Last mailbag for 2017!
0:00 Isolated Serial UART Kickstarter
4:19 TCXO Oven crystal oscillator teardown
17:07 uRad Environmental Monitor #/
EEVblog Office Live Data:
20:37 Visual VU meter:
23:25 Random LCD PCB thingo
25:32 Interesting construction industrial controller teardown
30:32 Open Source Servo Motor Controler
38:29 How an inductor works in a light dimmer circuit
43:07 Car Rust Protection BULLSHIT!
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Hi welcome to everyone's favorite segment mailbag. I Hope you had a good Christmas and you might even be watching this in the New Year. So happy New Year! Let's get into it. We've got a Kickstarter time-sensitive first of January I've better hurry thank you very much from Zip tobits.

By the way, my Kickstarter is a I just got the money in yesterday as if you follow me on Twitter you would have seen and now I've got to spend a whole body buying the stock. Well I already have bought some stock and it's coming in I'm not gonna bit miffed I'm not going to actually meet my promised deadline of December it was very close but they're like sending like today or tomorrow or something. So I just like there's just been little delays here and there and it's what can you do. Um, anyway.

alright so yeah, it might be a few at least a few days late. maybe a week late or something depending. Anyway, Oh by the way, yes I am you've no doubt seen in the previous video that I am going away for a good light of January No I'm not running away with the Kickstarter money I am going away but I'm going to have some guest videos. There's been a lot of submissions for those and I will be choosing some choice videos to show on the channel.

There's gonna be some really good ones so stick around for that I Hope you enjoy it. Thank you very much. Oh look oh look thumbs up using using the either the Dave logo I guess what do you call it I don't know the letter based I think which. there's a few people using the letter based concept if you haven't seen I'll link it in at the end of this video if I Remember I'm sending you to optically isolated USB you aren't adapters, thank you very much Emel Johnson from Zip Dope.

Jesus thin, nothing you know. Geez, Opto Isolated USB you are. The depth is very handy if you need to isolate. Cool will take.

Oh oh yeah yeah, they've just got different USB connectors on it. thank you very much. Let's take a look at them. as it turns out, Emily's currently over five hundred percent funded on the Kickstarter fantastic and I'll link it in down below if you want to jump on the bandwagon.

and I recommend you do because these things are incredibly useful and being optically isolated of course. Nice isolation slots. They're excellent. Three point three and five point five old jumper nice and of course you power it from the external supply so you got to hook up an extra cable in there to do it.

but you can't blow up either your computer or your circuit with any ground loops or anything like that. So valuable to have one of these in your parts bin. What parts been your I don't know equipment shelf or whatnot and there's not much on it. There's a couple of Opto-isolator Zen a USB to UART adapter and that's about all she wrote.

Yeah, it's got the proper isolation shots, slots, and everything else. and of course the open source. Hey, it's different. There's an extra D in there.

the DS not on that one Hey Whoops. Anyway, that's cool. Check it out and you can either get one with the micro or the old-style type which is just big and rugged when you're hanging the thing off a bloody cable like I'm doing. If I'm hooking it up to a you know, some serial pins on a product to extract the firmware from it or whatnot, then you know having a little micro USBs a bit Dicky one of these big A types as they go.
Ah, there you go. It is supposed to have the D the design notes principle of operation by the way, which is excellent because in the - it here there's a full schematic for those playing along at home. There's not much to it button very nice Quick Start Guide and then a table of contents and summary so avoid ground loops, all that sort of jazz neato works anywhere up to 2 Meg board and IO levels from 1.8 to 5 volts. thank you very much.

Person unknown from Melbourne here in Australia not Austria let's take a look, we go by the way, videos coming up I'm yeah with the Kickstarter and all the fulfillment crap I've got to deal with for that. It's limiting my time at the moment, but I do hope to do probably another debunking video before I Go away. plus maybe another one or something like that. I'm not sure I dont plan that far ahead.

Usually here's something to cut open. Okay, let's cut it open. Cool. Looks like seriously the kid Caution: static sensitive type.

it's an ass. Minh ass man, Osman ass American ass. Check this out. It's obviously designed to go into Rap because there's a lot of wasted space on that puppy, but it looks like some sort of organized yep.

Ivan Crystal Oscillator Cool. 2.0 for 8 Meg Cool. We'll do a quick ah so the can is completely soldered together. That's a pain in the butt.

Here's something to cut open 2.0 for 8 megahertz crystal oven. It came from a system and I still don't know what. the Dag 100 announcement was safe to our EEPROM EEPROM and played back when anyone rang the line that we're connected. Anyway, there's a whole bunch a multiplicity of timing units.

God, it sounds like a straight out of a patent application, doesn't it? Geez. Timing information path extracted. Pretty comprehensive stuff on how that this timing board is tied into the system and works. So yeah, this is for some you know, telecoms thing or whatnot.

