A few snippets of the Electronex 2010 Electronics Trade show in Sydney Australia. I wanted to shoot a lot more stuff, but ended up spending all my time yapping to people instead!
Includes a sneak peak at the new Rigol 6000 series 6104 Oscilloscope and the new touch screen Lecroy scope.

Hi welcome to the Eev blog an Electronics Engineering Video blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics design. I'm your host Dave Jones Okay, I'm here at Uh Electronics Australia's largest Electronics exhibition and let's go in. There's some old boilers there where at the Australian Technology Park and that's the entrance. Let's go in and here we are.

We're inside Electronics 2010 and as you can see, it's quite a reasonable size and there's quite a few people here. so let's check it out. and we got a tte uh, quit circuit prototyping system, let's check it out. and I'm here at the Viacom stand and there.

the Australi Distributors for Lacroy and this is the new Lacroy Uh Logic Studio 16 Logic Analyzer uh retails for500 bucks so it's a bit on the pricey side, but it is a Lroy um 1 gig sample uh per second and it actually interfaces to the PC. They've got a complete setup with the Uh separate PC here. Also hooked up to the Lroy wave Runner uh sorry the wave Jet uh scope and that's the 500 MHz 2 gig sample pers second sort of mid Uh range unit and they're all connected in real time with the um uh, Lroy ARB uh studio uh version as well. so it's all hooked up and running in real time on the Uh Logic Studio uh software on the PC Very nice and over here they've got the bottom of the range wave a 112 which is uh, quite a nice little Uh unit.

I'll probably have a play around with that one and uh, they go up to the Big Wave Runner Um 1 Gtz uh bandwidth. 10 gig samples per second. Six on a stick that one. But check this baby out.

This is a Serial uh data analyzer and this is A. This is actually a Uh 3D eye diagram. Check it out. The Uh Z axis Z axis is actually the Persistence of the eye diagram.

It's fantastic And you can rotate and uh, rotate that diagram. Let me play around with it like that and you can WR get a 3D eye diagram. Just awesome. That's an awesome bit of Kit So that's the Lroy stuff.

Okay, we're here at the Agilant booth and who have we got? We've got Tristan Tristan He's on the blog. There we go. Tell us about this new Um Infinium Mix Signal scope. Check it out.

Isn't it Sex on a stick? Look at the size of that screen. What's the size of that screen? That's like 12 12 in 13 13 in screen. Okay, let's give us a demo. Yeah, we've We've got a Um Fpga down here because it's a mixed Uh signal scope.

So we've got A there's a B, there's a USB uh bite Blaster there and it's going into the input channel the Um Logic input channel on the Mix Signal scope. Okay, give us a demo. So yeah with Infiniums and this is a midrange from 600 Mac to 4 gig bandwidth. You can get this software which is really popular patent by Agin called Infin Scan.

Infin Scan. Okay. show us what it can do. Okay and logically what we do is.

um, we set up the Zone qualifier. we close it. We draw boxes. So as you can see from the Demo Box there's infrequent glitches in there's a glitch.

Yep, I can see it. Let's let's grab the glitch. Yeah, let's grab it. Just draw one box.
Zone one software trigger y m interet. There you go. So oh so so you you just triggered on that glitch in that particular. that is awesome.

That's great. So that means that you're getting two stage trigger. So if I go back to the trigger menu, you get the H trigger. yep and the second will be the Zone qualifier.

Got it? Got it? Yep. Fantastic. Very nice. You can draw up to it Zone eight You can have eight separate trigger zones at the same time.

Fantastic! I Don't even want to know how much uh bandwidth, how much uh, actual uh processing goes into actually doing triggering eight zones at once. but that's very impressive. Excellent. Thank thanks for that Trist thank you I I Actually found someone I Found a fan I Found someone who knows me here.

He is. who have we got here? I'm Carson Just a studed from Unw. It's pretty exciting to uh, meet someone. um your fan off on YouTube Awesome! And you're here at the Electronics Exhibition just hanging around checking out the stands.

Awesome! How do you find it good? Um I just survived 10 minutes ago. Oh right. Okay, well there you go. No worries.

look around awesome and you recognize me cuz I'm the do carrying the camera right? Awesome! I Didn't see the camera at first. Cool. There you go. All right.

