UPDATE: (because people are so rage-filled that he didn't build it himself)
I *knew* when I made this video that it looked like it was just a commercial clock taken apart. That was obvious to anyone with electronics knowledge who saw the photo. I didn't mention it because it's beside the point. Many electronics hobbyists started out doing exactly this. It's a sad society we live in when a 14yo beginning hobbyist gets criticised for his *lack of skills* instead of encouraged. People should be ashamed of themselves.
Sure he shouldn't have said he "invented" it, and he shouldn't get an MIT scholarship because of it, but geeze, he's 14 and was excited by it, give him a break.
14yo Electronics hobbyist Ahmed Mohamed was arrested, handcuffed, and dragged away from his local school in Texas after brining a DIY clock to school so he could show his engineering skills to his teachers. They thought it was a hoax bomb and called the cops.
Unfortunately for the idiot grown-ups involved, they only apologised and released him after the story went viral on social media. Even the US President invited him to the White House.
Heads up world, building clocks is something electronics hobbyists like to do, here is one I build when I was about Ahmed's age:
The story:
Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/chat/9th-grader-arrested-in-houston-for-making-a-clock/?topicseen'>http://www.eevblog.com/forum/chat/9th-grader-arrested-in-houston-for-making-a-clock/?topicseen
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Can someone stop this planet? I Want to get off? This is the sorry state of the world we live in today. A 14-year old electronics hobbyist in Texas in the US bought to school our homemade clock. Do It Yourself clock to show off he's engineering schools to his teachers. It was proud of it.

I Want to show what he can do and well, you can probably guess the rest. If you haven't heard about it, he gets arrested because they think it's a bomb. At what stage does a supposedly educated teacher and then the school principal look at this thing? This homemade clock? Look at the you know, nerdy looking kid with his NASA t-shirt Here's a photo of him in handcuffs being escorted out of the school by the cops. Look at this thing and go, yeah, couldn't it could be a bomb.

We'd better call the cops. Oh now I'm sure it didn't help that his name's Ahmed Mohamed and he goes to a school in Texas a state where they teach creationism in public schools. And it's not just the US It's an indicator of the modern society that we live in. We live in an Orwellian culture of fear where everyone's afraid of the boogeyman.

and if there is no boogeyman, well, the government will happily create one for us. So we keep us in perpetual fear. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.

And what are the rebellion? If the rebels have obtained a complete technical readout of this station, it is possible, however, unlikely they might find a weakness and blooded. And of course, Australians should be familiar with something like this as well. Be alert, not alarmed. Terrorism has changed the world and Australia is not immune.

All of us can play a part by keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. Be alert, but not alarmed. But it turns out there's a happy end in here because this thing went viral on social media and everyone supported armored as they should. Even the President came out and said hey cool clock armor do you want to come to the White House and show it off because we need to encourage kids like this engineering science.

All he wanted to do is show his engineering skills to his teachers and they just didn't have the common sense the intelligence to go. Fantastic! Hey great work! I Love it. You know, keep bringing this sort of stuff to school, encouraging our kids to be creative and building and making things and designing stuff and following their passion. Instead, these want to beat it out of them.

Call the cops. Whack him in handcuffs with his cool NASA t-shirt on Is that electro 14 year old electronics hobbyist? It's ridiculous if kids are too afraid to bring stuff into school to show off to show their teachers to show it to their mates, Whether or not they think they might be arrested, it's not appropriate or they're going to be laughed at or teased bullied. Whatever we need these kids, we need them. we need them.

for the next generation of engineers and scientists that are going to drag us out of the intellectual black hole that we're falling into. So good. on your arm And keep designing. Keep building, Keep following your passion.
Stick it to the man because it's kids like you that are gonna change the world. Good on you mate. Catch you next time.

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26 thoughts on “Eevblab #14 – 14yo hobbyist arrested for bringing diy clock to school”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sigh Pocket says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sรผcha Lรผch says:

    I do love your channel – especially since you made your update here….

