The 6th Live EEVblog show.
Lots of the usual random stuff.
Yes, I know, the video sucks, it came from the Ustream recording. That's the best main camera shot I had, sorry.

Hi Welcome to the Eev Blog an Electronics Engineering Video blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics design. I'm your host Dave Jones All right, well welcome again. After all these uh issues, one I'll get it sorted out one day. I don't Yeah, Okay, have we got any? We'll start off any questions: someone's eating popcorn this.

um I've got to admit this IRC window is much better. It's a pain in the ass to figure out how to log in. It's really weird. um except that it yeah.

it shows all these system messages. Question: I'm I'm on your 13t projected screen again Net Core: 2K Excellent I I Saw the photo of that. If you haven't seen it, it's on the it's on the Forum Is it? I Think yeah and um, you're watching on a third or is it in the comments for the previous live show? Um, he's got me projected on a big 13 foot screen and watching live. That's awesome.

Will the next live show be at a Saturday or Sunday morning? I don't know. um I Well, that would be. uh, that would be Saturday or Sunday night here. Um yeah, I could do it's.

just that I usually have something on Saturday or Sunday nights. um Sunday nights. I usually can't do it. um and that occasionally alternates to Saturday.

So um I have quite a I have a weekly dinner thing I go to on the weekend. So yeah, um, probably not. This is the most. This seems to be the most convenient time for everyone.

Um can I take my fluke 87 apart? Oh yeah, I can Geez, everyone's asking that. Yeah, okay, we'll have to do that. You said in the last live show that the Inc is better osilloscope than the Ryol but the Ryol with the hack is 100 MHz and the Inc is only 60 MH How important is the bandwidth? Um, bandwidth is always important, but the it depends how much you value the Deep memory. The Inc has 2 Mega memory.

Uh, which is twice I think twice the Ry gold memory. but I'm not sure. somebody's been commenting that the Inc has, uh, a similar thing to the Ry go where once it goes below a certain above a certain sample rate, it drops down or it's only available in certain modes. So, but um, yes, I Believe the Instc is better in terms of um, the depth of the memory than the Riol one.

So, and it's got an I think it's got an SD card on the front. Um, so if you value those sort of things, uh, they they, they're still very close. I think but I haven't actually played with an instick. Um, yeah.

so but yeah. bandwidth. Once you know if you're talking the difference between 60 and 100 MHz bandwidth, it's not that much really. it's not a huge jump, so I'd probably be tempted to go with the memory depth.

uh, over the B with in that case, if you're talking maybe 60 to 150 or 200 Meg then yeah, you know there's a big difference. Um, but yeah. I haven't played with the insect so sorry Dave has a life, no fear. yeah I do Um, do you prefer making your own Pcbs or ordering them I Get them I Don't make them anymore I used to I don't I couldn't be bothered I answered that on the last show.
It's pain in the ass. It's not worth it I get them all made by PCB uh cart in China Um, that's where I get my boards made so it it costs a bit more but it's just it means you can get double-sided plate through solder, mask, silk screen, all that sort of stuff for for for like $40 tooling cost or something for a for a basic board. It's just man, if if you're making boards all the time, you know I'm not making boards all I'm not making a couple of boards a week. So really, you know I might make one project every every every month or two I might order a board.

So yeah, the cost isn't isn't significant. Um, isn't a major thing. Why do many? Oh, there's a good question. Why do many USB connectors always have yellow tape over the over the top of them? Uh, quite a few components do this.

You'll find other other connectors and all sorts of things. The reason it has it. those connectors has the tape. If you've seen a mini USB I don't have one here anyway.

the um the the actual connector is not a flat surface on the top. it's got little slots cut into it. I think um and that the tape. What they do when they put the tape over is that allows the pick and place machine to come down with the little vacuum suction vacuum thing and pick up the connector and move it and place it down on the board.

So that's what the Um tape is for. It's to allow the it's allow to allow the 103 viewers. Awesome Thank you! So that's what the tape's for. So if you see tape or if you see one like like a header connector, um oh God yeah I never have anything to hand.

but if you see like a you know a standard 0.1 in header connector and it's got like a little plastic insert in it with a flat surface that's the same thing it's designed for. the suction, uh, the suction part of the pick and place machine to come down. pick up the connector, move it, drop it down and that's what they're there for. You're a college kid, you don't have that kind of money.

Yeah, well. fair enough. make your own boards. There's I made my own boards for many years.

Um I probably should. Oh yeah, I'll get it down. why not hang on this? This could be funny if I fall off the chair. All right here we go.

Woohoo There we go. Didn't embarrass myself. This is my old light box. um I made this when I was a kid and this is what I used to use for developing my own um uh, boards for exposing my own boards.

It's a UV light box so it's got two um uh tubes in there the the UV tubes and I had a glass. um I've probably still got it. Yeah, I've probably still got it somewhere. Hang on Ammonium see I still got the stuff.

Ammonium P Sufate I've still got here. we go check it out. I've got a box of a box of chemicals and this is all my old PCB stuff so let me old. Fel positive developer there you go.

um oh AE resist stripper. is that showing up? there? we go. Um yeah, here it is. Oh yeah.
so I had a glass so the idea was I had a big glass um uh plate on top of here and this was what this is a thick glass um sheet. these are like um I don't know 8 mm or you know 6 or 8 mm glass sheets and um, just together with these Bulldog Clips So I would put my um I would have my board in there with the Um with the uh uh transparency on top of the board and I can do two-sided boards so I could line it up, do two-sided boards like that and just uh, flip it and expose it on the box. So that's how I used to make um boards, but I don't It's just too messy these days. so I don't bother doing that and um and I've still got tons of I still got tons of board left and uh God all sorts of things, more chemicals.

It's just yeah. I've got a whole bunch of whole bunch of stuff. so jeez, look at it all. it's crazy.

So there you go. That's all my PCB stuff which I don't use anymore and I've still got massive large sheets of message. large large sheets of um, uh, pre-sensitized uh board. so you know these These are huge.

These are 440 mm by 305 mm. massive. So I' I've got like 10 sheets of that or something. Um, that one's only single sided.

That's only single sided board. but I've got double as well. and so there you go. I got tons of PCB stuff which I haven't shown before.

woo what's a millimeter you? uh Imperial um you imperialists, it's it's it's a proper unit. Yes, did you use some special glass usually glass blocks? the UV light doesn't it? um yeah. the um the low iron. um ideally you probably should have low iron glass.

um which I think it's the iron content in glass which actually uh stops the UV light coming through. but that one that seems to work fine I never had any problems it it expose in 15 minutes. it just takes longer. I think for just the exposing, your audio is clipping from time to time.

Okay, um sorry. I'll uh I'll I'll adjust the uh I'll adjust the volume. How's that better? Check Check Check Check. Is that better? Check.

Speak really loudly. Check Check Check One two. No too low. Everyone's saying it's too low.

Okay, I'll turn it back. Check Check Check One two. There we go. That should be.

That should be pretty good. No, no one was having clipping problems. Okay, well yeah, I don't know. There we go.