Thanks for that. Okay I'm here with John South from Imona. Hey John you you good and we've got. Check it out.

The brand spanking new you can't buy it yet. Ry Gold DS 6104 the Uh 4 Ch 1 GHz uh Ryo are now doing 1 GHz analog bandwidth 5 gig sample per second and check it out. It's sex on a stick is what it is. Okay John give us the uh the yep these are these are new range from Um from Regal who are the largest Um Chinese manufacturer of electronic test equipment Um, basically brand new product range available on two and four channels with Um 600 Meg and 1 gig analog bandwith um, very very fast update rate up to to 120,000 waveforms per second Update ,000 Yep, 120,000 waveform update so enables you to see signals very clearly like an analog scope, but also to capture very fast occurring um, not very often signals runs and things like that.

Also, it's got the deepest memory of its classes Standard: It's got 140 megao record length 140 Meg 140 megao record length Um enabling you to basically see this is a video waveform which we can basically zoom into and see amounts of detail Um on the signal itself. Fantastic. Okay, other things it's got as well is the display technology is 256 levels of intensity graduation. It's also got a range of advanced trigger facilities on board the unit, so we're basically got as well as having pulse, Wi trigger, and slope trigger that you've got on um, a lot of product.

nowadays. you've also got a lot of the Um serial bus, trigger and decode right and they're all built in. They aren't optional. Um, they're deciding at the moment where they're including them or optional the price.
But either way, when we, um, have them for sale in about a month time, we'll have a detailed price list on them, right? So this won't This won't be available for about a month at least. Uh, our demonstration model we're expecting through um any day now and I'd be guessing probably a month before we'll be stocking and selling them. Awesome. They've obviously got Fft.

Um, you know all the automated measurements of that Ah, patent glitch capture? Yep. Is this available in a Um in a mixed Uh signal version? Not at this stage? not at this stage, but there's plans for mixed signal? Potentially. Yeah. Okay, but um, you know basically at this stage is just a two and four Channel Um.

it's also got Ethernet capability as well as all your USB Internet, all USB Um. interfaces. so you can basically hook it up to an Ethernet dial in a web browser and be viewing and basically controlling the oscilloscope. Excellent! So the only thing with this kind of specification at this stage outside your traditional Agant tectronics.

Lacro. Um, it's the first product that's got this kind of spec in its range. Excellent. So what kind of, uh, price point we talking about here? Um, we're still working on a price point, but you're looking from you know, under $10,000 to probably $115,000 or so depending on the model.

So they'll be substantially cheaper than your comparable competition in the range. and some of the features are enhanced, right? So our Riyo because they um on sale technology to Agilant are they doing the same thing for this or no. this is completely inhouse R completely inhouse product? It's it's more on. This is the particular product range that's OEM by adelent in a two channel range.

So Agent OEM this guy in a two channel range Um, which is more your you know entry level cheaper kind of Boscope, but this is completely in-house designed by by the Rugle guys. Fantastic! Let's take the video signal out of the new 6000 and let's plug it into. You can see, you can see, look you can see that power video signal. Check it out that that is absolutely brilliant.

Where's the oh horizontal time base there? very nice and 120,000 waveforms per second. That's right, that's enormous. Well let's plug that into the Uh into the Ryar 1000. Series this is uh, 2,000 waveforms per second? if I Remember correctly, that's correct.

Yes. Yep. So what I'll do is just set up a trigger getting there? Yep. So they're obviously a different price point and you can it out? Yeah, just ain't the same.

Is it not even close in comparison to the Uh signal? Fidelity there? Yeah, you can still basically do modes where you run it in um, like a Uh dot mode and have a style of persistence there. y to to try and emulate the Um trigger on down there, but it doesn't give you the same Fidelity No, no, not even close. So we're triggered on the video field and we can do a DOT mode but it doesn't Um, yeah, doesn't cut the mustard I'm afraid. but that's what.
that's the difference between a $10,000 scope and a $1,000 uh price point scope y the new Uh Ryol DC power supply. Let's check this out. John Tell us about it. Yep, so these are a new programmable range of DC Play Supply from Rle.

