Nerd nirvana, what smells?, and who's number 1?

Hi Welcome to the Eev blog and Electronics Engineering Video blog of interest to anyone involved in Electronics Design. I'm your host Dave Jones And it's Qu 8 Tuesday morning and here we are in the main lecture hall about to get the keynote addressed and as you can see, it's filling up pretty quick. Everyone's spilling over for breakfast, everyone's pumped and this lecture wh will be completely full in about 5 minutes or so. That's a spillage from breakfast.

Let's go. We are the largest MC supplier with 30% Marx share. We are also run number one in every major segment category such as8 six and 32bit MC Product number of lectures is crazy. Here's the nerve center for the hardware labs.

This is where they get all their demo boards, put them together, get all the manuals together, program the notebooks, format the hard drives for all the hardware lecture labs, and they put them all onto the Uh trolleys and they wheel them out down the hall into the dozen or so lecture rooms they've got. Unbelievable! I Think uh Thomas Far conf me move to the second section of this discussion. Let's talk about a bit. So Tom Question I Want to start with 8 bit I Want what? I do FES on the board and if you're not within the Um the rated U minimum input voltage um for high or maximum for low.

If you're in the No Man land, you can get U both the P Channel and the inter channel of the internal Uh gate turned on and that results in current from top of the bottom and from Bdd to ground and so watch out for those. And in addition, the PC board. Cleanliness itself can be an issue because it can then draw hundreds of anys. If you don't wash off, you will need to use more expensive diodes to be able to um you know, deal with the recovery C We're at the Renais uh one of the Renais stands and where it looks like we got some Power Electronics Here can you go through and explain exactly what you got here? Yes, I can right? What we have right here is our setup of our our scalable VR solution and what it is.

It's a digital controller functioning with our P SIP device which is a Pwm IC with driver high side and low side fet in one package. and in this particular package we're looking at a 8x8 device Qfn 56 package that's an 8x8 mm device and that's what it's ATM how much it can do it can do. It can do 40 amps Max 40 amps Max Unbelievable for an 8 By8 package like that. Amazing you have It'll tell you what you're looking at in the V out and the temperature and the I out.

Oh very nice. can see everything going so we'll go ahead and just load it up to 80 amps 80 amps. Obviously you can see the temperature start to jump up yep as well as the Ey out function now at 80 amps and of course, the best part about these trade shows are the freebies. Check it out.

Freebies right? You guys give away freebies? Uh, sometimes. Excellent. Thanks Flick 114 Score! That wasn't a freeing. he shoots scores red It beautiful inside.

The Toyota Prius Here here it looks like our Q andx software have got all these funky IND Dash user interfaces. It's awesome. Check it out. Well it's not working that well.
Internet There we go Chumby Home Control fan base. You can operate your your home from your car. I Guess it's got games. it's got navigation.

It's got full entertainment stuff. It's got everything. YouTube There you go, you can get the Evev Vlog probably I don't know that's think it needs some work but it's pretty cool. There's nothing nerds likee better than to win a free iPad I Got this in my kit.

Turn up to the Abet stand. Plug in your little key you got and you can win an iPad Let's check it out. Come on guys. Win an iPad number spin.

Here we go. Good luck. Want a USB flash drive? L A Thanks guys! Didn't win the iPad Unbelievable and it's lunch time and they've outdone themselves yet again. Just keeps going on on the food.

So so then we registered. Unbelievable! There you go. I'm on camera with one of the demo boards. It's got a real time live updating through an Sh processor.

Very nice. I Like it away. Hello, there we go. It's all real time.

I Like it. and of course every man these dogs doing a capacitive touch sense uh device and Renaissance and no exception they've got. This is their uh eval kit. This the capacitive eval touch kit and it looks quite neat.

You can actually uh, prop it up and you can scroll things, scroll the number up and well you can scroll the number up and down like that and enter numbers. It's all just a glass uh panel with capacitive touch just like that one with all the different uh etched patterns on there, the different button Styles and things like that. So yep, every man in his dogs doing those these days I Found some funky looking device here. Check it out.

What is this thing? Uh, this is a millimeter wave camera and it's uh, it's a device that's capable of seeing through uh, solid objects so it can see through um, wood and it can see through gypsum wallboard. and U this particular version of of the camera we're targeting at the construction industry to see wires and pipes and uh, you know, leaks and uh and uh, things inside buried inside a wall. So a remodeler can go and understand what's in the wall before he cuts it or or or drills or whatever that he needs to do. So is it only like a what sort of objects can it actually detect? Like is it only metal objects? wood? No.

Uh, that. Um, it can detect. um. wood, plastic, metal? Um, a leak? meaning water? Uh, it can detect a, um, something like a mouse or anything that contains water.