I'll I'll just leave it at that. That's check. Actually, that's probably going to clip anyway. let's not muck around with the volume levels.

Oh cool. I Hope I'm recording everything I can't record with the mini cam so I'm going to rely on the you stream recording. Um God help me. I got a the backup camera again but nothing's being shown to the backup camera.

So yeah, it's roughly okay. Yeah, best to leave it. I'm not going to muck around. So anyway, there you go.

There's my light box. So woo, How much. How much wood could a wood chuck a chuck if? I wood chuck could chuck wood Did I get it correctly. 42 kg of wood I think is the answer.
What are all those cables behind me? Uh, let me have a look at the camera. Oh you're referring to those ones down there. all that pile of mess. uh, that's just.

um, that's a big um Mains extension cable just tossed in the corner? Um, that's where my thermal chamber will eventually sit I hope cuz I think it just fits between this top shelf and the bottom shelf with a couple of M to spare. It's uh, but yeah. I've got to clean all that crap out and put it in. Yeah, put it away and tidy it up.

So I've just bom tossed everything there. How's I doing my lab? Have I worked on live cables anytime? Um, no, not not really. I've never been involved in actually doing live Mains stuff not in any Industrial Equipment that's yeah I always switch the power off I've never had to deal with stuff live I guess is the question? like I've worked on live stuff and you have to be careful, but not in terms of what you're talking about. I don't think so.

Do I find there are many women in the E field? or just dudes? They're mostly dudes. Is that Thunder squeak here. she's a girl. No Thunder squeak no Thunder squeak I think she's the only girl on The Forum I think she's the only girl on the Eev blog? Forum um, they.

no, no actually no I no I love there's another one I know of maybe yeah, maybe three or something on the Eev blog Forum no women are rare as hen teeth. Um, although it's changing now, it's changing a lot. Back when I was a boy it was. you know, incredibly rare to have a woman in engineering now I don't think so.

it's a just another subject they choose and yeah to to find someone really into it. you know, like um, lady Arter and um Jerry worth? you know that's that's still fairly rare I think but with all the new hacker maker thing happening you know it's yeah, it's not. It's good. Do I have a pet? No I don't The wife doesn't let me keep any pets she says I can't take care of them I can't even take care of myself so I how can I have a pet? Did I contact Fluke about the problem with the G interference? uh no, not yet.

I will this morning. um cuz I know the I know the um MD of fluke Australia fluke. Austr is just around the corner here from my home and um yeah I will no doubt there. I'm good friends with him so I no doubt I will contact him this morning and let him know.

so I'm sure they will look into it I'd be very surprised if they just went silent on it. Um yeah, have I seen a yoi? no? I haven't seen a yahi? sorry maybe I' I've seen the the Black Panther What we have here in the Sydney is the Black Panther Um up in the mountains there's this mythical pan. You know this mythical huge black panther. So yeah, um.

everyone claims they've seen it. It's it's a, you know, it's one of those things here in Sydney W I Want to turn on a micro when a voltage gets to a high enough level and then allow the micro to turn itself off? Do you think an Sr flip-flop would work like two transistors? Um, well, you need a level thing first. so you need a comparator to detect when you get to a certain level, which then switches on the power. um, which switches on a power fet or something like that which then turns on the micro.
but then as soon as the micro boots up, then it needs to lat that um thing. So yes, yes, you can. There's many ways to do that. So um, yes, play around with it.

You can probably Google circuits for that sort of stuff. There's plenty out there. there are no girls on the internet. No Thunder Squeak Did not create the electric car.

The electric car was created by a former colleague of mine. Um, hang on. getting a bit warm here in it's getting a bit warm there we go. Much better.

Okay, now the the um. the car. I Talked about on the last show that was created by a colleague of mine. I used to work with So a fish tank.

Yeah, that's probably all I'd be allowed to have as a fish tank. What do I of pick 32? What question is that? What do I think of pick 32? Is that your question? I like the pick 32s I think they're quite nice is Paul Hogan still a celebrity there? Yes, he is he, um, tried to dodge. uh, the tax man. he owed all this tax.

Well the well. the department. The tax department here has been trying to chase him for like a decade or something. and um, and he came back to Australia just the other last month or something and they took his passport away.

They said he couldn't leave um until he paid some ridiculous tax bill like 70 million or $150 million or something and he didn't have the money to pay it. it's it's absolutely insane. But some deal was done and he went back and now he's back in. La So would I have the electric car on the show? Um yeah.

I'll probably have to get in contact with my friend and see if she can take us through. I I do have some photos of it, but um, that's that's all I've got. but I could probably um if she's still got it I'm assuming I don't know I haven't spoken to her for a couple years. Um, is the stream dead? shouldn't be? No.

still up on my uh server monitor. Could I use an inductor with resistance of 25 milliohms? The data sheet says less than 20? Milli Yeah you can. It'll just, um affect the efficiency of the thing. So yeah, yeah, yeah, you can.

It won't just stop working, it'll still work. but um, yeah, they obviously tell you that to meet some efficiency Target that they claim for the chip or something. 105 viewers. Awesome it cuz um, it doesn't give me a view count.

This MC IRC program doesn't tell me how many viewers are there. So yeah I don't know. crazy at least I can see more on the screen at once which is pretty handy and it's good cuz Stuff shows up in different colors too. So all these system messages sharp in green so I can just ignore them.
um and another one sharp in blue which are if somebody's quit. So I just have to look at the black stuff. Question: How do you get entrylevel design experience? Most of the jobs I see want previous experience, but you can't get it without getting your foot in the door first. There's there's graduate jobs out there.

you've just got to look. um, and if ones that require a year or two experience, well, you can go for them. They generally, uh, won't if you've got as I've always said, you need to have experience outside of outside of your you know your education. You need to work on your own stuff and that counts as experience towards you Know that counts as industry experience.

Really? Um, for for some people you know, for some employers, some are and you know they don't understand that. that sort of stuff's just as good as work. but um, yeah, it's just keep trying really. Um, oh boy, no there's plent.

I See graduate jobs all the time, even even here in Sydney which is a pretty pretty much a desert compared to most the rest of the world for engineering jobs. I Think the price of micros has almost tripled in Poland You think there's a chance for prices to get back to normal I Don't see any price? Rises um in our part of the world. So um, maybe Poland there's something wrong with maybe the Polish currency versus the rest of the world? I Don't know, um, but I Don't think micro prices have shut up anywhere else like in the US where they which are other companies who actually, uh, make them usually any interview tips for getting an internship or is it the same as Landing a job? it's the same as Landing a job. Be enthusiastic.

Um, ask questions. I've done two blogs on interview tips, so if you haven't seen them, go and check them out. But be enthusiastic and take your own stuff along. Don't turn up empty-handed.

Number One rule of engineering interviews: Do not turn up without anything. Show something off. Do any other industries use tubes besides high-end audio manufacturers? I Don't know, Probably. Um I think I think in the high, really high power transmitters and stuff, they still use uh valves I think don't quote me on that cuz I'm not in that industry.

um yes I've opened the fluke in another video. um yes I have so um, but we can open the fluke here again if you want. In fact, I promised to, um, open something. didn't I um in fact I promised to open a mystery German multimeter Who wants to inside another German multimeter open some Someone says censored me.

