The greatest live show ever. World renowned guests, pyrotechnics, performing monkeys, aliens, marching bands, and the changing of the grenadier guards.
No? Would you believe just two hours of Dave answering questions and yapping on? Yup.

We are recording. Yes, we are recording on the main camera and let's press record on the Ustream start record Bingo look I'm on time I'm on time today 10:00 a.m. Check it out! I am impressed I am impressed with myself. I I I really do like these late starts.

it means I can uh get things working on time. Hey everyone, thanks for joining me. Um, the camera is up there. so if I'm looking down here I'm reading my notebook and the IRC window.

So if I don't look at the camera, please forgive me. I can't make my tripod any lower. Actually my my webcam is sitting on my monitor which is sitting um on sitting on the camcorder monitor which is sitting on the tripod and it's a certain height and it's like up here my notebook's down here. so there you go.

Um, in fact I was a bit worried because my new camcorder is a Canon Hfg10. uh and it's got a touch screen. It's a whole touchscreen user interface thing and I've got the webcam clipped on. The only way I can attach the webcam to the camcorder is to clip it onto the screen and the little clip touches the touch screen.

So I thought oh no, it'll screw up somehow, but it hasn't, it's recording and uh and it's recording on battery too I've got like a it says I've got 197 minutes left on the battery. So I've got one of those expanded battery packs for it it it. it isn't the biggest one, but uh oh per perhaps it's a capacitive touchscreen says Sonic Yes, it certainly could be. It may not be a a resistive uh touch thing based on based on actual finger pressure or whatever it might be capacitive.

Yeah, could very well be so. Anyway, it's not upsetting it. so thank you for tuning up. How many people? we're almost cracked 100? um my I'm using Merk MC for the chat and it says 97 people.

most are Anonymous us streamers but uh, there's quite a few and all the regular names are in the house who? I've mentioned before so thanks guys! it's like depends on where you are in the world because it's uh, it's actually 10:00 a.m. here in Sydney it's like 2: a.m. in places like uh Norway and uh, where is it Croatia or somebody somebody was in and Germany it's 2 a.m. or something I think it's 1:00 a.m.

in London um wow it's like and uh Mike's Mike Mike from Mike Mike's electric stuff is in the House John from Tronics stuff. both uh, fellow bloggers um John S as well is in the house and a whole bunch of others. Thank you very much guys. once again, no idea I just thought I'd uh sit here in front of the camera and uh yap on.

So um if you got any questions, um yeah, fire away mishy my beef however you pronounce that name Andre Thanks for the tip on the sale of that agilant meter. Some time ago, a friend bought one. yeah, that was a bargain if you missed it. I Sent out a tweet I I actually got it from The Forum So whoever posted on the Forum and they keep track of this and it was The Agilant UU 1252a was it multimeter regularly like 500 bucks and it was gone for like 100 or 120 or something.
It was insanely cheap and they sold out within hours and uh, but there were quite a few people who picked one up so that was awful. Thanks for the info regarding the road Mike No worries. Yeah, I'm using my road mic I Can now see the LED on the front. World's simplest mod but jeez, it's good.

I Tell you what. I can now see it. Everyone talked about like putting a mirror behind the thing so that you know. Oh, I didn't you don't have to modify? just put a mirror there.

Well no. I use my camera everywhere and I can't not going to attach some silly mirror on a little arm that comes out and no, just drill a hole and put an extra LED on the front. Much easier. So now if the battery dies halfway during the show, I'll be able to see it.

Too easy, Far too easy. Um I I Really like I Hate IRC but I Like well I hate MK too. Everyone bags me for I Had a trouble setting up MK this morning so thanks for people who help me with that. and uh yes, um I This was going to be up to a 2hour show but the wife um nagged me before and said oh no, we have to go out so well, 12:00 finish is too late.

um so I might have to make it shorter like an hour and a half or something like that cuz time flies by in here like you think. why would anyone you know just listen to me answer questions for an hour and a half but it flies by. Well, it doesn't my end anyway. So there you go.

I've been ranting on for 6 minutes already and uh, haven't answered a single question. Any advice or perspective for a soon Tobe Electrical engineering grad with high hopes for a good, fun, meaningful job? Uh, I've I' I've said this heaps of times on the on the Um show and also in the Forum and stuff like that. Um, just find. do stuff outside of, um, do work on your own projects outside of work and study.

If you do that, then um, you'll get enthusiasm for for the field and you won't get bored by it. and uh, you will be a much greater, uh, much better job. Um, your your employment opportunities will be much better as well. So I recommend you do that, work on your own projects, contribute to an open source project, or do something set up your own blog.

Um, get a project published. Um, heaps of stuff like that. Do we still do the Q thing? asks leech? Um, you can but I can't see it. It only works in the U the the if if you do Q colon in if you're in the Ustream chat it pops up with a little a nice big question mark and I really liked that.

so I could see questions they just pop popped out at me. um but unfortunately I'm using Merc and it doesn't have the capability. Um so. but but if you still do put the big Q with a colon.

um, maybe it'll show up better here. on my you know if I was a script Kitty maybe I could write a a script that if it searched the text, you know if if it searched the text for Q col and it would highlight the thing. That' be nice if anyone's got a Plugin or something for Merc that does that. Um, that would be neat.
Oh you stream on an advert break? Yeah, sorry about that. I Guess you can't hear me now cuz it's playing a 15 or 30 minute 30 second advert. Um yeah you can I to get rid of that I got to pay money. it's like 99 bucks a month I think um so yeah, it's really annoying.

yeah Advert: I'm not sure how many times it pops up. Um, is there a good project kit for SMD novice? Um, oh gee, not that I'm a aware of. um I don't know. Somebody else will sure surely have better poins to that.

I I I Don't keep up to date with um all those beginner kits L plus ask what do I think of eBay as a source for parts since I'm new to electronics. Um eBay is an okay Source Um, if if and only if you don't don't care about the quality of the parts, they're probably not genuine. they're gray Market or you know they don't rely I wouldn't use eBay Parts in a production. Uh thing? I wouldn't put them into a project you fraught with danger.

Don't don't do it. But for hobby stuff by all means. Um, you know if you're buying like these resistor kits, you know, or something like that. if you're buying these resistor kits, you can get these very cheap on.

eBay maybe not in the box, but you can get like a whole mixed if you want to. Um, if you building a lab and you want to stock it up, stock up on all these. SMD Parts You get like you know 10 or 100 of each value and and they're only like I don't know 10 20 bucks or something and and they give you like I don't know, you know a whole bunch of each value and then you stock up your lab. So there that's what eBay is really good for and you know other things.

Um, but they don't do quality components. Um, with Jerry and Chris getting a ham license, have you any interest? Not ask? Uh, don't even know? SATA JJ um no. um I have no interest in getting a ham license at all. Um, no, doesn't interest me.

sorry. I'm not going to follow the crowd. um although I do like ham, you know I like the stuff they do and everything. but no I just I don't see any point I wouldn't use it.

it would just be a thing to say. oh I've got a ham license? Whoopy dooo. Um yeah. I I don't really see the point if I'm not going to use it then well yeah, fair enough.

we'll tolerate the ads till I Get rich. Yay! All right Yeah M day. like if I was doing shows if I was doing a regular weekly show or twice weekly or something. or you know, if the live shows were, um, much more frequent.