    You were always so inspiring, a well appreciated teacher, an interesting personality… It's just great.
    It's very hard to find a person that good in educationg people.

    But you also showed your social skills – like here in your Update.
    It's very hard to find a person that have that much empathy and show it.

    Combining both in one person – it's very inspiring!
    Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jordan Gray says:

    Dave I agree, but the comment on the schools in Texas โ€œstill teaching creationismโ€ was insensitive; insinuating it was a measure of low intelligence/education. Youโ€™re free to believe what you like, but Iโ€™m a huge fan of your material and this comment is disrespectful to my faith in Jesus Christ. Besides, itโ€™s naive to speak so surely against a theory while assuming your own chosen theory is any more valid than another. In a way it bypasses the scientific process altogether; making a conclusion before testing the hypothesis. Thereโ€™s no time stamps on rocks to verify theyโ€™re millions of years old, and Adam isnโ€™t around to tell us what happened 6,000 years ago. Best, I believe, to accept ANY theory of what happened as just that; a theory. Iโ€™m happy to allow evolution taught alongside creation. If evolution is such a strong argument, then you ought not worry; the truth will speak for itself and the choice will be obvious for students.

    All I know is Grand Canyon was somehow formed by a river that flowed uphill for โ€œmillions of yearsโ€, and we still havenโ€™t been able breed a cat-dog nor get pigs to fly. I suppose if you add a million years of waiting, then, sure, anything is possible. However creation doesnโ€™t require a million years to be sensible when analyzing physical evidence around us; everything points to a global flood and a short timespan. Even before I became a Christian I had always wondered why human history only goes back around 5,000 years. We all of a sudden popped out of thin air and to read and wrote? I wonโ€™t gab on about details to argue my position; youโ€™re going to see what you want to believe; and I the same. Itโ€™s like forcing an alcoholic to get help; they have to want it themselves; only difference is Iโ€™ve been on both sides of the fence. Lol, not the alcoholism part, but rejecting and then rediscovering my faith. God is love. I hope you keep your heart open to find out for yourself. Either way, I still respect you and will continue to be a fan and (most importantly) student. Thank you Dave; Iโ€™ve learned a lot from your channel; you explain things in a manner thatโ€™s entertaining and easy to understand.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick derp says:

    5 years later and i can say you were 100 percent wrong on this one. it was a publicity stunt all for his dad and man did a lot of people fall for it!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 1cut1 says:

    Should the policeman be a policeman and does the policeman need policing? Should the teacher be a teacher or have they got something to learn?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Rustiest Shackleford says:

    Clockmed was in english class at the time and was told several times to put the device away. He then made a joke about it being a bomb.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charlotte Sometimes says:

    He is now 18 . Feel old yet?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nikolai Kuznetsov says:

    Shit I wouldโ€™ve done the same thing. U canโ€™t take chances with a building filled with kids

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark 52 says:

    Can't they put all these crazy insane brain dead nut cases on there own planet so we can live in a sane world again.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars carcar jinks says:

    it was a deliberate hoax bomb. it was INTENDED to look dangerous.
    the whole thing was set up by the kid's father to sue the school.
    remember the "flying imams" who purposely acted suspicious on an airplane so they could sue the airline?
    this was the exact same thing.
    it's called LITIGATION JIHAD. (look it up)
    the idea is to use the host country's legal system against itself for profit, and to intimidate people out of reporting real terror threats with the fear of a possible lawsuit.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jawaaz Ahmad says:

    America is dumb

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars stormeagle28 says:

    How often did you got arrested for the pitch of your voice?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mohamed Talaat Harb says:

    Here in Egypt doing practical electronic projects is dangerous, even for engineers… Every year there is a couple of arrests in our department's students (mechatronics) because of the graduation projects, some of them make it to the papers, like this one time they arrested a group from inside their apartments on the pretends that they are building robots for terrorist attacks…I kid you not

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Taufeeq Khan says:

    Making an electronic thing and getting attention is very hard because people only attracted when they see a robot or something but they don't these type of simple hacking requires knowledge and interest

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Md. Mostafa Khan says:

    The only reason this has happened is "his name".

