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AVX Capacitor Bonanza!
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Hi welcome to everyone's favorite segment Mailbag! Let's get straight into it with the biggest one. Thank you very much to AVX Corporation. Yeah, no doubt heard of AVX They're one of the biggest capacitor manufacturers. They actually saw my ceramic capacitor cracking video recently and they wanted to let me know said NEMA wouldn't let me know how enjoyable they found it and if I wanted any stuff is so hell yes.

So thank you very much. Let's crack it, crack it open and see what we have inside. It's a big-ass box. For a company that makes capacitors so well among other things that they're known for their passive, their passive components.

it is a sample kit. bonanza. Ah, Automotive qualified multi-layer ceramic capacitors. Are this passive components for energy harvesting? Wow It doesn't end Passive component passive components for the Internet of things? Really okay.

I'm Polymer sample kit Tantalum mobile sample kit for mobile phones and stuff specifically. Geez, let's crack this puppy open and so thank you very much. AVX Um, there's nothing better to have in your lab then these types of kits. I'm some of them.

you know from the really good manufacturers rep util ones like AVX they can actually be quite expensive. These kits. um, you know you can get your one hung low. cheapos on ebay and stuff like Oh What? Don't put this upside down one.

Hello cheapies on ebay and I recommend those because they completely affordable. They're ridiculously good value, but the capacitors are of Unknowing Oh, look at that. look at what do we got? The drawers? These are, um, super caps Wow So take a closer look at that's fantastic. Um, so I'll linking these down below.

So anyway, you can probably buy them on digi-key and places like that, so that's impossible. That's that's over the top that really is, thank you very much. AVX But yet these are great because they contain all the you know, all those data sheets and info, the parametric curves, and all sorts of stuff. and it's great to have you know if you're designing serious electronics, you know professional.

Especially if you're in, you know, the automotive or the military industry, or anyone other medical, or one of those other sort of, you know, regulated type industries. it's important to choose exactly the right capacitor, the exactly right inductor, the exactly right component that you need, and you will specify down to the 10-digit part number. it must be that specific capacitor as I've done in the capacitor cracking video, and there's reasons for that. And of course you're going to go to one of the top quality suppliers like a VX and specify that particular part for that particular reason due to flex on the PCB low micro phonics or a towed fails open or it's ultra reliable, Whatever it is, you know it's qualified for a certain life.

And meantime, Batool between fire or whatever it is, um, specifying parts is really important in professional electronics, so this is fantastic. Wow it's a bonanza is gonna be very useful. It's good to have these for like videos and things like that. So I know if I'm putting the capacitor in a circuit demonstrating something like this, then I know I have the exact parameters of the part.
rather than just pull on, pull out one of my eBay kits which are fine for general use. but I have no datasheet for those I have no clue who manufactured it where they just got it up the shins in market you know that weekend. So yeah. fantastic, thank you very much.

AVX And they liked my video and they said it was spot-on Fantastic! Oh and by the way of Rotten Demco who emailed me about this is one of their head you know component support engineers that AVX has written this excellent white paper on the issue that I showed previously. It goes into all sorts of detail. Really recommended linked in down below: Mmm. Super caps.

Let's have a look look at these. What do we got? Whole bunch of him, one ferret all the way up to. ah, the Big Daddy Oh Oh Beautiful. Hmm.

double-a battery. You might not think that there's much energy inside one of these things, but if you took the energy out of this and transferred it into one of these with its ridiculously low ESR equivalent series resistance, you could probably world with this thing or blow up. Hmm. future video.

Perhaps the other two actually has some 5 volt ones in this side SCC Range to our fire ferrets. Nice little form factor I Like that reminds me of like an old-school HC 49-year crystal type form factor mmm nice. Great for memory backup and things like that. especially like you know, just a little tiny.

Oh, you know, one microfarad, One microfarad. there's micro rubbish. 1 farad cap you know, great for energy harvesting, storage in a compact form factor and things like that. Mmm, you know, data backup, memory retention where you change battery in your product and things like that? Just charge up a super cap and it can can keep your stand boy, your product going in standby or whatever for pretty much ever.

