The 5th live show. This version is the original webcam footage version. It still has audio sync problems, particularly toward the end, but it's still watchable.

Hi welcome to the Eev blog an Electronics Engineering Video blog of interest to anyone involved in electronics design. I'm your host Dave Jones Yeah, a bit laggy I Don't know if the Ustream server gets more laggy the more viewers when you got, you know, 100 or there's probably 100 plus viewers actually streaming this. So welcome everyone! Um, as usual I've got no set plan at all I've got I've got no plan so far away to question if you want me to talk about, um, stuff, whoa, questions already. What's your middle name? Video lag is a function of load Yeah, what everyone's asking my middle name? do you really want to know? Oh, should I tell? I'll tell you how I put the time in the upper corner you see my little clock I've got a clock up there with which is really cool.

I'll show you some other cool effects in a minute. Um, middle name. All right. it's not a secret people know it's Leon David Leon Jones and uh, there you go.

It's my father's name Leon So there you go. Yep, Leon I Don't know if that's a good name in the US or what it's I don't like it. it's not that great, but that's what I've got anyway. the reason I use David L Jones is because well, obviously David Jones is just is is too generic and when I first started publishing my projects when I was a teenager I thought you know there's got to be other David Joneses out there.

So to differentiate myself I've always put the L in there. Um, that was yeah. I've done that ever since I first published my first project. um yeah.

so I've always been David ljones. um and then when I joined uh uset and other chat forums like that I used the David L Jones as well as my as my name. so um no Davey Jones no that's a Us thing. yeah David Jones is a department store in Australia If you didn't know, it's a famous famous Upm Market department store here.

Um so yeah, that's why the name David Jones is bad in Australia for that aspect. and in the US it's Davey Jones and Davey Jones's locker and all that sort of stuff. So yeah, I CED a lot of when I was a kid. So yeah, Leon's okay.

you know it's it's it's all right. But there you go. David Leon David L So that's why I put the L in there just to differentiate myself from any other. David L uh David Joneses in the industry there I don't think there are too many I haven't come across too many other David Joneses of note in the electronics.

Industry Anyway, so there you go. What's the worst Gadget you have ever come across? Oh God you know those. Some of that. oh the um the Spano meter.

Have you seen the um J car used to sell it? It's a Spano meter and you put it on your wrist. It's like a wrist watch and it counts the number of spanks. you know? what can I say that's that's a really bad Gadget Um so I've never SE I've only seen in the catalog. but the yeah, the spank Omer or the wanko meter I guess you could call it depends on which country you're from.

the terminology might be might different. Oh jeez, all the chat's just flying off the window here. Um, have you had a chance to mess around with the Arduino anymore and any chance of a Blog project? Um no. I haven't used the Arduino haven't had the chance to use it for anything else yet? So um no.
if I want to do something quick and dirty, I'll do an arduo I haven't had the chance. Um, so there you go. and I've got those uh TI launch pads too I haven't played with them. Um, oh yeah, somebody asked about the clock in the corner.

Watch this. I can do some really cool stuff. Um, anyone who plays with webcams is probably aware of this. but watch this.

Okay, hang on here we go. Um. Background effects? All right. Watch this two-headed Dave There you go.

Check it out. Isn't that cool? Hey can I get four? Four thumbs up? There we go. That's an awesome effect. Oh how cool is that? Ah that's great.

that's that's that's the mirror effect. I've got to do this as like a Blog intro or something that would make a cool intro like I'll like. come in on the you know hey I'm Dave welcome to the Evev blog I'm Dave Jones or something like that. so that that's the mirror effect, that's very cool and um you know there's a whole whole heap of other warpy ones and there's a square.

watch this there we go. I'm a square look at my nose. There we go. So I can do some really cool effects with this um with this camera splitter uh software and um I can do like face accessories like um uh, where are we you know I can do like stupid hats and things um like you know I can put on like a silly Santa hat um you know really wanky stuff like that and face I can put headphones on.

there you go and it tracks my head with headphones in real time. It's a complete wank but it's you know it's it's fun to play with and I can be a clown. that's that's pretty disturbing. oh you know, put real silly eyebrows on and yeah, wank like that and uh oh yeah, the alien mask.

pretty cool. There you go alien. This is not going to come up on the main camera up here. it's it's going to be a bit stupid but I'm recording with the uh I this should show up on the recording and there you go and it can overlay uh the clock and I can type stuff I can actually um do you know, text over text over video and stuff like that and I can make it scroll and um, yeah, really neat cool stuff like that.

um I can I can even draw stuff. watch this I can even draw I can even draw circuits directly on the screen. you know there's a diode. There you go.

So yeah, very cool. I love it. so that works really well. So enough playing around with that.

I'll turn off text overlay. There we go, and I'll shut that down. Uh, there you go, and I'm back. All right.

Enough of the silly what's the hardest problem of running into a design? Oh goodness. oh oh. I don't know. Let me think about that one.

Um, I don't know. There's many big projects I've worked on that have lots of intricate um problems. I guess the hardest ones, the the the the hardest problems are ones where, um, there's a whole bunch of factors involved in not making something work and you're troubleshooting it, trying to get it to work. and and it just you know and it's it's just something that you just didn't think of at all.
It's something. So AB it turns out to be something so obscure, you know. I spent weeks trying to solve a problem, sometimes getting something to work and it'll turn out to be the most obscure thing that interacts with other things. and Cascades it's like a you know, it's like a plane crash or something.

You know a million things have to go wrong before it, before it. uh, you know, before It ultimately crashes. it's just crazy. So did I feel the earthquake in New Zealand No, I didn't.

Uh New Zealand's quite a quite a long way away from um Sydney it's about a 3our flight or something like that. So no, we didn't feel it here in Sydney But yeah, the New Zealand earthquake. um, if I've got any New Zealand visitors out there I hope you're doing all right in Uh Christ Church I Love Christ Church I've been there. What happened to the drive time videos? No drive time anymore? Um no.

haven't had the urge to do a DriveTime video for ages now. Maybe because um, maybe because I'm doing the new radio show and I get to rant on there I guess um so whereas before the the car would be my uh rant, you know would be my rant thing. So yeah, um I don't know I don't know if I'll get back into the drive time? maybe not. I might just haven't had the urge to so whoa.

So many questions sorry, Go. they're just scrolling off the screen. Are there any chance of a bench meter line up? a bench multimeter shootout? Um, no, not really. I don't find bench multimeters particularly interesting.

I'm sorry, but so nope. Um I Got no plans for bench baly meter shootout? Um, is it common to design a board? Whoa. I missed it. There's too many questions.