Open it. Open it. Yay! Yay! All right, you've all seen my Um Fluke gosen Metra Hit extra which I've opened before and it's really sexy. um I Love that meter I'm using that more and more as my everyday meter here in the lab along with the fluke 87 um I really like that one I Really like it.
but um, back when I started the blog, they also sent me this one which is the Metrahit world. It's an international multimeter. They call it the those wacky Germans with their wacky names they uh yeah, it's the Metr hit World International true RMS multimeter and um, it's just a um six. sorry.

It's just like a 4,000 count or 6,000 count. half per. So it's just your regular um, you know, half a per accuracy meter. Um, but it's it.

costs like 400 bucks or something Because it's it's it's cowed. It comes with the calibration certificate and you know all that sort of stuff. It's got the safety shutters down the bottom as you can see the safety shutters here switch between that's really groovy, that's really sexy and um, they they sent me this one. Um, but the thing is, it was a brand new model when they sent it to me and um, uh and it failed.

Believe it or not, it died I used it for like you know, 10 minutes and it just failed. It started doing all sorts of weird and well. I've I've got some video of it actually it's on my site somewhere buried away in some subdirectory and uh I told them about it and they said oh, you know, hold everything, don't do a review of it and all that sort of stuff and we'll send you another one. So this I sent it back and they analyzed it and and they sent me a brand new one.

So this one works. works a treat. Um, it was a brand new model though, having some teething problems with it. um but my one failed and well and but this one here hasn't um and yeah and I just haven't bothered to review it cuz they didn't really get back to me.

They said they'd get some new firmware for it and stuff and um yeah I mean it's quite nice. It's got the same uh, tilting, similar tilting Bale to the to the other one. Um, it's quite nice. a rubber thing and uh yeah yeah, let's take it apart, shall we? on the back? Um, there's no battery compartment with it.

You've got to take it apart. Um, but there's only two screws I believe So, which is really quite neat and they threaded machine inserts Tada Yep they're threaded threaded machine inserts. Here we go down here: Tada threaded machine inserts two ablea batteries which is, uh, quite neat and it's got this um Shield over the top. it's got one of those uh, poly.

um, you know, those metal impregnated plastic. um Shields so that comes out with one screw and I think one screw. Yep. T And there we go.

that's inside it. Check it out. Very. It's very sexy.

I It's probably not going to show up in really good quality on this video, but it's very nice. It's Very. It's beautiful. Beautiful construction.

There's the thick film resistor Network right there and uh, what? I should probably do is put it down on the desk and move the camera over it. Maybe. um, but yeah, it's got the it's got the big HRC fuse. it's got the smaller fuse here and it's got those really nice input uh Jacks they're really nice input um Jacks that are hand hand solded and they go down like that.
They're a real nice solid um input thing. and and and there's Ms and there's there's look a the there's a Gdt a gas discharge um tube. so um yeah, really nice. It's got lots of protection and it's a real heavyduty industrial meter.

There's an infrared interface infrared interface there which allows which goes through the um transparent case. The case is actually um uh, you probably can't see it, but there's like a little transparent window in the case in there so that allows a I I think it's for um Cal and stuff like that. um I I Don't think there's any PC software for this one. although there might be.

um, you might be able to get some data out of it, but um, yeah, it's It's really nice and the rain switches is beautiful. Quality absolutely superb. Um, and it's a really nice uh German meter. The quality construction is just just absolutely brilliant.

So I'm very impressed with that. Very very impressed. But so it, um should be good cuz it's like 400 bucks or something. It's for a you know, a 0.5% meter.

I mean you know it does cap? um I I Don't think it's got a low cap range. Yeah, it's only got 10 P farads minimum so only goes down to 10 puff. Um, but yeah and it does temperature, but it doesn't come with a temperature probe. the Germans everything's optional extra with the Germans.

So yeah it's crazy, but it's just really. you know the PCB the the Fr4. the quality of the the quality of the board material is first class. First class as good or better than fluke.

So Gosson really know how to make uh, meters? They really do. They know how to make quality. extra $400 for one cable. yeah I think the other one is 400 bucks of the cable or something.

Audio clipping: um yeah, sorry. I was probably standing right next to the mic there. Yep, major clipping. sorry oops.

um yep cuz my mic's all the way back there. and yeah, I was standing too close to it I need to be quieter. so yeah, yeah, very cool. Oh, take take the 87 apart.

Oh God okay, hang on, just put this back together. Otherwise I end up with scattered all over my desk and I lose the screws and it's just really embarrassing and messy. Anyway, that's the um that's the Goss and Metri. it's the Metr hit.

World There you go. weird name I guess they have to say it's you know, compatible with the rest of the world I don't know. Comes with the same probes as the other one. um, those probes which fit into the 4 mm banana sockets which I found occasionally.

quite handy actually. So there you go. Take the 87 aart. All right.

Tada L 87 Debug the 87 with my phone I haven't got my phone here I'd have to go get it and get the cordless phone and call it all up so I won't do any I I I might do a second. um I I might do a second blog on that I don't know I might try and CU I wasn't I wasn't too happy that I didn't kill it I I I Fully expected to kill it and yeah I wasn't wasn't too a Cy yeah I wasn't too happy that I didn't kill it. Very upset I was hoping that I would uh okay, the flick 87's not I hate the fact that they use these these old these um threaded screws and the battery compartment's not that great and you can't. You got to open it up to change the fuses.
it's not. you know it's not the be Endor meter I you know I I Love the way it works and all that well apart from it. No even the user interface has got quirks on it because it defaults to um AC for current which is just nuts and uh well. it's okay if you're measuring AC all the time, but I'm usually measuring DC current so it's really quite annoying Tada look at that sex on a stick.

All right. hang on, let me uh T the board's out okay actually I'd have to take the whole damn thing. Um yeah, oh god. Um, all right, let's have a look.

These screws on this thing are very, very tight and don't have the correct screwdriver. It's crazy. See, the thing is, it's got. You know? it's got a huge metal shielding can on it.

It's absolutely massive and I'm sure the um top plastic is probably um. probably conductive too. So yeah, it's like one are those. Mysteries I've got to undo the extra four screws up there I guess and pop it completely open.

so hang on. it's could take a while. Somebody wanted to see it. Any questions while I'm doing it.

not a good enough Shield Yeah, obviously there. there's there's obviously like a track in here, which you know resonates at the GSM frequency a track and Andor combination of component that you know that somehow. um yeah, that somehow just is susceptible. It's a, you know, it's a whole combination of things that have to go wrong for this to happen.

and it's just a big, massive, uh, big massive coincidence. really. So so Tada got it. There's the uh with the zebra strips in there I won't turn that upside down cuz the zebra strips fall out.

it's really annoying and we have Tada there we go that's inside I'm I'm not sure if I went this far in the blog I'm not sure if I took it apart completely like that when I actually reviewed it way way back in episode five or something like that. Um, so there's something on this side over here. so it's this side over here I don't know. Hang on I'll put it down on the desk.