And these look like tantalum caps, but they're not. They're in the same package. Form factor: You know your ABCD type form factor packages or whatever the metric equivalent is, but they're actually are conductive polymer electrolyte capacitors. They're not tantalum capacitors at all, so don't have the benign for your mode under recommended use condition so they're not going to.

You know your traditional Italians A lot of people avoid them because technically you know for impulse applications and things like that they can catch a light, do some nasty stuff, but these are solid ones. Completely are authorized for automotive application use so you know really ultra reliable stuff. And as I said, the good thing about these is that you get the you know the exact part number and you can qualify this part in your engineering sample and then go Yep! I'm going to use those in my fight. You specify that exact part number in your final product.
so you get a little sample kit of those nice and all different various beautiful and they have to be taking the piece here. Surely passive components for the Internet-of-things I Just think this is marketing piece. Take 101. They're just.

you know, just low Srf capacitors need, right? They shouldn't specific I use one specifically qualified for those RF applications. but you know you work Internet of Things on there. and yeah, but yeah, they're just. they're regular parts, they just marketing.

They do it a similar sort of thing here for energy harvesting. really. energy harvesting components. They're just ones that they're selected from their product category that they deemed to be usable in energy harvesting type applications.

Very eclectic mix of components here. Look, we've got our sauce thing, your super caps there. We've got inductors, we're got looks like connectors, we've got tantalum caps, we've got board interconnects and stuff like that. Mm-hmm Once again, their applications group target everything here.

Stuff designed specifically for mobile. You know, applications, mobile phones and things like that. For audio stuff, you know you want your AC coupling cap for your audio. I Think this thing is qualified for that.

You want a backlight for your mobile phone, It's it's qualified right. These particular part. I Well, you know they. their applications group have deemed them suitable for mobile phone applications me.

and here's the one we talked about in my previous video on the model: a ceramic capacitor cracking the Flexi terminations flexi safe I caps so they go into. We've got the full sample kit for these. These are completely qualified with your flexible terminal. sorry even if I had a microscope I wouldn't be able to well I do have one but I wouldn't be able to show you I'd have to like saw it in half or whatever to show you the encapsulation.

They got some nice our photos on that white paper thing I'll link in down below thank you very much. Ryan Finney from Scottsdale Arizona show we've had one from Scottsdale Arizona before I'm not sure if it was Ryan but I'd always goes in Scottsdale I mean a Scottsdale I Don't think we're gonna note I am AMX it's like a it's not a tablet, it's ghost and it's like a little mini TV Kind of no, it's good. What is this thing? It's got a docking thing at the bottom. This is a touchscreen interface to an AMX control system and originally retail for nearly 3,000 US just for that.

The Lipo battery expanded inside and destroyed it. Cool. Quick two-minute teardown. What's it? IMX Control System: Let's crack this special purpose device over quite a bit after the fact.

shielding on here with the cup of tape. Oh, there we go. SS IO Wireless card. Hmm.
up there there's the power supply section. quite extensive. not much y'all see in there. It's going to have the processor probably driving the LCD or whatnot.

and these are your classic a commercial application designed gear. They're not designed for high-volume they might have sold I Don't know a couple of thousand of these things. Maybe what's a AMX control system? I Don't know. Maybe they are high Piyush volume, but you know this sort of stuff they do put a lot of effort into.

they aren't you consumer level while volume? that's for sure. This particular one is actually designed to sit on your desk like and like sit up like that with a little stand and everything. And then you know you can control. Executives can control whatever they want.

you know, security cameras or intercoms or whatever. The thing that your look that you're controlling. yeah, yeah, it's all coming apart. Oh yeah, there's a little mic in there I Don't know you can talk to somebody.

They got that in a rubber. I Think there is a rubber little rubber o-ring in there. and yeah, a little speaker and a mic. It's obviously did some sort of wireless you know, AV type control thing.

But yeah, they might have manufactured 10,000 of these systems or something. maybe. And that's the MVP 5150 for those playing along at home. and there's your main processor and whatnot.

