The 4th Live EEVbog show.
Dave answering questions in the lab and flashing the odd bit of hardware around.

Hi welcome to the Eev blog an Electronics Engineering Video Blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics Design. I'm your host Dave Jones Okay I can't see much of this uh chat window here. It's really crap. Um, you stream have been playing around with their stuff I think it's all their time sync um, scheduling stuff is completely broken or it was just the other day and their chat window I can't expand it at all.

It's really hopeless. So how many people we got? we got 41 viewers. Awesome! Who's on here? See if I turn on my list? do I where I can see who's on the list? then um I can't see any of the chat window? It's it's hopeless. Um, someone's calling themselves Fluke 87.

Nice. All right, 83 viewers. Cool. All right.

We shouldn't get lag. It should be pretty good. It's pretty good on my server monitor here so it seems to be working really nicely. Um, no lag.

Excellent. Yeah, that's you Fluke 87. All right. Well thanks for showing up.

Is it? Jerry Ellsworth Show on at the moment. Does anyone know if I've been uh, copied on the Jerry Ellsworth Channel again like I was last time. she's welding. Excellent.

What is she welding like? One of her, uh, one of her cars or something? One of her, um, Derby cars? a car frame? Yeah, okay, I figured as much. it was either that or a pinball machine. So there you go. Yeah, if you're on wireless, you're probably getting really crap.

um lag. I've got the quality video quality turned up to Um 90, which should be pretty good. I'll turn it right down and shock everyone there you go. Isn't that terrible? That's awful.

I was going to show this really cool web webcam effect I have but my drive is not working this morning at work the other day we're back up and um, where it would um in real time actually detect my head and it would stretch my mouth. It was really cool. You can do these effects where or I can actually make my eyebrows go up even further than they already do and it did that in real time. It's part of the uh, the Dell webcam software which is really quite cool.

Yeah, and um, yeah. I don't know why I think I accidentally disabled the Dell webcam software and I'm using the Lodgy Tick Software software direct now and it doesn't have those features so I don't know? Go figure. Anyway, hopefully I'm recording on the main camera here hello main camera for the upload later and the Um live and the chat inside as well. I'm using my second computer to video capture the chat window which I then overlay on the um overlay on the uploaded version.

I've got my water bottle again. There you go. So I can't uh, can't uh, ruin my new notebook because this is my new Dell notebook. I've got a new New Dell notebook here and um, yeah, it's uh I Certainly don't want to, Uh, certainly don't want to, trash it.

Is the video better than last time? because I'm hoping that the new faster um uh, the new faster machine will actually give me a better stream and stuff. What? OS uh Windows 7 sorry I'm not a Linux Penguin geek I'm an OS I'm a Windows guy. Yeah, all this YouTube all this uh Ustream Live. Uh, you know, streaming video.
It's the technology just hasn't caught up yet. It's just it really is crap. I I Was watching a TV show in in Sydney here the other week. It was one of these um, audience uh Q, a type um shows and they had somebody streaming in live from their webcam and they had it at Big Up full screen for the audience to see and it was just really ah I don't I don't know why anyone bothers.

Um, but yeah. anyway. um you do actually get to see me live I am live. Ask me to dance and I'll dance.

No I won't Um so yeah, if you want to ask questions, put a Q and colon uh before your question then it pops up with a little queue mark on the chat window so that's the best way. otherwise your questions just get lost in the crap. Um, all the chat on there. So foreign? do you have a prime minister yet? No, we do not have a well, we do have a prime minister but not a new one.

Um, because No, if you're not aware, Australia has just had its federal election. It was actually a week ago and they're still counting the votes. They're counting every last vote. It's a what's called a hung Parliament here in Australia and which? um I Guess you could do any sort of rude, crude joke you want about that a hung Parliament But um, it's um, yeah, we don't know who our new prime minister is.

Um, our governor general um, who's the Queen's representative here in Australia may end up appointing a prime minister or we may go back to the polls. We just don't know. So um, because uh, a lot of it's different to the US system here in Australia. We don't vote for a person for to be the Prime Minister We vote for a particular party.

So if you vote, you either vote for one party or the other. It's mainly a two-party system. You can vote for the greens or or or the independent parties, but a few of The Independents got in this time and one green candidate and they're holding the balance of power. So the to form a government, the other two parties are split equal number of votes and they need the support of the independence to form a new government here in Australia.

But yeah, nobody knows it's still up in the air. So ah yeah, who cares. Doesn't matter who you get, you end up with a politician, so you know. But at least one of our politicians is now.

one of our current Prime minister is actually a uh, not only is she female, but she's unmarried, childless, and an atheist. And a redhead. Awesome. So yeah.

I hope the other dude doesn't get in, so that's that's my choice anyway. The lesser of two evils, so to speak. Um, all right, or any questions, Anything come of the Dating Dating Doctors book naming? no, um I was trying to bait him on that. If you don't know the Dating Doctor A guy in the UK has written a book exactly the same name as mine that I wrote 10 years ago, the Art of Internet Dating and um, he.
he called it exactly the same thing and he's just registered the domain name the Art of Internet whereas I've got Art of Internet And this idiot claims that Um claims that he has never heard of my book. He's never. He didn't even know about it. What? Absolute, If you type in Internet Dating book into Google I'm number one I Have been for 10 years and there is no way that you're going to come up with the name the Art of Internet Dating and not type that into Google and and find it or even Internet Dating book, it's just anyway.

mine's the most popular one out there. There's no way he has not heard of it. He's full of and um yeah, it's just to rip off someone's name. It's just stupid because he's never gonna beat me on Google ranking.

He's just crazy. It's just it's just stupid choice. Anyway, What A Anyway, what is my forecast for lead technology and taking over old-fashioned bulbs? Well, it's it's It's pretty darn close. It's already here.

Um I've done I've got lead lighting out on my back deck. The only thing stopping me from replacing I'm going to do lead Lighting in the lab here I've got it. I've still got a whole bunch of star LEDs um here which I was gonna use to light up my Um lab. these are Cree Xpg ones just like I used out in the back deck.

but I think even these are old old hat. now. this is like a hundred and 120 lumens per watt or something in their their old hat. So up to the main camera.

There we go and um yeah so they're already taking over. Hmm geez, the questions are scrolling way off the screen I can only see currently three of them. Um what is that board in the intro with the Fpga and the gigabit? Ethernet Um, that's a board I did for work. Um, it's a yeah it's a.

it's a Vertex 5 Fpga with a gigabit power over ethernet? Um, it's got. you know the 48 volt power over ethernet thing and it's got yeah high speed interfaces and stuff. so that's what it is. Um have I read about the Xmos chips? No I haven't somebody asked that in a trial video the other day? Um no I haven't I don't think I've seen the Xmos chips.

