Dave shows all the alternative platforms to Youtube that you can watch and follow the EEVblog on.
And NO Dave isn't quitting Youtube!
And an update on the Adpocalypse and advertising revenue
VidMe or Why Platforms Aren't Your Friends
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Hi just wanted to do a video letting everyone and know about different places. you can actually subscribe and watch my videos cuz I don't just have them on YouTube are so for those who are not aware and right upfront no I am NOT moving from YouTube Only a complete and utter fool would do that. even with it like the ad, pocalypse and everything this day these days YouTube is the only platform of like they're like if I moved from YouTube I simply would not I Well I wouldn't say I wouldn't cease to exist. wouldn't say I'd cease to exist.

But yeah, it just like it's the only place half of my traffic just comes from searches and all that sort of stuff anyway. I Just want to make that clear: I am available on other platforms and I do support other platforms I actually always have and a lot of people aren't aware of this. YouTube has not been the only place you could get my content so I Thought we'd take a quick look at it now of course. Oh by the way, big news.

I Just hit a hundred million A hundred million views We insert sound effect music cheering Yay! So thank you to everyone who's viewed over what eight and a half years or something. April 2009 I think I started four hundred and eighty thousand subscribers. So I'm you know, creeping up towards half a million subs which is absolutely insane but yet a hundred million views I just surpassed it yesterday I think it was so fantastic. Thank you to everyone! So once again an update on the ad Pocalypse thing as people call it.

No I have not been hit by the egg ad pocalypse. This is my revenue versus views for the last three years. I think it is and basically you can see that the blue line there which is revenue. our Adsense revenue has tracked my views.

So and I you know I've got the occasional video that's been flagged and things like that and I dispute it and everything's fine. So I definitely am NOT one of those channels who's been hit by the ad pocalypse. and even if I was, even if they D monetized all my videos, I would still survive because I have many different sources of income unlike most youtubers and it's really sad to hear about channels that have almost been completely demonetised and that's their main or sole source of income. It's absolutely devastating for them, but rest assured that if that ever happens to the Eevblog, I will still survive.

So where AM where else can you find my videos now ever since I started back in 2009? I think um I've always had an RSS podcast feed of my video and if you go to the website this little icon up here that's my RSS feed and you can don't think RSS is too popular these days, but you can see that my videos get. Let's go down here. Well let's go to a previous popular one and you'll actually see that. Come on website Here we go.

Let's say this Psu one here. Let's go in and have a look at how many people actually download this because people do actually are quite a few thousand still. Does it show Podcast download? Oh it doesn't show the stats anymore. Ha Well it used to show the stats.
Oh I'm not sure what's going on there. 6,000 views. Anyway, there's at least like 2 or 3,000 people at least who regularly download my RSS podcast our feed through and here's the RSS feed which can using any RSS reader and it also goes to our iTunes as well. So I have the iTunes Store you can watch on iTunes and it's always been there ever since Day diet I've been on like the iTunes Store but the thing with the podcast version is that it is not full.

HD it's only 1280 by 720. It used to be a lower resolution than that 640 by 360 but now it's 1280 by 720 and it's a bit more compressed because I actually host these files on my own server and I always have a Eevblog. Org actually holds all of my videos here and here they all are all like 1,200 videos or whatever or however many it is have. they've always been available on my website.

there'll be it in a lower resolution as I said. But anyway. yeah, iTunes Store for all that podcaster your favorite RSS reader Now Also, what have we got here? By the way, I Just want to quickly mention this is not a different channel, but I've got I just set up Eevblog TV and I've just put in a script I've just got a script in there which automatically sucks all my latest YouTube videos in. so if you just want a nice central web site to view my videos, it's still hosted on YouTube so you still like play them on YouTube and stuff like that, it's just available on the one site.

Just wanted to mention that. so where else am I available? I have all I've for many years I've had a Vimeo site, I've had a Vimeo channel and I've currently got a thousand in 19 videos on there 36 followers like 36 subscribers. So at like Vimeos a nice platform. it's probably the highest quality platform that technically the video compression is less than YouTube so technically you might get a slightly higher quality version of video on there maybe you know, but it's pretty marginal.

Yeah, so if you like Vimeo they're always available on Vimeo So even if my YouTube channel they shut it down, you know it's something. Got automatically flagged by one of these new flagging BOTS or whatever and I got shut down. as has been, there's a recent armory video that just got you know, shut down and everyone's panicking and stuff like that they're back up. But yeah, these automated YouTube bots can go around and shut down your channel which is absolutely ridiculous and Youtuber just shooting themselves in the foot.

