Day 3 (for Dave anyway) was all about Open Source Hardware and gEDA. But let's not forget the Q&A with the head Renesas MCU honcho, and the evening with James Meigs, editor of Popular Mechanics magazine.

Hi welcome to the Eev blog an Electronics Engineering video blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics design. I'm your host Dave Jones Well it's Wednesday morning and the conference is actually closed down the exhibition Hall but it's just getting started here. Check it out! 8:30 a.m. There's 12 different uh things happening at 8:30 There's four labs and eight lectures.

It's just crazy and got 6:30 p.m. dinner tonight with James mes uh, the editor of Popular Mechanics magazine. Everyone's going to be turning up to that, but it just goes all day. It's unbelievable.

Well I'm sure glad these signs are here. I Almost forgot from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. today they got the General manager of the Uh Global MCU business unit the head honcho himself out here. That's why uh Renaissance are taking this so seriously.

They're sending out the man that regular Joe L can sitting ask questions of the name I Love it! Good morning everybody Morning morning. Those of you who are morning people Morning everybody. This is A9c super nuts with free software. My name is DJ Glory I'm a senior engineer at Red Hack work in the Global Engineering Services Group We do primarily embedded systems cross developers Etc So what is free software mean? A lot of people talk about free software.

Not a lot of people actually know specifically what it means and they think, well, it's not free because I can't do everything I want to do with it or it's not free because they charge me for it. It's not entirely about what the user wants. Free software is about what the software wants. the software wants.

to be free. And by Free I mean there are certain freedoms that the software grants to the users. And free software is about making sure that those freedoms are maintained. For starters, free software means that you have the freedom to run the program for any purpose.

You can't write a piece of software and say, well, you can only use it the way I Other: You can only use it in these countries, you can only use it for these purposes. You can't compete with us with our own software. You have the freedom to run the software for any purpose you want. You have the freedom to study how the program works and change it to make it do what you want.

So if the software doesn't fit into your needs, you can make it fit into your needs. You have the freedom to redistribute copies to help your neighbor. Now in the Free Software World They talk about neighbors. but who are your neighbors in your business? They're your customers, your suppliers, your partners.

those are your neighbors, The ability to share your software, the tools you use with them allows you to work together more efficiently, and finally, the freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others. So if you get something, you have not only the option to enhance it to fit with your business practices, but then you can share it with your partners so that they have the same business practices in the same extent. These lectures are so hectic. I'm glad I got my personal printed itinerary and then you don't know where you got to go.
It's like one of 16 different uh, lecture or lab rooms. but luckily on the back of your badge you got your little map showing you where to go. It's brilliant! I Love it! We're almost ready for the next session. People are lining up checking out the board to see what's in there.

Aha just in time Found it open Hardware with Open tools I Love Open! Hardware DJ Delore is giv the uh lab. It's going to be a Hands-On lab where we can Muck around with open source hardware tools. Well worth checking out. Let's go you don't one got some got some Hardware to play with? we' got can little micro board LCD and I think we're going to do example apps using uh all open source tools.

Oh you turn your Bo and there's DJ he's getting ready. he's nervous. smile for the E it's all going to blow up and that would be good and this is Open Source Hardware This is Open Hardware Open Hardware Excellent slightly different concept with open source software. It's people sharing on Z With Open Hardware it's more of a well.

you can't share the hardware. What you do is you share the design files to go with it. So people will publish their schematics and their their their layout and let other people make the same board and program the board. All of the specs for the boards are going to be published so that people who want to play with it can play with it.

And this lab is slightly different from other labs you may have gone to. This is more of a guided tour of the state of Art and free Software for Eda I'm going to bet money that we're going to put them on 0123. Yeah to all the software on the laptop you're using right now is 100% free software. No Such Thing The question of libraries just came up and I'll talk about that while you're working on it is.

this. Weite comes with a collection of symbols and the layout editor comes with a selection of footprints and we try to cover most of the common things. We like to follow the I guidelines for for what they're named and which ones get in there, but uh, in our experience nearly everybody who's putting together a circuit is going to be working with something that's different, so we assume that as part of your learning experience. you will learn how to create new symbols and Footprints and they're created right within the tool itself.

You you just draw them and save them so we we don't try to have a 100% complete library because that's a lot of effort and people are going to have to do their own thing anyway. eventually. great and now all the sources right here. Wiy and timer? Yep, oh well.

If you un open that, you'll see all the sources. Hell. Well it was my whole development director I just dumped it in it. There's probably some other things in there as Welles show us your Blinky board.
Did it work? sure did. Oh there it is. look Prett look it works all with open source. Yeah, it's link.