They're been fired at me Left Right Center and they're scrolling off the screen. Worst: Gadget I've already answered the worst Gadget Question: It's the Spano meter. What? What do I think about building my own test equipment? Maybe as a starter project? Yeah, it's awesome. Build your own test gear? Um, it's it's.

one of the coolest things you can do. Um. power supply is the classic beginner. Uh.

starter project. Build your own power supplies? Um, yeah. do it. Is it common to design a board to etch the least amount of copper? I've been asked to do a board in that manner? Um, is it common to etch the board using the least amount of uh, do you mean etching the most amount of copper off it and just leaving the tracers or leaving all the copper on as in leaving all the ground plane on? sorry, whoever asked s ask that question.
why don't I use IRC because I just Ustream does it in a popup window I Don't want to install yet another application I Hate installing applications I Love everything that's browser based single sided boards incidentally. Um. anyway. I'll come back to that if somebody gets back to me with that uh copper question to etch the least amount of copper I don't understand which side your question's coming from I I'll answer both sides the copper.

um thing, it's um, uh, when you et a board you can either choose to. Well, when you design Diner board you can either choose to leave all the copper on there or you can um, etch away most of the copper. now um, you know, do you leave the I assume this is the person's question. Do you leave the um, uh, do you leave all the copper on the board and um, it's it Depends on what you want to achieve.

Um, sometimes if you leave all copper on one side of the board and not much copper on the other. if you got large board, the board can actually War um it can. It can actually war and that can be a problem if you got BGA devices or or something like that on there that might, uh crack if you if if the board actually walks now like an S so uh, package or something like that. The chips with the little goal Wing leads.

They're quite good because they've got a bit of um, strain relief in them when the board flexes and warps the. uh. the chip just you know, handles that. no, um, the the chip handles that.

No problem at all. But BGA if you if you got a large ceramic BGA package or something you don't want your board warping, that's that'll be the that's that's uh, that's death really. So um, it'll crack the joints and all sorts of things. Nasty.

So um, so there we go if you want to ask more copper questions. I'm not sure what the specific question was. So um, yeah. so you leave copper on both sides so that the thermal expansion doesn't the board.

so do I have a number two hobby? Um H yeah I've got all sorts of hobbies um Electronics I've got uh I do G Well, I used to do J I've got Canyon in um and uh I guess you can call the gym a hobby. Um I'm a bit of a fitness uh nut. So um yeah R about aliens? cool I Love aliens I Really? I I Want to believe? I want to believe in Alien aliens are just cool I You know? if I want to, you know I I Want to believe that Elvis is still alive and there's aliens? That's yeah. Why not? You know.

Sounds good. Back to electronics please. Yeah, somebody's already pissed off. Whoa.

Too many questions. What are my opinions on the Open Bench Logic Analyzer $40 Open source. Uh, what is the brand of that awesome sippy bottle? Um, the open source logic analyzer? Um I haven't used it, but um. open source logic analyzers? Yeah, there's some good ones around.

Um, go for it. Um, for 40 bucks, you can't go wrong with anything. Um, really good. So what's the brand of this? um uh bottle? It's an Eot Tanker.
EC O T A N Ka a Eot tanker. It's really good. It's stainless steel because if you drink from plastic plastic leeches are chemicals I can't remember the exact chemical name off the top of my head. But yeah, if you drink from a plastic water bottle, it leeches chemicals.

they're really bad. So I drink I'm a health bit of a health nut. So I drink from um, a stainless steel I I Tred To leave, leave a lead a chemical-free lifestyle. So yeah.

I drink from a stainless steel water bottle. There you go and it's pure filed water. I'm not going to drink Sydney water Water. No way.

It's got bloody Fluide. It's got. um, believe it or not, you want to know what they put in the water here in Sydney This is electronics related by the way. They they actually put feric chloride Believe It or Not feric chloride into Sydney water.

Feric chloride. that that you use to etch your Pcbs with, right anyone? His Hpcbs might use ammonium, pfat, or feric chloride. They're the two main ones. Um, what do I think of water fluoridation? Oh, here's another rant.

sorry I got to have another little rant. Um Sydney water. Who's the company who puts um, the water and I can't say too much. My wife works for them anyway.

Um yeah. um anyway. fluide is in the water here in Australia In most places, um Most states I think some states don't have it, but uh Sydney certainly do. They put Fluide in the water They put it in there in the 60s thinking that, um, it would help your teeth.

You know it would improve your teeth and stuff like that and it doesn't. It's um, it basically has little effect on your teeth. um, and it causes all sorts of health issues. Um, fluide and they won't take it out because to take it out, they would have to admit that it was a mistake to put it in there in the first place.

And then they'd get hit with a million lawsuits from anyone who's had any health problem ever related to fluide in the drinking in water. So there you go. Um I Believe they're trying to do it in the US in several States they're trying to put fluide in the water and people protest. and yeah, do it protest.

Don't get fluide in your water. It's bad. So I've got A1 th000 filter inside to take out fluide and everything else from our what do I think of the S logic analyzer once again. I haven't used it I've heard really good things.

It looks good. Um, so I'm not sure the price of the S logic analyzer. Um, but yeah, it it looks good. All those USB analyzers I Don't think there's a really bad one among the bunch.

They they're all reasonably good. So really, um, yeah, how long did it take me to design and build the microcurrent? Um, oh, to design, it's It's really quite simple. You, you probably spend most of your time just um, uh. once again.

I've said this before: sourcing parts and stuff like that. You know, uh. sourcing the best switch for it took ages finding a lowcost little three-way You know, um, three position switch for it. You know it's It's just all those small things.
So yeah, but we're only talking days. You know we're not talking. Pardon me when we're not talking a huge amount of time. What is the microcurrent? Geez, you haven't been watching the blog for long.

The microcurrent is my little adapter here. Um, that's the microcurrent. It's designed to, uh, measure, um, small currents and eliminate burden. Voltage multimeter.

I've got a whole article on it that was published in Silicon Chip. so um, yeah, you can go read that. it's on my um alternate Zone website. Yeah, Red is cool.

I Love Red. All my projects are red. Now they all use red boards I Love Red! Pcbs can I give an ETA on the LCR meter blog? Oh jeez! I've been saying it for ages here. they are LCR Meers LCR meters LCR meters and I've been meaning to do it for a long time.

I've had them for more than a month now or ages two months. The xte one, it's it's going to be next. um I've got I've now got the Hoo Tri8 soldering I the Fx8, the Heo Fx8. Um, somebody asked me to do a review of that.

so I've got one. um and I'm probably going to review that first now. I think so I was going to do the LCR meters next. I've got a DC Todc converter blog I've shot and I haven't edited so that will be next.

