Interview with John Kenny from Keysight
Part 2 of several more to come, released daily, stay tuned!
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This one covers the early days of PCB tools, Rubylith, gerber copying, simulation, EEsoft RF design and layout tool, Sabre by Synopsis, Matlab, Simulink, Windows CE development and discontinuation in 2021, what Microsoft does well, software bloat, Windows CE support in microcontrollers, Linux, RTOS's, product boot time, the problems with open source software, the Linksys router, repair, product schematics, clones, design patents, the importance of trade secrets, Chinese company prosecution, creating the Rigol monster, buying companies, IOT web security and zombie multimeters!
John Kenny is presently the Technology and Efficiency Manager for the Electronic Instruments and Systems Group. After graduating from Lehigh University in 1978, he started in Hewlett Packard, working in our Modular Power System team, designing modular supplies, and later moved to our Lab and Industrial Power group, where he was involved in Analog, Digital and Firmware design for the next 20 years, involved in the rollout of our many programmable power products. In 2005, he moved into a new role as the Technology Manager for the System Products Group, which covered all of the GP products, including Power Products, DMMs, Function Generators, Counters and Data Acquisition products. He was directly involved in the development of the breadth of the GP products that you see in the Keysigt catalog today, with more on their way. Recently, as part of the reorganization in 2015 as part of the new Keysight, he became responsible for Technology and Efficiency management for most of our non-RF based products, as part of the EISG Center of Excellence, which includes products developed in Japan, Penang, Singapore, Loveland and Budd Lake.
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Design Tools. How have they changed over and like 78 when you started? we're still doing the the tape on the film. Yeah we reason Ruby laughs and word lay out that way and then it treatable by hand. Doing it by hand.

Yeah! Blue little coupons you put down? Yes yeah, they're for the EIC for the dip packages and stuff. Yep and now it's all on a computer and it's It does well. Design Rule checking You put in all your constraints, all your safety spacing going to transmission lines, all your antacid ease for all your tracks and it checks everything. What have been the major advances in the development tool? There'd be one where you switch from the from the tape to a PC for laid out boards and then it happened in multiple steps.

Yeah, went from the Ruby lifts to where you. The one tool we had was you would draw everything in pencil and and use a giant digitizer right? You'd still throw it in with pencil but then you digitized it into the computer I Don't digitized them instead. Why? Cuz that was more efficient. at the time they didn't have the graphics technology because it was far advanced.

So now where you can your mouse? Yeah yeah and pop tracks in but one of the things I still to this day I'm still impressed by you. Take this tool and you'll have say twenty traces that are minimum spaced and you have to get a twenty first trace through and you want to go down the middle. Yeah, and you take your mouse and you drag it through the middle? and all and they move out of the way after this day. I Still get goose bumps.

Yeah, it's magic. It is magic. It still is because that used to take before. Oh yeah, we have to move this one yet.

this one with this one and then you have enough space and run it through. and then oh I Have to run a twenty second, you know? Auto Plow is cool. It's just yeah. Yeah, it's very cool.

What tools are you using internally to develop products like this? PCB Tools? What Simulation tools? What? So that was actually PC tools. One of the things that was interesting is we had different people in the company ten years ago using different tools, but 80% of the company was using a tool called Design Architect was from Enter Product Ok and that was a good tool, but it didn't service everybody's needs the best. So today we're on their newer updated tool called Expedition Yeah and Dxdesigner and now we've pretty much gotten everybody a hundred percent onto the same tool. And for someone like me whose job is to move designs from group to group, that's in diable because I can take a Pc design, a circuit design.

whatever it that someone didn't give it to someone else and it just works. We have a common core database for all our parts throughout the company with all the coupons for all the parts. If anybody sets it apart, anybody else can just grab that part and drop it on to a board on it. And the layout tool actually has the full corporate database right in the schematic capture so you can just sighs I Need a resistor point? You have sent five ppm and says well, here's the eight different parts, different power levels and you just grab it and drop it into your design.
so it's our corporate tool. The group is really, really amazing people and that's all part of your efficiency job time leaflet. In terms of, they are a static production. no, we grow I'm not directly involved I got no credit for the things they thank.

They've done that without any of my help. They've just done an amazing job. It's really one of the enablers for us to get more efficiency though. I appreciate the fact that it's there.

