Dave addresses two claims that periodically pop up:
1) My video are "sponsored" or paid-for
8:00 2) My channel is "going downhill" and bring back the "old EEVblog"
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Hi I Think we need to talk about my content because there are two topics that, just like every six months or a year or something, rear their ugly head and like almost from a day one. I've been getting this or like from the first or second year I've been doing this I've been getting this over and over again. These two things I want to cover one briefly and then the second one more in depth. and this came about because of my latest siglent teardown, an oscilloscope video which got D monetized by the way.

Anyway, it's not impacting me a huge amount, but it's bloody annoying anyway. I don't know what? is it pornographic or something I don't get it anyway. I People have been commenting on that video about these two things and people seem to have this video seems to have triggered them a little bit I guess and occasionally when I do like a spade of I'll get into this a spade of a particular type of video, this thing topic seems to rear its ugly head every time. So the first one is, let's go in here I won't show you the actual comment.

here's just some responsive me. the first one is about oh, this is a sponsored video. Quite a few people in the comments that are this is just a sponsored video and I'll make it completely clear now if it's not already clear, this is not a sponsored video I have never ever done a sponsored video and I never will do a sponsored video as far as I can foresee into the future. Maybe if I lost all my sources of revenue or something, maybe I might be desperate enough to do something like that.

And the rules. Let's go to my website. you can read it here: I'll post a link in down below. It's always been here.

These are my terms and conditions, my rules for reviewing equipment and I tell the manufacturers flat out that what is the list? Hang on. I They get no say in whether I actually do a video or not. Now if this was a paid. oh yeah, I've never accepted money to do a video ever and I can't see myself doing that I just don't need to do that sort of thing.

I've turned down some really big money to do videos as well I haven't accepted a cent, but we'll get into that now. The I've got a lot of gear that manufacturers have sent me that I've done nothing with really, You know I might have tweeted a photo of it, had done something, or I might have just done a teardown and then never got around to doing a review. I Just simply never got around to doing a review at all. So if these videos were sponsored, wouldn't the manufacturers be pierced? Especially if they were paid sponsorships.

that I actually haven't done anything with their gear. That's goes to show that they're not sponsored. So my rules are basically when it comes down to is that they don't get a say in whether or not I actually do a video. It's basically if they send their gear in and man, maybe I'll do a video if it interests me.

Maybe I might do a review I might not. Am I door telling I might not. It depends how interested I am in the bit of gear and that basically goes for as far as I'm aware all of the other electronics bloggers out there as well I don't think any are actually paid to do sponsored reviews or anything like that as far as I'm aware. Anyway, please correct me if I'm wrong.
So right. So they don't get a say in whether or not I actually do anything and they get no say in what type of video I do, whether it's a teardown, whether it's a review, they get no say in what I say about their product. they get no, they don't get to see the video before it goes public. Many manufacturers have asked this, but I always say no and they get no say in whether or not I show a competitor's product in the video.

and trust me, any manufacturer who wants a sponsored video does not want their competitors products in those videos. You know I'm always showing competitors videos and if I was paid to do this, that would not be acceptable to most companies. Um, so no, I'm not these under it's just far from a sponsored video as it could possibly be. Yes, the manufacturers send me.

Yes, some of them do. Let me keep it. But in the case of this Sieglin that we're talking about, it's a loner I've got to send it back to the local rep trio. they made me sign for it that I'm just borrowing the thing, right? So I'm gonna send it back.

Little you know, three hundred and four hundred and ninety nine dollar scope. Gotta send it back. So they and any company who tries to dictate any of the terms I say on my website. Um, I tell them to piss off bugger off and that's just the way it is.

It's my way or the highway. So no, these are not sponsored videos. and if you want to I just do what interests me. Manufacturers send me stuff.

That's what they do to popular video bloggers. You can't blame them, right? Because they're The exposure they can get can be orders of magnitude more valuable than buying an ad on some website. either it's my website or somewhere else. I'm one of the trade journals or trade websites or whatnot and the exposure can be really good, but it's I can I can guess I can only speak for myself but I just do what I like and that's it.

So no, they're not sponsored videos. If you want to call them sponsored, go and have a look at the history of my videos. What I've done to companies that have let me keep gear. This is what I do to companies they that let me keep a ten thousand dollar oscilloscope $15,000 Cilla scope.