The live Vlog will also go up. that'll be another Vlog and then probably the Heo and then the LCR meters I think so that's kind of the schedule. do I plan to add Tectronics Brands to my shootouts or reviews? Um, well yeah. I mean I I don't put any.

um I'm not actively going out and getting stuff for review at the moment, but um I don't Actually no I do know someone at Tectronics, but they're in the uh, they're in like marketing. Well actually yeah, they might be Su suitable. but um yeah I guess I can get tectronics gear if I wanted to I haven't tried before so um yeah I yeah I might do um oh no of course the um oh no no no sorry no I'm thinking about something else that was a that was a brain fart. Do people donate the equipment? um yes they do.

um like the hoo um soldier9 this came from Fels um Fels came through on this I just emailed Fels I'd like to review it and they sent me one. So there you go. um Phils are pretty good. Um so I I get stuff from Fils.

um Funel sent me the agant multimeter as well. um so but um, these ones came straight from the manufacturers. the uh adelent one I got directly from adelent that came from their Asian uh handheld handheld Division I know people there I got that uh B and K like my blog. So they sent me the um LCR meter one direct and um xtech of course xte are like my blog as well really into my blog and they um and they sent me the uh Xtec.

So those three companies um send me gear directly. so um yeah I've had other key um um I've had other companies contact me sort of, you know, trying to put The Feelers out. you know, fishing what my audience is. they you know they're trying to figure out if it's worthwhile.
um Ry go won't have anything to do with me anymore. They used to like like me. uh Ryo the managing I used to be in contact with the managing director in Ryo USA um but he won't have a bar of that anymore. So I don't think ryal are gonna send me gear um uh.

instec? um Inc who make that real that other good lowcost scope? uh, they won't send me stuff for review I've tried I tried to get the Inc oscilloscope and they won't not. They don't want anything to do with my blog so um yeah, screw you in inck and uh lroy as well. They've I've been in contact with Lroy and they were. They were one of the ones who are fishing to find out.

You know if my blog's any good or not and should they, you know, should they waste their time. But I haven't heard. haven't heard back from them. apart from a couple of emails.

There you go. Would I consider doing Pwm control with micros? Um yeah. I might do a video on Pwm someday. Um more more tutorial videos because the tutorial videos do really well.

It's all a matter of hits these days. I'm I'm obsessed with the number of hits I get. You know as a as a video blogger. So the the tutorials get Linked In more places and they and they're more popular.

So yeah, um I've just got to keep them to a reasonable length. That's my problem. Um can I my Peak LCR meter to the comparison? Um, that's a good question. Um yeah.

the peak Atlas LCR meter. Um, that's yeah. a good point. Um, that's sort of in a similar price range to the Xtec one.

I think slightly less. but yeah, all right. um good point. I'll see if I can remember to get the peak Atlas cuz they they make some nice little gear if you haven't some little pocket kind of size LCR meters and stuff and I've heard it's quite reasonable.

So yeah, I might look into getting one of those. Um, any news from Carl on the documentary? um I heard he's pretty close to getting a trailer out there. So um, he's been working crazy on it. He's been working like fulltime because he's a contractor.

he's an independent, uh, film guy, so if he's got no, um, if he's got no jobs on, he can just work fulltime on the documentary. It's going to be Huge. It's going to be a really first class big full-on documentary. and um, and yet he I believe he's very close to doing a trailer for it and hopefully I'm going to be in it.

Um I mean I'm one of like a dozen people he interviewed for the doco. so um, yeah. hopefully I'll get my you know, 30 seconds of Fame in the documentary. You know he'll probably put lots of Dick Smith in there because Dick Smith is you know, one of the major people in in the doco? So um yeah.

um so I hope I make that so once the uh pre, once the preview for the doco comes up. I'll I'll be sure to get it off car and I'll upload it to my site so everyone can see it no problem. and then when the full one comes out I'll also get a copy of that and upload it to my site and everyone can watch the full documentary. So yeah, stay tuned.
What do you think is a better way to learn? Electronics Someone without a scope, building real circuits or simulating them. Or would it be much better off getting a scope and building stuff? You're much better off getting a scope and building stuff. Um I'm kind of I I Guess you could say be a crusty old guy who used to build stuff. I'm um I'm you know, anti sort of simulation and all that sort of stuff.

but no simulators are good because it allows you to just experiment really easily. Um so I don't want to talk bad of simulators. They are good, you know cuz it takes um, you you really need both. I I I Think you need the simulators to uh, be able just to modify your circuit in lots of ways that you couldn't If you you know, you know if you change your Um, you can just easily change your value by orders of magnitude or or even a pea faret or something like that in in the simulator, you can Muck around with it.

and um, and you don't need any parts, you can just do it and get the basic concepts to see how things work. but what's simulators don't teach you is all the parasitic effects you get when you build things up. like if you build up a high frequency switch mode um, switch mode DC to DC converter on a breadboard. It's probably going to perform horribly and oscillate.

You know, do all sorts of weird because of all the parasitic capacitance and everything else. and um, and also simulators don't uh, break on you because I'm a I'm a huge believer and I've said this in the blog before that: Um, you will learn the most when your circuit doesn't work. So I hope your next project does not work I hope it fails completely on you and you have to troubleshoot it because that's when troubleshooting stuff is when you learn the most. So there you go.

That's the uh, see you whoever, someone's leaving. So there you go. Um yeah, Simulators have their place, but definitely get an oscilloscope and build stuff. you can't just learn from simulators.

That's the that's the answer to the question. How is the Kindle with PDFs uh and Graphics it seems to work fine I haven't done extensive PDFs on it yet, but it seems to work. it just it displays everything I've thrown at it so you know. um, oh, am I still working on a comparison for the $100 shootout? Oh damn sorry.

I didn't finish that Yeah. I've got the spreadsheet probably 90% done for that and I Just you know I was just being lazy and uh yeah, sorry. I'll probably have to finish that off. Do I have any tips for contacting? dealing with Chinese Distributors directly helps if you know Mandarin at at work we've got a guy who speaks Mandarin and that's that's a Gods end for um for dealing with China but I've bought stuff directly um from uh China via and stuff like that you just most of them speak English most F just try and find some of the bigger dealers on um on those sort of sites that that do they speak pretty good.
English and um I've had no problems dealing with them at all. Um, you know, just be very specific in the exact part, numbers, and stuff you want. and yeah, I've had nothing but um, good, uh, dealings with um companies straight from China so that was another one. um straight from Taiwan like uh, my latest project I'm I'm working on I needed a part and it's quite expensive.

You buy it from fals which is the only place that actually have it. but I found out who who manufactured the knob and I went directly to the manufacturer. In in um in, uh, was it Taiwan yeah I think it was Taiwan or yeah, something like that. Anyway, well their bank account was in Taiwan and their Factory was in China or something I don't know something weird like that and I ordered the part directly from them.