OMG nuts. As I said, there's nothing huge amount on it. and yes, we do have a schematic hang on. But anyway, here's the Vcxo module down here and it said basically you just apply power and Bob's your uncle right, gets the output and then you've just got some output drivers here which then just drive hundred om balanced lines to spread across the rack or the you know, the system or whatever it is their parents so nothing fancy there at all And that's all she wrote.

I'm here. So there you go. Got some voltage regulation? Um, you know it's all very neat and tidy. I Love how the heat shrink didn't cable-tied it.
They're beautiful and there's your output drivers down there. It has to be this long as it's designed to go into a rack. So for those playing along at home, there's the data. Vectron Labs Ah, weight in the United States of America Hmm.

and it's all sealed inside. We may have to blast now I Could try and get the soldering iron on there of course, but you need eight like a huge grunty solder. Annoying cuz that it's it. Massive heatsink, so it's easier just to get in there with a screwdriver and just start cracking solder open.

It's well, it's a bit medieval, but like we don't want to reuse this anyway. So you know, well, inside an oven eyes dosa later, it's not gonna be spectacular. it's just going to be some foam because it needs insulation. It's some sort of, uh, you know, hard cell foam type insulation and there's just gonna be a regular boring, you know, large crystal oscillator module which is carefully hand selected and manufactured by nude virgins of course and then tweaked and calibrated by well, graybeard Nude virgins and the heater coil of course.

and then feedback to maintain the can. we up maintained. hello to maintain the temperature of course cuz it's it's temperature controlled. Oh, there we go.

Really old-school Well that whoa. I See a precision that looks like a precision resistor down there. a very low tempo resistor, that black one. And of course there's some of our hard sell foam insulation and yet they've got it taped and like the entire core is just tape down in there.

So we just got the controller board and then they'll be in an of a nice stuff. There'll be like an oven element, a heater element down in there, and the crystal and then some. Yeah, it's just some temperature feedback. All right.

There we go. We've extracted the package. Um, and AH that was. Um, that is the adjustment screw.

So that was what the screw was. in the back of the physically in the backend of the K cells. a screw. So you get in there and tweak it.

So can we cut into this puppy? It's not like a physics package in a rubidium oscillator, it's just a oh there we go. Jeez. Wonder what the date on this would be? I'm thinking eight? Yeah, sometime in the eighties crackle. Okay, well there we go.

Jeez, that's actually more serious than what I thought damn I think I just wanna break some wires or something that it's really fascinating Wow and that is that. just electrical tape. I Think that's just electrical tape. Well, I'm gonna go clean this up.

This is horrible. Anyway, you can see that the temperature of this thing is just like burned inside that. So anyway, it contained that. It did its job.

It probably worked for like 20 years at. You know these things might operate it. You know, 50 60 degrees or something like that. You want them to operate above the maximum ambient ambient temperature which might be saved.
You know, 45 Or you know, 50 inside? Iraq Or you know, something like that. So yeah, that could have been operated it I don't know, could have been operated in it. 70 80 degrees? Who knows. And if that was electrical tape? well it's kind of.

well. no. I don't know what is. It's like paint or something.

Actually they were. Ah, look at that. why is wrapped around the case? Is that the heating element that could be the heating element Wow some sort of nichrome resistance wire or whatnot? and well I just thought that all that reaches in electrical tape. That's what it look like at first glance.

Then I poked it with the knife and went. oh no. I tried to find a seam to peel it off. but no, they're actually.

you know they're all on their wound a bit how you're doing. but I've got a screw off the end and tada, ah, we're in like Flynn Wow look at that. So yep, and so we got - ah - boys. Well, okay, got two going in.

there. Could one be a sensor? Could that be a sensor? Perhaps one of them's the koi? or one of them's a sensor. Don't know. But there you go.

There's the is the oscillator circuit. It's you know, probably some variation of a Colpitts or something like that liberal application of the silastic down in there. and Tada I told you it's just a regular. Joe Bloggs Well, it's not a regular.

Joe Bloggs Crystal As I said, it's manufactured and by and tweaked and hand selected by gray-bearded nude virgins. And there you go. I've got 79 degrees C written on it, twelve puffs for those playing along at home, and sub y 4200 so that would be a 2.0 for eight megahertz crystal. I assume I don't think they've got a / they might have a / - on there.

who knows, but ya know that's probably a 2.0 for 8 mega. it's crystal. Really good one as I said hand selected, hand cut, everything else hand measured and probably aged. Almost certainly aged in.

and everything else. And we've got ourselves a trimmer. Cup There you go, there's the trimmer. Cup In the end of it, get in there from outside the case and go do your tongue at the right angle and you can trim your 2.04 ate me go.

