Let the PCB Wars begin!
Altium Circuit Studio vs Autodesk Eagle
Element 14 got bought by Daetwyler which lead to them selling Eagle to Autodesk, which then lead to Altium slashing the price of Circuit Studio to $995
EEVblog #527 PCB Tool Rant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GjBFQgVWv0
Adafruit Autodesk Interview: https://blog.adafruit.com/2016/07/05/exclusive-interview-with-autodesk-about-the-cadsoft-eagle-purchase-autodesk-cadsofttech-technolomaniac/
Matt is answering questions here: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/eda/circuit-studio-reboot/'>http://www.eevblog.com/forum/eda/circuit-studio-reboot/
Altium Designer vs Circuit Studio Features:
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Hi, welcome to an Eevee blab I Had to mention this because there are two big things that have happened in the PCB design space in the last week or two. and I thought we just take a look at them if you're not aware now the first one is. oh by the way, just ignore that board above me I'm shooting another video doing a screen capture thing here. Anyway, two things have happened.

The first one is that Autodesk have bought Eagle they purchased Eagle from Element 14 slash funnels slash new work whoever you want to call them aren't they purchased it for I around about 20 million 22. it's in the 20 millions Something like that because this came about because Element 14 themselves were slash Farnell slash Newark were bought by somebody else and well yeah, ok, who cares about that. We talked about on the ampere our air power I'll probably link it in down below So far nails were bought out and final bought out Eagle a couple of years back and so they owned Eagle and the new owner of finals I guess went well. we don't want to be in this you know PCB designed space business.

we just want to sell parts and do whatever which is fine I reckon it's a good choice that they spun off Eagle now they sold it to Autodesk and Autodesk have a whole bunch of they've got like circuit simulators, they own a bunch of companies they're not no one to 3d thing and they own circuits I oh that's right which is another product so they're actually getting really powerful. they now the only thing that I'm missing. Major thing though missing is a piece of be designed tool. So now Autodesk have bought Eagle and a lot of people are worried about what's going to happen and everything like that.

So that's change number one. and by the way I'll link in this artists root blog where they did an interview with Matt from who's an ex Altium guy hi Matt from Autodesk asking questions about the changes and everything else and it sounds like it's a reasonably good move and they're going to, you know start to improve things in the Eagle space. So coincidentally, uh-huh a couple of days after the announcement that Autodesk bought Eagle Circuit Studio Altium This is news number two: Altium Who had this ridiculous mid-tier program called Circuit Studio that they used to sell through Element14 By the way, they used to sell it for like $3,000 U.s. dollars? I think it was.

It was a ridiculous idea. it was in there no-man's land. it was in the dead band of PCB tool pricing and I think the number of people who actually bought it I could probably count on both hands I suspect and I think rumor has it this was sort of pushed by Element14 at the time because they had Eagle they owned Eagle down in the low end space and they wanted sort of like a higher end tool. So I think they approached our team and our team said hey, we can do a watered down version of our team designer.

let's call it circuit studio and and then they sold it exclusively through Element14 and I don't think they sold any of it which is I told you so because I did a video on this back in number 527 here saying that anything over a thousand bucks was basically you know no-man's land. nobody would buy it had to be under that thousand dollars. So what did our team do today a couple of days after this announcement from Autodesk and Eagle bingo they dropped their prices, slashed it by a third. It is now.
Check it out. This is the U.s. site. It is now nine hundred and oh sorry, you can't see that I'll actually get rid of There you go.

Nine hundred and Ninety five US dollars and that's for a one-off theme. It's a perpetual license or you can pay end or you pay one hundred and fifty dollars maintenance per year to maintain it and get updates and stuff like that. Brilliant move there that is really aggressive pricing and for people who think Eagles cheap it's not this now. Undercuts Eagle if you have a look at Eagle prices there for their commercial licenses okay which is ones like guys like me have to use or anyone like in business you know, selling and designing anything you're going to sell.

You need a commercial license they want eight hundred and Twenty US dollars here for the schematic and the layout. and you get the auto router. Everything else which sounds fantastic, but wha? look at this 160 by 100 millimeter routing area. That's ridiculous.

It's great if you want to do a shield like an Arduino shield or something like that, but anything bigger than that, you have to go up and pay sixteen hundred and Forty US dollars for anything. I've been saying this on the Amp Hour and and the Forum and everywhere else for a long time. The Eagle pricing is ridiculous. It's an absolute joke because if you want if you have a single sided board, a single sided board with two components on it, one at either side and they're a hundred and sixty-one millimeters apart, you need to buy the sixteen hundred and forty dollar license.