What I'll do is okay I'm close to the mic again I should try and speak a bit softer. All right here we go. Can everyone see that? Let me all right. Okay, here we go.

Let's have a look. There's the main MSP 430 processor so it's something on this left hand, left hand edge up here near the LCD. So what have we got there? Let me see if I can. Ah, there we go.

It's a CD 4069. There we go. It's a standard sorry is the audio? Yeah the audio is clipping? sorry. um I try and talk a bit softer.
Is that? yeah? No. sorry. The audio's hang on. Okay, is that audio better? Now that audio should be better? Yep.

Okay, cool. All right. Well I'll leave that audio like that and let me move the laptop around so I can see it. And yeah, So what we have here is we have a a CD 469.

Okay, and you probably you almost certainly can't read that, but it's a C. It's a Fairchild CD 4069. Now that's a um, that's a hex. um Schmid inverter If um, memory serves me correctly.

un I think it's the unbuffed version, isn't it? God Oh, that's embarrassing that I can't can't actually remember um, but they are. Ah no, no, it's the 4049 I think which is famously um, the the the unbuffered versions are. um, hang on no, it's got a B it's a CD 4069. Oh, lights's not good here CD 4069 UBC So there you go.

That's the. um, that's the device used there and I reckon it's something probably in that that seems the most likely. uh, culprit. So yeah, I mean there's nothing on the underside I mean there's some shield in, but there's no circuitry.

There's no circuitry under there on the left hand side. So yeah, my, my guess would be something to do with that. What that circuitry uh does I don't know. Um, there's an LED what? What's that? Is that like a that looks like an LED or something? It's weird I don't know what that is.

anyone got any ideas? sorry I can't follow the chat poor preamp. I Need an audio compressor really badly. Uh, sorry guys I'm how's that? Is that audio better? now? Is that audio better? Yeah, sorry guys I don't know what's yeah, the audio is weird I don't know what's going on? Um, but yeah. anyway, that's a CD 4069 UBC So I reckon something in there.

um, if anyone wants to calculate what the wavelength of a GSM frequency is in terms of a track I Don't know, but there's something clearly. um, something in there which is causing it to, um, lock up the firmware I Guess you'd have to do a pin out of the uh, the um MSP 430 and find out where the I don't know, the uh, the reset pin or something. you know there's there's There's clearly something going on anyway, so that circuitry is susceptible to GSM Um yeah I I won't Analyze That any further I don't think umy, whoa, there we go. yeah I Don't think the live blog is probably the best place to uh, uh, debug that so we'll leave it at that I think but there you go.

that's um, that's inside the fluke uh, 875 and clearly it's the left hand Edge that circuitry there CD 4069 and um I reckon something in there is causing the LCD to screw up. um, well, a the LCD to screw up and uh B resetting the processor in somehow and ultimately, um, ultimately kill in the firmware. So yeah, go figure. Very very strange.

So I don't know I don't know, fluke, have to look into it cuz I don't have the schematics for the Um 875 I don't think has anyone seen the schematics? If anyone wants to send me the schematics I'm sure I I'll most likely have a look today to see if um, the mystery component was a cell phone detector. Yeah. Will we see the launch pad in a video anytime? A Yeah. I'm just lazy there.
there. they're here. here we go. I've even got one right in front of me TI Launchpad You know? yeah.

I was going to do a wanking unboxing of it and you And there it is. but I haven't I haven't actually hooked it up and and done anything with the um, there it is. there's the Ti launch pad. terribly unexciting stuff.

Well, no, it's exciting from the point of view of of you know, the uh, the actual um, the cost. the actual price point. $430 Uh, one of the chips on there is like you know, $250 at Mouser or something like that. You know in in Thousand quantity or something.

it's it's crazy. So the price point is really. oh, there's there's there's the USB connector. There you go.

There's the USB mini that somebody asked you. You see how it's got. Um, yeah, you see how it's got the little slots in the top. Well, because those um slots are there.

the little the machine can't come along. It's got no flat surface. It needs a nice flat surface for the Um suction cup to come down, pick up, pick it up, and move it onto the board. So that's why those connectors right at the St show.

Someone asked why it has a my Uh tape on top of it. So there you go. So TI launch pad. Somebody on the Forum complain that the um that the Uh software didn't work or something.

so just the first, the the hollow World program out of the box just didn't work I don't know. go figure. Anyway, I've got three of those. so wh, let's just turn the audio back here.

All right, Audio is backo sorry to be a noob, but what does it do? The Ti Launchpad um the the Ti Launchpad is a development uh board for the Texas Instruments MSP 430 value line chips. It's like an Ardu it's you know, similar to an Arduino or a pick um little development board. Same same concept. it just allows you to play around with the Texas Instruments microcontrollers very cheaply.

$430 delivered to your door. Crazy crazy price. Get one can I blow something up? No. I'm afraid not.

No. I bet not probably end up killing myself. What's the basic capability of the MSP 430? Uh, one of them's got. They've only got like 2 kilobytes of flash.

They're not very big. Um, they claim to be bringing out newer models in the series. They claim to have a they will have a complete series but it's brand new series of chips. the value line and um uh, they're yeah, they're just not.

um yeah, they're not high-end They're designed to be very cheap micro, low-end microc controls. They got Adcs there's one I think there's you get I think the board has the ADC C's on it and they give you another chip in there as well. They actually give you a second um chip because it's got a socket. You can just plug the chip there in dip packages.
So is the P kit 3 worth buying? Yes, Yes! the pit kit 3 is worth buying. Um, it's not as bad. You know everyone sees my review of the pit kit and thinks it's this horrible horrible device. but it's not I use it myself.

Um, just compared with the Pit Kit 2 just adjusting the audio at at the time, the Pit Kit 2 I didn't like it. It it didn't compare very well to the Pit Kit too. So um yeah, it's uh, crazy. Show us some of the weird controls of the German heeg scope.

Oh yeah good. It's not hooked up there you go. I I can't see those I can't see those. but um yeah, it's a combined digital and analog uh scope.

So it's digital and analog and you have to go through weird modes to get to switch between the analog and digital. and it's not. It's not a traditional sort of. you know these.

These analog SL digital ones are traditionally much harder to use than just a straight analog scope. The the the Hmeg analog ones on their own are very good. Well, so is this. It's very good.

It's just a bit convoluted. it's got to figure out and and it's got onscreen read out and cursors and all sorts of stuff. And to figure out just to switch modes, it's crazy. Um I mean it's it's not that hard once.

You know. Once you actually know it's not that hard at all. Um I Found interesting info: PDF Chip of the fluke. All inputs are protected from damage.

Yeah, most chips are are protected by damage, but it's not that I think it's it's putting the chip into some weird mode which actually programs it. This is when it gets bricked. Um, it's obviously putting putting the MSP 430 chip into some some firmware program in update mode and it just it. It just kills it.

