Dave and Chris have some news on The AmpHour

Welcome to the Ow I'm Dave Jones from the Eev blog and I'm Chris Gaml of Chris Gamls Analog Life. Hey Chris we're trying out the video thing again. Yeah, we are. Um, it's kind of.

are we doing that for? well, we we. Yeah, we'll get to that, but you know it's We wanted to try a little higher quality video and Google Plus just wasn't really cutting it and you know it's not like I'm any good at video. you're you're good at video by now. But I'm I'm kind of learning, but well mumble my way through it.

no pun intended because we're using Mumble to record this. H Yeah, yeah, well. you should explain the podcast though, because I mean you said you're going to post this my um, hello, I'm putting this up as a video as well on my Eev blog site. So hello to all my regular Eev blog uh viewers, not listeners I do If you're not aware I do actually have what I'm recording.

Now here's my mic: I've got a we're recording the uh Ow radio. There's your American right here. the.com Yes, the other voice and the other face you're looking at is Chris Gaml. He's my co-host for the Ampow, so it's a weekly on hour.

Electronic Show And if you haven't checked it out, go to the Ow.com subscribe on your uh iTunes or whatever or download it and uh, watch it or listen to it directly on the site I Get confused video audio? It's tough. yeah. You always always mess that up. Yep, yeah, well, we should.

This is yeah. we should get right to the news we we have. we have some news I mean we usually so people usually have uh or sorry on the podcast. we usually do a a new section to start out just any kind of big thing and we also like keeping track of other podcasts and one of the ones that I like is actually well, you do, You're you're you're mad.

You're just. you're a podcast fiend. You're podcast Enthusiast Yes Enthusiast Is that the ter? Yeah. The the one of the podcasts that I follow is called Tested.com and they recently had some really interesting news and and I meant to mention this on the show the other day.

Um, we did. We did. Yeah yeah, there was quite some. Well I was like a week ago now.

wasn't it quite some? Yeah, we missed it cuz we had a guest on and then you know we we have guests on a lot too. We should tell tell your audience about that. I mean we often have. we've had great guests on we've had Jack Gansel uh John Edmund from CRE we've had bunny Hong We've had lots of great people jry Ellsworth T Tons of great guests and we we're going to have more.

We'll get to that in a minute. But um, basically Test.com is this site that's about tech and everything like that and you go on their site a couple weeks ago and really big news for them and what is this big news? hug? Yeah! and Jamie and Adam from The MythBusters Yeah, we love them. They bought out Tested.com or more. more.

Uh, more specifically, they bought out Whiskey Media, which is the company that that owned Tested.com And so now if you go to their site, you just see them. They're right at the top there. It's crazy. you just oh hey, this is Jamie and Adam's site now jam and Adam site? That's right.
Yeah. so so what have you been setting up in the uh, because everyone knows you've been looking at, uh, all sorts of avenues to take the ow, uh, bigger and better. So tell us. So we've been looking at advertising for a while.

I mean we're on our 88th show. This is going to actually be 88 and a 88 and a half right now. This is. That's what the show is.

It's a half a show. Yeah, yeah. so so one of our friends Jerry uh Jerry Ellsworth great hacker. She's awesome.

Uh, she actually knows Grant Imahara right? and I' I've met Grant before. He's a great guy and so Grant obviously knows Jamie and Adam from The MythBusters Okay, great and he happened to mention the Amp hour to Jamie and Adam who are now taking tested in a whole new Direction. In terms of not just not just like Gadget Tech and mobile mobile phones and everything like that, they're going into science they're going into uh, a lot more experiment type stuff on a podcast format and so Dave take it away. Uhuh, they want some Electronics experts and they had to settle for us.

Basically, they had to settle for us. They have no other options. really. the list was short.

No, they they liked our show, they loved our show and uh, they are. Um, they have uh signed us up as well Chris and myself and crazy. it's awesome. So we have a new deal with Uh with Jamie and Adam and uh, part of Tested.com right? right? It's going to be awesome it I I Can't wait I can't wait.

In fact I I can't wait the full it's been signed but the full details will talk about in uh, the next episode. Um, so we won't go into it here. This is more gradual changes. We'll get into those changes eventually.

but uh yeah, it's going to be good. It's going to be huge. Yeah, it's it's un going well. It's taken us to a mass audience which is what you've always wanted.