It's just. it's ridiculous. So anyway, out Iam have now released circuits to do now that Element14 no longer owns Eagle They aren't put in, they aren't set in the price, and they've drilled because if Elements Fourteen sold Circuit Studio Altium circuits to do at the nine hundred ninety five dollar price point before, nobody would have been by an eagle. So now Helmet Fourteen don't own Eagle anymore.

Me: let's sell Circuit Studio for nine hundred and Ninety Five bucks. So I guess I'll tiems hands aren't tied anymore in regards to the pricing of that. so this is a huge move. I'm Igor has massive competition now in our team.

some Circuit Studio now of course Out Iam didn't listen to me properly and they released Circuit Maker which I actually hats off to them. They made it completely free, no commercial restrictions anything like that's a completely free version, but it's cloud based online. must share your files, all that sort of stuff and it didn't really gain the traction that they were hoping for I don't think I'm not sure the number of users maybe they'd like to tell us. but anyway I don't think I've got the traction that they were hoping for.
but the new Circuit Studio which by the way, um, they today gave me a license for so I now have a commercial license to play with Circuit Studio now I'm quite excited. um and we can hopefully here we go. Oh hello, there we go. I can now play with that Circuit Studio but that is very aggressive pricing for a thousand under a thousand US dollars for a commercial PCB tool Now there are limits to this if we go in here.

I Think here we go: Miscellaneous Technical page: It's one of these two anyway. I may not bore you with the details, but Circuit Studio is effectively out Iam Altium Designer stripped down so there are there is a comparison sheet sorry I should have had it open before here. But yeah, there is a comparison between the two tools and here it is is this it? No. Anyway, I'll post a link down below.

There is a comparison between Circuit Studio and our team designer and what things Circuit Studio doesn't include from Altium Designer Sense some of them sound okay, some of them sound a bit worrying. So anyway, I haven't tried it out fully yet. I will be doing this in a future video. absolutely no doubt about that and we'll be having a play around with that Circuit Studio and see how it goes.

So I'm rather excited by that. It's so really interesting news. It could lead to our price wars and things like that in the PCB design space. and that's only a good thing.

By the way, Matt from Autodesk he is on the Eevblog forum answering questions and stuff like that. If you want to talk to Matt about Auto about the new Eagle and he's listening to feature upgrades and things like that, so I'm not an Eagle user. I might do, maybe a shootout between the two in the future once. I Get used to both of them because I haven't used Circuit Studio before, but it's basically Altium Designer with the ribbon interface that's used on Circuit Studio.

That's the main difference between that, but it's I believe it's based on the outter designer code and not the circuit maker code, so it's basically a stripped-down Altium Designer Anyway, fantastic news and what people have been waiting for under a thousand bucks for a hopefully professional level PCB Design tool. So yeah, look out for future videos on this. Very exciting if you want to discuss it. links down below all that sort of stuff and yeah, sorry out him I told you so.

Catch you next time.

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27 thoughts on “Eevblab #24 – pcb wars! altium circuit studio vs autodesk eagle”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul says:

    Fuck that! KiCad for free.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars planker says:

    I found circuit boards with holes already in them, called zero or perf board. It just makes things easier, faster, and cost a butt load less than a time consuming read the directions save this copy that then wait… then bodge, kind of disappointment, almost exactly like a 3D printer. The Chinese won't be doing my work today!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Boxall says:

    And here we are five years later… KiCAD is murdering the EAGLE community. CircuitStudio is an orphaned bastard child.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Henry Chan says:

    "software above $1000 is basically no mans land"
    Ansys and Siemens NX: chuckles

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars YouTube Videos says:

    Was there ever a follow up video where he demoed Circuit Studio?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Greul says:

    As will all things Autodesk will keep turning the screws. They've rolled Eagle into Fusion licensing and are playing all sort of price games this month. I have issues paying $400/yr for Eagle/Fusion. As a small maker, that's a huge chunk of any profit I might make…like all of it. What made Eagle tolerable was that it was not that expensive for people producing small kits, etc. Small kits are what help people get into electronics as a hobby.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helpful Ideas says:

    This is a old video. The standard is FREE…

    And the ultimate is $550.

    Who the fu*k are you ???

