Looks like the airport TSA backscatter scanners might be damaging DNA too:
Dave cuts loose on all the US airline security and TSA rubbish, their stupid reactionary process to every new security threat, and the new $9 Australia Post "Security fee" for all packages going into the US of 453g (16oz).
How will affect local business who export to the US
and don't try and ship any item with a tiny lithium coin cell in it!:
Quotes directly from Australia Post about the $9 fee when I asked them:
"Unfortunately Australia Post is not able to discuss security measures in place for either incoming or outgoing mail items."
"Some countries have had to ban all items being sent by air to the US, I think we got off lightly in comparison."
"The fee is charged by Australia Post & only covers our costs of the increased security arrangements imposed by the US..."
"We decided out of fairness to implement the fee rather than ceasing the carriage of all airmail items over 435g to the US."

Hi Welcome to the Eev blog an Electronics engineering video blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics design. I'm your host Dave Jones You know who I hate. You know who really gets under my skin the bloody United States Government Oh God and all this Airline Security since 911 I'm not even going to mention Bush I'm not going to mention Iraq I'm not going to mention Afghanistan no, don't go there. Stick to Airline Security.

Oh anyway, something's come to a head recently and I'm just sick of it. God I'm sick of the US's reactionary, uh procedure to everything that happens in Airline Security. It's nuts. It's just.

ah, it's insane. And first of all, if it wasn't enough that they piss off everyone in the world, the US specializes and just pissing off every other country in the world. It's unbelievable. You come into the country, you got to be fingerprinted, photograph give the third degree.

It's nuts. But Airline Security. It's crazy. It all started with well, 9/11 of course.

and then and then of course that was the excuse to, uh, rape all the US citizens of their rights with the stupid Patriot Act But oh, I won't don't get me started on that. First of all, it was a bloody shoe bomber, right? So what's the, what's the reaction? Well, we've all got to now take off our shoes and put them through the bloody x-ray machine. What is that? God And then then of course it was the liquid bomber right? So now, uh, you're not allowed to carry what? Is it? A canister greater than 50? Ms or something through and all the all your toothpaste and everything has to be in a Ziploc clear Ziploc bag and it's got to be put separately through the X-ray taken out of your bag and put through and all that. so it's crazy God And then of course was the um, the underwear bomber right? So now that's what started all this new about the back scanner machine and the the new TSA pack.

Downs don't touch my junk guy's a hero bloody Oath. And so now you get a choice. You get a choice of how you want to be sexually molested. Do you want to go through the nudie back scanner machine, put your hands up and they take a nude image of you.

Fantastic. Or you can choose to be sexually molested the oldfashioned way where they grope you up, give you a feel. Oh yeah, great fun, right? Unbelievable. Everyone should stand up against that.

but that's not what I wanted to rant about. Really what prompted this I saw this the other day I'll put it up on the site. This is a notice from Australia Post as of November 22nd because of this. uh this package Bomb! Here's here's the new reactionary process.

You know that bomb in the hulet Packard printer or something that got came from I don't know wherever it bloody world was tried to flow into the Us. because of that. We now as of November 22nd I'm pretty sure it's not just specific to Australia I'm pretty sure every other country in the world has to pay this as well. There's a new $9 n bucks security fee for every package over 453 G or 16 ounces.
It's nuts. and there's an extra 2-day delay as well for any package over that. So over that weight going in to the United States Unbelievable extra n bucks? You going to be me? God Oh and what's this got to do with electronics? I Here you ask. Well, it's going to have a a it could have a really big impact on the hobbyist out there.

the small business person you know, the hacker, the makers trying to sell their little kid or whatever and they're trying to, um, import it into the Us. if they're outside the US they're going to be hit with this extra $9 security fee if the package is over 450. G or so it's nuts, so that could make you complet completely uncompetitive in the American Market It's just crazy. God It's not going to stop anything.

It's complete load of. It's not like it's a dollar. it's like nine bucks and you've got to pass that on to your customers. A lot of companies won't.

A lot of small Onean bands. They won't be able to absorb that. They'll have to pass it on and then people won't buy from them. They'll buy from China or somewhere else or whoever's going to be the cheapest Postage wise, it's nuts.

