Dave reviews the movie The Martian, based on the Andy Weir novel of the same name.
SPOILER ALERT: May contain spoilers of some form.
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Hi I Just got back from seeing the Martian at the cinemas haha Yes I Chucked a sickie. Went to the first opening session to see it on the big screen. None of that 3d rubbish by the way, are no good old-fashioned 2d. Yes it is as good as you have heard and as you are hoping it is I think it certainly deserves it.

So what? 95% rotten rotten tomato Raiding all the critics you know absolutely love this thing. And yes it is as good as I was hoping and it's a sort of like just my thoughts after watching the thing. Now if you've been living on Mars and you haven't heard of the Martian shame on you because it's you know in the science engineering nerd geek community it's all the talk. It's all the rage because it's based on arm Andy Weir's novel.

Its supposedly a sci-fi novel about how an astronaut Mark Watney gets stranded on Mars he's um, he was part of the Ares 3 crew that lands on Mars is supposed to spend like a month there and then go. but as sand storm comes along and look they have to abort, they think he's dead so they leave him there, bugger off back home and we'll He's alive and he has to survive. and to use his words science the out of it to actually survive on Mars for hundreds and hundreds of days or souls as in on on Mars And it's basically if you've seen the movie Apollo 13 that scene where they've got to put the what is that the round a filter into the square hole or whatever and all the engineers are gathered around the table. They've got all these parts and they paraphrasing, but you know are right.

We've been given this task to make this fit into this using only these parts here. Let's do it. You know that sort of, you know. MacGyver ISM Engineering type our mentality.

Listen up people upstairs. Candidus this one and we got to come through. We got to find a way to make this fit into the hole. for this.

Using nothing but that. let's get it ordered. Okay, okay, let's build a filter, get some coffee going through, and that's basically pretty much most of the movie. And Andy Where's Book is pretty much a day-by-day account of surviving on Mars Actually doing the engineer and doing the science and making it all work and actually surviving.

And that's basically what most of the movie is. Pretty much a movie for geeks, but the general audience will certainly love it and appreciate it as well now. Stunning visuals of Mars I Just love it I Don't know how you know all computer-generated and all that sort of stuff, but fantastic. It's just what your picture.

now. there were a few parts in the movie where I thought they could have used the Nerds a bit better. You know, because the books all about the Merton Nerds back at JPL and NASA and anyone trying to solve problems and do stuff like that and Mindy Park, for example, one character in there I thought they'd really use her and she doesn't really do a huge amount in the movie I Thought they could have done that a bit better, but really nitpicking stuff like that. but it's definitely a movie that nerds will appreciate.
It really doesn't leave you wanting. although the book is so rich. I've read the book as well is so rich in detail in terms of the engineering and the science because even though it's supposed to be a science fiction novel, Andy we're actually went to all the trouble to actually, you know, make it like real science. There's only a couple of things which aren't which they take a few liberties with.

the Sand Storm for example, which is the whole premise of the movie. Why they have to, you know, bought Mars Of course you know a sandstorm on Mars based on Mars very thin atmosphere. It just be like a gentle breeze here. you know you so.

But yeah, but most of it is really based on real science, real engineering, solving problems and things like that. It still doesn't leave you one in, but it's amazing how much detail is actually in the book and then that they have to chop it while they chose to chop out of the movie. I'm going to show how long it was. actually it's seemed to fly by.

but yeah, there was like a lot of stuff that I was, you know, sort of expecting to see in the movie and wasn't there. Not that that's a bad thing. It's still a fantastic movie, but there's tons and tons of detail. I Guess with hindsight, it's really obvious when you've got a book with so much technical detail of all these technical things happening day by a day over, you know, like a hundred days or whatever, then you know you can't include all of it in the movie.

In fact, there's one scene I won't spoil it for you where it's basically a nod to people who have read the book and you'll you know. So I heard people in the audience laughs but they didn't know what the line was because they sort of leave it out. and if you've read the book, you know what what it is and what they're talking about. But yeah, so that was that.