Yep, Um, They've got a couple of models in the range. one with Um triple outputs and one with a single high current output which is Um 16 Vol 10 amp. Um. Basically they're fully programmable either from the front panel um or from from Ethernet or USB port on the back and Gpib Ethernet and USB and Gpib and Gpib for the old for the old.

crossy gray beards Awesome! Yep And how much does that retail for? Um, these ones for a basic? Yeah, I'm not 100% on price on these ones. Okay, Um, I' need to check with the list price on them and what other features have we got. Okay, we've basically got a range of nice looking screen. We've got a range of waveform displays that we can have on screen.

Um, you can do a Um a bunch of timer settings so you can have a length of setup for changing of voltage and current over time. Um, as well as doing that via a computer, you can program it from the front panel. Fantastic. Okay, they can operate in a dual tracking mode.

yep on the multi channel from front panel positioning. but primarily they're just a um uh programmable power supply by the Um Yep. interfaces. Fantastic.

Looks very nice. and what's the USB Uh host for? Yep. USB host is for. Basically, you can have settings that are on the USB host um that can be pulled into the unit to um, operate the unit.

Oh okay, so you can just walk along with the key, plug it in, and then update the output. Yep, that's right. Fantastic! Thanks for that job. And I'm here at the rod and Schwarz stand and they've got their new topof the range oscilloscope.

Check it out! This is the uh uh, this is their first time they've actually uh, first time they've done it an oscilloscope and I must say it's damn impressive. It's sex on a stick. it's completely touchscreen and uh I can drag stuff like that and drag waveforms in and I haven't even I have no idea how to play with this, but let's choose a cursor I don't know. Let's oh, there you go.

I'm changing something there. but yeah, you can, um, drag windows and zoom in if I select that and yep, there we go. I can zoom into that very nice and you can get rid of the windows and it looks very, very impressive. Sex on a Stick and it's uh, performance is pretty phenomenal too.

This is the two. uh 2 GHz analog bandwidth 10 gig sample per second one um I haven't asked how much it is, but uh, it's got a really nice looking um uh, fet probe there and it's a lovely unit. I like it. Um, you know it's it's weird sort of operation kind of.
but you know they've got your tradition horizontal scale. There it is and we've got your vertical scale. But yeah, you can use it like a traditional scope, but then they've got. you know, weird stuff like a like a navigation button and things like that.

but it's not too bad. I like it. and they've also got a base model unit. This is the 500 MHz analog bandwidth 5 gig sample per second.

Once again, they've met that uh x 10 basic requirement and this one isn't touchscreen so you can't do anything there. It's sort of a bit more traditional uh use. So your horizontal is here, you got your horizontal, your vertical and it just it works. Pretty much like a um, a pretty basic scope, the other ones a bit more uh uh, you know, a bit more complex, more feature packed, and uh, you can do Ffts and all sorts of things and all the usual stuff in it's um, very high performance too and I really like it.

It's very quick to uh, update and things like that. Very nice sexy bit of Kit And of course Roden Schwarz Also own Hmeg and they still brand this stuff under Hmeg. And here's some of the new uh Hmeg gear: This is the arbitary uh, function generator and check out these. Um, they still do their modular thing.

They've still got these stack points on here and um, the instruments. and they got flip out feet I won't try and flip that out, but uh yeah, if you can flip that out for me. Great. There we go.

Yeah, they actually stack like that and very nice, just like the um, original heym ones do. and they're still. They still sell their um, they sort of labin' one kind of U combination multimeter and uh power supply. and they've got a programmable uh synthesizer but the arbitary function generator is very nice.