So yeah, it's um, crazy cuz but there's obviously some sort of bootloader in there. It's programmed with a bootloader. and because if you've seen the video on the Forum of of the one that was actually bricked it, it does still power up it Powers up displays f8 on the screen and shows you know all sorts of weird. um you know all you know weird stuff like that.

it says I've lost my firmware and I'm sure you can just send it new firmware and it will be. It'll most likely be fine. So I don't think anything's actually damaged I think it just lost its firmware. Um, that was it.

Can you break your whiteboard and explain what a shot key is? A shot key is a well I'd have to get into the if you wanted to know the difference between a shot key and a and a standard um, uh. Diode? I'd have to, um, go into the physics of it I don't really want to. That's yeah, that's nasty I don't It's part of the manufacturing and all that sort of stuff. That's no I don't really want to do that I'm sure there's a good um PDF or something out there.
A shot key is just a faster lower voltage drop. Uh, Diode, it's that's basically what it is. It's better than standard um, but you'd have to go into process, manufacturing, process technology and stuff to understand. Um can I speak some German No I suck my German sucks No, uh desist I don't know.

this is something like no I I'm not even going to attempt German no. Oh, by the way. um Germany there's that huge trade show in Germany the Electronica trade show in November um November 20th or something like that. um and I'm I'm asking around to see if I can score a trip to Germany to see if I can go and blog it.

see if I can go Blog the event: I'm I'm going to give it a go I'm going to see if um, somebody can, uh, get me there. that' be awesome. No I don't have a um Ms degree Masters and all that can I see any similar tips to the one about analog and Digital Ground in the Highspeed Digital Design book you mentioned once. uh I've mentioned ground currents and stuff in previous live blogs I could I'm going to have to do an entire blog on that.

So I think I'll leave that to Um to do a proper you know I'll do like a half. Probably have to do a 20 minute or half hour tutorial on it. Um, what type of Dio drops the most voltage? if you wanted to drop 14 volts to about 10 volts Those um, silicon power diodes. The big beefy, um silicon ones usually just the standard very slow like a one one in 44 kind of um.

diode. There they've got high drop at high. it depends on the current because the curve is not. You know the curve isn't linear, so um so yeah.

I would use the slow power type. Well, no, you can get the Silicon ones too. just a standard silicon diode. Um, they they are going to drop the most so, but it all depends on what current you run them at.

So just a standard 1 in 914 will drop. you know6 Vols at you know, 20 milliamps or something I don't know I don't know the figure off the top of my head from the extrapolated from the curve. Just wanted to know what they use for the old shock. Keys The shock keys are used for um, high frequency stuff.

So if you're doing a DC Todc converter that's switching at 100 khz or a megaherz or something like that I know that doesn't sound like High frequency. but um, yeah, trust me, you're going to need a shock key. Um, or if you're doing RF stuff you, you need a shock key Diod if you're doing an RF you know RF work or something like that. So the shock keys are designed to be um, very height, a high speed and B they have a lower voltage drop at a particular current than a standard silicon.

So if your voltage drops important because when you pass current through Ohms law, you know if you pass current through a diet and it's dropping x amount of voltage, that's that. Diode is dropping x amount of power too. It's wasting x amount of power. So if you're designing uh, DC to DC power supplies DC Dent converters anything any sort of power circuitry.
um, shock keys are going to be much better because um, they drop less voltage for a given current and hence dissipate less power. So there you go. But yeah, some people do that. They just string diodes in series to drop 14 volts down to 10 volts.

You can get away with that um, depending on what you're actually pairing Swedish What's the pirate party? there's a pirate party in? Sweden Cool I Love it. I Love it. Vote for him. Vote for the Pirate party am I Working on the review blogs for the LCR meters and the Hoo Fx8.

Yep, they'll probably be next I Got sidetracked by the fluke problem and other things. So yeah, it's I Have to get back to those reviews. Any place to get colored crocodile Clips Purple, orange, pink God I Don't know. Local electronic store depends where you're from Crispy Diode I love your username.

Crispy Diode White will drop three volts. Oh yeah, that's the other thing. That's the other thing. Um, a a lead a a lead if you want to drop a lot of voltage, don't use a diode, use an LED And uh, the good thing about that because a standard red LED like might drop 1.8 volts or something at you know, 20 milliamps or something like that.

So you can actually use Dodes as voltage drop devices and voltage Regulators too. And the good thing about it is that it can double as your power lead. So not only if you've got um, uh, if you've got a um, what am I talking about? Um, yeah, if you've got a power supply and you want say you've got a 5volt power supply and you want to drop that down to 3vs and you want to do a minimum Parts count, then you can just do that using a Um a lead. So you can drop the 5 volts down to uh, roughly 3 volts or 3.2 volts.

or you know, 3.3 or something like that. It's not going to be accurate. Um, so if you don't need accuracy, if you want to drop five down to 3.3 for example, stick it an LED in there um in series with a resistor down to ground and that will actually drop the voltage 5 Vols down 3.3 as well as giving you a power um LED at the same time as a bonus. So there you go.

That's a little trick you can use to um to actually lower your parts count in a design if you don't need an accurate voltage source. a lead Works quite well. And yes, the white ones. The white.

LEDs they're going to drop about. you know, 3 volts or something like that at full current or less than that at lower currents. But yeah, white or blue? How much current can you draw from a DC to DC converter? The max 3406, the 34063 in boost configuration with an external switch. Oh God I don't know.

Sorry I don't know the data sheet off the top of my head. You'll have to look up the data sheet like it. It really depends on your external switch what your external. I Think the limit is the limit of your external switch.
It's not the limit of the device cuz once you choose to use an external switch, that's it. It's just a controller so you can control presumably hundreds of amps. Um, I don't know. don't don't quote me on that.

but Dave's ranting on for 1 hour plus 5 minutes. Excellent. Well, it's still only 8:38 so I can still keep going and uh, hopefully it's all recording. So do I have any tips for a good scope that is 50 to 100? MHz That is relatively cheap.

Fulkman, Are you talking about analog or digital? Cuz that makes a difference. Brand new digitals. They get the Ryle or the Inc for about 400 bucks. Both of them can be had for 400 bucks.

If you're talking analog, you can get a 50 to 100 MHz analog one for under 100 bucks and they're a bargain. I Think every electronics lab should have an analog scope as well. just cuz they're so cheap and they're handy. So and having a second scope is really handy let alone the low noise performance of them and and stuff like that.

and the real time screen updating which you can't get on a Ryo or an Inc They just don't have the real time updating you can get on analog scope. You got to pay $3 $4,000 for a digital scope before you can match the performance performance of a analog. No of any good inexpensive frequency generators. a.

a standard one on the market is you can eBay There's a VC I think it's a VC 1000 or a VC 2000 or something on eBay. It's really cheap. It's like 100 bucks. Um, it seems reasonable enough for the price.

What else else have we got? Do I Wear sunglasses at night? No. I Do have very sensitive eyes though. I I Wear sunglasses all day, especially driving I Can't drive without my sunglasses I Love I Love sunglasses and it's good to protect your eyes they they're fully polarized. So yeah, that's why I still got my eyesight probably.