Reed First, this is an automotive multimeter where the screen has become almost unusable. I Try putting some tape to pressure the screen connector, but nothing improved. Is that one of those zebra strips? I Have since replaced it with the Eevblog meter. Cool! I've included the clamp lead but retired everything else.

Thank you very much. Ryan Let's have a look at this cheap-ass Jeep It's just says automatic mode Okay, what do we got anything that happened? It's got a strap on the back of it. Okay, it's got rubber baby buggy bumpers on it. In Over Aye-aye-aye equus dot-com I Don't know who the offhand I don't know who the OEM for that one is cancer I've heard of In In Over before the 34:40 a for those playing along at home and yeah, it seems to be one sick puppy.

Hmm, maybe the bias LCD bias control is going on there Oh Us pattern. Thank you very much. When are they probably one of those design pattern things because you can't patent a multimeter, but you can patent the design. the look and feel of it.

Whoop-dee-doo indeed. Check out this hand mounted testing meter. This is what the strap on the back is before they patented this. Can you believe it? Good on your Leon Chungqing for mean over electronics.

Unbelievable look. A typical pattern thing. They've got to like number the individual look. this is a thumb and this is a finger and it mounts on the reverse and then patent speak.

Unbelievable. Check out this Crocker. The elastomeric ban may be supported by a plurality of coupling members disposed on the meter. resurfaced.
Amy gets better. The present invention is described below in connection with the Australian embodiments. However, it is understood that the illustration, an accompanying description are not intended to be the only implementation of the present invention as will be apparent to those skilled in the art. Upon review of the invention, it's a bloody body made of stuck to the back ear and with figure Four illustrates the meter 10 in place against the back or dorsal surface, 29 of the users hand such a position blah blah blah and down the bottom Here as will also be apparent to those of ordinary skill in the field, the present invention may have application to existing hair nail meters which you will do do not incorporate performed ancient members.

Why do you bother with this crap? Really? I Mean this is like it's not everything that's wrong with the patent system, but they don't like this trivial sort of crap is like they paid a patent attorney. you know, the five or ten grand or something to write this. It cost them five or ten grand to come up with the Euro to actually get the application. It's probably in multiple countries or whatever.

Nobody gives a toss. Unbelievable I Don't know why you'd bother patent in this rubbish. I Really don't like? Okay, poor Leon's probably very proud of his invention of the elastic strap on the back of them. You can just picture them sitting around the desire of you meeting table when they come up with this idea.

It's like the meat of straps on your back in the hand. and they probably did that mock up and everything. And the powers-that-be went. Oh, that's the excellent idea.

I Thought we should patent this. This is going to like take the market by storm. This is going to be killer. This is the new Killer multimeter and they probably thought it was the darts guts.

Wow, that's really quite cheap and old school isn't it? Look at the jacks. They're not exactly high quality. they just split and formed contacts in plastic and the glass fuse. At least they've got it in a least.

they got in a socket and it's not soldered on there, but just a little crap em. 2:05 not even HRC got some pissant PTC's in there and not much else. There's no moles, so yeah, not great. That's a real interesting choice of microcontrollers.

Just one of those you know little knowing brands, but probably like a dimer, doesn't it? Oh my god. our miserable looking blob on the bottom And that's about all she wrote. And there you go for you range. which fanboys? So what's causing that LCD fade? Well, my guess as I said would be the bias for the LCD display.

And where's that coming from? Well controlled inside here. External I Don't know, is one of the caps dodgy? Is there any contrast control? One of these? Maybe. No, they're problem. They're more likely your cow pots.
but yeah. I like me. I haven't advertised that crazy Aussie bloke for a while, but people still keep sending stuff to that which is great. Oh sorry.

time-sensitive package Kickstarter I didn't see it on the bottom ties into a Kickstarter please open November December Okay, it's due. Yeah, okay, hopefully it's started. Oh well, it's what is it. November 29th today for Alicia's video tonight.