They let me keep it right. they don't pay me but I guess I get paid in gear right? even though that doesn't feed my family right? I don't sell their gear so it doesn't I just collect it so that I can use them in videos and can do comparison reviews and shootouts and things like that. And what do I do to companies? They let me keep really expensive gear like that I show it blowing up on its launch day. a company spent years developing this product.
a huge launch day I've shown them blowing up I've shown manufacturing faults I've showing firmware faults I've shown all sorts of things just the latest siglent video I did I show to some weird might be a firmware bug at the end of it with the normal mode capture. why would I show that if this was a sponsored video I've exposed products the companies that I have good relationships with in terms of them. like you know, sending me gear and you know we have a dialogue and stuff like that I give them feedback and things like that and I show their products blowing up I show the fluke meter I expose all these issues with. You know some of the most popular products on the market and these are the companies that let me keep stuff.

So if that doesn't prove that I'm not paid for and I sponsored videos I don't know what does I don't understand I've ranted on I didn't want to speak this long on sponsored videos, but unbelievable. So please stop. And by the way, if I'm getting paid in revenue from the video, oh, let's have a look at my Unity Oscilloscope teardown. Oh What? I make a hundred and thirty nine bucks.

Okay, but it doesn't even pay for my time to make that video. So don't go around saying that I'm making idols of money from their ad revenue and things like that. Hundred and thirty nine bucks. Thank you very much.

I think that was a half reasonable one and some of them are under a hundred bucks. like come on, doesn't even pay for my time. Unbelievable. Alright, so that's enough enough on the sponsorship thing, right? So let's get to the next one.

The next comment is about the next comment here. Quite a few people once again, people tend to pile on when this one comes on and I've always had this issue and I'm gonna address it in depth here. hopefully now I've had to address this over the years and I like addressing this cuz I like correcting if people I like feedback I invite feedback if you don't like my videos. hey I read your comments, not like a go around deleting them or ignore him I try and respond and try and hopefully educate you.

If you say or all my videos are, you know all my my channels changed and I'll get into this. all videos are you know not I'm doing all these types of videos recently and I'm not doing the ones they want or whatever then it's like they're basically wrong every time and I'll show you the data here I have data I bought the data okay and I'll show you that you're actually wrong. Okay and I appreciate the feedback I really do. But please be aware of the several things.

Let's get into it. The complaints are on the most recent video that I all they do is tear downs and mail bags recently. go back to the old what happened to the old eevblog channel. You know when I used to do tutorials and things like that? You know stuff that that particular person subscribed for, right? And they're like another person saying, um, what was it mailbag? They want to see more mailbag There's the thing everyone signs up for a different reason.
That's the problem with a channel. Like the problem with a channel like mine that's been built up over eight and a half years. Half a million subscribers, Hundred million views been built up on an eclectic mix of content. It is impossible.

Absolutely flat-out impossible for me to keep a peep not appeasing. That's not the right word. Um, it. keep giving everyone what they want all the time.

It's just impossible. So many people sign up for so many different reasons. I'm one of the I I don't know if there's probably another channel that does as in the engineering space that does an eclectic mix of content like I do. and if you actually go in I did this survey I don't know what was it six nine months ago or something and I've really I've done a video releasing this data what people like to watch and I have like 30 or more different types of videos I can't pasa I make a couple of videos a week? I can't possibly make It's physically impossible for me to make a video that appeals to everyone on a regular basis and sometimes just you know.

I might get a spate of test equipment in. you know, because the manufacturers have all started making them and they're sending me stuff and I'm interested in it and stuff like that. Why did I do the new siglent video? well? I like low-cost scopes I'm quite excited by that one. Um, you know it's new.

like if it was another. I've got the unity one right? That unity one didn't really interest me cuz it wasn't all that low cost and I had that one for ages just sitting there. but this signal at one is a good often quite a few features I Really I Work on what excites me: the videos that come out primarily based on what excites me at that particular time. and if I happen to get excited about something I Just did a series of three power supply videos and that excited me at the time.

So I just made it was only going to be one review video. It turned out to be three, including a tutorial on tutorial type thing on ceramic capacitor cracking. And you know stuff like that just happens. Anyway, look what people.

signed up for the original. One of the major complaint is on the latest video. oh I'm just doing all mailbags well. sorry but 49.7% Almost 50 half of my audience like mailbag and come complain that my channel was just all tear downs.

Or mailbag. Half my audience like mailbag, Over half my audience Like test equipment. Tear downs? Go figure right? More than a 58% Is that the largest one? Yep, largest one. Like random tear downs and I'll get into my data in a minute I break it down for you.