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark Lowe says:

    Any software company that flogs itself over cloud can stick it up their ass.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Newmeyer says:

    Hey Dave, did you ever do a review on Circuit Studio? I'm trained on Altium but am now working in a small start-up where we don't have the funds to pay for an Altium License. For us, its between Eagle and Circuit Studio and I'd love to hear your opinion.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bjtaudio says:

    Eagle is dead now thou, subscription only models are a bad idea, also hate the idea of storing files on clouds, the only reason why the greedy companies design software like this is suck you all in and then lock you in and then jack up the prices and rip you off, also a massive security risk..what happens if you're account is stolen-hijacked, if the Internet goes down or their server crashes, it meas you cannot do any work, you can also loses all your designs too. not good, while you must keep paying paying paying…and praying if you will survive. You can import you're eagle and protel legacy files anyway..into Altium designer and forget about the subscriptions only models.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Barry says:

    If you want Eagle Ultimate free for 3 years just sign up as a student at Autodesk. No edu email required. Easy as

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Benedikt says:

    "We're not going to build a wall"…

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben _ says:

    Hey Dave, nice call. Circuit Studio now on sale $695! Have you done a review since you've had the licensed software for over a year now?

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anton Troskie says:

    PirateBay is selling at a very good price. You guys should go check it out.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mpw van de Kraats says:

    Circuitstudio has become cheaper, but still far from hobby level pricing!!!!!!
    For the hobby, it should be free or at a minimum fee.
    I have been working with many different software packages, and I must say,
    KICAD is one of the better choices for the hobyist.
    If you have tried KICAD longer ago, you should take another try again.
    It has recently taken a big jump forward at its layout side.
    Now it is a serious tool that can do a proper job.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mpw van de Kraats says:

    Lets hope finally things turn for the better for Eagle.
    That software has a lot of strength, but to many weaknesses too, making it a dreadfull tool as it is.
    It could be so much more if someone would put some time in it to improve it.
    Lets hope Autodesk will do so…

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mpw van de Kraats says:

    The war is on alright.
    Ever looked at the PADS-Maker from Digi-key ??
    That is a free version of the high-end PADS pcb design tool.
    Also competing with all the others…..

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chun Eng Loke says:

    Nope. Don't waste your time with Cirtcuit Studio. The half-price ain't even worth it.
    I am still having problems licensing which takes them forever to fix.

    I called Altium directly. they told me they don't support Circuit Studio while element14 points their fingers at Alitum.

    Customer support is extremely poor.. I suspect circuit studio is already dead.
    Orcad has much better support.. at least the tech guys are much more responsive than element14/altium

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rafael del Rey says:

    Cadence also lowered OrCAD price a lot. Current version of entry OrCAD is basically Allegro with many commands disabled. I think this is also part of PCB wars.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 宮村くん says:

    I just can use Eagle 'cause Altium Studio is not for Mac :'(

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sasha A says:

    Circuit Studio price now is only 557 US$

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Marston says:

    Looking at the comparison sheet between Designer and Circuit Studio there are only two items that jump out to me. The first is noncircular holes. That isn't a show stopper. There isn't many applications in Maker/Small Business Applications where that is called for. The second missing item from from Circuit Studio is Gerber X2. THAT IS A SHOW STOPPER. I would hope that feature is omitted because development hasn't finished. Both Diptrace and KiCad offer Gerber X2 output. What is odd is Circuit Studio Offers ODB++ output. Only Diptrace offers that right now. I would have expected Altium to follow KiCad offering Gerber X2 before ODB++

    OK Dave when are we going to see the video on Circuit Studio ? And how about comparison videos between Circuit Studio, Diptrace and KiCad ?

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars broderp says:

    Dip Trace. Semi affordable and feature full for the hobbyist, with the best usability with the limitations given.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Glenn P says:

    fail for me too. Local AUD$ price from Element 14 is ~$1350 plus GST = near enough to $1500 ! Way out of reach to hobbyists (even serious hobbyists) or probably even one man companies.

    Why not offer a crippled Altium, just Schematic entry and PCB design. Plus a basic library. Pull out the 3D and Simulation too.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Angelozzi says:

    Still waiting for the follow up Mr! =)

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dima Pulkinen says:

    Why didn't you mention KiCAD? It is free and open source, you don't have to pay for it and there is no stupid limitations like in Eagle.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xDR1TeK says:

    I miss Protel PCB 2.0

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