It's crazy. but even if it went down either temporarily or permanently or my video, you can still watch him on. Vimeo So there you go. It's Vimeo calm eevblog one that everyone's talking about now and I have been using it for a while is Vid Me and everyone's saying when the you know a channel gets shut down or demonetised oh go to Vid Me everyone's talking about Vid Me and it's and yes I do have a Vide page Vid Me.com are /e Vblog sorry there we go.
That's my video manager and yeah, all my videos are uploaded. well not all of them. I've only been uploading since like just before a thousand I haven't gone through and uploaded all my previous content, but I am uploading new ones on there. This is because Vid Me at the moment I can do like mass uploads but they don't automatically I put them into a category like the tech category.

they don't automatically do that for mass uploads and they don't I don't think even though you might not automatically publish them. so I just I want them to fix that and they said they're going to be working on that I wanted to fix that before I Actually, you know mass upload previous videos but all my new ones are on there. So I am on. Vid Me is another place to watch.

but Feed Me I've knows incredibly slow to upload I don't like if like often. I start the the Vimeo and the Vid Me uploads at the same time and Vimeo sorry Vid Vimeo is done in like a minute and like half an hour later. Clutton You know, Chun Glug Glug Glug Glug Vid Me finally does. It's a very slow upload and that's probably the capacity of their service and stuff like that aren't that great and everyone's talking about Vid Me, but it's not.

in my opinion. It's not a terrific platform yes, and it's an alternative to Youtube, but it's not even close to like you know, solving all the issues with YouTube I'm like link in a very good video down below of somebody actually discussing the differences and stuff like that. But yes, I am on Vid me as well. So I do wish them well and this is why I Like supporting all the alternate the alternative platform is because well, yeah, as a Content producer I should support alternative platforms to YouTube even though I think none of them even close to competing with YouTube just from like a scale point of view and from video like Am.

In terms of that, search like nobody goes on Vid Mian Searches No one goes on Vimeo And searches Nobody like YouTube is just the place. the de facto standard place to search for video. And as I said, about half my views come from like daily views. Monthly views come from, just searches people searching for content on YouTube and use.

don't get that on the other platforms and that's where views come from. That's where new subscribers come from. all that sort of stuff. but Vimeo Vid me.

you know, really getting up there some of my videos are they might have hit written, have had 1 in 57 views, I'm getting up voted so they're actually these are organic I'm not advertising the fact that I'm well, I've advertised on Twitter and stuff but people are watching on Vimy It's a very slow uptake, but it's an order of magnitude better than what the views that I'm getting on. Vimeo You know it's like one play, no plays, you know, one play, stuff like that's the people are act actually actively watching on Viv me. so it's a small start, but yeah I wish them well I Hope they improve things, but it's still a viable alternative platform which is why I Support it and let's have a look at another one. library IO Now I won't go into the mechanism of library IO but they actually featured me.
They were very kind enough to import all of my existing videos from. they just did a little profile on me on. they imported all my videos from YouTube and it's actually a separate app because it's actually blockchain based and this is quite an exciting concept. There's a couple of these blockchain based as in Bitcoin type a blockchain based content delivery systems.

Now, this is the best thing. The best way to describe Library IO is that it's a combination or Lbr. Why? it's library and you can actually buy a credit. You know you can buy library coins.

It's an Altcoin basically. and I could technically I could charge for content on there and people pay in library Io coins. Basically, just like any other Altcoin, Aetherium, and Bitcoin and everything else. Basically, bitcoin is Bitcoin and everything else is classed as an altcoin.

an alternative coin, and library credits as they're called um are actually an alternative and all coin. So it's basically this is. the best way to describe it is that it's combination of BitTorrent like torrent technology combined with blockchain Bitcoin type blockchain technology. It's combination of both.

So people host to the files on their own server, you can download them locally and then you become a seed for everyone else. but they've actually kindly used what? I Don't know where their server space is, but they're kindly downloaded all my videos from YouTube and their hosts eating them initially on their own server. So technically, if it gets more popular and which I hope it does, then my videos will be seeded from everyone else's all the users service. just like Torrent Ah does.

So it's a very interesting concept. I recommend you check it out. Library: IO And yeah so all my like I've got like a thousand plus videos or something on there. they're not in order and I'm not sure why it's still under development, so please bear with it.

but yeah, Library: IO It's kind of exciting now another blockchain based one is Steam or Steam It I am automatically publishing my content on Steam although it's seeded from my podcast version I believe. But anyway, so all my new ones are on there not existing content so you see I've only got two pages but I have installed a plug-in in WordPress So when I published WordPress on my website, it automatically publishes to Steam It and Steam It Is Steam is another altcoin based thing, so it's a very similar to the library Io. So yeah, if you're into steam it once again you can buy the steam coins and I don't charge anything for it. You know you can actually watch my content for free on both of those platforms.
and there isn't was an alternative thing with Steam which is called D Tube and it it's kind of like a YouTube like. it's kind of like a YouTube equivalent using the Steam blockchain, but D tube dot video is an internal server error I'm not sure what's doing there and I tried to use this like I tried to. Started publishing a couple on there last month and there were all sorts of issues with it. so I like I'm not sure what's going on there and like I just couldn't upload properly to get time out, errors and all sorts of things.