Stay tuned. A mystery. Tear Downs: Things like that: Vintage computers 40% ah, you know, like and how many people like tutorials ah, hang on Reviews: everything else, reviews development boards anyway. I'll link in the video where I go through this in detail but advanced tutorial equipment usage tutorials, What repair videos? random hack in any way reverse engineering? Yeah, it's popular.
Dumpster-diving is popular at 43% Anyway, a whole bunch of things. What do people want to see more of? They want to see more repair? Yeah, okay, but they want to see more advanced tutorials, Do they? Yeah, okay, they say they do, but when I do them, not many pitten. they don't get a lot of views. Fundamentals: videos often don't get a lot of views these days, but I still do them.

They want to see tear downs things like that, right? So anyway, I actually looked at all my videos and I'll go fullscreen here. Okay, you can capture this. Okay, here we go. Sorry for the mess that that is.

Anyway, I've got the different categories across here and how many videos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Ok, so these are the different categories and the videos I've done since video number 1000. Okay, and let's just go through a list here. What have they done recently? The complaint was yeah, it's just tear downs and and mailbags. well is it.

It's actually you know people like to say these things but then they don't actually go in and check I like to check like I like to actually get some data on this stuff because hey, I want to know if I'm doing too many or one type of video? It's pissing people off I Appreciate the feedback and this is what I'm doing. Most bloggers won't do this. They'll just ignore your comment or delete it or or whatever. I actually care, you know I want to go in there I'm trying to please people.

Um, as I said, it's pretty impossible. Anyway, yeah I calibration tours right? I've got some old footage that I released I won't count the MCAD shoot out another oscilloscope teardown. Ok, technically, that's if you don't count the old material. that's 2 oscilloscope tear downs in a row.

Sorry, it's going to happen. It's just. it's just the way it is. And then I did the power supply right.

a flaming power supply incredibly popular. then there repair which a lot of people wanted. then the isn't a tutorial. I don't know, but it's like a technical I think I put that down as tech.

a technical video sort of solving capacitor cracking. really good. you know, on topic stuff for an electronics engineering channel that was quite popular. a lot of thumbs up.

Hardly any thumbs down. That brilliant ratio there people. love that we got a mailbag anyway. like we can go down right.

Look, you can go look at my 1000 my video. you can go look at my videos since then. Okay, let's have a look at this sheet, shall we? I've done five since. so in the last 42 videos not counting blabs and other you know miscellaneous things I've done five test equipment tear downs.

Okay, that seems a reasonable amount, but it's not I done two scopes and the rest or other things people said they like debunking. I've done three debunking type via one was like a call-out Well, I'm labeling it under debunking I don't three debunking videos in the last 42 videos. That's pretty good. Miscellaneous tear downs: I've done seven miscellaneous tear downs.
That's the most tear downs and tech tear downs. and oh sorry I wasn't showing you I wasn't showing you that I didn't get it. How tougher? yeah? I mean xsplit I'm not watching the window that I'm n89 Anyway, you can go have a look at my videos that I've been doing. sorry I might have to edit I might have to edit this one.

Yeah, I've done some scope tear downs a couple last - oscilloscope tear downs, solving ceramic capacitor cracking in all, that's anyway, sorry about that and what are we going? Hang on, Let's go back to full webcam, right? The two biggest ones I've done are tech videos right? Actually real like technical on topic technical content which I'm sure no one very few people will complain about seven of those seven tear downs when you combine test gear tear downs with miscellaneous tear downs. Okay, I admit it's a lot, but you saw the the you saw the response there. Half more than half my audience want tear downs. They love them.

So technically I'm giving my audience what they want there, so you know I've done six review videos for those who love their reviews I've done one dumpster-diving video I've done two repair videos I've put them down seven tech, four mailbag. So whoever's complaining that I do too many mail bags I understand if you don't like my ol' bag, not everyone's gonna like every segment. That's fine, but a lot of people do like it. but I've only done four in the last 40.

Let's listen. one in ten: Jesus not many mail bags really consider I used to do it weekly. You want me to go back? Really? You want me to go back to my old the old eevblog where I did a teardown every week tear down Tuesday and and mayo bag every week mail bag Monday that's when I was almost doing a you know, every second video was a tear down every second video as a mail bag I've done six Eevee Academy or and or tutorial videos some of those were David's not mine but I did three or four of those two vintage computer and one micro controller and also the series of interviews with Key Site which was massively popular. If you haven't seen the interview with the Key site interview, that was fantastic.

A lot of people loved that that was really top-notch content I thought a very unique content which you hardly get anywhere else. and then the key site tour, videos and stuff like that. So I think I've done pretty well at that mix. I you know, like I haven't been trying, but it's just sort of nut.

