Dave rants about a frustrating limitation in the new Youtube End Screen annotation feature, making it almost unusable.
Also, how to add Youtube end card/end screen annotations using your editor.
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Hi just wanted to have a little rant on a new feature that's been introduced by YouTube For content producers like me, it's the N screen feature. Now this has been much requested and is solves a really annoying problem for us YouTube content producers and let me show you what I'm talking about here. you've probably seen at the end of videos for example, like mine and many content producers, Youtubers including myself have at the end of the video. You typically have these little windows here with videos that you can click on, little animated videos and you'll have other links like going to subscribe and things like that.

so you can subscribe to my channel or you can visit my eevblog website or you can support me on patreon and stuff like that and I've been doing this for a long time. It's a little bit annoying now to actually embed these types of videos because you have to bake them into your video you have to edit them in and it really is quite annoying like a recent one. For example, let me show you my one of my video editor here which is a Sony movie studio and you can see at the end of the timeline here: I Actually put in four separate videos here because I had other videos which might be which people might find interesting on exactly the same topic the oscilloscope there. So I've had to actually embed these videos in there and put the overlays on there and everything else and it takes a bit of work.

I haven't been I didn't do that a lot back In the early days, but in more recent times I have actually been going to the effort to do that because people do click on these things and anyway, you've got to embed these in your videos. And once you've done that and then you can use the annotation feature where it is a 10. it's now called in screen and annotation but it used to be just annotations where you can add. Anyone can do this.

Any Youtube producer is here we go. I Add in these different elements down in here, right? So this is annotation. so I can add specific annotations. Spotlights you can add speech bubbles, notes, titles, spotlights, labels, all that sort of thing anywhere in your videos and this is Annotations are a fantastic feature, especially for technical videos like mine where often old say something stupid, get something wrong I'll miss something or I want to add something after I've edited the video and uploaded it to YouTube because once you upload your video to YouTube that's it.

You cannot edit the video Well, you can edit like the start and the end, but you can't like chop out a bit in the middle or you can't add stuff in the middle yet basically cannot edit the video. you're stuck. Otherwise, you've got to actually delete the video, losing all your comments, all your views, everything else and you've got to edit it and then re-upload it from fresh and that's you know. I Very rarely do that, only in exceptional cases.

and annotations are great for adding little technical notes and things like that over the video. and they're also great for adding these types of little you know links to videos and subscriptions and support things and merchandise and all sorts of our stuff that Youtubers have to do full-time Youtubers have to do anyway to make a living from this thing and try and get the extra views and everything else and all that sort of jazz anyway. Ah, so that's great. But the problem with annotations is that here we go.
It actually tells you right here. It now actually warns you annotations don't work on mobiles. And of course, YouTube's really big on mobile content. like something like 30% or something or more of YouTube videos are actually watched on mobile devices now be it phones or tablets or whatever tablets.

and you know it's getting to be a big deal. My viewership actually has less on mobile devices because they're more I Don't know, You know, engineers all have computers. Real computers on their desktop. The name Gary a dinky little phones.

Anyway, it's an important thing. so what they've done is they're added this in screen tool which allows you to do all that stuff that we had to do in the editing before here. You can actually do this in YouTube so you don't have to do it in your video editor. So let's go and have a look at this feature.

Here we go. Annotations don't work on Marlboros Try cards or in screens I Won't go into cards but let's have a look at the in screen - I've got it in here somewhere. Where is it? Here we go. This particular video designed a bit of multi meter part - which is excellent by the way.

if you haven't seen it, I'm using the end screen the new end screen feature and basically it allows you to add elements in a similar sort of way. You can add videos or playlists. you can add subscription and stuff like that and their channels and that's exactly what I've done here. I've added these three elements.

One is a video up in the corner there which I can drag around and put it anywhere on that screen. So basically what I do is in my video editor now it only allows you to use the last 20 seconds. Here's the first really annoying thing about this: I can't scroll this timeline down here. I Can make a smaller or wider but this end screen only works in the last 20 seconds.

That's it. So to actually use this, I've got to put like a still image at the end here to use it for 20. That lasts for 20 seconds so that I've got something to that's in the background. So I put my image there and so yeah, this is great.