Can you screw leads into regular fixtures? Yeah, you can buy Elliott complete bulb Replacements You just screw them in. but they they cost a fortune and don't get the cheap Chinese crap ones because they're what is the mysterious new project. Um no, you'll You'll hear about it when it comes out. Um, still working on it slowly.

It's one of those one of those things you know I'm working on working on a few projects at the moment I want to do a new calculator watch? Um I'm back on that again. I'm back on the calculator watching. Um where? Ah, I don't know I'm on again. off again.

I've got a couple of I've got it like you've You know you've seen my old calculator watch and uh, there it is and um yeah, it's just big and um I've got a couple of LCDs I wanna put into the new one? This is a little uh work Zoom Focus There we go. It's a little. um dip. It's a just a single sided dip one.
It's got a built-in LED backlight that's a 128 by 32 dot matrix. Um, and this is a uh 128 by 64 dot matrix. Um, it's really quite nice. It's got the um, but it's got a very fine pitch, fine pitch membrane connector on there like that and they're They're a real pain in the ass.

I Don't like those because you've got to put another connector on your board. but it's got the built-in Um caps and it's the wirings building. You can get a version of this with a one of those um hot bar. the actual connector goes right across there like that.

um and and they just don't include this membrane bit like that and you can buy it with that one that goes across there so that might be a better option if I go with 128 by 64. graphics and I looked into um uh I looked into doing touch sensitive buttons for a long time there I was like this is my this is my little um so credit card scientific calculator this is my there it is there and um I was going to do touch sensitive buttons like I did on this one on the on the scientific calculator watch but it's ah, they're just too small a pitch and um and then the buttons interfere and stuff like that. so um I don't know I was on to that idea for six months and then I went cold on it and I ah I've got to do a three. I've done a couple of 3D models for the case for the watch and if you want to see the size difference in there, this is the old couch watching.

This is the new 128 by 32 screen. There it is and this is the 128 by 64. So as you can see, I've got to fit buttons around that and you know it's it. It's going to be a reasonable size watch.

Actually, it's not going to be much bigger than this. Um, which is, you know it's like you can fit the screen there and it's not much wider and if you put buttons on the bottom, it's you know it's it's not that much bigger really. So yeah. I don't know I'm back onto the calculator.

What you know I go hot and cold on that every every couple of weeks and it's just a matter of actually producing something. Getting something out there is better than nothing because this I just did in next to no time I I just did it I didn't think about it too much. um, agonize over it I just went out and did it. and yeah, that's how I produced something.

So, but no, it should be reasonable size. So yeah, I'm actually back to using the same buttons as I did on this one. I'll just Jam them closer together. Um and uh, yeah.

I think I can fit like, um, six, you know, 18 buttons or something or no even 21 buttons on there or something I can jam them on and it'll be smaller, much smaller, and thinner than this one. it'll have USB and it will have um, probably a Micro SD card and stuff. So ah yeah, what are those? What was the name of the credit card? It's the micro Calc. There it is.
the micro calc. Just like my micro watch and my micro current. This is the micro calc. Um I haven't finished it.

I've never finished it. It's got a pick. It's got a Micro SD card on it here. Um, you know, and it was going to be credit card thin.

It just needs the back panel on it and that's the that's a body programming interface, you know? So that's the micro couch. Um, and the project. I Started with great enthusiasm. and then just the enthusiasm just died.

And there's the micro couch main screen. Yeah, the enthusiasm dies pretty quickly. sometimes. let's swap from one project and then back and forth back and forth.

It's crazy. Do I use microcontrollers that have interfaces built in or external chips always built in? Um, that's a great thing about microcontrollers these days. They've got everything built in. 15 20 years ago the microcontrollers didn't have.

You know, if you're lucky, it might have had a uart and that was it. But geez, I got everything nowadays? Um, so no. yeah. I use the ones that have built in everything.

Any tips on selecting high resolution Adcs, especially asserting the real usable resolution? Oh, God How long is a piece of string? That's a tough question. No. General guidelines. It's always application specific.

Um I've used some of the Bleeding Edge 24-bit stuff for seismic acquisition in there and you do get pretty darn close to all 24 usable bits they're They're amazing devices, but they're very low sample rate. They're only uh, two kilohertz bandwidth. So yeah, you actually can't even do audio. Whereas if you get the 20 kilohertz audio 24-bit Delta Sigma converters there, you know they're not 24 usable bits.

So yeah, it's um, yeah. you want 32 bits, you can actually get a 32-bit 80c. It's a weight. It's a marketing wank thing I saw at some time.

it's just garbage. Yeah, hey. I I Filmed a Blog yesterday. I Haven't um, done it.

but this is the Whiteboard left over from it. Check it out. Look at that. There we go.

That's the that's the Whiteboard from uh uh blog I Filmed yesterday. it's on DC to DC converters. How to design a working example of Designing a DC to DC converter So it looks complex but yeah, I I don't know I haven't edited the blog yet I Don't know. Um, how how are the bits not usable? Um, somebody asked on Adcs it's because of the noise floor.

they're just not. You know you can get 24-bit resolution, but you can't get 24-bit Dynamic true dynamic range. So um, yeah, that's how the bits aren't usable. Have I tried the reverse geocache thing yet where you start with the box and it won't open until you're at the correct location.

No? I haven't I haven't done one of those. but I've done lots of um, puzzle ones. If you want to see a presentation of me, it's giving a one hour tour I think I posted it on the on the site. Um, a one-hour geocaching talk I gave about uh, about some of the old cases I did back in the old days.
If you're interested in geocaching, then go check out my one hour boring presentation of uh, how important are bike trials Dave says how important are analog planes in PCB design I Know you have touched on them before and appear to be fairly complex to get right. They're not fairly complex, it depends on what you're doing. Um, generally a lot of the time you can. Um, if you've just got low power, not particularly fast digital stuff on there.

you just have the one ground plane for the entire board and you can mix your analog and digital. You don't need to separate the ground planes. Um, that's that's fairly common. Um, but uh, if you you know it depends on your performance, the performance requirements you're after you've just got 8-bit Adcs or something.

Yeah, one big ground plane is fine, but if you you know you're trying to get 16-bit dynamic range and you've got high speed digital on this side of the board and an analog on this side, you separate you literally split the ground planes and a lot of chips. Some Adcs will actually be split right down the middle and the pins on one side of the chip will all be analog and the pins on the other side will all be digital. so you can actually put that split directly under your chip. And so this ground plane on this side is all analog.