It's oscillator of course. the whole idea of an oven controlled oscillator. Why they go to this sort of trouble - actually I Keep it at a particular temperature is because crystals are inherently very stable when you keep them at a particular temperature, even your crap ones, you know you won. Your buy for 10 cents at the Shenzhen market can be very good if you keep it at exactly the same temperature and drive voltage and the you don't shock it, you don't move it, you don't orient it because I've done a video I might have to link it in about the orientation of the crystal.

you can actually use them as gravity detectors and I've actually demonstrated that principle. so as long as you don't touch it, they're generally pretty good. but of course this one would be super selected super aides and then you've got a gene and all sorts of characteristics like that which go into it of course. But yeah, I've done like a lot of characterization of the stability, the long-term stability of crystal oscillator modules.
That was part of my job back in the day and it's a very interesting thing how they how if you just go like that on the side of it, you can reset effectively reset the drift characteristic of a particular crystal. It's really fascinating. so any sort of shock or vibration or anything like that. Um, but there you go.

That's an urbanized oscillator with the heater element on the outside and a temperature sensor. and they just you know, they have a feedback loop and keep that controlled at by what looks like 79 degrees. C and by having that actually written on there 79 C there. Obviously that's what it was - you know, tested at and aged out or whatever.

and that's probably what they're running at in here. So I Don't know what the temperature variation you know you try to get within? Keep it within. Say you know, half a degree or something like that. If you generally you know at a couple of degrees, then you know wobbles all over the place.

Not, you're going to get output stability is going to be dependent upon the temperature, so it's going to drift with the temperature. So the more accurately you can control the temperature, the more stable your crystal is. So that's basically how it works. Yeah, cool, old school urbanized oscillator.

Awesome. Let's have a quick look at the Dag 100 the ass man antennas. Brilliant. Anyway, I Like the I Like the push of all indicators here and this is supposedly a little sort of speaker on the front monitor.

Yes, it is and some volume there. so the is a rackmount voice-recording thing apparently. And there you go. We got ourselves a lion isolation transformer on the back.

What looks of it? I Guess that's what you'd pretty much what you'd expect here. Speaker: our PCB mounted so it just I thought it was mounted on the front panel but it's not and we've got little little little app is it? I don't know I can't read that I can't read this stuff on the camcorder screen anymore. Ridiculous. Anyway, we're gonna nice DC to DC converter can salvage that one.

No worries mate. Germany Sweet yeah we've got ourselves a power amp there, but everything else is 4000 series. CMOS except basically for these two puppies up here. Mas tech.

Anyway, we have date codes like you know, early 80s stuff happening here. 86 Mid yeah 86 but check out this is an Intel D 29 one - that's a PCM filter chip and there's a Mas Tech. There's a blast from the past are that's an MK 51:56 and that's a PCM codec. So we've got our PCM codec and our PCM filter.

But where is the EEPROM that was talked about for storing this? What's that? I can only presume that that thing which has got like lo1 the rest is just the day code I'm in and it's socketed. Don't know why they're 409 3 socketed there. but anyway, that one I assume must be the serial prawn chip that holds the recorded message must be. There's nothing else on here.
It's nothing on the other side of the board. That's it. I Don't want my Romanian viewers. this one you're no doubt familiar with I've had it a couple of times on the blog and sorry I haven't I've already opened this because I've actually been using it for like a month and those on the forum and Twitter would have seen this already.

It's Radu Modis Ins new Environmental Monitor the A3. He's done previously done the radiation monitor, but this one is the dual end all kitchen sink model. It's complete environmental monitor. It does radiation formaldehyde, particulates, 2.5 microns particulates does temperature pressure I'm forgetting some stuff Anyway, air quality monitor as well as radiation.

It's awesome. So let's take a quick look at it. and I've been running this for a month at my lab and let's have a look at some data. Cool! So this is Rudders new Environmental Monitor A3.

It comes in different types so this is the Ethernet interface one, but they also have the Wi-Fi interface version and both of them work very well and is inside of it. We've got the laser scanning particulate sensor here which has a little scanning laser in it and it's got a little lower port on the back where it sucks in the air of course and a little micro fan inside there so it actually it sucks it in. The airflow just comes through over here and out the other side. It's not very noisy at all.