Okay you can add all these things. There's a link to my Patreon account, there's a link to my website which is, you know I don't. You can add custom images and stuff like that, but that fits in the hand nicely and it all looks. you know pretty well.

does that play? It's not even playing. Oh damn. Anyway, there we go. Is that better? Hmm.

Anyway, you can add all this stuff. fantastic right? until right? So if I go into one that's got annotations because a lot of my videos have annotations as I said, useful for putting stuff over the top of the videos anywhere in your video. So I can scroll this along the timeline anywhere here and I can just add a little note and things like that. you know, technical note overlaid on the video.
Yes, I don't work on mobiles, but they're bloody useful and they're fantastic. A sensual feature for any Youtuber These annotations. But if you go, if you want to add your end screen okay, you've added all your annotations. look what? What? What? My end screen elements and annotations cannot be used on the same video.

Why? I Know that annotations can't be used on mobiles? Fine, but why can't I have both? I Basically has to have to choose between having the nice new feature of 20 seconds at the end of my video. where I can add my little thumbnail videos and you know, links to my patreon and website and everything else. Or I can have annotations and choose to correct my videos afterwards. I can't have both.

Why: it's bloody ridiculous if I actually do this. Yes, Unpublish I Know, Go to annotations. Yes, unpublish annotations and create n Screen. It's like unbelievable.

so like it. Fantastic new feature right in screen. I Like it. It's a winner except for the fact that it's only the last 20 seconds.

But hey, I can live with that limitation. but then to not be able to use annotations is just ridiculous. Why? What is the technical reason why they can't have both? I I Don't know. like there must be a technical reason? Write it there.

there has to be. but I don't get it. If anyone knows, please leave it in the comments. But this is absolutely stupid.

So when this the N screen feature first came out I Thought fantastic. I'll do that. all my stuff don't have to do it in the video editor anymore I just do it in YouTube and I can change it a later point and the winning concept. but then I were and then it deleted all of my annotations that I added to the thing.

It's just insane. It's an absolutely insane limitation and so frustrating. So I've gone back now to just doing it the old way because I need annotation support in my videos. So I've just got back to doing it the old way with the video editor and everything else.

So there you go: I don't know I just wanted to have a rant about that n-screen feature is just that limitation is ridiculous. So if anyone knows or have had any comments from YouTube over this or if anyone else is frustrated by this, leave it in the comments. Catch you next time.

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25 thoughts on “Eevblab #26 – youtube end screen feature fail”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Maico says:

    Its probably Googles lawyers' fault ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheProcess Life says:

    I agree.. I was just asking others…How to add text and notes to the beginning or throughout the video with end screen feature? I guess you have answered my question…

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominic Davis-Foster says:

    You shouldn't be using annotations to correct your video. Youtube provides the means for you to edit your videos after upload.
    I have annotations turned off on videos I watch anyway, because I find them annoying

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominic Davis-Foster says:

    You shouldn't be using annotations to correct your video. Youtube provides the means for you to edit your videos after upload.
    I have annotations turned off on videos I watch anyway, because I find them annoying

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars redtails says:

    I firmly believe this sort of shit happens because the content producers are not the customers of YouTube (i.e. they don't generate revenue), therefore there is no direct advantage to make the website optimal for them. The real customers of YT are the ads and that part of the website likely gets the most attention. It's only been umtil a couple years ago that YT took content producers serious in the first place; both feature wise and legally.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hasax says:

    The reason they aren't compatible with each other is most likely a technical issue, but I don't think they will fix it, because how many would use both features on the same video? A very small amount. Think about it:
    If you use the end screen feature, it means your audience is mostly(if not at least a big part) on mobil. if you are using annotations, then that would not be the case, and the end screen feature is useless. In other word, you are only going to use one of the features at a time anyway, only few would use both.
    and saying it's nice that you don't have to edit in the video you are referring to, into the video, is just wrong. YOU are the content maker, YOU have to do everything. Find the video you want, put it in, edit it's size, crop and whatnot, maybe some audio, render.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Kaiser says:

    Come to the point!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BEdmonson85 says:

    You bitch and moan about a feature you would like, you finally get it and then you bitch and moan about how they implemented it. There really is no pleasing some people.I have a lot of respect for most of the content you bring to YouTube, but shit like this is just dumb.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Oliver says:

    Why don't they implement annotations on mobile? Annotations have been around for years now, and so has mobile.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dorbie says:

    Pathetic. Sometimes I wonder about the quality of Google's software engineering. As for technical reasons, probably incompatible libraries or tech on the authoring interface, perhaps flash vs. html5. Eventually they'll port the annotation authoring forward.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tony Kiser says:

    What kind of mic are you using for sound, and what video editor are you using? Thanks, love your videos!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gordon Chin says:

    Google owns Youtube, Google owns Android. Why can't Android use basic Youtube features?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars uksuperrascal says:

    Hello Dave
    1. I never knew it was called annotation.
    2. I always wondered how annotation was done.
    3. how do you turn off all annotations via youtube?
    So Learnt what it's called, learnt how to do annotation via youtube, learnt it can be annoying to some viewers. will I use it in my next video ?
    As what is one man's spam is another man's rump steak.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raymus Munt says:

    why don't they just disable any annotations in the last 20 seconds of the video if using the end screen feature !!! not rocket science >,<

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gadget Addict says:

    I don't even have that end-screen feature yet. I guess it's being reserved for the big boys.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rizon1985 says:

    You can't do both because the internet isn't made for all this shit we're using it for and we can only develop a small portion of what we can imagine we want to make with it.
    A Google or Microsoft needs hundreds of people to keep their few web applications running and they require a codebase that will turn anyone insane. It's not for a lack of trying to make it all easier because there are dozens of big javascript frameworks but even Google or Microsoft releasing their frameworks doesn't get it to where it should be.
    There was an awesome solution with Flash but Adobe never fixed the performance until people were done with it. Silverlight was perfection for web applications but Microsoft killed it by making it too platform exclusive and kill it with a shotgun to the head instead of fixing the few flaws it had.
    Javascript does not work. Javascript will never work. Javascript will always be a coding hell that prevents us from making what our minds can think of. We need a Flash with ActionScript or a Silverlight with the whole .NET behind it to come and save the internet because it is holding us back.
    The worst problem is that we're going backwards because of the increase in mobile and tablet use. Instead of inventing something new for the internet, native applications are getting replaced by the same crappy technologies that have to be used for online applications.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Todd Jones says:

    Well, it is a Beta. Maybe the YouTube powers that be will hear the cries of the many dissatisfied by the lack of this duel function. It should say "End Screen OR Annotations" Cheers Dave!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ETERNAL BLUE says:

    Can you download the video with the embedded changes you do on youtube in original quality?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 38rtm says:

    it's not a technical limitation .
    They did it on purpose, there are already a lot of abuse with annotations.
    So if you add this new feature and annotation at the same time … it's just horible for the viewer when a youtuber add too mutch things at end.

    If they add this fonctionallity (after beta) i don't think both will be usable in the last 30 seconds of the video.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RonsonDenmark says:

    Why do you have 17 logins for youtube in lastpass…!?

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Clark says:

    Any feature that doesn't work in a straight standalone video (that can be played in VLC) is not desirable, IMO.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars whatfireflies says:

    Annotations are annoying on 99% of videos and a lot of people have them turned off by default in their preferences (including me.)

    The only time I reach for the gear icon to turn them back on for a specific video is to click on one of the "end screen" links.

    So it makes sense that Google would want to remove annotations entirely and replace them with a specific function to compose end screens.

    I'm afraid the more technical an audience is, the higher percentage will have annotations turned off (because wankers abuse them) so you're wasting your time making corrections with them ๐Ÿ™

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kristy says:

    I am a eletronic YouTube channel I am trying to get 100 subs so sub to me guys

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars USWaterRockets says:

    I like to refer to my other videos at various places in my videos, like when I am doing something new and it builds upon one of my earlier tutorials, I like to put in a clip and have the user click on it to see the previous video before continuing. This "end clip" feature would be great for embedded video links like that, except it only works on the last 20 seconds? What's up with that??? This really silly. They should make it work across the entire video.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Slot1Gamer says:

    Youtube is run by hipsters, don't expect them to understand..

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