On this ground plane on this side is All Digital The idea is that all the high frequency digital information flows through the Digital Ground plane back to the power supply star reference point and the analog stuff flows back and they don't interact so you don't get any Um, and they've all got separate bypassing. You can have localized Um linear voltage Regulators on the analog side and that's how you can split analog and digital digital designs. Any product reviews coming up soon? Hey Chris Chris Gamble My co-host my esteemed co-host every one of the Amp Hour radio show. You'll kill me if I don't mention the Amp Hour the The radio show we've got going Yes, um product reviews I'm I've got the three I've said it before, but I'm pretty close to doing it I've got the three LCR meters I've got the Agilent I've got the BK precision the new one that looks really good, and I've got the Uh X tech one as well, the real cheap 199 x tech one and um yes I think that will probably hopefully be my next Vlog after this DC to DC converter one um so yeah, product reviews and then I've got I've still got the Xtec digital microscope I don't have it here but the little digital I don't like that I'm not really looking forward to reviewing that one because it's not that great I think it's poor value for money? um so yeah I've got.

oh and and I've got a um heyco uh FX Triple Eight soldering iron coming apparently um I've I've arranged to get one of those. so a few people on The Forum talked about the they wanted to see the review of the FX Triple Eight soldering iron. So yeah, I think I'm getting one I haven't I'm pretty sure that should be coming um soon. So yep, any word from the big boys who are the big boys Agilent are pretty big um and uh so yeah.
I mean I can get nah the big boys like who I can guess who but um, that's right. there's another thing fluke have finally got me the um, the 16 000 thermal imaging camera and they they actually had it the other week and they asked me if I wanted to review it. um and I said oh you know I haven't got time at the moment but um yeah, they've got a sixteen thousand dollar their top-of-the-line thermal imager and I'm allowed to drop it I'm allowed to drop it No kidding. the um, it's worth more than my car.

It's unbelievable. The Managing Director of Fluke Australia said that I could drop the sixteen thousand dollar thermal imager. it's the only one they've got apparently. And don't drop it.

Do it. Do it. Do it. Everyone's awesome.

Yeah, well, it's rated to be. It's rated for a two meter drop. and they said they said, oh, they'd have no problems with me dropping it from two meters. So I'm gonna cross my fingers and drop it from two meters.

and you know, sixteen thousand dollars. But hey, they told me to do it. So yep, no, I'm not going to drop at 30 meters from the dam. No.

I don't think they're going to let me do that. Um, yeah, it's it's really cool. I mean they won't let me take it apart though. that's the thing.

um, they said I can't. Well, if I do take it apart I'm not allowed to show anyone I'm not allowed to say anything about it because apparently it's the US Government Again, have put export restrictions on that. They deem it to be military technology just like the PlayStation 2 was back in its day. You know there was export restrictions on the PlayStation too because they thought oh, Playstation 3 or something because they thought that, um, you know Rogue governments would do nuclear simulations with it.

It was that powerful and they're seriously paranoid. The US government ah tickets. Really? So yeah. apparently this thermal imager they sell it to the military and then yeah, and and the military.

The government have said no, you can't I'm not allowed to take it apart and show what's inside. Bloody hell, bunch of really. Yeah Homeland Security Yeah. Going back to the US soon I'm not looking forward to trying to get through Homeland Security x-ray it don't have access to an x-ray unfortunately.

Um yeah Maxim didn't Somebody says um Bernie 8K says Maxim didn't want to give him a high-speed ADC because he might use it in a missile guidance system. Yes I hate that sometimes to get parts you've got to. Um, you've got to sign this non-disco Got to sign this agreement saying that you will not use it in nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, guided missiles and like that for a bloody chip that you can buy from digikey. Unbelievable.
Ah Chris says get it all out here. Well yeah, oh dear, what if it cracks open after being dropped Someone said I don't know nobody oh uh, what's this Well question from Wayfair bachelor's degree in Electronics Engineering compared to electronics Engineering and Electrical engineering? Oh Electronics Engineering technology. Ah, it depends totally on the University I mean yeah I I Don't know I mean um here in Australia there's there. It's basically electrical engineering.

really. I don't think there's any. Well, there's well, there's maybe one or two little specialist Electronics one, you know threads, you know in the course, but yeah, it depends on what you want. Electric Electronics is obviously going to have more focus on on board level stuff whereas whereas the Um standard course will have just you know, probably more system more Theory based stuff I don't know.

It totally depends on the University and how they've set up their course. So any news on the documentary um Carl has said that he's very close. pretty close to getting a trailer out, so he's been working on it furiously. Um, the Australian Electronics um uh Docker thing.

if you don't know what I'm talking about, um I'm going to be in it. Hopefully he doesn't cut me out too much and my good mate Doug Ford's going to be in it too so you'll see Doug in his shed again. Um, and uh yeah, it's a trailer coming soon so a bit of pressure on Carl Everyone's waiting for it, but he's I think he's pretty close so stay tuned. Somebody asked um uh, which is better? linear or switch mode Um supplies well from a Um.

From a simplistic and noise and point of view, linear is heaps better than switch mode. You only use switch mode if you have to. Um, really? for some reason Um, like you know you have to step up voltage or you've got a um yeah, yeah, you have to boost or you have to get higher efficiency or something like that. So yeah, you generally avoid switch modes if you can.

Um, Linear is just so much better. Dave Are you going to do a for the blog? No idea what is Kickstarter Oh, that's the Oh yeah, of course I Talked about that on the radio show. That's the Uh Capital funding. Um no I don't know what I'd do with the money.

So there you go. I don't know. maybe individual projects? no I can fund my own stuff I'm not I'm not destitute. so you know with the question from unpronounceable name starting with a Zed: DSO is it better to have more samples or more bandwidth? Um, for example, the 100 megahertz Rye goal at one gig or the Tektronix 300 Mega 500 Meg samples per second? Um I would much rather have this sample rate if it doesn't have 10 times the bandwidth in Sample rate.
It's generally not a massively usable that tektronic scope, for example, at 500 makes make samples per second. only has a single shot bandwidth of you know, a usable one of about 50 megahertz. You'd Rule of thumb, you're divided by 10. Um, and so so much for your 300 megahertz for single shot stuff.

But obviously analog bandwidth is important. If you want to measure, you know, an eye diagram or something like that, it's It's fantastic, You know. I get the high bandwidth A High bandwidth is very useful. You've got to have both.

Really? Um, there's nothing like having a big three 400 megahertz analog um scope. Really? that's you know it's fantastic. Or if you can get the digital one that samples at three or four gig samples per second. even better, but you know, hideously expensive.