I've got one running at home in the backroom and it you can hit like in the middle of the night. you can just hear it so you wouldn't want to, you know, have it on your bedside table or something like that. but it's certainly not loud. And of course we've got our Geiger malla tube in there.

and then we've got our mail to hide sensor here and our Co2 sensor down here. and of course these are all factory calibrated and characterized and whatnot. And Rohde who did send me a characterization sheet on one of these that has been you know, independently lab certified and all that sort of stuff. And there's a couple of whatnots on the bottom and that puppy? right down in there is the Bosch VOCs sensor.

you can see the slots around there, it's just on the outlet of the fan so the so it's well placed, well designed just to get the air flow directly over that. Awesome! And we'll have a quick look at the software interface which was seen before but there's also this new are cool dashboard view which is worth checking out. It gives you an over like a summary and overlay summary of the of all the different sensors inside this thing for different time spans. And here's the data for my lab is no great.
I'll link it in down below if you want to check out the live data and we've got a little microphone down in there as well. because it also measures noise, it must be doing some sort of like you know, average in, you know, heavy-duty average in and stuff like that because you don't want knocks and bangs of doors to, you know, really register on this thing so that it all be done in software. And no doubt. so Ryder has done a fantastic job developing this over the years.

I'm not aware of any like really major competing solution for this and it's not cheap. and if you're after comprehensive environmental monitoring for your location or a remote location or whatnot, then this thing is pretty much the Ducks guts. I think. Check it out.

Thank you very much Silom silent V Standoff I'm from Bulgaria Hi to all my Bulgarian viewers. let's check out what's inside Is that it fancy Vu meter? Turn it on, give a power to the USB port. Five to twenty five to twenty or five to twenty volts. Oh right.

okay, is it a project? Um, Sillens done. So here's the Vu meter. I'm actually not sure if Ceylon actually produces and manufactures this or not. anyway.

I'll link it in down with the below sketch Remote comm SCH Remote Comm Let's pair it on and see what happens. Hey Hello Eevblog bye Sketcher Oh there. Ah I Like the decay on the hello no microphone built-in Oh at least oh uh, at least have one on the board I reckon and have a jumper link that you can actually connect to it anyway. Is that sudden SD card under there? I think that's an SD card slot.

Updating the firmware? perhaps? Well, turns out this things are real comprehensive Beastie and Ivor hooked it up to the PC but I got a connection error but I was born that I supposed to install the drivers but I have a problem installing the drivers. so I don't know what? what? what? Why? So I'd really like to play around with this thing. some Orcs. it does have some cool visualization stuff in the software, but I don't know like it's probably a peb cake.

I'm doing something wrong with the drivers but I tried for a bit I'm not gonna spend any more time on this stage, but it does look. Suffice to say it does look very cool and this that is you can see the touchscreen in there. so let's have a look view mode. so maybe we can set it up in here.

Here we go. Maybe we know they were. Maybe we don't know. Analog Vu meter? look at that.

Maybe we don't have to use the software that's core. but the software I think allows us to do more stuff or whatnot. But there you go. How do we get the few options there we go and you can set up your are channels and stuff like that.

Its supports left and right stuff. I'm just feeding it in from the road mic here but back there you go anyway. I think it's really quite cool so I'll link it in down below if you want to check it out. Apparently it does claim on the website it does like a Sillas Cope you know type stuff as well so you know it's all just in software.
Basically, of course it'll only be like audio type our bandwidth. but isn't that hunky-dory Sure if this has a name on it, but it's from Finland I do all my Finnish viewers let's crack this one open and see it's a bit. It's a bit mangled from the old finished post. what was that done locally here? I don't know but yeah I've seen better days.

This package some solder wick. got some old parts magnet card more solder week thank you very much I can always do is solder wick just got some. What is it? So I've got some random miscellaneous parts I replace the main board for I Still don't know what a magnet card 200 is to Google Pet Look, they've got the LCD driver under there. um presumably looks like it's just a maybe.

is it you know, 7106 panel driver or whatnot. but god else I'll see micro on there. What's that puppy? that's an NEC Dat 749 I'm a but like that's like an 80 80 compatible chips. There you go like old school stuff and I Am is a real way.

But what does it do? No that just uses a Phyllis PCF to double one two-y LCD display controller. That's all It is. just dedicated controller. It's got external external cap, two caps.

what are they you know runs are like an LC RC oscillator perhaps or something like that. so I good. We don't have any knowledge of this at all anyone. Bueller Okay, does anyone know what that is? Looks like some follow spark-gap perhaps Once again.

bhur bhur hmm I Don't want my viewers in the old art in particular. Emmet Andy Great last name I'm from Hatfield in the UK of course which is the old art. the UK is the United Kingdom what do you call it the capital of the Commonwealth that the head of the Commonwealth Whatever. Australia's part of the Commonwealth thing dude.

I've really enjoyed the show. thank you very much. In Closed: please find a transmitter and receiver a je electronic radio safe rated wireless emergency wireless emergency stop What removed from a warehouse automation system? All right. Okay, so you can just have an emergency stop, but it's not an emergency stop button.

And for the Beaufighter no, feel free to take them apart. What you find inside may surprise us. so Michael reckons what we're about to find inside one of these industrial controllers may surprise us anyway. Yeah, they're wireless.

No wireless antenna like the antenna built-in I guess. Yep. Hmm. so I completely missed the coax you can see on there on the front of the bloody unit.