It means that you Yanks out there and hang on. Oh, they sent an Olfa knife. Maybe they think that this is not adequate. My Stanley knife don't retractable braids Stanley knife um, over are a top-quality brand that's very nice.

so I'll use this to open first. You can't complain if I'm actually accidentally slicing something inside because should have thought of that If you're gonna send me a knife thank which is awesome thank you very much. But if you want me to open something and the knife slash is whatever is inside then that is a package in fail. Oh Open first.

Okay, Time sensitive Kickstarter Whoa. What is that? Whoa. That's completely funky. There's a power switch on the back.

well I I Don't know. that's cool. Okay, we'll have to know what it is. Just a big Lipo battery I Like how they've separated it with wood.

They've got the you know that laser cut acrylic thing. but they've also got the wood in there which makes it look it's called the Pixel Closed R2 Pixel full-color LED flashlights. What is fully assembled are the others in kit form. Okay, cool.

So this is a Kickstarter and my 121 G Speaking to kick starters, don't take away from this Kickstarter which I'll link it down below I'm But the Eevblog 121 GW This is Not there. This is my original 3d printed prototype blue. That that's all that's plastic. That's plastic.

That is a 3d printed look. It's painted inside. That's the original 3d. V If you haven't seen it, that's the ER Yeah, but probably if you're not a supporter.

Supporters like: saw this like a year and a half ago. This is like a year and a half old. but that is the original one. The original 3d printed prototype concept meter.

It's changed. There's the real one close to the final one. What date is that? All right, That's a Seventh Month 16 Ah 2016. Um, the Kickstarter for this is approved.

It is up. Supporters have seen it I Have done a preview but there's a last-minute firmware II type thing and they're not in the 50-meter so don't know whether or not 50 up front made us. I'm not sure whether or not I should actually just release the Kickstarter and do it all. I'm gonna do is push a button or whether or not I just wait until they've resolved this final little issue or issues always come up in product design and Kickstarter's and it's just it's crazy.

This is the pixel. Not exactly the world's most original name, but it's a Kickstarter at the moment. I'll link it in down below full color LED Flashlight Night. like as I said laser cut acrylic here and like these wood laser cut wood pieces in there make it look kind of funky I don't mind that at all.
And then they've got the slot cutouts for these straps in the back and there you go. Um, that's that's just a mode. you sticker, turn it on. There's our lithium ion lithium polymer battery in there and is it charged? Yep.

Requisite micro USB on the end. I Think you just switch it on and oh, hold down for two seconds. hello McFly Oh whoa. Blinded myself.

Jeez. Anyway, the cameras Auto gaining but oh man. I Can my eyes can now see the individual pixels? So I'm not sure. Oh, there we go.

Yeah, it's a multicolored flashlight. so I'm not sure what the air or the air that was a pulse mode was it. Not sure what the intended application is. I Guess we should read the letter.

There you go. I'll let Stevie explain its design to be a fun kit that encourages learning the program building stuff in general. Versatile multi light, perfect for lighting areas. broader beam is desired.

The signaling and beacon modes are perfect for emergency or to grab attention. He's programmed some Morse code signaling work beautifully yes of course and it uses a Micro Nucleus our bootloader to enable programming via the micro USB port, so that's kind of cool. There you go. Tech specs for those playing along at home.

What? I've got a 59 milliamp hour battery? Oh yeah, battery life, etc. except linked down below. Let's check out the beam pattern in the lab. Okay, here we go.

That's my mantis light in the background there for those who are wondering. and Tada. There it is. So it is a huge beam wider than the camera angle is capable of seeing.

I What I don't like about it is that it doesn't boot, it doesn't boot up and you can change it. Of course it's Arduino compatible. just change the code. It doesn't boot up to white.

You know it boots up to some other weird Patni thing which I don't like. So yeah, you can be too fancy with stuff like that and it's got adjustable. Do you mean it doesn't seem to have adjustable diamond? I Would have liked to have seen that, but you could program that in that's blue and red and flashy flashy flashy modes. Whoa whoa, Hang on.