Chris I Was happy here with my Niche little Electronics you know, in my little corner of the world, but you just wanted to, you know, be number one on the planet I Don't think that's going to happen but but we get to talk Electronics with cool people and yeah, uh so I'm I'm very excited Dave is very excited. um and that's why we're at 88 and a half. so that's the main thing. So we we number our episodes and we're on 88.

This is 88 and a half because Dave's actually well. Dave what are you doing today? you said I'm doing uh my um, my boards. my uh, microcurrent boards are being assembled tomorrow so can't do the show? uh Monday sorry can't do the show Monday So we'll do it Tuesday and uh, and you're still working on the deal and the paperwork and all the background stuff cuz you're the man behind this. Yeah, yeah.

so I'm going to go work on that. Dave's going to get his boards fixed up and uh, and yeah, this is going to be huge. It's going to be massive. It's going to take the am power uh uh to a massive new audience.
It's fantastic. Yeah, it's it's unbelievable. I mean I Just yep. I Have a hard time believing it.

You're feeling pretty chuffed aren't you? Chris I don't even know what chuffed means Uh oh Chu that's that's another big part of with yourself pretty. Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, that's another part of the amp hour is. uh, you know there's we make fun of. Yeah cuz lot of cultural cultural differences.

Yeah I'm from Ohio Uh so but yeah, we should. uh we should cut it off here. but um, we we will and we'll talk about it on the next uh episode because this is a massive thing and uh, massive changes coming. Well, maybe not some changes, but it's going to take us in a whole new.

Direction So there you go. Um, check out my Eev blog viewers. Check out the Ow.com Number One Electronics Podcast It is the world's biggest Electronics Podcast just like my video is the world's biggest Electronics There Not a lot of competition yet it's pretty much it. So all right, so we'll talk all about this huge thing on the next next episode.

Yep, till next time. Dave All right Thanks mate! See you see you.

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21 thoughts on “Amphour #88.5 telematic tested tacenda”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kiwifrogg says:

    It was an April fools joke………They explained on the following episode of the amp hour.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mdcplas says:

    Kind of a bummer to hear this. Just found this channel a little while back and this kind of means it's going to disappear.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eugene Tsvetkov says:

    Hey Dave, what are you using to record the video?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mac Guffin says:

    Yeah Dave will sort them out, even on the 2nd go of some things this miss major aspects, but the show(MB) has a standard not often reached by previous shows of that nature& they do try to apply science to the best of their ability. It has been clear to me for some time they needed some decent EE advice (the addition of Grant was good, but he falls a little short in some areas eg RF)

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mac Guffin says:

    Assuming it's not an AFDJ, then: CONGRATULATIONS! (look forward to the show)

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JCGver says:

    Not believing it before you guys get one of the mythbusters on the AmpHour. Grant Imahara should be fun.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ForViewingOnly says:

    There's a real element of plausibility in this one. I hate April 1st!
    Chris said "I have trouble believing it myself!" 🙂

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars insonicbloom says:

    you left out the ace theme tune !

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bogdan Kecman says:

    Another 1st April joke ?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robbie Mckennie says:

    "the AmpHour" omg. awesome.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Liam McBride-Kelly says:

    the tags say april fools 🙁

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Dyck says:

    Thanks for pointing out The AmpHour and Tested.com !

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AntiProtonBoy says:

    Chris is bad at keeping a straight face. 😛

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fenclu says:

    It's like 1.30 AM here in Poland, and i'm watching Dave. Hope he's not kidding with me like he did with the 555 chip. 🙂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars saeed Alsobaiey says:

    i want from you a vedio that explains how the system memory works in devices like PS3 – Xbox360 \ NOR – NAND chips and the micro processor \ 8 or 16 bit if you didn't mind and i really love your channel and your work is great. my E-Mail \ micro-909@hotmail.com
    really i need advice or a vedio by the way am from Saudi Arabia and Thax.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Call Of Adventure says:

    Fantastic news Dave & Chris, congrats! All the best in the future with this new venture.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TekTodd says:

    congrats to you both!

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars saeed Alsobaiey says:

    I have Your Audio Files it's kind of good but not great

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Johannes Wågen says:

    The amp hour bought up by Jamie and Adam, who wold have thought.

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GeorgeGraves says:

    April fools. Nice try guys. 😉

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Randall Bohn says:

    Wow that's cool!

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