God I'm sick of it US Government Stop pissing off everyone in the world. Stop this stupid reactionary, uh procedure to everything God Security is not hard. The Israeli solved it 50 years ago or something. It's easy.

God Get with the program so it looks like there's yet another design requirement specifically because of the US the next widget you design. Make sure it's under 453 G Packed. Otherwise you're going to to be screwed. And the other thing that just goes to show how ridiculous this whole back scatter and security is.

They make the pilots of the planes go through the full back scatter security. What Are they going to sneak on a gun and take over the plane? Hello! McFly They already have the plane. You y.

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22 thoughts on “Eevblog #129 – us airline tsa security australia post $9 fee”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Martin says:

    I'm an American and I'm ashamed to say that Dave is completely right! We've turned into a bunch of wimpy sissies in this country.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Emily-Lena says:

    just wait for trump he will "fix" everything

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron's Amp Service says:

    And they just want to pass more legislation, taking away rights of innocent people, when the criminals don't follow the law. STUPID! Laws don't stop anyone from doing anything! RIGHT ON DAVE!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PIXscotland says:

    Absolutely agree with every word of this.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars turbotimthree says:

    Yeah, and I hate it when people say "freedom isn't free"…um, yes it is, or at least it should be and if you disagree you should look up the definition of freedom. I would rather live a truly free life with risks versus a tightly controlled society that is "risk free". Thanks Dave for your enthusiasm and best wishes from merica.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ernst Stavro Blofeld says:

    The US gov must be wiped off the map.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Bulfer says:

    Dick Cheney made money off of the Iraq war.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donovan Goodwin says:

    I understand both sides, It can help save lives, however, as some people have already said, x-ray's can have very destructive effects on sensitive electronics, and even peoples health. It could be bad both ways. Good both ways. Depending on your view.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheEPROM9 says:

    You hate the things I hate =-)

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mechtheist says:

    American exceptionalism, you got it, we're exceptional in all the worst categories.  But don't worry, it seems it exports well as more and more of the once saner world seeks to emulate our breathtaking inanity [steal from the best, thanks Judge Jones]

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars redtails says:

    XD I'm surprised you didn't mention the effects of x-ray on sensitive electronics. I remember back when people used film rolls for their cameras, you'd ruin your pictures if you accidentally let them sit in your baggage that gets x-rayd. I can imagine some sensitive electronics will be ruined or otherwise negatively affected by ionizing radiation. Let alone the effect of exposing large groups of people to ionizing radiation itself 

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed Amine GHODHBANE says:

    take care, you don't see anything, with Tunisia procedure of tiiiiiiiiiiiit security 

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heimbasteln says:

    no wonder why the us is going down when its just cheaper to buy it not from the us

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ukala Fina says:

    Right on, Dave! Every word you said resonates with me. It is them who destroys the world and not the terrorists. When will we stand up to them to tell them we rather live in a less safe world than a undesirable one. THANK YOU

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars meancoyote says:

    I think the US government pisses off US citizens more then anyone else. TSA is all a bunch of crap. Its just a bunch of lazy people trying to keep there pointless jobs.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brandonhaitken says:

    first five seconds are soo fun to listen to

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alyx says:

    How else can we protect our freedom unless we strip our free … ugh wait …. .. um … um … INVADE IRAQ!
    yeah as an american i go threw this shit flying from STATE TO STATE …

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Tubbs says:

    We don't have any control over our country anymore, the marching morons and their elected vogons run the show now. What's left of humanity in this circus is just sitting back with fingers crossed hoping something large mercifully slams into the North American continent. Oh, f#@% it.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars g6qwerty says:

    You Just need an X Ray Sensitive BOMB that would sure cause to cause lots of casuiltys

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RealationGames says:

    Australia has some pretty tough regulations too, eh? Mostly because of the wildlife I guess.
    I remember hearing that they wouldn't let the "around the world" bus in Australia, and their trip was screwed.
    I'd like to move to Australia, but it's so damn hard to get there.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    Good to hear some people are awake!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shit, I Missed. says:

    I live in cowafornication, USA, and I laughed SOOOO hard. Dave is awesome! <3 <3

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