Um what? ESD precautions do I have for my home lab? Um, not much. Just the basics. Um, yeah, you can see it I think there's a ground in one of those ground in bond points down there? Um, and that that goes back to uh, that goes back to Maine's Earth and um, where is my wrist strap? No, that's buggered off somewhere. I've got that going to some instrument somewhere and um, yeah, I do have a wrist strap there it is.

anti-static wrist strap which I which plugs into the plugs into the bonding point over there. So there you go. I can put my wrist strap on um and I've got and it goes to the mat as well. I've got a small anti-static mat on my bench.

Um, so there you go there my static precaution things I Don't use much. it's you know, if it's not, it's overrated. really. Um, do I think it's possible to design a cheap switch mode power supply that outputs 0 to 40 volts one amp with low Ripple such as using a linear wrecking series? Sure, yeah, you can do it.

I mean you know it's it's uh, it's not that hard. Oh well, it's zero to four if you want to have a linear. If you want it as low noise as a linear, that's a bit harder. but um, what is the most complex software I've done? Oh God I don't know.

Uh, some of the old stuff I did back in the 80s. probably some real databases that never saw the light of day. Um sorry I missed someone's question there. Oh, somebody asked a question.

Oh about gyroscopes? Sorry, don't know much about bandwidth of gyroscopes anyone? No no idea what's the purpose of limiting the bandwidth on a gyroscope? Sorry, no idea. Um I could guess, but that's a bit silly. Do I have plans to review some benchtop six and a half digit meters? Um, like hey, Meg Road Schwartz Agilent fluke. uh I don't know.

haven't got plans I mean I could probably get you know anything I want if I ask for something I can probably get it, but no plans I don't like. bench meters are like yeah, they're I don't particularly find them that that interesting. Um, so yeah, that's probably why I haven't done it. Have I ever destroyed a chip with static? Um, ah, probably.
Um, not proven. Um I've done it on purpose. Um, just to prove that that it can be done. um with an ESD gun and stuff like that and prove that the protection works.

that I added to the Circuit works. So I've done that. but I you know, just the hobby here. mucking around in 25? Oh God What? 30 years I've been doing hobby electronics now and I don't think I've ever really destroyed a chip with static.

I that's why I say it's pretty overrated. Um, but you know, Don't get me wrong, it's important if you're doing stuff for production. If you're sending something into space and you know and you only get one shot at it, you don't want to damage the chip with static. So um, yeah, it's important.

but for just hobby use I think it's a bit probably a bit overrated. Um, whoop. sorry I'm scrolling through the questions here. sorry I gotta go back.

Um does the wife give me a hard time while I work on my projects? How do you explain to you you have to disappear for a few hours in the lab I just disappear and I cop crap when I get back. Oh, you're not paying attention to me. You gotta work all day. You come home and you don't talk to me God yeah Marriage? Wonderful.

Oh joy. Hmm okay. I've got to scroll back down on the questions. foreign Chris and I hook up for the radio show I've explained that on the Forum I think um we uh looked at I saw a post I've had I actually had the idea for the radio show before I did the video blog I thought you know because I had a I had a uh mic back then I had my podcasting mic and I thought oh I'll do a do a radio show and I thought uh, who's gonna listen to it my voice sucks and you know it's hardly a radio voice and um then I got the idea for that I didn't go ahead with that then I got the idea for the video blog and of course that's taken off and it's awesome and um, taken off much more than a radio show would have I'm sure I wouldn't be as nearly as popular if I just did the radio show.

um not even close I'm sure. um and yeah so I saw a post that Chris made on uh um, what's there Chris where's the thing Reddit um side He responded that he was interested in doing an Electronics podcast and I and I sent him an email and we had already been discussing because we're fellow blog we both have blogs and um yeah I said hey, do you want to do a radio show and he said yeah it sounds good and we sat in front of our our mics and we just did it and Skyped and it yeah the first one worked and we just kept on doing it so that's it. that's how it happened. um I just asked Chris because he seemed he seemed Keen the I The main part is finding somebody who's Keen to co-host you know as Keen as you are.

so read it. Yes, that's it. Somebody posted it. Have I ever dealt with embedded Linux No.

I'm not a Linux guy I don't like embedded. Well, it's not that I don't like it I've never used it. So yeah, the quality of Google talk is that good. Um, it's better than Skype but we don't record Google talk.
I've said this on the Forum as well. Um, we don't actually. um, we actually record using our podcasting mics in front of us. We record from that and we only use Google Talk to actually hear each other talk.

So we've got headphones on. We've got a podcasting mic and we record the stream directly from the mic at both ends. so we get two separate recordings when when the show's finished. I send my I said um, my recorded version as a web file I Zip it up and I send it to Chris and he merges the two together in the edit software and Bingo! That's how it's such high quality.

although there's lots of echo in my room. I I Don't do it here in the lab I Do it in my study and there's lots of Echo and I've got to fix that. So yeah, it's a small room, just got walls and that's it. Am I making more and more money on my ads enough to stop working someday.

Yes, I Am I am actually. um I'm making quite quite a lot now from the ads and the other stuff. and um, and I'm about to get into impression based advertising. So instead of people paying me per I only get paid if somebody actually clicks on an ad.

and I'm not supposed to encourage people to click on my ad. so I don't encourage anyone to click on my ads. Um uh and um, yes. So up to now, I've only been working on that, but hopefully, um, some impression-based advertising is going to come through and I thought it might take quite a few years to get to.

I Had a full-time gig, but if the impression advertising comes off, it might be a lot sooner than than I think so Yeah, um yeah, you'd be surprised and Amazon works as well. I'm getting money I am allowed to encourage people to buy through Amazon So if you buy anything at all through Amazon either through Amazon or a third party via Amazon do it via my link and I get a six percent cut. Beauty Do I plan to record an episode that explained in the transistor types, their positives and negatives? Um I don't know, no plans? um yeah, I might do it one day. I see some of um I've seen um.

Afro-tech Mobs? who's another? YouTuber um he I don't think he has a Blog I think he's just got a YouTube channel and some of his videos I'm amazed at those. He you know he does like a mosfit. you know? Um, how does a mosfet work and he gets like a hundred thousand hits? I don't know where he's getting his hits from. Unbelievable God If there's that amount of hits in just doing simple, you know tutorial.

you know what is a transistor type? what is a resistor type thing? God I think I'll get into that. Hmm could I spell out his nickname? Yeah, okay f Afro-tech Mods I think don't quote me on that spelling. but if you go, if you search him on on YouTube or you're just um yeah, somebody's put up the link. There you go.
Um, and he gets 100 000 hits for a man I'd love to get my biggest one is 50 000 hits. So that was when I blew up the capacitors. Um, but that was only because I made some other blog. but yeah.

so I don't know where he's getting linked on. but I'm jealous. So there you go. What's my favorite? General Purpose Everyday fit? Oh well.