No problems at all. So yeah, it's really good. Do I play with RF antennas? no I'm not an RF guy sorry not I'm not an antenna guy. Any traps when doing EMC testing n susceptibility lightning strikes Etc oh there's a hole that's three.

That's three separate questions. Um, really. um EMC testing You can cheat at em EMC uh testing you can um you your uh clock PCS do it all the time. If you've got a new Pc and you've wondered what the uh, what's what's the option in the bias to um to add some noise to the actual clock it it actually adds Jitter to the clock.

Um, it's a I don't know what they call it in biases and stuff like that. but um anyway, if you turn SP spread Spectrum Thank you Yes. Spread spectrum. They yeah, you turn on the spread Spectrum option.

The reason that's in there is so that those PCS can pass EMC Compliance Because if you, um because most of the noise is generated from your clocks and stuff like that. So um so what they do is they add Jitter to the clock. They they spread the SP You know they spread the Spectrum instead of it being one frequency. Say say it's 100 megahertz or something and and and you check it on a spectrum analyzer.

it's just a complete straight line of 100 MHz They actually dither it and they add Jitter and that spreads the energy over the over a bigger bandwidth so it it lowers the peak energy of the of the actual emitted uh radiation. So um so it's a way to cheat. So when they get their computer EMC tested they switch on the SP spread Spectrum thing and it lowers the radiated RF energy. Um and then you know if you want better performance, you switch it back on and you get.

So there you go. Um and plus the harmonics as well. Yeah, and so there you go. Um, that's a way to um, uh, do that and another way to pass EMC compliance.
A lot of chips these days. if they EMC um, they'll have you anti EMC or you know, technology in there to lower EMC and you can actually change the slew rate of the output. So instead of being a really fast rise time, you can actually slew the output and that generates um less EMC Um. So that's another way to reduce your EMC um and stuff like that and the other way.

The other big thing with EMC when you're designing stuff is to keep your Loops um as tight and as short as possible by loop I mean from your load. You know if you got your power supply down here, you've got your load up here. Make the current Loop between your power rails and your ground. make that as short and as tight as possible.

Um, using ground planes and stuff because it's the loop area. Um, there. Not a lot of people know this, but the thing that generates and receives the most amount of Um EMC energy is usually the loop, the loop area of your circuit. whatever that happens to be.

um, be it a you know, a chip with a decoupling cap. going back to the power supply or be it a a switch mode, um, power supply or something like that. It's all about the loop area. When is the micro Cal going on sale? Oh God sorry I haven't even.

oh something dropped my LCD dropped in and my micro Cal for sale I don't know I haven't haven't even fired the damn thing up yet. So there you go. No idea it's one of those projects I Started with great enthusiasm and then I got it manufactured and then I just did nothing with it. Well, something about designing a CLD Do I need an oscilloscope to probe it? Um, probably if you don't have an oscilloscope you're not in electronics.

really. get an oscilloscope. Um, what do I normally eat for breakfast? It's just boring dry bread with a slice of cheese. I I This morning I had homemade bread homemade.

uh, gluten-free bread. Um so yeah, we bake our own bread here and uh and yeah, so I had that I had some rock melon I'm going to have an apple and a banana and a protein drink. Maybe that's my breakfast. Think I'll have to watch this later.

the internet has gone weird bye See you have I ever been to Europe Yes I have I've been to Europe I've been to uh France uh Italy uh Germany and um England um love it I Love Europe Um, it's a bit hard not being able to speak speak uh, speak the language of course. but uh yeah I'd love to do more I'd love to go to some of the uh Nordic countries um I know I've got a lot of fan base in Germany So hello to all my German viewers and um uh Dutch viewers as well I know I've got a lot of viewers from Dutch uh if you want to see where all my viewers are from, there's a link. There's a new tiny little link on my main Blog Page just under uh Twitter thing just under the Twitter thing. it's a M it says map or something like that.
Um, and if you click on that, you can see where all my viewers are from and you can see where where you're from as well. So if you go check that out, you can see there's a huge contingent from Germany not not very many from France um and places like that. and yeah, so yes. I still take stuff apart.

um just for the fun of it to see what's inside always I Love taking stuff apart I Just like looking at the construction and things like that to see what people have done and what chipsets you used and things like that. Which town did I visit in Germany um Hamburg I spent two weeks in Hamburg near Christmas time. It was lovely. Oh I Loved Hamburg Fantastic! Hamburg at Christmas time.

Fantastic! Um and I went. Yeah so I I didn't have a car so I spent all my time in Hamburg but I did um go for a uh, a day trip out to Lubec which is a lovely little um, you know, 12th century town or something. So I've been to Lubec I went to a uh organ recital in Aif 14th century church or something in Lubec and that was that was fantastic. So yeah, I'd love to go back to Germany but that's all I saw of Germany so sorry I only saw Hamburg I didn't get to Berlin or any other or didn't get to do a road trip or anything like that.

So any details on my Us visit? Um, yes, um I will be in the US on the I think I leave on the 8th or the 9th. the ticket is booked so it's a definite goer. Um I'll be in La for uh, five, six days. I think six or seven days in La Um I fly in on a Saturday and I leave on the um sorry I leave on a Friday or something.

Um, so yeah. six odd days in La Um and then after that, we're going on a 10day vacation. Uh, the wife and I the wife has insisted on coming. so um, yeah, yep.

so we got 10 days. We're not sure where we're going to go yet. Uh, we might end up at Harry Potter World she's obsessed with Harry Potter so We might end up on the East Coast fly over to Orlando Um, we've been to Orlando before. we really love Orlando so we might go to Harry Potter World Um, but we don't know.

Apart from that, we're sort of up in the air. Um, it all hinges around we're trying to get tickets to the we're trying to get tickets to The Big Bang Theory We love the Big Bang Theory TV show and apparently there's tickets for sale and it's filmed near La And we're we're going to get tickets I Think they go on sale soon or free, but you've got to sign up, right? You know you got to be on the web in five minutes of the exact time to get these tickets. So I guess all our holiday plans hinge around being able to get tickets to Big Bang Theory Can you do a Blog on do-it-yourself equipment? Maybe show us the insides of some of the stuff you built? Ah yeah, maybe. Um, how many amps does one need to fly to the moon? 42 milliamps can get you to the Moon to any plans to do a beginner tutorial series on electronics? well as I mentioned in my last live blog, there's this guy doing tutorials on YouTube beginner tutorials and he's getting 100,000 hits.
So yeah, I think I should get into beginner tutorials. What is a transistor? You know, basic? I've been thinking about like a basic building block. Series So that like I do a a video on each particular building block or each um, you know little core bit of theory or something like that. you know I'll do one on HS law, do one on Kos and and and so on.

and then I'll do basic building blocks. and yeah I don't know? Um so yeah. I'll probably do something like that I'd love to. Um, it's just a matter of time I Guess um can I briefly explain dual slope integrating adcs? Yeah, I could, but it' take some time it take 10 to 15 minutes of waffling on.