My job was to demand that we all use the same tool yep and get on board. and if there's a problem with you getting on board, I would help arrange training and help people convert over to it their designs because trying to move Jeff we're still. We have some older designs that I'm trying to leverage into new stuff and if it's in the old tool, we have to do a what we call a Gerber copy where they put the Gerber's for the port and then trace all the new trace. Oh no, that's but bet you have to do that right? Okay, simulation is still not common standard - we have different people like simulation tools we obviously saw so you leave it up to the individual designers.

Well, the tool of choice all depends on what work you're doing. We make one of we make the premiere RF design tool and you soft that all the arms nice use and it's used universally by all those folks. You couldn't really do their job without it because it includes the board layout phase a different board layout package for them because ah yes close to the characteristics of the RF are the board's part of the circuit and then the the rest of the the people use things like Cadence Allegro yeah, I was used. A lot of people frankly used Tina and Ltspice for simple stuff that's free and it's tied into the parts quickly.

so you're just trying to do a simple like filter or something like that, they'll just use that. One of the things that our our Power Group is actually really focused on as a tool called Sabre. By synopsis, there's a very very powerful mixed-signal simulator. They can do the digital feedback and the analog imagery.

Well, that's my awful it's a very expensive tool computer simulators and it's more complicated to learn how to use. But when you're starting to do some of this mixed signal stuff you really can't essentially can't do it. It would be impossible, or it just be so laborious that I've done it without it. But it's It's much more difficult, right? It's A.

there's a couple of their simplest I think it's one of the other big competitors. for that. there's MATLAB and Simulink. We do some stuff in MATLAB and Simulink as well.

A lot of people use that, but for savory, you can actually do the spice kind of things with digital feedback. Geez, that's how would you even begin to program something like that. I've enough. Yeah, that's crazy and it's about 20k of C.
All right I got here Wow Okay, the good news is because we have people all around the world. One seed serves multiple place. Oh, it does. I can't write.

So if as long said I use at the same time, usually you can. We have a big operation in Penang and Penang is 12 hours different from the US Yep. so depending if you're Colorado it's I guess 10 hours. But it works out perfect that we can buy one license.

You get to use that. Yeah, how? But how difficult is that time gap? Are you always flying there? Do you have I go about two, three, four times a year? Yep. and I spend I say four nights a week. Four nights a week? Yeah.

but I got to get up late. so I don't have to get up early, right? Not it. We try to minimize the number of people. Have to do that.

Yeah, because it is disruptive, not a tournament. I Enjoy it. I do a lot of trips over there and I run a couple projects over there for the low-cost power products. I Enjoyed very much the great group of people and I think for the longest time they were kind of treated like a little bit less.

I Don't think they ever deserve that, but you know that was our manufacturing menu. It's like it's it's the dirty part of engineering and the fact is there is critical for us to be effective is to make our cost goals against some of these new competitors coming in. there is strategically important is any part of our company. So you mentioned tools before.

You know we really didn't touch upon firmware and software tools. and one of the things that the company is really focusing on right now is standardizing on our software infrastructure, right? Our firmware infrastructure so we've been a window seat house for many years. I was gonna ask about see Microsoft is sunsetting windows right? you know? I Never heard of this before but evidently Microsoft will not let us buy a bunch of licenses and keep shipping after the deadline. They will not let us ship the product.

Wow! they will stop you from though we sue your app. We can't ship any product with you. Happens with no Ce6 after 2021 and we can't ship anything with Windows CE 7f Doesn't this have window seating? correct? Whoa. What are you gonna do I can't tell you what? Okay, if they trust us that we're gonna take care of well.

One thing is currently we can switch the windows C7 which is very similar. to say oh okay and we're looking at oh sorry so it's just a bit they don't discontinuing CA it's a version difference right now. When they came up with Windows CE would say 8, it's not called eight I think it's called something else, but I it's different enough that we're not probably gonna continue with that. We're gonna do something you'll have to.

Yeah, you think it's worthwhile to switch? Yes, Well, Microsoft does certain things really really well? Yeah, so for example, they know how to make a thumb drive driver so it moves with every thumb drive. They know how to duel and so it works really well. Yeah, But for us we found is that they're very inscrutable to get performance out of it. It's very large and bloated and we don't have enough control.
so we're looking at alternate autos that are more effective. Also, the processors today when you buy them don't come with Windows CE support. So that course is a very pretty penny to have support for Windows CE develop for these process. Oh, you have to get them developed if you want to use a so like.