So I gave up. but maybe I might reinvestigate D tube if they fix if they fix this stuff. but that uses this steam blockchain the steam back-end to actually power all that. So I think that's where I've got all my content.

So I'm available on the two other major YouTube competitors so to speak Vimeo and Vid Me and I have always been available on my own podcast version, not my own website. You can download them there for those who were in the know. You could actually often download my videos before release on by going to Eevblog org, but that's not always the case. But yeah, a lot of people that some people have actually watched before I actually release videos on YouTube by doing it that way.

So there you go. Um, and Patreon, hang on And I will say thank you to my Patreon supporters. It's another way that I earn income am I to thirty eight hundred dollars per month which is awesome. It's monthly thing occasionally like I post videos on here before before they're actually released like a day or two before.

not all videos, but sometimes I should get more into the habit of actually doing that. And yeah, occasionally other advantages will come from being a Patreon a Patreon supporter. So thank you very much Everyone on Patreon that's another source of income for me, as well as product sales and merchandise and a website advertising. You see all the ads on the side and the ads up the top here.

and the ads on the Eevblog form and stuff like that. That's still where a majority of my income comes from. So there you go. There's just different places I'm available.

No. I'm not quitting YouTube Only an absolute fool would do that. And yeah, it just doesn't make sense at all. But I like supporting alternative platforms.

So there you go. Um, yeah, you don't have to follow me on YouTube You can follow me anywhere else. Hope you found that interesting. Catch you next time.

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25 thoughts on “Eevblab #39 – youtube alternatives”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripcore says:

    Is it possible to earn money from vimeo?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripcore says:

    Do you earn any money from vimeo?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hrnek Bezucha says:

    Similar thing to this lbry is zeronet, which is generally the same idea of torrent-like sharing content but it's more focused on websites in a style of blog, wiki and what not. So when you visit a site on zeronet, you download the whole thing and then you seed it for everyone else. Found that quite interesting.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Standbackforscience says:

    Congrats, well done, and so much envy for how you can make a living off of doing something you love.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 777arc says:

    So prolific!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars olipito says:

    Hi Dave, now that Cody's lab will (probably) be shut down, we have proof that nobody is safe on youtube. Maybe you and other big names of the "serious" youtube could associate to move to another platform and take the adds with you. Maybe with Patreon as a starting point.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tumbleweed says:

    Money well earned, I'd say. I'd much rather watch Dave tear something apart and learn something than watch some dork put chilli in someone's shampoo and then video the reaction or someone popping someone else's spots and boils….

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars XMG says:

    Good JOB Dave, But FYI I dont think you can show your revenue on YouTube

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars shakazzolo says:

    You can host the higher quality videos too if you use bit torrent

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Socky Noob says:

    Forgot Dailymotion

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gert van den Berg says:

    Changing the source of the videos embedded in the blog post to a non-youtube source might be an interesting experiment…. (It might also be useful to include the alternative links in the blog posts?)

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jarrod Roberson says:

    you should post the giant files in a Google Cloud Store ( serving them is free ) and the storage is trivial.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kazriko Redclaw says:

    I use RSS still, it's very useful and doesn't lock you down to one site like all the other options do. It's still alive and kicking despite Google's attempts to kill it.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Britec09 says:

    Thanks for all the hard work Dave

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars richfiles π says:

    Bitch ute unfortunately has the issue of getting inadvertently snagged in some safe search filters.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Drakkar Calethiel says:

    Didn't expect that the thing about thegnthrand did spread so far!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cilpotājs says:

    BitChute is even larger than Vidme peer to peer site and they can also autoupload your stuff if you contact them. Thats at least what I have heard. Many of alt media use that. They also give shoutouts on twitter for newcommers. Only downside I can see is video quality.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Spencer says:

    That's 8 zeros!

    Also, Dave can survive by simply re-selling all his dumpster finds on e-bay.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Electric Point says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Reverend Tom Ulrick says:

    Keep up the good work!

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Umbra Kinerad says:

    I have your channel ready to stream through the Universal KODI repository! It's very easy to set up and great to watch while studying

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Brown says:

    Keep up the great work Dave! I've learned so much from your videos.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anonymouspock says:

    It would be great if you uploaded stuff to the Internet Archive so it can be preserved for as long as possible.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrik Banek says:

    We definetely need a blockchain based alternative that isn't subject to absurd restrictions and injustices!

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TYPE xxi - WOLF says:

    Cheers for the next 100 mio. views

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