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry Kent says:

    Funny thing… Here in Poland nationalists came back to power. Guess what they did first? Religion is now part of science. Evolution and history of democracy is twisted or simply – this is devil's work.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry Kent says:

    Yes, Fantastic America… Yeah, I realised that now, he's in t-shirt with "NASA" on it. Poor child. Imagine his trauma…

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ruby Begonia says:

    Yes, it's sad, but now the family is suing for $15M, so how ridiculous is that?

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrZetor says:

    I just saw this brainfart of a video for the first time (02/2018), and lost 98% of my respect of Dave. What a dumbass.

    – "electronics hobbyist" – Nope. A child of a professional victim and a politically motivated charlatan, not to mention a brother of a girl who attempted similar faux bomb threat.

    – "bought to school a home-made clock" – Nope. He took apart a Radio Shack clock, placed it into a case, and kept on showing the 'creation' to everyone (against teachers' advice).

    – "I knew when I made this video that it looked like it was just a commercial clock taken apart. That was obvious to anyone with electronics knowledge who saw the photo. I didn't mention it because it's beside the point." – Bullshit. You just wanted to virtue signal, and had not done your homework.

    – "Many electronics hobbyists started out doing exactly this." – Name one. Name FUCKING ONE electronics hobbyists who started out by dismantling a new and functioning electronic device, placing it into a container that made it look exactly like a bomb, and then brought said POS to his/her school just to create drama.

    – "It's a sad society we live in when a 14yo beginning hobbyist gets criticised for his lack of skills instead of encouraged. People should be ashamed of themselves." – No. The boy was not criticized for his lack of skills per se (which, granted, was rather apparent). He was (eventually) criticized, by outlets that value truth, because the entire ordeal was a deliberate hoax, most likely just a money-grabbing venture, but probably also an attempt to elevate the position of muslims in the victimhood hierarchy.

    I could go on and on with this retarded turd, since pretty much every single sentence Dave utters is pure and unfiltered garbage. MSM fed SJW propaganda at best, islamophilic indoctrination at worst.

    – "keep following your passion, stick it to the man, because it's kids like you who are gonna change the world. Good on you, mate." – I wonder whether you could maintain this giddy attitude if one day, after YET ANOTHER muslim terrorist attack, you would have to go to the morgue, and identify some twenty-odd pounds of severed human flesh, which just hours ago was your son, Sagan. Religion of peace, my ass.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Harsh Panigrahi says:

    I am very sad for that boy i am too 12 years old i too like making electronic project

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zayd Abbas says:

    Oh my… When I was in grade 7 I brought an automotive ignition coil and a car battery to school as a demo and actually shocked some kids. I got an A, teacher didn't say shit and I'm an Arab! I even did make a clock that looked much like a bomb (the PCB was on the top of a rectangular battery and there was a ribbon cable going to the back) and the principal was like "cool"

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J. Wolfe says:

    EEVblog – You're an idiot dude and so is this kid. He built nothing, it was all a political scam. You would believe anything.

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Linards Rozitis says:

    the school be like- i`we seen this in a movie….it has an LCD and its in a suitcase…so…IT MUST BE A BOMB!!!

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mr ekg98 says:

    I disagree with you Dave. We need to encourage kids about this but the kid should have asked before he brought it to school. We do not live in a fantasy. There are real dangers in this world. Including bombs from islam.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Treddian says:

    It was all a false narrative. Some people knew it right away. Others have realized it later on, as more evidence was piled on. The family of this child put him up to a political stunt. It paid off big league. He got to meet celebrities and politicians. It was all a typical American left-wing ploy.

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars danijel124 says:

    Im not saying it was a bomb but it was a bomb xd

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