Dave dropped by Apex Electronics in Sun Valley just outside LA, the biggest and oldest surplus electronics store in California (and probably the US?) . Come on a tour through the aladdin's cave of surplus electronics and hardware.

It's actually pretty sad to see all this old technology just lying on the scrap heap 🙁

Hi welcome to the Eev blog an Electronics Engineering video blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics design. I'm your host Dave Jones We're here in Sun Valley California It's uh, quite a way out of uh Silicon Valley which is up that way and as you can see, it's really, uh, industrial. but it's the home to Apex Electronics which is the largest uh Surplus electronic store still left in well in LA California and maybe the US So let's go check it out. Apex Electronics do a video Vlog As you can see it's been going for 60 odd years and check out the resistors.

they got sort to pots, everything else. it's just crazy. it's just absolutely nut and uh, sorry about it. And let's go for a tour down from one of the aisles.

Shall we check out all the old uh, we got any surplus paddle meter you could want and lots of, uh, lots of mechanical stuff and it's just all in these cardboard boxes. so let's head on through. What do we got? I Don't even know what half this stuff is. It's crazy.

It's just real old. um Surplus Mechanical God knows what valves. There's tons of valves. Let's go through here.

God knows what they got. red blue. they got valve sockets by the looks of it there. Yeah.

tons of valve sockets and pots, Millions of pots, switches. It's just H crazy there an there's an old electric uh scooter uh-oh uh-oh I Think we're blocked in I Think we've blocked in? No, we're not okay. Looks like we're into the Caps massive caps I Hope they're not charged W God knows how old all this stuff is. It's just crazy.

Huge wire, round resistors and more capacitors. Check it out. That's just massive. Unbelievable.

Wow! This is a real traditional surplus store I Love it! I haven't seen. well I've never seen anything like this in Australia that's for sure. They got the old old uh, rack gear. it looks like um, equalizer stuff and uh, it's crazy.

They just got clamps and it's a lot of it's. um, a lot of it's mechanical. but we'll be getting to the good stuff. they got some.

I've heard they got some real good test gear here. so there now this is the Transformer section. Oh goodness. Surplus heaven.

Really, it's just crazy. Unbelievable. I don't even know how you get up the top there. Theyve just got old gear just there you go.

There's a HP HP Spectrum analyzer just sitting up there. All right. we're getting into some gear, but uh, this is not the Uh test. These are all power supp supplies.

Lambda tons of Lambda power supplies. Some HP power supplies. Yep, we're in the uh, not out in the lab. power supply section Nice.

The hey here we go. Tectronics 7854 scope. What else have we got more programable DC supplies. It's going to be all positive and check it out.

We've got some old Tectronics gear here. we no I have no idea what that is. Micro time. Oh it's a video signal sync generator.

oh JBL music paging gear. so it's got audio stuff. Uh, we'll find the test gear eventually. Check out the motors.
Wow! It's a complete section of Motors anything you'd ever want. and there's another section they're big on Motors and actuators. and oh man. check out the plugins.

Unbelievable. All the tectronics plugins. Oh man. I can't even reach those.

How? How on? Earth would you get the the plugins from the top up there? Taz cam. More video. um editing. Lots of video editing gear by the looks of it.

old beer cam stuff. Look at that. It's just a it's just a mess. It's just an absolute mess and night.

Ah, this place is elaborate. It's great. Check out the schools are wise awesome. Probably anything could want here.

It's like a boy in a candy store. I Love it. More wire. Woo! It's a war wire and we actually have a ladder for a change.

Fantastic! Great silverware chalice anyone? go figure. There you go silverplated. They sell it by the pound. All right now.

I've got to find the test gear. I've heard there's test gey here somewhere. More wire. Holy C Looks like a big old video editing console.

Fantastic. More wire. Oh, check out the tin copper wire. There's an entire tin copper wire section.

Woo! Beautiful! Oh they've got albums I Have no idea who that is, but there you go. Want some old? LPs You kitties wouldn't know what? LPS are all right. let's go outside. let's go outside.

Maybe we'll find this T later. Check it. Oh the industrial size cable. Look at this big man stuff.

I Love it. Okay, that's a shitload of cable. I Got to admit I'm impressed. Wow Surplus Junk they got here is incredible video production editing gear.

Sure that cost like squillions of dollars back in the day. Oh, look at this. It's a crystal ball. It's a ball of Crystal It's got a couple couple of resistors stuck on it as you'd expect.

Um, that is bizarre I Have no idea what that is, but it looks cool I think I'll take it. Excess baggage charges could be a real though. Oh my, you don't even want to see in there. No idea what that is.

Apparently they got what is an acre. half an acre of surplus stuff out the back here. Unbelievable. Wow.

More industrial strength table. Check it out. It's got gear scattered everywhere. It's great.

Who knows what's inside these? uh, what's inside all these. um Transit cases. probably gear worth tens of thousands of dollars. Huge big video projector shoes.

Unbeli got a quad bike. Unbelievable. Um, there's some Rockets over here guys. Check it out.

they got Rockets Oh is that beautiful or what they've got a This place is fantastic. Uh, lots of broken glass. Yeah it's a O ands dream this one. but the Rockets are just beautiful Rockets are absolutely beautiful.