Really quite neat. And I thought the ending was absolutely perfect because the book is actually quite quite an abrupt end in so to speak, but the movie they are Ridley Scott or whoever wrote the script or whatever, whoever was involved in that yet they did the end in really well and highlighted you know the science and engineering and as I'm talking about the young people actually getting into it. so I thought absolutely brilliant ending for this thing. But overall the biggest thing about this movie is that it is basically one big advertisement for Science for Engineering for getting kids.

you can see imagine kids actually watching this thing and going. you know? wow I You know really want to get into science, engineering botany Mark Watney's a botanist and mechanical engineer and that's how he survives on Mars using his our botany skills to grow, stuff his mechanical engineering skills to do things and you can just pitch your kids watching this movie and just you know wanting to get into various are formed in various areas of the sciences. Be an engineer and if it botany for example can see you know people go oh wow Botany thing sounds alright and it's fantastic I Don't know of another movie and please leave it in the comments if you think there is a better movie that's an advertisement for science and engineering I Off the top of my head I can't think of one so if you do have one yet, leave it in the comments down below. So that's it.
the Martian I've got to go back and watch it again. it was so good! Ah fantastic movie. Two thumbs up and a big Fonz a You'll get that once you see the movie Anyway, there was one line in the movie that I didn't like that I thought they shouldn't include and I'll leave that up to you to figure it out Anyway, go see it the Martian Beauty Catch you next time.

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19 thoughts on “Eevblab#15 – the martian movie review”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Kaiser says:

    The Martian is like Ridley Scott trying to do a James Cameron Movie.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EL TIGRE CHINO says:

    The book is better =)

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jovan Janevski says:

    Leave Snoop Dogg on Mars and within two weeks Mars will be green with vegetation. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MattExzy says:

    So after all of this time, and considering this comment won't even be read, this movie strikes me as like a lot of other modern movies and TV shows – 'a whole bunch of stuff that happens'. For no reason. Ridley Scott directed Prometheus – this is Prometheus, but set in 'modern' times and without space jockeys or aliens. Dry, bland, somewhat nuanced in its scientific approach (even thought I highly doubt Pathfinder would be working at all after 40 years being defunct), but I suppose it is what it is.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Halley says:

    The Andromeda Strain. The old 1972 original Robert Wise version. Very good use of (at he time current) technology, and good performances. Also, a very good Michael Crichton book.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RiaRadioFMHD773 says:

    Imagine having a solar panel charging batteries or fuel cells, then you use those batteries to power grow lamps for potatoes. See the inefficiency there? Why not just use the sunlight to grow the potatoes directly? Just something to think about.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris weng says:

    Chinese rule.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MOTOSNOWRIDER says:

    I really liked the movie as well! But I thought the book was much better! The book had much more science and was much more in depth!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sonof hendrix says:

    Computer generated, are you sure it wasn't filmed in the Australian desert?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MetalWonderWombat says:

    I guess it was theย line when they said how great their nation is, after they just succeeded, because china decided to cooperate with them. This was a bit disappointing. I thought they would finally make a movie, which promotes global cooperation to achieve higher goals. They almost did, but that one line didnt fit into the idea.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gamccoy says:

    Read the book and was excited when there was talk of making a movie from it. I want to get to the theater but am waiting for the rubes to get their fill before I walk in. I cannot remember when a book entertained me so much.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gustavo says:

    Netflix realy made me spoiler freak, culdnยดt watch this video before watching the movie

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ricky_Pigeon says:

    I really enjoyed the movie but i had a few problems, like the gravity they portrayed on Mars there was no sign of the gravity being much less than here on Earth. Something as simple as that being left out just gave me the feeling of well what else didn't they think about.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EddvT says:

    I've just watched it in 3D (I wanted 2D but the rest of the family dragged me with them) and here are my impressions: They didn't press for the insane 3D angles which was nice, the overall effect was subtle but noticable. There were however the shots over the mountains of Mars, which made some boulders warp and rotate. A pretty decent job at 3D but I would still prefer the 2D version.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E Lye says:

    I watched this. I didn't find any hard science in it. They didn't even explain the Hohmann transfer orbit or the longitudinal vibrations that destroyed the first resupply rocket. I was skeptical that artificial lighting in the habitat could sustain potato plants but apparently it can be done. Potatoes are supposed to be easy to grow but none of my plants made it. What I do see is a thumbs up for humanure. Joseph C Jenkins ought to be pleased.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Toby Licious says:

    I thought there was too little MacGyvering.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrMonomonster says:

    I watched the movie a couple of days ago in a 4DX cinema. I think the moving chair, wind and flashes were getting in the way of enjoying the moving, however the 3D did add something to the movie as the visuals are really spectacular!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars isacson says:

    seeing the pathfinder ride and circling … cheers me up to make some like that. here , in my house .

    Great movie . thank you for the recommendation ๐Ÿ˜‰

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Upton Robotics Pty Ltd says:

    What a very very very good review!!!! i am so glad you liked it!!!

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