I I you I like the Nft305? Um, that's a nice everyday. uh uh. five volt level. um fit.

You know you can drive it from. drive it. drive it straight from. you know, 3.3 volt logic and stuff like that.

So um yeah, I'd like that one. I Just like it because of the number. It's the old. You know it's the equivalent to the old 2N 305 Um, uh Power transistor.

You know that's famous for due to its longevity, it's been around 30 years or something. Yeah, I Just like it because of the number. There's so many of them. Anyway, yeah, it's the Ntf.

It also goes under other letters at the start, but it's the um, yeah, it's It's not the two, it's it's the 305. So if you search for a fit with 3055 in it, um, then yeah, you'll find it. It's the Ntf is one of them. There's also other letters in front, but yeah, there's quite a few versions.

Quite a few manufacturers make it um, related to the static question earlier. how sensitive are mosfets? I've heard they are very sensitive to static, but have do sell a couple myself and they seem to be fine. Yeah, once again, a lot of them have built-in protection and they're pretty. They're pretty rugged.

Yes, they are susceptible. They used to be bad back in this, you know, back in the 80s or whatever, 70s, 80s stuff like that. but yeah, no. most most devices are pretty good these days.

But as usual, yeah, you can destroy them if you really try, but just general mucking around in your lab I Think the odds are quite low? probably. Oh, any other questions, what's the time? By the way, quarter past eight man have I been going for 45 minutes. Oh yeah, someone had a question I missed it. Scroll off questions are flooded.

Have to look for some practice this year. Any tips for what I should be looking for big companies small I'm into micro Electronics rather than anything else. Oh, you're looking for work experience as part of your course I'm assuming viral if that's how you pronounce your nickname. Um, well I don't know I mean which country are you in? For starters, I mean just you know you've got to be think outside the norm I mean um, don't just go to all the main companies you've What? what I've done around Sydney is I've driven to some of the industrial technology Parks I've driven around in my car okay and I take along a little uh little voice recorder thing and I drive around and I just record the names of all the companies that I see there and you'd be surprised.

there's dozens of companies all these tech companies I haven't heard of and I drive around and I get a list of like 200 companies. It's incredible just by driving around some technology park or something where you know that there's a whole group of companies. Just drive around and you know and and take down their names and you go check out their websites and you can find companies that way. Um, yeah, how is Windows 7 compared to Windows XP Oh, Windows 7 seems alright I kind of like it now, but I don't know the ins and outs of operating systems I'm not geeky enough.
Um so yeah. I start as a graduate electronics engineer in the Aerospace industry this week. Hey, congrats Beauty Um, any tips on giving a good impression? Um B I've done blogs on how to make good Impressions at interviews. Um, just be enthusiastic, ask questions, ask a shitload of questions.

Even if they're dumb, it doesn't matter. Um, just yeah. Don't Just you know, sit back and and hide in a corner and let people come to you. You go go to people.

actually go to them and ask what they're doing. You know if you see someone working on something, if you're walking down the corridors of the building, you see someone working on something that looks cool, you know, knock on the door and say hi, what are you working on? You know I'm such and such and I'm a new graduate here. and yeah, start talking to people. That's my advice is just be curious and enthusiastic.

Me now I'm just old and crusty and I've got an attitude you know I I don't have good people skills I've I've been told you know I'm too I I lack attacked foreign if something's I say it's and uh yeah, people don't like it Anyway, don't end up as one of me. Okay Oh, I've got to scroll to this window doesn't automatically scroll with questions if I it's really. um have I used an OS on a microcontroller project. um I used a real-time OS once that was on a rabbit 2 000 um I can't remember the name of the OS it came from rabbit.

it was one of their um, it was one of their bundled real-time Os's um and yeah I've used embedded real-time Os's there, but no. I'm generally not doing projects big enough to Warrant an OS you know thing. it's just one of those things I you know depends on what what project you're working on. Oh, did I ever study on audio circuits? Do I have any thought on tube solo? I'm not really into audio I'm not a big audio guy.

my my mate Doug is his world-renowned audio Guy and um I yeah I don't like audio at all. really I don't you know I don't get off on it. Um, any foods on tubes, solid state stuff, tube stuff? I don't understand what a wink you know I do not understand anyone who uses tubes I just don't get it, you know? I I Think it's pointless? Um, foreign. Build a home lab.

Any suggestions Where to start? Equipment parts? Oh God I could go on forever I've already done a tour of my lab here. Um, so I I Didn't do much but equipment parts. well. get as many power supplies as you can.
Power supplies are important. Get a good analog scope off. eBay I've mentioned that before. Um, get two soldering irons so that you can work on surface mount stuff so that you can actually get either side like that.

Make sure they're a temperature controlled. You know, a proper, you know, get a haker or something like that. Um, they aren't expensive. But yeah.

two soldering irons tweezers to do surface mount stuff. Lots of connecting leads and oh, God knows you've got to have at least a couple of multimeters. I Show in my blog for this this complex thing. I Show that you know I've still got the multimeters set up.

You know how you need four multimeters. You know there's the four multimeters set up to measure my DC to DC converter. I did I shot that yesterday and you need four multimeters to measure the input power and the output power. and I got graphs? you know, lower the efficiency of the sorry I'm getting a bit off topic, but there's a graph of the efficiency for the um thing.

and yeah, I yeah. I mean there's lots of talk on the Forum about setting up your own lab. So um, yeah. I'd suggest you go check that out.

Um, hacked gadgets? Hi hacked gadgets if you quit the day job. Hey, are you going to get into the kit business? Um, yes, because I'm you know I've I'm working on new design which hopefully I'll bring out as a kit slash built up project. and if I do that then I'll probably go back to selling I don't know. micro watches again, micro currents again and uh and probably other projects which I'll come out with.

Yes. So if I went full time on the blog um then I would have to I'd probably have to supplement that income with the kit business I think so. Yeah, so yeah, that's probably the couple of year you know that might be the couple of year plan as to you know. Anyway, I'll get back into the kit business and um I just sold a couple of microcurrents.

they just sold out overnight I found a box of them God that was embarrassing I had a box of Parts up here and and sure enough I had 10 or 10 already built up boards. Crazy! So chicken Chris Corby chicken. Why my chicken? is it Me: oh no chicken for pasta salad? send some this way. oh dear.

What about guitar amps? Then for tubes? I mean I don't know. What about them? There's a guy at work. he does tube guitar amps I don't Yeah I don't care. um or are you talking to Chris because Chris is an audio guy.

so Chris Gamble is your audio guy. He's in. He's in a band and uh, how do you keep component stores up and not get screwed by not having one part you can't Murphy's Law Murphy's Law of labs is that you're never going to have the part you want in your lab. So it doesn't matter how much stuff you have, you know it's you're just gonna need it.