Damn beefy cable that's a huge parabolic dish bit dented. I'm sure you can get it for a discount now. I Don't know my aircraft, but I reckon that's a uh, that's an external fuel drop tape for an aircraft, that would be my guess. This place is crazy.
It's an old aircraft. it's an old helicopter uh, cockpit. So not only is it an electronic Surplus but it's a bit of a old military surplus uh stuff as well. and there's just tons of rack gear in there.

Look at the amount of it's all. video, video production, audio production gear. Worth millions of dollars when it was brand new and it's just. it's just here in the junkyard.

Unbelievable. All this custom gear, medical medical gear. I Have no idea what that is, but it looks. it's a computer breakout panel from the 1970s I'm sure and theyve just got uh, tectronics, uh, trigger in time base modules just lying out here.

No, sorry, haven't got enough excess baggage. It'll cost me a fortune. Wish we had one of these in Australia though. it' be terrific.

Oh, there we go, There we go. NASA Check it out. that is just beautiful. That is beautiful I Love it.

I could stick that on my head I Should uh no, let not, let's go on. There's little nooks and crannies all over this place that is. Oh my goodness. How would you ever find anything here? It's crazy.

Well that's a tour of the uh, back side of things. Let's see if we can go find some, uh, more test gear, shall we? It's got more wire than you can poke a stick at Fair in and fans. Tons of fans. Tons of Motors Oh, this place is great.

You got to come down here and check it out. It's brilliant. If you're ever in. Sunny Sun Valley This is the place to come.

Poker machine time. Okay, let's head back down to the main counter. Here here it is I missed it. We found the test gear.

Let's go check it out. Leader Oscilloscopes Ah an old Beckman scope. There you go. old.

HP 54512 Three out a Meg Digitizing scope I Have no idea if any of this sort of stuff works. Another Tectronics digitizing scope. Top of the range stuff. Got logic analyzers? We've got everything.

Test equipment heaven. Some are actually in protective bags I Can't even see up the top of the shelves. It's unbelievable the amount of gear here. I Have no idea how much they're charging for this sort of stuff.

Old hard drive plates. There we go. They have to be useful for something surely. So instead of something that's soes, you got to have 50 cal bullets.

It's the US oh we're beam back down this way I Think this place is nuts and we're back to the office. that's Apex Electronics Thanks for joining us.

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19 thoughts on “Eevblog #124 – a tour of apex electronics”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars arbutuswatcher says:

    Reminds me of Mendelson’s Liquidation Outlet in Dayton, Ohio – RIP 2020. I wonder how many places of scale, such as this actually existed over the years?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Keri Szafir says:

    Don't even let me go there. I'd never get out from that black hole! The place is soooooooo bloody awesome. I could bet my ass you'd even find the DSKY somewhere there, haha!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SoCalFreelance says:

    Many of the parts used to build the time travel DeLorean from Back to the Future came from this store. 👌

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Zachenberg says:

    Used to go there all the time back in the 80's and 90's. One thing he didn't mention is the smell in that place – imagine an old library, old books splashed with a bit of used motor oil.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars charger959 says:

    Who else is here after watching the BTTF documentary? I think it's rather appropriate they used some EEVblog footage being you're such a big fan!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Udit Kotnis says:

    Place to fortify during apocalypse.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars raym909 says:

    Thanks for going there. I have know then since 1980's. You should have said hi to Don. my friend. Did you know, Hollywood goes there for props in moves where need electronic or space looking stuff.. did you know, the movie "close encounters of the 3rd kind" got props there, so did "Back to the further" and i bet "Plan 9 from outer space" got the gauges there. OK, Apex also have other warehouse building filled with stuff in that area. HI Don if you see this,, Ray from Norco.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars liminal says:

    As long as Apex stays open, there's hope for humanity.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David B. says:

    I was just in that store a couple weeks ago and they have really cleaned the place up. Much easier to navigate! I guess the fire dept paid them a visit. Love the store.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Dennis says:

    Been there about 20 years ago. Bought some tubes for an old Galvin army hand radio. Great place for old surplus electronics.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Les Borean says:

    The place is crazy-making. One full aisle stacked with cool stuff. Fills one's head. Then another aisle. And more and more. To the ceiling.

    Last time there I saw 3" rotary cannon from a fighter jet. Wake up the neighbors with that one!

    And a Cray comuter!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vsev Krawczeniuk says:

    That place is a lot more organized nowadays, but that's not saying much. Wow it was a mess in 2010

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guillermo R. says:

    it is the electronic equipment hell, not the heaven.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Milanovski says:

    Need a place like this in Australia…

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Moacir Guimarães says:

    Que cinegrafista de merda

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fan de JACO DX says:


  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TEAM EQUIP says:

    Very cool place

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mauricio Alanis says:

    I live about 30 minutes away from there… I'm quite surprised that I've never been! Guess I'm going next week!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DandyDon says:

    All it needs is a good earthquake…… But on your next visit, you could check out C & H Surplus in Duarte, California. Amitron Enterprises on Owensworth in Los Angeles. Unfortunately Weirdstuff in Silicon Valley closed it's doors on April 9, 2018. Assets were sold to Outback Equipment Company.

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