Do you need any knowledge of electrodynamics to design a good? PCB That's a weird question. Electrodynamics: You need all sorts of knowledge to design a good. PCB You need high frequency knowledge you need? um EMC knowledge. You need manufacturing knowledge you need, uh, all sorts of knowledge to lay out a good PCB yeah those cheap frequency counters from eBay I'm sure they're not very good, but they're good enough.

you know, for hundred bucks or something. they I I think they're pretty good value. What's the purpose of a triangle wave? No one seems to ever use the damn things. Oh, there's a few of Skiller uses, but you know if because it's a ramp, it's a it allows you to ramp things and things with a ramp.

So but yeah, not very useful in general stuff. Am I happy with the new web host one that was down a lot. Um yes, I am now. um sorry about all the hosting problems I've been having.

Um, if you haven't been keeping up with Twitter and the Forum um I was, well I'm still with uh Site they're called and and they're they're only a new hosting company I Didn't know that when I joined them I probably wouldn't have joined them if I knew they were so new. they only started in June or something I think but um yeah, they used to. they hosted on the my website on the Amazon Cloud uh so um yeah, but they had it start last couple of weeks. It's just been going downhill completely.
I've been getting you know, 20 errors. My website would be down 20 times a day. It was crazy and they tracked it down. It was happening not just to me but to all of their customers.

Oh it was horrid and um. but they finally fixed it and the problem was was that uh their they couldn't get their their proprietary front end software working properly with the Amazon Cloud it was the Amazon Cloud was doing weird so and they couldn't get it working. So they've ditched Amazon I Can't believe it they ditched Amazon and they've gone with somebody else I Can't remember their name off the top of my head but they're going with someone else and it works brilliantly now. It's super quick, has hasn't gone down once.

The error rate on my database is just boom plummeted down to 0.05% or something. It's fantastic. So yeah yeah, the new host is looking looking brilliant I'm going to stick with them until you know until something else goes wrong. So they look really good, looks really good now.

I'm very very pleased. So if you do see any problems at all with the website, there's a particular thread in the Forum Please report anything at all cuz it should not fail. from now on, how do you convert candles to lumens? Oh I haven't done that I haven't done that conversion for ages. sorry I Forget off the top of my head I'm sure you could type it into Google Google Calculator will do it for you.

Type into 50 lumens in candles or something Google will probably do it for you. The Google translate things handy sometimes. Yeah, someone wouldn't recommend the Art of Electronics for beginners personally. Yeah.

I don't know. it's not really a beginner text. Um, it's yeah, it's it's It's very good. I mean it's awesome.

It's good as a reference. so once you've but yeah, like someone absolutely starting out. I Wouldn't recommend Art of Electronics either. It's more when you've got you know, a couple of years experience and you want you know you want some, you want a good reference book on there for the more ins and outs of electronic design.

the Amazon deal. Will it be usable on Amazon UK sometime? I I don't know. sorry I don't my affiliate. If you want to buy anything through Amazon go through my website first and I get a 6% cut.

Awesome! So if you're thinking about buying a Ryol or something else, buy it through Amazon please. and I get 6% Woohoo! So yeah, that's working, but not through the UK I Don't know why UK doesn't work? Um, maybe I have to sign up separately for the UK one. I'm not sure. Um, so yeah.
sorry. Have I seen a good movie the last time? No. I haven't watched any movies for ages. Have I used the uh microchip? Wi-Fi chips? uh no I haven't Um, but they look, um, they look pretty good with the integrated.

everyone's doing integrated Wi-Fi microcontrollers now So um I believe ATL have one and uh TI have one as well TI have an MSP 430 it's using the watch I've got the watch I've got I haven't got it on it's inside I won't run in and get it, but I've got the Texas Instruments 430. uh Kronos watch so I'll probably have to review that I don't like it that much. The display is not very good. I'm not real happy.

Any thoughts on the cheap IR rework station post on the Forum I saw that that um I'm not I'm not uh yeah I I don't know I'm sure it works fine as to its reliability I don't know and its quality of construction. I'm sure it's built down to a price. in which language do I program my micro C I program almost exclusively in C with a little bit of inline assembly. Occasionally, if I need to, can I explain why I like Pi 32s.

Okay, that's a good question. Um, because I like the microchip. Uh, the pricing is very good on the P 32s. The pricing is better than a lot of the arm parts I Know people will claim that.

Um, but that's not what I found I Found the P 32 is a bit lower cost than the arm devices cuz anyone who manufactures an ARM device has to pay a license fee to arm and uh, whereas the P 32 is a Myips 4000 um, and I'm not sure if they pay a license fee for that, they probably do, but it's much much smaller. So Microchip can in theory make cheaper chips than Arm and I like it in that it's the same tool Suite the same programmer, all that sort of stuff across the entire pick line. So from the little five pin 8 bit picks right up to the 32bit pick 32s, the same package the you know and well, the compiler different, but it's it's all in the microchip MP lab interface you use the Pit kit 3 yeah, it's nice I I I Just like it. Um, there's nothing arms great too.

but yeah, so of the ATM the other ATM 32-bit ones are are fine too. All you know they've all got their pros and cons. but yeah, I just like them cuz they're low cost, you can get them, they're available, they're low cost and I'm familiar with the tool Suite so I guess there's a bit of bias there. Um, will microcurrents be available anytime soon? The microcurrent kit? Yes.

I've ordered 30 of them I now have all the parts for 30 I have to ass send them away to my assembler to get them assembled. Um I don't know if I'll have them back in time cuz I go to the US in 3 weeks under 3 weeks time. so I'm not sure if I'll have them back before then, but thanks for reminding me I got probably should have sent them away today to my assembler. but I've got all the parts so if not available before I go away on October 9th or something.
Um, then they'll be available when I get back I hope and I'm going away for two weeks or something 2 and a half weeks to the US and hopefully Germany if somebody can hook me up with a ticket to Germany to go to that trade show, I'll I'll be in Germany I'll be in that Oh jeez. I need more water? Do you have any word about Digital Signal Controllers from Microchip the the DSP The microchip DSP Once again, they're They're pretty handy devices and they're once again the same tool chain is all used. so they're the um, they're only yeah. the they're only the 16bit Dsps though, so they're not incredibly powerful.

But you know, yes, I'm coming to California I'm going to La going to Los Angeles I'll be staying two streets away from Disneyland so yes, I will be in California If anyone's got any really cool, interesting stuff for me to see in California Drop me a note so it's 048 here in Israel hi from hi anyone watching from Israel Wow, it's 148 12:48 a.m. in Israel Fantastic! It's yeah 10 to9 here in Australia So can you say what I'm going to La for I'm going to La for a conference I'm going there for a conference Um, not sure if I'm yeah I can? Yeah. I If you want to know, you can email me. Um, but I'll be at a Uh development conference for one of the major manufacturers over there.