For example, when you buy Windows support for a lot of them low-end embedded processors, it's many because we paid people I got mail and others to do it and then they get to sell to other people. haha. We paid all the claws. Wait.

Wow and now you get the benefit. No interesting. Oh wow. Whereas today, if you get a processor, if the Ultimate Linux Support for example, got it.

So the linux is one of the things that we're looking at very seriously. if there's a couple of other art sauces that we're looking at for low end products, but CC is we're looking at Sun setting that it's just. it's been a struggle all throughout. Like I said, there's been some good things and some not-so-good things.

One of the things that we get a lot of negative feedback on is boot time. Yes, yeah, it's important. Yeah, people accept it. but did I like it? Yep, and that's something Cee has been very difficult to get good boot up.

It's a differentiator when I'm reviewing a product. If I'm reviewing a new scope and it boots up in five seconds, that's a wow factor. Yeah, right. That's what you have.

Yeah, yeah, right. Yeah, exactly. It's good to go. Yep, Yep.

Okay, so you are focusing. there is some focus on. There's absolutely some focus on that. In fact, this team when they developed this product, they took two of our best firmware guys and they went off in a corner for three months and they did a lot to optimize it because was over a minute.

It was first of all I wonder only ones I Think firmware releases know you and you have to do something. Yeah yeah, that took T of our top firmware people out like three months to do that. The house? Really not easy dude. they could have done more, but it would require even more invasive change to the code which would have raised a lot of risk.

You can do what's called a hibernate mode and you basically take where. the thing was that when you turn it off, copy it on and reboot it like a little app can give us. but Microsoft doesn't make it easy. interesting with Linux Do you use an industry build or do you find that you just have to maintain your own branch of it or something like that? So since we're not, we don't have any products out yet? I Can't go in 9 but if you had to if you had to, would always.
do you want somebody who's gonna be able to support that product and make sure that they take care of their part? And also there's some issues with licensing that you really need them to do that. Ah, Linux has got some strange copy issues with. We have to be very careful. All right.

interesting because open-source code can be terrifying. You may have to publish all your code. yeah, your internal code including your code including the product code. every line of the product code.

We're not doing that right now, but there have been a very famous situations. One of the most famous was Linksys made a router Yeah, these are 950 energy and they used open source Linux and they didn't realize that they had to publish it after it came out. And then they have forced to release all their internal code and several people have made pretty good money coming up with modifications. Yes, yeah.

Open Wrt. Yeah, that's right. It runs on that particular way and then it got so popular that they figured out well we'll make up Wrt54g n it so they could do that. They'd turn this a bad situation into an actual product, right? So Linux has got a lot of challenges with it.

That way. there are ways through the forest so to speak. it's got its own eggs. I mean I don't think we're gonna see quite the solidity of land and USB that? Microsoft They do more LAN and USB than anybody in the world, right? Okay, because the PC is somebody out there.

It's gonna be a challenge to go into new code space. There's things that we're great and we're gonna have to make them better in this new solution. but there's other things that we're gonna get him to change. One of the questions on the forum and very good one back in the old days when we were boys, you used to get schematics.

mmm annuals. when did that trend happening and why? Well the biggest reason it happened was because products weren't comparable repairable at the component level by most people. when we went from through-hole to surface mount was an idea, right? That's when it started to change. But the other place that started to change when we realized people were copying our products.

Okay, right and literally you could go in and down to the component level, troubleshoot in it. We spent a lot of time and a lot of money creating very complex troubleshooting trees. We used to do things like signature analysis for the metal ICS and you could repair a product with down to the part level. today with both grid arrays and fine pitch surface mount and and Rojas a compatible Sauter's It's the QF ends and things like that, You know the DF ends I should say where the leads are underneath the part.

It's very difficult unless you have exotic repair equipment to repair parts and we don't want to have to sell the parts there's you can't buy some of these parts. in love I'm in less than 20 weeks so but there's no obligation to sell the parts if you publish a schematic using well for our customers. We say it's supportable down for the component level. Yes, we have to help them repair it, but why can't you just go? Well Look, he's a schematic, but it's it's as is.
Or here's a part of a schematic. It's a Z. It's like we know supporting tender does that illegal thing. No, it's not a legal thing, it's a matter of creating a something we think is good for our customers.