Yeah, maybe I'd pay to get rid of the ads or something. but I'm still waiting for the YouTube live. Thing YouTube Have promised this live thing for ages and they still haven't done it yet. Um yeah, so have we cracked up? Oh yeah we Got7 now 119 keeps going up.

Woohoo can we beat um AR fruit which are which are on after this? I believe I believe at 12:00 like in 2 hours time or 1 and a half you 2 hours time. The Artif Fruit Chat's on. So if you want to leave here and you're still awake, you can jump on over to the Artif Fruit Chat. I Believe Don't quote me on that, but somebody mentioned that oh, you can use Adlock can you master Burner Ad Block will get rid of the Ustream ads Will it? Wow, Yeah ads but ads now make me a full-time video blogger.
So I but I don't make anything at all from the from the ads that pop up on you stream. I don't I make nothing so don't blame me for that. Um, actually. um, well there's questions, questions but I'll get to those.

um I Just wanted to say that I have been approached by somebody who wants to put ads who wanted to put ads in my videos and I've basically um said pretty much no. um because I know everyone hates them and I hate them too. When you go to YouTube and you play the ad, you know and a pre-roll ad pops up and stuff like that and yeah, there's just got to be a better way to do it. unless they paid me an absolute buttload of money.

and then I maybe like a million dollars or something. Um well, maybe 100,000 I don't know that would do. Pay me $100,000 and I'll put one ad. I'll put a you know, a 30 second ad at the start of one video for you.

There you go, That's That's the priz. Um yeah. so I'm trying to. you know I don't like because this is now my practically my full-time gig now.

I don't want to, you know I'm loathed to turn down advertising, but I don't want to do the in video ads I just don't like them. don't like them at all. and I'm pretty sure you guys don't like them either. So yep, no.

I haven't settled on a free PCB package yet? um n haven't had time to compare them I really want to do a like a Hands-On comparison of all the major packages but uh, who? whoa Whoa. Questions scrolled off but um, yeah, it's a time thing. It's amazing how much time you don't have, even when you're doing this full time. Um, who knows ham radio? Now we have the internet.

Yeah, good point. Mike Um, you know it's fun. You know it's fun from an Electronics point of view and seeing how far he can get like that's that's the thing. I Reckon if you're going to get a ham license then you get into it properly and you you know you build Well, you don't have to build your own rig but you buy Rigs and you muck around with antennas and you actually talk to people over radio and see how far you can get and you you know you string up your whole back backyard with massive arrays of antennas and you know and you do it at 2:00 a.m.

in the morning when the atmospheric conditions are better and you try and see how far you can get I I I Think that's you know, good fun. But yeah, but apart from that, getting your Ham license and then just hang it out with hams I Don't you know if you're not actually going to do the real ham radio stuff like actually try and transmit and things like that, then I don't see the point? Oh, there's an open-ended question from Mk7: how do you choose a part when there's many good to choose from but the choose affect other choosers Lost in Translation there? Um, yeah. I I Understand your question though. How do you choose Parts when there's so many very similar Parts out there? Well, you end up probably sorting by um I've gone through I've done a Blog on it, choosing Parts using the Dig key parametric searches and other parametric searches on the manufacturer's website, and um, ultimately, well, you're going to choose by um, uh, price? really? Um, usually if you know if there's identical devices with identical specs in the same package with the same availability, um, you're just going to go with the cheapest one.
ultimately. um, that's probably the end result of that. But usually when you get down to it, when you short, uh, when you sort um through the specs that you need, in the end, you come down to only a couple of Parts um usually. so unless you're using like a common let's say you're using an Lm324, OPM or something something like that, then well you've got you know, a dozen different manufacturers to choose from Gray market parts to choose from and it it literally just comes down to price cuz the specs are all the same and the package is the same so outter fruit.

Peaks at 180 does it question is from Ivan is taking things apart a normal part of the show? Not really. um we we tried to on a couple of live shows we triy to take things apart but because I don't have a multicamera set up it's really hard and there's a limited lead length here. um a very limited lead lead length going to the webcam and then even though my camera's is running from running, sitting on the tripod not connected to the mains, it's actually working from the battery. uh I could take that over to here and put it on the bench but then only the people who watch the recorded show are going to get the info.

um so yeah, my webcam doesn't reach over to the other bench and I can do it next to here I could maybe try and tilt the camera down I've tried to do that before but oh it's all just yeah. unfortunately it's all just too hard. um I I probably need like an extension I What I need is just a an an extension lead for the webcam so that you know like a 2 m USB extension cable. So I can just uh um you know, move it around.

But yeah, it takes time and people have so many questions that um any new interes in board houses asks l no afraid not. um a few people they keep coming out with names I'm I don't know there's so many I'm losing track. um any more questions I think I'm oh I've lost the scroll here. it's not automatically scrolling.

sorry if I lost. lost any questions? Yeah from March Chipmunk. Um, if the ads are targeted then well I I Don't think people would mind too much if I actually said the ads myself. Um, rather than just you know insert big booming American Voice You know? um that jumps in with an absolutely terrible voice over ad.
that would be video ad. that would be awful. but yeah, I in in video ads and they're permanent You you can't take them out of the video later. um because if people don't know once I upload something to YouTube I can't um uh I I can't re-upload a new video a new version of the video later I To do that, I've got to delete the old one and then I lose the uh embedded link and the hyperlinks I lose the stats I lose everything YouTube don't have that capability.

it's crazy to I Wish they would add that so that you can actually change the video at a later date. Um sure they got techn reasons for that, especially for us partners who make who actually sign up and you got and and you make money from the ads and they vet the content to make sure it's okay that they don't want you signing up getting the ad revenue and then changing the video at a later point I Think that might be the reason one of the reasons Um Satcha? JJ Um, ask? Does it look like the Eev blog and odd consulting jobs will be enough for income? Yes, it does. Um um uh. as of um like literally um yeah.

Mike the cash versus alienating viewers in videos might be a Tipping Point yeah I just don't want to go there. It's horrid. Um yes to answer your question. um I may um I've got to scroll down here to catch up with the scroll your window.

um yes, the money should now be enough um to me for me to stay full-time at this. So with the odd consulting job which helps um and as of last week um it looks like I'm going to um I'll be getting some more money cuz I found a sponsor for the Forum um and they yeah for the Forum and they want to replace the Google ad with their uh search bar and it's a really good one I I'd even use it myself. So um yeah. and they hopefully that'll be a long-term sponsor of the Forum and that will.

Um, certainly. Um I Can I can make a full-time living from this doing doing the Blog plus uh, plus my little tiny bit of side Consulting work I'm doing at the moment? Uh which? I don't know if that'll keep up or not. They haven't paid me yet. haven't been paid once yet for my Consulting since I've left left.

Alim Um, they haven't Uh yeah, a USB cable is $3 Yes. I need to buy one. Maybe after this? I'll go to the go to the local computer shop and I'll buy a USB extension cable. Um yeah, it's not hard.