Oh geez, and here's all the requisite documentation that comes with the kit and that looks pretty Jersey it's about 55 US bus bucks for the kit. there are I think cheaper options but I'm not sure in the Kickstarter I'm not sure what that is. he's up to it. like in 1500 bucks of his 13 grand goal.

so good luck Steve and only getting down below if you want one. it's kind of funky. I like it program it to do what you want but you shouldn't call a pixel. There's other stuff on Kickstarter called Pixel Now I'm not usually a fan of the matte black solder mask, but in this case it looks pretty jazzy and it's got the gold logo there exposed.
Very nice. Um, but the kit doesn't come as a surface mount kit, it's just a all the LEDs are all nicely. You know this is nicely machine assembled. Looks like we've got our wire in circuit programming interface there, but as I said, it is programmable via the USB so that looks quite a.

Jersey The pixel in gold. oh I Just realized why it's called the Pixel because it uses these little neopixel things. Does it? It must. It must.

I'm not really into those sort of things, but yeah, those little addressable LEDs They've got them on the same well, data and data out these cascading like that feed the data through and bypass cap on each one. it's a bit. Is that overkill? I Don't know. Thank you very much.

M Everett from New Zealand we're in New Zealand mmm Manarola meant a room in a row up being through this, not sure, um, drive around New Zealand What's thank you very much? Why do all my New Zealand if yours? I'll spare the sheep jokes but I wonder if this one sucks sucks I'm sure it doesn't I'm sure it doesn't say Rabo plus co dot New Zealand It's a dudette. We don't know what the dude is. Let's check it out. Oh Matt doesn't actually do.

This is not his product. It's a two minute teardown. It's a one-time accident. Generates a one-time access code for logging into Rabobank which is a New Zealand Bank their online service.

So yeah. awesome two-minute teardown. What if it uses like a secure crypto micro? There it is little. it just generates a one-time pad.

Is that the tech that's the technical thing isn't a one-time pad, password or whatever. Oh cool. The Rabo Plus key code generator. I'm afraid that this Er US patents me.

Whatever. I'm afraid that this thing is just going to be a blob. A black blob on the PCB and that's it'll be all she wrote. really.

Um, why wouldn't it be? I Almost certainly is. By the way, I'm waiting for the new traceur to come out. Um. I've done a hardware teardown to that? Oh why is that? Well, I got to pry that open.

Hang on there we go. That's better. Yeah, waiting for that to come out? Yeah, Black blob. There it Is Unfortunately, that's all she wrote.

So yeah, it's probably doing some one time pad thing. Anyway, went for the Nuart Razaw to come out or do a teardown of that when it becomes available like after Christmas or something like that. and I'm thinking about designing my own traceur as well. Mean for the hardware, the the open-source hardware fails to become available, they're not up yet.

Yeah, so what do you do? You enter your PIN number and then what failed to fail where three fails. does it lock you out? I don't know I do I don't know indeed, process for doing this. but how many times is gonna let us fail? Lock We locked it Beauty one day, how long it locks. So it probably locks you out for like 10 minutes or something like that.
but you could just open it, remove the battery. let me try that and see if it gets rid of the lock. So as it turns out, that better is soldered in there. So what we'll do.

so just short it out, shall we? Here's that. Hey, Go. Did that dirt right? Didn't do the business? Come on. Nope.

think I actually killed that little switching or diode there I think I killed it I was just playing around with other shorting methods because yeah, sure enough, I was shorting out the right thing there. but it didn't seem to do anything. so maybe it's got a bit of storage on there. But well, especially if that's a diode and I didn't measure it and now it's dead.

No, it's actually okay. I'm getting like 2.8 volts across here and that does that. Does seem to be a diet I'm getting a drop across that and I don't know. Anyway, I've killed it.

What's with these spirals here? What's the go on? The is this some sort of tamper protection kind of thing though? we're gonna sell as a spark gap in there. that's interesting like this. that these are coming from the screws so they're obviously present, preventing any ESD from the screws. so that's it's.

fascinating. But why are they then going from the screw through to there is that it can't be tampered protection cuz there's nothing. Nothing on the back of these thing like you know, but the screws don't connect to anything. This is not like conductive plastic.

um or anything like that. So I don't know what this I know what the deal is there that labeled them left and right? Well, someone seems to be going on here. Is that this screw pad going down through that via there? it's actually going off so it's actually connected. If you jump up here, it's connected through to a three point 3k resistor there.