Um, there's plenty of info out there. I Highly recommend you go check them out. Um, dual slope adcs are the ones that are used in uh, multimers and stuff like that. Please do a Blog with on Pwm with micros.

Yeah, okay Pwm. I've had a few people ask that my opinion on analog storage Scopes Well there. I think you can still buy one? I think there's still one available on the market? Um, but yeah I don't know why you'd want an analog storage scope these days. Digital's all the go.

Any videos on Basic RF Antenna design? No I don't like RF antenna design so no videos on that. um I can display the video. the chat on the video can I using Oh awesome I Have to look into that I won't play around with it now. but uh yeah.

um I'm not a big fan of repair. do I take things apart to find out why? Um sometimes. Yeah, um uh yeah. but yeah I don't like repairing my own gear.

You know if if stuff fails I just don't like spending the time on it I Just you know if my TV fails I take it to the local repair guy, you know? look I'll open it and look for basic stuff. but I won't go. you know I won't get my oscilloscope out and try and probe stuff I just haven't got the enthusiasm to fix my own gear to that level. I'd rather keep my local service tech employed and they can do it much more efficiently.

CU They deal with that sort of stuff every day. They'll find it doesn't matter how good you are, somebody who, uh, somebody who does something every day is going to beat the pants off you to do something. so I'll just give it to them. What's the best way to start with Fpga What kind of development board documentation the first project? Oh, there's millions of them.

Well, I shouldn't well see I I develop those sort of things for a living. So um, I maybe I'm I'm contractually oblig ated to say what the best Fpga development board is. So I better not go there. Um, but um, yeah, there's some good one.

There's some I mean yeah, there's simple Boards out there you can buy just simple ones with just an Fpga and a bunch of headers and a JTAG header and then you just get a J. You can build your own JTAG programmer that hooks up to the Um well hooks up the old ones the parallel port. but you can get USB JTAG programmers and that's all you need. Um, you can download all the software.
But the software. Is this? The software is the hard part about Fpga They the software is really complex. Um, for you know, if you download, um, all the basic tools. Yeah, it's gez.

let's not go there Fpga or the the software is just so hideously complex. Um, no, you heard it was Alum Yes, no. Do make a good Fpga development board. It's 500 Four $400 Though it's really easy to use.

Um, so there you go. Practical difference for hobbyists between CGS and Fpgas Um CGS just aren't as flexible. They don't have the the logic. um, the logic element Construction in them is is different so you can't You know you can't It's I'm not going to say you can't because you might be able to, but it's very difficult to say build A to put in a say a um, an 8bit microprocessor core into a Cpld.

It's more suited to an Fpga They just have the flexible Uh architecture with the flip-flops and the clocks and everything else. Um, Cplds are really good for uh, really. mainly used for just logic interfacing, glue, logic, and stuff like that. Whereas Fpgas you can actually put a software processor in there or multiple processors and you can do all sorts of, they're just completely flexible Fpga so they they're more flexible.

Um, Clds are, you know, just less flexible devices, but they're typically faster. The Cplds are faster, lower power, all that sort of stuff. So yeah, it's a it's a complete trade-off It depends what you want, but generally Fpga are much more flexible. Yes, and Cpods can guarantee timings better as well.

And yeah, there's all sorts of timing issues, but as a a beginner, you don't really have to worry about timing issues because you're not going to go to the bleeding edge of things. Hopefully. So yeah. But yeah, Fpga is are complex there.

That's why there's a lot of shift. Now back to. Um, back to Hard Silicon. Um, you know, a lot of Fpgas are now coming with.

um, they're realizing that you know they. They're just not as great as everyone thought they were. So they're going back to hard Silicon. They've all got hard silicon processors on there, so you can guarantee the timings.

You don't have to dick around trying to get your process of timings correct and all that sort of stuff. So get an MBA or spend some years getting a P getting PhD Are you talking to me? Should I Are you saying I Should get an MBA or PhD No thanks. Is there a scope better than the Ryo DS 1052 within the same price bracket? Yes, there is the Inc one. I've mentioned this on the Forum Um, there's a forum post on it.

the I sorry I can't remember the model number. It's the Inc 1,000 series I think I don't know the exact number off the top of my head but you can get it for 400 bucks and it's got twice the memory depth of the Ryo so it does actually look better than the Ryo I think it's got an SD card on the front too or something. So um, yeah, it looks to be better. I have I tried to get a model I tried to get a uh, how often? Yeah.
I tried to get one and I couldn't they wouldn't send me one Inc refused to send me one. Um, how often do I get zapped? I don't anymore I I Don't get zapped? um at all because I hate dealing with I don't deal with main stuff much um or high voltage stuff. So can I drive a car with the wheel on the left side? Yes. I can No.

I have no problems at all going to a different country and driving on the wrong side of the road. Um I have more problem actually if if I've been away for a month or so, a couple of weeks or a month driving overseas or something on the other side of the road I find it harder to come back here and um, and actually, uh, drive on the you know and and and drive on our side of the road again I Find it I find it harder. Um, but yeah I don't have problems driving on the wrong side of the road? Um, well sometimes I get a bit confused if it's late at night and there's no other cars out there as a reference point and you're at an intersection. sometimes I turn down the wrong side of the road because I get a bit confused because there's no other.

There's no reference point whereas if you got cars going everywhere, your mind's got a reference point to actually work with that. Um, so yeah. um, there you go roundabouts. Yeah, roundabouts goes against the natural Order of Things No Apparently we drive on the correct side of the road here.

I've heard a thing that the that the side of the road thing come I I I Don't know if this is complete, it's probably complete, but it sounds like a reasonable enough Theory Um, that you know you're supposed to drive on the left uh, hand side of the road because um, back back in the days of you know of you know the Romans with the swords and everything. Um, apparently you know most people were actually right-handed so your sword would be in your leftand side and apparently you take out your sword. And because the roads were curved and you know you could see people coming from the opposite direction. so you're supposed to stay on the left so that you can actually bring your sword out like that and attack anyway, it's something like that.