How's that? I'm I'm actually watching the server stream and your stream seems to be working fantastically today. I Cannot believe it. Touch wood wooden bench. There you go.

Um I I can't Usually it sucks The people. how's the give me a now now that we've got 133 people watching. how's how's the video lag? Hey George George Graves is in the house? hey George Perfect. Fine? Well over 3T I Don't know? Um, seems fine.
Yeah. Excellent quality. Wow. Awesome.

Well what I'll do if it's so good? I'm going to turn it from 90% up to 95% It should even should be even better Now how's that? Has the frame rate? Has the frame rate dropped at all? Oh crap, now you break it. No, not really. Still good. Little more little bit more lag, more more lag, it's lagging more.

okay. I think I'll turn the I think would you prefer a slightly less quality I'll drop it down to 90% from 95 and keep up a faster lag cuz there's nothing worse than lag. I think people would prefer a grainy image than um, yeah, 90 was better. Okay, yep, 90% I've turned it back.

All right. That's probably the sweet spot for my upload bandwidth, which is 128 kilobytes per second or one megabit per second. Telra bastards, They cap me I can't buy I can't give them money I'm asking Telra I'll give you money more money than my already 100 bucks a month for my internet connection I'll give you more if you give me more upload bandwidth cuz now that I upload in full HD it takes I have to leave the computer uploading to YouTube overnight takes like 6 hours or something. Eight hours to upload a huge video.

It's just a man. Unbelievable. Yeah, like I and tster response was oh, you have to join a business plan or something like that I Bloody hell idiots. And they couldn't even give me info on that either.

Hopeless. Anyway, yeah, I'm on cable. Uh Chipmunk? Yep. I'm on cable I can't use DSL here.

My phone line is 5 half kilm from the exchange. Different to everyone on the street. every other house on the street. um well, they they're actually on a more direct route.

um and they get uh, good speed from DSL I'm the only house the guy came out to fix it. After 5 years, Telra finally got around to sending somebody out to actually fix my problem. I was complaining for 5 years our telephone quality was crap let alone our um, let alone DSL cuz I was using DSL for a quite a few years there and it was. and they finally sent someone out and the guy could not find the mapping info in the official tstrip you know database of where all the wires go and all that sort of stuff.

He had to go open every man like 10 man holes to trace where it actually went to and he finally found it was and he swapped the peirs and it was a bit better. but I'm on some weird trust me to buy a house that's got some weird ass bloody phone line in it. oh oh boy haha Australian accent he sounds funny. yeah well.

I'm I'm Australian what can I say I'm a St speak St speaking St We tend to slur our words together and we got that. And it doesn't help that I've got that high-rising terminal as well. If people want to know, people keep asking that, what is my voice, why do I talk high at the end of every sentence or every word or whatever it is that I don't realize I'm doing it, but it's called a high Rising terminal Google it it's on Wiki and that's what I've got. It's very common here in Australia Um, especially for younger people like me.
older people don't necessarily have it. It's more of a younger generation like you know, people who are like 80 now don't necessarily have it as much as people my age these days. Um yeah, 100 bucks a month? Um yep. these things scroll pretty quick.

Fun! EV Blog: Inc It's not Inc here in Australia it's PTY LT or just limited if I was a public company. Um, so yeah. I I Can't believe it. So thanks everyone for supporting me.

Please keep keep supporting the sponsors cuz they the people who direct, um, advertise on the website and stuff like that. I'm not allowed to say click on the Uh YouTube ads and stuff like that I'm not allowed to say that so don't do that. Um, but but people who directly advertise on my website, they're the ones who get who give me my majority of my income. So um, I'm trying not to allow ads on there.

Um so I've had quite a few people ask me to put ads on there and they're not suitable I just tell them to go away even if they pay me money. I do want on topic ads so um and I'm probably getting I might have to char start charging more now because I'm I'm getting so many people actually request to ad space on my site now which is great but jeez, I don't know I've already got enough ads on there man. So yep. better Australian than American No comment oh boy.

T Your business? Oh thanks Bob LT Bob there's a I won't be able to see that. um, it's scrolled off the page. It's forever lost. Maybe I can uh, get that? if you email me that link please Bob send me an email link to that um, Telra business plan.

Maybe I can pay more? Um yeah. and hopefully if um I get even more money from a forum sponsor, maybe I can go to a private server cuz they're like2 $300 a month or something like that. Um, but at the moment I'm still running the blog on two shared servers. you know, really cheap.

You know, $10 a month shared servers and it's still holding up I Can't believe it the amount of traffic I'm doing like 2 gig worth of traffic a month. um and D number of database accesses is is phenomenal I posted some stats on it once I think I tweeted the image of the stats for the database accesses and it's I can't remember the figure. What is it? 15 million per hour or something? It's it's crazy. It's absolutely phenomenal because everyone, um, everyone, uh um who accesses the blog page or the Forum every single thing is a database access.

So uh, you helps with cing and stuff. But Mkw, how does one model a DC motor? Um I don't know. it's hard. I I haven't modeled a DC motor before? No, don't have a clue.

I'm afraid it would be some sort of inductance, some sort of really complicated inductive thing. and then how do you model and and then how do you model the in the motor with a load or without a load? Very. I I Assume it's going to be complicated. that would be that would be my guess.
I'm I'm sure you could. I'm sure you could estimate it. You know you could estimate what load you've got, but you'd have to be. it'd be motor specific.

Every motor would be different. totally. Um, can you name and shame Who offered to put a special search engine or whatever to sponsor the forums? Um, you'll find out. No, surely, no, they're a good sponsor.

No. I'm I was more talking about people who want the in video um ads? No, no, you'll I think everyone will like the Forum sponsor that? Uh yes, we're still in, um, talks to do that to get to replace the Google ad with. um, cuz the Google ads aren't that great on the Forum. Um, so yeah, just to replace that with one of their little search bars which I'm sure everyone will like.

So um oh people ask this all the time on the Forum from George e um, he's about to finish his electronics engineering degree and he wants to started embedded Electronics Systems Design as a master degree. Do I think it's worth the effort I Hard question to answer. Um, it's it's never. It's probably never wasted effort.

So if you're young enough and you've got the time and you've got the money, um, and you've got the enthusiasm, probably do it. I'm not going to say no, um, but you can argue that it doesn't help you much in various Industries having a Masters or a PH2 or something like that. Um so yeah. um.

Computer Freak 97 asks what do I charge for ad space right now? it's not. um I don't think it's a huge secret. um $400 a month for ad space? um on the blog site. So um but some people pay less.

Oh hang on. Um, but some people pay less like I I do have a a um I do have a lower rate for people who are be like they you know they're just like a oneman band. They're setting up their site or something like that. So I do offer um a discount on that.