Don't like where's the antenna? Where's Waller Geez right in front of me. Kind of like that that construction. So let's open up a bit more and see what we've got in there. A little daughterboard? Yeah, it's gonna use like an off-the-shelf wireless module because it's already like that you know, certified and everything else.
So they're not going to dick around other than that themselves because these industrial controllers price point really doesn't matter I Really like the interconnection system. Check it out here. They've got these like card edge contact things, which then you might be able to see the contacts along the boards in there and then when that just clips together, that makes contact on their dual wedge. Is it? No, No, it's our single sided it's You can have a contact on either side of the board, bare there.

but that is just a really nice bit of engineering. Take note of something like that that is just brilliant. You know the boards in there? No wiring? No nothing. Just clip it on and then in interconnects with all these screw terminals on here.

Fantastic. Aha, One of my favorite construction techniques. I've I'm sure I've mentioned this in various videos you might have mentioned like the Raspberry Pi cluster or something like that just by the way. Yeah, maybe you'll get around to it one day.

I Don't know. Um, but yeah, you cut slots in the board like that and then just put the board over and then just sold up forward to board. and they've made a cube out of that. They put some silastic on there for good measure.

maybe just to hold in place work while they solder the thing. And because that wouldn't be supplying any structural. you know, integrity while the after you've uh, soldered those things on. and that is a really cheap and simple method for creating a cube.

board construction like that that is really jazzy. I Like it. Anyway, we've got some input, some input protection or output protection resistors or whatnot. Jesus I Have to desolder all that to get to the path.

Anyway, it's not here, we're not. We're more interested in the physical construction details of this thing. rather than going in. Having looked at the individual chips and whatnot, it couldn't really give a rat's ass apart.

You know they've got some what goes and things like that for driving. You know their various outputs, inputs, and output. So you know, some sort of alarm system driving some really. And as I said, just some sort of off-the-shelf module for the comms.

There you go. As I said, that could be an off-the-shelf module. They've got a design and certified by someone else, although you know it doesn't looks pretty custom II to me. So anyway, the lot.

They could have subcontracted that out little lot mask ROM mask flush or whatever. ROM You know it's fairly recent this thing and just all your requisite opto drivers and stuff like that, but that's cool I Like that and of course Hatano I can't say I'm familiar with Hatano brand. hmm anyway, but that is awesome construction. I Love that.

so that's the surprise. It wasn't a huge amount of surprise to me, but if you've seen or open these types of industrial controllers before, then you know you would have seen similar types of construction before. But just being able to have you know just those blocks look I mean there's no apart from the of course you've got to have the coax in there for the antenna. but apart from that, there is no wiring at all inside that thing.
Brilliant! I Don't want my viewers in San Jose I Love San Jose Osco we got Wiegel Not sure if a wheel not sure if it's a silent G or not. anyway from Oh Dr Robotics cool. So robotics type stuff I'm guessing I go the Gaffa tape. get the tape for the wind.

let's slice and dice are open I'm sending you a demo of a project I've been working on for the past three years. Wow An open-source low-cost servo motor for robotics. Is it like a Kickstarter II type thing stuffing here? Wow Oh, that's like a propeller. That's a serious propeller attachment for what I'm guessing is a very serious motor controller.

Wow Awesome! Let's take a look. Whoa! This is heavy. We have a serious bit of kit here for you motor aficionados. Oh look at that.

We got our sauce nice looking rotary encoder on there Wow So got a rotary encoder attached to the motor that's very interesting. We'll have a read of why is doing that some kind of optimization thing or something and look up there. They're obviously designed that looks like a you know, a model plane propeller type interface and this is like a probably a model plane. You know, a big model playing grade motor on this thing.

Wow Let's read the note and check out this driver board. Whoa. This is looks to be handmade. This one got ourselves a genuine bodge wire on there too going across there and this is some serious business.

Check out the heatsinks on the draw in the that, probably the H bridge driver down in there. and what sort of processor is that? Some bunsen? Some sort of army type thing? It's always an arm thing these days, isn't it? It's all the rage with the young kiddies. This looks grunty like Kilowatt grunty. Wow Let's read the note: hi Dave I'm sending you a demo of a project I've been working on for the last three years.

an open-source low-cost servo motor controller for robotics. This lowers the price and barrier to entry to using high-performance motor control for hobbyists in startups. Industrial servo motor electronics are very expensive I'm sure they are, even though I'm not in the field. Ok, can pretty much guarantee they are usually three hundred dollars per AXYZ Wow sometimes more at the same time there.