Um Tech Yeah, you can turn up and say hi, but it's very expensive. It's a very expensive conference. Um. and I'm sure somebody will be able to, uh, find out what it is.

It's two streets away from Disneyland There you go. So yes, I'm I'm going going over there for a conference and then I'm going for a holiday. a 10day holiday after that, which we still haven't decided where to go for our 10 days holiday me and the wife. but I will be over there.

Um, it depends on um I might be doing other stuff I might do a visit to some company over there like Agilant or or somebody. Maybe if I got time and I'm in the right location, um, want to get a burito? No thanks. Yeah, so either we'll be staying in just in in California Um, just in Californ or maybe drive around the surrounding states or or something like that. Um, or uh, will we flying over to the east coast to Orlando to go to the Harry Potter theme park? World Um, but that's yeah.

I don't know if we got the time to do that cuz it takes like how long does it take to fly from Um from LA to Orlando It takes like 6 hours, 5 and 1 half 6 hours or something. So unless we go at night, we waste a whole day there and back. So don't forget to visit the HP house. Yeah! I've I've been to the HP house I haven't been inside so maybe I'll talk to Agilant and see if I can do a Blog from the HP garage.

That would be awesome. Imagine me sitting in the HP garage doing a Blog oh far out that would be that would be great. Orlando is weak. No I like Orlando I Love Orlando Miami sucks.

Sorry to anyone from Miami but I didn't like Miami at all. Orlando was very nice. They've spent a lot of money doing Orlando up. It's great.
That was a couple of years ago I'm sure it's even better now. No I didn't graduate from MIT go to Seattle I've been to Seattle I Love Seattle very nice. um I I don't think we'll get that far north though. um, and it's cold this time of the year.

The wife hates anything cold. so yeah, I think we'll have to to stay down south. Come over to Phoenix and we'll get you into microchip. Yeah, I could visit Microchip see that's a thing.

I could really turn it into a big Electronics Road blog road trip if I wanted to. but I promis the wife a holiday and yeah, so I don't know. Anyway, she's got four days off while four or five days off in La while I'm at the conference so yep, see you viral. thanks for tunning up.

Bring my passport if I go to Arizona Why they got extra security there? Do they do I have a spare 2x4 and some hungry pigs? What? It's a US joke? surely. Oh dear I don't get it I could try and meet Mr head from the video response of the Pck kit. yeah I could what upcoming personal projects do I have planned? I've got a, um, a really funky little power supply coming up. it's uh, hopefully and um on that I I want to do another watch and I want to do.

there's a few other projects I want to I want to do I just don't have the time. it's pain in the ass. Whoa. That's one hell of a question.

I Have a suggestion about the live show. many blogs making before the show a forum topic that everyone WR writing their questions before the show. chat room is more quiet. Ah right.

if there's a list of questions I answer well I don't know. it's not as dynamic as this I think rant about something. What would you like me to rant about? Yep I can rant about something I've got an opinion on pretty much everything. No rants.

Oh come on. Ranted about aliens. last time. That was fun.

Flew right in water. How is having to sold a fume extractor for your Hobby Electronics desk? Um yeah. I've got two fume extractors I've got the uh Pace yeah I yeah yeah. I've got I've actually got two of those.

It's a pace. uh, fume extractor. um and um yeah. really important cuz solda fumes are horrid.

Those Rosen flux fumes. they're just. oh, they're really bad for your health. um I find they don't work that well.

um as a filter cuz you got to be soldering right under it like it's crazy. um sometimes I just turn it backwards and a fan just blows it away and I open the garage door and stuff like that. but yeah. um yes.

yes. Take please take precautions when you solder. I Highly recommend it. Any good RF Projects for a beginner: Um FM Bugs FM bugs are really good.

Play around with those. they're really fun I played around with those when I was a kid I've got the whole set of talking Electronics Go look up talking Electronics they're an Australian company. um I think it's um and build little FM bugs with a couple of transistors you can transmit to your voice to an FM radio and they're really fun and you learn a lot about RF and you learn a lot about uh, designing the coils and stuff like that. Us Customs form on the Ti side is yeah, Weapons of Mass Destruction I know it's it's totally isn't it Rants: Rants: Meta Meta Power Rant about Rants How do I Rant about rants I Love rants.
Rants are great and I'm going to have a rant about rants Rant about Usb Scopes Oh I Don't Yeah USB Scopes I don't I don't like them I don't like them. You can get some good ones. you get the high-end ones, but they're just nothing like you know. you got to have a computer on your desk, you got to have the thing and you got to have the software running.

And you got to use the mouse as the user interface. What's that? Using a mouse as a user interface? Get a real bloody oscilloscope. Don't get one of those stupid idiotic. oh I'm peeking I'm peeking.

There we go I Better turn it down. Don't get one of those stupid idiotic USB Scopes Please don't like USB Scopes God a what is my favorite pet peeve? Oh jeez, that's interesting I don't know what Electronics or anything in general I don't know I I said last time a good one is smoking I Hate people who smoke I If you want to smoke and kill yourself, go and do it fine. Just don't do it around me. Yeah, yep.

Oh the rant about the Pope. There you go. Flying Spaghetti Monster That's what it's all about. May you be touched by he's noodly appendage.

hope I've offended a lot of people there, but um, yep. oh the Pope I hate the Pope. It's I've been to the Vatican the Vatican's cool, but just from the architecture point of view and how they stole everything back in the old, you know they stole all the marble off the Coliseum to build the Vatican and all that sort of stuff. And yeah, that's very cool.

but that's the only cool thing about the Catholic church. I think so. There you go. Yeah, don't like the Pope and covering up all those covering up all the child abuse.

That's disgusting. That is absolutely disgusting. All of them should step down. At a minimum.

There you go. What about real USB Scopes Like the picotech, all there picotech started out being toys and some of them are still toys and agilant. Make a USB scope and you know Riyal make a USB scope and they're really quite high-ends but they're still USB Scopes They don't have knobs that you can twiddle and stuff I just don't like like them. they're great if you want to do data log to a PC they're fantastic.

Okay, but they're not. as a general purpose lab scope. Do Not Get a USB scope. I'm telling you rant About my mic.

What's wrong with my mic I Love my mic. It's a Samsung USB condenser mic I Love it. Um, rant about peeking? Yeah, sorry look I It's hard to get the uh, it's hard to get the volume level right I Don't you? Yeah, yeah, sorry yeah. rant peing sucks.
Did I get molested there? No. I didn't get molested but freaking yeah the pope C the Catholic Church covering up all that child abuse. It's disgusting. So y oh, what's my position on gun ownership? Oh my audience is mostly us I don't like no I'm I'm I'm anti- guns I don't like I don't like guns I'd like have I like our strict gun laws here in Australia I really do sorry anyone? I know it's a great Sport and all that sort of stuff and you know I've I've I've got a friend who owns who owns handguns and he goes pistol shooting and all that sort of stuff.

but yeah I don't yeah, I' I don't like it I'm yeah anything I'm pro gun laws I'm yeah. absolutely. As usual, there's pros and cons both ways. but yeah, rant about audio fools Now I've already done that.