Sure, it's not like I sit down and go Oh have I done too many of this type of video recently now I don't do that kind of thing, but it just seems to gravitate towards an eclectic mix of content. And as I said, sometimes there will just be a space of a particular type of video and sorry, but that's just the way it is. Please don't you know, start complaining that my channels going downhill and I've done this analysis several times over the years When people complain I've done it on the forum I don't think I've done a video before I've done it on the forum I've posted a blog or wherever and the Conte and the result is always the same. People who are complaining are simply mistaken or wrong about my channel going downhill or whatever it is.
Now if you think my channel is going downhill, you know. Okay, I can't appeal to everyone. sorry and I'm gonna have to use the old massively cliched YouTube creator response in that if you don't like it and subscribe and don't watch. But as I said, I appreciate the feedback and by me doing this video and actually gone to the trouble to analyze stuff and things like that I just like to.

It shows that I care and I'm you know I'm trying to do my best I haven't been doing a lot of videos recently. I've been by the way, just flat out with business stuff. the multimeter, the Kickstarter family stuff. all sorts of things happen in the moments.

a real hectic time. so you know I'm kind of doing my best, but yeah, look like it's quite a mix. mystery, tear downs I've done the debunking videos I've done and then even before that if you go back before a thousand which isn't that long ago, you know I was doing what was I doing here like how to program I did that whole series of like the whole manufacturing the Nixie tube clock that was hugely popular. Look at that hundred thousand views, hundred and twenty thousand 95 and then a seee mark on a product.

like people quickly forget about content I've done, they like to and a lot of once someone makes a comment like this other people little cool you know, pile on top and it gets to the top of the comments. and I feel a need to respond to this because I'm hugely defensive about it at the end of the day I'm always going to do the type of videos that I want to do and I know I can't please everyone. So I it's not that I don't try I do kind to try but I there's only so much I can do. just sorry about it.

it's Fermi poly a microscope stuff. you know it's a whole bunch of signal path interview. There's a whole bunch of stuff I've been in. People are all too quick to forget about those sort of things.

and as I said, there will be space of times when I'll do a whole bunch of mail bags or Orduno mail bags or do a whole bunch of tear downs. I'll do no tear downs I'll do. You know it's just just the way it is. I don't schedule these things I don't have a list of videos that I'm gonna do.

Maybe you could argue that hey, I could can the content I could shoot it, can it and then release them in a more controlled way perhaps so that it's mixing it up and it's and you don't get two or three oscilloscope videos in a row. Or you know, cuz my next video maybe was going to be the oscilloscope shootout. and quite frankly, with people like it kind of kills my enthusiasm a little bit. when people start calming them.
another oscilloscope video or your or just sponsored imagine if I do. My next video is the Sigler is a shootout with the Siglent, the Rygel, and the Oh One or whatever it you know, the unity or whatever for channel scope shootout. It's kind of excited to do that. These sort of comments come along.

It sort of puts a dampener on that sort of thing. Ah, maybe I still do it. Maybe I'll just lose the enthusiasm and go on to something else and you won't ever see the self threat. It's just like I work on enthusiasm.

That's that's how I worked how I've always done things and when people start coming and just be careful about that, please. it's I appreciate the feedback I really do and I analyze it, but sometimes you're just you're just wrong. Um I have done and will continue to do that mix of content. So there's maybe some argument to be had over about spacing those out.

But imagine that Siglent video. By the way, if I did that, it was the next video and then say the Siglent won the shootout I'm I'm a paid shill for siglent, you know, and a sponsor more sponsored. Yeah, come on, give me a break. Anyway, I've ranted on how long since gone for probably half an hour.

sorry bit incoherent I just got back from the gym and all. sort of. is that why I'm red in the face I don't know. am I not sure Anyway, um, there you go I hope you found that data interesting I know when you actually go and analyze it like a lot of people are driven by emotions and they might get a sense that I'm not giving them what they signed up for.

You know, some people just watch my obey. some people just watch signed up because they liked my debunking videos and then they just go, where's all the debunking videos Or they sign up for the tutorials and go. Well, where's all the tutorials? Sorry the Eevee blogs an eclectic mixed content channel, which is why I'll never be as popular as some other many other channels because they're more focused the more if you give your audience what they want every time in the same format and it's a similar sort of structure. Channels like a VE do that, afro Tech Mods and you know there's some in the engineering space.