There are very inexpensive brushless motors from China originally for hobby remote control airplanes yep, and the drive electronics for those are also achieved from my experience working at ABB Robotics. Aha I Know that the precision control is all in the software and the marginal cost of the software yep is effectively free. So there had to be a way to make a cheap but still precise version of an industrial servo motor controller. And it turns out I was right.
It's called the drive How cheap the motor 30 bucks for a 1600 watt motor. The encoder is ten dollars for the for a resolution of 2400 counts per Rev Wow Cool! So demo demo instructions: clip the motor testings to a table. Important. Oh dear.

I Don't know if I got clamps here in the lab, but that's more at home kind of thing. Hmm. Use caution: this system compute how greater than three kilowatts? Well, I don't even have a three kilowatts supply here. My main supply is only twenty two point four kilowatts.

I Connected 12 24 hour. Don't touch the motor during the calibration sequence. Aha the first six seconds. So when it boots up, all the software is in.

the magic does it I Presume that it can you like take the rotary encoder off later and then just drive that particular motor and then you've got the properties of that particular motor. I'm assuming is that how it works? because you don't want to leave the encoder? do you want it? You know, cuz if you have to leave the encoder on when the things running, then that's a bit inconvenient cuz like, where do you stick your encoder at that point? We're good on the shaft here. but yeah, you could have something coming off of course, but that's not nearly as convenient. So I'm going to assume that it maybe does some calibration and stores it for that particular.

Moda Perhaps that'd be cool. Tell you what I don't like is the screw terminals here just soldered onto one half of their like I Like maybe they're designed for bigger ones because they're massive holes on their bigger bolt hole ones or something? I'm not sure, but then he's just soldered in the pin base ones there. It's a bit how you doing, but I'm sure this is just like a you know eight? Well, he says it's a prototype, doesn't he? Yes. I A demo of a project yet, so you know I'm sure that production ones wouldn't have this.

anyway. it's designed to drive two motors and an auxilary thing here which we've just got hooked up to a dummy load resistor. don't know why and it turns out I did actually have some plants here. Not terrific, but I'm sure they're only gonna spin up for like these six seconds that he said it uses to I calibrate this so it should be more than good enough.

Huh? Fingers crossed If I got the polarity correct Black Black Yep. Negative Positive I think so apply I've got film set to 15 volts maximum. Let's pair it up. Hello beeping Ah, they're slowly turning.

It's doing its calibration I Expected than take over, but yeah, is that it didn't even do a full rotation? Ah okay. um, maybe he can explain in the comments why it's like I Would have expected a full rotational calibration, but maybe just the small steps is enough. Well, I can feel the feel the backlash on that if I try and try and move it any way I can hook it up to a PC and send serial commands. Okay, I've got the PC hooked up here.
It's a hundred and fifteen K board and I'm gonna type in try this command I Have no idea what it does, but let's give it a bowl. Ah ah, didn't do anything. Ah hmm. So I'm not sure why that's working, but thank you very much.

Oscar from Oh Dr Robotics como Lincoln him down below For all you are motor aficionados who are into motor controllers I know that well David is he's he's done his own motor controls and stuff like that. I'm open Source one. Check it out! I'm Union Of course he works for our ABB robotics so probably knows what he's doing. so this could be a good way to get a real precise our industrial servo motor using the cheap brushless motor and and encoder.

I Don't think it works as I mentioned before that you take the encoder off and it calibrates it for that particular motor. I think you need the the rotary encoder on there but um gee yeah I don't know but I don't want to see it like spin up fast I've got to clamp down and everything anyway. check it out. Oh Drive Robotics Comm This could be cool, thank you much it would Frost from Canada give the wheel their New York somewhere in New York I already opened this one because it didn't have my bag on it and I thought it was I haven't actually looked at it but then I realized oh it's probably a mail bag or something so let's have a look.

Oh it's a coil dudaev greetings I Pulled this unique item out of a light dim 110 volt. remove the shrink-wrap coil to see what it was good. You identify what it is called and how did is does it work? Mayo Baggy: Terrific! That's the new name of the segment mayo bag, e-mail badge something like that. Anyway, it would ask a very interesting question.

He found this inside a light dimmer our circuit and it had shrink wrap over the top and he wondered what It was and how and what's caught and how it works. Well, let's take a look at it, shall we? Now, anyone with any real basic component knowledge of electronics should know that this is an inductor. but if you're a beginner, of course you're not going to know what this is. It's basically just coil of wire wrapped around a ferrite core and that creates an inductor.

You don't need the ferrite core, but the ferrite core actually helps concentrate the magnetic field. and I want going to inductors, but they basically store energy in their magnetic field and then you can store that and then release it. Now usually in an electronic demo circuit, you probably you don't need an inductor for the functionality of it. It uses a triac in there typically and you don't actually need the inductor.