Okay, we can just throwing those stuff out there. It hurts our business. It hurts our customers because they're not getting enough guidance to be able to repair the product correctly. Got it right? So you think it could reflect on your reputation if you gave them the schematic and then hands-off we won't have no support The product everywhere in the world.

We? yeah, we have supported in every just about every country in the world around the most supported products and tested measurement around the world. You know now we have to create those service values. We used to translate them into multiple languages. Yeah, okay, we had to support them.

So when someone had a question about the schematic they we had to answer the phone and those cost took away from creating great products. Got it? And so few people today. You know the reliability of our products is much higher - then it was 23 years ago. They don't fail us often and when they do fail, they don't have the facilities to repair them because it's much more difficult so we don't even repair our products when they come back.

In many case we swap out it. Well, it need to be bullets. What kind of thing? It's something everybody's changed. but you know a lot of people complain about it because they want to repair it themselves.

and then I don't think they realize how much more difficult that actually is to do than they think? Yeah. and for the small signal analog, if you're a trained analog engineer, I've repaired stuff without schematics. You just look around or even shotgun a few parts. you can fix it, but some of the parts that are very specific you know selected for us and we would have to sell them for you to repair a few parts.

and that's very expensive to do and maintain for the huge volume of products that we make. What about? Just like theory of operation block diagrams, then smaller than some, you still providing some of that product to product. We do provide some theory of operation where we feel it benefits us in terms of creating a brand benefit, explaining how we do things differently and it's good. It helps, but we we're not there to help them.

We do get requests, for example, from a lot of our military customers. demand we provide support for repair interface because they don't want that. Not of course to leave their factor facility and we try to work with those people specifically and we will actually provide internal documentation to key customers. Interns make those kind of demands and we feel it's the right thing to do.
but for general, we don't do it. How do you feel about the clones of your products? I Mean if you look at this, there's almost an exact clone from see look the the user interface. Like, not so much the performance of it, but well, they try and match, but the user interface is almost identical. Yes, what do you guys think about that dear.

just laugh and go fat. No, we don't know if we're very upset. Oh, there's a lot of money in time can create this thing. A lot of the money and time today is in the user interface because it's one of the differentiators.

and when someone copies that, they're stealing, right? Hey, yeah, and we've learned. It's taken us a while to figure this out. But there's mention is the Simon today at a breakfast, there are legal ways for us to protect ourselves. What's called a design patent? Yeah, we're starting to get us there more.

you are. Yes, a lot of people will be going. Design Patents Design patents protect the way the front panel will. Yes, the way the product looks and feels.

and they're actually creative in China where a lot of the copying is going on and they're very easy to prosecute. Okay, if they're easy to prosecute in China In China Yes, really? I Thought it was the opposite. No, China is recognized that in order to become a world-class economy, they've got to protect this island. We do copyright patents we have for a long time, but you haven't done in really design patent.

so when you did this, you didn't. We did have a design pad on this. We didn't figure out that design patents were a valid thing to do until about four years ago. Well, okay, so it's a modern phenomenon really? Well, Oh, you just our legal department? Yeah, didn't want to do them because it wasn't effective until China passed a new design patent code on it that they're now in coercing.

It's much less expensive to get a design patent that a regular patent, both the cost of creating it and the cost of submitting it. Really, it's significantly different. Well, for a regular patent, you have to write a complete treatise on how the thing works right enough so someone else can easily copy it. Yep, and one of the challenges are real with a lot of real.

What they call the the other type of patent you're more familiar with is that you're providing a primer for people - yes, top of your design. And so therefore, one of the other challenges with a regular dozen regular patent is what's called observability. If you can't observe and know for sure that they use that you can't patent it because what you're doing is teaching them how to copy you and you can't stop them because you can't prove it. You can't say I think you're stealing my thing.
but I can't prove it. So we've actually we do patents where it's we. It's fundamental to the feature of the product, but in many cases we don't. So for example, our new true form function generators use some proprietary technology.

We could not patent that because we would have shown you how to do it. Got it? So you decide to keep it internal, it's effectively like a trade secret. Yeah, yeah, okay, but there's just the opposite of a patent. You you IVA patent it or you trade secret or you open it.