Um, how do you make a question you just asked a question Nemo Host Monster Yes I'm still using Host Monster Mitch Mitch Patterson's in the house oh sorry I'm I keep scrolling back up and then it doesn't auto scroll What's my favorite way to desolder multipin dips asked George um like 24 pin dips? um just a vacuum soldering pump? Um I Much prefer to have like the um the order you know, the full-on proper vacuum pump with the trigger handle and the hose and the vacuum pump and the whole works. but those little um you know, uh, where is it? It's a mess. Yeah, those are these. These things work okay, but you know it takes takes you a while to sit there and and it wears out your thumb.

If you do that, there's a lot of pressure to push down that handle on that thing. You know if you do that 100 couple hundred times cuz you want to desol it, you'll be thankful to get it. Um, but I don't have one of those here cuz I've always had one at work. that's the problem.
Um which I don't have access to anymore I don't have access to work stuff anymore hence I've I've now got myself a microscope I can solder under I've got myself a um I've got my S the uh hot air gun which I've always had at work I've never had to have one here um and other stuff I'm starting to get now so yeah, no, it's not Digi Key Dorus Dorus oh oh Mitch good uh question. Any news from Um TR John from tronic stuff Ask news from Tectronics about a new DSO to compete with Agilant 2 3000 Series uh no I'm afraid not. Um no. news at all.

Uh, okay. I'm back on the scrolly window now. How long have we been going? Half an hour? 34 minutes? There you go. Time flies Yeah! Ivan you were thinking the same thing as me.

There you go John could do in video sponsorship ads like twit? um what during the middle of the video I don't know I I I just don't like him I just don't like them I thought about maybe um, if somebody really wants to pay for an In Pay big money and I'm talking big money for an in video ad, maybe they can sponsor a live show like this or something like that. You know this live show is brought to you by you know, serious cybernetics and um, they could pay me a buttload and cuz I don't think if people were watching a 1 and a half 2hour live show I don't think like a 15c ad at the start of it is as much a big deal as it would be. Um, if you know if it's just a regular you know, 10, 15, 20 minute video blog or something like that, then it's just really annoying. But yeah, maybe sponsor a live show I Don't know, um isn't a bad idea I guess and yeah, sorry.

but I got to get money from somewhere but I I am avoiding the in video ads so um I don't want to go back to work I don't want to go back to a full-time job 9 to5 no I'm having too much fun watching my little boy grow up little San oh it's great and I think the wife the wife is uh, is really uh warming. she can probably hear me, but uh, warming to the fact that I'm home and I can help her out with the boy, you know? So um I think she likes that I don't think she'd like me to go back to fulltime 9 to5 secretly? Yes. I sort resistors Randy i s sort resistors by E2 12 up in the cabinet up there I've shown it before on a previous live show. Um, how do I sort caps? um uh, I've just got them in.

they're just scattered everywhere I don't sort values I did at work at work we had um I would sort them into ranges so it' be from you know, 10 you know, be from one paa faret up to 100 puff and then it' be 100 puff to 1 n, 1 n to 10 n and I'd have a different drawer for each one of those. um so that's how I sorted caps um I didn't sort them into value into any E Series like E6 or something. Um, although that's not a bad way to do it too, that's fine. Um no.

JMC um 734 um he He suggests I should look into Amazon Cloudfront for host Oh actually, oh, cloudfront I I Haven't heard of Cloudfront, but everyone keeps telling me I should use Amazon um I I I You know cloud hosting for all my files and stuff, but people don't realize it's massively expensive for the bandwidth. I do I'm doing like um, oh sorry I think I said before it was 2 gigabytes per month or something. No. I do two I do a couple of terabytes per month.
um, bandwidth. So if you actually go to Amazon and they've got like a they've got like an online calculator, you calculate how much it's going to cost you to pay for the storage space and the bandwidth transfer rate for storing your files on the Amazon Cloud Um, it's many, many hundreds of dollars a month. It's like $500 $700 a month for a couple of terabytes and that that's what I'm actually doing I'm doing in the order of terabytes per month. um I You know it's hard to believe, but that's how much my blog my Forum people downloading the podcast, video files and stuff like that.

It's crazy. So yeah, um, and even with the um, if I get enough money from the blog I might be able to buy a private you know a what's the name for the static server? private server anyone? Yeah, 2 terabytes. It's insane. but that's what I'm doing.

Yes, I know. Wow. Um, because if you just do the math right just for the Ow Radio show, right? the Ow Radio show, there's what 2,000 people who download it each week and each one is 30 megabytes, right? Get out your calculator, do the math and it's half a terabyte right just there. I Think it is all you know I think it's something like half a terabyte and you know it's crazy.

That's why these shared servers. Even though they go down occasionally, at least they for 10 bucks, they give you unlimited bandwidth. Um yeah, so it's crazy. Where was? I I was saying something? Uh, virtual VPS Virtual Private server? Thanks Mitch Um yeah.

VPS Even if you pay $2 $300 a month, they actually limit you in bandwidth. They don't give you infinite bandwidth like a $10 shared plan gives you. It's crazy. Um, so yeah, they usually limit the plans to like one one.

Uh, they limited to one terabyte a month or something like that. If you want two terabyt, you got to pay an extra 100 bucks a month. It's like wow. I Can't imagine having, um, can't imagine doubling my number of viewers.

Again, it would be. Man, it's crazy Anyway, might have to bite the bullet eventually and get a virtual private server, dedicated server or whatever it's called. Yeah, dedicated root server. but they're not cheap.

Um yeah, lur uh Luke lur Plus, but yeah, it might be cheap at 120 bucks a month. But just look at the bandwidth you use. the bandwidth is the killer. Um, most people don't have the bandwidth which I have um oh $35 a year for 1 terab a month? Uh yeah.

but any virtual server um also has to have a C panel I want C panel cuz I'm not geeky enough to learn to use a root server and Linux and all that crap I now don't have the time to learn it I want C panel. So um anyway I'll let you maybe in a month or two I might be able to let you know that if I'm um, capable of financially go into a virtual private server. Um, if it is only 35 bucks a year then yeah. I I I'll do it now.
Like 35 a year a year? not a month. Wow! Ones I've been looking at are: $100 $200 a month for a virtual private server. Question from Uh Mimi Mishima Beef good name I've had three summer jobs with some big electric utility company. What worries me is if that I haven't really contributed anything to the company.

Oh, there's a second part to his question. Um, this is a good question. Most of the time we are just assigned busy workout career advice sources say to what stress proven results and how much money I have saved my employees should I be worried? Oh right, that you think you have to prove to your employer how much money you've wasted. No, no, Most businesses, especially big medium to big companies are a crapshoot.

Um, what I mean by that is that they just, um, they really, you know, they just throw money. They hire people as many people as they think they need, and they throw money at resources. And on average, they hope that they're going to. You know, they balance it so that they're going to make a profit.

and um, at at the end of the year. And they really don't care how much the individual contributes, whether or not they're actually earning. As you know, earning their money compared to someone else. You know, someone else might be five times more productive on the same wage than somebody else, but they'll still be happily keep both because they're um, that's just how big companies work.

Um, so don't No, don't be worried about trying to prove to your employer that you're earning your yearly wage and you've made X profit for them and all that. Don't worry about that crap. Um, cuz they usually don't. They just, uh, you know they they go.