What the like? through to this? Which is that like the other side of the spark gap? like what are they trying to do and that bugger spiked up again? And that buggers off up to here and goes around to here. What? What is our offhand? I Can't think what that is apart from some sort of attempt at tamper protection if you take the screws out. But as I said, there's no conductive path between you. know this screw and that screw it.

It doesn't know that you're actually doing anything that that you have actually taken that screw out or not. So I don't I don't understand that. is this thing cleverer than is it in the patent. Should we look up the pattern? anyone want to look up that for those playing along at home? There you go, All right.

I'll do that in the editing and see what's what. Thank you very much Person on no one from Nippon Japan You know, nice old school tied thing. Get too many of these these days. like those elegant, not this nice rubbish.

so thank you very much Fleury Florian Florian Unfortunately, my trusty gaming device broke down Jamie Still hope and enjoy its internals. No two minutes here now. Gaming device. What is this? Wow.
What is that? Bua Bua I've never seen that before. I Don't know what that symbol is offhand or the game is out there probably screaming. Oh yeah, I know what that is Japanese Do that. Pandora Ultra portable depend hora.

Don't miss German Um, Linux Rebirth edition. Well 1 gigahertz a day. Well ok I had no idea such a guy. not in a gaming you know, like young cuties are.

Yeah, cool stare down here. you have the Pandora Check it out. I maybe I was familiar with this back in the day. It's a open-source gaming console are designed to take advantage of open source Linux game development or something like that back in 2010 it was developed I like the little joy sticky pads here and the old style you know Gameboy what is it The you know the Game & Watch type interface and a QWERTY keyboard and everything else and a little LCD screen I Don't know how popular this thing was.

if anyone knows let us know but it's the open Pandora umm made him made in Bavaria Germany I Don't want my Bavarian viewers that's fair like this. They put a lot of effort into this thin sort of thing. I wonder what actually happened to it? Hmm. Otra portability without sacrificing capability.

All right. Nate and we're in like Flynn There we go, we're gonna help. Jewel of SD cards here and it's got some ARM Cortex E-type processor and well, it's yeah, it's an arm processor Linux machine and what else can you say about it? It's got the where are the buttons up they and these are the buttons up the top for the triggers. You know the little you've got triggers on the top of the case.

There we go, you can kill and I do like how it's all. last single board construction. There we go. there's the wow that's just fondle those all day.

Oh yeah. I like how tall a single board construction there have. they got. No, they don't have that on a double sided.

That's double sided. so for now it's gonna be full layer with the BGA's and whatnot. But um yeah. I like how it's all the battery contacts that directly on the board.

Everything's ever like. You know they've minimized cost there by having everything on the one board they've actually go I only got they got one like trenny. On the bottom are a few passives around here and whatnot. Not sure what's going on.

Okay, they're all the bipod is going to say. They don't have any bypass stuff, but that's all bypass to the back of the BGA but I guess if you're doing reflow, no, these would be hand soldered. These things wouldn't be, wouldn't be reflow it I Can't express how nice that feel is of those springing back. Yeah, they've done well to get that all on single board like that to minimize the cost.

And we just got the membrane and the LCD display whether or not the dryer the driver might be over I know the drivers coming from coming from here. By the looks of it that would yet that would be going up. Yeah that would be going up a ribbon cable right up its clacker to their dead. Of course be some LCD driver II stuff over there but that's interesting.
Look at a is it still going anyone? Bueller the Pandora Neat. They put a lot of work into that. If it did fail, it's a bit of a shame. Thank you very much.

John a wiltrout from Chippewa Falls in Wisconsin is it I'm fantastic Hoyt all my viewers in or Wis WI Wisconsin any weight I do like the sound of what's in here Oh Excellent. Dear Mr. Jones I'm an old electronics going and primarily active on the Element14 Electronics website of people still using that. sorry I sure it's if that's your forum of choice.

that's great, but I Highly recommend the Eevblog forum. the forum of Choice Eevblog Home / forum - some of my engineer friends on Element 4 you told me that I should Cindy said to you? um there God Well extolling the virtues of these probe tips. Oh wow, oh that's that's this. Looks six on a stick.