Um, apparently that's the history of what side of the road you're supposed to drive on. So England and Australia have it correct us, have got it back to front. Sorry, can you say where's the car? Ah, where's the car? Where's the car? I assume that's for the jurry Ellsworth Chatbot is it? wink wink Where's the car? There you go People like sampling my voice for the Jerry Ellsworth chatbot. I'm sure that's what it.

take something apart. What would you like me to see? What would you like me to take apart I can take apart the Uh Hoo Fx8 if you want anyone want to see what's inside the new Hoo Fx8. have I done anything with P Plc's Oh yeah, many many years ago I uh I did Plc's and ladder logic and all that sort of stuff. I'm taking it apart I got to get the rubber feet off Um yeah I did PLC stuff a long, long time ago I even started writing my own lad logic compiler program.
Um so yeah. um, that was we're talking 20 years ago. plus um, but since then no, no I haven't dealt with Plcs. That's all industrial process control stuff and things like that.

Um, all right. I'm taking it apart. Do you know the game? Do you know the game? What game you forgot to smell The new product can't smell much there I smell it when I open it. it's got a transformer in it Transformers Usually smell quite nice I just just lost what.

There you go the in 1062a there you go. By the way, if anyone's in Sydney um I'll be at the Electronics Show this week I'm not sure which day, but I'll be there I mentioned that last time. Just curious how much time do I spend in the gym? Um I now only go four days a week I used to go seven, um, usually an hour. Um Tada Here it is.

this is the new Hoo. FX Triple Eight Uh. Fx8 soldering Look, you can see the uh oh. see the see the external fat down there.

They're using the bottom case as a heat sink. Um, check out the uh oh fuse on top is actually solded directly in tide asses. They've uh, they haven't bothered with a they haven't bothered with the connector and uh yeah, there's not there you go. It's quite reasonable construction.

and I think that chip down in there I Think that chip? there is a Hoo branded um chip. It's hard to I haven't got my torch here. It's hard to. It's hard to really see it.

but I I think it's Hoob branded. Yep. I think so. I think I See heo on it.

So there you go. That's that's. quite curious that they would actually brand their own chips, but maybe not. You know, it's probably just a little micro or something like that, which they've you know, rebranded.

Um, because you can do that. It's It's actually fairly cheap. You can. actually, you know if you've got an AVR or a pick or something like that, you can actually get them rebranded.

Um, if you actually order enough of them, if you order like 100,000 or something, they'll actually put a custom Uh number on there and stuff for you. Um, so that's no problem. So there you go. that's inside the hoo.

FX Uh, Triple Eight So it's you know, it's quite reasonable. Um, and the the thing is, it looks like it's actually. um, it looks like it uses the same pin out and the old one. It does sort of seem to fit.

Um, except that the old one had like a screw in. uh, a screw in thread thing. Here it is. Um, let me undo it.

All right. Here's the new. um Iron and uh, here's the old one. and as you can see, the old one has like a threaded a threaded ring thing on it and the new one is just a plugin thing and they appear to have the same.
The new one has like an extra pin in the middle I'm not sure what that um I'm not sure what that uh is. Here's here's here's the new one with the pin in the middle and the old one doesn't so you can't physically plug it in. but they why they've changed that I don't know what a bunch of really? um but now I I Heard that the ions weren't compatible. like they use different chips but they don't Really I mean check it out.

They give you a they give you the worst tip. the the least useful tip out of the bunch. it's one of those conical ones. like a 1 millimeter conical tip.

Why can't they give you like a nice flat tip or something? It's crazy. anyway. um so this, uh the new one. actually it looks like it's almost identical.

There's the you know it's the same as I'll show you it's the same as the old Hoo one. this is the Heo 926. the 936 is the same. um and you know there it is.

um and they're they're the same thread. look I can I can put that I can put the old tip on there and uh and this is the old one as you can see and it all just it all just fits nicely. I haven't tried it out I haven't fired it up, but you know it, it obviously fits and doesn't move, so that's almost 100% guarantee it's going to work. Uh, because that's the ceramic element so it's got nothing to do with the tip.

the tip's just a you know thing that sits over the top. but um, there you go. They seem to be compatible. So I heard they weren't I Looked on the Heo website uh the other day and they said they, yeah, they the accessories weren't compatible.

Um, so be the out of me. Anyway, it it looks a bit thicker if you look at the if you look at the end on that. the the new one looks a bit thicker. but but the actual um I I think because it's not tapered at the end.

the Old One's tapered at the end like that. Uh, if you can see it, the Old One's tapered anyway. um yeah, they seem to be compatible so go figure. I Don't know.

Strange. Anyway, I'll have to do a review on that. I don't know how you review a soldering. IR How do you review a soldering iron? Yeah, it it works.

You know I mean you know you can test the thermal capacity and do some joints, but you know I don't Yeah I don't know. I'll just do like construction and show the differences between the old one and the new one. and so there you go. It's the new.

You know it's the FX 8801 or something like that is the Uh is is the new number on the there you go. So yeah I don't know. yeah it's nice. I I I Actually kind of like it.

It's um, you know you can say all you want about the wanky look of it and stuff like that. but I I kind I think it's kind of funky looking, you know? and it doesn't take up any space at all on your bench. it's really quite. It's really quite nice from you know, just that functional, low footprint point of view.
and I think that's important. So um, and as you can see, it is designed. They've got some famous industrial designer in and he signed it. There you go.

t I don't know who. if you can actually pronounce that word, you're better than I am. Um, but there you go. That's the dude who designed it.

I Guess some, you know, um, some someone of note, some industrial designer of note actually designed the look and feel of that and it comes in four different fruity colors. Anyway, have I ever used PCB cart for assembly? No. I haven't I've heard that you can. um I only use PCB cart for my blank boards.

Um I've got one that's should be shipping to me soon. I Got yet another board coming but um, no. If anyone's ever used PCB cart and you've had success, let me know because I'm in the business to get some new boards assembled. So um, can you hold up your face tip to the webcam? Um, it's it's just a it's just a conical tip I mean uh, just a.

You know, just A. There it is. It's just a flat conical. sorry, not conical.

What am I talking about? It's it's a flat tip. It's a. um, what's the term? Someone help me out. Chisel Chisel Tip: Mental Block again.

so it's yeah. I I Don't think it can zoom in that close. There we go. Chisel Tip: There we go.

Just a Just like it's a like a 1.5 millimet or 2 mimet chisel. something like that. That's probably my favorite tip because the the the round conical one, the ones that are just round tips are useless. You can't get any surface contact.

They're hopeless and that's what they give you as standard on the bloody iron. It's the least useful tip out of the whole range. I Think and that's the one they give you. It's nuts.

Yes, they transfer heat better the flat chisel ones. It means more surface area contact with the with the pad. Um, which gets the the heat through better? Um, what's my least liked electronic semiconductor manufacturer and why? Oh geez. um uh.

who is my least liked? Um, what's the time? By the way, 8:50 a.m. Okay, just trying to keep track of time. Um, my least liked. Oh God Who's pissed me off lately I don't know.