Can you do your job? That's all they care about and then the rest of the other. It all comes out in the wash. Really, it's all just one big slush fund. So you you have to prove that you can do your job.

Worry about that. Worry about that. You're actually good and you're knowledgeable. And you're not, Um, an idiot.

Um, that's what you need to worry about is that you? you know, are you useful to them? Did you see this great resistor box using cheap thumb wheel switches? Thoughts: Yes I did George I saw that on the Forum George is linked to a a resistor box I Thought about doing a new resistor box as a project cuz I've got one I've showed it off on the blog. Uh, not on the blog I showed off on the live show before I built that when I was a kid. Um, and I was thinking about doing a new Um version of it like a super lowcost. Yeah, try to figure out the best way to do it and probably you know so that people could make their own cuz they're They're very common.
Um, and they're very useful. Um, just host from your home? No my upload speed. They only give me 200 gabt per month. I'm afraid Telra, they upped it from 20 to 200.

I was amazed and uh, no. considering I do a couple of terabytes per month bandwidth transfer, it's not going to work I'm afraid. Um, hang on I've lost the scroll again. Sorry, got to stop doing that.

Got to stop scrolling up if it goes off the screen I've lost I've got to remember to scroll back down. Best way to go from Um 5 Vol DC to 450 Vol DC asks Thorberg um using a Um flyback Step Up Um yeah, step up. uh DC to DC converter. you can get them.

Um, you get four 450 starts to get to the Border where it's gets difficult. um or just um, not difficult but just really annoying kind of thing. Um, it depends how much current you want. do you actually? is it just like a absolute Microamps? You know, is it very low power or is it um other way that that will determine? Um, you know if you do it at a reasonable power level, it's not easy.

Um but uh yeah, there's plenty of look up. Um look up. uh high voltage backlight drivers or something like that. Um, you might be able to get some circuits from there.

Oh right. I did answer his question properly. Um how I was asking for future employers? How do you prove that you did good in my last job? Um right. Okay, I've said that.

bring along examples of your work to your next job interview. They'll be impressed. Um so if you if you actually built something, um make sure you get a copy of it before you leave the company. or even photos.

at least if you know if you if you built a million dollar widget you can't take it with you. but you know if you can document it, take take your copies of your documentation and your photos and stuff like that. Um I'm not a big fan of the referee and the reference and all that sort of stuff references a I man if I I if I go to an employer and if I'm going for a job and they ask me for references I will instantly have a very low opinion of that company If they're if I'm sitting in front of them right sitting face to face, they can ask me questions, do whatever, and if they can't judge me there and then on the spot. whether or not I'm you know it doesn't matter, take hours, take all your time.

If they can't judge me on the spot, and they'd rather take the word of someone who I've obviously set up and they don't even know from a bar of soap, you know then then they're just they're just idiots and um, I I don't really want to work for him. So yeah, references I hate them, despise them. stupid waste of time Lance what's that under There underwear under where under the bench? no I haven't seen Arch attack I have no idea what Arch attack is Nemo yeah Mike got it. Yeah, that's right.

Yeah, a flyback Transformer is is the way to go with that power supply. Step up to 450 enough to fly to the moon. Yes, you can fly to the moon on half a milli yeah, Zeder a cockro Walton multiplier I keep forgetting that name. Ah chip Mark says a lot of companies would have issues with uh you taking the documentation with you, especially American ones.
Anything you do on work's time belongs to them tough I Don't you know? don't not necessarily Take Along all the documentation but take along a blank board that you've laid out. Come on, who's going to care if you you know once again I wouldn't want to work for that person if I'm being interviewed and go and I give him an example of my my work and they go o We don't trust you anymore because well if you work for us you'll go show our to someone else. Well come on, you're showing something to somebody in confidence in a job. interview is nothing like releasing it to the public and like that.

so I'm going to have a low opinion of them too if they do that. So yeah, I I don't believe in that either. Maybe American companies n nobody here in Australia would have a problem with that at all if they did that be so tied up no one would ever work for him. Um I I said underwear No I said underwear.

Two words: Oh I can hear my baby boy. Can you hear him Should I go get him Should I go put him on the live show. Oh yes, the red bins. Yeah they're uh, little red bins I've shown those before.

How accurate is frequency measurement on a Riol scope? Is it close to an external frequency counter? Um, it's dependent on the built-in um. oscillator which is probably 20 people M or something? It's it. isn't that great. Um, so probably it's on par with a cheap $100 frequency counter.

Um, that you'd buy on eBay or something, but not. you know. A good quality frequency counter might use a a 1 PPM uh time base and then again, order magnitude more than that. Might use a 0.1 uh PPM time base for a much higher end frequency counter.

So they're similar. say C and Sega would be cool. Live baby puke on camera. Yeah! I held him up dur just before the live.

Uh, just before recording the amp hour the other day and I was holding him up I was actually showing him to Jerry and he puked and he just projectile puked and I just missed the keyboard. I'll let me go and have a look. oh look hey everyone Sean's in the house Sean's here. wave hey Sean look, look, wave to everyone hello.

Isn't he cute? Yes he's a is super cutie I am not biased, but yes, the world's cutest baby quite possibly. Hey hey, aren't you adorable? Yay! don't puke over the keyboard please! Because uh, my first live show we uh, destroyed the computer didn't we? um yes or you weren't born? then were you? no? and uh, so yeah. don't want him to puke over the keyboard. That would be really embarrassing once the power consumption.

He's absolutely adorable isn't my baby boy? Sean I Think he's got the world's longest eyelashes? I'm sure you can't see them. He's very cute, very cute aren't you? Yes, what are you looking at he loves staring at Bright Lights Like the screen here and the camera. don't you? Hey yay look at that. Sorry he doesn't do much else apart from that.
AP from stare at the moment he might smile occasionally. he's about 10 weeks. Oh the wife's here to take him. She's here.

Oh she's on camera. There's the arm. The magic arm comes in the shot. There we go.

Come herey. Oh he doesn't want to go. He was liking it here. There's my wife there.

she is. we got 150 people watching now. All right, she's on. All right.

Say byee bye daddy, bye bye byebye. Oh yes, he likes the lab. Oh he's looking at stuff I think he's eyeing off that analog meter up there. Oh yay good boy is it feed time Now would be a bad time for that projecti meting yes like it hasn't eaten yet so not not quite there.

You go. that's my wife. There you go guys, you got the Seea and the baby. Everyone says hi, hello There you go.

I Thought that was uh, only going to be a special for people who turned up early. They she was on camera before as well. If you turned up before 10:00 a.m. you got to see her.

But it looks like everyone's got to see her now and she'll be on the recording. Goodness. Maybe I'll have to, uh, you know, actually get the you edit it so it takes out a face or something like that. Maybe she won't like uh, being on YouTube Forever More Yes, projectile vomiting over the keyboard? That would be bad.

Oh man, oh, they could just check my flicker. Yeah, there's probably photos up on flicker. Yeah, whatever. There's photos of my wife all over the net, so it doesn't matter in a good way.

By the way. Master Bur is in bed now. He couldn't stay upright on my chair anymore. It's like 2: a.m.

in the morning. There good on you. Master Burner will I do an Fpga tutorial video. Um yes.

