Dave reviews Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens
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Hi it's December 17 2015 and it is Star Wars the Force Awakens day. It was released today and yes, I'm back from seeing it. so I couldn't resist doing a little hopefully spoiler free review of this thing even though I'm not a movie reviewer but hey it's something everyone who watches my channel I'm sure is into. So I can't help but comment on it because it's such a huge deal.

we've been waiting since Episode 64, episode 7 to come out. How many decades is it I lost count? It's like 20-something years. I'll try and give you my reaction without any spoilers or major spoilers anyway. but I know there are those fanboys out there who, well, any mention of it at all is a spoiler so well it shouldn't be dumb enough to watch.

This video should be on like a media blackout until you actually see the thing. But for those who want to know what I thought about it with hopefully without any art. major spoilers then, but yet official spoiler warning just in case. Okay and the thing everyone wants to know is, is it any good? Did JJ Abrams screw the pooch on this one? Well no he didn't It is absolutely brilliant.

It's as good as you possibly could think it would be. There are look you know you can. There's probably plot holes in this thing you could drive a truck through, but Wow Star Wars is back. Yes, that's what everyone wants to know is real Star Wars back instead of the prequel rubbish which we won't say anything more about.

But yes it is back. it is Star Wars From Go to Whoa it is just Star Wars Action aplenty. It's got everything you could possibly want in a Star Wars film. in fact, so much so that it's pretty much without giving away the plot.

It's kind of like if you were to take for a new hope the original Star Wars and redo it today. and of course add in you know existing characters we've seen before and treat those characters decently then that's pretty much what you've ended up with. This is it is. Jeez.

I Don't want to say it's better than the originals because that's a tough call I've only seen at the one time I'm going to see it again on Saturday but wow It is a a brilliant action-packed movie from Go to Whoa and it's it. Feels like a real Star Wars movie. Everything someone you know a good lot of it is done with that. Real practical sets, real practical special effects, and a thing that I hadn't actually heard before is that it and I only noticed it while I noticed it.

the in you know pretty much immediately when it started playing I thought this shop is on film. This looks like you know it's been shot on a real celluloid, right? And it has. it's been shot on Kodak film. So none of this digital rubbish that you know so you know that well I don't want to talk about the prequels.

so yeah. Anyway, it's shot on real film so it's got that real film look. and because all that you know, good lot of assets are real, the explosions and every all the action is real. it feels like you're really there so you know.
Awesome work. It doesn't feel fake or you know, and computer-generated or whatever. it's just absolutely brilliant. One of the best parts about the movie though is that it's not just an action flick.

It's not just you know pure Star Wars action and that's it. And the characters just don't matter. But the two central white characters are Daisy Ridley and John-boy Hagar's character. They are brilliant.

You actually develop them well. You actually care for the characters that great characters, superbly acted, and it's got everything. It's brilliant. In fact, almost everyone acts brilliantly in this thing.

Not that I know much about acting I know nothing about acting really, but no. I just really enjoyed the characters in this thing. even actually. Ah, Bb-8 the droid now I was really worried about Bb-8 I thought our God isn't going to be another cutesy annoying Jar Jar Binks right? And who shouldn't even mention Josh are being so goodness Anyway, But no Bb-8 I think is my new favorite.

Almost my new favorite character. like I I love Bb-8 He's absolutely he's got some from some of the funniest lines in the movie. One of the best characters in the movie. Not overdone and it's just absolutely brilliant.

Doesn't get in the way of anything. and I'm in fact I as much as I loved our to an C-3po I I think I'm a Bb8 fanboy now. So beauty for the new Droid I think we've got a winner. but then of course we've got all our original characters han Solo now general Leia and Chewie C-3po r2d2 if you're an R2d2, us three CPI fanboy.

it's probably not the best movie for you. but I'm going to tell you if your may be a spoiler start though, it's not really a spoiler, but know how much of characters in the movie? If you're a Han Solo or a chewy fanboy, then you're gonna love this one really. I'm not going to say they almost steal the show because as I said, the other new characters are really superb. But jeez yeah, you gotta love hard and chewy in this one.

Brilliant! And the big question is is Mark Hamill in it? Well yes he is. Here's a photo I got of the credits at the end, but that's all I'm going to say about that. but Adam drivers are Kylo Ren character he plays the man basically the main bad guy in this thing. came away feeling I don't know about you know how well he played that? I'm probably gonna have to see it again.

I'm probably going to have a better opinion of his character after watching it a couple of times. He probably did a really good job. but in and I just thought of something, you know, I wasn't that fast over Kylo. Ren's character.

didn't really care too much about what happened to him, but that's once again, it's on one viewing. I Was more excited to see Han and Chewie back. You know I can't help it. but like I said, this is Star Wars from Go to Whoa They don't muck around in this thing.
it's taught. you know it is a few times to let you catch your breath. but geez it is to pretty much action aplenty. It's exactly what you want if you want X-wings you know, taking on Thai fighters Millennium Falcon's back.