So what's the inductor in there for I Put up a a typical circuit or pulling up on Google Images or whatever. So full credit to whoever did this circuit and it's basically you can use this. without the inductor. You can simply short it out and it'll still work exactly the same.
So what's the induct actually in there for? Well, it's actually working as what's called a choke and it suppresses radiated RFI or radio frequency interference coming back out from the triac switching element in the circuit itself. And that's the purpose of this particular inductor here. But this particular inductor is actually rather interesting. Look here.

at the end the the wire like it goes around it goes boop that you can follow it all the way through all the way through all the way with LBJ and it comes to the end and then it wraps back around and goes back. Now this is actually what's called a bye file are round inductor and what that means is that it basically just loose back on itself and the return path follows the path coming in. So it's the currents flowing in this direction up this wire, right at the end, it'll the current flows back in the other direction right next to it. So the magnetic field created by that current effectively cancels itself out as it goes all the way with LBJ right along there in and back out.

So what that does is it effectively gives this inductor which normally has self inductance. Because it's an inductor, it effectively gives it a self inductance of zero because it canceled the inductance cancer was out itself, but it still has the property of storing and releasing a magnetic field. And then in this particular case, we'd have to get into the difference between common mode and differential mode inductance and that sort of thing. But suffice it to say a bi file are wound inductor like this has effective inductance in the common mode, but not in a differential mode configuration.

so that's why it's useful for our suppressing RFI interference. So thank you very much. Edward That is an interesting question and the answer is surprisingly this does nothing to the operation of the actual light dimmer itself, but it's a nice engineer in touch to have this in there to reduce all this switching. basically the switching noise coming from the switching triac element inside there.

And yeah, now if you bought it from China and that's on ebay for $1 delivered your light dimmer, it's probably not going to have one of these because that's just extra component cost. and then it just spews out, radiates out and via conductor mode. All this switching interference. So that's why a good one will have one of these installed.

This one's been sitting here for a while. sorry M Pritchard from PAL Powys in the UK Again, the old dark once again, so let's check it out it is. I Dive in closer to the device that has some pin. Sidney's addict for at least a decade doing bugger all United States Patent Yeah! 21st century automotive production and protect automotive protection Electro Shield Anode Rust protector.
Well, those rust protector thingamabobs. Sacrificial anode. Basically they're a sacrificial anode type thing. Um, it's not much in them.

So my apologies to fellow YouTube ain't a big aint clever who are linking down below and at the end of this video who has actually done a video on this electro shield remote and owed yeah, can you smell it I can too And he's gone to the effort to reverse-engineer the circuit on this so we can just maybe, can we crack it open? Is it already opened? I'm gonna stab my hand here aren't I that won't be pretty on camera, but basically, um, there's nothing wrong with anode protection on cars and boats and other things. Um, they do actually work, but they're suck. Oh God doesn't spring off screwing there or something anyway. um, they are sacrificial anodes whereas this is an electronic whoo-whoo device and it's got hor lids that tell you which anode is like, you know, utter utter Wow There we go.

It's a spring. There you go. they've got a bloody what's the what is that whoo whoo Why are they God why have they got that sort of what is that coil doing in there? that is, that is the remote end and I'd would like what is that? This is absolutely. Oh, there we go.

Yeah, there's the trick. and we've got more woowoo coil inside here. and let's flip this out. and anyway, I won't reverse engineer that, but there's no sacrificial element at all that that actually gets eaten away.

So let's have a quick look at the circuit here. What do we got we've got is that our triple four I Gotta have a triple 5 timer of course, because it's got to have a LED that flashes to pretend it's actually doing something. Look, they're both in series. no.1 and no.2 are in series so it doesn't matter whether you got one or two anodes.

I don't know how you have multiple I know it's whatever and it's look, um, it's just powered from the input. We've got it. You up and tired over there. Sorry.

Do I predict a reverse diode protection. At least they did something and then just 70809 70809 voltage regulator here in the triple five time. And so that's got nothing to do at all with anything. So it just flashes.

It's just a lead flasher, that's all the damn well is. And then here we've got 278 L o Fives: Just drive in the output through our whoo-whoo coil. they're going to the other side. so it basically is just like you're connecting up the power to a run at a small amount of whatever amount of current you doing front.

like what? what? No, No, this is like how is this gonna do jack? All like hooking a battery up to your car at one end and just expecting it to do something. Where's the sacrificial element? This is complete and utter rubbish. You'll get another whoo whoo ring down here and like it's just ridiculous. What? What? I Don't get it.

If you. If you can explain how this magic woowoo works as a as a like a sacrificial anode or prevents a rust protection on your car or boat or what not, then leave it in the comments. but that smells like complete and utter woowoo to me. Thanks! Ain't big, ain't clever I'll link in his video down below.
Haven't watched the whole thing yet but I'm sure it's hilarious here. It exposes this thing and yeah, wah-wah-wah-wah Catch you next time.