I've been thinking about it I've been thinking about it. It's on the list. Um, time. Motivation? all that sort of stuff.

Um, if you got questions about which board I should use, um, cuz I don't really want to use a uh, you know, like an Altium Nan board or something like that. It's not something. it's not exactly uh, um, the world's cheapest hobbyist board. It's okay.

value, but uh yeah, don't really want to use that. Um, so yeah. I think there's a couple out there. What's that? The pillo or something? Is it Zyink versus altia? Um I have a slight preference for ala.

Maybe I don't know there's there's not much in it. It's not much difference between zyink and ala. really. Um I found I find the Alor tools a bit better, but that's about all.

um yeah. but I'm I'm not huge I you know I did fpga for a living Hardware wise but the all the um, all the soft side of the stuff I'm not I'm I'm not that great at it. Can I do more basic vids like the soldering series. Ah yeah, what more basic stuff do you want to see? Hopefully I I I Haven't done an advanced tutorial thing for a long time.
Everyone keeps asking for you know, easy, easy beginner stuff and that's the one that gets all the views and stuff like that. So um I don't know I've seen have to mix it up I guess have to do more tutorials. People love the tutorials but they take a lot of time. so do the reviews as well.

Everything takes time. Oh good. You know it's amazing I do this full time now and I still don't have time to do anything I I don't know how I had any time before when I didn't but yeah San takes up a lot of time and just yeah and other things. So what I want to do though is um I've mentioned this before is I want to get out more I want to get out of the lab more and interview um uh people and visit places.

there's not not a huge amount in Sydney but the more I think about it, the more I think of more things to go out and blog on site. um and I I already L have a list of like a half a dozen uh, places and people and things I want to visit and show off on the blog? So um yeah I was I was waiting for my new camera so I've got my new camera I was waiting for my long life batteries for the new camera I've got those. um I'm waiting for a new wireless mic. uh so yeah.

then I'll be set to go out on the road and um, film stuff so that'll be really cool I think anyway I find it quite interesting. so we got 145 people. Is that our Peak I think that's probably our Peak That's pretty impressive. Do I find Cplds useful? Um, not for the kind of stuff I Do No, um, not anymore.

I've used done on a couple of projects over the years, but um I I I actually find Cpods a bit more useful than Fpga actually. Um, because yeah, they're just yeah. they're smaller, lower power, easier, just yeah. but it depends entirely on you're doing depends on what you're doing.

Most of the stuff I do can be done with a micro and is better done by a micro. not an Fpga or a Cpld. So could I use a bread? Could I use a breadboard to show ATM prick project design? Well yeah, what? I've had on the list for ages is everyone does Arduino tutorials I want to do a tutorial that how to use micros from scratch? you know like not using an an Arduino like a just a raw micro, like a pick or an outmail and how to do it from scratch and it's a lot of work. but I really want to do that.

So I'm really going to one day I'm going to wake up and I'm going to go I'm going to do that today and I'm just going to sit down and I'm going to do it. oh what's what's Dbot in Sydney Mike is there something coming up? do B I've I've heard of it but I had no idea it's in Sydney or whatever is it? Oh, it might even be a group. Is it see you Solar storm and Mishima beef again is uh really. uh a done with the questions tonight tonight today tomor this morning.
it's 11:00 a.m. all these time zones. Um what kind of projects can I get involved in? That would help me get into the field of design in real world. Renewable, Sustainable? Um.

Energy projects. Oh wow, Um. energy harvesting is a good one. That's all the fad these days.

Um, get into solar? Um Projects solar charging systems? Um uh. Line inverters. That's a big complex thing doing line inverters. but if you can get into um de you know, uh, inverters you can usually buy them but there are comp a lot of companies now designing line inverters for feeding solar power back into the grid and stuff like that.

Um, there's real good Niche design opportunities there. Um, and that's really, um, complex. you know stuff? um so yeah, I know it depends if you want to get into Power If you want to get into, you know, power, energy, and electronics and stuff like that. um yeah, there's you so you really have to decide there.

whether you're not you're going to get into Power stuff or low power. um stuff to you know, do energy monitoring systems or something. They they'd use microcontrollers and they'd use ethernet and they'd use whatever cuz they're all hooked up. They're all web enabled these days.

Um, okay, so yeah, so DB is a group is it Okay, well if there's a Dbot in Sydney I might go visit. there's heaps of places. there's quite a few places in Sydney I want to visit now that I've got the time I don't have to go to 9: to5 work anyone got any Altium questions actually I got to be careful there. Yeah, the Um MSP I was going to mention that John John John P mentioned the Um MSP 430 processor.

They're big in the low power um industry so um, which you know energy monitoring stuff. A lot of them use MSP 430s so I' I'd say if you're going to pick a micro, that might be useful. Um for for getting a job in the Um renewable energ energy industry. Um, odds are the MSP 430 is a good bet.

So um I would go there. Yes. Uh Jerry did some energy harvesting videos I've got an energy harvesting kit. Maybe I'll do something with it I should I've had it for ages.

had it for like 6 months. haven't done a thing. Okay, Um, there's no more questions. Come on guys questions Now Now's the Time um Alan Yates Um has done a good uh Wireless Power video I I I Don't think I can beat that.

It's like 40 50 minutes long. It's brilliant. Um I I even posted it on my blog once. Um, he's done this excellent YouTube video.

So Wireless power stuff. Yeah, he's done an awesome video on that. Um, how do power companies phase lock to the grid? Um I've I've got no idea I'm not really into Power stuff I'm afraid I know very little about it. but I I know they do keep their generators they keep.

They actually spin their generators at 50. You know, at a a certain frequency that um, locks to the grid and they try and keep it all locked in. uh, frequency wise. that's about the limit of my knowledge there could I show my computer microscope I use for solar in SMD I Don't use a computer microscope I've only got this is my Olympus um brand.
Um, it's very old. it's a very old model I got it on eBay Um, but it's there you go Olympus Tokyo Oh, if you can see it there, you go. Um yeah I Somebody said like it's a 1960s model or something. um when I showed it but it's made in Japan It's really nice.

got high quality Optics um and it's got um, uh, 7 times to 40 times Zoom Um, you don't really need 40 but um, seven and up 7 or8 times is really good for SMD Um fine. SMD Sold really fine stuff. um You probably don't need more than 10 or something like that to go for. That's okay for really inspecting stuff.

Um so I've got I've got that. Um, Oh, I better turn that down I'm running out of space here. Actually remind me to tell you about my lab expansion. the expansion of the lab here.

Um. anyway, I've got that and I've got this. um. Xtec um MC 108 microscope which I've used in a couple of videos.

Um, it's it's not that great. Um, it's it's not good. You can't use it for soldering under. um, but for inspecting boards, um, inspecting solder joints.

it's not not too great for that. but uh, checking out um IC like numbers on IC chips I find that really handy for that. It's very expensive though. hugely expensive.

Um I'm not sure about those cheap USB microscopes. You can get what they're good for solar in under I'm sure other people have tried to use them. Um, some some people say they're really great. Um, um yeah.