There's actually a few other things out there for us, but the trade secret technically is supposed to be kept hidden even from people inside your company. Oh okay, it's ready to swim in it for Coca-cola That's right. it has to be limited. Who can get access to it? Okay, cause for a legal reason, I'll just be good.

Oh Interesting. Otherwise, it's common knowledge throughout your company how to do it. Then someone could leave and somebody leaves and takes it with you. And legally, that's okay.

that's okay. Wow Okay, but if you said legally if you limited it within a certain team and that person never worked in that team and they went somewhere else and somehow they got that knowledge that's deemed to be stealing figured out another way you can use it. Yeah, all right, and eventually all trade secrets eventually know everybody knows what Cokes made out of. Now they they hook up at one of these pieces of a it's got cloves and cinnamon and sugar and all those things you know it's not that hard to copy anymore.

Um, that's the nature of trade secrets. They slowly leak out. Yeah, but all we're looking for is to keep people from rapidly copying our products. No, you're after we we come out with a product.

They've got an identical one. and of course our customers think we only end it from them right? Yes, yes it's the exact opposite. They're stealing from us and they think we're yep, we're cheating and copying it. you know from them.

which is nothing what have happened. but I have to ask about the Rygel thing. You guys were right. I were the OEM for your desk ops.

sorry original design manufacture right? right? But you guys helped them technically I heard. So the rumor goes and in terms of design and manufacturing, you helped them and have do you feel like you've created a monster or what a monster competitor? Well I can only say that that relationship is no longer, it's it's no longer existent record. that's all. I cry.

But okay. so I Do you think in retrospect we all agree that we shouldn't have done that? We did and right other plans since then to do things in a different way, a better way. And we're trying to a different model to work with. Odion's that's more effective, right? So you do work with Oh Diems, What What products and can you oblige? - I'm not obliged to say, but some of them may not be.
we work with ODMs because it's a way for us to get more products of course. Yeah, and in some cases they may have unique manufacturing technology for example, for ultra low cost and it allows us to expand our scope and get into more markets more quickly. And that's something that sometimes more important and doing it ourselves of course. Would you look at buying those companies I Don't do you guys buy Me have these these days.

we are growing our acquisition process I Was telling Simon this morning we used to have rules when you're part of Agilent that we wouldn't buy anything. It's more than a half a billion dollars in terms of monetary figure and the reason that was was because the cost of integrating the company in is mistakes. Not well. it doesn't matter if it's big or small, you still have to take whatever system they have encountered into your system.

so it cost almost as much to take a small company and bring it in as it does a big company. Yeah. And then when we realized that what that was doing and our competitors were not following this plan, they were buying smaller companies. huh? The we started to put much more demands on our acquisition team to be more effective and integrating into their these companies that line down because in some cases small companies have incredible technology and you don't want to owe em it from them, you want to own them and keep it for yourself.

So we've purchased, you know Ixia We which is a big company we've bought signifies small company and where they have a key technology. we need to be successful quickly. It's a great way to get going, but it puts pressure on your acquisition team to integrate their HR they're there the finance model and their benefits packages that you know. in the case of Vixia we bought XE and we're rapidly like moving people from facility to facility to cut our overhead costs without disrupting their development process.

And that's something that we're very proud that that transition is going much faster than it would have when we were part of. Agilent. For example, Agilent they said it would take a year to two. Something like C I Think they said that we're taking here now it's taking nine months.

Okay, so you're moving in towards a position where you can more cheaper and more readily acquire companies that have cool tech. Which you guys, it's more sustainable. So now we're a pure TNM Play with the TNM someone develops a new technology You've got to pay attention to that. You know to be able to bring it into the fold.

and in some cases is a big company like XE o Who is? You know, the world leader in network security and all of our products have land in them. And you heard about the shutdown in the US and where someone took over all the webcams? Yes, yeah, the webcam. We can't tell our customers, We take care of that. So Exci is a big part of our strategy.
You have the world's best internet security in all of our products and cell internet security technology. That's interesting because you like when you're motivated, become machine fare, right? Yeah, not that there's huge volume these like there is webcams, but still. yeah. But it's also if you look at the date of the measurement data, it's inside these things.