The screen is really high resolution, very very nice and once again USB um uh key on the front and uh they do uh programmable power supplies as well that looks very very nice. that's a 384 W one very high power. Got a uh programmable Bridge meter. Awesome! Um, it's basically an LCR uh LCR Bridge LCR meter.

uh programmable counters and once again more multifunction instruments. very nice and hym also do uh Spectrum analyzers as well that looks like a very nice little cute little uh tiny unit like that. a very small Uh footprint. um not pro.

probably is a bit deeper than uh some of the others but very small footprint I like it and a H Also do digital uh Scopes as well. this is a 350 MHz um analog bandwidth 4 gig sample per second and it's got 2 Meg memory depth. um and it's A and it's a mixed uh signal one and it looks quite nice and as you can see they're um actually uh, running this in old uh converted uh Railway sheds. So it's um, all the original machinery for the railways is um so actually constructing the carriages and all that is still there and this is all part of the Uh Australian Technology Park um exhibition.
Well I guess it's an exhibition Hall but um yeah, it's really quite neat I Love it an old uh Railway shed into a uh, this new uh Conference Center and they got some of the original Machinery down there. It's actually very cool and there's one of the original cranes they used to uh, assemble the Raway carriages and they're all still in place. All the framework and architecture is still here and I'm at the Fel stand and uh, as you can see, they've got the uh, new, um, well, their new version of the Arduino and as you can see, it's still made in Italy There it is there. So um yeah, it's not just a Chinese r off, it's made in Italy and this is the fale version at 56 bucks.

And they've got the uh little Nano module as well. And I Found yet another viewer Here we go: Irving From Sunswift? How you doing Irving Hi, yeah, and you're from Sunswift, right? So you're from the Sunswift team that build the Sunswift? um car. Yeah, it's the Unw from Unw Sol The racing team? Excellent. Which one have to do a Blog of? Yeah, we'll have to turn up and we'll show you the Sunswift Uh, Sunswift Race Car? Yes, yeah.

awesome it's It's full of electronics Electronics Definitely have to take it apart and um, yeah, so hopefully we'll be able to do a Blog soon. So yeah, I've met one of the Sunswift guys and um, yeah, we'll try and tear that one up. Thanks! Irving Got some Agilant pornography here? We've got the new Um Agilant handheld Spectrum analyzer 100 khz to 7 GHz Very nice, very portable and uh, a real excellent looking unit. and this one is is the field Fox RF uh analyzer and it, uh, can probably wash your dishes as well I suspect.

So um, and over here they've got a uh DC power analyzer which looks really awesome. It's a an expensive bit of kit, but um, it is. It's really nice for uh, generating uh, loads and simulating loads and stuff like that. Awesome! I Love it.

and I love the emergency stop button. excellent And we've got a um, what's this? This is a Cxa signal analyz. This goes to 7 1/2 gig so it's a bit of a beast. uh 9 KZ to 7 1/2 gig and I'm sure that can do the dishes as well.

Very nice. but I love. the interface is still, um, sort of. you know, old school.

um Agilant. the uh, the actual uh, the shape of the buttons, the look and the feel of it is a it's a bit old school as opposed to the uh, new school which is the uh Digital Signal analyzer. Here this is the Infinium 13 GHz Oh, it's pant weding stuff. It really is 40 gig sample per second and it's got the new Infinium type uh interface which you know you either love it or hate it really.

So you got the contrast between the old style agant and the New style Infinium But as you can see, it's a absolute beautiful unit. and if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it. And of course the uh ryol. But let's not go there.
and we've got the Uh 30 MHz Agilant um, arbitrary waveform generator and that looks really nice. The screen actually looks like a really nice job and the audio analyzer here fantastic for uh, audio work. I'm not sure how it Compares with the audio Precision uh stuff. but I'm uh I'm sure it's a pretty good bit of Kit being Agilant.

There you go. That's the Agilant Stand and we're here at Silicon Chip. If you want to meet a face behind the name, who are we? who have we got? Nicholas Vin There you go Nicholas Vinn you probably seen the name and here's the face. Smile Nicholas hey how you doing We've got a few projects here.

y um these are coming up in Silicon Chip. Are they That's right? Uh, this is Maro's dab plus and FM tuner? Yep, who's over there and he doesn't want to be on camera? so I only show his bottom half. There we go. There's Muro Grass? yeah and uh yeah, this is.

He's been working on this for a long time and it's well, not that long, but long enough and it's pretty impressive I think that's uh, there's been a lot of interest in it today. actually. excellent. Yeah and uh.

we uh, we have it hooked up to this amplifier here, which is a bit of an older project. Okay, yep, that's one of the old ones 12v ampli fire from from May this year. Um, and uh. over here.

over here. this is. uh, this is my Christmas Light Controller project. Yep, and uh.