I would like to have like a big screen in front of me with a microscope and actually you know and the image shows up huge on the screen. Stuff like that, that would be okay. Um, but I just haven't bothered I just solder it under the microscope if it's small enough. Can you swap nickel metal hydride for Nikad cell at very low charge rates? Um, yes.

off hand I believe you can. Um, but there's slight differences. Oh I've done a I've even done a paper on that somewhere. Jeez, that was a while back.

Um, what product generally has an Fpga in it asks? John P Um, really stuff like Fpga Um, really high-end stuff. Um, that has to do a lot of parallel fast parallel processing. Um a lots of Real Time stuff. You'll find them.

maybe find them in very high-end Uh TVs I think you used to find them in, you know, the early plasma TVs and stuff like that had Fpgas They probably got dedicated chipsets now, but anything that really needs massively parallel instant processing, you know. Real Time stuff. Um, that a sequential processor even a DS a fast DSP can't keep up with or even a you know, a very fast Intel processor or something can't keep up with. So that's what you'll typically find Fpga in and some of the high-end Fpga I've used Fpgas that cost a couple of thousand each.
each chip, one chip, one Fpga chip. a real high-end one can cost a couple of thousand. do uh, very expensive stuff. So um, and they're usually massive like big 1200 pin BGA and uh yeah, you sold that one wrong and you're in trouble.

Got to have a big budget for using big Fpgas Ah, Lab expansion. Yes, all. hang on. it's questions.

Can I use a simple coax for external trigger on my oscilloscope? Yes, you can. Yes, you can. There's no reason it depends on what you're probing what you're taking your external trigger signal from. But uh, yes, it's if it's coming from a suitably low impedance.

Source Yes, you can use a simple coax for your external trigger. otherwise you would just use a X 10 probe and depends on the speed as well and all sorts of stuff. So, but then we'd have to get into probes and probing and loading, capacitive loading of cables and all that sort of stuff. Um, should do a Blog on been I think I've said that for years I'll do a Blog on that question.

What about your experience with working? Ask uh Andre with an O What about your experience with working times in your former companies? Have they been very strict about working times and break times and so on? I Work for a small software company here and it was very, very nice. Almost like working at home Now I'm working for a bigger company feels like a prison. Have you had similar experience made similar experiences? Um I've I've most of them have have been quite flexible. Um, certainly my former company Alium.

Um, extremely flexible. Make your own hours pretty much turn up anytime you like. You even had the flexibility of working from home if you wanted to um via the net. you know you could.

Uh, not. Skyping you could uh do a VPN virtual private Network onto your desktop machine at work and you could. Yeah, and you could work from there. So very, very flexible hours.

Um is very common in the engineering industry unless you're um, working for some yeah, a bunch of um, I' I've had ones. I've never had a job where if I would turn up 10 minutes late they would be standing there going. You're late, you know we're We're going to dock your 10 minutes. pay it.

That doesn't happen in professional Industries much at all um Engineering type Industries I found in Australia any anyway. So uh ah okay. Chipmunk two 2 milliamp charge into button cells designed for Nikad. Yeah, you'll find you'll be able to feed those into a um N Imh no problems.

Um yeah. the the thing with call metal hydride is that they are exothermic so if you continue to charge them they willens like build up pressure internally but if if it's low enough and don't quote me, but if it's lower than 0.1 C you can float charge them indefinitely without damage. I think it's less than 0.1c um at very low. but it it it.
It has bad ramifications for the usable life of the battery. So um, if you know, yes, you can safely charge nickel metal hydride at below 0.1c all the continuously. all the time you can float charge them I believe Um I've done research in this area but I can't remember. it's been a long time ago.

um and uh, but it will have effects on the usable cycle life of the battery so that's a trade off. Um, you get, but you can safely do it. You want an Ebog blog? Antistatic lab coat? Um what would an Eev blog antistatic lab coat look like? Would it just have Eev blog? Mine's got hell on it. Um, if you've seen my lab coat, if you seen if you watch the videos, it's got H H is in um it's a it's a joke for 2001 A Space Odyssey um and it's sewn into there but only because it had um, my former company uh T and it had their name on it and um and I stitched and I took out a couple of the letters and it got how H So that's what's on my lab coat.

that's the one I did like the uh I've done the I've done yes, I've done several videos in my lab coat. Um, oh, I don't really want to expand on that one chip Mark What gives cable? It's bandwidth limits. Yeah, it's loss. Transmission line you have to get into trans, then you get into transmission lines.

you get into transmission line loss and uh, stuff like that. and um, but yeah, it's a whole combination of things. The capacitance, the quality of the dialectric, the the shielding, the all sorts of things. Um, yep.

and if you don't know how scope probes work, um, I won't get one. But yeah, um. scope probes are a lossy transmission line. They're not actually like they.

They're not just a bit of coax, they're actually, well. they. they're constructed like a coax, but the inner cable is actually a lossy. Um, a A an actual High Resistance Um, uh, lossy wire.

So it's actually a lossy transmission line and that's how they. um, that's how they get good flat performance over a broad frequency range. My my my mate. Doug Ford's got an excellent paper on his website.

Um, which he did he. He actually investigated stuff like that and um, he shows simulations and things like that. So if you're really interested in how um. scope probes work, then uh, go to um uh I'll type it in There you go.

Go to Uh Doug's website and he's got articles there and you can download his article which he had published in Silicon chip about how scope probes work. It's really fascinating and he actually derived it from F first principles or something and he simulated it and went through the whole thing and then he did. Then he took AP part of scope probe and yeah, it's great. So yeah, I I I could do a Blog on that, but I wouldn't add anything more that Dougs hasn't already done.

I'm sorry Dave I can't do that right now. Dear how yes Hal is IBM is one letter less than IBM H is one less than IBM. So the old Theory goes. People claim that Hal was chosen to deliberately to be uh yes, somebody else remembers the 0.1c or less charging rate to for nickel metal hybrids.
Oh yes, the lab expansion. Would you need a bigger lab for future projects? Um yeah, it'd be nice having a bigger lab is uh, always. um, but yeah, yes somebody yeah. JMC put the link for the The Secret World of probes that Doug for did back in October 09 There you go.

Yeah, what I want to do is? um, hopefully everyone can see it here. Let me uh. I'll try and pan around. Okay my, everyone thinks my lab is big.

it is not. It is Tiny look okay. Got my measure I actually haven't measured it yet. Let's measure it all right.