They don't want that stuff that's proprietary. That's company for Pi. If I had my multimeter and it was, someone was spying inside, right? They could tell how many products you manufacture today. for example, if they could crack that and they don't want that information getting out.

Yeah, and there's a lot more to it too. I'm just going forward. Internet Security As the Internet of Things becomes pervasive, it's gonna be more and more important to test Internet security as well. Yep, we're paying attention.

Is there a point to buying a company and leaving them alone? We've done that as well. You've done that less less commonly. We're looking for a strategic fit. Yeah, it makes sense to make us a stronger overall company.

I Mean we're not looking just to bring the cash that they make and it's not a kind of acquisition. We do very all right. really looking for things that enhance our overall company that fit with everything else. so leaving them alone.

You know, if it's a segment of the market that's really independent, but we need to have an access to it, We might do that. but I haven't seen that you.

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28 thoughts on “Eevblog #1032 part 2 – john kenny keysight interview”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erik Brenn says:

    Awesome interview!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Box says:

    Trying to get Saber at work. Best tool going but like he said, costs a fortune!!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lnpilot says:

    Excited to hear Keysight is considering dropping Windows CE! That's the only thing keeping me from buying their products.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BoltActionPiano says:

    I understand the mentality, but even so, OpenWRT and derivatives have been absolutely fantastic for consumers. I really think that even though from an investment perspective it's arguably terrible, consumers should be put first, and it's not a complete loss anyway.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars igrewold says:

    Thanks guys, this is such an amazing interview which I learned a lot from.
    Lotsa topics were covered in it, hardware, software…etc.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Petru Tarabuta says:

    Fantastic interview. Thanks Dave and John.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Douglas Brown says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jfbeam says:

    Oh good lord, not the GPL "have to publish all my code" BS again. If you alter GPL'd code, you have to publish your changes (specifically, to those for which you supplied binaries built from modified code — key thing to note here, that does not mean "publish to the world") Any code that is wholly yours is yours_, and does not have to be published to anyone. Lots and _LOTS of companies use linux, and don't publish any code for their product. Two big names… Tivo and CISCO! The Linksys snafu was simply that they hadn't realized their modifications to GPL'd code would have to be published — and they naturally resisted. They did not "release all their code"; to this day there are still bits for which you won't find any source (DSL, DOCSIS, and voice chips)

    That said, Linux is not the panacea people think. There are much better (smaller, faster, lower overhead…) commercial OSes out there. (qnx, vxworks, etc.)

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Louis Brown says:

    Great interview! Though Iโ€™d argue Microwave Office is the premiere RF design tool.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Telting says:

    As far as ODM's I think he suggesting that for certain products they will provide chips aka the secret sauce without giving them the schematics such as for Rigol.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris Telting says:

    Don't use Linux. Better to use FreeBSD and then contract a support company. No licensing issues at all.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Payne says:

    Alternatives to bloated Windows CE…use linux for gods sake! Free, better support, and more stable. I will not use keysight after hearing how they run their business. Not that it's surprising… [edit] now he's talking about design patents! Haha this guy has such an antiquated perspective.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andy Payne says:

    Notice how he talks about sharing components and tools throughout the company and how the design tools push technology. Kicad takes this to the entire planet! Not just one company! I can't tell you how much this has change the game but it's fascinating Dave and other fan boys stick to proprietary software, WHY? Don't give me the no support bullshit, I get much better support from kicad groups and forums than I could ever get with a company.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Lourenรงo says:

    It is funny how these companies think that free software goes against them. If you happen to modify a kernel, or add features, or in any way modify an OS that is under a free software license (be it GNU, MIT or whatever), then yes, expect your version and your modifications to be licensed under the same license. If you don't wish to use someone else's work, which was given to you, by their own terms, well, then you should build your own OS from scratch.

    Also, not wanting to give schematics away because of better support? That is BS right there.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henner Zeller says:

    Sigh, the hardware world is really 20 years behind w.r.t. understanding that an open model is far more beneficial for everyone.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars technogeek48 says:

    I can easily see this guy becoming the CEO.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PhPn says:

    It's fun to see Dave like this, giddy like a kid talking to an astronaut.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Caleb Hille says:

    great thanks for this!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maciej - says:

    Dear John Kenny/HP/Keysight I'm sure you are aware that if you do it right, you don't have to publish whole code, but the kernel sources and means to build it. Yes people will be running custom Linux kernels on your hardware, but you shouldn't be scared of it, you should embrace it, find a way to work with community, You are making hardware for tinkers after all and we're talking about it on EEVblog. ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Collins says:

    This is a really good set of ย interviews, nice one Dave looking forward to the rest.