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26 thoughts on “Eevblog #1049 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Tobias says:

    That bullshit at the end is a shady operation. Hope they were exposed and sued for consumer fraud

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars hypercube33 says:

    Dang, he didnt power the ass up and have a listen to what was stored on it if anything

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savneet Singh rai rai says:

    That woo woo coils were hellarious….what on earth they were thinking's just do nothing module…why they get CE certificate the other one with capicator to use in car far fuel efficiency bla bla bla …from last video…

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Savneet Singh rai rai says:

    Well this o drive is a very good product in saving cost of steppers n stepper drivers …in industrial robots servo parts are in thousands of dollars …as you said that it divide 280th parts or steps of one single RPM … it's great for cnc laith other application as well numerically very precise and holds enough tourq to hold or press tools in a certain opration…well that too in 1/4 cost

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bikinihaul sell_bikinis says:

    You are wrong about the sacrificial rust protector. Normally you have some aluminum to rust off at sea, to put the steel body of a ship under a negative or positive bias charge. This prevents chemical reactions between the steel and the salty water (because that requires either some electrons being donated or taken from the ship's steel). It seems this device tries to create a charge bias in the car so that if road salt water sparys on it in the winter that won't be able to react with the steel of the car. As a car is on rubber it can be charged positive or negative we know because we got shocked often..

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Brandenburg says:

    Hey eevblog AKA Dave Jones.

    The tape you're referring to is duct taped the stuff we called Gaffers tape here in the United States.

    Would actually be very similar to duct tape but is non-reflective black.

    Very expensive compared to steroid duct tape.

    And a slightly different materials depending on your application and who makes it Etc.

    Why I'm familiar with Gaffers tape cuz I used to work on stage crew off to high school.

    The only time we use true Gaffers tape is where it had to be non-reflective it was too expensive to use it for anything else.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Hodgson says:

    My next project I think

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Hodgson says:

    Wow make a drone/ quad from them motors

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Stewart says:

    Yes it is a spark gap. In my sixties vintage multimeter it is for overvoltage protection.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aly nicholls says:

    wish i could get a few ca3130's in metal can package, and some tl072's too, ah well have to settle for ceramic.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris W says:

    Only a week late??? For Kickstarter, that's still early.. πŸ™‚

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Newman says:

    I missed this. Those encoders aren't aligned to any windings in the three phase motors. The motor controller has to know where the motor poles are in reference to the encoder. This can be accomplished with hall-effect sensors, so the motor can operate somewhat and then as soon as a hall effect changes polarity, the exact optimal value is known. It can be accomplished by having the encoder mate to the servo shaft in only one way (like red-cap fanuc servos and their encoders).
    Or you can just activate a pole, and pull the rotor it, recording the position. This only works if it's acceptable to move the motors a ways either direction before having torque. So on some machines, this may not be acceptable. (Vertical axis that have to resist a load on startup for example)

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jburdman7 says:

    A huge soldering iron is called a "blow torch."

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Farshid khorasani says:

    Free energyβš‘οΈπŸ€”πŸ€­πŸ€₯

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Karkoska says:

    Where does a person get such an efficient package opener? Tried Staples here in the USA but no luck.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric L says:

    Please revisit this and maybe walk through the software setup or build something with it. I would love to learn more from

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zodliness says:

    Cool video. I checked out sch-remote's website, they provide allot of useful information on their entire range, especially the variety of OMLED touch screen products. If you're a gadget freak like me, their site is worth checking out.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gadgetboy says:

    I'm sure this question has been asked before, but I'm new here. What's with the humongous knife?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlmightyDemon says:

    Finaly someone send something from Bulgaria. Greeting from BG, Dave. Love your channel. Keep up the great work !!!

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bobbeh Mcstuffinshire says:

    That environment module was basically what I wanted to build, until I found out how much work it. Was talking to so many different modules

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Gaines says:

    Are you trying to piss off my Texan neighbors to my south with your huge knife?
    Texan: We do things BIG here in Texas!
    Australian: Ain't that cute!

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skyfox says:

    Gray-bearded nude virgins…there's a mental image that almost made me spit my drink across the office at work.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Coil Smoke says:

    I believe the rust inhibitor is a 'Tesla ' coil like field generator designed to keep the car body at an electrical (positive?) potential above that of the atmosphere. This may prevent normal oxidative stress between the vehicle and environment…

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars T3CHNOTURK says:

    "Dave loves crypto currency and accepts several major crypto currency altcoins for donations to help keep the blog going. Anonymous and without government interference or control!"………WRONG RIPPLE IS FROM THE GOVERMENT. ….

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Beng_ says:

    I may be wrong but you can easily have those motor spin the wrong way, since the motor can be wired up any way they will just spin in one direction or the other. I reckon it only spins a tiny amount just to find which ways which.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars airthrowDBT says:

    Why are DC-DC converters so expensive?

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