Woohoo! Winner! All right I Guess some six then? huh? Which of the good prices do you want? Oh goodness. Starbucks Starbucks and iTunes Oh my wife would be having I an iTunes for okay, my wife finded the start. Thanks for attending! I Hope you enjoyed experiencing the free software alternative for E Who likes this At least two days? I Hope you weren't having to use a touch pad. No no, no.

two days. at least two days. What? Actually I I did this at over the course of about 2 weeks. Okay, um I think somebody's all those all that stuff's available, those parts and all that stuff is available for and that was designed.

This was designed 100% with free software G PCB layout and I'm doing all the programming using GCC This is this is my equivalent of the RX 62 and development board. Very nice. Is that a full Lup This is a four layer board uh, manufactured in Germany It uses 66 rules so nothing out of the ordinary. I use strictly prototyping Services um wasn't that expensive and I bought all the parts through dig key except for the 62n itself which I got for Renaissance Was there anything you did specifically for this company in Germany to make the board? No, um I had the design rules in PCB set for their design rules so it wouldn't allow me and I do do design rule checking but like if I'm doing something in my basement I have to adjust the the edges to compensate for undercutting.

Yeah, yeah. and when I do paste the paste layer that comes out it was actually postprocessor off of this uh for each pad, paste layers are the size of the pad and I shrink them down by a certain amounts based on the geometry of the pad and some other rules that I might throw in in order to move things around uh. and and also if you look really, really carefully at the bottom, you can see that where the traces hit uh, pins, they flare out. those tear drops are added after the fact.

it's not something I do in PCV It's all done in a post processor. No. so on the Gers no on the PCB itself. the PCB it takes one generates another one that has all of the extra things in it.

but I don't want to edit it with all that extra stuff in I want to edit the original so you can see the tier drops in the Gerber files? You can see them in the Gerber. You can actually edit the final board after the postprocessing. run design rule check again and make sure that the postprocessing didn't change. you know, violating design rules.

Then generate your gers. and so that's all done in PCB. You're saying the post proc: I I wrote a script a script. Okay, that uh, the PCB uses a interpret a little language internally.

So what I do is I I do my own edits and save it and then I have a script that runs PCB in batch mode with all of these other commands to do the extra steps that I want and saves it under a different name. Okay. and then the make file then goes invokes. It has uses the command line options to export the Gerbers instead of using the gooey like you guys did, it generates all the Gerbers all the photo realistic stuff.
All the EPS all the web pages is all done in make file. so I save my copy and I type make and boom. Everything happens. Takes about 5 minutes to run through the whole mess.

Okay and then all the files are already there. The tower balls sent out Etc ET Etc All done very nice. Can you do? Can you do a a plane you know? pour and then have it do the way you do planes in it is you draw polygons. We don't do the inverse planes like some people do because some Fabs don't like that.

So we do it with polygons. It allows you to do split planes as well. You draw a big rectangle over your board and then you grab the thermal tool and you just go click click click click click and it it changes to one of the eight different types of thermals that we support. Or you can make solids if you're doing like.

All the switching power supplies in here are all solid. Do you see Jer being involved with the Open Source Hardware the new Open Source Hardware stand. We're trying to promote the idea that if you're making open Hardware, it's not really open if the tools you need are not themselves open. True now.

Kad Jeta. You know, we kind of don't really mind which one you use as long as you use something. But if you use a proprietary package like Eagle or Orad or Altium to produce a design, is the design really open? Granted, you can use it Mhm for whatever you want, but you can't change it unless you have buy the tools. So we're trying to encourage the open hardware specs.

The initiatives to specify that Open Hardware is not truly open unless the file formats are open as well May if at least if you can interpret the files and do something with the files as opposed to having a completely closed file system would' like them to use open source Eda tools but at the very least you need to be able to work with the Eda CLS and how much does Jet cost J cost? Nothing completely free, maybe a penny if you have to pay for your ISP how do you make your money volume The last year I couldn't imagine that technology with n they are triing my my energy. but now uh so for Consolidated company with no King to consolidate our meaning that two similar but different uh only by RX timer a b50 Tim a then you the customer has to change the D for and the uh I want to avoid that that kind of uh the cost uh for the because of that I'm now uh ordering my team uh uh to unify the per as a platform as soon as for 49 uh I'm confident we will and I believe this is uh this kind of activity is only possible for Consolidated comp in other words nowaday many uh conductor supp un qual. but for example SD Mich and D will not be able to be they they have to differentiate themselves among the many Uh arm suppliers but former N electronics and for of Technology can because we are more and only we can we will be able to offer this kind of value. Adding to you to to my I have an in to forget the best thing in the past So for me the the most highest and B satisfaction is Rx release of RX uh with no kiding the to prepare the platform platform based design I have uh put so many so many design so that the new innovation internal Innovation so that we are uh we will be able to catch up the customers various uh so the RX is the most impressive.
This is an official answer in my career and as I explained I have started from the ad MCU designer and during my career I uh once joined the join program with Intel and at that time the Intel had a Uh product portfolio including the Uh MCU such as the 851 or 96 maybe the old person will remember and for me the internal design uh destroyed by Intel for the 1851 was a big surprise uh at the time uh their design is very aggressive use the new technologies and uh in my career 1851 design of course that that that done my myself but that was the most impressive design for me. the this is a kind of a non memory for Next Generation and uh uh the mechanism physics uh to remember the data is quite different from the conventional and fresh technology is uh based on the Magneto electronic effect and so the R and the before R technology was the leader of the Em and also when see Electronics in in R&D levels uh they bu themselves into the Next Generation Andru and now we have uh preparing the 19 uh the M technology. uh but to be honest on the my personal inion is M mem is very adaptive but many body consider that it is just a replacement of flash then uh flash for Flash for example our technology for that mon has already uh confirmed to have a high scale ability to the F process to 49 or 38. Now then for mam now I'm looking for is the K application for M.