I'll just turn the audio up a bit so it's sort of. It's uh, it controls lights and it secret the music. Awesome. So somebody can set up a a nice Christmas light show with that.

Excellent. Yeah. We saw some videos on YouTube of amazing Christmas light shows and you wanted to do something? Yeah, we want to enable people to do that. Uh, so this is what we've come up with.

and uh, excellent. Yep, so is this part of the controller is? that's right. this is. this is the master module.

This plays the music and uh, also runs through the sequence simultaneously and it sends the commands over to the slave unit. or or there could be more than one slave unit and that controls the lights. It turns them on off and it changes the brightness. Excellent.

And yeah, it's coming along. It's not quite finished, but right. And there's a circuit. Is it? That's a? Uh, that's the slave module.

That's the slave module. There you go. Digital loting controller coming soon. Silicon Chip Excellent.

Thanks very much. Nicholas That's okay. Thank you. All right And as you can see, everyone's packing up and going home and that's Electronics 2010 See you.

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24 thoughts on “Eevblog #114 – electronex 2010 electronics exhibition”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glamir says:

    Пустить Девида на выставку и не дать ничего разобрать – это кощунство ! ))

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars akayakaa says:

    Lol. Great video. Thanks for your work. It is really appreciated and useful to people that are learning analog electronics. Thanks.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DLTX1007 says:

    That ! Agilent Touch screen scope ( WAW … Probably tens of thousand of dollars )
    runs windows CE too !

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Borkzilla says:

    I'll just bet those Rigols are chock-full of quality Wun-hung-lo capacitors.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crippled says:

    many wannahaves 😀

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Moreno A. Hassem says:

    Now I've seen the whole video and you checked it out. R&S will make this baby an MSO quite soon.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Moreno A. Hassem says:

    The agilent 9000 actually has a 15.4inch screen. We turned one of those down in favour of the new Rohde & Schwarz RTO Scope. You should definatelly check it out.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sneakerset says:

    I'm just not "up to speed" on Aus. import duties for Euro equip. (such as R&S),Dave. Also, it seems that ROC(Taiwan) and mainland China have become extremely contentious as suppliers of low cost high-end test equipment. I prefer the Taiwanese stuff for sheer technical expertise.The Rigol rep. was funny….he beat the word 'basically" right into the ground. Thanks for the walk-thru at this expo hall (an eclectic mix of the old and the new).

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Jereb says:

    Those Hameg instruments are mouthwatering :O

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mulletsrokkify says:

    See if you can get one of those R&S scopes for review, they look the dogs mate!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars exnol says:

    'It can probably wash your dishes as well' Dave you thinking about replacing your wife with that one!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars smileman66 says:

    My mouth is watering.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joeles69 says:

    @EEVblog tru that….

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @Gameboygenius Yeah, not sure if that's my camera/card or video edit software.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @joeles69 What, and then get hammered for saying "porn for nerds" too many times? When you film this stuff over the course of the day you don't realise how many times you have said something.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @marianoaldogaston Rigol are fully aware that I helped them sell a squillion 50MHz scopes, yet they won't talk to me any more!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @xspoonedx At my old job we had tons of high end stuff. Unfortunately my current job offers next to nothing in this regard 🙁

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AllenKll says:

    "sex on a stick" count: XXXXX Total: 5

    I love the 3D display on that hand held Agilent spec-an.

    Infinium interfaces… blech.. I'm in the "hate it" club.

    Nice Vid Dave!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VeXorian1337 says:

    @baddspella Arduino – MCUs for dummies.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mariano Gaston says:

    the rigol guy must know that you are the responsible for selling all 50mhz scopes

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Lewis says:

    Really enjoyed the tour and commentary. Thanks for taking a look around!!
    RL Atlanta, Georgia, USA

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gameboygenius says:

    @baddspella Sex on a stick is a fucking awesome expression. I do have a certain affinity for the expression, mostly owing to the fact that I first heard him say it when he tested the response time of the continuity mode a multimeter, and thus banging two acteal "sticks" together.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joeles69 says:

    stop saying sex on a stick…
    say its porn for nerds or something..

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gameboygenius says:

    01:27 GLITCH!

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