Okay, so I'm going to just make a picture of my hand first. Uh, which is kind of f oh, that is that is your hand. Yeah. Behind the wall? Oh yeah, there it is.

Fantastic. And uh. so now we'll go over. There's a uh, there's a stud and um.

I put my Fork um behind the wall and there's a wire coming down. There's the end of the fork, that's a, uh, a metal electrical box right there. There's a little piece of, uh, it's a brass connector. Y and uh, there's a wire coming up.
Um, it's funny. Here's the nylon tie wraps coming up at an angle, connected to another stud. There's a wire coming up going up this way. It's funny.

You don't have to take a picture of the whole scene. it. uh, yep. Well, it's got It's got onscreen persistence.

Yes, it some form, right? right? So there's the uh, the fork and uh, my C cup. uh top. There's a wire coming over and there's the stud. and now I'm going to stop.

um, the antenna from spinning now I'm in locate mode. so I can go in this little cursor right here and find objects. Like right, there is the tip of the the fork. Uh, got it right there.

So there's the locating feature on the device. Fantastic. That's great. thank you very much.

And it's 2:00 on the second day and as you can see everyone's packing up, there goes the house. It's completely gone, there's nothing left, they've stripped it bare, and they're going to completely transform the room for tonight's uh uh uh panel. Basically, they're going to have a panel. This will all be transformed by tonight.

The uh people work in the background and they do an amazing job actually. Uh, transforming places like this after hour from one event to the next. And there goes the Jeep. The Jeep's out of here.

Jeep's gone. Here we go. They're lifting the Jeep out, the Jeep is going, the Jeep's going into the crate. It'll be shipped out tonight.

They're not going to drive it home. Not no, they're not going to the drive it home. There, it is. it's all done now.

They got the Jeep out. Okay, but I'm not 100% sure how they're going to get the uh Prius out of here. The door looks a little bit too small and the alleyway out the back looks, uh, tiny. So go figure.

they'll get it out somehow. 67. Nice. Basically, you're right somewhere.

So you waiting for me to say something outstanding? Give me a thumbs up. How's that? Awesome! The customer has a strong preference like your PR We were. Uh, we were pretty happy. Here's where it really happens in the bar.

This is where the big deals go down. Miss come back in about 6 hours, right? That's not alcoholic Enough By the looks of it, no, not very muchly not lubricated enough. Okay I'll come back later guys. and the room's starting to transform.

It's uh, not quite 3:30 yet so they haven't This hasn't been long since the main pack up and the room's been transformed into tonight's panel. Something tells me they're going to Disneyland I think they're on the shuttle Yep They're really getting into the spirit of it. Hey Mickey All right I'm excited I'm here with Kent Lman from FDI Thanks for joining K Sure now. I'm excited because you actually designed the New Renaissance RX 62n uh demo board which is going to be the next hot the hot item.
Tell us about that. So this is the Rapid Development kit. the Rdk for the RX 62n, which is Rena's new 32-bit microcontroller platform. Very, very big deal.

Very, very large worldwide launch. We work very closely with their entire team, their applications Engineers the other tool vendors with Mm and all the other tool suppliers to provide a turnkey solution and a development kit to the customer. So this is the basis for the RX design contest that we'll be running between now and Embedded System San Jose in April which will both be on the judging panel I Believe there you go! So you definitely want to submit an entry to the design contest? Absolutely. And we'll critique it, shall we? After the first video, I had an email saying Dave what are you doing at a Renaissance event? Who the hell are they? You know? What about the Big M the Big A? the Big T Aren't they the major players? Well, if you believe the blur, uh, apparently Renesis are the number one microcontroller manufacturer in the world.

30% says here, 30% of the Glo more than 30% of the global market, The next nearest competitors only around 10% Unbelievable. Who knew? And they're number one in 8 bit, 16bit and 32bit. Unbelievable. and uh, but apparently they're only number two in the US with number one starting with an F.

and well, they ain't doing too well, sir. Go figure. Not surprisingly. response to the first video.

I also had endless comments on the money, the paper money, this funny money us stuff, and how it's just crap quality paper. it's just garbage. The print looks awful and somebody commented that it smells like, well, a combination of feet and ass. Go figure that don't smell like real money to me.

but these polymer. Yes, it's plastic. Somebody asked the polymer, it's a plastic bank Note: A AUST has had these since 1988 22 years. Yanks Get with the program and you bet you smells like real money.

Oh yeah, baby! There are some people who wanted a better look at the note. Well, here it is. Here's the: Australian $50 Polymer Note: All of our notes of polymer They have been since about the mid 1990s, but the first one was 1998. and as you can see, they they're almost indestructible polymer plastic.

You can't rip them, You can't tear them at all. They're almost indestructible. You can fold them a million times and they just totally recover. You can scrunch them up and they just they're fantastic.

