Dave proposes a new feature that could both bring in revenue for Youtube and also provide a valuable service for content producers.
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Hi, I've got a proposal for YouTube, slash Google, slash Alphabet - whatever you want to call yourself? So This is not just a rant for a new feature on YouTube - it can make YouTube money! So, let's get to it. One Of the most annoying features of YouTube from a content creators perspective, is that once we upload a video, that's it. It's over. We Can't pull that video down and re-upload to fix something or to do anything like that without losing all of the views, all of the ratings, thumbs up, thumbs down, all the comments and also the unique URL which we may have already embedded somewhere else or may have already been shared.

So What I'm proposing is that we institute a re-upload feature. Now - it's not a new idea, but this would be valuable because for technical channels like mine - who,, we're always getting things wrong in videos. You Know little things wrong. Major things wrong.

Very occasionally I have to pull down a video because something is so grossly wrong that - ya know - look I just can't stand it being there. So I've got to re-upload it I Lose all that stuff as I mentioned and it's not a good thing. Now This doesn't have to be for everyone. This could only be for say the Silver Award like a hundred thousand subscribers or above channels for example of which there are over 40,000 channels that have hit a hundred thousand have that YouTube Silver Award, I mentioned that in a previous video which I'll link in down below.

Anyway - So There's a lot of channels that this could help. You don't have to give it to anyone,, you can only give it to the trusted channels. And because - I don't know - the feature may be able to be abused somehow, But one of the major things that this can also do is that I get offers all the time as a content creator on YouTube of: "can we pay for a sponsored spot in your video?" "Can we put in, buy a pre-roll ad in your video?" And We have to bake-- if they don't buy it through Adsense the traditional channel, then I have to bake this. I've never done it, I turn down all these offers as a matter of course, because I don't want my channel polluted - well, long term - with these ads.

So if I take the money - which can by the way be several thousand dollars, up to five thousand dollars for one video - in this engineering space. For example, for a pre-roll ad that I bake in-- , It's there, forever! So in Ten Years time when people watch that video, here's useless old ad that's not even relevant anymore, and I don't want that. So That's why I turn them down. Now If I, as a content producer, had the ability to be able to upload a video with an embedded ad in it for say the first week or whatever - and then I could upload a new one that removes that ad If I had that feature to re-upload that video without losing my views without using losing the comments in there and the thumbs and and the URL and everything else and that would be fantastic.

I would be able to- offer- potentially - not that I would, but, ya know, - the potential could be there for myself and other content producers to be able to sell sponsored spots in our-- temporary sponsored spots in our video. Now I Don't expect Google to do this for free. I would happily pay- money- for this upload feature. Say I Wanted to fix a technical problem in my video.
I might upload my video 'Oh doh!' You know I got something wrong. Everyone's pointing it out and want to re-upload it, but don't want to lose all that stuff, I'd happily pay ten/twenty bucks for the ability to re-upload that video. Like a one-off each time I re-upload, pay a fee. If I was-- Even If you charged a hundred or two hundred dollars for me to re-upload the video, if I was getting a couple of thousand dollars from a sponsor to put and add in - a pre roll ad in a video temporarily - then I'd happily pay YouTube/Google/Alphabet a couple hundred bucks for the ability to then re-upload that once the week is out or whatever, or day, or however long I want to leave that pre-roll ad there.

Fantastic! So Google Can get a large cut of that for that ability. Now I Can understand there might be reasons why they don't want to do this. For example:, You Know you might be able to sneakily include copyright content, well- re-check the video, put it through the copyright algorithm and everything, matching and all that sort of stuff and your new silly algorithm or whatever it is for determining what the - ya know - whether or not it's advertiser friendly, and ya know,, and we can disable, for example- ya know, once again, only for trusted channels. Now I Think you might actually already have this capability built into YouTube because there is the feature where you can upload a three-second pre-roll ad at the start of every video across all of your channels.

Can't be over two or three seconds I think it is. You can remove that or change that later on, so anyway, it might already be there. I Don't think it's probably a huge deal to do this- I Don't think it's a technical reason YouTube aren't allowing re-uploads, there's some other aspect to it. But If you're concerned;, limit it to trusted channels,, take away the privilege if we abuse it, etc.

and charge for the service. So There ya go! And that can help out channels get direct, sponsors make some money, Google makes some money - everyone's happy. Technical Channels can re-fix their content. Anyway- I Think it's a winning idea, so if-- I know that I have viewers that work for Google- so if you do- please spread this around, pass it up the Chain, we'll see how far it can get.