Let's check it out. so it looks like John got a bit peeved off with his probes slipping so he developed these non slipped non-slip probes. hmm I got the macro lens out and check these out. Wow they're not both that, no, they're not Pogo II but Wow interchangeable tips - they screw in and out I don't know what the deal is there.

Do you pull him out? Alright, how do you change him? Different widths Wow From no point six to one point, two millimeters I'm he prefers then nought point eight. Here's the Ducks Guts one slip meter probe background I'll just let you have a read of this so just pause and there's the background owner of a technician for business, sold and service equipment in dental clinics and stuff like that for servicing sterilizer circuit boards. And yeah, I mean probe slippage can be a pain in the ass. That's you.

That's your typical wire crown point I believe they call it, which you'd get on the pogo pins. So test pins for test jigs and things like that. I've used countless ones of those over the years. And yes, they don't slip because they've got the little serrated points on the end.

So when you push them down especially useful on testing so they don't skid off the pad and things like that, they dig in. So there you go. that's just the background behind this. And of course they just slide on to your multimeter probe like that and you've got a really oh, it's a bit of bit of wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah in there happening? Um, but of course you can get right down and they should be fairly non-slip So as opposed to the sharp points on multimeter probes, standard flu probe there you go.

Red on black I know I know, but yeah, I guess that would be my own increases. Maybe they're a bit too long, but that's maybe the point is that they're more versatile. You can get down into hard-to-reach areas, but if you want to do something up close, having it that far away from your fingers might be a bit, you know you might have to hold it like that or something like that, which is isn't as convenient. But anyway, that's neat and there's the end of that.
Hopefully you can see that looks like there's four four points on there, so it's not exactly yea bad. It looks a bit flattish to me. There you go. Oh no, no, no, there you go.

You can see that anyway. carbide point on the thing. neat tungsten carbide and I think he said that's six little fluted points on there is it. Anyway, that's pretty funky I like that made in Canada Hi to all my Canadian viewers.

these are the carbide bird tips available in the different form factors. that's more like it. That's what I want to see. Check out that puppy that looks dangerous.

Oh yeah, will that probe? Wow It's gonna stick to anything. You're gonna get through all the oxide coating on the pads as well. Wow Terrific stuff. I Like these.

Update the website we're selling up. Does he haven't sell them? I don't know. He doesn't even doesn't even mention it. Well come on.

John And apparently you can't Oh yeah, there you go. you can replace him. sorry Beauty just slip it in like that, your uncle. So yep.

I'm not sure what the deal is there, but John has not included. Any place where you can buy these from is develop them and sent them in and they're awesome. I'm sure there's a lot of people who want to buy them. John Come on.

Ah, I Just read the letter properly and yeah, these are prototypes so it looks like they're not actually for sale yet and John wants to. once my feedback on it and as I said, like short would maybe be a bit more useful I don't know why they have to be that long. I would've yeah preferred because there's not much in the way. I mean there's good enough friction on those so like it only goes in that fire so you're wasting all that extra length in there like that.

so that would be my only suggestion. I Don't mind. these are all people would buy these. These are really jazzy.

You should do like a crowd funder and get these made. then the Chinese will copy it man next day. I'm not sure if there's anything equivalent out there. I Flew that do I've got them.

Here's someone sending them into the mailbag, some needlepoint electronic, you know, spring-loaded probes arm and that'd be really nice. In fact, could these be? Could you actually get the makeup compatible with standard pogo pins? the ones with you know, the spring contacts in there? because you can buy those readily from, you know digi-key or it's in this guy's element14. Then they come in like standard widths. for that, you know the width of here because you got to design your your holes in your test cheek for your bed of nails pogo pins.
So maybe some people might prefer a retractable you know, a spring pointed one that actually damage you. Might map there that actually Springs down and makes contact like that, but some people may not. So, but that may be if you design them around. that.

is that a standard width for those industry standard pogo pins? Um, where did you get these from? Are these like off-the-shelf thing? So I'm not sure. But anyway, yeah, there's some recommendations all at crowdfund that that's pretty neat. Everyone should have a set of these for you know, just a really micro probing and stuff like that so it doesn't slip off it to be nice for like Esso packages cuz these crown points will go very nicely into solder pads for you know, tonight, like so relatively soft our solder. so in your probing pins, they don't slide off and short out to the pin next to it so there's would be really quite nice for that sort of you know, probing.