for example m is a non memory but at the same time the re cycle is very fast meaning that m is the non memory and at the same time Ral R So this kind of universal feature uh will uh will give some new Innovative functionality. but so far the Rel technology and also Electronics was not successful. Uh to find out this kind of Technology the Wednesday night dinner event as once again they've transformed it into a lovely sit down dinner table event. Have a in the ECU plug in what I really want to do? Um tonight is obviously dive into the area all you are involved in embedded design uh ubiquitous Computing and look at how the trends are coming in.

So many of you working different areas is see how these things are coming together in a way that will reshape our lives. So the first question is can we Define ubiquitous Computing Some people would say the first ubiquitous computers are are more or less current versions of smartphones. Other people would go back a little farther. Look for um the first generation PS Okay, how many people had one of these? Um, but I think the first networked ubiquitous computer was the ATM Uh, the first one was introduced in 1969.
um at a chemical bank on Long Island I Think there ads said something like on Monday morning our bank will open and never close again and that's basically what happened. Um and Donald Wetzel who more or less invented the um the ATM He knew exactly what this meant. It wasn't just a better way to do banking, this was the first machine that was going to teach people how to interact with. uh, an intelligent device and um, it's hard to remember now but it was A it was a a a real learning curve to get people comfortable with the machine actually handling your money.

Uh, you know if you think about all the Technologies we're talking about, they may seem to offer all kinds of benefits, but they have tradeoffs too. Imagine there was a time when if you wanted your money, you walk into a bank and a person would look you in the eye often GRE You by name and say how can I help you The entire transaction was organized around your need and the way you uh you with The questions that you had. In contrast, going and interacting with an ATM means you have to accept the um, the menu and the Paradigm that the machine imposes on you. We take it for granted now, but it was um, it was a challenge for some people as recently as the mid to late ' 80s.

I Remember New York there were um, there were still Banks advertising well you know at our bank you can still talk to a real person I remember looking at my wife going I want to talk to interesting little know and Renaissance fact time third biggest semiconductor manufacturer in the world Intel up here fighting it out with Samsung And then there's Renaissance Number three. who knew w.

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14 thoughts on “Eevblog #119 – renesas devcon day 3”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Thomas Vilhar says:

    Fantastic. I use gEDA.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jamie kosky says:

    this is sick keep more vid coming. from jamie k in the UK

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ivan V says:

    I forgotten about how cool Linux is. I will take a look at gEDA.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @gilgameshismist For all those who think I am completely wrong, and it really is Open Hardware, please explain why the OFFICIAL new legal license definition is called the Open Source Hardware (OSHW) Definition…

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @gilgameshismist Geeze, I could have sworn there was an Open Source Hardware Summit only a few weeks ago… 😛

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom says:

    Dave: Do you know this video isn't published on the website or RSS feed? I noticed that it should be there because you mentioned it in the AmpHour and the numbers are not subsequent.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ScribblesOnNapkins says:

    @MrPetrH What functionality is missing? I only used Eagle once. I have spent all my design time since like 2004 using gEDA.

    My day job is designing instrumentation for a research lab so I don't do much high power stuff or design for production so somethings could be missing and I would not miss them.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ttk1opc says:

    Odd the open hardware guy kind of sounds like richard stallman.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ForViewingOnly says:

    What was the cost of a ticket for this event? Freebies, food, entertainment… it couldn't have been free, surely?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gilgameshismist says:

    Open Hardware Dave, Open Hardware. Not open source hardware 😉

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ncrdisabled Submarine vet says:

    I worked for NCR for 9.5 years working on ATM machines and POS systems I once found a fake skimming msr on one of the ATM in a large mall called police and got a letter saying someone broke into the ATM and hooked it up . ATM in Las Vegas holds over 100k and there are 4 ATM in some of the casinos.
    I became totaly disabled after I was hit in the rear at 50 mPH while waiting at a light to pull into a bank to fix a ATM with a bill jam. Took me to the hospital says I can never work again.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ubuntututorials says:

    I love gEDA. Once you get used to its quirks it's a very powerful EDA toolchain… especially for its price.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell Jenkins says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gustavor says:


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