It varies depending on who's pissed me off because they websites changed and they or I've got to register to get a data sheet or I've got a oh God I don't know. um Maxum of course are one of my pet favorites. CU You can't get Maxum chips in high volume there just they. they make really cool chips but you cannot get them.

You know you design them into your you know circuit and um because you can buy a thousand at Digi key or something. No no problems at all. but then when you try and build something that that you need more than that and that'll be 42 weeks lead time sir. A piss off.

They they're trying to fix that. They've been trying to fix it for years. But yeah I don't know Microchip? Really? Oh yeah because you're an AVR freak, that's your, that's your name. No microchip are great.
Microchip have no problems. Their prices are low. their availability is excellent. Pick what up on my trip to the US Yeah.

The video reply from Microchip was pretty impressive. Have I heard about the Danish do it-yourself man spacecraft was due to launch today but delayed next. Wednesday No I haven't cool. Somebody emailed me the link so I can have a look at that I'd love to see that oh Maxim chips no Why would I want to pick them up in the US No I just don't design them in I Try and avoid Maxim Parts A lot of guys in the industry I know they try.

They just have a blanket rule. I'll avoid Maxim Parts because they've just been burned too many times and that just pisses people off. Um, did you see about the Mema HP deal this week? I Heard something about it? Yeah Me: MERS they been talking about them for ages because the battery was flat. Nice work.

Do I sold a SMD components with it with the Chisel tip? Yes! I do the Chisel tip that chisel tip was what I used to do SMD components Um, no problems at all. Chisel is is really good for doing. SMD Parts What's my favorite calculator apart from the ones I've designed myself. Um, my favorite calculators are the prev vpam um prev vam prev vpam casos.

um I Don't like the visually perfect algebraic method which they introduced in the '90s or something like that. I like the just the traditional algebraic. um yeah, the traditional CIO scientific. CS I Love them.

What do I use for a GPS I've just got a Garin RX and I've got a Forrex 101 as well, the one that mounts on your wrist. Do we have problems getting other electronic stuff in Australia sometimes. Um. but with Mouser and Digi key and newor and all the rest, it's pretty easy these days.

Um Tandy Yeah, Tand is just a rebadged Tan's just a rebadged Casio Probably the the next live blog if you're if somebody reminds me I can take apart my Tandy 100 um my my original Tandy 100 notebook computer. The last software that was written by Bill Gates I can take that apart if anyone wants to I've actually got two of those. so if somebody reminds me, yeah, I've already done it already. Tandy 1000 Yeah.

I had a Tandy 1000 too I've done a video on the Tandy 1000 I published a turbo board for Tandy 1000. it's one of the first circuits I got published. Have a Tandy bonfire What's my t-shirt MythBusters I reject your reality and substitute my own. Sorry if I Yep, I reject your reality and substitute my own.

There you go Adam Savage MythBusters Beautiful famous quote from Adam Samage Any new t-shirts No afraid not. when can we expect to see your video on the DC to DC converter. Well, I was going to edit it last night, but I had to go to dinner and I didn't have time. um I I don't know I might edit it tonight while this one's rendering oh no, rendering and editing at the same time isn't good.
So anyway, in the it'll be the next one after I upload this live blog or it might even yeah, be next one after I upload this live BL I haven't edited it yet so I the Kindle thing got in the way I I shot it on the Sunday or whatever on the weekend and then my Kindle turned up Monday and then I went bur on the Kindle. So the DC to DC one took a back step. But yeah, it's coming. The footage is all there.

Thanks for the great show. No problems, haven't done much. Is a desoldering station worth it? Um, they're They're pretty handy. They're pretty darn handy.

Um, it depends on what you're doing. Um, you know I I can get by without one. Um, they get blocked a lot. You've got to continually clean them and stuff like that.

But they're They're pretty darn handy to have when you have one. But yeah, you can get by without it. um, solder. Wick And having two I think having two solder UNS is more important than having a solder un and a desolder in station.

I think so because the um, you know the desolder, the desoldering station doesn't help you when with say, surface mount parts. if you want to lift a resistor off. you know, sucking the solder off once it doesn't work, you've got to get iron on both sides and or a hot air or a hot air gun would be a hot air. um thing would be more useful than a Deering station perhaps these days.

Could I do a Blog on conspiracy theories I'd love to. But seriously, T 7 is not a conspiracy theory. Go go look it. go look it up.

Seriously, what do I use to cut my homemade Pcbs? I don't don't um make my own PBS anymore I Get them made by PCB cart. But if you must know, there you go. A big pair of shears. That's what I used to cut my Pcbs with and I've had that for I' I've had that for 30 years as you can see all the paints worn off.

It's just a big pair of shears. Great for cutting 1.6 mm Fr4. Nice and clean. No problems.

So may the fluke be with you. Heat gun. Yeah! I've got a heat gun? God no. I wouldn't use it as a desoldering.

It's a bit. it's a bit harsh. Oh I've got I think I've got a little nozzle attachment for you. Probably could, but you don't You can't set the temperature I don't like anything I can't set the temperature on can I do a Blog on SMD soldering Perhaps a lot of people, but there's already blogs.

There's already YouTube videos out there on how to do SM SMD solder and I think they're reasonable. So uh, what? OS I run Windows 7 and XP yeah I'm a Windows guy I don't I don't have time to learn Linux I don't see any advantage. it can't run a lot of programs I use so yeah no I don't want to change. Can't teach an old dog new tricks? Yeah Yes! I don't like penguins am I a Star Trek fan? uh no I'm not that geeky.

um oh you know I don't like M the new I like the original um movie, um franchise you know I never got into all the branch offs, all the you know all the John John Luke peard stuff and all the rest of it I never got into that. Why not? OSX then you need a Mac to run OSX don't you I don't use Macs do I etch my own Pcbs? no I get I send them out to be done I don't etch my own Pcbs I've got a light box which is way up there I could get it down if you want. It's got a couple of UV fluro tubes in it and that's what I used to use to. um develop my own boards.
Um do the does the water in my sink go clockwise or anticlockwise. Well everyone knows it goes opposite here in Australia goes the opposite way around to what it does in the US So have a look at your one and my one here goes the opposite direction. how much trouble is sending out for Pcbs? getting it right the first time? oh that's that's important. Um I I think one of the biggest booms there like cuz I use Alum Alum designer software and um and the 3D view not to view the components, but the 3D view to view the solder mask and the pad expansion and and the copper and uh, everything that is that is a godsend and the silk screen that's a godsend for checking your board prior to send in and out.

It's great. So before I set my board out, I'll just hit the uh 3D uh View and pop it up and you can see exactly what your board's going to look like. Um, when you do that? So yeah, it's it's fantastic. So I love that.

um gez it's 9:00 a.m. already I better better get going any more. Uh, quick, um questions. Does the software do schematic verification as well? Yes it does DRC as well.