You know it's okay. If you want to build up a triple fives timer circuit, sure, you know you're going to have a triple Five in your junk box. you're working on your breadboard. You're gonna have a few resistors and caps, but most circuits these days I'm working on.
you know they need a specific device for a specific reason and I'm just not going to have it in stock. but I get it next day same day with free delivery from Farnells, you know? So I don't worry about keeping my component stocks up. Um I really don't because it's just chasing your own tail I Don't bother. Most leads don't have any marked current ratings from FC PK Um, you should just stay under the 20 milliamp.

Um well no. the data sheet. the data sheet for the lab will have um a data sheet for the lab. did I say data sheet for the lead will have the maximum current specified and if you you just buying a grab bag of LEDs or you're buying one hung low brand from from China somewhere and you don't have access to the data sheet, sure you don't know how much to drive them at.

well you know. too bad. I'm afraid because you just don't know you can't test it. Um really because you can go above because it's not like if it you know it's rated for 20 milliamps.

If you go above 20 milliamps. it instantly dies. it doesn't. It gets brighter and brighter and brighter until and just shortens the life drastically.

So there's no. if you've got an unmarked lead, there's no real way to uh, test it and test for its maximum rated current. Um, you really need the data sheet and the data sheet will tell you. so if you don't have access to the data sheet, you're screwed.

Really? Um, but yeah, all almost every LED I've ever seen will have at least 20 milliamps. Um, is quitting my job an option? or too much love for your job? Um I Love my job. Um no. I mean you know you know your job's a job.

They pay you to turn up and and do what you know. do what they tell you. Um so you know I don't dislike my job but hey, if I won LOTTO tomorrow I can tell you I would not. um I would you know I've won a million dollars in in the lot and we call it Lotto here I don't not sure what you call it over there, but yeah, um I wouldn't turn up to work today if I won LOTTO So my wife would.

She's one of those weird people who says if she wins a million bucks in the lotto she'd go back to work. but she works for the public service and she she actually loves her job at it I don't understand it so no. I don't understand how you could love your job that much that if you had another source of income, you would still do it I don't understand that at all. So um, and I'm sure everyone at my company is the same.

if they were Rich they wouldn't work there except for the owner. that's all the directors or something like that. But so yeah, if I had another source of income of course I would quit my job. That goes for any any job.

Um, if I had a suitable source of, you know I worked to put food on the table. So um yeah, do a good now a good book about PCB Design for beginners or unfortunately not. No, it's not. There's no real good design.
I've got my tutorial out there which is very old and a bit lame, but yeah, more than 100 viewers. Oh, I've got a hundred viewers. Wow, thanks. How did you get up that little power graphics there? That's really quite neat? We've got a hundred people.

Thanks for turning up 100 people who have I got. let me look at the list. I have to pop the list up here. Um, someone calling themselves microwave pizza.

Oh, there's 76 guests. Okay, there's only for Honor No, there's a list. Okay. I've got to scroll down.

there's 47 viewers and 76 guests there. you go. Excellent! Thanks for turning up everyone! Awesome! My time's almost up, but I'm going to keep going because you know I can? um, hey sorry I've got to scroll. this damn window you stream is just not that great.

really. Um, any rule of thumb on how long you can overdrive overdrive a lead? Um, no, not really. Um, there's no rules of thumb. You've got to keep them cool if they're the high-powered star.

LED ones keeping them cool is the you know that's the thing you have to do to ensure long life. Um, and actually Cree keep respecking the LEDs This Xpg came out and then I think they've respected. this is the Cree Xpg one and they respect it. twice.

they upped it I think it started out being 800 milliamps Max and then they respect it to one amp. Um, and then they upped it to 1.6 I think so now you can overdrive them at 1.6 because they've done I don't know studies on them or they've I don't think they've actually changed the actual LED if they've increased the thermal performance or the manufacturing process of the LED I don't think they have I think they just keep upping the spec on the damn thing because they've realized oh, we can get extra life You know, um, we will be in a bit. You know we're being a bit cautious with the spec before. so yeah, I don't know.

Oh, any more questions I think I'm scroll down the bottom of my list. Nope. Dave would I love my job if there are if there aren't managers or some sort of other crap people. Well, not really.

because my my current company I work at is really good to work for. There is hardly any any Dilbert style, um, management. um there's hardly any meetings there. You can pretty much do what you want.

It's very flexible, everyone's everyone's uh, nice, and everyone's very good at what they do. There's no, there's no idiots there, um who don't know what they're doing unlike all my previous companies. So it's quite strange to be in a company that flexible. It's a paperless office, there's no paperwork, it's it's really quite good.

but um, you know. the fact is, you know I'm working on their projects and not mine and I have to turn up every day and you know so no, it wouldn't help me if I won a million bucks I'd I would not turn up to work today if I had a million bucks in my bank account or even half a million. Um, so you know it's you know? yeah I like my job I love it. but you know I'm not going to do it if I was.
if I had you know I got better things to do in my life than turn up there eight hours a day And you know it's not that I don't like them I do. But uh, it's a job they pay me to turn up and work on their stuff. So yeah, I mean what what more can I say really I mean it's the same with anyone. um I'd rather be doing my own thing I have too many hobbies in life that I'd rather be working on.

So hmm how do you measure the amp hour of batteries? oh God I won't go into it but um I'm sure somebody can tell you if I won the lotta if I won the lotto what would your first purchase be? hmm um, what would my first purchase be? oh God I don't know I I really don't probably an arcade machine. I'm very close to getting an arcade machine. um, you know, one of those um, sit down cocktail arcade machines I thought about building it but myself, but I don't know. Yeah, it must have been recording for an hour because it can only store one hour's worth of recording really.

And then it and it started again. it restarts but yeah, um yeah, I should buy the DeLorean yeah I'd probably get one I'd have to have a lot of money. How about my own copy of Altium Designer? No I'm not going to buy my own copy I already have my own copy of Art any update in the Art of Electronics book no um I think Chris asked. Have I ever had a chance to to be a manager and turned it down? Um uh, not really.