I I Always nominally say it's about 2 and 1/2 M and I think I'm right. Hang on Two and a Half Yep, it's 2 and A2 m in that direction from one wall to the other and it's this. This makes great video doesn't it? h watching me use a measuring tape and technically it's two and a there. There you go.

it's it. It is 2 1/2 M across like this by 2 m is deep. That's how big my lab is. That's all the room I've got in the that's all the room my wife lets me have in the entire house apart from my study which I'm not allowed to keep Electronics gear in there I do occasionally.

but uh, you know and if I'm working on and if I'm working on like a PC project like a microcontroller hooked up or something, I'll work on the bench in the study. um you know and I can take in, take a scope in there and work. but but I can't solder in there I can't do any of that stuff. Um so this is all all I've got and uh, what? I want to do? Okay, let's see if we can, uh, pan around here.

so oh, that's no good anyway. uh I'll get rid of these cuz I'm still in the process of remodeling everything but basically there we go. Can we see now? All right, there's my car. Okay, so my car.

my car really backs up to like it almost noses directly into the lab and I had this brilliant idea. All right there we go. I I had this brilliant idea that I would put a wall up I would I've got these cabinets up I've got these cabinets up here on the wall so hopefully you can see that. I I handbuilt these cabinets up here but there's a gap between there and I wanted I was thinking about putting a wall here with a door so I can keep all the concrete and other crap and dust out and uh, I was thinking about having a third bench.

this is the this is the thing I want actually having a third bench sorry the uh, webcam and the other two camera. the other camera doesn't look line up too much too well. but yeah I want to have a third bench which actually extends over the Bonnet of the car here so it would actually go out like that and then I'd have a wall going up to the ceiling and maybe it have Windows in it or something but that would keep out the dust and then I can acoustically do you know I I can, uh, treat the walls with acoustic panels and stuff like that and it would sound a bit better than the echoey thing I got at the moment. So that's the idea is that actually have a bench which extends over the bondet of the car and then it's anchored to the roof like that.
and then I get a third bench. Um, and then I'd have to chop off a corner of this bench here. If you have a look down here, then I' I'd only have about this much space to walk through so I'd have to go to the side. So I'd have to soore off like a corner of this bench and hopefully I'd have a door there and uh, that would uh, work.

So that that is the plan. um and the white, oh the oh, can you see me again? sorry, got to bend that up and the wife, um doesn't. Uh, the wife didn't like it at first, but I think she's warming up to it. so she's warming up to the idea.

So there you go. Is that crazy or what? what? Buy a smart car? Yeah, that's the other option is to buy a shorter car and I could put up a full wall. but yeah, I I can always do that once. I get the bench in place, it goes over the bench.

Then if I buy a shorter car, It just fits anyway. So and then I've got storage space under the bench instead of the nose of the car coming under the bench like that. So so is that crazy or what? Please stop me if you think that's just like the dumbest idea in history. Um, but it'll be very claustrophobic in here so this will be it'll.

be no more than 2 1/2 M by 3 m long. and if I put a door in there, it'll be enclosed and so it's a small lab. It's a very small lab. Someone's laughed at Ry's comment Mount the third bench to the car Bonnet A mobile bench? Yeah.

boot. You open the boot of the car and there's all the test instruments and everything. You know that'd be great. What's the story behind the license plate? The Out of Time license plate I've mentioned everyone knows about that I'm a fan of Back to the Future so that's the official.

You know that's the genuine. uh well, it's not the one that they used in the movie. It is a genuine replica. uh uh.

out of Time number plate California uh number plate. It's got the genuine. like the actual stickers that are um, that were in the movie like California 86 you know and uh yeah, it's um, that's a prop replica and uh I've just really adopted that cuz I think it's quite a nice um I just think it's a good slogan f

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26 thoughts on “Eevblog #190 – live show #9”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Homeless Tech says:

    Should do this again Dave

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lnpilot says:

    You need electric cars, Dave if you work in that garage!
    Don't want to smell the exhaust.
    It really lingers all day, way after you stopped the engine.
    I used to have a gasoline car, like 3 years ago.
    They stink like hell, especially in a tight place, like a garage.
    And that was a Prius…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lnpilot says:

    Hey Dave! The wife tells you where you can work in the house?
    Wow, I guess I should really appreciate my wife!

    We split one of the bedrooms between my computer / electronics / robotics lab and her clothes and I have pretty much all of our large sunroom for the electronics lab and the servers.

    She used to keep putting her stuff on my work bench, but then I got the high voltage power supply for the robot and explained that "this equipment can kill you if you don't know what you're doing".
    Now, I have the bench all for myself. No more hair bands or hair brushes there…
    One advantage of working with high-power electronics, Dave!

    I wouldn't want to solder inside the house, so the sunroom is perfect because I can open the windows on opposite sides, run a fan on one side and it pulls the air through perfectly.
    The solder smoke pulls away to my right, really quickly…
    And her cats won't bug me while I try to work (they hate the fan noise).

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BadQuantum13 says:

    Erm … Long blogs like this are ok occasionally, but if they're going to be this long, how about some hardware viewing, tear-downs in them too? I can see why people attend this less and less (watch on youtube that is). – just my 1 AUD worth.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BadQuantum13 says:

    Micro from scratch, pic et al. Yes please.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chubsnellie says:

    Are you going to be doing anymore live shows?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 42/11 Video says:

    Instead of using a seperate webcam, get a Pinnacle or similar USB analog video capture device and hook it up to the AV output on your main camera. It will look a million times better than any webcam and you'll only need to adjust one camera.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emperor Penguin says:

    Dave ,,you got me addicted with your videos the way you talk makes me feel that our life is all about Electronics and Multimeters,,,You are doing a good job Dave.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Technoguy3 says:

    Dave, your tutorials tend to be difficult to understand. I like your basic stuff like soldering.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Technoguy3 says:

    He is so lucky to have you as a dad. He'll be an electrical genius before he's 4!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keenan Tims says:

    Two words: Google Hangout.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rapsod1911 says:

    When are you going to repair something in real time?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    How would Adblock get rid of pre-roll video ads embedded into the video? (I don't use Adblock or anything like that).
    The FSM thing is just my own T-Shirt, nothing more.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Polite Cat says:

    no one will have a problem with any ads.. honestly i dont know who doesnt have adblock plus..i havent seen an ad on the internet in like, forever.

    random question: does anyone know where the whole flying spaghetti monster thing got introduced? i know about the concept, but how does it relate to this electronics show? is there some sort of freethinker community im missing out on here?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Lott says:

    OMG what happened to my lab?!

    Sagan – "I took it apart, just like you said daddy."

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Lott says:

    If a short add will help you pay the bills. By all means; do it. I am perfectly fine with 10-15 seconds.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Lott says:

    Dave – 1, Wife – 0


  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randy Lott says:

    @EEVblog Dumbasses at Altium lost a lot of valuable assets of the company. I own Altium and I sure as hell want people like you behind it.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zouloum says:

    For the FPGA tuts, will you use xillinx fpga? because if you do, it would be great to know how to make this piece of crap software to run without crashing and corrupting your projects. Once, it crashed on save 6 times in a row!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @kildas They gave me the arse along with much of the company. Altium packed up and moved HQ to China.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @tavit111 I post on Twitter, Facebook, the EEVblog forum, my blog site, and via a Youtube bulletin!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @CampKohler I'm sure!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @shiftplusone80 I'm all for recommendations is anyone has one. Must have cPanel, and must have >> several TB/month transfer

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CampKohler says:

    Speaking of time flying by, are you going to give us Sagan updates from time-to-time before it's time for him to go to high school?

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MewK says:

    Good luck with your social media career!

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars petsoukos says:

    Your videos really made me wanting to build some projects with electronics… (just for the fun)

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