Dense SMD chips and things like that. So I I think there's a lot of Merit in this idea. I'd certainly buy up here so let's measure the resistance of these things. Yes, I Have no doubt my test leads.

So here you go: Point: Oh five ish Bobby Dazzler thank you very much Pre Nev Verneka if I've got that right. I'm from and I had to look this one up Bengaluru like as in that was the country Awesome night but no I looked it up. it's Bangalore in India up. That's another word sir.

Uh Bangalore So there you go. Go figure. Thank you very much I know exactly what's in here. Take that Beautiful beautiful.

it's got love hearts. Thank you off from the bolt right? Bolt I Oh yes, thank you very much. um yes they are by you. They based their I think but yes thank you very much Bolt I Hope different I did it their product fail.

they face in it into the mailbag install. they did and didn't it like it didn't work it was supposed to like. Maybe once you challenged me to like get it working you like five minutes and after like half an hour I still couldn't get it working. Internet of Things you know Anyway, thank you any promotions.

good promotion. Its fail. You know engineers? you watch this. Understand that's like a custom packaging for this thing.

They must be sending out a lot of them. It's a Bolt I Oh The Internet-of-things platform apparently. Um, thank you very much even though I don't drink coffee or tea for that matter. Um I use coffee mugs to put stuff in around the lab here.

Awesome! Thanks So thanks to everyone who sent something into today's mailbag. There's not much here to visually look at. is there mm-hmm Give the video a thumbs up if you like my or bag. catch you next time.

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15 thoughts on “Eevblog #1043 – mailbag”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel32396 says:

    No coffee or tea? Why?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars asdf says:

    you still have that pandora? They're impossible to find, I've been looking for one for years

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Teiter says:

    huh… funny coincidence to find the TI WY245 (SN74AVC32T245 interesting!) Part in two different 2-minute-teardowns in the same mailbag ๐Ÿ˜€ (AMX Controller and Pandora)

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Venancio Hernandez Chumillas says:

    Where you can buy those AVX thingies?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CursedFox says:

    canadian tire garbage is what innova is

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars uiop uiop says:

    waddafakkas musik (ankprogramme rcoden )

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars george martin says:

    The designer was so impressed holding his strap-on in his hand he HAD to seek a patent for it..

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roman Dvoryadkin says:

    I replaced dead NiCd 40mA battery with 1.4F supercap inside DIN rail timer. It provides enough capacity to hold memory, RTC and LCD working for more then week. Brilliant for this type devices.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hi-Fri Audio says:

    121gw = 1.21 gigawatts.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars outsideworld76 says:

    I really like AVX capacitors, KEMET is good too.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sharklops says:

    On the Pixel light it would be cool to program it for long exposure photography so that by swiping it across the frame while the shutter is open it spells out a message, creates a cool patterned ribbon of light in the air, etc

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Qorax says:

    Amazing! A Pandora! It is a sucessor of the GP2X.
    I have had both the GP32 and later a GP2X.
    But the Pandora was very hard to come by.
    They were released near the start of the smartphone area, so it got kinda obsolete because of mobile phone gaming.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars .x. says:

    Those probe tips are dental drills ya ding dong… com on

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Bodenberger says:

    A lot late right now but on the openpandora the backlight inductors would fail. If you get status leds that come on it's likely still working just no display backlight. Mine works fine via the display output cable which was pretty specialized. It is sitting on my desk waiting to be fixed but my smartphone does everything this did just faster. Not sure if it's worth the time to fix.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars prismstudios001 says:

    The probe tips look a lot like the tiny carbide burrs I use on my Dremel tool…

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