No, because I'm no I'm not I'm too I'm too in your face to be a manager A lot of people. although when I was very young back in probably 90, 93, 92, 93 maybe I was offered a job at Nokia Um here in Sydney and I turned it down and that was like a sort of like a a role into it was like a sort of a management type uh, role management type path because I went in there for a tech you know you know I went in there for an Electronics job and um and I did this psych evaluation. You know they they put you through these one-hour psychological evaluation and they and I did that and they came back. um you know half an hour later they got somebody on site who checks it all out and they came back and they offered me and they went.

oh we don't think you're suitable for this Electronics job, we want to give you this management. um you know this role into management just laughed at them because apparently I hit all the bells and whistles on this psychological exam. it really? um no I don't I yeah um I have been like a team leader and stuff I've LED little teams and stuff like that. but management? no I don't I don't like it.

um although I like telling people you know how to do things, that's pretty good. um um but um yeah yeah I think I'd make a reasonable um manager. Certainly a lot better than some of the managers I've worked with over the years. Let me tell you God some of them are just they have no clue at all.
God at least I can do Gantt charts you know. um have I had to wire my own inductors? no very rarely, very rarely I always getting off the shelf. one just couldn't be bothered buying my own stuff. It's just not worth it.

What does my employer think of the blog? Has it ever gotten you in trouble? Um, it did once get me in trouble I somebody asked a question on my Forum to do with one of my companies. uh um actual um the company pricing of the products and I got an email from the company because I'm actually a customer of my company as well. So I get their customer emails and their custom I got a customer email um and it and it had the new some new pricing in there and I thought okay great it's public info you know and it's not like a full of the email alone. I just go.

You know somebody asked how much something was and I told them and apparently that showed up on their search because the company searches for anything to do with their products and all. they've got these automated Bots searching for you know, searching the internet and all everything and um and it showed up and somebody marched in and say, hey, what's this? why are you? You should have directed them to our sales department. Oh God you know? Yeah, so I just I just deleted it and yeah, really annoying but um, no, they support people doing their own Vlog My company do actually support doing my own blog and they think it's okay I don't know about uh, really top management I Have no idea. Um I presume they know about it, but um, uh yeah I don't know I Don't think they've figured out my value in the blogging Department yet? Um, so uh yeah.

I mean they do there. It's it's funny. You know the company will spend, you know, a lot a ton of money and and um, effort into doing videos and stuff like that. and hardly anyone watches them.

Um, compared to my blog anyway, you know they they make it. You know they'll put a lot of time and money and effort into producing a really slick video. and yeah, they just they just don't have the people to view it. Nobody, Nobody's interested, you know.

And I I upload a new video and I get more views in in 10 minutes than they get in a month. So it's uh, it's funny. Does my company have a Blog Yes, Yes, Well, um, they use Twitter and they use other things and stuff adcs. How do you get from noise and other specs to usable resolution? Oh I don't think we've got time to go into it.

sorry I'm sure you can. Somebody can probably point you to a Wiki article on on that I'm sure. Um, but it has to do with the noise floor divided by the Uh divided by the input. um, uh.

basically the full scale input. uh, the noise floor, the full scale input. and and you can work out and work out how many bits that is. Um, how many effective bits.
but the but the um. the noise floor changes depending on the bandwidth you're talking about. So um, favorite pizza? Oh God anything with chicken on it? Um, if they offered me a job doing a Blog for them full time, would you take it? Um I don't know. Don't know.

They haven't offered me anything in the blogging department so I have no idea. Um, oh by the way, um, there's an electronic show anyone in Sydney there's an electronic show Electronics coming up on the 7th and 8th of September so that's like a week away. Not this week. but next week, um and I'll be there.

um covering I'm gonna I'm I think I've got a media pass and I'm gonna um I'm gonna do a Blog from there. So yeah. um so if you head to Electronics you might, you might. uh, you might find me I'll be the idiot walking around with a tripod and a camera and a yep, that's me.

What is the model number of your Haymag analog scope? How can you get it? I Like the look of it. Um, it's a very old model. It's the Um Hm 1507-3 and it's a dual analog digital. Um, it's only um, it's 150 Meg analog bandwidth and um, and it's 200 Meg samples per second.

So yeah, and it's really confusing to use. It's a really, ah man. you try and use it. forget it.

it's hopeless. As far as the digital part switching between them, it's non-obvious It's the most non-obvious scope apart from Lacroix Lacroix makes them really difficult to use Scopes so they're used to. So Dave will I be doing regular live shows again? Doesn't have to be each week, but maybe once a month. Yeah, I think I've I've got the key I've got the I've got the enthusiasm for the live shows again.

I Oh yeah, I won't do it once a week because I think that's too much? Um, but yeah, definitely once a month. I think I'll I think I'll do it once a month. What's the temperature here? Um, it's probably about 13 degrees. Celsius So yeah.

um I can tell you. hang on. Got my temperature probe Lars Way Off the Mark 17.7 degrees Celsius there you go. 17.5 Oh so I I probably touched it, but there you go.

There's the temperature here in the lab 17.4 it's it was. um oh no. sorry. outside is about 30 and I I've got a temperature sensor outside and I had a look at it before and uh yeah.

so yeah, it's about 17 degrees here. It's not bad I could take the jumper off if I wanted to. It's not too bad. it's just at the end of winter here, so yeah, it's uh, it's nice.

Okay, what's the time? 840 I've got time for some more questions I think and I'll probably keep the question. um oh, how long is that until that DC to DC converter block is up? um I I don't know I'll probably edit it tonight, possibly. Um, so yeah. I'm not sure how it's going to turn out I didn't I don't think it turned out the way I wanted it to I wanted to do a worked example of how to use a particular DC to DC converter chip and um I don't know, you know it ended up with a ton of you know, there's a ton of equations on the Whiteboard and and I I actually built the circuit and made sure it worked and and um, uh, measured its efficiency wasn't that great.
it was only like 60 efficiency, but it uses one of the Jelly Bean DC to DC converter chips. anyway. Um yeah, that'll be the next one hopefully unless it really sucks and then I won't do it. but I've never done that.

I don't think I've ever shot a Blog and then gone. that's so crap that I'm not going to use it. um I just I'm I'm I really aren't that fussy? I just uh, is it going to be a one hour one? No, it won't be an hour. but I don't know how long I probably shot now is worth a footage.

Maybe. so it might be half an hour I Don't know. Um, in real life do I do all the calculations manually or do I use software like Matlab or Mathematica now I do all this calculations manually with the calculator and you know, pen and paper. Dave CAD Um, yep, no I didn't I didn't use Matlab I'm not a Matlab my my couch don't get that advanced.

I mean this is real I mean this looks like a lot, but it's easy stuff. I Mean it's very basic. Um, you know they're very basic calculations. You know there's like one on F here.

there's you know, like a you know there's a couple of that's about as complex as it gets and it's just. it's real basic math. It's you know, it ain't rocket science. Um, so yeah, it's pretty rare that I have to work on anything that requires me to use anything more advanced than a basic scientific calculator.