It plays a pretty big part in it and yet they don't muck around. JJ Abrams absolutely delivers for everyone who's a fan of traditional Star Wars action. it's just its back. Star Wars is back.

But one of the most interesting things about this wall. It's like a good movie stands on its own. I think it does. You can actually watch it and go.

Yep, that was a brilliant movie. You know it was well shot, you know, special effects what? Excellent. The story was excellent, the characters where excellent, was well acted. everything else but it's obviously being written from scratch as a three-part trilogy as we know, you know they've already said that, but you can really tell that's the case and not going to tell you what happens at the end.

but you leave the cinema going I So want to see the next one? Just give it to me now. I've got to see it please. It's just so yeah and it doesn't leave. This movie doesn't really leave you wanting at all.

It's awesome. But yeah, you just so desperately want to see the next one. So whoa, that's a good thing, right? Rather than just come away and go, Oh yeah, that was a good movie, you know and then not care about the next one, this one really makes you want to see the next one. It's really interesting the way that JJ Abrams has done this because it's essentially as I said: a you know, the original Star Wars A New Hope episode for reshot but 30 years later, adding in the original characters and it delivers the same stuff.

Yet you know how he's actually blended in the new care of the the original characters with the new characters and setting up their story. It's just absolutely brilliantly done. I Thought he probably couldn't have executed it any better. I Mean you know you can go in there and probably pick this thing apart and I might do that with her.

as you know, second or third watching of the thing. but I don't know anyone who's a fan of the franchise will come away from this thing going. oh yeah, that nie and I like that was just it wasn't that good. You're going to be blown away.

It is absolutely brilliant and there's a few little surprise original white characters as well from the original trilogy. Just you know, little small parts. You might just see him here and they're really good. I Won't say that there's another real good character I liked who.

you'll probably know it I really let's say possibly Yoda-like character in it and yeah I really like this character. So I hope she don't think that's giving anything away is going to be in the future once. I'm sure she will be anyway. great character developing this thing.

As I said, it just makes you want to see how they're going to grow for the episodes. eight and nine is it? Jeez, it's hard to keep up now and it's not really giving anything away. It's been much talked about. There's a new empire in town called the First Order and they don't spend a lot of time.
You know. In fact, anytime I think at all telling you about how that came about, it's just BAM Straight into it. there's the first Order and then we've got Daisy Ridley's a character array who is just absolutely brilliant. I Mean that this movie essentially are follows: Daisy Ridley's Ray and John-boy jaegers fin basically through there.

You know, through their journey meeting Han and and you know going on Star Wars type adventures. but yeah, they don't muck around trying to explain things to you, they just show you. BAM And there's actually a third new major good guy character in Oscar Isaac who plays PO a hotshot fighter pilot like the Best in the Galaxy and he plays a kick-ass role as well. So well done there.

So I can't really fault any of it. The new cast, the original cast, the special effects, the writing over the plot, the character development. it's just story. it's just it's all there.

So I think JJ Abrams Absolutely nailed this one because well, it probably can't get any better because you're going to get complaints regardless of what you do. But I think he's knocked this one out of the park. It's got everything going for it. Star Wars is back baby! Catch you next time.

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27 thoughts on “Eevblab #21 – star wars vii the force awakens review”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Yohng says:

    I had an impression that it was made for the audience with the average IQ of 70. The 'Star Wars' spirit is back indeed, and it's shot beautifully (with the JJ trademark lens flares), but I left the cinema somewhat disappointed. It's not going anywhere, and Kylo Ren character is really pathetic. In the old films you had some Zen of Alec Guinness, enchanting dark magic of Darth Vader, also moral dilemmas and difficult choices. In this one there was nothing – mostly action scenes of stuff smashed by other stuff, primitive plot and a bunch of likeable but shallow characters. Besides – shouldn't people with force be barred from having children? Seems like every other generation turns evil.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WreckDiver99 says:

    Finally saw it the other day. So…Yea…Episode 4 remake…that's OK though. I am tired of YASD plot…Regardless, I'm a SW Geek and kept an open mind and loved it.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Lavespere says:

    Just saw the flick this weekend, and I have to agree…this is a true Star Wars adventure!!!ย  Can't wait for the next one!!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NateZimer says:

    "There is probably plot holes in this thing you could drive your truck through …". Yup… just about sums up the entire movie. If you paid attention to the original 6… nearly every aspect of this latest movie didn't make any sense. Kinda a put off some of us that the director was too lazy to pay attention to the original movies. Seemed like he only watched new hope. Poor George probably won't ever have a restful night of sleep again.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fury161 says:

    In defense of the Prequels I have to say one thing:
    Palpatine alone beated the living shit out of the "Evil guys" seen in Episode 7, the scene from Episode 3 in the Opera Theatre is an epic in Star Wars.