At least there's channels. A lot of the science YouTube channels for example. they do like the same thing you. you get exactly what you signed up for if you sign up for a minute physics video, or if you sign up for a Veritasium video or you sign up for you know, any one of those science channels, you'll get the same what you signed up for almost every time.

So those channels actually get a high, quite a high subscriber to view ratio. You know, people who sign up and get the email alert, but with an electic mix channel like mine I get all much lower value than that. I might have half a million subscribers, but a good video might get a hundred thousand views. so you know that's like 20% Only like a So Yeah, it's not terrific, but that's just the nature of my channel.
That's how I've built it up and that's how I'll continue to run it and it'll be continued to run based on what I'm enthusiastic about at the time. and I think as it turns out, I'm consciously it has a reasonable mix of different types of videos, so there you go. Sorry, far too much waffle. Anyway, that's it I Hope that's clear some things up for people and please keep giving me feedback.

Just be aware that I can't please anyone. Yeah, it's impossible I can't please anyone. Is that what I said? Yeah, Anyway, I can please? Well, is that some of the people some of the time, but not all the whatever the quote is? Catch you next time.

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23 thoughts on “Eevblab #40 – let’s talk about my content”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Sokolov says:

    eclectic = good

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Sokolov says:

    go Dave – tell the B*st off. We all like doing what I like , all they can expect blue smoke. I am very good – just like you in gen blue smoke.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phoenix Smith says:

    Never change Dave, we love you the way you are now !ย  And screw the "triggered" people. Besides they don't like men or white people so you can't ever win with them. And no I'm not kidding, the sad reality of the left in the U.S. now !ย But it's only 8% of the people but they constantly blog and have people in the medai so they look like more. Everyone that has EVER changed or apologised to them has regreted it !ย  If they think they can push you they will NEVER quit !ย Be yourself and screw the 8% crazies !

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Veepedaldude says:

    I run a electronics channel with 2 subs. I hope that I get lots of internet money and hope the same for everyone else.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars virtuosomaximoso1 says:

    What's the problem with sponcers. Fuck the sperg chat.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meowcula says:

    If i were to trust anyone – I'd trust Dave :D. Seriously, in every review/teardown he's done he always finds something wrong with it. His integrity is apparent.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Brooks says:

    Your content is great!! Please keep it up.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fried Mule says:

    I think that most are subscribing to you because you and your channel are a great mix of fun and geek where all can learn while being ย entertained:-)

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bar10dr bar10dr says:

    Dont mind the haters, life is too short

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Pade says:

    Dave I enjoy a smorgasbord of electronics and you supply it.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samantha Kerridge says:

    been trying to watch all your videos and the variety is amazing. keep up the good work I'm also loving the humour

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William says:

    are your videos sponsored?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars very bad says:

    You're nearly a genuine consumer protection fondation all by yourself Dave. Stay negative ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sunnohh says:

    Wow, long time viewer; Can't believe them comments. Give 'em hell keep doing what you like and Ill keep tuning in occasionally, especially when you break open something crazy or rare! Cheers

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noway Mรผller says:

    OMG 140$ is huge amount of Money!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripcore says:

    There might be a conflict of interest since you're selling your own product now

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sengork says:

    You're doing just fine we love ya

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Crocellian says:

    You will never learn. The topics and technical materials are the best. YOU are the problem. Your sarcastic, offensive and outright racist style stinks. But, you will never change. You STILL spent your time attacking your viewers.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zach Z says:

    There seems to be some lag in the video based on the audio.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BFX says:

    Hey guys, simple just ignore it ๐Ÿ™‚ Every time will be people which didn't get the point. Of course follow the feedback and sometimes try new content ๐Ÿ˜‰ Dave, Andreas, Shahriar, TRX bench, Louis Rossmann, w2aew and all which I have subscribed lets continueย  I love It ! I have no TV your channels are my TV ๐Ÿ˜€ every day

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flannel Tuba says:

    Dave, I watch in great part because you don't kiss ass, you kick it. I watch because I learn something in almost every video. Teardowns; mailbag; shootouts; tutorials; demos; all of them. My biggest complaint is that my wife now tells me to stop saying "Bob's you're uncle" all the time. Keep your course, Dave. We'll keep watching…and some will keep complaining.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I love analog. says:

    After living so many years with my parent-in-law, I just want to say why bother to explain. Some people will never understand you. Your videos are very helpful. Keep up the good work.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Vincent says:

    "Gimme my free stuff" – imagine complaining about a channel that is produced for FREE – outrageous! (they will be self entitled leftists for sure)

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