Really? Electronics isn't that hard? Um, it depends on what stuff you're working on. Dave Math Dave Math? yeah or I just do it in my or just you know rule of thumb. Oh yeah, 10K is near enough, you know I'm not going to calculate the value I Just you know I'll just do gut feel and go oh whacking a 10K There you know? um um any experience with leadless leadless soldering as in lead-free not not as in lead but lead lead free. Um yeah.

Lead free. Um tin whiskers are a can be a pain in the ass LED I Don't like lead free? Give me lead. Give me the old-fashioned I don't have lead-free solder here in the lab I don't I don't touch it I just use lead solder. It's much better.

but all of our boards are LED free that we get manufactured. but when we do repairs, it's all just hacking around in lab. lead is much better. heaps better.

Any more outdoor Blog episodes on the way um um I I thought about it. um that's from Chris again um I thought about it because I've got the um I don't have it here actually where is it? I've got the uh, it's inside. um I've got the Xtec waterproof and drop proof meter, the ex505 which was in the hundred dollar shootout and I was gonna do a destruction video of that I was gonna take it back to the dam and it's coming. You know it's out of winter time now it's almost.
You know when it comes summer I'll probably go to another Canyon trip and um I didn't get much footage on the last Canyon trip I was very disappointed with that. There was very little footage that I actually actually got from that. so I want to I probably wanna um do another one? Um, there's another waterproof meter from um Gossun Metro what? I think and um uh there but it's I think I looked into it wasn't waterproof. it was like it's outdoors.

it's Ip6 something Raider but I think it's only six five or six six. it's not IP67 which is waterproof to a meter. So yeah, I don't think that's a true side by side comparison. If it was, I would have got one of them and I would have done a shootout maybe with um, the Xtec versus the Gossun waterproof meter.

If there's any other waterproof meters you've seen on the market, let me know. and I'll see if I can get one and do another outdoor blog. Um, because I'd love to go back to the dam and drop one again and um, yeah, I might maybe might go drop some cheap meters off the dam and I don't know, See what happens? where can you buy Dave CAD it's uh, it's freeware. any stationery store Post-It note and a pencil Ah, what language do I use when programming picks I use C I use the uh either the high tech C or the microchip C which is a GCC C compiler.

Um, how do I normally drive 12 volts or so mosfets from a 3.3 volt micro? Um, you have to have another um you generally if you're not using a logic level mosfet which I would highly recommend using a logic level mosfet so you can drive them directly. um I would um, uh, use another uh, transistor and a pull-up resistor to drive it. So there you go. but you've got to with the pull up resistor.

you've got to watch out for the capacitance of the gate and Rise time and stuff like that. So um, will programming in C only and not learning assembly bite me in the ass? I Don't think so? I Really don't? I Can't see how it would hurt your chances at a job. Um, learn some in-line assembly, You know? Just let you know. Do your C program do a couple of inline um, you know a few inline assembly assembly routines and stuff like that and yeah, you'll be fine.

Um I don't see the problem. Take the fluke thermal imager on my canyoning trip. Uh no, it's not waterproof unfortunately. I don't think it is.

Um, it's drop proof. but I don't think it's a scuba diving? No. I don't do scuba diving. Where can you buy Gossin in the US Um, they're not called Gossin in the US they're called dry Nets which is a ridiculous name.

Um, you can buy them from T and various other places. but yeah, yeah, you have to look up dry. Nets I think there's A link in my blog in the gossun review thing. but yeah, it's crazy.

They don't sell them in the US under the Goss and Metro what brand they're they're dranets BMI I think it is. How do you write Electronics following the Art of Electronics Lab Experiment manual um I haven't seen the Art of Electronics Lab Manual um I've never had one. so I haven't seen it. so I can't comment.
Sorry, do I use duct tape? You bet I do. In fact I use duck I fixed. Check it out. I fixed the lab chair.

There it is duct tape. There's some steel rods in there. there's uh, steel rods with um, metal clamps around there and duct tape. So um, yeah, it seems to work pretty well.

Um, it's probably not going to last a long time, but there you go. I fixed it with duct tape. Love duct tape. I'm not using the lab chair at the moment.

I'm just using a stool because the lab chair just rolls around and generates noise and all that sort of stuff. So I'm just sitting on a stool I stole from the kitchen at the moment is C easy if I know basic. Um no. I it helps I guess to know another high level language like Basic, but it's it's it's different I mean there's a fairly big difference between C and C and basic.

Um, but just just start I mean I I Started out with Basic and I moved to C. Um, so you know it's it's not that bad. So yeah, it helps to know C but um, just from a high level point of view? um dry. Nets BMI There you go.

Someone put up the can I Make a review on less than ten dollar multimeters? No freaking way. Have I ever used JB World? No. I haven't. What's that? Is that that putty stuff? Is that that putty stuff which turns into metal? I Don't know JB World.

It's probably a US brand. What's the best method for 1.8 to 3.3 volt level conversion as in Step Up From 1.8 to 3.3 you would use a boost a boost converter. There's plenty of them on the market. There's endless Choice Endless.

Um. Oh, JB World Epoxy. Um I Originally fixed the chair with epoxy and it lasted about a month and um, and it broke again. So yeah, that was a really strong, expensive epoxy.

and uh, do you know analog multimeters are still produced? Um, yes, they are still produced. You still can buy an analog multimeter. Uh, there's a couple of companies that make them. Um, and yeah, you still buy them.

I Don't know why it would. No, there's no advantages really. Um, apart from Nostalgia Oh yes, Pickaxe are horrible. Oh no.

I Think pickaxe is all right. There's nothing wrong wit

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10 thoughts on “Eevblog #107 – live show #4”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @stormbytes Thanks. I guess it's all a matter of motivation, that's why the blog is mish-match of a lot of things. I might try some really basic tuts some time…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nermash says:

    Marriage….wonderfull… oh joy. Thumbs up:)))

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @ttk1opc Pretty random. But always 7:30am Monday morning Sydney time.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @msichal Sorry for those following me just on Youtube, but Youtube is a poor place to communicate with viewers. Sign up to my blog, RSS feed, Twitter, or Forum. I announced it on all those places!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @lgrfbs Watch my Twitter feed and the blog page. I do not advertise it on Youtube.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank_Frankerson says:

    Dave should show more engineering porn. Maybe an entire video about it. About porn. Engineering style. Yeah. "Look at the size of that resistor!"

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ttk1opc says:

    The afrotechmods mosfet video is on stumbleupon so that's likely the reason for the views.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ttk1opc says:

    Do you do these shows at random or is there a schedule?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars artifactingreality says:

    you wrote a book on internet dating?

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars msichal says:

    NO WAY. Why dont you tell us that there will be a live show?

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