    Yes, 95% of the Prequels are George Lucas bullshit, but there is a 5% that beats almost anything from the original trilogy or this new movie.

    I really want to se a movie that dont needs to recycle things from the past just to survive (like this one), I'm not saying that Episode 7 sucks or anything like that, just, for example, I want to see a Star Wars movie with the atmosphere of the game Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords, you know, dark and adult, where Character and Plot development was always on top. I dont want to see a group of stupid Teddy Bears (Ewoks) beating the living shit out of the best troops of the Evil Guys like it happened in Return to the Jedi.

    I hope that Jar Jar Abrams wont use any of this childish in the next movies.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Poo says:

    so……better than Back To The Future?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nexfero says:

    JAR-JAR BINKS !!!!!!
    you mentioned it

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UnconventionalMilling says:

    i saw it today. i think its great!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ItsAlwaysRusty says:

    Bad casting of Adam Driver as the villain. Since he is cast as Han's an Leia's son, in real life, Leia would have some explaining to do. Could you find an actor who has absolutely positively no similar attributes to his scripted parents. Come on, adopted maybe, but he looks nothing like his scripted parents..Over all the movie was watchable but the story was very very weak. Just a reboot of A New Hope. The feel of the movie felt rushed..

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kakunapod says:

    So, I loved the movie, the only thing I got hung up on was kylo ren. There were scenes where I thought he was a great bad guy, there were scenes when I thought he was a freaking loser. I got to thinking about it, and I remembered that all the scenes where I liked him, he had his mask on. All the scenes where I didnt, his mask was off. When his mask was on he was a bad ass, not taking shit from anyone, just evil guy. But when his mask was off, he was… lame. He even talked differently. With the mask on he was short, blunt. Mask off, he suddenly becomes a poet.

    And I thought about that a little more, and maybe that was something they did intentionally. We see the character's struggle with the dark side, and maybe the mask helps him attune himself to it more. I dont know. Also, I dont know whats up with the sith master. Seems… interesting I guess. We'll see.

    Overall I loved the movie though. Very good.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars FBicoolshaman says:

    SPOILERS its good star wars

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Whippler says:

    Movie was good in general. But knowing the others the story was too much repeat :/

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheOneWhoMightBe says:

    "There's probably plot holes you could drive a truck through…"

    There's plot holes you could drive a Super Star Destroyer through, but, despite not being a SW nerd, I'd have still paid my money to see 30-45 minutes of X-Wings low over the water and the Millennium Falcon doing aerobatics. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ot4kon says:

    Fanboys are happy with a mediocre movie just because it is not phantom menace. Mediocre is better than shit. The movie should be called star wars remake not episode VII

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Star Gazer says:

    It was ok, Abrams didn't screw it up, but it wasn't "great". It had no original story line, massive plot holes, and they didn't explain things because they simply couldn't make sense of it. It really was a reboot of episode 4 with better effects and less story.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rich3of3 says:

    NO… it's SHIT

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Blenson Paul says:

    you know (about) acting, ..trust me ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alberto Gonzรกlez Puente says:

    Haters Gonna Hate. It's a very good film.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars iamagi says:

    After episode 9 they should reboot the prequels.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ะดะธะบะพ says:

    Thumbs up for that review (just after watching the Braun toothbrush takeapart #284). We're likely the same age and if I were a youtube blogger you might have seen something similar.
    BUT: there's nothing "Yoda-like" but Yoda! (quoting my wife)

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ventsislav Simonov says:

    Watched it. It's not brilliant. It's just kinda sorta OK movie. Not gonna give me the same as the original series! Anyways it's just a movie. The world keeps turning ๐Ÿ˜€

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcos Danilo says:

    sorry there mate, the whole "real film look". i disagree.
    being in celuloid doesnt make a movie look better. it doesnt make it look worse, just diferent.
    and really, most people cant even diferentiate.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars drbrunch says:

    Haven't had that much fun at a movie in SO long. Excellent installment in the franchise.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ernst Stavro Blofeld says:

    Star Wars?!
    I thought that project died with Ronald Reagan.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Heriberto Mendoza says:

    I have watched these Movies since i was Seven years old. I will say…its Brilliant..and it appeals to everyone fan Original Trilogy Prequel Trilogy. I Recommend this Movie to All.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xl says:

    Where can I find a review WITH spoilers ? I don't intent to go see it but I'd like to know the detailed plot..

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fran Blanche says:

    I laughed, I cried, I cheered, and I cried again. I haven't felt like that in a cinema since the summer of 1977. Must see it again! And Again! Just like in '77…. ๐Ÿ™‚

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