Where this Us note? Check it out. It's just paper. I could just rip that in half easily. These things just I Don't know how many weeks they must last on average, but it's very poor.

So the Australian $50 monote. far superior. All the notes are the same, but they are different, multiple colors, not as ugly as the Euro Uh, money. and it is Australian Technology: The polyon notes were designed and developed here, but of course the US won't buy our technology, will they? No.
And here we go. It's now just a few hours later and as you can see, the place has been transformed into the dinner event and what was once the breakfast foer area is now turned into a gaming area. They've even got Blackjack up. Oh good.

a victim, thank you very much. H It's tough here at R and you're not going to believe it. What was the lecture hall this morning for the keynote is now being trans transformed into the Renaissance gaming Room. It's nerd.

Nana Check out the huge screens. We've got more gambling. we got pool, we got pingpong. we've got large screen Wii The stuff of wet dreams.

Really, the event hasn't even started yet and he's already into it. And of course it wouldn't be complete without classic 80s arcade machines. And this one's really drawing a crowd now. Must be a bunch of managers trying to outdo each other.

It's the Engineering Management pissing contest and dinner has gone off and they're just opening the panels. The panels are actually moving. They're opening those to go into the gaming event. Isn't that awesome? Renaissance Spared no expense.

Again, fantastic. Apparently my wife plays ping pong. Check it out and this is the after dinner gaming event. People playing Blackjack He lost, he lost and we got some tragic people up on stage.

Karaoke Guitar Hero oh I don't know, it's tragic. Anyway, this is how Renais do their after dinner parties. Unbelievable And the video games are popular. We got Asroy Space Invaders Froggers and Miss Pacman and these are the ones who are Spilled Out of the main gaming.

Hall Into the corridor which still has gaming and if you didn't know we're at Devcon Well, not everyone could be at the gaming event. These videos don't edit themselves. Catch you next time.

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18 thoughts on “Eevblog #118 – renesas devcon 2010 day 2”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ArumesYT says:

    I wonder if you still feel good about plastic banknotes now… Not the best choice for our environment.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Solo Gals says:

    Are the polymer bank notes wash proof?.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oshiba88 says:

    What does the letter L stands for in your middle name?
    Anyway looks like a pretty cool devcon.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rampike74 says:

    They ought to be singing: "We all live in the yellow SUBROUTINE". 🙂

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ForViewingOnly says:

    What an event! Those Renesas guys know how to throw a party! If Renesas think retro gaming is cool then it must be, so come on Dave, please do a video on vintage computers, fault-finding (including common faults) and repair, so that we can keep these beautiful old machines working.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars allanw says:

    Are the notes transparent? Cool

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars floydiangreen says:

    AU$= bright, colourfull, strong-much like the value of the AU$. US$= old, bland, weak and dull- much like the US $ value.
    Were you trying to make a metaphoric statement Dave?
    Best thing the CSIRO ever did was create plastic money!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @killerman4ever Yep, I'm still here and there'll be another one.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Piku's Junk says:

    Beatles Rock Band and an Asteroids machine… it's worth it just for that 😉

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ncrdisabled Submarine vet says:

    I remember back when I worked r this other company and the power transistors
    shown took me back . The company KW controls made there own USP systems with a outputs from 10kva t0 125kva 3 phase . They firse supplied 400hz power to Amdahl and IBM systems and 60hz power I worked as a field eng. . They used small SCR to switch a power transistor They sent me all over the world.
    I learned most in the NAVY on submarines in the NUCK field for 6 years I went to sea for 3 to4 months at a time.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hmpeter says:

    I really love the UK coins.
    In comparison, our €-coins feel like crap.
    (The one Pound coin is my favorite :-). Need to visit your beautiful country again soon. 😉 )

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FyberOptic says:

    Well, in regards to US money, you have to keep in mind that it's just been that way for a long time now. There's new technology to prevent counterfeiting and stuff, but overall, that's just how we expect money to be. It's worked out pretty well so far. I think it's just one of those things where nobody's cared enough to change it. Not to mention all the automated machines that could have a problem with a drastic change.

    Your money is pretty, sure, but that's what you're used to as well.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mulletsrokkify says:

    @luisramos123 But they won't let us into the euro now. We owe too much money!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Reed says:

    that wave xray device is so sexy i cant even stand it.

    as an installer, i would trade a toe for that thing.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RAYGproductions says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luis Ramos says:

    @SciStarborne another reason why you should change to €uro 😛

    Euros are made of cotton paper by the way

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars davidvro says:

    I love Avnet. They are awesome.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Scavengers Workshop says:

    UK paper money is worse than US paper money. The US money contains fabric fibres IIRC, whereas UK stuff is just paper. A US note would last quite a few cycles in a washing machine, but UK money you'll be lucky if it survives one accidental dunking.

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