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars aryesegal1988 says:

    Awesome, Dave! Thank you very much for sharing with us. Please thank John Kenny as well for his time and will to share. It's really interesting for me to hear all the business-related information.
    Please, more content like this! ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SubSonicFrequencies says:

    these videos alone make your channel worthwhile ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you dave and john

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Funky says:

    Excellent and interesting interview! I have a little complaint though. The average sound level is quite low and it would be of great benefit to videos like this if you used audio level compression.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pa4tim says:

    Also without service manuals they copy your products. But if your gear comes with schematics it will be a bonus and and a reason to buy Keysight. I repaired a Tek scope for a customer who asked me what brand came with schematics if repair was not possible. (They have several Teks) He was really pissed at Tek that did not want to repair it because it was something like 8 years old, and because they publish no schematic so nobody else wanted to try it. 99% of what I repair is without schematics so I repaired it. Often the expensive special parts are not the problem.
    By the way, the old HP gear seems to function for decades, I do not think the new gear does that better. I had to repair my Agilent multimeter a few times in 6 years and my R&S(Hameg) 350 MHz scope 2 times.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tilman Baumann says:

    His criticism of Linux USB and LAN is a little odd.
    Especially the USB stack was way more solid than the windows one whenever a new USB standard came out. The situation is overall pretty much that still I think.
    Networking Microsofts strong point? Hard to believe too. No tin my experience.

    Linux embedded suffers sometimes from grotesquely bad drivers. But that is nothing you can generalise.

    His comments on "problem with Linux and licenses" is mostly FUD. But good that they are thinking about the issues before it catches them with their pants down.
    Stuff like Red Hats patent protection might be helpful to them. But I think the issue is overrated. They are big enough to have most of the bad patents licensed already and have enough defense through their own portfolio.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Galileo RS says:

    Most of what was stated about GPL, schematics and patents is plain simply bullshit. GPL license is quite straightforward: If you make changes to GPL software you have to publish the source code. No risk there as all their IP can be locked in "binary blobs" like Nvidia, AMD and the rest have been doing for years. The schematics: only logical conclusion is that they do not want anyone else fixing their gear. And it's nothing new: Apple has been pushing for schematic as proprietary. Louis Rossmann channel has a few videos about that and their struggle to push legislation. The "support" for schematics and parts: give me a break, does anyone really believe that? The reverse engineering part is even more nonsense. People these days decap chips and read out ROM contents and reverse engineer ASICS and that can be done by one man and 50K of equipment. Imagine how hard it is for a competitor to reverse engineer their boards? It comes down to the same bullshit that Dave is so quick to point out when Chinese manufacturers do: rubbing out the markings from chips. The design patents claim follows the similar pattern. What it comes down to is patenting ideas. And it has been rehashed a thousand times by multiple organizations dealing with patents, open source etc so I'm not even going to bother with that one.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheDuckofDoom! says:

    Network security and webcams, smh.
    95% of unauthorized accesses are not due to Mr.Robot methodically cracking away, they are due either to granny installing some malware popup or some fool in the company purposefully over riding reasonable product defaults, swinging a firewall port wide open and removing all passwords so the boss can work from home without all the hassle of logging in. Or they do stuff like install a network camera outside of the network so its just sitting there open to the internet, or leave the default passwords on everything. [eg admin1234 ] Some actually think that just because they don't openly publish the ip on google it's secure and nobody could possibly stumble across it.
    Hell this guy came across several power plants (hydroelectric dam) in France with data and controls open to the internet, he tweeted about it, homeland security contacted him for details and then reported it to the French authorities, they didn't fix it for nearly another year. The guy's hobby is scanning for open ports he has an hour slideshow of all the ridiculous stuff he finds. He now tweets about his finds because whenever he would privately make contact corporate bureaucracy would prevent the issue from getting fixed or even accuse him of "hacking" but tweeting it to the world makes them fix it in just days or hours .

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Asger Vestbjerg says:

    Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

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