That'll be fantastic. Anyway, there's a a bunch of power points down here, so they're very handy. Another phone outlet that could be D looks like it's duplicated from the one in there, paralleled, uh, another couple of Powerpoints and another phone outlet. And here's the phone box down here.

We also have an Ethernet uh cable that's obviously the one that goes through to the other side over there. they've got it routed through I would presume. and if we take this off here, we can see all of the phone uh patches in here and all the phone lines. In fact, I can see a bit of daylight coming from the uh room next door there.

but there you go. There's no shortage of phone lines in this place. It's crazy. so at least I can't complain about the Uh Communications infrastructure.

And up here we have our distribution power distribution board and Tada and there you go. There's uh, it's got uh, hot water and um, uh, kitchen and uh, lights and power and air con and stuff like that. It's got emergency lighting control which is presumably the exit sign up there. and uh, it's got just the main isolators for various um, uh, you can switch individual power off and on another.

Power Point up on the wall. handy. lightwise. it's going to be fairly good, but I still need additional uh lighting I might have put in new Globes maybe to color balance or something like that I don't know, Haven't given it much thought and this C and this, uh, cupboard in the corner here is the little concealed sink.

I like it and uh, up the top here. we've got another PowerPoint up there and some uh wiing. so um, there's no. looks like they've had an alarm system uh installed here.

clearly because up in the corners here there's a alarm wire in hanging down there and another one right up in the corner just dangling through there. I Can see. So there you go. and it does have, uh, hot water taada complete with a note from some, uh, pissed-off installer about how not to tamper with it or something like that.

So there you go. Not terribly exciting, but uh, in the drawer here, it looks like we have a Commander E system. um I don't know, we have to do a tear down of that. Is that like a phone system I don't think that's an alarm panel.

It could be um I'm not sure but I thought I that uh brand is actually for phone systems. So anyway, we'll have to check that out and uh I'll get back to you on that one. But there you go. There's a quick tour of the new Eev blog lab space so if you got any uh, good ideas, let me know.

Looks like there's a smoke sensor up there and uh, they've got a couple of uh um, tissues hanging from the air con just to see that they actually work. but yeah, hopefully um once. I Get it all. Oh bit of a bit of Mark Over there you can see where the existing tables been, they've had a table sitting there and uh, so the carpet probably needs a bit of a clean.
It's been unoccupied for about a year, so there you go. If you got any good ideas, let me know in terms of layer, I'll probably have to do a 3D Google uh SketchUp uh model of the whole place and we'll go from there. Catch you next time.

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21 thoughts on “Eevblog #213 – new eevblog lab tour”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Petertronic says:

    Anyone watching in 2018 for the new lab/old lab nostalgia?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Retep4565 says:

    Well, he has got his own sink…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nomione1 says:

    if possible do install some sort of energy monitoring and management system.
    pir sensor to switch of the lights if no one is in the room

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @MatthewAT385 None, none, and none. Sounds like most companies I've ever worked at!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars artifactingreality says:

    cant wait to see it with all the gear in place.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Armin Balija says:

    Do you think that setup for your lab is the best? I would think a projector would be better facing a larger wall in case you'd like to change the size of the screen/resolution.

    Maybe against the wall that had the many phone lines? Either way, I'm happy you finally got an actual lab. Cheers!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SigEpBlue says:

    Frosted glass! THAT is what my lab is missing!

    That would be so great to have so much space. I'm jealous!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @WakkoXtreme Of course, Internet is essential. Whatever is the highest speed I can get, presumably on ADSL2+…

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @thesurvivalist98 Baulkham Hills. It's not even Blacktown council area.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars myface says:

    Hey, I used to live near Blacktown. Whereabouts is this? I only moved out Quakers Hill a couple of weeks ago. I just saw one of the installers was from Blacktown.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars vertifai says:

    building teardown!! please.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MichaelJE2 says:

    The emergency exit sign is the wrong color. ๐Ÿ˜›

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AuctorisVideo says:

    Nice space Dave. Enjoyโ€ฆ

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jippen says:

    @malayrojak He has a previous video where he mods a basic headlamp with a 1 watt LED, and I'd expect he is still using that.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CampKohler says:

    @EEVblog Instead of a very expensive electronic whiteboard, why not mount a fixed camera zeroed in on an ordinary whiteboard? With a floor switch you can select the scene camera or the whiteboard camera at will ("Foot Director"?) A floor button could be used to direct the camera and a PC to make screen shots (stills) that could be posted/distributed later, allowing you to erase and continue drawing without missing a beat ("Dave-O-Vision"?).

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CampKohler says:

    @2020fourier In effect subletting to others would require another person to be on hand whenever the space is open and Dave couldn't be there to keep an eye on things. It might even require special permits because of the increased occupancy. Anything like a public assembly is the most restrictive occupancy, because of fire and safety. In other words, things could get messy, beauracracywise. Of course you could always keep quietly under the radar and then apologetically stop if you get caught.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joseph Upali says:

    very nice place indeed, now install a some kind of remote monitoring system, since you already have wiring for it

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @fir3w4lk3r Shared facilities on every level.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars firewalker says:

    Nice place. Toilet? A shared one?

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Adam Lumpkins says:

    How far of a drive is it to get to your lab now Dave?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oakiemouse says:

    nice new space, congrats keep up the great vids.

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