Tangent time. Dave can't shoot his latest blog because of some angry birds.
Hi! If you've been watching my Vlog long enough, you're probably used to hearing some Wildlife noises in the background surrounding my house here in the suburbs. Well, I'm trying to shoot a Blog at the moment and it's just impossible because of the noise. It's just crazy. These birds just won't shut up.
Let's go check them out. Listen to them, they're nesting in that tree and uh I don't know what they're doing but I wish they'd go to sleep so I can ship my blog. it's crazy anyway. I'll catch you next time.
Birds! Get him!
I was tricked 🙁
I thought you were gonna talk about that game
Rainbow Lorikeets, i have one myself, they are loud and Messy
Shortest blog yet?
you really talk about any thing !!!!!!
you could try a shot gun
Rainbow lorekeet ?
you could blow up some capacitors *ggg*
You can use potassium nitre with powdered sugar to make some tiny poppers that would scare them off. I presume you can get it in australia as well, as for it in a gardening shop.
Sons of bitches.
no lifer! 🙂
just get some party snaps and scare them off.
@EEVblog They're illegal here too, but we still use 'em. xD
I thought you were playing the Angry Birds game which is very popular at them moment.
@EEVblog We are in the same boat here in the Dominican Republic. A license is needed. The christmas before the congress approved it, people bough a LOT of them and they seemed to last for 2 or 3 years.
I can think of at least two things wrong with the title of this post.
haha I know exactly how you feel, Australia must have the noisiest birds in the world. We even had magpies that used to start singing EVERY morning at 1am…
Have you been stealing eggs again?
gas e'm with chlorine!
What did you do to piss them off Dave? tell me they didn't listen to the latest amp hour… mabey they didn't like having a female on the show..especially one that "has set women back 100 year"(@jeriellsworth ) just kiding, love yah Jeri Dave and Chris
@Wragie You don't understand. The idea is to REDUCE the ambient noise at his house. 🙂
@Gameboygenius Yeah, but at least the crickets are less annoying I guess! Hard to do the blog at night, SWMBO usually has a say in it…
@EEVblog You could try blowing up a multimeter then.
Spudgun!!! that would move them along.
buy a roo shoo, that will see all wild life within the area go away
When is your mosquito season, Dave?
@regeu Then there'll be crickets instead…