They're a bunch of did I study at University or at college or yes I studied at uh, two different universities and college as well at a technical college here in Australia but that's a long story. So all here in Sydney by the way, don't get me started. Um, fire a gun. It's fun I did when I was a kid but yeah I know it's fun but geez no sorry I yeah Rant on the death penalty I Could a lot of people deserve it? including some US presidents but yeah I yeah I don't know Pros and cons there too I Know for the record, not all of us gun owners are nuts.

Yeah I know I know it's a different argument to that. You know it's not all gun owners are are Nutters I Agree There's a really great video. There's an Australian guy. um who does this song He's a musician and he's a gun owner.

What is it? I love my guns or something. Go and check it out. It's a really great video. It's fantastic I Love it.

um I think it's called I I I love my guns or something like that I love guns. So I think if you Google that on YouTube or something, you'll probably get video. It's really hilarious I Love it. which Unis University of Western Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney both suck.

What do you think about these high powerered lasers being sold to the masses? Oh yeah, I mean they're yeah. these one watt lasers you can get on eBay for a couple hundred bucks. They're dangerous. Really, they are really dangerous.

Um but fun I'm sure. So yeah now I've done it. What have I done? Who have I pissed off all the U all the Yanks with their guns right? Yeah, no sorry I'm you know I'm pro gun laws I yeah doesn't mean you're a Nutter but yep what? I might get pulled over at Customs Every home needs an Uzi right n good baseball bat. there's I Reckon there's much more pleasure in, uh, in beating an intruder with a baseball bat than shooting him with a gun.

Absolutely good baseball bat or a cricket bat I Think that' be much more enjoyable. Thoughts on the legalization decriminalizing and now we're getting into the all the cool topics Electronics has gone out the window cuz we've already passed like an hour and a half so Electronics is gone. So I'll just finish it up with a few of rants. I Think thought on the legal Legalization Decriminalization of Marijuana Yes I'm Pro um legalization of Marijuana I think I I Don't see the point in making it illegal when cigarettes and and all sorts of other are legal.
You know I mean just yeah. I Don't see any point in in in actually arresting people for the possession of marijuana. It's crazy. um I don't smoke it I've never smoked it I've never smoked I'm not into drugs but I Don't you know there's a lot worse things out there than marijuana I don't you know, just leg I think if you legalized, a lot of problems would go away.

especially I think in the US um you got a lot of Border stuff coming from Mexico I think um so no I didn't do a PhD no I hate Phds. Are you into the theory that much? No. Theory and math no I'm a practical guy. no my brother-in-law he's got a PhD in laser physics but um no I don't Blu-ray protection oh I don't know about Intel fail sorry rant about Intel I know, don't have any opinion there I don't know what the latest news on Intel is or is there an Intel fail? Is there what's failed with Intel People's Driving On Highways Ah yeah I could ran about that Hardware unlock features Yeah well the you, um the new Ryol um Scopes are Hardware locked the new Ryol 6000 series I've I've I've heard from a source that um yeah, the different bandwidth versions are just Hardware uh just like software locks, you know? So they've got the full bandwidth.

same with all the Agilant ones and all the other ones on the market. You know they sell these, You know? 1 GHz 2 GHz Scopes and you pay double. You pay an extra 1020 Grand and it's just a it's just a switch and um yeah, yeah, so right on. Dave Good man.

Dave Dave's a stoner. Yeah I'm a stoner. Yeah, right. yeah.

I don't I you know I Don't see why it should be. Marijuana should be criminalized, especially arresting people for possession. That's just stupid. Um, arresting people for drug possession I Guess that's just you know if you've just got joint in your pocket I Don't Yeah.

I I Think that's just stupid. It's a waste of police resources. Go and catch the real criminals, you know? Geez. If you make it legal, more people ar

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23 thoughts on “Eevblog #113 – live show #6”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @dancraggs Problems with simultaneous video recording, audio sync, and zoom issues. Kinda random too which sucks. I will have to resort to attaching the webcam to my main video camera.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan C says:

    @EEVblog What's going on with it?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    Ok people, PLEASE stop emailing me and messaging me about the shit video quality. I know it's shit, I know I have to fix it, I know about all the tools and techniques available to fix it. Something went wrong on the day, and this is the best I have from the main camera, sorry.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @dancraggs I'm using ManyCam to do this already. There are problems though.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @papalevies The HQ version is pointless, it shows nothing.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @ttk1opc I do use a god camera. I'm just having troubles recording the video and streaming at the same time.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ttk1opc says:

    Isnt it possible to use your good camera as the webcam? I dont know what your setup is but if you have video in you should be able to.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan C says:

    In fact, apparently SplitCam does just that for free.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan C says:

    Probably been said a dozen times, but stick any (any!) other camera next to the webcam, with the lenses as close together as possible. Or… use something like Webcam Max to split your cam so you can record one straight to the PC, and send the other stream to Ustream. I guess with the former, even a little Flip camera would do?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars papalevies says:

    Sorry but the quality is horrible, it was so annoying that I couldn't watch the whole thing. I hope you upload the hq version of this.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lucasmontec says:

    Dave, try to place both cameras (web cam and main cam) in an angle to form a arc were you can show stuff in the "middle" and both cameras would capture at the same time. Just a sugestion. =D

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars niroblock says:

    Dave, I think the video quality is not very good, before, videos
    were much more fluid

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars nusgo says:

    I like your videos, and subscribed… But for the sake of god get a proper camera!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @msichal I have the main camera 640×480 feed, but then everyone complains because they can't see what I show to the web camera. And I couldn't be bothered spending the time editing to switch between the two!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nermash says:

    I am also persuading my boss that Electronica 2010 is a must to visit in order to maintain competitive edge an so on and so fort:)) If I see you in Germany, I am buying a beer!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Jereb says:

    I used one of those analog-digital Hameg 'scopes at school last time. The controls can be a bit tricky to understand at first, but it's really not that hard to figure it all out. : )

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hootis8 says:

    u dont look 2 happy in the thumbnail

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars msichal says:

    What happened to your main camera? Why havent't U used it?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greggan! says:

    We actually had e female electronics engineer on my last job.
    And she was also quite gorgeous…
    (must have been something else seriously wrong with her 🙂 )

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Piku's Junk says:

    Haha it's like I'm back in 1997 watching a Realplayer video 🙂

    Still, the audio is consistent so I'll listen to this later while trying to route ethernet cabling in my rented house without causing any permanent "damage" to the flooring.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MainsOnTheOhmsRange says:

    Your tin foil head will do nothing. Only tin is efffective against alien mindbending rays. ;P

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars snik2pl says:

    @webca55 Jumper is not a right word, as my english sucks. There is a 0ohm resistor soldered and you need to re-solder it to other model place. The key thing here is to check the ADC clock input signal.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars snik2pl says:

    If you want, I can take my instek gds-1022 (25mhz) appart. You can add comment to footage (video + pics). It has one AD9288BSTZ-100, but can't measure clock input. It also has jumper for model selection (not software as in rigol)

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