What's the smallest quanti of Pcbs need to make professionally made Pcbs economical? You can just do one. You can just do one at PCB cut I've just gotten one board made before. granted it was A you know it was A it was a panel, but you know you can. you can just get one.

It's economical. You know the tool in might be $40 tool in and you just you know. But the problem with Australia you pay like $30 postage or something. So which Sim software do I use I use LT spice for simulation.

Did I find that Etch in them myself was substantially cheaper. Yeah, it's cheaper, but H it's not the same. It's too much hassle and a lot of the circuits I I'm dealing with I want them to look good right? because I use the say the Um I use the silk screen as the front panel or something like that often these days or they're double-sided and they got plate through holes which you just you just can't really do easily yourself. So I get all my boards sent sent away.

It's just so much easier. Really? Yeah, and yeah, it costs a bit more. you can etch them yourself, but it's not worth the time and hassle the drill. A thousand holes or something you bought.

ah, it's just not worth it. Yep, thanks. Dusty It's been a good show. better quality when sending off a pie of be? Yes, definitely you get a much better quality.
Achin's perfect, you know. and you get the solder mask and you get the silk screen and you get a you know, so much better. And um, yeah, so you can make them cheaper, but they're they're rough as guts, you know? I don't like it. Any plans to sell the microcurrent again? Well, I've got some parts left.

um I don't have enough parts to make anym I Just sold 10 of them and um I think no sorry I think I've got five kits left I think I've got parts for five kicks I'm not kits I'm not sure if they're complete, but they're pretty close so I might maybe sell those five k KS or something. but I don't know I yeah I've got too many other things happening at the moment to worry about the microcurrent really because there's not much demand for it. I mean I sold out those 10 instantly. But if I go and make a 100, I'm not going to sell a 100.

So yes, there's a schematic online for the microcurrent. Yes, there's a whole article online for the microcurrent. I Got it published in Silicon chip I've put the whole article as a PDF it's available on my alternate Zone website. What? PCB Software do I use I Use Altium Designer for the hundredth time.

If you sign the microcar, can you sell them to your Fanboys God Who wants my signature? Take pre-orders for another run? No. I hate taking pre-orders I hate taking people's money unless I have the products to ship. So um, any other questions last minute questions because I'll call it quits now it's already 5ast n so um, use Kickstarter somebody mentioned that last time I think yeah thanks for the live show. thanks for turning up everyone! How many people did I get by the way? do I like Star Trek I answered that you missed it.

Aren't you listening? Put put your headphones on. What car do I have I have a 2002 Holden Vectra made in Germany It's 10:5 a.m. in Germany Thanks Germany for staying up and watching 100 viewers. That's pretty awesome John Dow See you all at Electronics off See you there John If you're going to be there fast, is my car fast? No E Vectra Yeah exactly Yeah, it's not that great a car.

It's really good. Solid German engineering but it just leaks like a Civ it's it's just crap. You know just breaks down all the time and leaks. So Germany make solid stuff but not reliable stuff.

There you go a tourist. Oh oh dear. Any plans for an electric car? I'd love to do an electric car if I had the time and the money I would love to do an electric car I've got a friend who's made their own electric car from scratch which is awesome. Yes I know Holden's owned by General Motors yeah has been for a long long time.

Do I know about the E store? No I don't can I have who on the show? oh the it's a girl. Actually she built her own electric car. um yeah, maybe maybe I can do a Blog on the electric car. that would be that' be it was years ago.
it was like five years ago or something. she that um so yeah, maybe I could maybe I could go do a Blog believe she still has it and still drives it. Visit Sunswift Yeah I should probably do some field visits I should go visit some. There's some stuff in Sydney that's worth blogging about.

so electric DeLorean yes why does everyone assume he? Yes Thunder Squeak is a girl hi Thunder this week hey big smiley face, you're a chick I think you're the only chick on the evev vog Forum Actually Holden is called Opal. Yes, it's an Opal. It's a yes, it's an Opal Vectra manufactured by Opal in Germany fully imported y Anyway, it's um, 10 minutes past 8 guys I better call it uh, quits and um so. Thanks everyone for coming I hope I Didn't piss off too many people with all the off topic rants but somebody asked.

so that's what happens when you uh, that's what happens when you ask you get a rant I could do a whole show on it public flogging for them later. Yeah, we love your off topic rants. Cool! I'm glad I'm glad some people like it I don't you know I I I do like rant. you know I'll probably have to have like a separate YouTube I've got another YouTube channel which is a partner Channel and I probably should just put my rants on there and everyone should sign up to them and I can just use that as my rant Channel You know, like talking about just World politics or you know, conspiracy theories or something like that.

Um, so yeah, yeah. I should I shouldn't do them on the Eev blog I should just do it on Daves yes and I can link to uh yeah, that's probably available I should register that favorite beer I Don't drink beer. sorry, don't have a favorite beer I think they all taste like piss I know that's very unengineered like, but yep, too many of those on YouTube already Yeah, I know that's the thing. There's lots of rant.

There's lots of people out there ranting on YouTube and you know. So yeah, at least I'm uh yeah, at least I'm um, doing something Niche I Guess the electronics? yeah aie six months over tomorrow. well done Thunder Squeak do I Smoke? no I Hate smoke I Hate people who smoke. One of my pet hates cigarette smoke I Can smell one cigarette particle from a mile away.

Go! Yeah. One of my one thing one of the things in life I Really hate is people who smoke. and I love the smoking laws here. Now smoking is now banned in it'

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10 thoughts on “Eevblog #111 – live show #5”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AluVixapede says:

    A little off topic is good <3

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jesondag says:

    If they haven't by now, rigol should definitely forgive you, I plan to buy a DS1052E because of you, whereas before it probably wouldn't be a rigol, and a lot of people are probably the same.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew says:

    i love manycam too!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @davidvro I drank it for 30 years of my life too! Definitely check it out and make up your own mind.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars davidvro says:

    they put fluoride in the water here in Utah (USA). I'm going to look up the health problems. I've been drinking this water all my life.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan C says:

    I'd definitely watch the 'building blocks' videos. Complete newbie here.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @ashsama2 Awesome!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greggan! says:

    Farnell has 0.05mm flexible laminate.
    Order Code: 4137978
    Order Code: 1267756

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars EEVblog says:

    @saturnjason Sorry, no idea about sources for that. Surprisingly, very thin FR4 is actually quite flexible. 0.5mm and under can make some handy flex board. Just don't bend'em too many times :->

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason says:

    Where can one find a small amount of bendable circuit board, such as pyralux, for hobbying? I'd be grateful to find just a square foot, or even half that much.

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