Give it a big like, spread it everywhere if you think this is a good idea. And As always,, comment down below. So That's it. That's my idea.

Hope they do it, but- not holding my breath. Catch ya next time.

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24 thoughts on “Eevblab #34 – a proposal for youtube”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tripcore says:

    It's a great sensible idea, but google want to dictate what ads are played and want a piece of every pie

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BrunoPOWEEER says:

    EEVblog hey Dave, im in Melbourne for VidCon Australia and a LOT of YouTube and GOOGLE people are around.
    I share the same frustrations, this is EXACTLY what I'm telling them, we make technical videos and things change, many times I don't even upload videos because I know I could be wrong in 6 months or 3 years time. I'll send them this link or make them watch from my phone… this would be a game changer, a win-win for both, creators and YouTube with more and better content =]

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kent VanderVelden says:

    It would be wonderful to be able to update incorrect information in technical videos. One used to be able to do that a bit with annotations. (Both of these points were covered in the video.) I really don't care about anyone having the ability to add and yank ads. Seriously, if you can pull down $5000 for a temporary sponsorship ad, (which could subsequently be replaced with another forever,) find a different platform that you fully control. Your primary reason for wanting this feature is a solid reason for YouTube never implementing it.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curiosity2814 says:

    lol A straight white male vs Jewtube – goodluck buddy

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jfbeam says:

    Sorry, Dave. Not gonna happen. It's too easily abused, and too difficult to police. It's trivial to make very minor alterations to an upload to totally change the message. The video I watch, rate, and comment has to stay the same to remain valid. I understand your desire to make corrections, but on the scope of youtube, it's a rare edge case.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vincent Banek says:

    At the time of writing this comment there's 555 comments.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guns Cars and Digits says:

    I agree! I've made some solid math errors that I would love to re-do.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L Guaire says:

    Please start a rival channel to Youtube, maybe team up with some other celebs and big money. People would trust you to not interfere with content. Success breeds contempt — google's mantra.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harry says:

    I think Dave Jones is like the Joe Rogan of electronics

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mexie Mex says:

    This is ALREADY available, but only to YouTube themselves (they've done it before), they aren't going to share that power.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ancap Zombie says:

    One potential problem I can see with this is timestamped comments. Now, this can be fixed by either a smart algorithm, or an uploader-created time-based offset for these. Or something saying "comment made on previous version of video".

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Wiley says:

    Dave, a better idea is create your own platform for all the content creators that have the same frustrations you have.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paolo Niccolรฒ Giubelli says:

    Sorry Dave, but you cannot put Ads in your video! Google AdSense wants it all! Congrats for everything, you're great!!

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tjfalabama says:

    I see the wisdom of not allowing edits. I prefer keeping the origionals. However, being able to change out adds would be very valid and helpful for all involved, as long as it didn't mess with the original. To help with the corrections in content there could be additional footnote additions that would be optional to watch, but again not touching the origional.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pepe6666 says:

    ya absolutely right. not being able to change the video is a nightmare.

    ya know what. maybe google could put a little 'adbreak' thing that you can put in yourself. like how we can add annotations and stuff in the editor.

    if ya think about apps or websites – we have heaps of control of where the adds go. but not in videos.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jersey Mike's Rail Videos says:

    Dude, vintage ads are half the fun of old media. In 50 years the out of date ads will make your content all the more authentic!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lo377ps says:

    Go and make your own YouTube. Then you can make the rules

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Taylor says:

    YouTube can/has already done it for themselves.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sonicframe says:

    The issue of fixing technical mistakes in a video is easy: Check, double check and triple check the content before upload for accuracy. The other suggestions make sense ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shane Mattner says:

    Content creators, especially technical ones that directly make me a better engineer, deserve to get paid. Good idea

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars womble321 says:

    Its a great idea but do the youtube bosses care about creators or do they think that there will always be new creators and simply not be interested. It seams to be based on we know best.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Uber says:

    I don't understand the Google World but I'm waiting for your next video burning up some stuffs. yeah !

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mike vez says:

    Lego Saturn V!! Just finished building mine. Keep up your great work!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    For those who think this system will just get abused:
    a) If limited to bigger Youtubers then they have a lot to lose by abusing such a system
    b) Youtube have the technical capability to match video content, so just set a threshold like for example, 80% of the video has to remain the same or some such. So you can't just bait'n'switch with an entirely different video.
    c) Add this to the reporting system, so abuses can be flagged.
    d) The original video could moved somewhere but still publicly accessible, so there is a public audit trail of changes.

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